PAVONIAN - Wortley · Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for p~._ing the1r '1\' 1t1~tll...

" . " PAVONIAN N. LUCKY FOR SOME? It l\IIy geelll incredible to old hands like lie, but 1997 .. ill _rle the thirteent.h year of trainin9 excavationa at Wortley. As .. sll as being a tiae of for the more superatitiou. of ua, 1L will alao _ri< a 'lreat chongc in the activities at the cellar-dwel1in'l trO<)lo(lytes who will h .. ".. la co .. e to ter ... with t.he fact that there ara other areaa of the aite which need to be exa.incd. 1 Cannot de ny that the year s apent down there l><.ve been excit i ng, particularly in vi_ of th .. find. uncovered and loet year 's ba_bsllell of an under-floor aysl •• apparently going nowhere. There were other advantage" too, ouch .s being hidden .... y ten feet below ground level 1n the far cornl!r of the site, the d1ggars were lafl in ps ae<> . (Whoopsl Can 1 say that.7) NOw all this looks sel lO end 0_ the cell"r is cnnsigned to join the bath houa. in the world of Lege. If I hove ono regret, however, it i. not knowing why on earth it Waa built in the firsl place. Mind you, que_t.lon. auC'h aa thIS, and oLhers l1l<e 'Are we excavating a Vill.anyway7' are what keep brin'Jing us hIIck each year. Once agllin a big thlink you to ,,11 those who ha". contributed to this Newsletter and I look for .. ard to seeing everyone a9ain. Item" for the 1998 £'ovonian nay be given to me On aite or Bent la 14 willow way, I':well, Ep"Uln, Surrey KT19 OBH (Tel, 0181 394 0662). WELL DONE Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for the1r '1\' Ard".O!olO<)y examinationa aurllaor, gllining gradea Band C respectively . WORTLEY LAKESIDE I have it on gr_1 Aulhority that the pr oto lake in grouncb of the Cottage has now been lin.,.'! And contains water. Thia 9reat IItlWS .. eana, of course. that no 10nger will we have to endure th. pathetic sight of dUCks dabbUng in blac::k p1aatic:: vainly looking for weed etc:. Wh O know. what will follOW - !tBlling for Roinbow '('rout at breal<tille7 Riehllrd WatlSon

Transcript of PAVONIAN - Wortley · Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for p~._ing the1r '1\' 1t1~tll...

Page 1: PAVONIAN - Wortley · Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for p~._ing the1r '1\' 1t1~tll Ard".O!olO

" . "



It l\IIy geelll incredible to old hands like lie, but 1997 .. ill _rle the thirteent.h year of trainin9 excavationa at Wortley. As .. sll as being a tiae of drea~ for the more superatitiou. of ua, 1L will alao _ri< a 'lreat chongc in the activities at the cellar-dwel1in'l trO<)lo(lytes who will h .. ".. la co .. e to ter ... with t.he fact that there ara other areaa of the aite which need to be exa.incd.

1 Cannot d e ny that the year s apent down there l><.ve been excit i ng, particularly in vi_ of th .. find. uncovered and loet year 's ba_bsllell of an under-floor aysl •• apparently going nowhere. There were other advantage" too, ouch .s being hidden .... y ten feet below ground level 1n the far cornl!r of the site, the d1ggars were lafl in psae<> . (Whoopsl Can 1 say that.7) NOw all this looks sel lO end 0_ the cell"r is cnnsigned to join the bath houa. in the world of Lege. If I hove ono regret, however, it i. not knowing why on earth it Waa built in the firsl place. Mind you, que_t.lon. auC'h aa thIS, and oLhers l1l<e 'Are we excavating a Vill.anyway7' are what keep brin'Jing us hIIck each year.

Once agllin a big thlink you to ,,11 those who ha". contributed to this Newsletter and I look for .. ard to seeing everyone a9ain. Item" for the 1998 £'ovonian nay be given to me On aite or Bent la 14 willow way, I':well, Ep"Uln, Surrey KT19 OBH (Tel, 0181 394 0662).


Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for p~._ing the1r '1\' 1t1~tll Ard".O!olO<)y examinationa la~t aurllaor, gllining gradea Band C respectively .


I have it on gr_1 Aulhority that the proto lake in ~he

grouncb of the Tha~ched Cottage has now been lin.,.'! And contains water. Thia 9reat IItlWS .. eana, o f course. that no 10nger will we have to endure th. pathetic sight of dUCks dabbUng in blac::k p1aatic:: vainly looking for weed etc:. WhO know. what will follOW - !tBlling for Roinbow '('rout at breal<tille7

Riehllrd WatlSon

Page 2: PAVONIAN - Wortley · Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for p~._ing the1r '1\' 1t1~tll Ard".O!olO


Here we are again, halfway t.hrough Summer Schools and having to think already when I haven't written about goes.

out: 'time about. the 1996 yet..

off' l.let.ween 1997 season Anyway here

1996 was a very good year. although there were one nr two hiccups with the weather. We had al~st a record nu~ber of students and sn exceptionally large number of visitors, thanks to all the very hard work put in with publicity, l~rgcly by Claire Smith. Thanks also to our guides for all their efforts which were reflected in the compliEents paid by the visitors. The AGM was held on August 10th with some Friends COiling some distance to attennd. Vicky Wilson was confirlled as Secretary after being Acting secretary for the previous year, with Joy Buxton and Claire Smith being elected to the Committee.

Finally, I hope everyone had a very Happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you in 1997.

Geotf Hoare


'l'he 1996 seasOn .... rk&d our 'separation' fro_ Kee l .. Uujv"rsity, anu pro,"eu to I.>e one of out: be"t ever in ler.s of student nllmbers. Over 130 people · ... ere on site during the six week&, of whom 58 were ne,. lo Wortley. It was good to .. ee so lIany young people either waiting to go to University or already there. There' 8 little doubt that the doubling of student numbers last year was the result of the advertising and leaflet-sending being in our (or rather Vicky's) hands and not left to someone many miles away.

As you will read in the the digging highlight of the season was the stone-constt:ucted channels under the cellar floor, seell to have had a ritual .. ignificance (doesn't in archaeology? 1). There see", to be no in Britain, although eom" l!Iay exist The non-digging highlight. was the long-overdue victory of the Dig tea .. over the Cottage tea .. in the annual skittles match. This, like the excavation, was extremely well attended, with all of the large number of new folk in the final week taking part.

Our three open Days were very succeSSful, thanks to all of those people who gave up their tille to act as guides lInd helpers - To_, Vera, Julian, Richard, Clair .. , Harry, lan, David, Geof!, and Hilary and especially Maisie who continued to charll and enlighten the nUllerous visitors throughout each of th .. throe days.

We look forward to seeing as nany of you as possible at the Annu",1 Reunion Dinner ",t Nibley House On Saturday ::>2nd MIOrch 1997 (see separate booking for.).

Finally. I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas, and that the New Year will be good to you.



Page 3: PAVONIAN - Wortley · Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for p~._ing the1r '1\' 1t1~tll Ard".O!olO

I. , , , s. , , • ,


,-\ CRO:STlC


A CLUE: All the answers ha"c some (onnec:llon wuh che dig and archaeology

(Answers near th9 Oack nf PAVONIAN)

, , , 5


, • , 10


" 13

" IS



ne study ef a.r,uqultle1 Tl:c spoil is laken away in this. ElecuicaJ ploUi!>8 ef unde:ground features. Expo5urc of an area. Laycrofliving. New Stnne Age VVhat a bridge rO:SIS on. Ancienl10iletsl Excavation implerr.ent

10 FOLnd on a Roman roof. II Their ndd ,hI' the:l-known


12 P~t:cmed flooring.

I' What we do on a :raining dig.

I' Abbreviation for ,oncrCle. IS. Levels wilhin an excavation. 16 Put limes 17 Roman road

Now rc·a.-range Ihe first lenCr110 make the IIlte of$Omcthing ",c'le all familiar with.

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Page 4: PAVONIAN - Wortley · Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for p~._ing the1r '1\' 1t1~tll Ard".O!olO


;,; .• prObl .. 1I with hi .. tory t. that it neVer stops. But. it does ~ chance to use the pen rather thyn the trowel and let

heal. YOU lllay recall that in last year'. I .. entione d that we suspected a Roman callp 1n the Following up lhe 10C8tion of Liltle Ch~.ton froll

, •• ,;0,0;;in8 had been found recently (by.. lIelal i:::~:~i,~:F::,:':n;CI08urll Awe,>:i1 11111'. .,"quir iea of the t.enant

W08, 10108, do I hear - hut it wII8 in a I still have lo visit the finde~ who told

a180 found a 'frog' brooch, but the farmer ~~.".i_ ""apte of 18. Beryl .nd ",tan very kindly made idcntitic;:ation <I.. follOW .. , dc.pile .... ny bainog in poor condition, probably 1n {NiIrl due to being ploughed over •• vera1 lille .. ,

'0 E.~ro .. .,.co No Dale r- VIctorious 2b!r-270 r- H 2inI-219 , Tatrieu. :270-273 I Carausius 286-293 5 Constantine • 307-337 5 COn8tllnliu8 n 33;-361 1 Valen. (pollS) 364-368 I P08l1ible " c.280

ph.s one ,n' decipherable.

The c01n8 vary 1n dianeler end thickness, appear tQ ~ .ainly brass but wilh some more coppery and One pOBsibly silver. Th. dhtribution by E"'perol< h what would be expect..d. .1\.11 ot the coinll are at low value, ju.l!. ll,e 80rt that no ROlM.n would spend lime lOOking for I

Le •• exciting but. aor. u •• ful, a t.ea. hae bc>con buay tranacoribing the Church R.cords from 1635 so that ve can now .end the origln"l .. to the R.cord Office. ,.here er. e180 available {ro- treonecription eobout 100 vills dating frOM up to a century earlier than thi. 8nd a IItart hall boHon "!lilt! on theae.

When you're releasoo on a Woonesday afternoon c .. ll in eond see the Church with its IIOdern stained glasa lIellOrtil windOW to Sir peter Scott. During the ."' .. llIr a window vall dedicated lo thll memory of a Rector "ho a.rved for over 50 years and died in 1630. A numbe r of de8cendanta came over from America for the event and, fro., pU1"8uing thlG angle, we found that the Oerkeley Co"pnny had eatabli"hod acttlcllcnts in l\IIerica Long before the PilgriM Fllthe:"a decidN to eaigrata, Th. recorda do not identify anyone apecifically froll Sli~brldge, but ware .0 •• fro. North Nibley (vhoI.. 9ho.ta .r. to haunt certain al ~ea ill the .. r .... ) .

We are trying to r •••• rch t.h. hiatory of cider-aaking In the villag"'. Then. hI still on. preas oper .. ting, it prO<!uc .... good ,tuft too - but I can't re~e~ber .. word I was told .. bout the tradi tional IIIethoo:le .ntl the people fro. the village who uae<'! thell. Nor what 1 waa goin'1 to BuY ne"t . . .

Eric C.rpenter , .

Page 5: PAVONIAN - Wortley · Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for p~._ing the1r '1\' 1t1~tll Ard".O!olO

WA.S lE ,"Ot ~ANr ~t, f IONA ~oc

In recent years we hsve beq,ln to accept tile 10e8 thst SOIIIe ttNS of everyday us .. could be recycled, yet, in. "8inly throw""ay society, w~ ~r~ ~tlll fudy to di~ose of enythlng tI,at Is old or broken. Not '''' U'e Ro.ans apparcntl/. A.l111ost ootllln'l, one .. ight thiric, cClUid be so unprepossessing IS • orOi<en pi~ce of stone roafi",! ti:e, oot th" R()IMrvI were able to rind fulfllUnQ ways of recycling even this kind of rubbl\1t1. frftgrocnts of Hie couid 01 1II1de Into N.tItlers, SIOoothers or po.nt sharpeners, and also, as It sceciality, Into dlae. chIpped and gndo!d into diff"tf'Ot. '';U'~.

"f'UIIIbc~ o~ :ruch discs hove been found at Wortley. IOOst ""t.,ly dur,"9 the 1994 e~c.v8tlcns (1,2l. flley rarqe fra. 4 - 11 c",,,t'-_t.,.s in d1_ter and 'roa n - 499 or_a i.n weitjlt, and are fro. purplish-red stone, tl>c ',,,,,an: .. rdstone , ..tlich Cln be foo..nd at R'ng~wnrthy Sa.' n ... nil"s r, ... ," Lh" "it".

There .. e~ .... ,," puzzl~""'rt eur;nQ th .... ~ .. Avlltlnn as to the pUl"\lose of these dleu. Were they wei..,.t5, pot lies or """t? an.. of the sU<}9cstiona for their \lse .. as th't t~ey tleloged to a 9- of skill, In wIliCl1 the discs .. en thro..n into ......... " out "'1uer .. ~, or ~"""'thing along those 1Io .. s. fUI"the~ cluco ~ay come from other citco, for ~lmilo~ dillcs hsve been round on 'urthe" ewes"eLioto!'!, both I·, Glouce9ter~rlre and further arielrJ . Th"r" a~e diees from POlllan Li,",eoln 0), S(lltf! TrOll the are8 of tht: baths, .. here there ... as .oro ovidc"H:c for glllOi"'l i.n the> fo"," of both counters .. nd ... rblee. Theu discs Lcoo "~"e ",.de ft"'" diH''''''rJerJ UhLI!H u' rO<lfing tile, utilhlnq ho types of stone, bot .. of which had been palnetak~ngly brou<1>t :0 LLnC(lln Fr.,. 10'IIe :lht"n:>e """I. A qood """'er 0' dilCI .. ere found at \oorO''''''r (};, .nd ye$, the$e to:> .. ere .... je f, ... re-us .. d stone tile. At 10"",1 el;ea SUch IS frxester and '<irl!J!le~te 0) 1t h the same $:ery. OI~e"N1Ed NObish ... a in III being us~d to pro~ide outeriol" '''f A I .. isurely ~ur5uit-or was it ? H~dl dehhg in lIbrsries is ~eeced. lcoking into encienl 9O_e and pastilYleS, before we "nn ~ ~ntirely thot these oiBes .. ere Od ..... uI!erl ror a perticu18r '}I!,"~.


1) Ta)'lor a 8"d 9agndl A 1992 "l"1dS' , In Wil~o" D 1992, ( ~c.v.tlorl of 11 ~l)IIIlIl1u-arlLi~ i1 I'illa Bt "'ul"tl~)', Cluu,,;estershire' (ighthlnte~i", Report, 21 ."d nQ 10.

Toylor ~ end a • ."all A 1994 'rinds', In Wiho" 0 1')'}4, [~ca,etio" of 8 R00I8r>O- British Villa at >lon1ey, Glouceetersr.h"e' Te,,~h [nterl .. ~eport, 19 and rl9' 10

}) Delalls beSed on urpo..tll1shed InfOMletion.


Page 6: PAVONIAN - Wortley · Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for p~._ing the1r '1\' 1t1~tll Ard".O!olO


'Before ~u nrise, lie down flat i n the place "he r~ the ,.ea~ch i ~ to be l1ade and placing the Chlll on the earth and supporting it there, t ake a look oot the coontr~. In t hi" "'''y t. h", "igM "i 11 nnrfrllr'g" higher t,h~n it o"ght, tho chin being i .... o"5bl ~ , b"t .. ill ,.~n ge O"er a defir'litely limited heigf,t on t h e SaFle leveL, th~ou~h the cQ<.JnUy . Th"n Gh<) in place s whe~e "sp""rs are see" ClJrl1ng up into the ai~' .

Tt,us Vit~u"lus begins nis description of how to find water. PUny also reCOllOrlends this roethod but for ' t hose WllO be skilled and e"pe ~t'. he sugQests t~at they 'go fo~th in tha hot test 5ea~On of the y"a~ ~nd about noon ~a rl<

tb, revertJeratL", or lhe sunbeaFls in any pl~ce; fo~ if t h is ~epeI"cussion aM rebo .. mding ~ppear fOOist , they m~ke 00 doubt to f ind ... ate r there'.

~s rlin ~ note~. looking at the su~e"~s so int~n tly can be painful fer t~e eyes, so he also soomits ".,otr'le r otethocl of findinQ ~ate~, namely to dig a treo"h fi"e f"e~ deep into '~hir>h should be placed unfir~d pots on a .. ell oiled irwerted bronz~ vess"l, a bur"in] la~p and a >loollen Fleece should te hung .. H",in t~e t~ench , e1*f ~hich are to be covered >lith lea',es and tI"anches . If afteI" sOFle time they finrl that th" rotR ~r~ hrnk ~n ~nrj

>la t or thot dew io on the bronze .ess~l, th~t th~ l~~ h~s been extingui,red b~l slill contains oil and that the wool 1s moist, then assuredly they .. ill fi nd ~'a t er H the t~ench is jeepened.

~itr"vi"" describes " ~inil~ l' p,·ucellure uul ie'''l,'uds LhBl the lrench is t o be d\;Q at sunset and unco\'ered the rolla....i"Q morning.

W~t ~r ror a villa ~O<J1J Ilav~ IJeen con"e yed lo l he site by ""ans of an "Per chanrel or a Fl8son ry Qovered conduit lined with plaster or CBfllent. ~'ithn the huilo1irg~ pipes .. ade of I~~d, eh~, or wood .. ou l d have been used. ~it""."iu. ", akes no nentien of the l etter "<lteri .. l, but .. oodM pipe" ""de i r l eng t hs joined by iron collars, have been rou nd fit VerulaFlIuFl aM it ~as be~n suggested th.t tl",,,,y ~pannpd the SPGee under the Floor of ReoOl 8 ot ~'or t1" y

although ne eoll ars or trBeeo o f pIPes .. eI"e dioeo'ered.

Lead pipes were flade froo sheets .. ~ich wer e of ten stancaro sizes related to ~ he circunfer"n~a plus eveI" l ap, not te t~e diamQt~r aa in modern specifi~ .. li"ns. The sh€ets were sheped, pres UlIlsbly ,rc unc" wocden f"fller with the edges allerlap~ed and soldered . The lef"9ths were joined either by buUing the m end t o end ard eoldering a coilar arcund or by o.edapping ~ ta~" r e<J ~,,<J by a rtaced one and sweating the joint tog e t he r by the applicatIon of he a t. r~'o f oiced lead sheets were found In one of the c hanne l s tinder rhe cellar floor at Wortle y in 1996 .

Vltruv ius prefers clay pipes for three real/ens . first, because it is easier to "eke ann rel'~ir pip,"" ~ .. dp of elay. Second, he~a"Ge of the danger of tead poisoning fron th~ fcrnBtion in l eac pipe" of wh i':~ lead oxide. Thi,.d,

Page 7: PAVONIAN - Wortley · Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for p~._ing the1r '1\' 1t1~tll Ard".O!olO

becausQ cloy is 0 much chnapcr ~aterial than l ead.

Each se.,Unn ,f -lay pipe had tn be 'tongu"d' that is dra .. n i~to a s .. aller diameter at o~e end for insertion into t,e next length . The j,ints should be sealed ~ith a coating 01 q • .nckllnoe ", i-ed with olt .

In 1995 a clay cylindric&i c'> .. nnel .... , found h the ~onidor to the north or roo .. 8 at .... ortley, This may ~ave been part of a clay pipe ", the pa~kinQ surrounding a pipe of different lIaterlaL

DiSl'usul ur Lhe .. ater efter use was a subje~t whi~h ;lid not s~em to CO'lcern Vitruvius or PUny.

de la Bl!doyere. ~. 1989 . The fi"'t~ nf in.,,~n Ari!'lIin . L"ndek~ J. G.1978 Engineering in the Ancient world. Morgan. M.H. (translation ) 1960, ~itr-Jdus , The To.n BOOkS On ~rC'lite<t"re. Turner. P.(P<1) 1%2 . P1iny's '1aturBt ~ist.ory. Wilson D. 1995 E~c"v~tion of a Rornano-llritbh ViHo ~t '~o~tlc1, ~lo~ce~t~"~hi~

Eleventl l~terlm ReClort .

BEWAHE I HE H I V I V AL I N Tit HIlUS I,~G MAR""<!'-,J"'"',"""'"" ""'",.,~"~.

Cicero. tre Ro"",n orator and statesman .. rote about a ~oman ~qu~~. A,,~Hently ~"~·8~ ~ ~rn~p~dh .. hllyer of a ~o85tal villa near SyrBCl;use. The owner. ~ GrO~k bcr1l<er, "sked hi .. to " rnBo l, a,d he could see ,ehys of fish~r""' n ia"ding and prese'lting their cal~h lo U,,, OW'ler, The ,oman bou#'t th~ ~ilh st an inftated pri:e. only to be told by Q neiQhbour that it ",as a poor fishi~g ar .. a : 'In fact I wondered wn)' all those fishi"<J bO"ts ·~er~ her .. yest~rday' .


Just bocau&e the ~8nager of t~e Thateh8d Cottage t~8rn M3B raQuest~d tho orr j c1~1 Oly .. p<C Co.."iLl"" lo carry oul dr\lg~ .nd ~ex le~l~ on all ""''''~rs of the Wortley Di~Qers skittles teall.and 81so i'l"estigate all~Qations of co~rtlpti~n, nepott~m and bribory. it does not menn t h~t h~ ie n bad loser.

Page 8: PAVONIAN - Wortley · Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for p~._ing the1r '1\' 1t1~tll Ard".O!olO


1 thoroughly enjoyed ~y taste of archaeology at Wortl"y from 29 June _ 6 July 1996. W .. arriven lo"neil rlnwn with vadous types of apparel for all weathers, shoes, boots, wellies, sun hats, rain hats etc.

1 left my rucks"ck and flask behi:!.d "s Win (Far~er) was already overloaded. 1 tried to c"dge a cup of tea f~a .. Maisi .. , bur she wouldn't. be bribed. I would have killed fo~ a cuppa in the hre"k. I thought wC would be trowelling 11.11 week but went straight. into a series of mind-blowing lectures. All very interesting as it turned out. I've still got a sprai:!.ed fingor from the little bit of trowelling that I did. 1 went racing to Beryl with odd tinds; Olle was a seed which I thought w"s 11 bead. My finds were so minute, a .. ryl thought I was into geology. I did find a pile of old nails c.1940, We had so~e lovely meals out at various hostelries ending on Friday at The Fox, arranged by Richard. He .. hook my hand at the end of the evening (I wall expecting 11.

1>"9), lie hllgged everyone else. Is tbe.e something "omeone hasn't told ~e?

I was 11 hit. in awe of Dllvid Wilson, who IMtched around with an air of authority. I thought, Oh no, he's co~ing to look at .1' find .. , All the. le('tu~ers weTe very interesting ... ith their "peci"Used knowledge. After the Resistivity lecture, I was tempted to sneak out in d"a<l. at night an<l. <'!lig up the ",djoinin9 fit'lrL Jenny wa.s fascinating with her Environmental archaeology. I never knew how important a sieve or mesh was until that lecture .

1 look torw"rd to coming again hot, t;veryone was so triendly. dol -Ed . )

Angie Johnson

next. year, if (I've soue

it'" not too catching up la


Over 15 circlllar l"ad tanks ot substantial aize, either whole o. in pa~t, have been found in Britain "nd nowhere elae in the Roman Empire. They all carry decorat.ion; six with a Chi Rho, and are constructed of t.wo curve~ sheets nf lead for the side .. and a circular "heet for b<!se, Most were found in securely dated 4th Century cont.exts and t.he ~e .. ain< have been dated silllilarly by assodation with the group. They h"ve been found .." .. tly in the South East and East Anglia, but of particular interest to us are two that were tound at Bourton on the Water.

, .

Page 9: PAVONIAN - Wortley · Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for p~._ing the1r '1\' 1t1~tll Ard".O!olO

, ,.

'h~ir use is 8 u:ter of ""'"" discuss i on. The ose of the a.~ Rho on Six of thl' "tCUp would 'nciC8t~ ~ i1'l-i"t \11" ""'..,. IInd " Christian U!!I8Qe end on<:e .q .. '~ by Msoc;'ti .. " thh """Id .... bty opply to the re..,inder In the 4th C cne usual ..ethO(l or MPtlsm we' affusion ...n~N't1y ... ,ter was poured over the corvert 's head three ti"",~. In Roman North Afr~C8 and Roman Cllul thb W80 carried out elandl"" In B large font tlls! wus """strueted sunk I~to the qrourd "It h step~ leedinG! down. The c~m::tl i n 6r .. LII." " .. " not oro;onised with such a ce,,:r,l adooinistrahon and it is very probable th3i ir the rurol .. reo" porti""latly the lelld cisterns were for bIPt",,,,.1 use or possibly 8 ritLai Cl1!IIMlnQ connected .. ilh it, t>t:ull\<.I I" .. ind that OIrislisnHy ori\lirllted In Jweh.,_ In the event of sny fut\J~ 'lUcn fIndS the I_dial" area sheul.: be e~te" .~c.v.ted to stt""",t to u~over ~viu .. (K." "f th"ir ,-"".

There i8 no conleooporary doc....entery evlderce svsil9bl,. hut thert! i.s a 1 ..... Iall"'ng reference In .. "or\< of Kethe.. Pari". " ~onk at SI Albana ,oIbbey ""Cl (Ilea In n5'1 . He pe[son611~ 1I1ustr.tec his chrcnlcle~ .. nd tn his life or st Alban QI1 Illustr .. tion "Ihow~ I." .. f:t>rl.ti .. n con>erts be,,. b.,tised in • lar~e =i~ter; ",",ich h "how" to h .. o two lu<;,,, at the top :M M., 89 the e xcavated ae,"s. Did he h",e access to a ~lcture or dt8cri.ption of a Cistern? If only there was a record c f Ha soorC~5 .

GCQff !loare

H.~IS1E By P & C fulllJl'

~. -.

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Page 10: PAVONIAN - Wortley · Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for p~._ing the1r '1\' 1t1~tll Ard".O!olO



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Th~ first letters re-arranged make the words ·WORTLEY RO:v1AN VILLA"


Page 11: PAVONIAN - Wortley · Congratulations to Liz and Hurtel Boardman for p~._ing the1r '1\' 1t1~tll Ard".O!olO


My Mot her's Day present frOIl my son last year was a copy of BASP it III<>de " change froll flowe~sl Mine is the DOS version, which you Can obtain FREE via t he Int.ernet, but there la also a Windows version (addresses a~nd).

It is not a full statistics package so, while it doesn't 1,ave the MOre common statistical functions - they are easily found ~n general packages lik6 spreadsheets, it. concantrat .. s on more speciatis~ topics that. are particularly interesting to archaeologists, What you can do with the softwllre is,

1. Correspondence and principal component analysis 2. Seristion 3. Cluster analysis 4. Distribution "",pping 5. HaIrls Matrices

It can takc in data fro~ other general packages.

So far I've only got round to usinq the lIarris Matrix part, I am inputting the Woxtley strati'lraphy anil it .... ems straight.forward the aofl ..... re. not th.. ~tr ... ti9raphy. It will automatically number lay .. rs if you want it to. can cope w; th lI'I(>r.. th;,n on .. nu",bering sequ .. nce (eg so you can have layers/ f eatures as 2 number runs or contexts as a singl .. one). refuse to go on if you try to type in a r .. l .. t.icn"hip that contradict .. something you've already entered, display part or all of the mntril!, eVCn tell you how many pages you will need to print out the tree. It forces you to sort out the logic as you go along Which has both good and bad points. The _in <lisadvantage I've found so far ar .. relat.ionship deletions which are tedious to do. If you ... ant to br .. ak .. linl:: between two layers. it will only let you carry out this after you hav .. considered relationships witn All associated l<ly .. rs. This k .... p" th .. logic con~i~t .. nt but it can be very irritating to do.


ftp ftp . login, anonymous password, your .. mail address cd pc/lIIsdos.statistics bin get quit

Jan .. t Cooper



FAO I Scoll"r The Unk .. lbach Valley Software Works InderAu9 D 53424 Rertagen GENMAtN

(Enquiries don't have to be in Ger_n)