Paving the Road to Success: A Marketing Strategy Workshop, by David Wilson

Building a Strategic Marketing Plan How to turn your Story into Strategy, then your Strategy into Success! Delivered by

Transcript of Paving the Road to Success: A Marketing Strategy Workshop, by David Wilson

Building a Strategic Marketing Plan

How to turn your Story into Strategy, then your Strategy

into Success!Delivered by

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David E. Wilson, MBA



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David Wilson, MBA*

Results-driven executive leader with 20+ years of experience at UPS & US Air Force Veteran

Business experience: business development, marketing, new product development, operations, and director level executive administration

Corporate innovator developing UPS’s new initiatives to work within the startup community

President of the Birmingham Chapter of the American Marketing Association (AMA), Vice President of the Board of Directors for the Central Alabama Food Bank, and the Board of Directors for the Nashville Business Incubator Center

Adjunct Faculty, Indiana Wesleyan University, Business Management

Angel investor with the Birmingham Angel Network

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Workshop Objectives

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Blind Squirrel Marketing (Don’t do it…)

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What causes Blind Squirrel Marketing disease?Lack of Strategic Marketing…

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If you have one or more of these symptoms, you may have: Blind Squirrel disease…

Can’t articulate your company “Story”

Poor value proposition vs your competition

Don’t know your perfect customer

Activities don’t drive profitable growth


Don’t have “SMART” tactical plans

Don’t measure your results with KPI’s* Key Performance Indicators

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The Cure: Develop Your Strategic Marketing Plan

Strategic Marketing:

The art and science of

developing a plan to

increase sales and/or

achieve organizational goals

Tactical Execution:

Specific initiatives taken to

achieve short term


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@dewMarketing Strategic Marketing Model

Your Story

External Market


Internal Business Analysis

Tactical Marketing


Key Performanc

e measureme


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It All Starts with Your “Story”

Understand what & who your organization

is all about

Mission & Vision

Brand Identity


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Why you exist

(the Cause)

Your Story: Mission & Vision

Desired end state

(the Effect)

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Brand Identity

(Your Promise)

Identify it and make

sure it supports

your “story”

Your Story: Brand Identity

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Make your


Your Story: Brand Identity


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Brand Identity Examples

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Brand Identity?

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What type of organization are you?

Are you driven by sales, engineering, marketing,

customer service, operations?

Does every employee know it, live it, and love it?

Does your culture support your “story”?

Your Story: Company Culture

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The Power of Culture!

10 hours 29 Minutes

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The Power of Culture!

The best way to build a brand for the long term is by building, scaling, and sustaining a culture that reflects values you can truly commit to.

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Turn your Story into Strategy

Key Elements - Internal & External Analysis


Competitive review

Target Market

Business Goals

Sales planning

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Product/Service Analysis

How does your business solve a problem?

Competitor differentiation

Pricing & profit positioning

How do you deliver an experience?

People, guarantees, packaging, brand

promotion, special touches, etc.

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Product/Service Analysis

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Conduct Competitive

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Target Market Analysis

Market Size: How big is the market?

Demographics/ Geographic location

Age, race, sex, marital status and children, Income level, etc.

B2B: Ave company size, years in business, industry, number of employees, average sales, etc.

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Target Market Analysis Purchasing habits

How much do they spend on your type of product or service?

Customer Segmentation Analysis

Profit per customer

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Business Growth Goals

Determine profitable growth goals

By product/service, target market,

geography, etc.

Conduct regular reviews, adjust accordingly

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Marketing & Sales

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Sales Strategy Planning

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Turn your Strategy into Tactics

Key Tactics:


Social Media




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Website Marketing

Design and content evaluation Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines

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Social Media

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InBound Marketing

Attract (Strangers) Social Media

Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, etc.

Video YouTube, Vimeo, etc

Email Marketing



Convert Visitors Forms / Calls-to-Action

Landing Pages

Close Leads Email / Face-to-Face / Phone

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Content MarketingThe Key to a successful inbound strategy

Publish Educational Content to build trust and educate

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Traditional Marketing Tactics

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Track Tactics for Success

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Strategy Performance Start, Stop, or Change Tactics…

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)

Closed Deal$!

Qualified / Accepted Leads

Meetings w/ Sales

Traffic / Page Views / Time Onsite

Content Downloads

Inbound Links / Page Rank

Fans / Followers

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Measure for Success!

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Measure for Success!

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Measure for Success!

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Turn your Story into Strategy, then your Strategy into


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Let’s Connect!

Marketing Insights Follow me @dewMarketing LinkedIn – dewMarketing Instagram – dewMarketing1

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Questions / Discussion



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