
NANOROBOTS IN HEART SURGERY  ABSTRACT : In today’s fast world, man is in a situation where he has to compete against machines. Due to this stress of a mechanical life, the human body is subjected to various levels of trauma. The organ most affected is the heart. Heart attacks are becoming so common now a days. The percentage of people affected is increasing by the day. This heart attack is mainly caused due to improper diet with excessive cholesterols and lack of  proper exercise to burn calories, which leads to blocks in the arteries. The present method of treatment- the bypass surgery or the angioplasty, though effective, may be considered outdated in today’s technological age.  Nanorobots are tiny nanoscale devices that may be used to  perform a variety of tasks very accurately and in lesser time. Nanotechnology is the cutting edge of future technology and is vastly directed towards medical applications. This paper throws light on one possible application of these nanorobots in the human  bo dy, whe re they may be empl oyed to remove hear t bl ock s more ef fect ivel y and accurately, in lesser time causing no pain what so ever. This nanotechnology will be the driver for the future technologies of today’s “shrinking world”. 1.INTRODUCTION Heart blocks are becoming one of the major diseases among the people of today’s world. With a variety of reasons for occurrence, ranging from lack of exercise to smoking and drinking, this has emerged as the most wide spread disease ever. These heart blocks are caused due to a variety of reasons. Current diagnostic measures include a lot of  painful processes like the Angiogram. The treatment for the block is also extremely dangerous, time consuming and painful. Angioplasty, though having a high success rate, is still old fashioned. Today’s technology promises a lot more than the insertion of a thin tube into your blood vessels. Nanorobots can be effectively used in this process of curing heart blocks. This paper discusses the causes of heart blocks, the current  process of diagnosis and therapy. Later this paper throws light on the novel idea of curing the se hea rt blocks usi ng nanorobots - a te chnology just a fe w ye ars away fr om implementation. This paper views the problem on a purely theoretical and imaginative approach.  1

Transcript of pavan_final_nano

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NANOROBOTS IN HEART SURGERY  ABSTRACT : In today’s fast world, man is in a situation where he has to compete

against machines. Due to this stress of a mechanical life, the human body is subjected to

various levels of trauma. The organ most affected is the heart. Heart attacks are becoming

so common now a days. The percentage of people affected is increasing by the day. This

heart attack is mainly caused due to improper diet with excessive cholesterols and lack of 

 proper exercise to burn calories, which leads to blocks in the arteries. The present method

of treatment- the bypass surgery or the angioplasty, though effective, may be considered

outdated in today’s technological age.

 Nanorobots are tiny nanoscale devices that may be used to

 perform a variety of tasks very accurately and in lesser time. Nanotechnology is the

cutting edge of future technology and is vastly directed towards medical applications.

This paper throws light on one possible application of these nanorobots in the human

 body, where they may be employed to remove heart blocks more effectively and

accurately, in lesser time causing no pain what so ever. This nanotechnology will be the

driver for the future technologies of today’s “shrinking world”.


Heart blocks are becoming one of the major diseases among the people of today’s

world. With a variety of reasons for occurrence, ranging from lack of exercise to smoking

and drinking, this has emerged as the most wide spread disease ever. These heart blocks

are caused due to a variety of reasons. Current diagnostic measures include a lot of 

 painful processes like the Angiogram. The treatment for the block is also extremely

dangerous, time consuming and painful. Angioplasty, though having a high success rate,

is still old fashioned. Today’s technology promises a lot more than the insertion of a thin

tube into your blood vessels. Nanorobots can be effectively used in this process of 

curing heart blocks. This paper discusses the causes of heart blocks, the current

 process of diagnosis and therapy. Later this paper throws light on the novel idea of curingthese heart blocks using nanorobots- a technology just a few years away from

implementation. This paper views the problem on a purely theoretical and imaginative



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Our body fluids, mainly blood have a biochemical compound known as

cholesterol. These cholesterols are chemical compounds of glycerol and unsaturated acid.

The cholesterols found in the human body can be classified into two types. They are,

• Low density lipids (LDL)

• High density lipids(HDL) 

These cholesterols flow through the blood and are essential

for the normal functioning of the body to a certain extent. Cholesterol is a fat-like

substance (lipid). It is both produced in the liver and consumed by eating animal products

such as meat, eggs or dairy products. The body needs cholesterol, and manufactures all

the cholesterol needed by various organ systems. In fact, the body naturally produces up

to four times more cholesterol than what normally would be taken in through diet. The

 body uses cholesterol to:

• Assist in the manufacture of hormones or vitamin D

• Break down carbohydrates and proteins

• Help form a protective coating around nerves

• Build cell walls and to produce bile (the word cholesterol is Greek for 

“bile solids”)

Cholesterol is carried through the bloodstream by lipoproteins.

Lipoproteins are proteins that wrap around both cholesterol and other fatty materials and

transport them through the bloodstream.

The HDL’s are basically harmless as they highly stable and are

disposed off by the body effectively. These HDL’s are basically stable and hence do not

stick to the walls of the blood vessels. Actually , these HDL’s help to carry the bad

cholesterols from the blood stream to the liver from where it gets disposed. These contain

more of protein , and less fat. On the other hand, the LDL’s contain more fat and less


The LDL’s are a bit difficult to get rid of. These LDL’s or ‘bad

cholesterols’ as they are commonly known, get accumulated on the walls of the blood

vessels. This happens because these LDL’s are highly unstable. So they get disintegrated


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NANOROBOTS IN HEART SURGERY  and rather than being disposed off by the liver, they get accumulated along the walls of 

the arteries.


It is natural that the blood vessels continually contract and expand

in order to accommodate the variations in the blood pressure, arising due to various

reasons. But when the LDL’s flow through the blood, they get accumulated on the walls

of the blood vessels. These LDL’s on accumulation make the blood vessels loose their 

elastic property. As a result the blood vessels will no longer be able to keep up with  the


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NANOROBOTS IN HEART SURGERY   pressure variations of the blood. Hence the pressure fluctuations in the blood are carried

over to the heart and hence the heart is subjected to constantly varying stress which

weakens it.


The LDL’s on further deposition form a lump and close in on the diameter of 

the blood vessel. So as the concentration increases the diameter of the blood vessel

decreases. Hence blood transportation to or from the heart is hindered.

The intensity of this problem is measured by a method known as

Angiogram.. Here a small tube of diameter of about a few micrometer with a catheter at

the end is used. This is introduced into the veins at the thigh and upto the pericardium.

This catheter injects a radioactive fluid into the blood stream, the flow of which is

monitored by a continuous X-ray. When this fluid flows through the block, there will be

a contraction in the thickness of the fluid line monitored through the X-ray. This

contraction indicates the location of the block.  Once the block has been located, it is

removed by a method known as Angioplasty. 


In this method the end of the catheter has a deflated balloon. This balloon is

 positioned under the block and it is inflated, so that the block bursts, and is carried away

through the blood stream. In order to prevent the recursion of the block, the blocked area

is covered with a one-way inflatable metal cylinder ,that is attached on the outside of the

 balloon. As the balloon is inflated, the cylinder attains shape, and gets locked on attaining

maximum expansibility. This method is known as ‘balloon angioplasty’.


  Nanorobots are nano devices that may be of about 3 to 5 micrometres in size.

The individual parts used to make these nanorobots may be of 1 to 100 nm in size. These

nanorobots are mainly made up of carbon, and may be given a coating of diamond. The

diamond coat is given because diamond is the most inert and tough material ever known.

These nanorobots can be  used for a variety  of purposes. In this paper, to treat heart

 blocks we use three kinds of nanorobots.


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 Nanorobots with nanosensors to locate the block. These robots will need

four kinds of nanosensors.

1. pressure sensors

2. acoustic sensors

3. chemo sensors

4. smart sensors

• nanorobots equipped with nanolasers to severe the block after confirmation.

•  Nanorobots that have the ability to fill the burnt gaps with fresh flawless cells

synthesized by the robots themselves in order to prevent the recurrence of the

 block. This process is known as ‘molecular synthesis’.


Blood vessels play an important role in supply a blood to all parts of the body. Due to the

fatty deposition on the walls of blood vessels blood will not move freely to all parts of the

 body these leads to heart attacks and damage the vital organs.

In general the most common methods of surgery used for heart attacks is

By-Pass surgery

Angio Plaster 


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Both of the above methods are risky and number of side effects. As a result

 patient became very weak. But a surgery-using nanorobot is very simple one. Doctors do

their treatment even without touching the body.


(Structure of NanoRobots)

The above figure shows the structure of the nanorobots. It is constructed with

various nanomechanical devices and nanosensors like.

• Molecular sorting rotors

• Propeller 

• Fins

• Sensors

MOLECULAR SORTING ROTORS :- It is made up of carbon nanotubes. Simply a sheet of carbon atom forms a

carbon nanotube in that a roll having only one sheet of carbon atoms thick is known as

single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT). Thus the electrical properties of SWNT’s can

 be used to generate mechanical motion from electrical energy. One of the main

advantages of these SWNT’s is operating at the molecular level. Nanotube substitutes

with nanogears with axle used for changing the direction of movement.


The word propeller in ship is used to drive forward the device against

water. Like that in nanorobots it is used to drive forward against the blood stream. Fins

are fitted along with the propellers used to propel the device.


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NANOROBOTS IN HEART SURGERY  Sensors are fitted externally and internally with the nanorobots to receive the

signal for correct guidance. There are several techniques to do the heart surgery with

the nanorobots.we have to know how to inject nanorobots into our body, how to move it

to the destination place, how to control and remove the device after surgery.


We have to find a way to introduce nanorobots into the body for surgery

and allowing it to do the operation without ancillary damage. So we made the nanorobots

smaller than the blood vessels as it can travel. Femoral artery in the leg is considered to

 be a largest artery in our body. So we inject the nanorobot through this artery.


Every living thing needs area to move. Like fish to be moved in water 

nanorobots use blood flow for its movement. It must be able to guide the device make use

of the blood flow. The devices used for navigation is propeller, fins, jet

 pump, electromagnetic pump. In order to move the nanorobots in blood flow following

things are very important

Speed of blood

Get through the heart without stuck 

React with changes in blood flow rate

Able to change the direction according to the blood stream

To satisfy the above consideration we have to make the nanorobots with electric motors

turning propellers.


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Nanorobots-Substitutes For Present Heart Surgeries 

(Navigation of nanorobots into blood vessels)


To know the location of nanorobots where it goes we use ultrasonic technique.

 Nanorobots must be able to produce ultrasonic waves by passing a signal to piezoelectric

membrane, which is in built with the device. Several signals processing techniques are used to

track this ultrasonic signal and finding the location at any time. Instead of ultrasonic wave we

use infrared ray for signal processing.


To locate a blood clot (or) deposit of arterial plaque we use sensors of different

types. Already preplanned route is available to reach operation site. With the help of preplanned

route we reach the fatty deposited area.

(NanoRobots towards a destination)


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Nanorobots-Substitutes For Present Heart Surgeries To control the nanorobots as per our wish fit the TV camera in the nanorobots and

transmitting its picture outside the body to a remote control unit. Solid-state television camera

sensors are used to receive the signals from the remote station and do the operations according to

signals send by remote control unit. There are preprogrammed microchips available to give

appropriate signals so that nanorobots is initiated externally through a computer.


The fatty deposits (or) clots are removed using special blades fitted with

nanorobots. Continuous (or) pulse signal is used to activate the blades. These blades physically

separate the deposits from blood vessels. Care should be taken in removing the fatty

deposits.Small deposits of these fatty materials without removing lead to big problem in future.


(View of nanorobot removing the fatty deposit)

Giving of power is very important for every operation to most efficient one in

magnetic induction. It means that our body is full of magnetic field. Rotation of nanorobots cuts

these magnetic field produce power based on faraday’s law. To take nanorobots from the body

we use two methods one is retrace our path upstream another is making small surgery to remove.



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Nanorobots-Substitutes For Present Heart Surgeries The three types of nanorobots needed for the process, are suspended in a liquid matrix

and injected into blood vessels of the patient. Immediately the acoustic sensors in the sensor 

robots get activated and begin navigating the army of robots through the blood stream to the

 pericardium. Simultaneously, the smart sensors present in the sensor robots, get activated and

form a closed ad-hoc network connecting all the robots. This is very essential in order to guide

all the nanorobots to the desired location.

The sensor robots perform the most sophisticated type of diagnosis known, i.e.

diagnosis from the inside of the human body. These sensors , on reaching the periphery of the

heart, scan the pericardial vessels, for blocks and locate the spot exactly.

The pressure sensors mounted on the sensor robots, scan the blood vessels for 

variations in the blood pressure. This will act as the first confirmation. This scanning for pressure

variations is necessary, as in the region of the block, there will be a constriction of the blood

vessel and hence a rise in the blood pressure compared to that existing in the nearby areas. These

sensors will generate a report of the potential areas of heart block, based on the pressure mapping

of the blood vessels.

The second confirmation, comes from the chemo sensors. These sensors scan the region they

traverse, for the chemical composition of the cholesterols. That is, these sensors differentiate the

cholesterol compounds accumulated on the walls of the blood vessels, from the actual


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Nanorobots-Substitutes For Present Heart Surgeries composition of the tissues of the blood vessels. In this way, the block can be identified

accurately. All these information are transmitted through the ad- hoc network formed by all the

smart sensors and can be constantly viewed by the doctors monitoring the entire process.

After successful location of the block, the second type of nanorobots , those equipped

with nanolasers, come into picture. These lasers , like the robots themselves, can be powered by

the body itself, by means of the kinetic energy of the flowing blood, pressure of the blood flow ,

etc. thus, these lasers can be powered by the most ingenious ways imaginable. These laser robots

on activation based on the  information flow through the network, effectively burn down the

 block. Since the operation is held on a nanoscale, the outcome is highly accurate. Moreover ,

there is literally zero damage to the surrounding healthy tissues.

The final leg of the operation is the responsibility of he molecular synthesizers. These

nanorobots, take the required biochemical substances from the blood or the surrounding tissues,

and synthesise the cells of the blood vessels in order to seal the area of the block. These cells are

 placed in the affected region and as a result , we have a whole new region of the blood vessel

that is completely free from the threat of another block.


• The process is very fast.

• Since the scale of operation is very small, the results are very accurate.

• The process is less painful unlike angioplasty, where the patient takes months to recover 

from the physical trauma of the operation.

• The process is technologically very advanced and reliable.

• The patient is not subjected to harmful rays unlike angioplasty where he is placed below

a continuous X-ray during diagnosis.

• The chance of any aftereffects or recurrences are completely eliminated.


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Nanorobots-Substitutes For Present Heart Surgeries 6.DISADVANTAGES

•  Nanorobots, the technology as such, may be very costly.

• The technology may take several years to be implemented practically.

•The technology may lead to further technological problems like the introduction of artificial reconstruction and artificial intelligence which will result in the robots going out

of control of humans.


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Nanorobots-Substitutes For Present Heart Surgeries 7.CONCLUSION

Nanotechnology is truly a vast field of research and study, bound only by the limits of human

imagination. Even though this may seem to most of them like a fairy tale, the days of implementation of these devices are not far off. The machines needed to fabricate these

nanorobots are yet to be visualized. Hence these nanorobots are still out of production although

having  passed the  drawing board stage long back. The human mind will one day make this

extremely interesting vision, a reality. This field however at present, in its infancy stages, just

like aviation was, during the early 1900’s. Let us hope that this technology also will one day,

 become as successful and dominating like aviation today.


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Nanorobots-Substitutes For Present Heart Surgeries 8.REFERENCES


 Nanotechnology BY Mark Ratner and Daniel Ratner  Nanomedicine BY Robert Freitas

Fundamentals of Biochemistry BY J.L.Jain

Websites: -
