Paul\'s Bio - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


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Paul Tindall\'s Biography

Transcript of Paul\'s Bio - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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Paul Tindall’s Bio

The Good Paul Tindall is founder of Phoenix CoachingWorks Inc. and a Franchisee of Sandler Sales Institute. Paul entered the financial service industry in 1979 as an Advisor with one of Canada's largest financial planning firms. By 1990, with a small group of partners, he established a financial planning firm, which grew from one office and 16 people to over 500 Advisors managing $7 Billion worth of assets prior to being sold in 1999 for just under $90 Million.

C. Paul Tindall, BA

Paul maintained his own investment practice, specializing in the affluent market and grew it to more than 150M dollars of assets. Consistently through his career, he was ranked in the top 5% of the investment industry, earning a high seven-figure income.

A former top-producing advisor, Paul lost his advisor license as a result of the Fortune Financial blowups about 10 years ago, has repented, and for the last several years has been helping advisors grow their business in ethically compliant and uniquely effective ways. Paul is a walk-the-talk type of sales force development consultant, and has trained many top Advisors, CEOs, Senior Managers and Sales Professionals since 1993. He has the ability to build trust and inspire confidence to help these professionals break out of their comfort zones. A graduate of the University of Western Ontario, Paul values education and on-going training as a way to promote professional excellence. A former flight instructor, with more than 25 years of flying experience, Paul has a current airline transport pilot's license and flies Lear jets.

Experience Paul provides a suite of integrated sales training, marketing and screening assessments to prevent high turnover costs. A recent Harvard Business School study determined that businesses which are considering engaging outsourced services have one major concern: will the service-provider really understand their business and the particular problems and challenges they face? We overcome this concern with an intensive assessment session prior to beginning any work together which allows us to determine exactly what your needs are and to respond by suggesting training, seminars, groups and "workouts" that are appropriate to those needs. It is our job to fit your requirements - not to shoehorn you into fitting ours. We are a franchisee of the Sandler Sales Institute, an internationally recognized, very successful, sales training organization. One of the many advantages of working with an organization of this size and proficiency is that it's very unlikely that we'll ever come across a problem that one of our associates hasn't encountered and solved!

More Good (The Bad & Ugly to follow) I have 10 people out of 27 households wanting appointments, so I am pretty happy about that. I am making calls to confirm appointments, and I am remembering to use my up front contract when I am booking them! I definitely plan to do another seminar in September.

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J.S., RBC Dominion Securities …I now work (most weeks) 3.5 days a week and my income has increased by 30%. J.L., Raymond James Since learning and implementing your referral system, I am able to easily see the material gains possible, as well as noticing my enhanced relationship with existing clients. …Assets under management are up 25%, income has increased 50% over last year and I am working towards bettering that figure this year. Your sales development processes and coaching is something that I would recommend to any sales professional who is looking to build and improve their business. I look forward to working with you further and implementing more processes to increase and enhance my business." D.F.R., Scotia McLeod I just recently picked up a large deal from the program and my Manager asked me about the program I am enrolled in. I sent him the details of my association with Phoenix and the training…..

D.O., Assante I have now interviewed 21 clients who became clients in the last 18 months as a result of attending seminars…. I now realize that ALL of my fear around referrals was TOTALLY UNFOUNDED and just because I felt that way does not mean that others do also. D.H., Investment Planning Counsel … My assets under administration and my income have increased by 25%.

L.W., CIBC Wood Gundy

OMG, the meeting I had with my best client today couldn't have gone any better…. L. T., Money Concepts

I can say that as a result of taking the Paul Tindall workshop my calling activity on both the recruiting side and personal business has increased…. The result was 2 new clients, 5 insurance policies, an RRSP loan and about $155,000 in business that will come in over the next couple years due to transfers. - Approximately $5300 in commission by my estimate. D. made a phone call to a high net worth client that he says he would not have otherwise made and this landed him a $135,000 transfer the day after the seminar.

T. S., Dundee Wealth Management

The Bad and Ugly

The Business Killer Virus No Software Ever Finds …The Painful Lessons of Someone Who Found Out the Hard… (Very Hard) Way

Dear Friend, If you do not read this letter, and you are in any way responsible for the results of a group of financial advisors, you are letting yourself and your associates down. This is a message that everyone in financial services sales must hear. Believe me -- it did not come cheap.

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My name is Paul Tindall. If you haven’t heard about me, either you haven’t been paying attention to the business news in Canada and the United States or you just started in the financial services business. My big claim to fame was building “Fortune Financial” from scratch to over $7 Billion in assets in 5 years. In our heyday, we had 500 advisors and staff and were the darlings of the industry. This may sound like bragging to you but in many ways, I really did have it all… a mansion in Rosedale, a home in Florida, a Ferrari, a custom Mercedes, a high performance airplane and the licenses to fly Lear Jets. I was the golden boy. I had the life and lifestyle most advisors only dream of. I was flying high! Then, I crashed. “Bored right in”, actually. There was nothing left. I may have built Fortune quickly but it was nowhere near as quickly as I lost it. I went from paragon to pariah, from the top to the bottom in what seemed like minutes. Actually, the excruciating pain dragged out a lot longer than that. /download/39530/ What’s worse, a very common mistake did it. It might be lurking in the weeds at your office too. You may be a phone call away from the same crash… Here’s what happened: The eye-popping deal a relative “let me in on” turned out to be a scam. The new product that I tested myself that would revolutionize aviation safety, turned out to be an international fraud of epic proportions. (See Crain's article and Section V) subsections a) and b) of the Ontario Securities Commission report) I should have seen it coming. But, my sense of “invincibility” blinded me. I was the perfect mark. I had the money, the connections and the success. I thought I could cut corners. I made mistakes without knowing. I thought I was invincible. That’s why I didn’t see the signs. It’s why my homework, expensive advice and prototype testing did not help me. In the end, dozens of my clients, (including me) lost $2.2 million. It was ugly. I was ashamed, shunned and ruined. The OSC sued me and won. My practice evaporated overnight. I was forced to sell out and leave the industry in disgrace. The money, trappings and prestige disappeared as quickly as the business. There was next to nothing left. My reputation was ruined. My life was in shambles. Like I said, I went from the top to the bottom – from a paragon to a pariah... with lightning speed. OK, sure the swindlers (some of my own family) spent years in an American prison but I had to “face the music” here at home. I was an unwitting participant in one of the most elaborate international frauds ever. What was worse was that it was my fault. Invincibility is a scary thing. It sneaks up on you and before long; you believe your press clippings. I did. My assessment of this “sure thing investment” was flawed. My appreciation of what my clients needed was lacking. My understanding of Compliance and Due Diligence – even though I had to do it everyday in the business was weak. Clearly, I came up short on many counts. I paid dearly for it. You don’t have to. You never have to. I did. I know how and where I went wrong. I see the mistakes I made. I know how you can prevent them. I know I how I fell for the virus. I know why it all blew up on me. I know why my friends, my clients and I lost the money.

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It didn’t have to happen. It all could have been avoided. This experience gave me the unique perspective to vaccinate audiences against the killer “Invincibility Virus”. You can avoid my mistakes and then use my experience and expertise to build a solid business. Better yet, you can profit from my costly lessons. Once you know what I know, you will spare the industry the ugly headlines, client disasters, and E & O claims. We don’t need them as an industry and you don’t need them personally. Trust me on this. Oscar Wilde said: “You will never live long enough to make all your own mistakes.” I couldn’t agree with him more. The smartest professionals learn from the mistakes of others. Learn from me.

The Secret Connection between Compliance and Success

If I were only able to entrench compliance into your company or association, it would be a lot and one of the most valuable presentations you could ever hear… but there’s more. In fact, the most valuable lesson was a surprise. Remarkably, there was a Silver Lining to this terribly dark cloud. It’s every bit as valuable and less depressing too. My soul searching and investigation uncovered a business building connection between due diligence, proper disclosure and a steady stream of great referrals. I made a connection between compliance and success that will open your eyes like never before. I’ll shake you out of your complacency and show you how to multiply your income and at the same time protect your clients and yourself. This profound information will turn what you know about compliance on its head. Your clients will be the winners. This discovery makes due diligence, disclosure and compliance the keystone to multi-million dollar success. You won’t believe what you’ve been missing. So, my work and my presentations are not just about one man’s bad planning, bad luck and bad fortune. It is also the story of the phenomenal rewards that come with doing the right things right. It’s what takes my presentations to the outer limits for your audience. I know that there are a lot of speakers and business coaches out there. I also know that a lot of them have many book-learned credentials. However, there are precious few coaches have done what I have. Fewer still have made the mistakes I did and came back. No one has ever shared their mistakes so openly and honestly so everyone can learn from them. No one, that is, until today, and me. When I talk about being suckered and surviving, I find that financial services audiences of every type, tenure and talent are totally mesmerized. I will reveal unreported, heart-stopping details that will stun your people. Discover the priceless lessons I paid so dearly for. Sometimes, all the news about financial services is bad. Companies fail, schemes collapse and advisors make mistakes. Consumers lose money and confidence every day. What worse, all advisors are painted with the same brush. To the casual observer, scandals happen to “the other guy”. They are either thieves, caught in the act or idiots, who

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weren’t paying attention. Smart advisors don’t get into trouble. Decent advisors don’t make mistakes like that. “I’m OK, right?” Wrong. This complacency is a killer. It’s the perfect breeding ground for the worst advisor virus of all -- invincibility. If you or your group has a scary sense of invincibility around their business, I am just the person to shake them out of it.

If they think it could never happen to them, they need to hear me. If they think no one loses it all, I will change their minds. If they want to know the secret connection between compliance and astronomical success, they will want to

listen closely and take pages of notes. This type of information doesn’t come along every day. What’s more, I guarantee that you and your people have your eyes opened to threats and opportunities like

never before. This combination will make you better advisors and better people. Too good to be true? The only way to find out is to call me personally and let me give you the inside scoop. This isn’t some kind of hot investment tip… you have all the control and you keep it. My coaching and presentations come with a better than money back guarantee. Call me and I’ll explain it to you. I’m Paul Tindall, Executive Director, Phoenix CoachingWorks Inc. & Sandler Training at 905.634.6577. If you prefer, you can email me at [email protected]. I look forward to working with you and your group. Sincerely,

Paul Tindall Phoenix CoachingWorks Inc. & Sandler Training

PS: Skeptical? OK, I deserve that. But, I’m ready too. How about I send you a copy of my Special Report: “Why Compliance is the Key to Multi-Million Dollar Success” with my compliments? It will expose you to some of my top business building secrets. Just email us at [email protected]. We’ll put it in your inbox right away. PPS: We guarantee your satisfaction. If Paul’s presentation is not one of the most compelling you have ever heard, it is free. In fact, I will make a donation to your favourite charity just for putting up with me. The risk is all ours.