Paula Berlanga García 1A bachillerato Modern Science.

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Transcript of Paula Berlanga García 1A bachillerato Modern Science.

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  • Paula Berlanga Garca 1A bachillerato Modern Science.
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  • 1. Determining the problem or question. 2.Development of a hypothesis 3. Design an experiment to test the hypothesis. 5. Draw Conclusions from your data. 4.Conduct the experiment and collect the data. Paula Berlanga Garca Modern Science 2014 3
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  • 1. Determining the problem or question. My house has been invaded by mice. I had already saw 2 mouses in the kitchen. I had been searching and the easiest method to eliminate this animal is bying a mousetrap.In those instruments i should put some cheese,and my problem is.What type of cheese i should put to trap all mice in the shortest time? Paula Berlanga Garca Modern Science 2014 4
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  • 2.Development of a hypothesis The favourite food of mice is cheese,so i decided to try different type of cheese (explain in step n3). I think that all mice will go to eat the cheese which its odour is stronger,because it will attrack their attention. So in this case the matured cheese. Paula Berlanga Garca Modern Science 2014 5
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  • 3. Design an experiment to test the hypothesis I decided to use three types of cheese to attrack the mice attenction: 1.Matured cheese (queso curado) 2.Semi-matured cheese (queso semicurado) 3.Blue cheese I will put the mousetrap in the same place in my kitchen,the same time with each type of cheese (2days-48hours).In this experiment my experimental variable will be the 3 types of cheese, and my control variable the mousetrap without cheese. Fixed Values Experimental variable Control Variable Paula Berlanga Garca Modern Science 2014 6
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  • 4.Conduct the experiment and collect the data Y-Number of mouse killed X-Experimental variable Control variable Paula Berlanga Garca Modern Science 2014 7
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  • 5. Draw Conclusions from your data. Tasting the blue cheese, 1 mouse was eliminated, with the cheese curds 4, with ripenese cheese 3 and without any type 0 mice (they dont even get closer the mousetrap because there wasnt food) So my hypothesis was wrong,looking to my data mice would go to the cheese wichs odour is soft, because the smell is not so strong so they doesnt get scary. Paula Berlanga Garca Modern Science 2014 8