Paula Andrea Castro Please check this | MC Applicant … are the global trends that will shape...

Paula Andrea Castro | MC Applicant oGIP 15/16 Getting to Know Who am I? Please check this video

Transcript of Paula Andrea Castro Please check this | MC Applicant … are the global trends that will shape...

Paula Andrea Castro| MC Applicant oGIP 15/16

Getting to KnowWho am I?

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1. What are the global trends that will shape AIESEC Globally and AIESEC in Hungary in 2015- 2016? How will you capitalize on it ?

I. Information Era : The world is facing drasticchanges minute by minute, what is nowtendency, tomorrow will not.

- 2013: Harlem Shake- 2014: Ice bucket challenge- 2015: golden-white/black-blue dress.

With our current technology, people areconstantly informed in a massive wayII. Revolutions and startup era leaded by youngpeople: The Arab Spring or the Ukrainemanifestation was leaded by young people usingsocial media networks like Twitter to expressnon-conformism with the governments. Thegeneration Y 1980-90 recognized that is better tocreate their own business than be an employer.III. The BRICS and new international tradeagreements: The emerging countries know thatwith strong international relationships they caninclude in the government educational plan,political and cultural facts in the agenda.


EXPA: disregarding all the issues it currently has, EXPA is designed to be easy to use and understand by everyone. It is useful as the main enabler for every young student who wants to take any internship or be part of

AIESEC and should be internally used as we currently use Facebook or Gmail/GDocs.

GCDP – GIP : Make more self-aware students and professionals.

This two programs have to be a necessity for all the students that have access to higher education. We have to understand that without an outer and inner journey we can’t grow as humans that take decisions for the world. We have to be develop ourselves as leaders because the world requires

this from us.

Within the next 5 years AIESEC in Hungary needs young leadership.

The entity has all the possibilities to become a Global Youth Voice in the country and a Model Nation for the network, representing not only in

CEE, but in the whole world. Hungary can demonstrate that is an

entity that changes realities.

The next generation of Hungarians have to make the AIESEC Programs a first choice partner in their careers, the companies, in the government and education inside a country that

needs this kind of youth.

2. What does youth leadership means to you, what is it relevance in thecontext of 2015/2016 for AIESEC &Hungary?Explanation of AIESEC to a 10 years old kid: Do you remember when I took the

candy from your hands? Leaders have the same feeling. You feel frustrated orempowered to take the candy and enjoy it. I’m pushing you to take the candy,because is yours. I’m the world and you are a leader: take the world because isyours and enjoy to be part of it.For me youth leadership is about excellence made by simplicity. When theleaders understand that the world need decisions and courage to changerealities, they make simply solutions. Right now, when we are 18-30 years old,we have the energy, the curiosity and the (mental and physical) humanresources for making things in an excellent manner.

3. How AIESEC in Hungary will look like in 30th of June of 2016? Actually this is how AIESEC in Hungary will look by June 29 since is the day that I was born and I want this for Hungary in all the programs:

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June 29 of 2016:

TMP – TLPStrong Team and time

management inside the local realities. More number of EB

members inside the LCs. Growth in the retention rate of the memberships, because everyone has a clear JD and everyone contributes to one

goal. The Number of IXP inside the country is more

than 45%

IGCDPPartnerships with the

government and startups for making the IGCDP experience the most complete experience for our interns. Making Across Hungary: a program for all the

interns who wants to travel for 6 months inside the country and

visit week by week different cities impacting more lives and

increasing the numbers of experiences inside the LCs

OGCDPWith a strong Universities’ relationships and excellent

finance management, the LCs could promote discounts for all the membership. The students

understand that they have to be part of AIESEC in the country of their internship, participating in

all the global villages and conferences that AIESEC has. This

increases the awareness of our number of internships.

IGIP Consolidate all the companies who are partners of AIESEC in

Hungary with a strong CRM, for continuing with the relations.

Strong Alumni network promotion and events for promoting short or

long terms startups to the network. Hungary is attractive for international interns, so in 2016

the startups and national partners should open more internships,

not only in CEE.

OGIPFor all the professionals and

bachelors exist a huge possibility to apply in the IR that Hungary

consolidated in this term. Brazil, Germany, Colombia, Malaysia are new partners for the Hungarian

profiles. Strong relationships with Universities and Alumni

companies. Strong MKT and multiple events to promote GIP

in Hungary as a option to strenght the student’s CV.

4. What are the most important values in life? How are they connected to your motivation for running to MC

and how they are connected with the AIESEC values?

Honesty: One of the strongest messages that my familygave me happened when I was 6 and I tried to lie . Mymom didn't speak to me for a week, and at the end shesimply said when you don't tell the truth you looseeverything, friends and credibility. For that reason I’malways honest with my words. In the MC I think is neededto always tell the truth as a team and as friends. For mehonesty represents our AIESEC Value DemonstratingIntegrity, because without the truth and integrity we aredeveloping the leaders the country needs in a wrong way.

Excellence: I’m the kind of person who hatemediocrity. I cannot accept myself doing a task just tofinish it and no more. I always prefer to do more andbetter. The GEN2015 needs to work in the next 5years with excellence and professionalism insideeverything we do, because we want to change theworld and this job is a serious work. For that reasonthe AIESEC value is Striving for Excellence: we areagents of change and we have to do everything thatis possible to achieve the best results in the best way.

Bravery: Everyone can be a leader, the difference isthat the people who take risks are the people who havesuccess and change realities. We have to starttransforming our imagination and dreams into realities,doesn't matter the cost, without that we cant engageand develop every young person in the world! That'swhat the MC need. When you take the risk to empowermore people to follow the same idea this is when youstart Activating Leadership within your peers.

5.How do you want to see yourself in 5 years from now and how your possible MC term contributes to reach that? What do you believe to be your Role in the world ?

In 5 years I plan myself to be part of UN WOMEN helping in huge startup projects for equal rights across the globe. In Colombia I want to see myself continue with my startup and giving more employments in my country. The Mc term contribute me to work one more year for increase

more leaders and global network, also working for human rights and learning about Humane resources and team management. These facts contribute myself to apply all this knowledge's in my own startup and contribute in politics with strong NGO´s , for that reason I study Law and

AIESEC contribute to me to discover my passion: Human rights.

. 6. What is the leadership that you want to represent as an MC member ( in your everyday life)? Leadership [lee-der-ship] The position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group:

He managed to maintain his leadership of the party despite heavy·di·vid·u·al:(^"AIESEC“): Of or relating to an individual, especially a single human. WITH AIESEC IS A SINGLE BUT SPECIAL HUMAN.

The type of leadership that I want to represent is an individual who enables the possibility to guide persons. If I could change in one day one life imagine how many lives we could change together in 1 year. I want to be the guide.

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8. What are the 3 key development points that needs to be done for what you have described above?

7. When would you say AIESEC in Hungary achieved 2015? Please, define concrete results as well

Strong TM and retention rate:Clarity of the why!

AIESEC in Hungary has within its membership all the energy and all the excellence in the

people who wants to join AIESEC. We need to start changing the mindset that the ELD

Programs are complicated to sale and grow. With simple ideas and talent capacity

education we can growth as never before. Ask yourself… Why I’m here?

Legacy2014 was the year to discover all the potential that our market has, with

strong standards and SALES education our commissions can achieve not only a growth with no precedent during the

term. The next 5 years AIESEC in Hungary can change more than 600

lives and engage more than 2000 internships experiences.

9. What will be the role of AIESEC in Hungary in the global AIESEC network and externally in Hungary? How will it contribute to be growth in the ELD programs?

TMP –TLP 800 - 450


OGCDP: 800



Hungary as a Model Nation: With the empower of the young people inside

AIESEC, Hungary in the next 5 years will be prepared for being the country that leads innovation in

technology, education with social responsibility and open trade market with ASIA and Latin America

inside CEE, having the strongest ALUMNI network.

AIESEC in Hungary will represent the GCPs in the International cooperation's for ICX and OGX short and long terms exchanges with continuity for the next 5 years. The

reality of the entity with the knowledge of team minimums and use of IT Tools has to be strong. The conferences and

events of AIESEC in Hungary provides to all the CEE entities with excellent FACIs and TM coaching and education.

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Alumni-GIP-GCDP CRM : Permanent Innovation All the LCs must have to start selling both ICX and

OGX because AIESEC is only one. If we keep a quality-driven CRM process and achieve strong

partnerships with the universities, companies and Alumni network as GCPs , the GIP/GCDP programs

will be enormously strengthen. Understanding our programs and how to sell them has to be the focus for the gen2015 key drivers, according also

with the AI goals.

10. Analyze the current state of OGIP in the country and define the 3 Biggest limits of growth. ( Please during the analysis take into the consideration the impact of the program in Hungary, the product development process, the numerical results and the LC´s performance).

I. First of all, oGIP in Hungary has a loop hole in the why of oGIP and its relevance inside the LCs.Without a strong Sales programme our membership won’t understand the value of making GIP.Similarly the IXP program is not visible as a opportunity for the membership.

II. Tier 1 LCs have all the potential to do more. 2014 was a year for growing the interest in peopleand we need this year to grow stronger. We can also find other limitations with the Universities’relationships (Financial cooperation and events in a massive way) to promote in the program, aswell as the International Relations (cooperations) and the focus to increase the number ofrealizations is very slow and not permanent. The Tier 2 and Tier 3 LCs need a stronger coachingfor sales and how to improve public relations within their universities.

III. The reality of oGIP also is the EP LOOP HOLES. Without EP managers and the understanding ofthis our flow this programme realizations are going to still be very slow.

111. Propose 3 growth strategies for the next term taking into consideration the quality and the talent capacity management

The best way to engage more people with our programmes is with an excellent relation with the universities. We have to start talking with the directors and look for agreements that include benefits for both parts. As a MC member I will coach the VPs and their teams in order to make agreements that boost the LC’s performance. The benefits are: - Stands inside the campus every week - Showcasing the university and the international experience its students are having abroad.- Sharing databases for promoting our programmes in the official emails.- Partnership with the Graduate associations.- Increase the image and the number of realizations for the LC.

This is the solution for increasing Matching. The same person who makes the interview, is the person who has the IR for her/his EP and who has constantly communication.This strategy makes possible to find the correct internship in less than 40 days.

This program is for all the VPs and team leaders who need to start being AIESEC sellers within the LCs. The programme consists of 6 months of strong training and practice inside the local environment. Without good time and team management is very challenging to increase our realizations.Why? Because if our memberships don't have any idea why we make Professional internships and how, selling and increasing the LCs performance is not possible. Soft skills training and coaching has to be a priority for all the LCVPs and their members. This program apply not only for oGIP, also for our focus program in 2015 : OGCDP.

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12. What do you think what is the biggest implementation challengue of national growth strategies in the country on oGIP? How would overcome that? Please define strategies and initiatives

Short Term experiences: Between LC-LC is possible to sale to startups projects and international companies, AIESEC partnerships inside our IR in order to increase MKT and teaching experiences , this could be increase

by Local Summons with DDL in summer .

Long Term Experiences: 2014 was the year for increasing the number of interest people for take a professional internship, the idea is to have all the years the same or more internships opportunities.IGIP in Hungary is strong, we have to start using these companies and make agreements with young employers, including our Alumni network that can cooperate creating conferences for students or graduate who wants a professional internship .

AIESEC EP’s portfolios: With a strong and impactful physical and virtual portfolios within all the AIESEC Conferences and worldwide partnerships that the MC and our delegates have, we can show our talent and the

excellent profiles AIESEC in Hungary has to all the IGIP commissions.HANDBYHAND cooperation's for increase IXP program and CEED´s for our network in our International Relations

(the team leaders inside oGIP department could be part of this also ) .

13. How would you ensure that AIESEC in Hungary gives quality opportunities for all of its costumers which means that all of the participants can live leadership experience on oGIP program in 2015-16?

In the beginning of our new customer flow, the EP managers and the hole team have to be very clear about the opportunities available for the EP’s profile. The team has to accept only the people who has the correct profile for the TN. Prepare the CVs before the people the process is IN PROGRESS.

If it has been 3 weeks and the EP haven’t had any interview with a company, that EP must become the focus for the team. MACTH RATE: 40 DAYS.EPIC: has to be the Conference for resolving all these loop holes. If the new EPs and interested people attend attractive sessions here, they will be more motivated

apply more and faster and also we can promote IXP experiences for all the Alumni network and the members inside the committees. For good or bad the universities have no clear image of our professional internships. With a strong showcasing inside the universities and companies

of the Alumni Network, we can promote the best experiences among our EPs. Salary and hosting is needed for any realization. We should focus in this kind of internships (more impact)

Returnees Program: For complete and full leadership experience is necessary that we showcase all the EPs who have taken exchange experiences and motivate them to join the organization. The follow-up of the experiences has to be a focus for the team all the months ( Tracking of experiences)

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14. How do you imagine the cooperation with other functional areas in the next term? Please mention all the areas you would like to have cooperation with, and propose exact project with a draft timeline with all of them






MKT and TM must be in 2015/2016 the strongest partners for oGIP. AIESEC in Hungary has the potential to increase in social media networks. All the spaces and places where AIESEC has growth until now is due our brand

and the strong message we have for the Global Talent Product.I personally believe that the Marketing strategy has to be within each

member of the LC, in each University, home and social interaction.

TM: These two areas have to be the focus for implementing the ELD model correctly within the national reality. We need to start to promote and

customize the IXP program in our actual membership and our strong Alumni network. With coaching month per month , we have a excellent sellers and CRM for our returnees

OGX as a one: The priority for 2015 is oGCDP. oGIP can contribute creating long term experiences for students that want to join a long internship. Also, if the MC coaches the LCVPs OGX, both programs can grow in a

100% ratio.

15. If you could change only 1 thing on the area what would that be? Why? How would you change it ?

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oGIP is still considered in the AIESEC Network as a programme

with a low volume of experiences. Is because of that reason the

mindset of the members inside the LCs doesn’t change and grow,

where oGIP is still considered is hard and boring to sale GIP

programme to students.

The AIESEC Network has to start increasing the volume of

cooperation's, considering the reality of the entities :

1. EP with good English 2. Full Supply for Undergraduate –

Graduate programs and the necessities of those individuals.

WHY? Because of the way @ considers a MA, the students and potential exchange participants don’t consider a good option to

join AIESEC or have a role inside the organization. The value of this programme is undiscovered. GCDP is a fast programme in

everything and Global Citizen is sold in a massively, why not oGIP?




Nothing is more special that feeling accompanied in your

exchange process. We have to make support more our EPs

through the whole process. The person who interviews is the same person who is going to

train the EP before and after the experience.

oGIP is one of the best functional areas for sales developing. The TLs and TMs have to have clear that they are the individuals that are going to convince teachers and students of the country to sale the professional talent of Hungary.

GIP has grown with no precedence. Hungary have to know

how to cooperate (LC-LC Cooperations). The MC should achieve agreements with

sectors like short-term projects and startups. The embassies have to be our focus in order to facilitate this kind of

internships (more impact).

For good or bad the universities has no clear image of our professional internships. With a strong

showcasing inside the universities and companies of the Alumni Network, we can promote the best experiences among our EPs. Salary and

hosting is needed for any realization. We should focus in this kind of

internships (more impact)

GLOBAL Professional is valuable. No one brings this kind of experiences. For that reason we have to bring to each classroom, social network, national and local companies and to the different stakeholders our value proposition. We have to customized our MKT, our summons and calling manias, our ATL and BTL.

This has to be our focus for 2015. We

cannot accept a personif he/she doesn’t have all the

requirements or if we don’t have appropriate offers to show that person. With excellent guidance

and right expectations alignment, the number of days to concrete a

match should be 40 days.

EPIC (Exchange Participant Integration Conference) is one of the most important events in the OGX Flow. We have to start making more

customized sessions and inviting external facilitators in order to make more

attractive the conference. Similar to Y2B but focused in Outgoing


Revolution: We have to start using our sales skills inside the universities’ events, stands, summons or other promotion opportunities. GLOBAL Professional must be a necessity for the students and for the universities.

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