Patrick Lazarevič, M.A. – Curriculum Vitae*1 · AsofMay7th,2018 [email protected]...

Patrick Lazarevič, M.A. Curriculum Vitae B [email protected] As of May 7th, 2018 General Information Born 17.09.1988 in Dinslaken Citizenship German Educational Status Master of Arts Sociology Scientific Education Doctoral Studies Since April 2015 TU Dortmund University in Dortmund, Germany Department Institute für Soziologie [Institute of Sociology] Working Title Methodological Difficulties in the Examination of Age(ing) (MeDEA) Supervisor Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt Graduate Research Trainee 10/2017–03/2018 McGill University in Montréal, Canada Department International Research Infrastructure on Social Inequalities in Health Supervisor Prof. Dr. Amélie Quesnel-Vallée Master of Arts Sociology WiSe 2012/2013 – SuSe 2014 University of Duisburg-Essen in Duisburg, Germany Main emphasis: Advanced research methods in the social sciences 28.10.2014 Master’s thesis Advisors Prof. Dr. Petra Stein & Prof. Dr. Anja Steinbach Title Religiosität und Gender Ideologies: Eine Untersuchung des Einflusses von Religiosität auf Geschlechterrollenbilder [Religiosity and Gender Ideologies: An Examination of the Influence of Religiosity on Attitudes Towards Gender Roles] Thesis grade Very good (1.0) Final grade With distinction (1.0) Bachelor of Arts Sociology WiSe 2009/2010 – SuSe 2012 University of Duisburg-Essen in Duisburg, Germany Main emphasis: Research methods in the social sciences 14.01.2013 Bachelor’s thesis Advisors Prof. Dr. Anja Steinbach & Anne Keßler, M.A. Title Die ’Intergenerational Stake Hypothese’: Eine Überprüfung anhand neuer Daten [The ’Inter- generational Stake Hypothesis’: An Examination with New Data] Thesis grade Very good (1.3) Final grade Very good (1.5) 1

Transcript of Patrick Lazarevič, M.A. – Curriculum Vitae*1 · AsofMay7th,2018 [email protected]...

Page 1: Patrick Lazarevič, M.A. – Curriculum Vitae*1 · AsofMay7th,2018 GeneralInformation Born 17.09.1988inDinslaken Citizenship German EducationalStatus

Patrick Lazarevič,M.A.Curriculum Vitae

B [email protected] of May 7th, 2018

General InformationBorn 17.09.1988 in Dinslaken

Citizenship GermanEducational Status Master of Arts Sociology

Scientific EducationDoctoral Studies

Since April 2015 TU Dortmund University in Dortmund, GermanyDepartment Institute für Soziologie [Institute of Sociology]Working Title Methodological Difficulties in the Examination of Age(ing) (MeDEA)Supervisor Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt

Graduate Research Trainee10/2017–03/2018 McGill University in Montréal, Canada

Department International Research Infrastructure on Social Inequalities in HealthSupervisor Prof. Dr. Amélie Quesnel-Vallée

Master of Arts SociologyWiSe 2012/2013 – SuSe

2014University of Duisburg-Essen in Duisburg, GermanyMain emphasis: Advanced research methods in the social sciences

28.10.2014 Master’s thesisAdvisors Prof. Dr. Petra Stein & Prof. Dr. Anja Steinbach

Title Religiosität und Gender Ideologies: Eine Untersuchung des Einflusses von Religiosität aufGeschlechterrollenbilder [Religiosity and Gender Ideologies: An Examination of the Influenceof Religiosity on Attitudes Towards Gender Roles]

Thesis grade Very good (1.0)Final grade With distinction (1.0)

Bachelor of Arts SociologyWiSe 2009/2010 –

SuSe 2012University of Duisburg-Essen in Duisburg, GermanyMain emphasis: Research methods in the social sciences

14.01.2013 Bachelor’s thesisAdvisors Prof. Dr. Anja Steinbach & Anne Keßler, M.A.

Title Die ’Intergenerational Stake Hypothese’: Eine Überprüfung anhand neuer Daten [The ’Inter-generational Stake Hypothesis’: An Examination with New Data]

Thesis grade Very good (1.3)Final grade Very good (1.5)


Page 2: Patrick Lazarevič, M.A. – Curriculum Vitae*1 · AsofMay7th,2018 GeneralInformation Born 17.09.1988inDinslaken Citizenship German EducationalStatus

Professional ExperienceResearch Associate

Since 04/2018 Research associate in ERC Consolidator Grant projectProject Levels and Trends of Health Expectancy: Understanding itsMeasurement and Estimation Sen-

sitivity (LETHE)Head Dr. Marc Luy

Institution Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna Institute of Demography11/2014–12/2017 Research associate at chair

Chair Social Structure & Sociology of Aging Societies, Institute for SociologyProf. Dr. Martina Brandt

Institution TU Dortmund University in Dortmund, GermanyTeaching Experience

SuSe 2016 & 2017 Seminar: ’Vertiefung: Quantitative Methoden’ [Specialization: Quantitative Methods]TU Dortmund University: Master study program ’Alternde Gesellschaften’ [Aging Societies].

SuSe 2016 & 2017 Supplemental tutorial: ’Vertiefung: Quantitative Methoden’ [Specialization: QuantitativeMethods]TU Dortmund University: Master study program ’Alternde Gesellschaften’ [Aging Societies].

WiSe 2016 Seminar: ’Empirische Analysen’ [Empirical Analyses]TU Dortmund University: Master study program ’Alternde Gesellschaften’ [Aging Societies].

WiSe 2015/2016 Seminar: ’Ausgewählte Themen der Alter(n)sforschung’ [Selected Issues of the Examinationof Age(ing)]TU Dortmund University: Master study program ’Alternde Gesellschaften’ [Aging Societies].

WiSe 2015/2016 Seminar: ’Sozialstruktur’ [Social Structure]TU Dortmund University: Bachelors ’Journalistik’ [Journalism], ’Lehramt Sozialwis-senschaften’ [Lectureship in Social Sciences], ’Angewandte Kulturwissenschaften’ [AppliedCultural Sciences].

WiSe 2014/2015 Seminar: ’Ausgewählte Themen der Soziologie alternder Gesellschaften’ [Selected Issues ofthe Sociology of Aging Societies]TU Dortmund University: Master study program ’Alternde Gesellschaften’ [Aging Societies].

Projects & Funding05/2018 – 06/2018 “Non-Health-Related Influences on Generic Health Ratings: Comparing the Susceptibility

of Self-Rated Health (SRH) and the Minimum European Health Module (MEHM) to BiasesDue to Optimism, Hypochondriasis, and Social Desirability”.

Type of funding Inclusion of questionnaire module in PUMA online survey (peer reviewed)Foundation/Funder Plattform für Umfragen,Methoden und Empirische Analysen [Platform for Surveys, Methods

and Empirical Analyses] (PUMA)Principal Investigator Patrick Lazarevič, M.A.01/2017 – 12/2017 “Wahrheit oder Bericht? Die Messung von Gesundheit im Rahmen vergleichender Analysen”

[Truth or Hot Air? Health Measurement in Comparative Analyses].Type of funding One year research grant (peer reviewed)

Foundation/Funder Mercator Research Center Ruhr (MERCUR)Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt


Page 3: Patrick Lazarevič, M.A. – Curriculum Vitae*1 · AsofMay7th,2018 GeneralInformation Born 17.09.1988inDinslaken Citizenship German EducationalStatus

Awards and Scholarships10/2017 – 03/2018 Scholarship: Six-month foreign exchange scholarship for doctoral students for a research visit

at McGill University in Montréal, Canada.Advisor Prof. Dr. Amélie Quesnel-Vallée

Foundation/Funder Deutscher Akademischer Austautschdienst [German Academic Exchange Service] (DAAD) .11/2017 Award: Emerging Scholar Award at the 7th Interdisciplinary Conference and the Aging and

Society Research Network.11/2014 Award: ’Studienpreis’ [Study Price] from Sparkasse Duisburg for outstanding study perfor-

mance.10/2011 – 09/2014 Scholarship: ’Deutschlandstipendium’ for students.

PublicationsChapter Lazarevič, Patrick, 2018: Ausgezeichnet, sehr gut, gut, mittelmäßig, schlecht: Theoretische

Konzepte und empirische Befunde zur Erhebung des allgemeinen Gesundheitszustandes beiälteren und alten Menschen [Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Bad: Theoretical Conceptsand Empirical Findings Regarding the Investigation of the General Health Status of Olderand Old Respondents]. In: Martina Brandt, Jennifer Fietz, Sarah Hampel, Judith Kaschowitz,Patrick Lazarevic, Monika Reichert & Veronique Wolter (Eds.): Methoden der empirischenAlter(n)sforschung [Methods in the Empirial Research on Age(ing)]. Weinheim: Beltz (forth-coming).

Chapter Patrick Lazarevič, Steinbach, Anja & Johannes Kopp, 2017: Im Auge des Betrachters? Einedyadische Untersuchung der ’Intergenerational Stake Hypothese’ und Implikationen für dieForschungspraxis [In the Eye of the Beholder? A Dyadic Examination of the ’Intergenera-tional Stake Hypothesis’ and Implications for Research Practice]. In: Stephan Lessenich (Ed.):GeschlosseneGesellschaften: Verhandlungen des 38. Kongresses derDeutschenGesellschaftfür Soziologie in Bamberg 2016 [Closed Societies: Proceedings of the 38th Congress of theGerman Sociological Association in Bamberg 2016].

Article Steinbach, Anja, Johannes Kopp&Patrick Lazarevič, 2017: Divergent Perceptions of Intergen-erational Relationships: What Implications, If Any? Journal of Family Studies (forthcoming).DOI: 10.1080/13229400.2016.1269659.

Chapter Brandt, Martina, Judith Kaschowitz & Patrick Lazarevič, 2016: Gesundheit im Alter: EinÜberblick über den Stand der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung [Health in Older Age: ALiterature Review for the Social Sciences]. In: Monika Jungbauer-Gans & Peter Kriwy(Eds.): Handbuch Gesundheitssoziologie [Handbook of the Sociology of Health]. Wiesbaden:Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-06477-8.

Article Kümmerling, Angelika & Patrick Lazarevič, 2016: Die Erhebungspraxis und Berechnungvon Maßzahlen in der Arbeitszeitforschung: Über die Gefahr von Artefakten durch unter-schiedliche Messkonzepte und Berechnungsmethoden [Measurement Practice and Calcula-tion in Working Time Research: The Danger of Artifacts Due to Differing Measurement Con-cepts and Methods of Calculation]. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft 70 (1): 46–54. DOI:10.1007/s41449-016-0005-z.


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Presentations (* scheduled)October 2018

Oral PresentationLazarevič, Patrick: Rating Health and Rating Change: How Canadians Rate Their Health andIts Changes. Cracow: Mid-TermConference of the Research Network Quantitative Methods(RN21) of the European Sociological Association (ESA).*

October 2018Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: FeelingWhat You Know or KnowingWhat You Feel: The Role of Diagnosesand Biomarkers in the Subjective Rating of Health. Cracow: Mid-Term Conference of theResearch Network Quantitative Methods (RN21) of the European Sociological Association(ESA).*

September 2018Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Biases in Assessing Subjective Health? How Non Health-Related FactorsAffect Health Ratings. Brno: 4th Mid-Term Conference of the Research Network Ageing inEurope (RN01) of the European Sociological Association (ESA).*

July 2018Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Biological Influences on Health-Ratings: The Relationship of Biomarkersand Self-Rated Health and How It Differs Across Groups. Toronto: 19th World Congress ofSociology of the International Sociological Association (ISA).*

July 2018Poster Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Changes in Health but not in the General Evaluation? The Sensitivity ofSelf-Rated Health to Changes. Lyon: European Congress of Epidemiology International Epi-demiological Association (IEA).*

July 2018Poster Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Biological Influences on Health-Ratings: The Relationship of Biomarkersand Self-Rated Health and How It Differs Across Groups. Lyon: European Congress of Epi-demiology of the International Epidemiological Association (IEA).*

June 2018Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick & Amélie Quesnel-Vallée: Education and Self-Rated Health: Is EducationShaping Health Inequalities by Influencing How People Rate (Changes in) Their Health? Lis-bon: 17th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Health and Medical Sociology(ESHMS).*

May/June 2018Poster Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Self-Rated Health as Generic Health Measurement? Identifying theHealth Information Used and the Role of Gender, Age, and Country. Ann Arbor: Reves@30:Past, Present, and Future Trends in Population Health.*

November 2017Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick &Martina Brandt: Explaining Self-Rated Health: Do Age-Groups and Peo-ple from European Countries Differ in How They Rate Their Health? Berkeley: 7th Interdis-ciplinary Conference and the Aging and Society Research Network.

September 2017Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick &Martina Brandt: Diverging Ideas of Health? Explanatory Factors for Self-Rated Health Across Gender & Age-Groups in Europe. Athens: 13th Conference of the Eu-ropean Sociological Association (ESA).

July 2017Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Satisficing and Errors in Reporting Pensions: How Do Difficulty, Ability,and Motivation Influence the Errors in Reporting Pensions Due to Old Age? Lisbon: 7th Con-ference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA).

July 2017Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Rating Your Health: Examining Differential Item Functioning and Non-Health-Related Factors in Self-Ratings of Health. Lisbon: 70th Annual Conference of theWorld Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR).

May 2017Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Can Difficulty, Ability, and Motivation Explain Measurement Errors? Us-ing the Theory Satisficing to Explain Measurement Errors in Old Age Pensions. New Or-leans: 72nd Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research(AAPOR).

May 2017Poster Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Differential Item Functioning and Non-Health-Related Factors Due toAge in Self-Ratings of Health: Evidence from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirementin Europe. New Orleans: 72nd Annual Conference of the American Association for PublicOpinion Research (AAPOR).


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April 2017Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Can Satisficing Explain Measurement Errors? Using Difficulty, Ability,and Motivation to Explain Measurement Errors in Pensions Due to Old Age. Mannheim:Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung der DeutschenGesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS).

March 2017Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Methodological Difficulties in the Examination of Age(ing): The Influenceof Methodological Artifacts in the Examination of Age(ing) Using the Example of Self-RatedHealth. Institutskolloquium des Vienna Institute of Demography.

November 2016Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick & Laura Unsöld: To What Extend Do Subjective Obstacles Influence Men(and Women) on Starting a Family? Louvain-la-Neuve: 42nd Quetelet Conference: Men’sPerspective in Unions, Fertility and Parenthood.

November 2016Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Measurement Errors Due to Old Age? An Examination of Age-SpecificMeasurement Errors Utilizing SHARE-RV.Munich: Workshop on the Survey of Health, Age-ing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE).

October 2016Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Reporting Your Pension: Determining the Role of Age-Specific Measure-ment Error in Reporting Pensions by Using Administrative Data. Nicosia: Midterm Confer-ence of ESA RN 21: Data Quality in Quantitative Research.

September 2016Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick, Johannes Kopp & Anja Steinbach: Im Auge des Betrachters? Einedyadische Untersuchung der ‚Intergenerational Stake Hypothese‘ und Implikationen für dieForschungspraxis [In the Eye of the Beholder? A Dyadic Examination of the ’Intergenera-tional Stake Hypothesis’ and Implications for the Research Practice]. Bamberg: 38. Kongressder Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS).

September 2016Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Reporting Your Pension: Determining the Role of Age-Specific Measure-ment Error in Reporting Pensions by Using Administrative Data. Leicester: 9th InternationalConference on Social Science Methodology.

September 2016Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Rating Your Health: An Examination of Non-Health-Related Factors andDifferential Item Functioning in the Self-Rating of Health. Leicester: 9th International Con-ference on Social Science Methodology.

July 2016Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Rating Your Health: An Examination of Non-Health-Related Factors andDifferential ItemFunctioning in the Self-Rating ofHealth. Wien: 3rd ISAForumof Sociology.

July 2016Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Die Bewertung der Gesundheit: Eine Untersuchung von nicht gesundheits-bezogenen Einflüssen und alterspezifischem Antwortverhalten bei der subjektiven Selbstein-schätzung der Gesundheit [Health-Ratings: An Examination of Non-Health-Related Factorsand Age-Specific Response Styles in Subjective Self-Ratings of Health.]. Linz: Tagung Inno-vationen, Grenzen und Probleme sozialwissenschaftlicher Gesundheitsforschung.

June 2016Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Rating Your Health: An Examination of Non-Health-Related Factors andDifferential Item Functioning in the Self-Rating of Health. Geneva: 16th Biennal Congress ofthe European Society for Health and Medical Sociology.

October 2015Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick: Religiosität und Gender Ideologies: Eine Untersuchung des Einflusses vonReligiösität auf Geschlechterrollenbilder [Religiosity and Gender Ideologies: An Examinationof the Influence of Religiosity on Attitudes Towards Gender Roles]. Tübingen: 5. Studentis-cher Soziologiekongress.

March 2015Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick, Johannes Kopp & Anja Steinbach: Im Auge des Betrachters? Einedyadische Untersuchung der ‚Intergenerational Stake Hypothese‘ und Implikationen für dieForschungspraxis [In the Eye of the Beholder? ADyadic Examination of the ’IntergenerationalStake Hypothesis’ and Implications for the Research Practice]. Bremen: Frühjahrstagung derSektionMethoden der empirischen Sozialforschung derDeutschenGesellschaft für Soziologie(DGS).


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September 2014Oral Presentation

Kümmerling, Angelika & Patrick Lazarevič: Gegenwart und Zukunft der Arbeitszeitmessung:Praxis der Messung und Verwendung von Maßzahlen [Present and Future of Working TimeMeasurement: Measurement Practice and Use of Derived Statistics]. Dortmund: 2. Sympo-sium der Arbeitszeitgesellschaft.

September 2014Poster Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick & Laura Unsöld: The Influence of Subjective Obstacles for a Family Foun-dation: Which Obstacles Prevent Family Foundations, and to what Extent? Köln: 4th Inter-national pairfam Conference on ’Linked’ Life Course Transitions and Family Outcomes.

February 2014Poster Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick & Laura Unsöld: Kinder ja, nur nicht heute: Relevanz und Prävalenz sub-jektiver Hindernisse junger Männer bezüglich der Familiengründung [Children Yes, but NotToday: Relevance and Prevalence of Subjective Obstacles of Men Regarding Family Forma-tion]. Berlin: 6. Konferenz für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten.

October 2013Oral Presentation

Lazarevič, Patrick & Laura Unsöld: Neue Väter braucht das Land: Eine explorative Unter-suchung der Hindernisse einer Vaterschaft [The Country Needs New Men: An ExplorativeExamination of Obstacles for Fatherhood]. Bamberg: 4. studentischer Soziologiekongress.

Student Associate (University of Duisburg-Essen)Student Associate at Chair

10/2012 – 04/2013 Chair for ’Arbeit, Beruf und Organisation’ [Work, Occupation, and Organization]Chair Dr. Frank Kleemann

06/2011 – 08/2012 Chair for ’Sozialwissenschaftliche Methoden/Empirische Sozialforschung’ [Methodology ofthe Social Sciences/Empirical Social Research]

Chair Prof. Dr. Rainer SchnellProjects

02/2014 – 09/2014 Project: ’Gender Time Gaps’Institute for Work, Skills and Training (IAQ) - department Working Time and Work Organisa-tion (AZAO)

Principal Investigator Dr. Angelika Kümmerling05/2013 – 03/2014 Project: ’Qualitätsmerkmal ’Interkulturelle Kompetenz’?’ [Quality Attribute ’Intercultural

Competence’]Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Petra Stein05/2013 – 01/2014 Project: ’Interessenvertretung von Industrieangestellten’ [Representation of Interests for In-

dustry Personnel]Institute for Work, Skills and Training (IAQ) - department Working Time and Work Organisa-tion (AZAO)

Principal Investigator PD Dr. Thomas HaipeterTutorials

SuSe 2014 Tutor for research workshop ‚Partnerschaftsentwicklung und -gestaltung‘ [Formation and Or-ganization of Partnerships]

Teacher Prof. Dr. Petra Stein & Prof. Dr. Anja SteinbachWiSe 2013/2014 Project week tutor for project ’Der ‚Arbeitsmarkt‘ für Studierende’ [The Student Job Market]

(orientation week for first semester students)Teacher Dr. Frank Kleemann

WiSe 2011/2012 & WiSe2012/2013

E-Tutor for exercise ’Vergleichende Sozialstrukturanalyse: Theorien, Methoden und Befunde’[Comparative Social Structure Analysis: Theories, Methods, and Results]

Teacher Prof. Dr. Marcel Erlinghagen


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WiSe 2011/2012 Tutor for lecture ’Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung’ [Methodology of Empirical So-cial Research]

Teacher Prof. Dr. Rainer Schnell

Further experiencesVolunteering

11/2016–04/2018 Pflasterpass gGmbH ( Examination of Google Analytics data; conceptualization and analysis of a survey regarding

interest for educational videos about first aid for children aged 4–8Since 11/2016 Member of Data-for-Social-Good organization CorrelAid

( Data analyst

Internships12/2013 – 04/2014 Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI) of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation in Düssel-

dorf, Germany – department ’Empirische Strukturanalysen’ [Empirical Analysis of Structures]Advisors Helge Baumann &Wolfram Brehmer

Tasks Collaboration in the projects ’Effekte von Zielpersoneneffekten in der WSI-Betriebsrätebefragung’ [Effects of Switching the Target Person] and ’Erwerbsunter-brechungen durch Elternzeit’ [Employment Interruptions because of Parental Leave]

08/2011 – 10/2011 City of Dinslaken, Germany – department ’Jugendpflege’ [Youth Welfare]Advisor Miriam FengelsTasks Elaboration of the ’Jugendförderplan’ [Plan for the Advancement of Young People] for the city

of DinslakenCivilian Service

08/2008 – 05/2009 Albert-Schweitzer-Einrichtung für psychisch Kranke [Albert-Schweitzer-Institution for theMentally Ill] in Dinslaken, GermanyOther

12/2010 – 06/2011 Interviewer at the ’Sozialwissenschaftliches Umfragezentrum’ [Social Scientific Survey Cen-ter] in Duisburg, Germany

08/2010 – 09/2010 Supervision of a holiday camp for ’Lebenshilfe Düsseldorf’

SoftwareAdvanced Level Stata, LATEX, SPSS/PASW, Microsoft Office, Open Office

Basic Level Google Analytics, LISREL, MLA, R

LanguagesGerman Native speakerEnglish Proficient user (≥ GER C1)

Affiliations/ MembershipsSections of Deutsche

Gesellschaft fürSoziologie (DGS)

[German SociologicalAssociation (GSA)]

Alter(n) und Gesellschaft [Age(ing) and Society], Familiensoziologie [Sociology of the Fam-ily], Medizin- und Gesundheitssoziologie [Sociology of Medicine and Health] &Methoden derempirischen Sozialforschung [Methods of Empirical Social Research]

Others American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), Research Network Aging &Society, CorrelAid e.V.