patricia02pd2018 Identity Portfolio

FOLHA de Sao Paulo FOLHA de Sao Paulo FOLHA reveals what happened with Norberto Geyerhahn after Dilma won Special Edition FOLHAShows the steps we take to make an article


portfolio, historical, narrative

Transcript of patricia02pd2018 Identity Portfolio

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de Sao Paulo

FOLHA reveals what happened with Norberto Geyerhahn after Dilma won

Special Edition

FOLHAShows the steps we

take to make an article

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FOLHAde Sao Paulo

By Patricia Geyerhahn

Cover.......................pageFamily Interview/ Historical Author's Note.............pageBibliography...............pageReflection.................pageBack

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FOLHAde Sao Paulo

This is the Geyerhahn and Amado family.

Norberto Geyerhahn is on the top of the tree and he is 60 years old. He is part

Austrian since his parents came from Vienna.

FAMILYThis is the Family Tree TREE

of Norberto Geyerhahn. This is up to his grandchildren, or our generation.

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FOLHAde Sao PauloFOLHAde Sao Paulo

Interview & Notes

Patricia Geyerhahn interview Norberto to get an idea of what happened that night. This are the notes she took during the interview.

TELL ME ABOUT THE 2010 ELECTIONDilma was elected36 presidents1st womanChef of staff4 Lula da SilvaBulgarianBello Orisonte1964fought against militaryHELP FROM LAST PRESIDENTDue to popularity wonDidn’t vote4 55%Have too vote

Did you read the newspaper?TV

Where were you?RioHomeVote na gavialVotedAlready knew that she would win

What time was it?After 9 u could already knowVotes in computer

How did this impact your life?Hoping Jose Voted for other Party Tucanos

What were you feeling at that time?Sad

Why?Cause Jose Serra would have been a better president.

Why do you think so?He doesn’t like the way they are running the countryVery leftishIt would be better for Brazil if he was the presidentTo the right party

What were you wearing?JeansT shirt

What Color?Dark blue

Where u eating anything?Pizza

Where you at your house?StudyTV

What show was it?GloboMost importantResults

Where you with anyone?No aloneSundayMaid was votingAloneWatched hole dayNews

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FOLHAde Sao PauloFOLHAde Sao Paulo

The truth what happened that day

Don’t Believe Whats TrueHave you ever known something and tried to make yourself not believe it? I have. That feeling of disbelief happened to me in 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on the 15th of November. I tried not to think about it and make myself not believe it. This morning the news paper came with some interesting news. The article was called ‘Dilma, will she win?’ and it said that there is a big chance that she would win. I couldn't believe my eyes.

∞ “Hello, this is La Tarantella Restaurant. How can I help you?” “I would like to order a large pepperoni with extra pepperoni, please?” “Of course, and where are we delivering it?” “ Numero 1234, Rua das Bandeirantes, Panamby.” “Yes, of course, our usual costumer, Norberto. Your pizza

will be delivered in about 10 minutes.” “Thank you very much.” I opened the fridge in my room and a climatic shock traveled through my body, which would have happened to anyone who is used to the hot weather of Rio. I grabbed a diet Coke and rushed to the study. I didn't want to miss the election results, even though I predicted that Dilma Rousseff would win. I turned the air con on as I went into the room, , I thought to myself putting my Coke down and sitting on the couch. I reached for the remote. DING! “Coming!” I shouted through the hallway. As I opened the glass door I could already smell the aroma of the pepperoni pizza, ‘Hummm’ I thought.

∞ I reached for the black and white control. I pressed the power button, a red light came

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FOLHAde Sao PauloFOLHAde Sao Paulo

from the TV, On it said.I clicked on the change channel button. Globo, the most important brazilian channel. “Good-evening Globo watchers, you have waited the whole the day to find out who is gonna win, what party will be victorious, but first let’s announce the candidates: José Serra and Dilma Rousseff, both running for the same spot, president of Brazil. Figure out who won, after the brake.” 8:58, I was chomping at the bit to discover who won. “And we are back with some interesting news,” Even thought the man spoke Portuguese he had a strong spanish accent. “The thing you have all been waiting for, the results,” my heart started pounding harder and harder with curiosity and excitement “and the winner,” my heart beating faster. “Of the 2010 brazilian election is,” my heart stopped for a second. “Dilma Rousseff,” now I felt nothing. No beating. No speed. That feeling stayed with me for so little, but I felt a

similar feeling, a sad angry feeling I couldn't describe. “Ladies and gentleman, the first woman president of Brazil!” I wanted to brake the TV. It seemed that the reporter knew that I was there, with my TV on, stuffing my body with rage. It seemed like he wanted to make me mad. I cant believe that she won by 55% AGANST José Serra. She was arrested one time for two years, she was not qualified for this position. Of curse I wanted to do something, but I couldn’t. I just hope that in 2014, she is not elected as the president.

Author's Note

This story is about Norberto Geyerhahn. He is about 60, and this happened on the day of the 2010 election. Dilma is the

current president of Brazil and she is 52 years old. He is not against woman presidents even thought it sounds like it in my text. Dilma has a history of

people not liking her but after the last president helped her she won.

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FOLHAde Sao PauloFOLHAde Sao Paulo

"Female Candidates Bid to Shake up Brazil Poll." Female Candidates Bid to Shake up Brazil Poll - Americas - Al Jazeera English. N.p., 05 Oct. 2012. Web. 10 Oct. 2012. <>.

"Dilma Rousseff." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Apr. 2012. Web. 04 Nov. 2012. <>.

"Brazilian General Election, 2010." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Oct. 2012. Web. 26 Aug. 2011. <,_2010>.

Bibliography Reflection

I learnt a lot from this project. One of the many things I learnt was that I have many family members I don’t know about. I think that doing this project was important because we got to know about our family history.I really enjoyed making the magazine because it was really fun to decorate something lots of people will see. I had to do this magazine in two days, that was challenging, but I tried to spend my free time doing it. I thing I am so much better at writing since my first pice. I would say to students next year to enjoy as much as they can and take notes as they go. That will help a lot.

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