Patricia Benner

I was reading the Patricia Benner book, and came across a section (which, annoyingly, I now can’t find) where it argued that for training people at the higher skill levels it is more appropriate to present them with details of real cases than simple examples concocted just for training purposes – gives them more to get their teeth into, so to speak. I’m reminded of a situation in a large company I worked for a few years ago. It had been decided that all developers needed training in object orientation. There was a great deal of experience and expertise in the office I was in, but nonetheless we all went along to a week of training sessions. The trainer turned out to be a bit of an evangelist (sing hallelujah) and considered it his duty to give us the good news of Test Driven Development. He was given quite a hard time, especially by a couple of the more experienced developers. This, to be fair, he took mostly in good humour; but I think he thought he was dealing with stubborn old- timers who were dismissing what he was saying out-of-hand because they just didn’t get what he was saying. (I don’t think he cottoned on to the fact that they were giving him the third degree precisely because they were taking him seriously.) In order to win people over, he did an extra session where we went through the Bowling Score exercise. (Using TDD to write a program that scores bowling games.) I think point of the exercise was in the final ‘reveal’, wherein we discovered that we don’t need various classes we thought we would, and that the whole thing can be done just using a simple array. At this point we would realise the error of our ways, see how old-fashioned design methods lead to over- engineering, and live happily ever after. It fell a bit flat.

Transcript of Patricia Benner

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I was reading the Patricia Benner book, and came across a section (which, annoyingly, I now can’t find) where it argued that for training people at the higher skill levels it is more appropriate to present them with details of real cases than simple examples concocted just for training purposes – gives them more to get their teeth into, so to speak.

I’m reminded of a situation in a large company I worked for a few years ago. It had been decided that all developers needed training in object orientation. There was a great deal of experience and expertise in the office I was in, but nonetheless we all went along to a week of training sessions.

The trainer turned out to be a bit of an evangelist (sing hallelujah) and considered it his duty to give us the good news of Test Driven Development. He was given quite a hard time, especially by a couple of the more experienced developers. This, to be fair, he took mostly in good humour; but I think he thought he was dealing with stubborn old-timers who were dismissing what he was saying out-of-hand because they just didn’t get what he was saying. (I don’t think he cottoned on to the fact that they were giving him the third degree precisely because they were taking him seriously.)

In order to win people over, he did an extra session where we went through the Bowling Score exercise. (Using TDD to write a program that scores bowling games.) I think point of the exercise was in the final ‘reveal’, wherein we discovered that we don’t need various classes we thought we would, and that the whole thing can be done just using a simple array. At this point we would realise the error of our ways, see how old-fashioned design methods lead to over-engineering, and live happily ever after.

It fell a bit flat.

At the time I put this down to a couple of things. One was that most of us didn’t know how to score bowling games. I suspect that the trainer, being American, had taken it for granted that most people would know. Presumably the reason for picking bowling as the example (rather than, say, cribbage) is its familiarity. The other thing was that it wasn’t immediately clear that the final version of the program would never write past the end of the array it used: a possibility that C programmers would inevitably take more seriously than a Java programmer would.

However, there was something deeper than this. This was clearly a toy problem, but people treated as if it were a real, complicated problem

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because – in a training situation – it is appropriate to “play along” with the example in order to allow the trainer to make his pedagogic point. This being so, it is always going to be a disappointment rather than a revelation to find the point is “don’t over-complicate simple problems”.

All this managed to create the impression that TDD is only suitable for problems that are essentially trivial.

I, your humble trainer mentioned above, still believe that TDD is critical. I’m skeptical of any developer who calls himself a professional yet doesn’t practice TDD.

More to the point, Robin, if you recall, the bowling exercise took about an hour. The delema with real world problems is that they are complicated. To fully understand a real world problem it would take many hours and solving such a problem could take days. Clearly this is not suitable for a classroom setting.

Now, it would be possible to extract a nugget from a real world problem and use that for a classroom exercise. Of course it would take preparation before it was suitable. For example, you’d have to isolate it from the rest of the system so that the domain is grasp-able in a reasonable amount of time. You’d have to decouple it from otherwise

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vital constraints so that it’s possible to implement the solution within the span of the class. And don’t for get to practice solving the problem so that you’re sure it gets the point across. What have you got after all this? A toy problem.

Let me just add that I have used unprocessed, real world problems in the classroom before. In those sessions, I would undoubtedly receive feedback that the exercises were too complex.

Yes, I can appreciate the dilemma.

I think the problem might be do with the tempo of development, as well as of the inevitable complexity of development.

Nursing has, I imagine, a rather episodic character: much of the work dealing with an on-going series of relatively self-contained incidents. Moreover, in many incidents it will be vital that the nurse can make their judgments quickly. This being so, it would be relatively straightforward to find examples from real life that be used in training – even being role-played in real-time – without taking an unreasonable amount of time.

In software development things are rather different, in that you have projects that might go on for months or years. Even simple task taken from a real project might take a day – which would make it difficult to use in training – and would probably require a level of contextual knowledge that might easily take a week or so to acquire.

The best analog I can come up with for a medical-style ‘incident’ is bug-fixing – specifically, investigating bugs encountered by users,

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rather than those found during development. I don’t know if they would be suitable for training, but I do think that a very good way of getting to grips with a complex system is to look into reported bugs.

Slightly tangentially, one of the things in Richard Sennett’s The Craftsman was the importance he attached to repetition in gaining skill: not the sort of drilling that you might use to develop a rather mechanical perfection, but as a means of exploring different possibilities and variations. (Mile Davis’ reply when George Russell asked him his musical aim: “to learn all the changes”.)

I think that in some occupations this kind of repetition comes with the job rather than having to be sought out. However, in software development it is much harder to find a rhythm that makes this sort of honing possible.

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On this topic, I recently came across a Venkat Rao post Strategy, Tactics, Operations and Doctrine, which was chiefly on the use and abuse of the word ‘strategy’ in a business context (in view of the military origin of the term). However, the quote that caught my eye was:

Tactics are abstract: they can be described in manuals with toy situations (for running a meeting or blowing up a bridge). Strategies are concrete: they are best learned through case studies of specific real histories about real people and places, with names (ever wonder why military officers and MBAs train on case studies rather than game theory?)

Put in these terms, Micah was focussed on teaching Test Driven Development as a tactic, whereas I interested in the possibility of deliberately learning programming strategy. In fact, it’s superficially tempting to say that operational, tactical and strategic levels in decision-making map onto beginner, competent and expert levels in the Dreyfus model. (Although for various reasons I don’t think that can be true.)It might make sense to look to military and business styles of training for examples of what learning software strategy could be like, since software development is closer to these fields than to nursing with regards to time frames involved. So, one could imagine having people pore over evidence from revision control history, issue tracking, mailing list archives, etc, from over the lifetime of a project, in order to analyse what happened in a project and what their importance was.I don’t think that typical end-of-project review meetings cut the mustard here, because

they are commonly conducted from a project management point of view, rather than a programming one

they treat people’s unprompted memories as giving sufficient detail on “what happened”

as a consequence, they tend to deal in generalities rather than specifics

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Nonetheless, they might be the best we have at the moment.