Patients Name

Patient name Husnain Abbas Age 29 years Married 4 years ( 1 seven months Daughter) Diseases: Ankylosing Spondylitis (Diagnosed 17 years ago) Chronic Kidney Failure (Diagnosed 8 months ago) Current Symtomps: Itching and scratching on skin Appetite less than normal Sleep Almost Normal Weight lost 12-15 kg during kidney failure period of 8 months Liquid intake: I drink as much I want almost 1.5 to 2 litters a day Urine passage: I pass urine nearly equal to amount of liquid intake. Liquid retention: Very low (sometimes little swelling of feet More swelling on face Current Medication Ketosteril 2+2+2

Transcript of Patients Name

Patient name Husnain AbbasAge 29 yearsMarried 4 years ( 1 seven months Daughter)Diseases: Ankylosing Spondylitis (Diagnosed 17 years ago)Chronic Kidney Failure (Diagnosed 8 months ago)Current Symtomps:Itching and scratching on skinAppetiteless than normalSleep Almost NormalWeight lost12-15 kg during kidney failure period of 8 monthsLiquid intake: I drink as much I want almost 1.5 to 2 litters a dayUrine passage: I pass urine nearly equal to amount of liquid intake.Liquid retention: Very low (sometimes little swelling of feet More swelling on faceCurrent MedicationKetosteril2+2+2Soda Mint2+2+2NovoTeph1+0+0Deltacartel(5mg)0+2+0Qalsan D0+1+0Injection Epokin 4000 twice a week