Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness

University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln eses, Dissertations, and Student Research: Department of Psychology Psychology, Department of Spring 4-30-2013 Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness Hayden C. Booms University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: hp:// Part of the Clinical Psychology Commons is Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Psychology, Department of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in eses, Dissertations, and Student Research: Department of Psychology by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Booms, Hayden C., "Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness" (2013). eses, Dissertations, and Student Research: Department of Psychology. 53. hp://

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University of Nebraska - LincolnDigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - LincolnTheses, Dissertations, and Student Research:Department of Psychology Psychology, Department of

Spring 4-30-2013

Pathways to Social Functioning via EmotionRegulation in People with Serious Mental IllnessHayden C. BottomsUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

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Bottoms, Hayden C., "Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness" (2013). Theses,Dissertations, and Student Research: Department of Psychology. 53.

Page 2: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness




Hayden C. Bottoms


Presented to the Faculty of

The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska

In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Major: Psychology

Under the Supervision of Professor William D. Spaulding

Lincoln, Nebraska

April, 2013

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Hayden C. Bottoms, Ph.D.

University of Nebraska, 2014

Adviser: William D. Spaulding

Recent research on social cognitive deficits associated with serious mental illness

(SMI) has demonstrated a range of emotion processing difficulties, from emotion

perception to emotion regulation. Whereas emotion perception deficits are well

documented in this population, little is understood about emotion regulation and the

relationship of emotion regulation to other abilities and impairments.

Method. Participants included 41 individuals with SMI recruited from a day

rehabilitation program. Assessments included a range of functional domains, including

symptom severity, neurocognition, social cognition, emotion regulation, and social


Results. Emotion dysregulation was hypothesized to be associated with more

severe positive symptoms, poorer neurocognitive functioning, and poorer social and

community functioning. Results were mixed across the various assessments. There was

some evidence of a relationship between psychiatric symptom severity and emotion

dysregulation. However, global neurocognition explained very little of the variance in

emotion regulation. Individuals with poorer emotion regulation tended to have poorer

self-reported social functioning, and positive symptom severity accounted for some of the

variance in this relationship. Path analysis modeling summarized these relationships.

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Conclusions. This study demonstrates that emotion regulation explains variance in

social functioning, but much remains to be understood about how emotion regulation

relates to other biosystemic domains in this population. Limitations in valid assessment in

the SMI population hinder ongoing progress, and this should be a key focus of future

research, as orthogonal functional domains require individual attention in clinical

assessment and research. Assessing segregated processes and investigating interactions

among those processes reveal important relationships among subgroups of this population

that would otherwise be missed. Though symptom severity and neurocognitive

impairments have historically been the focus of treatment development for SMI, this

work clearly demonstrates that individuals with SMI also have impaired emotion

regulation abilities. Furthermore, that these abilities share an interactive relationship with

social functioning and symptom severity reinforces their importance as potential

treatment targets. Integrating emotion regulation skills training into the psychiatric

rehabilitation toolkit is therefore a worthwhile future endeavor.

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To my family,

whose unconditional support

was the foundation of this entire endeavor.

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This research is a product of the effort of many individuals. Foremost are the

present and past members of the Serious Mental Illness Research Group at the University

of Nebraska, whose intellectual contributions were instrumental to the conceptualization

of this research project.

I also acknowledge and thank the administrators, staff, and clients of the

Community Mental Health Center. In addition to supporting this particular research

project, they fostered my clinical training and encouraged the integration of research into

the clinical setting.

Finally, I am unspeakably grateful to Will Spaulding, who not only supervised

this project but also gave me the opportunity to fulfill my aspirations of earning a

doctorate in psychology. He’s an inspirational role model, as a researcher, supervisor,

clinician, and advocate. There has been no more rewarding educational experience in my

life than the years I have spent as his student.

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This project was funded by a grant from the RAC/Warden Committee of the Department

of Psychology at the University of Nebraska.

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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................1

CHAPTER 2: CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS ............................................................4

Definitions ...................................................................................................................4

Emotion Regulation Strategies .....................................................................................8

Neural Correlates of Emotion Processing ................................................................... 12

CHAPTER 3: EMOTIONAL ABNORMALITIES IN SMI ........................................... 15

Emotion Perception .................................................................................................... 15

Emotion Paradox........................................................................................................ 18

Emotion Regulation ................................................................................................... 24


Interventions Based on the Generalized Deficit Hypothesis ........................................ 27

Interventions Based on the Specific Deficit Hypothesis .............................................. 29

CHAPTER 5: PRESENT STUDY ................................................................................. 32

CHAPTER 6: METHOD ............................................................................................... 39

Participants ................................................................................................................ 39

Measures .................................................................................................................... 41

Procedure ................................................................................................................... 47

CHAPTER 7: RESULTS ............................................................................................... 50

Preliminary Analyses ................................................................................................. 50

Hypothesis 1: Symptom Severity and Emotion Regulation ......................................... 59

Hypothesis 2: Neurocognition and Emotion Regulation ............................................. 61

Hypothesis 3: Social and Community Functioning and Emotion Regulation ............... 68

Hypothesis 4: Group Treatment Participation and Emotion Regulation ...................... 80

Hypothesis 5: Emotion Regulation Pathways to Clinical Outcome ............................. 82

CHAPTER 8: DISCUSSION ......................................................................................... 95

Results Summary ....................................................................................................... 95

Limitations ............................................................................................................... 101

Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 102

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 105

FOOTNOTES ............................................................................................................. 130

APPENDIX ................................................................................................................. 131

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Figure 5.1 Pathway from Neurocognition to Global Functional Outcome from Brekke

et al., 2005


Figure 5.2 Pathway from Neurocognition to Occupational Functioning from Lipkovich

et al., 2009


Figure 5.3 Hypothesized Path Model 38

Table 6.1 Sample Demographic and Clinical Characteristics 40

Table 7.1 Assessment Descriptive Statistics 50

Table 7.2 Correlation Matrix for Measures of Emotion Regulation and Symptom



Table 7.3 Correlation Matrix for Measures of Emotion Regulation and



Table 7.4 Multiple Regression Models Predicting Emotion Regulation from



Table 7.5 Correlation Matrix for Measures of Emotion Regulation and Social and Community Functioning


Table 7.6 Correlation Matrix for Psychiatric Symptom Severity and Measures of

and Social and Community Functioning


Table 7.7 Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analyses Predicting Emotion Regulation

from Social Functioning, Positive Symptom Severity, and the Interaction

between Social Functioning and Positive Symptom Severity


Figure 7.1 Positive Symptoms Moderate Relationship between SFS and RACERS 74

Figure 7.2 Positive Symptoms Moderate Relationship between SFS and DERS 76

Figure 7.3 Positive Symptoms Moderate Relationship between MCAS and BVAQ 79

Table 7.8 Group Means for Emotion Regulation by Completion of Group Skills Training Modalities


Figure 7.4 Hypothesized Path Model with Representative Measures 84

Table 7.9 Parameters of the Hypothesized Path Model 86

Figure 7.5 Final Path Model 88

Table 7.10 Parameters of the Revised Path Model 89

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The biosystemic paradigm of psychopathology conceptualizes human functioning

as a complex network of interrelated processes and mechanisms (Spaulding, Sullivan, &

Poland, 2003). Those processes and mechanisms can usefully and heuristically be

organized into five categorical levels of analysis (in order of most molecular to most

molar): neurophysiological, neurocognitive, social cognitive, sociobehavioral, and

socioenvironmental. Psychopathology is conceptualized as the result of abnormal or

deficient operation of those processes and mechanisms across all levels as they interact to

maintain stable functioning. Although the processes are causally linked throughout the

biosystem, for the purposes of treatment and rehabilitation, they are independent enough

to require separate, specific targeting. Biosystemic approaches to psychiatric

rehabilitation therefore encourage research that addresses functioning at all the respective


The last decade of research on schizophrenia has seen an expansion of focus from

the neuropsychological level of analysis to the social cognitive level, in part because it

complements biosystemic psychopathology and also because measures of social

cognitive impairments appear to be more proximal than measures of neurocognitive

impairments to real world behavior and to psychosocial treatment effects. A broad range

of deficits in social cognition are well-documented in the serious mental illness (SMI)

literature (Corrigan & Penn, 2001b; Penn, Sanna, & Roberts, 2008). Furthermore,

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difficulty processing social information has wide-ranging functional implications, as

normal processing is fundamental for social and occupational relationships, as well as

general community functioning. The development of social cognitive paradigms for

schizophrenia has primarily been guided by the analysis of cognitive processes thought to

be essential to basic social functioning and found to be impaired in SMI. These include

paradigms that range from molecular perceptual processes to more molar processes that

neuropsychologists would consider to be in the executive domain.

On the more molecular end of the biosystemic spectrum, most research on the

social cognitive deficits associated with SMI has focused on emotion processing. This

research has shown that individuals with schizophrenia have a range of difficulties in

processing emotions, from difficulties in perception of others’ emotions to difficulties in

expression and regulation of one’s own emotions. The clinical significance of these

deficits in emotion processing is demonstrated by their association with dimensions of

adaptive social functioning (Couture, Penn, & Roberts, 2006).

The difficulties in emotion processing observed in SMI, particularly emotion

regulation, and their relationship to other biosystemic and functional domains, are the

focus of this dissertation. The following sections address, in turn, (1) the basic concepts

of emotion perception and emotion regulation as they are used in contemporary research

on schizophrenia; (2) the nature of impairment in emotional functioning in schizophrenia

and other serious mental illness; and (3) treatment approaches that target emotional

impairments. Analysis of previous findings and other background information indicates

that further progress in assessment and treatment will require a better understanding of

the relationships between emotion impairments and other aspects of serious mental

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illness. The subsequent sections describe an empirical, quantitative analysis of those


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Social cognition. Social cognition is defined as “the processes and functions that

allow a person to understand, act on, and benefit from the interpersonal world” (Corrigan

& Penn, 2001a, p. 3). There are generally considered to be four domains of social

cognition: (1) attributional style, or judging the causes of events; (2) theory of mind, or

understanding the contents of others’ minds; (3) social perception, or perceiving social

cues in social situations; and (4) emotion perception, or recognizing emotional

expressions from facial, vocal, and postural cues. Individuals with SMI have been shown

to have deficits in each of these areas (Corrigan & Penn, 2001b; Feinberg, Rifkin,

Schaffer, & Walker, 1986), pointing to a pervasive deficit in the social cognitive domain.

These deficits have functional implications, as each of these domains of social

cognition is associated with functional dimensions such as social skills, social problem

solving, and broad community functioning (Addington, Saeedi, & Addington, 2006;

Brekke, Kay, Lee, & Green, 2005; Corrigan & Toomey, 1995; Ihnen, Penn, Corrigan, &

Martin, 1998; Kee, Green, Mintz, & Brekke, 2003; Kim, Doop, Blake, & Park, 2005;

Mathews & Barch, 2010; Mueser et al., 1996; Pinkham & Penn, 2006; Poole, Tobias, &

Vinogradov, 2000). Thus, deficits in social cognition have both proximal and far-

reaching consequences for daily functioning.

Emotion. Much of the research on social cognitive deficits in schizophrenia has

focused on emotion processing. Indeed, emotional abnormalities have long been observed

as one of the hallmark features of schizophrenia (American Psychiatric Association

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[APA], 2000; Bleuler, 1950; Kraepelin, 1919). A discussion of these abnormalities must

begin with a conceptualization of what emotions are and how they are normally


Many researchers have theorized about what emotions are and how they are

generated. The result has been many similar theories and considerable historical debate

regarding a consensual definition of emotion (Bloch, Moran, & Kring, 2010; Kleinginna

& Kleinginna, 1981; Solomon, 2010). Among these are such classic theories as the

James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, and Schachter-Singer theories. William James (1884, 1890),

one of the first psychologists, theorized about emotion. The James-Lange theory posits

that an emotional event is perceived and causes physiological arousal; that physiological

arousal is interpreted, and emotions occur as a result of that interpretation. This theory

was later supplanted by the Cannon-Bard theory, which posits the opposite: an emotional

event is perceived and simultaneously causes physiological arousal and emotion

(Cannon, 1932). Still later, Schachter and Singer’s (1962) two-factor theory was similar

to the James-Lange theory but emphasized the role of cognition in the generation of

emotion. This theory posits that an emotional event is perceived and causes physiological

arousal; that arousal is given a cognitive label which accounts for the situational context.

Each of these classic theories emphasizes (1) the importance of the occurrence of

an event, (2) perception of that event, (3) physiological arousal, and (4) emotional

responses. Gross and Thompson (2009) have combined the salient factors of these and

the many other theories of emotions into the modal model of emotion. The modal model

reflects the core features of emotion emphasized across theories and represents a

consensual understanding of how emotions are generated. Gross and Thompson (2009)

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establish three core features of emotions. The first feature regards appraisal: Emotions

arise when an individual attends to an event, perceives it, and appraises it for its meaning

(including its personal relevance, familiarity, and valence). Thus, an emotion requires

both attention to a stimulus and an appraisal of that stimulus as pertinent to one’s goals.

The second feature regards the changes that occur as a result of the first feature:

Emotions are multi-faceted phenomena that involve systemic changes – in thoughts

(subjective experience), behavior, and physiology. The final feature regards the flexibility

of emotional responses: The systemic changes associated with emotions are rarely

obligatory. It is this final feature which makes emotion regulation possible, as it is the

flexibility of emotional responses that is regulated.

For the purposes of the present analysis, the modal model’s emphasis on the

typical features of emotions seems most pertinent to understanding what emotions are

and how they can disrupt biosystemic processing when their regulation is dysfunctional,

as in SMI. Such an understanding of how emotions are generated is foundational for the

following discussion of how emotions can be regulated.

Emotion regulation. Gross and Thompson’s (2009) definition of emotion thus

stimulates a definition of emotion regulation: Emotion regulation is a heterogeneous set

of processes that are automatic or controlled and influence emotions in oneself, others, or

both. Thus, emotion regulation strategies influence how emotion is experienced – the

quality, intensity, timing, and dynamic features of thoughts, behaviors, and physiology.

This definition conceptualizes emotion regulation as the regulation of emotions, versus an

alternative conceptualization of regulation by emotions. This second conceptualization

refers to how emotions regulate thoughts, behaviors, physiology, or even other people.

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The focus of the present analysis is to evaluate how systemic processes are themselves

regulated, thus motivating the choice of a definition consistent with the former


This definition prompts discussion of the core features of emotion regulation.

First, both positive and negative emotions can be regulated, and they can either be

increased or decreased (Gross & Thompson, 2009). The focus of the majority of the

research on emotion regulation has been on how individuals decrease negative emotions

or increase positive emotions. However, such a focus ignores strategies that increase

negative emotions or decrease positive emotions – strategies that might be associated

with psychopathology. The question arises: Does a pathological excess of negative

emotion arise from underutilization of strategies associated with positive emotion

changes (i.e., decreasing negative emotions, increasing positive emotions), for example,

or alternatively, from overuse of strategies associated with negative emotion changes

(i.e., increasing negative emotions, decreasing positive emotions)? This question is as yet


A second feature of emotion regulation is that regulation can occur either

consciously or unconsciously (Gross & Thompson, 2009). Thus, emotions can be

deliberately changed, or they can be regulated automatically, via habitual processes. For

example, a reaction of disappointment to the receipt of an unsatisfactory gift might be

deliberately hidden (or suppressed) initially; but this reaction may become automatic if

repeated over time. Importantly, it is unclear whether the distinction between conscious

and unconscious regulation is dimensional (i.e., continuous) or categorical (Gross &

Thompson, 2009). That is, it is possible that emotion regulation may have some

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characteristics of both. Moreover, it is possible that emotion regulation may be a

multidimensional phenomenon with categorical characteristics.

Third, no strategy of regulating emotions is inherently adaptive or maladaptive

(Gross & Thompson, 2009). Consideration of the context in which the emotion is to be

regulated is always key in an evaluation of the adaptive nature of a strategy (Gross, 1998;

Thompson & Calkins, 1996). For example, whereas habitual suppression of emotional

reactions is generally associated with poor functional outcomes (reviewed below),

adopting this strategy in a situation such as receiving an unsatisfactory gift may be the

most adaptive response for social functioning.

Finally, emotion regulation involves changes in how emotional responses are

coordinated (Gross & John, 2003; John & Gross, 2004). As discussed above, emotional

responses entail systemic changes – coordinated and interrelated changes in thoughts

(subjective experience), behavior, and physiology. Various strategies of regulating

emotions are associated with differences in how and when these components of

emotional responses are changed.

Emotion Regulation Strategies

Once an emotional stimulus is perceived and appraised, many strategies exist for

changing the type, timing, experience, or expression of emotions (Gross, 1998). These

strategies can be organized along several dimensions. One dimension separates strategies

into those that are internal (e.g., suppressing disappointment) versus external (e.g., taking

a walk to defuse anger; Thompson, 1994). Another dimension focuses on the resources

used to regulate emotions by separating strategies into those that focus on modifying

cognitions (e.g., reinterpreting a loved one’s death as the end of suffering) versus

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behaviors (e.g., seeking social support) versus situations (e.g., hiding controversial

artwork from conservative visitors; Eisenberg et al., 1995). A final dimension focuses on

when various strategies impact the emotion generative process by separating strategies

into those that attempt to change the cause of the emotion (antecedent-focused strategies;

e.g., avoiding offensive acquaintances) versus the response to the emotion (response-

focused strategies; e.g., engaging in aerobic exercise to decrease physiological and

experiential components of emotion; Gross & Muñoz, 1995). This dissertation will focus

on the antecedent- versus response-focused dimension, as it appears to be the most

influential in the literature and the most useful for understanding the abnormalities in the

use of these particular strategies in SMI.1

The modal model of emotion implicates areas in the emotion generative process

where regulation might occur: changing the situation, attention, appraisal, or response.

Antecedent- and response-focused strategies vary in the time at which they occur in the

emotion generative process (Gross, 2001; Gross & Muñoz, 1995). In the modal model of

emotion, antecedent-focused strategies occur before appraisals and can affect the

situation, attention, or appraisal. These changes thereby alter the emotional response

(Gross, 2002). In contrast, response-focused strategies occur after appraisals and attempt

to change an emotional response that has already begun to occur (Gross, 2002).

Antecedent-focused strategies. Antecedent-focused strategies are grouped into

four families: situation selection, situation modification, attentional deployment, and

cognitive change (Gross, 2002).

Situation selection and situation modification make it more or less likely that an

emotional situation will occur that leads to desirable or undesirable emotions. They serve

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to alter an emotional situation that has already occurred to modify the emotional impact.

The “situations” targeted by situation selection and situation modification strategies can

be either internal (e.g., thoughts) or external to the individual.

Attentional deployment strategies are used to select which aspect of a situation is

attended to, and they are typically used when it is impossible to use situation selection or

situation modification strategies. Common examples of attentional deployment are

distraction and concentration. With distraction, attention is deployed to a less

emotionally-arousing aspect of the situation or away from the situation; with

concentration, attention is deployed to the situation. Rumination, common to many forms

of psychopathology, is an example of concentration (Gross & Thompson, 2009).

Finally, cognitive change strategies alter the meaning attached to an emotional

event. An extensively-researched example of cognitive change is reappraisal (Gross,

2002; John & Gross, 2009; Ochsner & Gross, 2009), a strategy in which the meaning of a

situation is interpreted in such a way as to alter the emotional response.

Response-focused strategies. There is only one family of response-focused

strategies, called response modulation (Gross, 2002).

Response modulation strategies attempt to change emotional responses once they

have already been elicited. Common examples include the use of drugs and alcohol

(Morris & Reilly, 1987), exercise (Thayer, Newman, & McClain, 1994), relaxation

(Borkovec & Costello, 1993), and suppression. Suppression refers to the hiding or

avoidance of an emotional expression and has been widely researched as an emotion

regulation strategy (Beevers, Wenzlaff, Hayes, & Scott, 1999; Purdon, 1999; Richards &

Gross, 2006; Salters-Pedneault, Steenkamp, & Litz, 2010).

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Reappraisal and suppression. Reappraisal, an antecedent-focused strategy that

can alter an emotional response before it has been initiated, and suppression, a response-

focused strategy that alters an emotional response that has already begun, have different

affective, cognitive, and social consequences.

Affective consequences. Individuals who tend to use reappraisal as an emotion

regulation strategy report fewer symptoms of depression, more satisfaction with their

lives, higher self-esteem, higher levels of optimism, and higher levels of general well-

being, versus individuals who tend to use suppression (Gross & John, 2002, 2003).

Moreover, individuals who use reappraisal are better able to regulate negative moods

than are individuals who use suppression.

This may be, in part, because reappraisal tends to be effective at decreasing the

experience of negative emotions, whereas suppression tends to have no effect (Gross,

1998, 2002; Gross & John, 2002, 2003). Both strategies are effective at decreasing

behavioral expressions of disgust (Gross, 1998, 2002); however, suppression increases

sympathetic nervous system activation, whereas reappraisal does not (Gross, 2002). That

is, individuals who habitually suppress negative emotions continue to experience the

negative emotions at at least a physiological level; in contrast, individuals who use

reappraisal may actually experience less negative emotion.

Cognitive consequences. Suppression appears to require more cognitive

resources, thus using resources typically allocated towards other processing. The result is

impaired verbal memory, including memory for social information such as peoples’

names (Gross & John, 2002; Richards & Gross, 2000). No memory impairment is

observed when individuals use reappraisal to manage emotions (Gross & John, 2002;

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Richards & Gross, 2000). Given the pervasive cognitive deficits associated with SMI, the

effect of emotion regulation strategies on cognitive resources is especially relevant.

Social consequences. Consistent with these differences in affective and cognitive

consequences are differences between reappraisal and suppression in social

consequences. Individuals who reappraise have more social support, both emotionally

and instrumentally; and they are more likely to seek out social support than individuals

who use suppression (Gross & John, 2002). Individuals who reappraise are more likely to

share their emotions with others (Gross & John, 2002, 2003). Consequently, they are

better liked by their peers (Gross & John, 2002, 2003). Individuals who suppress tend to

avoid the attachment and intimacy associated with close relationships (Gross & John,

2003). Suppression even appears to have negative consequences on a conversational

partner – interacting with a person who suppresses is associated with increases in blood

pressure, whereas there appears to be no impact on blood pressure when interacting with

a person who reappraises (Butler et al., 2003). The result of these social consequences is

that individuals who habitually reappraise tend to have improved interpersonal

functioning relative to individuals who suppress (John & Gross, 2004).

Neural Correlates of Emotion Processing

The previous discussion has focused on the social cognitive domain and its

relationship to the neuropsychological and sociobehavioral domains. But in a biosystemic

paradigm, abnormalities potentially extend to more molecular levels of organismic

functioning, including neurophysiology. The human brain is designed for processing

social and emotional information and contains neural circuits specifically designed for

those purposes.

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Emotional appraisal system. Across electrophysiological, neuropsychological,

and functional neuroimaging studies, the amygdala, insula, striatum, and medial

orbitofrontal cortex are consistently implicated in emotion processing (Bush, Luu, &

Posner, 2000; Davidson & Irwin, 1999; Davidson, Jackson, & Kalin, 2000; Denny,

Silvers, & Ochsner, 2010), with activations during rises in emotion and attenuations

during reductions in emotion. Although individual experiments have implicated

additional areas, the contribution of the above regions has been repeatedly documented

(Brunet-Gouet & Decety, 2006).

The amygdala is broadly implicated in detecting the emotional salience of a

stimulus and generating physiological reactions to emotional events (Adolphs, 2002,

2003; Aleman & Kahn, 2005; Denny et al., 2010; LeDoux, 2000; McDonald, 1998; van

Rijn, Aleman, & Kahn, 2005). Moreover, it appears to have particular importance in the

perception of others’ emotional states, especially perceptions of basic fear and sadness

(Adolphs, 2002, 2003; Calder, Lawrence, & Young, 2001). Although each of the areas in

this emotion processing network is activated for all types of emotions, the insula and

striatum (and, in general, the basal ganglia structures) are specifically implicated in the

evaluation of potentially distressing and aversive stimuli (Scott, Heltzeg, Koeppe,

Stohler, & Zubetla, 2006; Straube & Miltner, 2011). Finally, the medial orbitofrontal

cortex is implicated in evaluating the affective valence of a stimulus and its contextual

meaning (Davidson & Irwin, 1999).

Emotion regulation system. Attempts to regulate emotions require modulation

of the emotional appraisal system. Specifically, across studies, reappraisal consistently

invokes a network including the lateral prefrontal cortex, medial prefrontal cortex, dorsal

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anterior cingulate cortex, and lateral orbitofrontal cortex (Denny et al., 2010). The

prefrontal regions are the areas most tied to reappraisal and suppression, as they are

associated with developing alternative ways of conceptualizing an emotional situation

(Ochsner & Gross, 2005, 2009; Ochsner et al., 2004). Moreover, these areas are

implicated in general cognitive control of emotion (Allman, Hakeem, Erwin,

Nimchinsky, & Hof, 2001; Banich et al., 2009; Green & Malhi, 2006; Ochsner & Gross,

2005) and development of adaptive responses to shifting social situations. The prefrontal

cortex and anterior cingulate cortex appear to serve an inhibitory role in modulating

activity in the emotional appraisal systems reviewed above. Increased activity in these

areas is correlated with decreased activity in subcortical structures such as the amygdala.

As no direct connections exist between the lateral and dorsal regions of the prefrontal

cortex and the amygdala, the medial prefrontal cortex may serve as the link between

cognitive control of emotion and emotional processing (Green & Malhi, 2006). In

general, these structures serve a top-down interpretive function for emotional stimuli

being processed in subcortical structures in a reciprocal, interactive manner (Denny et al.,

2010; Ochsner & Gross, 2005).

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The foregoing discussion summarized the basic concepts pertinent to researching

emotion processing in SMI and serves as a foundation for discussing the nature of the

impairment in emotion functioning in SMI. Individuals with SMI demonstrate

abnormalities in all aspects of emotion processing – from perception of others’ emotions

to experience and regulation of their own emotions.

Emotion Perception

Individuals with schizophrenia have a general deficit identifying the correct

emotions associated with facial expressions (Feinberg et al., 1986; Novic, Daniel, &

Perline, 1984; Salem, Kring, & Kerr, 1996; Schneider, Gur, Gur, & Shtasel, 1995;

Walker, McGuire, & Bettes, 1984). Whereas psychiatrically healthy individuals

identify an average of 71% of emotional facial expressions correctly, individuals with

schizophrenia accurately identify just 64% (Kohler et al., 2003).

Several studies have attempted to determine the specific features associated with

this emotion perception deficit. Individuals with schizophrenia commit more errors

when identifying negative facial expressions than when identifying positive facial

expressions (Borod, Martin, Alpert, Brozgold, & Welkowitz, 1993; Muzekari & Bates,

1977; Van’t Wout et al., 2007; Zuroff & Colussy, 1986). Specifically, individuals with

schizophrenia appear to be impaired in the recognition of negative emotions such as

fear, anger, shame, and disgust (Dougherty, Bartlett, & Izard, 1974; Kohler et al., 2003;

Mandal & Palchoudhury, 1985) but not positive emotions such as joy and happiness

(Dougherty et al., 1974; Kohler et al., 2003).

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Accompanying this better recognition of positive versus negative emotions is

increased efficiency in processing positive emotions in schizophrenia (Silver, Bilker, &

Goodman, 2009). Happy facial expressions are not only processed more accurately in

schizophrenia, but they are also processed more rapidly and efficiently than sad facial

expressions. Nevertheless, individuals with schizophrenia process emotional

expressions more slowly and less efficiently than healthy controls. Therefore, it appears

that recognizing emotional facial expressions takes longer and is less productive in

schizophrenia than in comparison participants.

Of note, individuals with schizophrenia also appear to be impaired at

recognizing neutral facial expressions. One study found that they accurately identified

70% of neutral facial expressions, compared to 86% correctly identified by comparison

participants (Kohler et al., 2003). Both groups most often misidentified neutral

expressions as happy or sad. However, of the neutral expressions misidentified by

individuals with schizophrenia, 23% were mislabeled as disgust, versus 5% in the

comparison group. Thus, individuals with schizophrenia appear to have a negative bias

in their emotion perception. Not only are individuals with schizophrenia impaired when

asked to identify neutral facial expressions, they are also impaired when asked to

identify neutral faces (i.e., indicate whether they have seen the face before; Silver et al.,

2009). Thus, individuals with schizophrenia are impaired in processing neutral faces,

regardless of whether they are evaluating its emotional content or its identity; but they

are more impaired when their task involves emotional processing.

Furthermore, whereas increasing the intensity of a facial expression aids control

participants’ identification of the emotion, individuals with schizophrenia benefit

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significantly less from this compensation (Kohler et al., 2003). That is, they are

impaired at recognizing mild emotional expressions (correctly identifying 5% fewer

expressions than controls) but even more impaired at recognizing extreme emotional

expressions (correctly identifying 7% fewer expressions than controls). Interestingly,

this suggests that increasing the intensity of emotions is unlikely to aid emotion

perception in schizophrenia.

Consistent with these reported difficulties in facial emotion perception,

individuals with schizophrenia also experience difficulty identifying emotions

expressed in voices (Hooker & Park, 2002; Vaskinn et al., 2007). In affective prosody

tasks, they have more difficulty identifying negative emotions, with a particular

impairment for identifying sadness (Bozikas et al., 2006) and fear (Edwards, Pattison,

Jackson, & Wales, 2001). This is the same pattern observed in visual emotion tasks.

However, this is in contrast to what is observed in healthy controls, wherein negative

emotions are easier to perceive in voices than positive emotions (see Edwards, Jackson,

& Pattison, 2002, for review). Interestingly, this impairment is also present in

individuals with schizotypic personality traits (Phillips & Seidman, 2008). Schizotypal

Personality Disorder is considered an attenuated form of schizophrenia, representing a

premorbid stage of the disorder (Raine, 2006). Therefore, that impairment recognizing

emotions in vocal prosody is identifiable in schizotypy suggests that this difficulty may

be fundamental to schizophrenia.

Integrated emotion perception tasks allow participants to benefit from both

visual and vocal affective cues. These more ecologically valid tasks more closely

approximate actual stimuli encountered in daily life. In a videotaped emotion

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perception task with just video (i.e., no audio), individuals with schizophrenia have

more difficulty identifying happy emotions than controls; however, they perform as

well as controls when identifying sad or angry emotions (Bellack, Blanchard, &

Mueser, 1996). This more accurate perception of positive versus negative emotions

parallels the results reported above with static visual stimuli. When audio is added to

the video, individuals with schizophrenia have more difficulty identifying sad emotions

than controls; however, they perform as well as controls when identifying happy or

angry emotions. This suggests that the vocal cues help individuals with schizophrenia

identify happy and angry emotions. However, integrated cues do not appear to help

their perception of sad emotions.

Emotion Paradox

As discussed previously, similar neural systems are implicated in emotional

expression and emotion perception (Brunet-Gouet & Decety, 2006). As emotion

perception is abnormal in this population, it follows, then, that emotional expression, and

possibly emotional experience, may also show abnormalities.

Schizophrenia has been characterized by flat affect since its very

conceptualization (Bleuler, 1950; Kraepelin, 1919), and indeed flat and inappropriate

affect continue to be considered hallmark characteristics of the disorder (APA, 2000).

However, individuals with schizophrenia report emotional experiences consistent with

the levels reported by psychiatrically healthy individuals. This discrepancy between the

reduced expression but self-reported normal experience of emotion in schizophrenia has

been termed the “emotion paradox” (Aleman & Khan, 2005).

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Emotional experience. Some research reports that individuals with

schizophrenia demonstrate reduced experience of positive affect (Livingstone, Harper, &

Gillanders, 2009; Reske et al., 2007; Schneider et al., 1995; Suslow, Roestel, Ohrmann,

& Arolt, 2003) and increased experience of negative affect (Livingstone et al., 2009;

Suslow et al., 2003). However, other studies have found that these individuals self-report

similar levels of emotional experience as psychiatrically healthy controls in the

laboratory (Gur, et al., 2006; Kring, Kerr, & Earnst, 1999; Kring & Neale, 1996). This

seems at odds with the increased reporting of anhedonia, defined as the diminished

capacity to experience pleasure, in this population (Horan, Kring, & Blanchard, 2006;

Kirkpatrick, Fenton, Carpenter, & Marder, 2006; Phillips & Seidman, 2008).

The resolution of the discrepancy between normal self-reports of emotional

experience and increased self-reports of anhedonia may lie in the affective valence

being assessed. Individuals with schizophrenia report experiencing significantly more

negative affect and significantly less positive affect in their daily lives than healthy

controls (Myin-Germeys, Delespaul, & Van Os, 2005). This diminished daily

experience of positive affect supports their increased reporting of anhedonia but may in

part be related to biased expectations, whereby they avoid engaging in rewarding

activities because they do not expect to derive pleasure from them (Watson & Naragon-

Gainey, 2010). Nevertheless, it appears that, compared to controls, individuals with

schizophrenia spend a significantly greater proportion of their days experiencing

negative emotions and a significantly lesser proportion of their days experiencing

positive emotions. Overall, the research indicates that, on average, individuals with

schizophrenia are able to experience emotions to a similar degree as normal controls,

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but their individual experience clearly differs from that of psychiatrically healthy


These experience sampling findings are supported by findings from a mood

induction task, in which individuals with schizophrenia became less happy in response

to happy induction and less sad in response to sad induction than controls (Schneider et

al., 1995). This suggests that they have an attenuated emotional experience.

Interestingly, they are also sadder during happy induction and happier during sad

induction than controls, indicating some degree of inappropriate emotion induction in


In addition to these behavioral findings are physiological findings of abnormal

emotional experience. Individuals with schizophrenia demonstrate greater skin

conductance than normal controls in response to affective stimuli (Kring & Neale,

1996). This suggests that these individuals are experiencing heightened physiological

arousal and is in contrast with the idea that they have a diminished capacity to

experience emotions. Neurologically, individuals with schizophrenia exhibit reduced

activation in emotion processing circuitry (right amygdala, left orbitofrontal cortex,

fusiform gyrus, cuneus) in response to non-aversive (though still affectively arousing)

stimuli and near normal to above normal activation in emotion processing circuitry

(medial prefrontal cortex) in response to aversive stimuli (Taylor, Liberzon, Decker, &

Koeppe, 2002). These physiological and neurological data indicate that emotion

processing may be somewhat disrupted in schizophrenia, which may affect the

experience of emotion.

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Emotional expression. The crux of the emotion paradox is that although

emotional experience appears to be within normal limits, emotional expression appears to

be abnormal in schizophrenia. Affective flattening, the restriction in the range of

emotional expression in response to emotional stimuli, is a characteristic symptom of

schizophrenia (APA, 2000; Kring & Neale, 1996). Thus, individuals with schizophrenia

appear to have a disjunction between their near-normal emotional experience and their

flattened expression of this experience.

In daily life, individuals with schizophrenia are overall less facially expressive

than psychiatrically healthy controls (Berenbaum & Oltmanns, 1992; Kring & Neale,

1996; Mandal, Pandey, & Prasad, 1998; Martin, Borod, Alpert, Brozgold, &

Welkowitz, 1990; Schneider et al., 1995; Tremeau et al., 2005). Specifically, they

spontaneously smile less often and for a shorter period of time. They also use fewer

facial coverbal gestures (facial or head movements intended to illustrate or replace

speech) and use fewer words in emotional conversation (Gottheil, Paredes, Exline, &

Winkelmayer, 1970; Tremeau et al., 2005). Further, of universally recognized

emotions, they appear to have the greatest impairment expressing happiness verbally

(Gottheil et al., 1970). Interestingly, overall facial expressiveness and the number of

facial coverbal gestures have been found to depend on the number of words used in this

population (Tremeau et al., 2005). This again highlights the interaction between

neurocognition [here, specifically alogia, another common symptom of schizophrenia

(APA, 2000)] and social cognition (here, specifically emotional expression).

Individuals with schizophrenia demonstrate reduced spontaneous, involuntary

facial activity in response to a variety of affective stimuli in the laboratory (Gaebel &

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Wölwer, 1992; Martin et al., 1990). Research indicates that, like healthy controls,

individuals with schizophrenia make more positive facial expressions in response to

positive film clips than negative facial expressions in response to negative film clips

(Kring & Neale, 1996). However, individuals with schizophrenia make fewer positive

facial expressions in response to positive film clips than normal controls; moreover,

they make fewer negative facial expressions in response to negative film clips than

controls (Kring & Neale, 1996). Further, they appear to have the greatest impairment

expressing anger (Gottheil et al., 1970). Thus, individuals with schizophrenia appear to

make expressions in response to affective stimuli but to an attenuated degree.

Although they make fewer facial expressions, individuals with schizophrenia do

appear to exhibit activity in the facial muscles associated with appropriate facial

reactions to affective stimuli (Earnst et al., 1996; Kring et al., 1999). That is, like

control participants, individuals with schizophrenia show greater activity in the muscles

associated with frowning in response to negative pictures than in response to positive

pictures (Kring et al., 1999). Moreover, individuals with schizophrenia tend to show the

same pattern of facial responsivity in the muscles associated with frowning and smiling

in response to happy, sad, fearful, and angry stimuli (Kring et al., 1999). Thus, it

appears that individuals with schizophrenia are expressing appropriate facial

expressions but to such an attenuated degree that they are not perceived.

As mentioned, individuals with schizophrenia tend to have reduced involuntary

emotional expressiveness, especially for positive emotions (Martin et al., 1990).

Additionally, individuals with schizophrenia demonstrate reduced facial activity when

voluntarily attempting to mimic a facial expression (Gaebel & Wölwer, 1992; Tremeau

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et al., 2005). Moreover, they are less accurate at generating facial expressions (Gottheil,

Thornton, & Exline, 1976), both by verbal instruction and imitation (Borod et al., 1990;

Schwartz, Mastropaolo, Rosse, Mathis, & Deutsch, 2006). When asked to imitate an

emotional facial expression, individuals with schizophrenia show significantly worse

performance than controls (Gaebel & Wölwer, 1992). They have the most pronounced

deficit when attempting to imitate fearful, sad, and angry expressions (Gaebel &

Wölwer, 1992; Tremeau et al., 2005); they have the least pronounced deficit when

attempting to imitate happy and surprised expressions (Tremeau et al., 2005). Not only

are individuals with schizophrenia less accurate at imitating facial expressions, they

also give fewer emotional expressions on command and spend less time expressing

those emotions (Tremeau et al., 2005). Similarly, they also demonstrate reduced facial

activity when attempting to simulate emotions when the stimulus is an emotional word

(e.g., fear) rather than an emotional facial expression (Gaebel & Wölwer, 1992;

Tremeau et al., 2005). Therefore, it appears that they not only experience difficulty

expressing emotions spontaneously, but they also experience difficulty expressing

emotions voluntarily.

These abnormalities of emotion expression in schizophrenia may be influenced

by emotion perception deficits (Sachs, Steger-Wuchse, Kryspin-Exner, Gur, &

Katschnig, 2004). Individuals with poorer performance on emotion perception measures

tend to have greater affective flattening (Kohler et al., 2003). However, other research

indicates that these processes are independent (Kring & Neale, 1996; Silver & Shlomo,

2001). For example, emotion perception performance was significantly positively

correlated with negative symptoms such as affective flattening in one study, but this

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correlation was no longer significant when age, length of illness, accumulated time in

the hospital, or education were added as a covariate (Silver, Shlomo, Turner, & Gur,

2002). This suggests that the relationship between emotion perception and emotional

expression may be complicated and deserving of further empirical attention.

Emotion Regulation

This emotion paradox, the disjunction between the experience and the

expression of emotion in schizophrenia, may reflect difficulties in emotion regulation.

That is, the impaired emotion perception, irregular emotional experience, and abnormal

emotional expression observed in this population may be a result of poor skills with

emotion regulation strategies such as reappraisal or suppression.

Indeed, individuals with schizophrenia demonstrate maladaptive coping with

stress (Livingstone et al., 2009), and their chosen methods to regulate distress tend to be

avoidant (e.g., suppression; van den Bosch, van Asma, Rombouts, & Louwerens, 1992).

This preference for avoidant strategies like suppression is in contrast to the preference

for reappraisal made by psychiatrically healthy individuals (Livingstone et al., 2009;

van der Meer, van't Wout, & Aleman, 2009). Frequent use of suppression may help

explain the emotion paradox, wherein suppression leads to an expression of flat affect

that is incongruent with the emotional experience. Suppression may also help explain

the finding of increased skin conductance in this population (van der Meer et al., 2009),

as suppression leads to greater physiological reactivity than reappraisal. Thus, the

choice of regulatory strategy may mediate the relationship between emotional

experience and emotional expression.

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Some research indicates that individuals with schizophrenia are able to suppress

their feelings in response to emotional film clips but have difficulty amplifying their

feelings (Henry et al., 2007). This suggests that it is easier for them to try to down-

regulate than to up-regulate their emotional experience. Moreover, it suggests that

individuals with schizophrenia not only have a skill deficit (i.e., they do not have the

skills to increase positive experiences) but also maladaptive use of intact skills (i.e.,

overreliance on suppression to decrease negative experiences; Kring & Werner, 2004).

Interestingly, the film clips in this cited study were intended to elicit amusement. The

relative ease with which individuals with schizophrenia were able to adopt the emotion

regulation strategy of suppression to down-regulate positive feelings may relate to their

increased reporting of anhedonia whereby they report diminished levels of pleasure in

their emotional experience.

Further, research indicates that affective flattening, an abnormality in emotional

expression, may be a result of poor use of emotional suppression (Ellgring & Smith,

1998). In other words, it has been argued that individuals presenting with flat affect

may overuse emotional suppression as a regulatory strategy such that they do not

appropriately connect their emotional expression with their emotional experience. The

clinical significance of this poor emotion regulation is shown via the variety of negative

consequences associated with persistent emotional suppression, including impairing

memory, disrupting communication, inhibiting relationship formation, and reducing

rapport (Butler et al., 2003; John & Gross, 2004). Thus, the tendency to overuse the

regulatory strategy of emotional suppression can not only lead to affective flattening

but can also have negative social consequences for individuals with schizophrenia.

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The neural circuitry associated with emotion processing also shows abnormalities

in schizophrenia (Aleman & Khan, 2005; Brunet-Gouet & Decety, 2006). Generally,

reduced activity in the appraisal regions (amygdala, insula, striatum, and medial

orbitofrontal cortex) is associated with impairments in perception of and response to

emotional stimuli in this population (Brunet-Gouet & Decety, 2006; Denny et al., 2010).

However, the evidence supporting hypoactivations in these areas is equivocal (Brunet-

Gouet & Decety, 2006), as some studies report hyperactivations in these regions,

particularly the amygdala (Holt et al., 2006; Kosaka et al., 2002). The interpretation of

these data that is perhaps most consistent with all current reports is that serious mental

illness involves impairments in emotion appraisal at multiple levels of biosystemic

functioning, including the neurophysiological and neuropsychological levels.

This dysregulation may be due, at least in part, to disrupted connections between

the appraisal regions and the cognitive control (i.e., regulation) regions (Das et al., 2007).

This is apparent even in individuals who are at risk for developing psychosis (Modinos,

Ormel, & Aleman, 2010), indicating that it may be a marker of vulnerability for the


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The neuropathology associated with schizophrenia and the severity of the

associated social cognitive deficits brings into question whether the emotion processing

deficits associated with that pathology can be remediated. Several interventions have

been developed to target the various systemic deficits associated with SMI. Although

these treatments are far from returning individuals with SMI to “normal” functioning,

preliminary data do indicate that these deficits are responsive to therapeutic remediation.

Interventions Based on the Generalized Deficit Hypothesis

To the degree that functional neurocognition is a prerequisite for success at any

more molar level of processing (e.g., social cognition), strengthening basic

neurocognition may lead to improvements in social cognition (Spaulding & Poland,

2001).2 This is reflected in the generalized deficit hypothesis, that social cognitive deficits

such as the poor emotion processing observed in schizophrenia are due primarily to

cognitive impairment in general, not the failure of some specific cognitive or

neurocognitive subsystem (Archer, Hay, & Young, 1992; Huang, Xu, & Chan, 2011;

Johnston, Katsikitis, & Carr, 2001; Kerr & Neale, 1993; Mueser et al., 1996; Pomarol-

Clotet et al., 2010; Salem et al., 1996). This hypothesis also presumes that remediating

cognitive impairment should likewise remediate emotion processing deficits (van der

Gaag, Kern, van den Bosch, & Liberman, 2002).

Indeed, cognitive remediation, a treatment program aimed at improving executive

functioning deficits, is associated with improvements in social cognition. Cognitive

remediation consists of exercises of varying cognitive complexity, from basic perception

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to social perception. Although the goal of the program is to target social perception,

neurocognitive skills such as attention, memory, and executive functioning are also

targeted, as these skills are considered fundamental for improved social perception (van

der Gaag et al., 2002). These areas are targeted with training in such strategies as self-

instruction, memory enhancement, inductive reasoning, and compensatory training

procedures, strategies which have proven successful in remediating other types of deficits

in schizophrenia (Kern, Wallace, Hellman, Womack, & Green, 1996).

Consistent with its goal of remediating neurocognitive deficits, cognitive

remediation is associated with improvements in verbal and visual memory, sustained

attention, and executive functioning in schizophrenia (Hodge et al., 2010; Reeder,

Newton, Frangou, & Wykes, 2004). Furthermore, it is associated with improvements in

emotion perception in this population. Although individuals with schizophrenia commit

35-55% more errors in emotion tasks than healthy controls before treatment, their

performance approaches that of untreated healthy controls following treatment (van der

Gaag et al., 2002).

Finally, cognitive remediation is associated with improvements in social and

occupational outcomes, which appear to persist in at least the short-term beyond the

conclusion of treatment (Hodge et al., 2010). Importantly, it has been hypothesized that

cognitive remediation serves as a mediator between changes in neurocognition and social

functioning; without cognitive remediation, changes in neurocognition do not appear to

affect social functioning (Reeder et al., 2004).

A more comprehensive cognitive treatment modality is Integrated Psychological

Therapy (IPT; Brenner, Hodel, Roder, & Corrigan, 1992; Roder, Mueller, Brenner, &

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Spaulding, 2010). Like cognitive remediation, IPT is founded upon the assumption that

both neurocognitive and social cognitive deficits need to be addressed therapeutically to

effect change in social cognition (Brenner et al., 1992; Wallace et al., 1980). Also like

cognitive remediation, IPT consists of exercises of varying cognitive complexity, from

basic perception to social perception. These exercises are arranged in five hierarchical

subprograms: cognitive differentiation, social perception, verbal communication, social

skills, and interpersonal problem solving. With respect to neurocognitive deficits, IPT is

associated with improvements in attention, concept formation, and abstract thinking, as

well as in spatiotemporal orientation and memory (see Roder, Mueller, Mueser, &

Brenner, 2006, for a review). IPT is also associated with improvements in social

functioning and social competence (Brenner et al., 1992; Roder et al., 2006; Spaulding,

Reed, Sullivan, Richardson, & Weiler, 1999; Zimmer, Duncan, Laitano, Ferreira, &

Belmonte-de-Abreu, 2007).

Interventions Based on the Specific Deficit Hypothesis

Although the generalized deficit hypothesis proposes that deficits in emotion

processing in schizophrenia may be due to general cognitive impairment, its competitor,

the specific deficit hypothesis, proposes that these deficits may be due to a specific deficit

in emotion processing that is independent of general cognitive impairment (Borod et al.,

1993; Edwards et al., 2001; Gaebel & Wölwer, 1992; Heimberg, Gur, Erwin, Shtasel, &

Gur, 1992; Kosmidis et al., 2007; Poole et al., 2000; Shaw et al., 1999). Thus, the

specific deficit hypothesis presumes that remediating emotion processing deficits will

require a targeted intervention, as cognitive remediation may only result in slight

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improvements in emotion processing (Bryson, Bell, & Lysaker, 1997; Wölwer et al.,


Several treatments have been developed aimed specifically at remediating

emotion processing deficits. Penn and Combs (2000) randomly assigned inpatients with

schizophrenia to one of four interventions to compare effects on ability to identify facial

affect: repeated practice with facial emotion identification, monetary reinforcement for

correct identifications, imitation of facial emotions (facial feedback), and a combination

of monetary reinforcement and facial feedback. The latter three groups resulted in

improvements in facial affect identification to a degree that was comparable to

performance of untreated healthy controls (Penn & Combs, 2000). Consistent with these

results, two other imitation-based modalities have benefits for improving emotion

recognition, the accuracy of facial expressions, and social and behavioral functioning in

schizophrenia (Mazza et al., 2010; Schwartz et al., 2006).

The Micro-Expression Training Tool (METT; Russell, Chu, & Phillips, 2006) is a

single-session computer-based intervention that attempts to improve emotion recognition.

The program retrains where participants visually attend to faces, and pilot data indicate

that it improves emotion recognition in outpatients with schizophrenia to a level

comparable to untreated healthy controls.

Training of Affect Recognition (TAR; Frommann, Streit, & Wölwer, 2003) is a

modality similar to cognitive remediation and IPT in its emphasis on errorless learning

strategies such as compensation and positive reinforcement. Results indicate that this

program is associated with significant improvements in facial affect recognition and

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discrimination, to a degree comparable to that of untreated healthy controls (Frommann

et al., 2003; Habel et al., 2010; Wölwer et al., 2005).

Emotion-Focused Therapy (Greenberg, 2004; Greenberg & Bolger, 2001),

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT; Linehan, 1993), and Emotional Management

Training (Hodel & Brenner, 2002) are perhaps the treatments most aimed at developing

emotion regulation skills. These modalities are designed to develop an understanding of

adaptive and maladaptive emotions and their sources and then acquire emotion regulation

skills. Emotion-Focused Therapy and DBT were not developed for schizophrenia, but the

therapeutic goals and skills of both modalities are consistent with deficits observed in

schizophrenia. Thus, these modalities may be useful for helping individuals with

schizophrenia develop more adaptive emotion regulation skills (van der Meer et al.,

2009). In contrast, Emotional Management Training, a subprogram of IPT, was designed

specifically for emotion processing deficits observed in schizophrenia (Hodel & Brenner,

1997). This modality leads to improvements in emotional information processing and

cognitive processing in this population, beyond what is observed for other common

treatments (Hodel & Brenner, 2002).

Finally, Social Cognition and Interaction Training (SCIT; Penn, Roberts, Combs,

& Sterne, 2007) is a group-based treatment modality aimed specifically at remediating

social cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. It targets the three key social cognitive deficits

in this population: emotion perception, attributional style, and theory of mind. It appears

to be effective in inpatients (Combs et al., 2007; Penn et al., 2007) and outpatients

(Roberts & Penn, 2009; Kleinlein, 2010) at remediating deficits in emotion processing

and improving social functioning.

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This review has evaluated the abnormalities in emotion processing observed in

schizophrenia. The research on emotion perception clearly demonstrates a deficit in that

domain: Individuals with schizophrenia are impaired at recognizing the emotional

expressions in faces, voices, and integrated tasks. However, the research for emotional

experience and expression are substantially less clear. Although individuals with

schizophrenia self-report similar emotional experiences to controls, physiological and

experience sampling data indicate their actual experiences may conflict with these

reports. This discrepancy points to the possibility that individuals with schizophrenia

may be using emotion regulation strategies to alter their perception of their emotional

experiences, thereby perceiving their abnormal experience as near normal. Finally,

although individuals with schizophrenia frequently present with flattened affect, data

indicate subtle movement in facial regions associated with appropriate emotional

expressions. This again raises the possibility that emotion regulation strategies, such as

suppression, may help explain this observation.

This study further elucidates the relationships between emotion regulation,

biosystemic domains, and treatment modalities in SMI. The importance of understanding

social cognitive functioning, and particularly emotion regulation, in SMI lies in its

relationship to other biosystemic domains, including social and community functioning.

Furthermore, contradictory findings and methodological differences across studies have

limited conclusions that can be drawn about these relationships.

Page 42: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


The first aim of this study is to evaluate the interrelationships between emotion

processing and psychiatric symptoms. It is hypothesized that more severe positive

symptoms of psychosis will be associated with greater use of suppression as a

regulatory strategy (Hypothesis 1). As discussed, suppression is generally associated

with the experience of more psychiatric symptoms and reappraisal with fewer (Gross &

John, 2003); and this has been replicated in schizophrenia (Henry, Rendell, Green,

McDonald, & O'Donnell, 2008). Positive symptoms of schizophrenia, such as auditory

hallucinations and paranoid delusions, are associated with increases in the emotional

experience of anxiety and depression (Freeman, 2007; Lysaker & Salyers, 2007).

Emotional experiences such as these are typically down-regulated (John & Gross, 2009)

with regulatory strategies such as suppression or reappraisal. This has been replicated in

schizophrenia, whereby the severity of auditory hallucinations has been demonstrated

to be associated with greater use of suppression (Badcock, Paulik, & Maybery, 2011).

The second aim of this study is to evaluate the interrelationships between

emotion processing and neurocognition. It is hypothesized that individuals with better

emotion regulation will have higher scores on neurocognitive assessments of attention,

memory, and executive functioning (Hypothesis 2). Just as any other type of cognitive

processing, emotion processing requires neural resources. At the most basic level,

appraisal of perceived emotional stimuli requires attention to those stimuli. Moreover,

online interpretations of emotional stimuli require intact working memory (Green &

Malhi, 2006). Finally, reinterpretations of these stimuli and self-regulation require

higher order cognitive abilities, such as long-term memory and especially executive

functioning (Declerck, Boone, & De Brabander, 2006; Gyurak et al., 2009). Executive

Page 43: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


functioning appears to be particularly important for regulating emotions during times of

distress. However, there are discrepant results regarding whether this is also the case in

schizophrenia (Bak et al., 2008; Penn et al., 1993). Limitations in neurocognitive

resources would likely have a greater negative effect on individuals who habitually

suppress (such as the schizophrenia population) than those who reappraise because

suppression requires more cognitive resources (Badcock et al., 2011).

The third aim of this study is to evaluate the interrelationships between emotion

processing and social functioning. It is hypothesized that individuals with better

emotion regulation will have higher scores on assessments of social and community

functioning (Hypothesis 3a). Habitual use of suppression is associated with greater

social functioning difficulties in schizophrenia as compared to habitual use of

reappraisal (Badcock et al., 2011; Henry et al., 2008). It is further hypothesized that the

relationship between emotion regulation and social and community functioning will

interact with severity of positive psychotic symptoms (Hypothesis 3b). Cognitive

deficits limit the neural resources available for allocation toward self-regulation, social

perception, and attention to external stimuli (Ellgring & Smith, 1998), and this may

have negative social consequences. Greater focus on internal stimuli, such as positive

psychotic symptoms, may further limit the resources available for attention to external

stimuli and thereby compromise social functioning.

The fourth aim of this study is to evaluate the interrelationships between

emotion processing and treatment history. It is hypothesized that individuals who have

completed group treatment modalities will have better emotion regulation (Hypothesis

4a). More specifically, it is hypothesized that individuals who have completed a group

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treatment modality based on the specific deficit hypothesis (e.g., SCIT) will have better

emotion regulation than individuals who have completed a group treatment modality

based on the generalized deficit hypothesis (e.g., IPT) (Hypothesis 4b). As discussed,

treatment modalities have been developed for the purpose of remediating social

cognitive and emotion processing deficits in SMI. Of particular interest is the effect of

“jumping to conclusions” on emotion processing. Individuals who have experienced

psychosis are more likely to jump to conclusions, basing conclusions on limited

evidence (Dudley, John, Young, & Over, 1997a, 1997b). Moreover, jumping to

conclusions is associated with feelings of anxiety, and anxiety with an increase in

paranoia (Lincoln, Lange, Burau, Exner, & Moritz, 2010). However, when given more

information on which to base conclusions, individuals who have experienced psychosis

can change their conclusions (Dudley et al., 1997a, 1997b). The finding that jumping to

conclusions may be related to emotion regulation strategies (Livingstone et al., 2009),

suggests that modalities aimed at teaching individuals how to evaluate evidence and

avoid jumping to conclusions may impact which strategies these individuals use to

regulate emotions.

Finally, this study aims to summarize the hypothesized relationships with a path

model. It is hypothesized that emotion regulation can be incorporated in pathways to

clinical outcome, consistent with pathways previously observed in the SMI population

(Hypothesis 5). Previous research has identified pathways to functional outcome in

schizophrenia, but none have incorporated emotion regulation. For example, Brekke et

al. (2005) established the pathway from neurocognition to global functional outcome

via emotion perception. Their results are presented graphically in Figure 5.1.

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Social Competence

Global Functional Outcome

0.56 0.30



Social Support


Figure 5.1.

Pathway from Neurocognition to Global Functional Outcome from Brekke et al., 2005 Neurocognition was measured by a composite composed of performance on the Controlled Oral Word

Association Test, the Digit Span Distractibility Test, the Degraded-Stimulus Continuous Performance

Test, and perseverative errors from the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.

Emotion perception was measured by a composite composed of performance on the Facial Emotion

Identification Test, the Videotape Affect Perception Test, and the Voice Emotion Identification Test. Social competence was measured by a subscale of the Community Adjustment Form.

Social support was measured by a self-report social support scale adapted from the Medical Outcomes

Study Social Support Survey.

Global Functional Outcome was measured from the Role Functioning Scale and included ratings of work,

social functioning, and independent living.

In addition, Lipkovich et al. (2009) established the pathway from

neurocognition to occupational functioning via symptom severity. Their results are

presented graphically in Figure 5.2.

Direct effect (β), p < .05

Direct effect (β), p > .05

Residual (Endogenous) Variance ( )

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Working Memory

Positive Symptoms

Occupational Functioning



Negative Symptoms


Processing Speed

Verbal Memory

Figure 5.2.

Pathway from Neurocognition to Occupational Functioning from Lipkovich et al., 2009 Working memory was measured by the Letter-Number Sequencing verbal subtest of the Wechsler Adult

Intelligence Scale Third Edition.

Processing speed was measured by the average of the WAIS-R Digit-Symbol Coding performance subtest

and the Category Instances, and Controlled Oral Word Association Test.

Verbal memory was measured by the Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test with Crawford Alternative.

Positive and negative symptoms were measured with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale.

Occupational functioning was measured with the Quality of Life Scale Instrumental Role Functioning


Inclusion of emotional regulation considerations with these known pathways,

and the hypotheses proposed in this study, produces the hypothesized path model

described in Figure 5.3. The hypothesized model adapts the results from Brekke et al.

(2005) and Lipkovich et al. (2009) to pathways from neurocognition to social

functioning via emotion perception and symptom severity. Neurocognition is also

expected to predict emotion regulation, following from Hypothesis 2. The path from

emotion regulation to social functioning follows from Hypothesis 3, and the path from

self-harm to emotion regulation is based on the theory that self-harm is a behavioral

Direct effect (β), p < .05

Direct effect (β), p > .05

Residual (Endogenous) Variance ( )

Page 47: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


proxy of emotion dysregulation. Finally, the pathways from group skills training

participation to emotion perception and social functioning follow from Hypothesis 4

and the hypothesized effects of modalities such as SCIT and IPT on these constructs.

Figure 5.3. Hypothesized Path Model


Emotion Perception



Emotion Regulation



Group Skills Training



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Participants were recruited from the clients of a local day rehabilitation center

serving adults with SMI. Clients of this day rehabilitation center regularly participate in

rehabilitative group treatment modalities, including IPT and SCIT. The sample included

42 individuals who collectively are fairly representative of the larger SMI population

with respect to psychiatric diagnoses, gender and age distribution, and other demographic

and clinical characteristics. One participant was excluded from the analyses, as detailed

below. Diagnoses were determined by reviewing participants’ clinical records, and all

diagnoses were made by a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist. All participants had

primary Axis I diagnoses of schizophrenia spectrum disorders (78.1%), Bipolar I

Disorder (12.2%), or Major Depressive Disorder (7.3%), and many had secondary Axis I

and Axis II disorders. One exclusion criterion was a primary diagnosis of Borderline

Personality Disorder. This is primarily a disorder of maladaptive emotion regulation, and

the difficulties of individuals with this diagnosis may not be reflective of the difficulties

and experiences of the larger SMI population. Participants in the final sample of 41

individuals (32 males, 9 females) included 37 Caucasians, 2 African Americans, and 2 of

another race or ethnicity, with an age range of 21 to 70 years (M = 43.6 years; SD = 13.7

years) and education of 10 to 16 years (M = 12.2 years; SD = 1.5 years). Most

participants were prescribed antipsychotic medications (85.4%) in addition to other

psychotropic medications. Additional demographic and clinical characteristics of the

sample are included in Table 6.1.

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Table 6.1. Sample Demographic and Clinical Characteristics

Variable n %


Male 32 78.0

Female 9 22.0


Caucasian 37 90.2

African American 2 4.9

Other 2 4.8

Marital Status

Single 33 80.5

Divorced 6 14.6

Legal Status at Admission

Voluntary 18 43.9

Voluntary by Guardian 1 2.4

Mental Health Board Commitment 5 12.2

Court Order 1 2.4

Not Responsible by Reason of Insanity 3 7.3

Axis I Diagnosis

Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type 12 29.3

Schizophrenia, Disorganized or Undifferentiated Type 5 12.2

Schizoaffective Disorder 15 36.6

Bipolar I Disorder 5 12.2

Major Depressive Disorder 3 7.3

Missing 1 2.4

Second Axis I Diagnosis

Paraphilia Disorder 2 4.9

Substance Abuse/Dependence (In Remission) 5 12.2

Anxiety Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified 4 9.8

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 2 4.9

Other (Cognitive Disorder due to Head Injury; Attention

Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; Asperger’s Disorder;

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) 4 9.8

No Diagnosis/Missing 24 58.5

Third Axis I Diagnosis

Depressive Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified 2 4.9

Other (Substance Abuse/Dependence; Cognitive Disorder,

Not Otherwise Specified; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Intermittent Explosive Disorder; Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder) 5 12.2

No Diagnosis/Missing 34 82.9

Axis II Diagnosis

Personality Disorder, NOS 3 7.3

Borderline Intellectual Functioning 2 4.9

No Diagnosis/Deferred/Missing 36 87.8

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Variable n %


Antipsychotic 35 85.4

Anticonvulsant/Mood Stabilizer/Lithium 21 50.4

Antidepressant 18 43.9

Anxiolytic 12 29.3

Addiction 2 4.9

Levothyroxine 2 4.9

Stimulant 1 2.4


The following measures comprise the battery of instruments included in the study.

Clinical instruments.

Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS; Ventura et al., 1993). The Brief

Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) is a semi-structured interview that rates the presence of

24 psychiatric symptoms over the previous two weeks. The severity of each symptom is

rated on a scale from (1) not present to (7) extremely severe. Previous factor analyses

have demonstrated that a four factor solution consisting of Thought Disorder (e.g.,

grandiosity, suspiciousness, hallucinations, unusual thought content), Anergia (motor

retardation, uncooperativeness, blunted affect), Affect (somatic concern, anxiety, guilt,

depression, hostility), and Disorganization (conceptual disorganization, tension, odd

mannerisms and posturing) fits BPRS data well (Mueser, Curran, & McHugo, 1997;

Long & Brekke, 1999). Total scores range from 24 to 168, with higher scores reflecting

greater symptom severity.

Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory (DSHI; Gratz, 2001). The Deliberate Self-Harm

Inventory (DSHI) is a 17-item self-report questionnaire to assess deliberate self-harm.

Each item asks participants to indicate whether they have engaged in a particular type of

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self-harm and follows affirmative responses with questions about frequency, severity, and

duration of harm. This measure will serve as a functional indicator of difficulties with

emotion regulation.

In undergraduates, the overall internal consistency (α) is .82. Item-total

correlations (r) range from .12 to .65. Test-retest reliability is adequate (ϕ = .68, p

<.001). Scores correlate with other measures of self-harm, history of suicide attempts,

social desirability, and history of psychotherapy.

Researcher and Consumer Emotion Regulation Scale (RACERS; Bottoms,

2011). The Researcher and Consumer Emotion Regulation Scale (RACERS) is a 30-item

self-report measure of emotion regulation developed collaboratively with participants at a

day rehabilitation center. This new instrument was designed to measure aspects of

emotion regulation maximally pertinent to the particular difficulties in this domain

associated with SMI. Preliminary psychometric analyses indicate that RACERS has

adequate construct validity and internal consistency (α = .77). Scores range from 30 to

180, with higher scores reflecting better emotion regulation.

Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS; Gratz & Roemer, 2004). The

Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) is a 36-item self-report measure of

difficulties with emotion regulation. Participants rate how often the items describe their

emotional and behavioral responses to being upset. Each item is rated on a Likert-type

scale ranging from (1) almost never to (5) almost always. Items are arranged into 6

subscales: Nonacceptance of Emotional Responses; Difficulties Engaging in Goal-

Directed Behavior; Impulse Control Difficulties; Lack of Emotional Awareness; Limited

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Access to Emotion Regulation Strategies; and Lack of Emotional Clarity. Scores range

from 36 to 180, with higher scores reflecting greater emotion dysregulation.

In undergraduates, the overall internal consistency (α) is .93, ranging from .80 to

.89 on subscales. Item-total correlations (r) range from .16 to .69.

Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ; Gross & John, 2003). The Emotion

Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) is a 10-item self-report questionnaire designed to

measure the habitual use of suppression and reappraisal. Each item describes a way of

controlling particular emotions and is rated on a 7-point Likert scale from (1) strongly

agree to (7) strongly agree. Reappraisal scores range from 6 to 42, and suppression scores

range from 4 to 28, with higher scores representing greater use of that regulatory strategy.

No total score is obtained, as the reappraisal and suppression factors are considered


In undergraduates, the internal consistency (α) for Reappraisal is .79 and for

Suppression is .73. Test-retest reliability is .69 for both scales.

Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire (BVAQ; Vorst & Bermond, 2001).

The Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire (BVAQ) is a 40-item self-report

questionnaire that assesses alexithymia, or a deficiency in the ability to recognize,

identify, and distinguish between emotional states. Each item is rated on a 5-point Likert

scale from (1) strongly agree to (5) strongly disagree. The items are divided into five

subscales in two domains. In the Cognitive domain are the following subscales:

Identifying (degree of ability to describe the nature of one’s own emotions); Analyzing

(degree to which one tries to explain personal emotional states); and Verbalizing (degree

to which one is able to verbally communicate about emotional states). In the Affective

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domain are the following subscales: Emotionalizing (degree of arousal from emotional

stimuli); and Fantasizing (degree of likelihood to fantasize about virtual matters). Scores

range from 40 to 200, with higher scores reflecting greater alexithymia. The overall

internal consistency (α) is .81 in undergraduates, ranging from .67 to .85 on subscales.


The Neuropsychological Assessment Battery – Screening Module (Stern &

White, 2003). The Neuropsychological Assessment Battery – Screening Module (NAB-

S) is designed to evaluate the neuropsychological functioning of adults aged 18 to 97 who

have disorders affecting the central nervous system. As such, it is particularly useful for

individuals with SMI, who demonstrate aberrant neurological functioning as reviewed

above. The Screening Module briefly screens for impairment in each of five

neuropsychological domains: Attention, Language, Memory, Spatial Ability, and

Executive Functions. The internal consistency (α) of the NAB-S ranges from .24 to .79.

The reliability (G) of the NAB-S ranges from .55 to .91, with an overall reliability of .80.

Trail Making Test - Trails A and B (Reitan & Davidson, 1974). The Trail

Making Test (TMT) is a visual search test to assess brain dysfunction and rehabilitative

progress in individuals between the ages of 15 and 89 (Strauss, Sherman, & Spreen,

2006). The test is given in two parts, Trails A and Trails B. On Trails A, participants are

asked to connect a series of 25 numbered circles in numerical order as quickly as

possible; on Trails B, they are asked to connect a series of 25 numbered and lettered

circles by alternating the numerical and alphabetical sequences (e.g., connect 1 to A to 2

to B, etc.) as quickly as possible. Generally, the test measures attention, psychomotor

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processing speed, and mental flexibility. Scores reflect the time required to complete each

part; higher scores reflect slower time to completion.

Reliability of the TMT in individuals with schizophrenia is quite low (α = .36 for

Trails A and α = .63 for Trails B). Nevertheless, performance on the TMT is associated

with vocational outcome, psychosocial outcome, performance of independent living skills

and thus demonstrates substantial utility in this population.

Social cognition.

Face Emotion Identification Task ( Kerr and Neale, 1993). The Face Emotion

Identification Task (FEIT) is a computer-based task developed to measure emotion

recognition in schizophrenia. Participants are shown 19 photographs from Izard (1971)

and Ekman (1976), representing happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and shame.

After each photograph, they are asked to identify the present emotion from six choices

corresponding to the emotions included in the pictures. The task has an internal

consistency (α) of .71 in schizophrenia.

Benton Facial Recognition Test (Benton, Hamsher, Varney, & Spreen, 1983).

The Benton Facial Recognition Test (BFRT) measures the ability to recognize unfamiliar

faces and is an assessment of perceptual discrimination. Participants are shown a target

face and are asked to match that face to other photographs. The first 6 trials consist of

straightforward matching of the target to one of six other faces; and the final 16 trials

consist of matching the target to three of six faces with altered lighting or orientation.

Scores range from 0 to 54, with higher scores reflecting greater perceptual discrimination.

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Social functioning.

Social Functioning Scale (Birchwood, Smith, Cochrane, Wetton, & Copestacke,

1990). The Social Functioning Scale (SFS) is a measure of social functioning to assess

the efficacy of treatment for schizophrenia. The scale measures skills and behaviors

relevant to the impairments of this population. Items are grouped into 7 subscales: Social

engagement, Interpersonal behavior, Prosocial activities, Recreation, Independence-

Competence (ability to perform independent living skills), Independence-Performance

(performance of independent living skills), and Employment/Occupation. Scores range

from 0 to 223, with higher scores reflecting better social functioning.

The SFS has good reliability and validity in a sample of individuals with

schizophrenia. The overall inter-rater reliability is .94, ranging from .69 to .96 on

subscales. The overall scale has an internal consistency (α) of .80, ranging from .69 to .87

on subscales. SFS scores are related to symptom presentation, prosocial behaviors,

employment, and performance independent living skills.

Multnomah Community Ability Scale (Barker, Barron, McFarland, & Bigelow,

1994). The Multnomah Community Ability Scale (MCAS) is a functional assessment

instrument designed specifically for measuring community functioning in individuals

with severe and persistent mental illness living in the community. The original version is

intended for clinician completion (most often, case managers) regarding their clients’

functioning over the past 30 days; the self-report version (MCAS-SR; Barker,

McFarland, & O’Malia, 2004) is intended for consumer completion. The scale includes

17 items covering a range of community abilities in 4 domains: Health, Adaptation,

Social Skills, and Behavior. Each item is rated on a 5-point Likert scale; descriptive

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anchors vary for each item, but higher ratings reflect greater community functioning.

Scores range from 17 to 85, with higher scores reflecting greater community functioning.

The MCAS has good reliability and validity in large community-based SMI

populations (Barker et al., 1994; Hendryx, Dyck, McBride, & Whitbeck, 2001; Trauer,

2001; Zani, McFarland, Wachal, Barker, & Barron, 1999). The overall inter-rater

reliability is .85, ranging from .32 to .75 on individual items and from .70 to .78 on

subscales. The overall test-retest reliability is .83, ranging from .31 to .90 on individual

items and from .70 to .82 on subscales. The items appear to be measuring the same

construct, as the internal consistency is high (α = .90).

Treatment. Participants’ completion of IPT and SCIT at the day rehabilitation

center will be obtained from their clinical records.


Participants were recruited at regular community meetings at a local day

rehabilitation center. After a participant expressed interest in the study, the experimental

purpose, procedures, risks and benefits were fully explained, and written informed

consent was obtained. For participants with legal guardians, guardian consent was

obtained before participant assent was obtained.

Participants were asked to complete a battery of measures administered by the

author. In total, the battery of self-report and researcher-administered instruments took

approximately 3 hours to complete. Most participants completed the battery in one to

three sessions over two weeks, depending on individual preferences and fatigue. Two

participants did not complete the entire battery, as one was hospitalized before

completion of the study and one chose to withdraw from the study. These participants are

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included in the analyses for the completed portions of the battery. Participants were

compensated $20 for completing the study.

Demographic, clinical, and treatment information was retrieved from treatment

records. All data was compiled into a de-identified database for analysis.

Statistical Analyses

Path analyses were conducted in Mplus. Mplus allows for specification of

simultaneous regression equations and therefore implies a very specific covariance matrix

that better approximates the data than sequential regression equations. Beginning with the

hypothesized model, each model specified endogenous (dependent) and exogenous

(independent) variables and the covariance between them. Estimated models were

evaluated by ensuring that the algorithm converged. Converged models were modified

according to theoretical guidance, beginning by examining the normalized residual

covariance matrix and individually removing parameters with abnormally large standard

errors. Next, parameters with abnormally large modification indices were removed

individually, again according to theoretical guidance. Then, model fit statistics were used

to evaluate the overall model fit. These included the log-likelihood from the tested model;

the log-likelihood of the saturated (unstructured) model in which all variances,

covariances, and means are estimated; the Akaike Information Criterion; the Bayesian

Information Criterion; the Chi-Square Test of Model Fit; the Root Mean Square Error of

Approximation; the Comparative Fit Index; the Tucker Lewis Index; and the

Standardized Root Mean Squared Residual. If the estimated model did not have adequate

fit, the model parameters were evaluated, and those with non-significant p-values were

removed individually. Effect on the model fit was assessed, and those non-significant

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parameters that improved model fit when removed were excluded from the model. The

model was considered complete when it contained a converged algorithm, stable standard

errors, and adequate model fit.

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Preliminary Analyses

Mean scores for each of the instruments included in the battery are included in

Table 7.1, and the correlation matrices are included in Appendices A – C. Total scores for

the Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory were not obtained because many participants with a

history of chronic self-harm could not estimate the frequency of this behavior. Therefore,

this instrument was used to categorize participants into two groups: Those with a history

of self-harm and those with no history of self-harm. Results indicated that 21 participants

reported no history of self-harm. Of the 18 participants who indicated a history of self-

harm, 8 reported having injured themselves fewer than 6 times, and the remaining 10

individuals had more chronic histories of self-harm.

Table 7.1. Assessment Descriptive Statistics

Instrument n Scale Range M SE SD Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale 40 24-168 43.20 1.47 9.31

Thought Disorder Factor 39 3.23-16.32 5.73 0.39 2.41

Anergia Factor 40 2.33-16.32 5.58 0.29 1.80

Affect Factor 40 2.28-15.97 5.87 0.47 2.96

Disorganization Factor 40 1.27-8.88 1.94 0.15 0.92 Researcher & Consumer Emotion Regulation Scale 39 30-180 108.35 2.55 15.95

Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale

Nonacceptance 38 6-30 14.92 1.05 6.47

Goals 38 5-25 13.24 0.72 4.44 Awareness 38 6-30 15.47 0.77 4.75

Strategies 38 8-40 18.08 1.25 7.69 Clarity 38 5-25 11.55 0.66 4.04

Impulse 38 6-30 12.21 0.79 4.88 Total 38 36-180 85.47 3.89 23.95

Emotion Regulation Questionnaire

Reappraisal 38 6-42 28.97 1.12 6.88

Suppression 38 4-28 16.45 0.74 4.58

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Instrument n Scale Range M SE SD

Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire

Cognitive Domain 41 24-120 65.54 2.01 12.85 Verbalizing 41 8-40 25.42 1.12 7.16

Identifying 41 8-40 20.83 1.00 6.40 Analyzing 41 8-40 19.29 0.70 4.46

Affective Domain 41 16-80 45.22 1.46 9.33 Emotionalizing 41 8-40 22.44 0.71 4.52

Fantasizing 41 8-40 22.78 1.09 6.98 Total 41 40-200 110.76 2.33 14.89 Neuropsychological Assessment Battery – Screener (Standard Scores)

Attention 41 72.73 2.59 16.59

Language 41 100.49 3.10 19.82

Memory 41 80.63 2.58 16.49

Spatial Ability 41 89.10 2.79 17.86

Executive Functioning 41 88.15 2.39 15.32

Total 41 79.88 2.65 16.95

Trail Making Test

Trails A 41 44.17 3.35 21.46

Trails B 34 98.65 7.56 44.06

Facial Emotion Identification Task

Proportion Correctly Identified - Overall 41 0-1 0.56 0.03 0.21

Happy 41 0-1 0.85 0.05 0.30

Sad 41 0-1 0.50 0.06 0.38

Angry 41 0-1 0.64 0.05 0.33

Ashamed 41 0-1 0.34 0.05 0.30

Afraid 41 0-1 0.46 0.04 0.26

Surprised 41 0-1 0.76 0.05 0.32 Benton Facial Recognition Test 41 0-54 40.95 0.94 6.00

Social Functioning Scale

Social Engagement 38 0-15 10.66 0.38 2.35

Interpersonal Behavior 38 0-9 6.97 0.29 1.76 Prosocial Activities 38 0-39 17.18 1.52 9.36

Recreation 38 0-45 19.08 0.80 4.96 Independence – Competence 38 0-66 34.29 1.00 6.17

Independence – Performance 38 0-39 29.26 1.01 6.21

Employment/Occupation 38 0-10 5.45 0.54 3.36

Total 38 0-223 122.89 2.82 17.41

Multnomah Community Ability Scale

Health 38 5-25 19.34 0.52 3.35

Adaptation 38 3-15 11.37 0.40 2.57

Social Skills 38 5-25 17.98 0.64 4.12

Behavior 38 4-20 18.05 0.37 2.40

Total 38 17-85 66.73 1.47 9.41

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Instrument n Scale Range M SE SD

Multnomah Community Ability Scale – Self Report

Health 38 5-25 18.71 0.61 3.74 Adaptation 38 3-15 11.21 0.35 2.17

Social Skills 38 5-25 18.03 0.63 3.87 Behavior 38 4-20 18.34 0.29 1.77

Total 38 17-85 66.29 1.39 8.58

Social Cognition and Interaction Training

Participated 14

Not Participated 25

Progress Rating (Maximum) 14 0-10 8.36 0.37 1.39

Integrated Psychological Therapy

Participated 24

Not Participated 15

Progress Rating (Average) 24 0-10 6.66 0.26 1.29

Total scores were analyzed for each of the 15 instruments administered. Outliers

were considered total scores greater than 2.5 standard deviations from the grand mean.

The population under investigation is in part defined by departure from the mean.

Consistent with this idea, 12 participants (29%) had an outlying score on one instrument,

and 1 additional participant had outlying scores on three instruments. Given that 29% of

the participants had an outlying score on one instrument in the data set, this pattern of

responding was considered normative for the population being studied and the scores

were not removed. An exception is a score on Trails B that was more than 4 standard

deviations from the mean; this score was removed from the data set. The participant with

three outlying scores was removed from the data set entirely for having multiple outlying

scores and not representing the larger population.

Performance on the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale indicates participants’

symptoms were generally in the “not present” to “very mild” range (average item score =

1.81, SD = 0.40 on scale from 1 to 7). Symptoms related to affective flattening were the

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most severe, in the “very mild” to “mild” range on average (average item score = 2.47,

SD = 1.18), followed by symptoms related to anergia (average item score = 2.38, SD =

0.77). Positive symptoms of psychosis and symptoms of disorganization were the least

severe on average (Thought disorder average item score = 1.82, SD = 0.76;

Disorganization average item score = 1.62, SD = 0.68).

Participants with a diagnosis of an affective disorder (i.e., Schizoaffective

Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, or Major Depressive Disorder) had more severe psychiatric

symptoms (M = 45.75, SD = 9.46) than participants with a diagnosis of schizophrenia

(i.e., Schizophrenia Paranoid Type, Disorganized Type, or Undifferentiated Type) (M =

39.87, SD = 7.90) to a degree approaching clinical significance, t(37) = 2.01, p = .052 .

There were no significant differences between the groups on severity of positive

symptoms [t(36) = 1.63, p = .112], affective symptoms [t(37) = 1.67, p = .103], or

disorganization [t(37) = 1.04, p = .307]. However, participants with a diagnosis of

schizophrenia had significantly more severe symptoms of anergia, t(37) = 2.28, p = .029.

Performance on the Researcher and Consumer Emotion Regulation Scale

indicated emotion regulation abilities were in about the average range. The grand mean

was 108.35 (SD = 15.95), and scores on this instrument range from 30 to 180, with higher

scores reflecting greater emotion regulation. There were no significant differences across

diagnostic categories on this instrument, t < 1.

The grand mean on the Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Scale was 84.47 (SD

= 23.95), and scores on this instrument range from 36 to 180, with higher scores

reflecting more difficulties with emotion regulation. Overall, scores were comparable to

those received by patients with schizophrenia in other studies (e.g., Westermann &

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Lincoln, 2011). On a 5-point scale (1 = almost never use this strategy; 5 = almost always

use this strategy), average item scores ranged from 2.04 (SD = 0.81) on the Impulse

Control subscale to 2.98 (SD = 1.29) on the Nonacceptance of Emotions subscale. This

indicated that participants had difficulty with regulating emotions “sometimes” to “about

half the time.”

Participants with a diagnosis of an affective disorder had more difficulties with

emotion regulation (M = 92.36, SD = 26.31) than participants with a diagnosis of

schizophrenia (M = 78.13, SD = 14.92) to a degree approaching clinical significance,

t(35) = 1.89, p = .067 . Participants with a diagnosis of an affective disorder had

significantly more difficulties than participants with a diagnosis of schizophrenia with

Acceptance of Emotional Responses [t(35) = 2.17, p = .037] and Engaging in Goal-

Directed Behavior [t(35) = 2.36, p = .024]. There were no significant differences across

diagnostic categories on the remaining subscales (Impulse Control Difficulties; Lack of

Emotional Awareness; Limited Access to Emotion Regulation Strategies; and Lack of

Emotional Clarity).

Performance on the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire indicated that participants

tended to slightly agree that they used both suppression and reappraisal as emotion

regulation strategies. On a 7-point scale (1 = strongly disagree to using the strategy; 7 =

strongly agree to using the strategy), participants rated their use of reappraisal strategies

on average a 4.83 (SD = 1.15) and their use of suppression strategies on average a 4.11

(SD = 1.14). These results are consistent with previous research (e.g., Livingstone et al.,

2009). The sample agreed to using reappraisal more than they agreed to using

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suppression, t(37) = 3.52, p = .001. There were no significant differences across

diagnostic categories on this instrument, t < 1.

The grand mean on the Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire was 110.76

(SD = 14.89), and scores on this instrument range from 40 to 200, with higher scores

reflecting greater alexithymia. Overall, scores were comparable to those received by

patients with schizophrenia in other studies (e.g., van’t Wout et al., 2007). On a 5-point

scale (1 = This definitely applies; 5 = This in no way applies), participants rated equally

the affective and cognitive factors. The affective factor describes the degree to which one

tries to explain personal emotional states, degree of ability to describe the nature of one’s

own emotions, and degree of ability to verbally communicate about emotional states, and

participants rated these items on average a 2.83 (SD = 0.58). The cognitive factor

describes the degree of arousal from emotional stimuli and degree of likelihood to

fantasize about virtual matters, and participants rated these items on average a 2.73 (SD =

0.54). There were no significant differences across diagnostic categories in degree of

alexithymia (t < 1). However, participants with a diagnosis of an affective disorder had

significantly more difficulty verbally communicating about emotional states (M = 27.44,

SD = 7.27) than participants with a diagnosis of schizophrenia (M = 23.13, SD = 4.85),

t(38) = 2.03, p = .049 .

The standard scores for the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery – Screener

indicate that participants scored 1.34 standard deviations below average (age- and

education-matched controls) on the total battery. Whereas their performance was average

in the Language domain, performance was most impaired in all other domains, with the

greatest impairment in the Attention domain (1.82 standard deviations below average).

Page 65: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Participants with a diagnosis of an affective disorder had higher scores on the Memory

domain (M = 84.16, SD = 18.07) than participants with a diagnosis of schizophrenia (M =

74.27, SD = 12.17) to a degree approaching significance, t(38) = 1.88, p = .068 . They

also performed significantly better tasks of immediate verbal memory [t(38) = 2.25, p =

.030] and verbal fluency and generativity [t(38) = 2.69, p = .010]. There were no

significant differences across diagnostic categories on the remaining domains or tasks of

the NAB-Screener.

On average, participants completed Trails A in 44.2 seconds (SD = 21.46

seconds) and Trails B in 98.62 seconds (SD = 44.06 seconds), a statistically significant

time difference, t(33) = 10.66, p < .001. This is consistent with previous findings in

schizophrenia of 40.9 seconds to complete Trails A and 97.5 seconds to complete Trails

B (Perianez et al., 2007). Of the participants who completed Trails A, 7 were unable to

complete Trails B because of frustration with the task or requiring more time than the

task allowed. There were no significant differences across diagnostic categories on these


Overall, participants identified 56% of facial emotions correctly on the Facial

Emotion Identification Task. This is consistent with previous findings in schizophrenia of

correct identification of 57% (Mueser et al., 1996). Participants were most successful at

identifying happy faces (85% identified correctly) and least successful at identifying

ashamed faces (34% identified correctly). On average, they correctly identified

significantly more positive facial expressions (M = 80.5%, SD = 27.7) than negative

facial expressions (M = 48.3%, SD = 22.1%), t(40) = 8.11, p <.001. There were no

significant differences across diagnostic categories on this instrument, t < 1.

Page 66: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Performance on the Benton Facial Recognition Test indicated participants

correctly identified 40.95 faces on average (SD = 2.35). This is comparable to, though

slightly higher than, previous findings in schizophrenia of correct identification of

approximately 36 faces (Mueser et al., 1996). There were no significant differences

across diagnostic categories on this instrument, t < 1.

The grand mean on the Social Functioning Scale was 122.89 (SD = 17.41), and

scores on this instrument range from 0 to 223, with higher scores reflecting better social

functioning. This score is comparable to previous reports in schizophrenia of total scores

of 122.6 (Addington & Addington, 1999). Greatest performances were in the

Interpersonal Behavior (M = 6.97, SD = 1.76) and Independence – Performance (M =

29.26, SD = 6.21) domains. Weakest performances were in the Prosocial Activities (M =

17.18, SD = 9.36) and Recreation (M = 19.08, SD = 4.96) domains. There were no

significant differences across diagnostic categories on overall social functioning, t < 1,

but participants with a diagnosis of an affective disorder engaged in significantly more

prosocial activities than individuals with schizophrenia, t(35) = 2.18, p = .036.

The grand mean on the Multnomah Community Ability Scale was 66.73 (SD =

9.41), and scores on this instrument range from 17 to 85, with higher scores reflecting

better community ability. This score is comparable to previous reports in schizophrenia

of total scores of 66.5 (Prouteau et al., 2004). Participants’ ability was generally in the

“slightly impaired” to “moderately impaired” range (average item score = 3.93, SD =

1.08 on scale from 1 to 5, with 5 representing “no impairment”). Greatest performance

was in the Behavior domain (M = 18.05, SD = 2.40), and weakest performance was in the

Social Skills domain (M = 17.98, SD = 4.12), but there was no significant difference

Page 67: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


between performance in these domains, t(40) < 1. There were no significant differences

across diagnostic categories on overall community ability, t(38) = 1.42, p = .163, but

participants with a diagnosis of an affective disorder had significantly more impairment

in health behaviors (including mood regulation and stress management) than individuals

with schizophrenia, t(38) = 2.52, p = .016.

The grand mean on the Multnomah Community Ability Scale – Self Report

version was 66.29 (SD = 8.58), and scores on this instrument range from 17 to 85, with

higher scores reflecting better community ability. Participants’ ability was generally in

the “slightly impaired” to “moderately impaired” range (average item score = 3.91, SD =

1.10 on scale from 1 to 5, with 5 representing “no impairment”). Greatest performance

was in the Behavior domain (M = 18.34, SD = 1.77), and weakest performance was in the

Social Skills domain (M = 18.03, SD = 3.87) , but there was no significant difference

between performance in these domains, t(37) < 1. There were no significant differences

between clinicans’ ratings of participants’ community ability on the MCAS and

participants’ self-reported ratings on the MCAS-SR (p > .10 in all cases). There were no

significant differences across diagnostic categories on this instrument.

There were 14 participants who had completed Social Cognition and Interaction

Training and 24 who had completed Integrated Psychological Therapy. Of these, 12 had

completed both SCIT and IPT and 15 participants who had completed neither SCIT nor

IPT. Whereas 12 participants had completed IPT but not SCIT, only 2 participants had

completed SCIT but not IPT. The overall pattern in the distribution was X²(1) = 5.39, p =

.020, indicating that fewer people had completed SCIT but not IPT than expected. The

sample was evenly divided across diagnostic categories (participants with a diagnosis of

Page 68: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


an affective disorder vs. participants with a diagnosis of schizophrenia) in participation in

SCIT [X²(1) =0.74, p = .391] and IPT [X²(1) = 0.11, p = .744].

The correlation matrix of the variables included in the analyses indicated that

there was no systematic variation among variables that would theoretically be more

versus less related (see Appendices A-C). This precluded composition of composite latent

variables such as an Emotion Regulation variable that includes all of the measures of

emotion regulation in the study. Therefore, each hypothesis is tested with a series of

models examining the results of various measures to determine whether the same kinds of

predictive relationships hold for each of the measures of the relevant constructs.

Variables were centered at the mean score for regression analyses. The categorical

variable representing history of self-harm (DSHI) was coded such that 0 represented no

history of self-harm and 1 represented a history of self-harm.

Hypothesis 1: Symptom Severity and Emotion Regulation

Hypothesis 1 predicted that more severe positive symptoms of psychosis would

be associated with greater use of suppression as a regulatory strategy. Positive symptoms

were tested with the Thought Disorder factor of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale

(BPRS), and suppression was tested with the Suppression subscale of the Emotion

Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ). Correlation analyses were conducted to examine the

relationship between severity of positive symptoms and use of suppression as a

regulatory strategy. As shown in Table 7.2, positive symptom severity and suppression

were not significantly correlated (r = .11, p = .521), indicating that suppression did not

contribute to predicting positive symptom severity.

Page 69: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


The same analysis was repeated to examine the relationship between severity of

positive symptoms and other indicators of emotion regulation. All measures of emotion

regulation were non-significantly correlated with positive symptom severity, except

greater emotion dysregulation as measured by the Difficulties with Emotion Regulation

Scale (DERS) predicted more severe positive symptoms (r = .36, p = .025). Table 7.2

summarizes the analysis results.

The analyses were repeated to examine the relationship between global

psychiatric symptom severity and indicators of emotion regulation. Again, suppression

did not contribute to predicting global symptom severity (r = .14, p = .388). However,

greater overall emotion dysregulation as measured by the DERS predicted more severe

psychiatric symptoms (r = .60, p < .001), and this relationship approached significance

as measured by RACERS (r = -.29, p = .083). Finally, individuals with a history of self-

harm tended to have more severe psychiatric symptoms than individuals with no history

of self-harm (r = .44, p = .005). Table 7.2 summarizes the analysis results.

Table 7.2. Correlation Matrix for Measures of Emotion Regulation and Symptom


Emotion Regulation Measure Positive Symptom Severity Global Symptom Severity


Suppression .11 .14

Reappraisal -.13 -.21

RACERS -.22 -.29*

DERS .36** .60***

BVAQ .02 -.08

DSHI 0 = no history of self-harm 1 = history of self-harm

.11 .44***


Bold values are p < .05.

* Correlation is approaching significance at the 0.10 level (2-tailed).

** Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

*** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Positive Symptom Severity = Thought Disorder factor of BPRS.

Global Symptom Severity = Total BPRS score.

Page 70: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


ERQ = Emotion Regulation Questionnaire; higher scores = more use of that strategy.

RACERS = Researcher and Consumer Emotion Regulation Scale; higher scores = better emotion


DERS = Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Scale; higher scores = worse emotion regulation.

BVAQ = Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire; higher scores = more alexithymia.

DSHI = Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory; 0 = no history of self-harm; 1 = history of self-harm.

Overall, there was no evidence specifically supporting a relationship between

positive symptoms of psychosis and suppression as a regulatory strategy. However, there

is some evidence of a broader relationship between more global psychiatric symptoms

and more global emotion dysregulation.

Examination of the descriptive statistics indicated differences approaching

significance between participants with diagnoses of affective disorders versus

participants with a diagnosis of schizophrenia on overall symptom severity [t(37) =

2.01, p = .052] and global emotion dysregulation as measured by the DERS [t(35) = 1.89,

p = .067]. This indicates that an interaction may exist that accounts for some of the

relationship between symptom severity and emotion regulation. A multiple regression

analysis was conducted to examine the interaction between emotion regulation (as

measured by the DERS), symptom severity (as measured by the BPRS total score), and

diagnostic category (as measured by binary grouping of affective diagnoses, coded 0,

versus non-affective diagnoses, coded 1). In the regression, variables were centered at

the mean prior to the analysis. The first model included symptom severity as a predictor

of DERS total score; the second model added diagnostic category as a predictor; and a

third model added the interaction between symptom severity and diagnostic category as a

predictor, computed as the product of these variables.

Page 71: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


The multiple regression model predicting emotion regulation from symptom

severity (BPRS) produced R2 = .33, F(1, 35) = 17.14, p < .001. Adding diagnostic

category as a predictor did not significantly improve the model fit (R2Δ = .02, p = .276),

nor did including the interaction between symptom severity and diagnostic category (R2Δ

= .01, p = .398). The final model produced R2 = .37, F (3, 33) = 6.35, p = .002. In the

final model, symptom severity had a significant positive regression weight (β = .62, p =

.002). Diagnostic category had a non-significant regression weight (β = -.17, p = .245), as

did the interaction between symptom severity and diagnostic category (β = -.15, p =

.398). Overall, it does not appear that a distinction between affective and non-affective

diagnoses is responsible for the relationship between symptom severity and emotion


Hypothesis 2: Neurocognition and Emotion Regulation

Hypothesis 2 predicted that individuals with better emotion regulation would have

higher scores on neurocognitive assessments of attention, memory, and executive

functioning. A series of analyses were used to test this hypothesis, using the following

measures of emotion regulation: Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory (DSHI), Researcher and

Consumer Emotion Regulation Scale (RACERS), Difficulties with Emotion Regulation

Scale (DERS), Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ Reappraisal and Suppression

subscales), and the Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire (BVAQ). Measures of

neurocognition were separated into those measuring attention (NAB-Screener Attention

domain and Trail Making Test A), memory (NAB-Screener Memory domain), and

executive functioning (NAB-Screener Executive Functioning domain and Trail Making

Test B). Correlations between each of these domains and the various assessments of

Page 72: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


emotion regulation will be discussed individually. Table 7.3 summarizes the correlation


Table 7.3. Correlation Matrix for Measures of Emotion Regulation and Neurocognition

Emotion Regulation


Neurocognition Measure

NAB-Screener Domain Trail Making Test

Attention Memory Executive



RACERS .05 .10 .07 -.13 .08


Nonacceptance .21 -.08 .30* -.21 -.39**

Goals -.002 .03 .09 .03 -.14

Awareness .03 -.04 .06 -.08 -.14

Strategies -.03 -.12 .03 -.08 -.32*

Clarity .02 .03 -.05 .13 -.12

Impulse -.34** -.21 -.21 .22 -.02

Total -.02 -.10 .07 -.03 -.28


Reappraisal -.08 .24 -.21 .32** .10

Suppression -.21 -.08 -.28* .30* -.01


Cognitive Domain .16 .08 .01 -.07 -.25

Verbalizing .31* .22 .07 -.13 -.39**

Identifying .02 -.02 -.03 .01 -.03

Analyzing -.07 -.08 -.02 .003 -.07

Affective Domain .10 -.09 -.20 .16 .39**

Emotionalizing .08 .04 .06 .04 .37**

Fantasizing .08 -.15 -.31** .19 .29*

Total .19 .01 -.12 .04 .03

DSHI 0 = no history of self-

harm 1 = history of self-harm

.05 .04 -.03

-.25 -.26


Bold values are p < .05.

* Correlation is approaching significance at the 0.10 level (2-tailed).

** Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

RACERS = Researcher and Consumer Emotion Regulation Scale; higher scores = better emotion


DERS = Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Scale; higher scores = worse emotion regulation.

ERQ = Emotion Regulation Questionnaire; higher scores = more use of that strategy.

BVAQ = Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire; higher scores = more alexithymia.

DSHI = Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory; 0 = no history of self-harm; 1 = history of self-harm.

Page 73: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Correlations between emotion regulation and attention. The NAB-Screener

Attention domain was not significantly correlated with any of the measures of emotion

regulation. However, it was significantly correlated with the Impulse Control subscale of

the DERS (r = .34, p = .034). This indicates that individuals with higher attention scores

tend to have better impulse control, though this relationship does not extend to the more

global measure of emotion dysregulation.

Trail Making Test A was only significantly correlated with the Reappraisal

subscale of the ERQ (r = .32, p = .05). This indicates that individuals with higher

processing speed tend to rely on reappraisal as an emotion regulation strategy. The

correlation between Trail Making Test A and the Suppression subscale of the ERQ was

approaching significance (r = .30, p = .068), indicating that individuals with higher

processing speed may also tend to use suppression as an emotion regulation strategy.

Correlations between emotion regulation and memory. There were no

significant correlations between the NAB-Screener Memory domain and any of the

measures of emotion regulation, indicating the absence of a relationship between these

constructs. Although participants with a diagnosis of an affective disorder had higher

scores on the Memory domain than participants with a diagnosis of schizophrenia to a

degree approaching significance, t(38) = 1.88, p = .068, controlling for diagnostic

category did not bring any of the correlations between the NAB-Screener Memory

domain and any of the measures of emotion regulation to significance, p > .05 in all

instances. Therefore, the absence of a relationship between these constructs exists for

participants with affective and non-affective diagnoses.

Page 74: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Correlations between emotion regulation and executive functioning. The

NAB-Screener Executive Functioning domain was only significantly correlated with

the Fantasizing subscale of the BVAQ (r = -.31, p = .047). This indicates that

individuals with higher executive functioning scores are more likely to fantasize about

virtual matters. The correlation between the NAB-Screener Executive Functioning

domain and the Nonacceptance subscale of the DERS was approaching significance (r

= .30, p = .071), indicating that individuals with higher executive functioning scores

may be less likely to have an accepting attitude toward their emotional responses. The

correlation between the NAB-Screener Executive Functioning domain and the

Suppression subscale of the ERQ was also approaching significance (r = .30, p = .068),

indicating that individuals with higher executive functioning scores may be more likely

to use suppression as an emotion regulation strategy.

Trail Making Test B was significantly correlated with the Nonacceptance subscale

of the DERS (r = -.39, p = .031) and its correlation with the Strategies subscale of the

DERS was approaching significance (r = -.32, p = .084). This indicates that individuals

with greater ability to switch cognitive sets tend to be more accepting of their emotional

responses but may have poorer access to emotion regulation strategies.

Trail Making Test B was significantly correlated with the Affective domain of the

BVAQ (r = .39, p = .023), indicating that individuals with greater ability to switch

cognitive sets are more likely to experience arousal from emotional stimuli (r = .37, p =

.031). Trail Making Test B was also significantly correlated with the Verbalizing

subscale of the BVAQ (r = -.39, p = .023), indicating that individuals with greater ability

Page 75: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


to switch cognitive sets are less able to verbally communicate about their emotional


Multiple regression analyses predicting emotion regulation from

neurocognition. Next, a series of multiple regression analyses were conducted to

examine the relationship between emotion regulation and neurocognition. In each

analysis, the five domains of the NAB-Screener (attention, language ability, memory,

spatial ability, and executive functioning) were centered at the mean and simultaneously

entered into the model predicting one of the measures of emotion regulation (DSHI,

RACERS, DERS, Reappraisal (ERQ), Suppression (ERQ), or BVAQ). In total, six

analyses were conducted. The results are summarized in Table 7.4. Consistent with the

limitations found in the correlation matrix, only one model approached significance: the

model predicting alexithymia (BVAQ). The model produced R2 = .26, F(5, 35) = 2.47, p

= .051. Significant regression weights included attention (β = .67, p = .007) and executive

functioning (β = -.45, p = .034), indicating that these neurocognitive domains contribute

to predicting alexithymia, after controlling for performance in other neurocognitive


Page 76: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Table 7.4. Multiple Regression Models Predicting Emotion Regulation from


Predictors Model


Constant Attention Language Memory Spatial




R2 p (F)



.084 .106 -.002 -.027 -.117 .017 .988

p < .001 .765 .645 .991 .892 .642 RACERS


-.195 .297 -.051 .139 .093 .096 .625

p .956 .471 .185 .797 .464 .701 DERS


.050 -.235 .019 -.248 .177 .129 .463

p .927 .853 .282 .920 .186 .465 ERQ Reappraisal


.089 -.056 .372 -.135 -.330 .165 .303

p .730 .736 .792 .055 .457 .169 ERQ Suppression


.002 -.017 .022 -.060 -.263 .080 .730

p .937 .995 .939 .913 .754 .294 BVAQ


.669 -.243 .045 -.233 -.451 .261 .051

p .999 .007 .216 .793 .151 .034 Note.

Bold values are p < .05.

Each criterion represents a single regression equation with 5 predictors (the five domains of the NAB-

Screener: attention, language ability, memory, spatial ability, and executive functioning). Thus, this

table represents the results of 6 independent regression equations.

DSHI = Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory; 0 = no history of self-harm; 1 = history of self-harm.

RACERS = Researcher and Consumer Emotion Regulation Scale; higher scores = better emotion

regulation. DERS = Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Scale; higher scores = worse emotion regulation.

ERQ = Emotion Regulation Questionnaire; higher scores = more use of that strategy.

BVAQ = Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire; higher scores = more alexithymia.

Summary. Overall, neurocognition appears to explain very little of the variance

in emotion regulation. However, as predicted, attention and executive functioning do

have the greatest contribution to predicting emotion regulation. Moreover, they provide a

unique contribution to predicting emotion regulation after controlling for other aspects of

neurocognitive functioning.

Page 77: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Hypothesis 3: Social and Community Functioning and Emotion Regulation

Correlations between social and community functioning and emotion

regulation. Hypothesis 3a predicted that individuals with better emotion regulation will

have higher scores on assessments of social and community functioning. Again, a series

of analyses were used to test this hypothesis, using the five measures of emotion

regulation [Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory (DSHI), Researcher and Consumer Emotion

Regulation Scale (RACERS), Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS),

Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ Reappraisal and Suppression subscales), and

the Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire (BVAQ)] and the three measures of social

and community functioning [Social Functioning Scale (SFS), Multnomah Community

Ability Scale (MCAS), and Multnomah Community Ability Scale-Self Report (MCAS-

SR)]. The results are summarized in Table 7.5.

Social functioning as measured by the Social Functioning Scale was correlated

with measures of emotion regulation. Greater use of reappraisal (an indicator of good

emotion regulation) as measured by the ERQ was correlated with better social

functioning as measured by the SFS (r = .49, p = .002), with a particularly strong

relationship with the Prosocial Activities (r = .52, p = .001) subscale. Individuals who

had engaged in self-injury in the past (an indicator of poor emotion regulation) tended to

have lower social functioning (r = -.56, p < .001), with particularly strong relationships to

the interpersonal communication (r = -.60, p < .001) and prosocial activities (r = -.38, p =

.019) subscales. Self-reported difficulties with emotion regulation as measured by the

DERS were correlated with lower social functioning to a degree approaching significance

(r = -.31, p = .056), and significantly correlated with the Social Engagement (r = -.39, p =

Page 78: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


.016) and Interpersonal Communication (r = -.45, p = .005) subscales. Social functioning

as measured by the SFS was not significantly correlated with emotion regulation as

measured by RACERS (r = .08, p = .622), use of suppression as a regulatory strategy (r

=-.06, p = .729), or alexithymia (r =-.11, p = .526).

Social functioning as measured by the clinician version of the Multnomah

Community Ability Scale was marginally related to difficulties with emotion regulation

as measured by the DERS (r = -.29, p = .076) such that individuals with more difficulties

with emotion regulation tended to have poorer community ability. Clinician-rated

community ability was not correlated with a history of self-injury (r = -.02, p = .913), use

of reappraisal as a regulatory strategy (r = .26, p = .119), use of suppression as a

regulatory strategy (r = -.12, p = .475), emotion regulation as measured by RACERS (r =

.08, p = .645), or alexithymia (r = .18, p = .259).

Social functioning as measured by the self-report version of the Multnomah

Community Ability Scale was correlated with measures of emotion regulation.

Individuals with a history of self-injury tended to rate their overall community ability as

lower (r = -.47, p = .003), and in particular their social skills (r = -.53, p = .001). Self-

reported community ability was also strongly correlated with self-reported emotion

regulation as measured by RACERS (r = .38, p = .019). This relationship extended to the

Adaptation (r = .42, p = .009) and Behavior (r = .33, p = .043) subscales. Difficulties

with emotion regulation as measured by the DERS were strongly related to poorer

community ability (r = -.64, p < .001), which extended to the Health (r = -.49, p = .002),

Social Skills (r = -.55, p < .001), and Behavior (r = -.54, p < .001) subscales of the

MCAS-SR. There was no relationship between use of reappraisal or suppression as

Page 79: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


regulatory strategies and self-reported community ability (Reappraisal: r = .23, p = .157;

Suppression: r = -.05, p = .752). Nor was there a relationship between alexithymia and

self-reported community ability (r = -.21, p = .218).

Table 7.5. Correlation Matrix for Measures of Emotion Regulation and Social and

Community Functioning

Emotion Regulation Measure

Social and Community Functioning Measure


RACERS .083 .076 .380**

DERS -.313* -.291* -.639***


Reappraisal .492*** .258 .234

Suppression -.058 -.119 -.053

BVAQ -.106 .180 -.205

DSHI 0 = no history of self-harm 1 = history of self-harm

-.561*** -.018 -.468***

Note. Bold values are p < .05.

* Correlation is approaching significance at the 0.10 level (2-tailed).

** Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

*** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

RACERS = Researcher and Consumer Emotion Regulation Scale; higher scores = better emotion regulation.

DERS = Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Scale; higher scores = worse emotion regulation.

ERQ = Emotion Regulation Questionnaire; higher scores = more use of that strategy.

BVAQ = Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire; higher scores = more alexithymia.

DSHI = Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory; 0 = no history of self-harm; 1 = history of self-harm.

SFS = Social Functioning Scale; higher scores = better social functioning.

MCAS = Multnomah Community Ability Scale; higher scores = better community ability.

MCAS-SR = Multnomah Community Ability Scale – Self-Report; higher scores = better community


Interaction with severity of positive psychotic symptoms. Hypothesis 3b

predicted that the relationship between emotion regulation and social and community

functioning would interact with severity of positive psychotic symptoms. Multiple

regression analyses were conducted to examine the interaction between emotion

regulation, social functioning, and positive psychotic symptoms. Table 7.6 summarizes

the correlation matrix between positive symptom severity and measures of social and

Page 80: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


community functioning. Correlations between positive symptom severity and measures

of emotion regulation were noted above, see Table 7.2.

Positive symptom severity was significantly correlated with social functioning as

measured by the SFS (r = -.31, p = .030) and MCAS-SR (r = -.29, p = .039), but not as

measured by the MCAS (r = -.21, p = .102).

Table 7.6. Correlation Matrix for Positive Symptom Severity and Social and

Community Functioning

Positive Symptom Severity

SFS -.31**

MCAS -.21

MCAS-SR -.29** Note. Bold values are p < .05.

* Correlation is approaching significance at the 0.10 level (2-tailed). ** Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

*** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

SFS = Social Functioning Scale; higher scores = better social functioning.

MCAS = Multnomah Community Ability Scale; higher scores = better community ability.

MCAS-SR = Multnomah Community Ability Scale – Self-Report; higher scores = better community


In all regression models reported below, variables were centered at the mean prior

to the analysis. Each analysis followed a similar pattern of evaluating the interaction

hypothesized in Hypothesis 3b: the first model includes a single measure of social

functioning as a predictor for a single measure of emotion regulation; the second model

adds positive symptom severity as a predictor; and the third model adds the interaction

between positive symptom severity and social functioning as a predictor, computed as the

product of these variables.

Social Functioning Scale as predictor. As shown in Table 7.7, consistent with

the correlation matrix, most of the multiple regression models predicting various

measures of emotion regulation from social functioning (as measured by the Social

Functioning Scale) produced nonsignficant models. The fit of these models was improved

Page 81: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


neither by including positive symptom severity as a predictor nor by including the

interaction between positive symptom severity and social functioning.

Table 7.7. Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analyses Predicting Emotion Regulation

from Social Functioning, Positive Symptom Severity, and the Interaction between Social

Functioning and Positive Symptom Severity


Functioning Predictor

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Criterion R2

F p R2Δ

p (FΔ) R

p (FΔ)


DSHI .315 16.571 <.001 .005 .631 .000 .938 RACERS .007 0.248 .622 .043 .215 .120 .033 DERS .098 3.914 .056 .079 .076 .080 .065 Reappraisal (ERQ) .242 11.480 .002 .000 .892 .000 .947 Suppression (ERQ) .003 0.122 .729 .009 .579 .006 .646 BVAQ .011 0.411 .526 .019 .411 .001 .836


DSHI .002 0.070 .793 .015 .477 .005 .691 RACERS .014 0.501 .484 .041 .224 .000 .953 DERS .085 3.335 .076 .095 .051 .000 .897 Reappraisal (ERQ) .066 2.557 .119 .006 .628 .059 .137 Suppression (ERQ) .014 0.521 .475 .007 .618 .011 .545 BVAQ .037 1.416 .242 .009 .567 .102 .048


DSHI .219 10.116 .003 .001 .852 .010 .513 RACERS .144 6.058 .019 .014 .449 .015 .433 DERS .409 24.880 <.001 .035 .148 .005 .573 Reappraisal (ERQ) .055 2.094 .157 .005 .684 .068 .113 Suppression (ERQ) .003 0.101 .752 .009 .571 .024 .367 BVAQ .205 1.571 .218 .015 .507 .003 .760


Bold values are p < .05. Each row represents a single regression equation with a single predictor (either SFS, MCAS, or MCAS-SR)

for Model 1.

In Model 2, each row represents the regression equation from Model 1 with an additional predictor

(positive symptom severity).

In Model 3, each row represents the regression equation from Model 2 with an additional predictor

(interaction between a single measure of social functioning and positive symptom severity).

Thus, this table represents the results of 54 independent regression equations.

DSHI = Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory; 0 = no history of self-harm; 1 = history of self-harm.

RACERS = Researcher and Consumer Emotion Regulation Scale; higher scores = better emotion


DERS = Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Scale; higher scores = worse emotion regulation. ERQ = Emotion Regulation Questionnaire; higher scores = more use of that strategy.

BVAQ = Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire; higher scores = more alexithymia.

SFS = Social Functioning Scale; higher scores = better social functioning.

MCAS = Multnomah Community Ability Scale; higher scores = better community ability.

Page 82: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


MCAS-SR = Multnomah Community Ability Scale – Self-Report; higher scores = better community


There are two noteworthy exceptions. The multiple regression model predicting

emotion regulation as measured by RACERS from social functioning (SFS) produced R2

= .01, F < 1. Adding positive symptom severity to the model did not significantly

improve the model fit (R2Δ = .04, p = .215). However, including the interaction between

positive symptom severity and social functioning significantly improved the model fit

(R2Δ = .12, p = .033). The final model produced R

2 = .17, F (3, 34) = 2.33, p = .092. In

the final model, social functioning had a non-significant regression weight (β = .14, p =

.440) and positive symptom severity had a regression weight approaching significance (β

= -.32, p = .071). The interaction between social functioning and positive symptom

severity had a significant negative regression weight (β = -.39, p = .033), indicating that

the relationship between social functioning and emotion regulation becomes less positive

as symptom severity increases. Figure 7.1 shows the interaction graphically.

When social functioning is above average (high), there is a significant relationship

between positive symptom severity and emotion regulation such that individuals who

have more severe positive symptoms tend to have worse emotion regulation than

individuals with less severe positive symptoms (β = -.62, p = .016). The relationship

between positive symptom severity and emotion regulation is somewhat smaller for

individuals with average social functioning (β = -.32, p = .071), and it becomes zero for

individuals with below average social functioning (β = -.02, p = .926).

In general, there is a non-significantly positive relationship between social

functioning and emotion regulation for individuals with few positive symptoms (β = .43,

Page 83: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


p = .092), there is a non-significantly positive relationship for individuals with an average

level of positive symptoms (β = .14, p = .440), and there is a non-significantly negative

relationship for individuals with very severe positive symptoms (β = -.16, p = .377).

Overall, positive symptoms have the greatest impact on the relationship between emotion

regulation and social functioning when social functioning is high.

Figure 7.1. Positive Symptoms Moderate Relationship between SFS and RACERS

* Mean difference is p < .05

RACERS scores are centered such that 0 represents the grand mean. Low = individuals with scores one standard deviation below the grand mean.

Medium = individuals with scores at the grand mean.

High = individuals with scores one standard deviation above the grand mean.

RACERS = Researcher and Consumer Emotion Regulation Scale; higher scores = better emotion


SFS = Social Functioning Scale; higher scores = better social functioning.

Positive Symptoms = measured by Thought Disorder Factor of BPRS; higher scores = more severe positive


Additionally, the multiple regression model predicting difficulties in emotion

regulation as measured by DERS from social functioning (SFS) produced R2 = .10, F(1,









Low (-1 std) Medium High (+1 std)





0 =






her S


= B


er E






Social Functioning Scale

Low (-1 std) Medium High (+1 std) Positive Symptom Severity



Page 84: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


36) = 3.91, p = .056. Adding positive symptom severity to the model improved the model

fit to a degree approaching significance (R2Δ = .08, p = .076). Similarly, including the

interaction between positive symptom severity and social functioning improved the

model fit to a degree approaching significance (R2Δ = .08, p = .065). In the final model,

social functioning had a negative regression weight approaching significance (β = -.32, p

= .059), positive symptom severity had a significant positive regression weight (β = .38, p

= .026), and their interaction had a regression weight approaching significance (β = .32, p

= .065). Figure 7.2 shows the interaction graphically.

When social functioning is above average (high), there is a significant relationship

between positive symptom severity and emotion regulation such that individuals who

have more severe positive symptoms tend to have worse emotion regulation than

individuals with less severe positive symptoms (β = .62, p = .011). The relationship

between positive symptom severity and emotion regulation is somewhat smaller for

individuals with average social functioning (β = .38, p = .026), and it becomes non-

significant for individuals with below average social functioning (β = .13, p = .464).

In general, there is a significant positive relationship between social functioning

and emotion regulation for individuals with few positive symptoms (β = -.56, p = .023),

such that fewer symptoms are associated with better emotion regulation as social

functioning increases. There is also a positive relationship approaching significance for

individuals with an average level of positive symptoms (β = -.38, p = .059), such that

fewer symptoms are associated with better emotion regulation as social functioning

increases. And there is no relationship between emotion regulation and social functioning

for individuals with severe positive symptoms (β = -.08, p = .661). Overall, consistent

Page 85: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


with the results obtained with RACERS, positive symptoms have the greatest impact on

the relationship between emotion regulation and social functioning when social

functioning is high.

Figure 7.2. Positive Symptoms Moderate Relationship between SFS and DERS * Mean difference is p < .05

DERS scores are centered such that 0 represents the grand mean.

Sx = Positive Symptoms as measured by Thought Disorder Factor of BPRS.

Low = individuals with scores one standard deviation below the grand mean.

Medium = individuals with scores at the grand mean.

High = individuals with scores one standard deviation above the grand mean.

DERS = Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Scale; higher scores = worse emotion regulation.

SFS = Social Functioning Scale; higher scores = better social functioning.

Multnomah Community Ability Scale as predictor. Similar to the results

obtained for the SFS as a predictor, most of the multiple regression models predicting

various measures of emotion regulation from the MCAS produced nonsignficant models,









Low (-1 std) Medium High (+1 std)




0 =





er S


= B


er E






Social Functioning Scale

Low (-1 std) Medium High (+1 std) Positive Symptom Severity

* *



Page 86: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


the fit of which was not improved by including positive symptom severity as a predictor

nor by including the interaction between positive symptom severity and community

ability. Again, there are two noteworthy exceptions.

The multiple regression model predicting difficulties in emotion regulation as

measured by DERS from community ability (MCAS) produced R2 = .09, F(1, 36) = 3.34,

p = .076. Adding positive symptom severity to the model improved the model fit to a

degree approaching significance (R2Δ = .10, p = .051). However, including the

interaction between positive symptom severity and social functioning did not

significantly improve model fit (R2Δ = .00, p = .897). Nevertheless, positive symptom

severity does appear to account for some of the relationship between emotion regulation

and community ability.

Additionally, the multiple regression model predicting alexithymia (BVAQ) as a

proxy of emotion regulation from community ability (MCAS) produced R2 = .04, F(1,

36) = 1.42, p = .242. Adding positive symptom severity to the model did not improve

model fit (R2Δ = .01, p = .567). However, adding the interaction between positive

symptom severity and social functioning did significantly improve model fit (R2Δ = .10,

p = .048). In the final model, community ability had a non-significant regression weight

(β = .22, p = .202) and positive symptom severity had a non-significant regression weight

(β = .20, p = .254). The interaction between community ability and positive symptom

severity had a significant positive regression weight (β = .34, p = .048), indicating that

the relationship between social functioning and emotion regulation becomes more

positive as symptom severity increases. Figure 7.3 shows the interaction graphically.

Page 87: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


When community ability is below average (low), there is no relationship between

positive symptom severity and alexithymia (β = -.04, p = .839). The relationship becomes

more positive for individuals with average community ability (β = .20, p = .254) and it

approaches significance for individuals with above average community ability (β = .44, p

= .070), such that individuals with more severe positive symptoms tend to have more

alexithymia than individuals with less severe positive symptoms.

There is no relationship between community ability and alexithymia for

individuals with few positive symptoms (β = -.04, p = .917). The relationship becomes

more positive for individuals with an average level of positive symptoms (β = .37, p =

.202), and it becomes significantly positive for individuals with above average levels of

positive psychotic symptoms (β = .78, p = .029). Overall, consistent with the previous

interaction results, positive symptoms have the greatest impact on the relationship

between emotion regulation and community ability when community ability is high.

Page 88: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Figure 7.3. Positive Symptoms Moderate Relationship between MCAS and BVAQ BVAQ scores are centered such that 0 represents the grand mean.

Sx = Positive Symptoms as measured by Thought Disorder Factor of BPRS.

Low = individuals with scores one standard deviation below the grand mean.

Medium = individuals with scores at the grand mean.

High = individuals with scores one standard deviation above the grand mean.

BVAQ = Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire; higher scores = more alexithymia.

MCAS = Multnomah Community Ability Scale; higher scores = better community ability.

Multnomah Community Ability Scale - Self Report version as predictor. Similar

to the results obtained for the SFS and MCAS as predictors, most of the multiple

regression models predicting various measures of emotion regulation from the MCAS

produced nonsignficant models. None of the models were improved by including positive

symptom severity as a predictor nor including the interaction between positive symptom

severity and community ability.










Low (-1 std) Medium High (+1 std)




0 =


d M



er S




er E






Multnomah Community Ability Scale

Low (-1 std) Medium High (+1 std) Positive Symptom Severity

Page 89: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Summary. Overall, there are strong relationships between emotion regulation and

social and community functioning, such that better social and community functioning is

associated with better emotion regulation. This holds across multiple measures.

Moreover, this relationship interacts with severity of positive symptoms. The relationship

between emotion regulation and positive symptom severity becomes greater as social

functioning increases. Individuals with below average social functioning have difficulties

with emotion regulation, regardless of the severity of their positive symptoms; but

individuals with average and above average social functioning have many fewer

difficulties with emotion regulation if their symptoms are well controlled than if their

symptoms are severe. In addition, the relationship between emotion regulation and social

functioning becomes greater as positive symptom severity decreases. People with very

severe positive symptoms have difficulties with emotion regulation, regardless of how

well they function in the community; but individuals with very few positive symptoms

have fewer difficulties with emotion regulation as their social functioning improves. . . . .

. . . . .

Hypothesis 4: Group Treatment Participation and Emotion Regulation

Hypothesis 4a predicted that individuals who have completed group treatment

modalities will have better emotion regulation than those who have not. In the total

sample, 26 individuals had completed a group treatment modality (SCIT and/or IPT). A

series of one-way ANOVAS were conducted to determine if scores on various measures

of emotion regulation differed between these groups. As shown in Table 7.8, there were

no significant differences between the groups on any of the measures of emotion


Page 90: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Table 7.8. Group Means for Emotion Regulation by Completion of Group Skills Training


Emotion Regulation Measure

Group Skills Training Completion

Yes (n = 26) No (n = 15) ANOVA

M SD M SD F p df

RACERS 110.10 16.90 104.85 13.80 < 1

DERS 80.96 22.54 95.25 24.95 3.086 .087 1, 36


Reappraisal 29.92 7.41 26.92 5.28 1.591 . 215 1, 36

Suppression 16.08 5.18 17.25 2.93 < 1

BVAQ 111.42 16.16 109.60 12.84 < 1 Note.

Yes = Participants have completed Social Cognition and Interaction Training (SCIT) and/or Integrated

Psychological Therapy (IPT).

No = Participants have completed neither SCIT nor IPT.

RACERS = Researcher and Consumer Emotion Regulation Scale; higher scores = better emotion


DERS = Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Scale; higher scores = worse emotion regulation.

ERQ = Emotion Regulation Questionnaire; higher scores = more use of that strategy.

BVAQ = Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire; higher scores = more alexithymia.

Hypothesis 4b predicted that individuals who have completed a group treatment

modality based on the specific deficit hypothesis (e.g., SCIT) will have better emotion

regulation than individuals who have completed a group treatment modality based on the

generalized deficit hypothesis (e.g., IPT).

In the total sample, 2 individuals had completed only SCIT, 12 individuals had

completed only IPT, and 12 individuals had completed both groups. The group of

individuals who had completed a group treatment modality based on the specific deficit

hypothesis was insufficient to compare to the group of individuals who had completed a

group treatment modality based on the generalized deficit hypothesis.

Overall, there is little evidence to support the hypothesis that group treatment

participation is associated with better emotion regulation. However, as the means were all

in the expected direction, increasing statistical power may provide evidence in support of

this hypothesis.

Page 91: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Hypothesis 5: Emotion Regulation Pathways to Clinical Outcome

A path analysis was conducted in Mplus to test the fit of the hypothesized model

(see Figure 5.3) to the obtained data. Mplus allows for specification of simultaneous

regression equations and therefore implies a very specific covariance matrix that better

approximates the data than sequential regression equations. As composite variables were

not created, it was necessary to choose individual measures to represent the constructs

being studied.

The NAB-Screener total score was chosen to represent the construct of

neurocognition because it measured the broadest range of neurocognitive abilities. The

FEIT total score was chosen to represent the construct of emotion perception because it

was the only measure of this construct included in the battery. A binary variable was

created to represent participation in group treatment modalities. Selection of other

representative constructs was informed by the correlation matrix as follows.

There were four predicted pathways to social functioning: from emotion

perception, emotion regulation, symptom severity, and participation in group treatment

modalities. There was a significant relationship between emotion perception and social

functioning as measured by the SFS (r = -.48, p = .003). There were three significant

relationships between emotion regulation and social functioning: between RACERS and

MCAS-SR (r = .38, p = .019), between DERS and MCAS-SR (r = -.64, p < .001), and

between ERQ Reappraisal and SFS (r = .49, p = .002). There were four significant

relationships between symptom severity and social functioning: between positive

symptoms and MCAS (r = -.37, p = .019), between total symptoms and SFS (r = -.49, p =

.002), between total symptoms and MCAS (r = -.423, p = .006), and between total

Page 92: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


symptoms and MCAS-SR (r = -.48, p = .003). Finally, there were two significant

relationships between participation in group treatment modalities and social functioning,

as measured by the SFS (r = .39, p = .016) and as measured by MCAS-SR (r = .33, p =

.042). As there were relationships between all four constructs (i.e., emotion perception,

emotion regulation, symptom severity, and participation in group treatment modalities)

and SFS as a measure of social functioning, this measure was chosen to represent the

construct of social functioning. ERQ Reappraisal was the only emotion regulation

measure to correlate significantly with SFS, so that measure came to represent emotion

regulation in the model. As total symptoms correlated with SFS whereas positive

symptoms did not, total symptoms came to represent symptom severity in the model.

Figure 7.4 represents the proposed model after the correlation analysis and including the

instruments chosen to represent the constructs.

Page 93: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Figure 7.4. Hypothesized Path Model with Representative Measures NAB-Screener Total = Neuropsychological Assessment Battery Screening Total Score.

FEIT = Facial Emotion Identification Test proportion correctly identified.

IPT, SCIT Participation = Group Skills Training Participation; 0 = Participation in Social Cognition and

Interaction Training (SCIT) and/or Integrated Psychological Therapy (IPT); 1 = Participation in neither


BPRS Total = Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale Total Score.

ERQ Reappraisal = Emotion Regulation Questionnaire Reappraisal Score; higher scores = more use of


DSHI = Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory; 0 = no history of self-harm; 1 = history of self-harm.

SFS Total = Social Functioning Scale Total Score; higher scores = better social functioning.

Next, a path analysis was conducted to evaluate the proposed model. As shown in

Table 7.9, the hypothesized model did not adequately fit the data according to any of the

fit statistics. Therefore, the model was revised on the basis of conceptual and theoretical

foundations and empirical guidance (i.e., the normalized residuals for the covariances,

NAB-Screener Total


BPRS Total

ERQ Reappraisal

SFS Total

DSHI - Binary

IPT, SCIT Participation -


Page 94: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


correlations, and residual correlations of the models; modification indices; and model

estimate results).

Page 95: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Table 7.9. Parameters of the Hypothesized Path Model

Independent Variable Dependent Variable Estimate SE p


-.137 .160 .392 NAB FEIT

.363 .139 .009 Group Skills Training FEIT

.021 .150 .890

NAB Reappraisal .212 .160 .186

FEIT Reappraisal -.503 .164 .002

DSHI Reappraisal -.236 .142 .096 BPRS SFS

-.401 .118 .001

FEIT SFS -.440 .125 <.001 Reappraisal SFS

.240 .127 .059 Group Skills Training SFS

.214 .122 .080



-.101 .161 .533


.047 .259 .855


.297 .182 .103

SFS -.281 .206 .172

Residual Variances BPRS

.981 .044 <.001


.867 .101 <.001


.707 .135 <.001


.467 .104 <.001



.019 .044 .669


.133 .101 .188


.273 .135 .043


.533 .104 <.001

Model Fit Number of Free Parameters


Loglikelihood, This model


Loglikelihood, Saturated (unstructured) model





1078 Chi-Square Test of Model Fit df = 6 (criterion: p>.05) 14.648 .066

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (criterion: <.05) .146

CFI (criterion: >.95) .851

TLI (criterion: >.95) .664

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (criterion: <.08) .122 Note. Bold values are p < .05.

Estimates represent standardized estimates where appropriate.

Criteria for the model fit statistics represent the accepted standards for adequate fit.

Page 96: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


NAB = Neuropsychological Assessment Battery Screening Total Score.

BPRS = Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale Total Score.

FEIT = Facial Emotion Identification Test proportion correctly identified.

Group Skills Training = Group Skills Training Participation; 0 = Participation in Social Cognition and

Interaction Training (SCIT) and/or Integrated Psychological Therapy (IPT); 1 = Participation in neither


Reappraisal = Emotion Regulation Questionnaire Reappraisal Score; higher scores = more use of


DSHI = Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory; 0 = no history of self-harm; 1 = history of self-harm.

SFS = Social Functioning Scale Total Score; higher scores = better social functioning.

The final model is represented in Figure 7.5 and summarized in Table 7.10. It has

8 direct paths, 4 residual variances, 1 exogenous covariance, and 4 endogenous variable

intercepts. The equation of this final model is as follows:

where the variables represent the intercepts and slopes for person i.

Page 97: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness




Emotion Perception


Symptom Severity

(BPRS Total)

Emotion Regulation

(ERQ Reappraisal)Social


Self-Harm (DSHI – Binary)





Figure 7.5. Final Path Model NAB-Screener Total = Neuropsychological Assessment Battery Screening Total Score.

FEIT = Facial Emotion Identification Test proportion correctly identified.

BPRS Total = Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale Total Score.

ERQ Reappraisal = Emotion Regulation Questionnaire Reappraisal Score; higher scores = more use of


DSHI = Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory; 0 = no history of self-harm; 1 = history of self-harm.

SFS = Social Functioning Scale Total Score; higher scores = better social functioning.

Direct effect (β), p < .05

Direct effect (β), p > .05

Exogenous Covariance (σ)

Residual (Endogenous) Variance ( )

Page 98: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Table 7.10. Parameters of the Revised Path Model Independent Variable Dependent Variable Estimate SE p


.445 .130 .001 NAB FEIT

.365 .139 .009 FEIT Reappraisal -.502 .164 .002 DSHI Reappraisal -.236 .141 .095 BPRS SFS

-.318 .115 .006 FEIT SFS -.398 .122 .001 Reappraisal SFS

.205 .120 .088 DSHI SFS

-.301 .122 .013


NAB, Reappraisal

.242 .182 .184



-.494 .182 .007


.077 .149 .608


.295 .185 .111

SFS .301 .152 .047

Residual Variances


.802 .116 <.001


.867 .101 <.001


.770 .121 <.001


.409 .095 <.001




.198 .116 .087


.133 .101 .189


.230 .121 .058


.591 .095 <.001

Model Fit

Number of Free Parameters

19 Loglikelihood, This model


Loglikelihood, Saturated (unstructured) model






Chi-Square Test of Model Fit df = 6 (criterion: p>.05) 2.279 .892

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (criterion: <.05) <.001

CFI (criterion: >.95) 1.000

TLI (criterion: >.95) 1.188

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (criterion: <.08) .037 Note.

Bold values are p < .05 and fit statistics that meet or exceed the accepted criterion for adequate fit.

Estimates represent standardized estimates where appropriate.

Page 99: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Criteria for the model fit statistics represent the accepted standards for adequate fit.

NAB = Neuropsychological Assessment Battery Screening Total Score.

BPRS = Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale Total Score.

FEIT = Facial Emotion Identification Test proportion correctly identified.

Group Skills Training = Group Skills Training Participation; 0 = Participation in Social Cognition and

Interaction Training (SCIT) and/or Integrated Psychological Therapy (IPT); 1 = Participation in neither


Reappraisal = Emotion Regulation Questionnaire Reappraisal Score; higher scores = more use of


DSHI = Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory; 0 = no history of self-harm; 1 = history of self-harm.

SFS = Social Functioning Scale Total Score; higher scores = better social functioning.

In developing the final model, several pathways remained from the

hypothesized model whereas several new pathways were created. The hypothesized

pathways from neurocognition to social functioning via emotion perception followed

from the results of Brekke et al., 2005 and were supported in the final model. The

hypothesized pathway from neurocognition to social functioning via symptom severity

followed from the results of Lipkovich et al., 2009. The hypothesized pathway from

neurocognition to symptom severity did not remain in the model because of the absence

of a correlation among these variables. However, the hypothesized pathway from

symptom severity to social functioning was supported in the final model.

The hypothesized pathways from participation in group treatment modalities to

emotion perception and social functioning followed from Hypothesis 4. Neither

pathway was included in the final model because of a failure to account for a sufficient

portion of the variance.

The hypothesized pathway from neurocognition to reappraisal followed from

Hypothesis 2 but was eliminated from the model because of the absence of a correlation

between the variables. However, a non-significant covariance did improve the fit of the

model. Similarly, the pathways from self-harm to reappraisal and from reappraisal to

Page 100: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


social functioning had non-significant contributions to the final model. However, both

remained in the model because these pathways improved the model fit.

A couple of pathways exist in the final model that were not hypothesized: a

direct pathway from self-harm to social functioning and an indirect pathway from self-

harm to social functioning via symptom severity. Of note, the hypothesized pathway

from emotion regulation to social functioning had a non-significant contribution to the

model, but a pathway from self-harm to social functioning did significantly contribute

to the model.

The final model predicts two pathways from self-harm to social functioning: a

direct pathway (DSHI to SFS) and an indirect pathway via symptom severity. Symptom

severity did not significantly mediate the relationship between self-harm and social

functioning (p = .068).

The final model fit the data as well as a saturated (unstructured) model, which has

all variance, covariances, and means estimated. The loglikelihood of the final model was

-666.66, which closely approximates the loglikelihood of the saturated (unstructured)

model, -665.52, indicating the final model accounts for the variances and covariances as

well as the saturated (unstructured) model. The AIC was estimated to be 1371.33 and the

BIC was estimated to be 1402.93, both indicating good fit. The chi-square test of model

fit provides a likelihood ratio test comparing the final model to the saturated

(unstructured) model and indicated that the final model fit equivalently to the saturated

(unstructured) model, χ2(6) = 2.279, p = 0.89. The root mean square error of

approximation is an index of model fit based on the approximated covariance matrix,

where 0 indicates perfect fit. The estimate for the final model was less than 0.001,

Page 101: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


indicating that the final model fits the data well. The Comparative Fit Index, comparing

fit to an independence model of uncorrelated variables, was estimated to be 1.000, and

the Tucker Lewis Index was estimated to be 1.188, both indicating good model fit (above

0.95). Finally, the standardized root mean square residual provides the average

standardized difference between the observed correlations and the model-predicted

correlations. The estimate was 0.037, which is less than the criterion of 0.08, indicating

the model fit the data well. In sum, all fit indices indicated the model fit the data well.

In the final model, the unstandardized intercepts represent the expected means,

centered at 0. Therefore, the mean emotion perception for individuals with average

reappraisal, symptom severity, and social functioning is expected to be 0.28 units above

average; the mean reappraisal for individuals with average emotion perception, symptom

severity, and social functioning is expected to be 2.05 units above average; the mean

symptom severity for individuals with average emotion perception, reappraisal, and

social functioning is expected to be 4.2 units below average; and the mean social

functioning for individuals with average emotion perception, reappraisal, and symptom

severity is expected to be 5.17 units above average.

The standardized pathways represent the slopes for predicting the dependent

variables. A significant pathway from self-harm to symptom severity was found, such

that for every one standard deviation increase in self-harm, symptom severity was

expected to be higher by 0.45 standard deviations. The unstandardized coefficient

indicates that individuals who have histories of self-harm have an average symptom

severity 7.59 units higher than individuals who have no history of self-harm. A

significant pathway from neurocognition to emotion perception was found, such that for

Page 102: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


every one standard deviation increase in neurocognition, emotion perception was

expected to be higher by 0.37 standard deviations. A significant pathway from emotion

perception to reappraisal was found, such that for every one standard deviation increase

in emotion perception, use of reappraisal was expected to be lower by 0.50 standard

deviations, for individuals with no history of self-harm; and a non-significant pathway

from self-harm to reappraisal was found, such that for every one standard deviation

increase in self-harm, use of reappraisal was expected to be lower by 0.24 standard

deviations, for individuals with an average emotion perception ability. The

unstandardized coefficient indicates that individuals who have histories of self-harm have

an average use of reappraisal 3.29 units lower than individuals who have no history of

self-harm. Three significant pathways to social functioning were found, from emotion

perception, symptom severity, and self-harm; and one non-significant pathway was

found, from reappraisal. For every one standard deviation increase in emotion perception,

social functioning was expected to be lower by 0.40 standard deviations, for individuals

who have never self-harmed and who have average symptom severity and use of

reappraisal. For every one standard deviation increase in symptom severity, social

functioning was expected to be lower by 0.32 standard deviations, for individuals who

have never self-harmed and who have average emotion perception and use of reappraisal.

For every one standard deviation increase in self-harm, social functioning was expected

to be lower by 0.30 standard deviations, for individuals who have average emotion

perception, symptom severity, and use of reappraisal. The unstandardized coefficient

indicates that individuals who have histories of self-harm have an average social

functioning 10.38 units lower than individuals who have no history of self-harm, among

Page 103: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


those with average emotion perception abilities, symptom severity, and use of

reappraisal. Finally, for every one standard deviation increase in use of reappraisal, social

functioning was expected to be non-significantly higher by 0.21 standard deviations, for

individuals who have never self-harmed and who have average emotion perception and

symptom severity.

The model explained 13.3% of the variance of emotion perception abilities;

19.8% of the variance in symptom severity; 23.0% of the variance in use of reappraisal;

and 59.1% of the variance in social functioning.

Overall, the hypothesis that emotion regulation can be incorporated in pathways

to clinical outcome was supported.

Page 104: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness




Results Summary

Emotion dysregulation was hypothesized to be associated with more severe

positive symptoms, poorer neurocognitive functioning, and poorer social and community

functioning. The results were mixed across the various assessments of these domains.

Difficulties with processing emotions were observed in the sample, consistent

with previous research. These included difficulties expressing emotions, identifying

facial emotions, and regulating emotions. Many participants presented with flat affect,

indicating a deficit in expressing emotions. However, the sample did not necessarily

indicate reduced emotional experience, as an assessment of alexithymia produced a

normal distribution comparable to non-clinical populations. Consistent with previous

research, participants also had difficulty perceiving facial emotions. Whereas they were

relatively successful at identifying positive facial expressions such as happiness, they had

the most difficulty with negative facial expressions, particularly ashamed faces.

Participants also demonstrated difficulty regulating emotions on a variety of assessments.

Of interest, they reported relying more on reappraisal strategies than suppression

strategies to regulate their emotions. This appears inconsistent with the literature, which

suggests that this population has a preference for strategies like suppression. However,

the scores obtained for use of reappraisal and suppression in this study are consistent with

earlier studies (e.g., Livingstone et al., 2009; van der Meer et al., 2009). It is important to

note that, like healthy controls, this population tends to use reappraisal more than

suppression to regulate their emotions. However, this population tends to use reappraisal

Page 105: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


less than controls and suppression more than controls. Thus, in both populations, the

overall preference is for reappraisal, although healthy controls have a much stronger

preference for that particular regulatory strategy. This study is consistent with those


The possibility remains that participants use emotion regulation strategies to alter

their perception of their emotional experiences, thereby perceiving their abnormal

emotional experiences as normal. However, the obtained results suggest that the emotion

paradox is present in this population (i.e., the population tends to demonstrate reduced

emotional expressiveness while reporting normal emotional experiences). The sample

included in this study had relatively few psychiatric symptoms, including mood

symptoms. It remains unclear whether a pathological excess of negative emotion (e.g., as

seen in affective disorders) is associated with underutilization of strategies to induce

positive emotional changes or with overuse of strategies to induce negative emotional

changes. This important question about how this population regulates emotions during

times of affective crisis is a critical finding that will have implications for treatment


Contrary to previous research (e.g., Gross & John, 2003; Henry et al., 2008), use

of suppression as a regulatory strategy was significantly associated with neither positive

symptom severity nor global psychiatric symptom severity. Only one measure of

emotion regulation (DERS) predicted positive symptom severity, such that greater

emotion dysregulation was associated with more severe positive symptoms. Half of the

measures of emotion regulation predicted global psychiatric symptom severity, such

that greater emotion dysregulation was associated with more severe psychiatric

Page 106: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


symptoms. The evidence was not strong enough to specifically link suppression as a

regulatory strategy to psychiatric symptom severity; however, there was some evidence

that there may be a relationship between psychiatric symptom severity and broader

emotion dysregulation.

In general, the sample had few psychiatric symptoms, especially positive

symptoms, and this may have limited the associations that could be found between

symptoms and emotion regulation. On the other hand, a sample whose symptoms are well

controlled with pharmacological and behavioral interventions may be representative of

the larger population, particularly those engaged in services founded on principles of

rehabilitation and recovery. In that case, there may be a weaker relationship between

these functional domains.

Overall, there were few relationships between emotion regulation and

neurocognitive abilities. A measure of attention was associated with use of reappraisal

and suppression as regulatory strategies, and a measure of executive functioning was

marginally associated with use of suppression, but there were no relationships between

memory and any of the measures of emotion regulation. That there were no

relationships between memory impairment and reappraisal is consistent with previous

research (e.g., Gross & John, 2002; Richards & Gross, 2000). Of note, none of the

measures of global emotion dysregulation (e.g., RACERS, DERS) significantly

correlated with any of the measures of attention, memory, or executive functioning,

suggesting that a relationship between these constructs might be specific to the

regulatory strategies used and may not extend to more global indicators of emotion

Page 107: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


regulation and dysregulation. In general, overall neurocognition appears to explain very

little of the variance in emotion regulation in this population.

With respect to social and community functioning, individuals with poorer

emotion regulation, as measured by a variety of instruments, tended to have poorer self-

reported social functioning. Consistent with previous work (e.g., John & Gross, 2004),

greater reliance on reappraisal as a regulatory strategy was associated with better social

functioning, whereas no relationship was found between use of suppression and social

functioning. Perhaps most interesting about these findings is that the strongest

relationships between emotion dysregulation and social functioning were on the self-

report measures of social functioning (i.e., SFS and MCAS-SR). The measure of social

functioning completed by practitioners familiar with the individuals’ functioning in the

community did not significantly relate to any of the measures of emotion regulation.

This could reflect an artifact of the instruments used or could represent a modicum of

insight on the part of the participants regarding the impact of emotion regulation on

social and community functioning.

It was also hypothesized that positive symptom severity would account for some

of the variance in the relationship between emotion regulation and social functioning. A

few of the models indeed indicated this was the case. The interaction models indicated

that positive symptoms have the greatest impact on emotion regulation when social

functioning is above average and that social functioning has the greatest impact on

emotion regulation when positive symptoms are below average. This suggests that

individuals with SMI are best able to regulate their emotions during times of few

psychotic symptoms and good social functioning. . . . . . . . . .

Page 108: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Finally, contrary to what was hypothesized, having participated in group skills

training was not related to better emotion regulation. The failure to find a relationship

between skills training and emotion regulation may be attributable to insufficient

statistical power. Indeed, the means were in the expected direction, indicating that

group skills training may have an impact on improving emotion regulation or the skills

required for more effectively regulating emotions.

A path model summarized the relationships among the constructs of interest.

Consistent with the theory that functional neurocognition is a prerequisite for any more

molar biosystemic domain (including emotion regulation), the path model begins with

neurocognition. The hypothesized pathway from neurocognition to emotion regulation

did not remain in the model because of the absence of a correlation among these

domains. However, that a covariance between these constructs improved the fit of the

model indicates that neurocognitive abilities do account for some of the variance in use

of reappraisal as a regulatory strategy, which may be mostly attributable to variance in

the attention domain. These results are supportive of developing interventions based on

the specific deficit hypothesis. Because neurocognition only accounted for a small

proportion of the variance in emotion regulation, interventions based on the generalized

deficit hypothesis may only result in slight improvements in emotion regulation. These

results suggest that a more targeted intervention specifically aimed at remediating

emotion processing deficits may demonstrate greater improvements.

The pathway from emotion perception to emotion regulation with a negative

regression weight is inconsistent with the emotion paradox, which implies that these

constructs might have a positive relationship.

Page 109: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Non-significant pathways from self-harm to social functioning via emotion

regulation remained in the model because of contributions to overall model fit,

indicating that self-harm accounts for some of the variance in emotion regulation

strategies, and that emotion regulation strategies in turn account for some of the

variance in social functioning.

In addition, pathways exist in the final model that were not hypothesized. A path

between self-harm and social functioning via symptom severity is consistent with the

regression models reported above indicating that symptom severity accounts for some

of the variance in the relationship between emotion regulation and social functioning.

However, symptom severity did not significantly mediate the relationship between self-

harm and social functioning, owing to its accounting for a small proportion of the

variance. Finally, the hypothesized pathway from emotion regulation to social

functioning had a non-significant contribution to the model, but a pathway from self-

harm to social functioning did significantly contribute to the model. It may be that a

behavioral proxy of emotion regulation (i.e., self-harm) better accounts for variance in

social functioning than the cognitive strategies used to regulate emotions (i.e.,


Overall, in the final model, better neurocognitive abilities were associated with

better emotion perception abilities. However, better emotion perception was associated

with poorer emotion regulation (i.e., less use of reappraisal) and poorer social

functioning. These unanticipated relationships are in fact among the strongest

relationships in the model. A history of self-harm predicted more severe psychiatric

symptoms, poorer emotion regulation, and poorer social functioning. The model

Page 110: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


indicates that more severe psychiatric symptoms and poorer emotion regulation both

predict poorer social functioning, but recall that an interaction was found among these

domains that indicates this is a complicated relationship. Such interactions are not

adequately represented in the path model.


There are two major limitations to this study: the sample size and the assessment

instruments. The failure to consistently find the hypothesized relationships between the

constructs of interest is likely due in no small part to insufficient statistical power. This

is particularly true for the hypotheses regarding the impact of group skills training on

emotion regulation. In such a heterogeneous population, a larger sample size will more

effectively stabilize estimates of the mean and variance, resulting in more accurate

representations of the relationships among the constructs of interest. The multivariate

interactions investigated in this study demonstrate that there are important relationships

among subgroups of individuals and measures, but insufficient power conceals their


However, there is also a significant problem in validly and reliably measuring

these constructs in this population, in particular the construct of emotion regulation.

There is only one measure of emotion regulation specifically designed for this

population (RACERS), and it has major limitations owing to its being recently

developed and not having undergone the rigorous psychometric testing and revision

necessary to improve its validity and reliability. The other measures of emotion

regulation included in the battery have undergone more rigorous psychometric testing

Page 111: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


but were not developed for the SMI population and therefore may not accurately

measure emotion regulation in that population.

Further understanding of emotion regulation in SMI will require that methods

are developed for measuring the latent construct validly and reliably with enough

sensitivity to detect longitudinal changes over the course of the illness. A

conceptualization of emotion regulation as a multidimensional and dynamic construct

requires that measurement also be multidimensional and dynamic. Integrating measures

of multiple aspects of emotion regulation, such as behavioral, cognitive, and emotional

measures from multiple sources (e.g., self-report, clinicians, family, direct observation,

etc.), would be consistent with this approach.

In addition to those limitations, the statistical analyses, including the path

analysis, assumed all variables to be continuous, multivariate normal, and measured with

perfect reliability. In reality, none of these conditions were met by the data. Therefore,

the analysis presented in this manuscript is intended to be an initial hypothesis reflecting

the relationships among the variables of interest. Further analyses using more

sophisticated statistical techniques that more accurately represent the limitations of the

data will result in a more accurate representation of the connections between and among

the functional domains in SMI.


This study evaluated the multivariate relationships between emotion regulation

and other biosystemic domains in outpatients with SMI. The results indicate that emotion

regulation is a central domain in understanding neurocognitive functioning, social

cognitive functioning, psychiatric symptom severity, and social functioning in this

Page 112: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


population. Many questions remain unanswered, such as more specifically detailing the

nature of the relationships among these domains, including potential interactions among

the domains that more accurately represent variance. The population of interest in this

study is heterogeneous, and the domain of emotion regulation is heterogeneous. The

inconsistencies among the results are indicative of the many individual differences in

abilities in this domain.

Although the sample reported using antecedent-focused strategies to regulate

their emotions, their preference for these strategies remained below what is found in

healthy controls. That they tend to also rely on more maladaptive skills such as

response-focused strategies indicates that skill training may be a beneficial treatment

target. Nevertheless, it is critical to consider that no single regulatory strategy is

inherently adaptive or maladaptive. Therefore, that response-focused strategies tend to

be maladaptive in healthy controls does not necessarily indicate this is the case in the

SMI population or in any particular individual. This highlights the need for valid


The path model summarizing the results is consistent with the biosystemic

theory of serious mental illness, which posits that the various processes are independent

yet casually linked throughout the biosystem. Emotional responses entail coordinated

and interrelated systemic changes in thoughts, behavior, and physiology. Thus,

dysfunctional emotional responses will likely require intervention throughout the

biosystem. The independence of the functional domains, as highlighted by their largely

orthogonal relationships in this study, requires individual attention in clinical

assessment and compels the development of separate, specific treatment and

Page 113: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


rehabilitation interventions. Resolving questions such as the types of emotion

regulation that are ongoing during affective crises in this population will also inform

the skills such training modalities should target. An effective emotion regulation skills

training modality would begin with assessment of adaptive strategies and follow with

improving performance of skills individuals already possess while building their

competence in alternative antecedent-focused strategies and their flexibility of

emotional responses. While innovative and comprehensive modalities are being

developed, utilizing existing treatment strategies in the psychiatric rehabilitation toolkit

such as exercise and relaxation may prove beneficial.

This research joins previous exploratory research in finding that schizophrenia

and related disorders have a major affective component, despite their not being

classified as affective disorders. The deficits and impairments in SMI extend to

regulating emotional experiences, which has implications independent functioning,

particularly interpersonal and occupational functioning. Further characterization of the

emotional component of serious mental illnesses will inform treatment development

and thereby contribute to the recovery of this population.

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1 It is important to note that some emotion regulation strategies may overlap with

social skills, interpersonal problem solving skills, and so on. Indeed, stress management

curricula often include training in those types of skills in addition to skills more

obviously linked to managing stress and emotions. The distinction between stress

management and emotion regulation is not clearly articulated in the literature. However,

it can be argued that stress management is a broader term, including general lifestyle

management as well as managing emotional reactions to environmental stressors,

whereas emotion regulation refers specifically to strategies intended to change the type,

timing, experience, or expression of emotions. This dissertation focuses on emotion

regulation, as opposed to stress management.

2 Note that neurocognition here refers to neuropsychological processes, or the

poorly understood processes responsible for performance on particular

neuropsychological tasks. In other disciplines of psychology, neurocognition refers more

specifically to molecular cognitive processes and their brain-based mechanisms.

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Appendix A: Correlation Matrix for

Emotion Regulation by Symptoms, Neurocognition, Social Cognition, and Social Functioning



Total -.285 .440**


.346* .548

** .378

* .398

* .596

** -.206 .144 .255 -.307 -.518

** .143 -.480

** .259 -.078



A -.134 -.207 .031 -.084 -.079 .130 .223 -.025 .320* .300 -.130 .194 .037 .003 .163 -.068 .043

B .075 -.389* -.137 -.141 -.315 -.119 -.021 -.282 .095 -.005 -.388

* .291 .371

* -.071 .389

* -.248 .032


Attention .052 .206 -.002 .027 -.033 .021 -.344* -.016 -.080 -.207 .305 .078 .077 -.066 .095 .155 .194

Lang .256 -.053 -.068 -.178 -.183 -.088 -.438**

-.225 -.016 -.128 .137 -.012 .021 -.112 .001 -.076 -.065

Memory .102 -.083 .029 -.043 -.117 .030 -.212 -.101 .239 -.082 .219 -.148 .036 -.084 -.093 .083 .013

Spt Abil .209 -.184 -.080 -.176 -.171 -.259 -.358* -.271 -.087 -.125 -.103 -.163 .189 -.098 -.031 -.291 -.270

Exe Fnc .072 .296 .089 .064 .029 -.052 -.207 .068 -.214 -.277 .066 -.312* .059 -.015 -.204 .014 -.116

Total .168 .073 .016 -.051 -.093 -.075 -.399* -.111 -.039 -.188 .196 -.168 .085 -.104 -.084 -.016 -.067

Social Cognition


Total .286 -.130 -.066 -.123 -.229 -.363* -.318 -.271 -.378

* -.451

** -.141 -.114 .046 -.276 -.063 -.308 -.305


Total .331* -.194 -.118 -.166 -.039 -.313 -.345

* -.243 -.036 -.294 .046 -.032 -.031 -.168 -.039 -.128 -.135

















































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Social Functioning


















































SocEng .128 -.257 -.354* -.304 -.244 -.412

* -.222 -.389

* .065 -.139 -.287 .082 .232 .076 .171 -.320 -.167

IntCom .121 -.344* -.351

* -.211 -.367

* -.442

** -.260 -.445

** .165 -.005 -.483

** .010 .188 .008 .096 -.437

** -.317

IndepC .119 -.211 -.426**

-.023 -.170 -.062 -.319 -.271 .050 -.167 .179 .196 .212 .160 .246 .074 .224

IndepP .049 -.125 -.383* -.057 -.175 -.037 -.223 -.224 .096 -.258 -.372

* -.049 .160 .021 .039 -.219 -.164

Recreat .173 -.155 -.039 -.198 -.050 -.290 -.054 -.164 .260 -.188 -.445**

-.098 -.046 -.247 -.095 -.327* -.345


Prosoc -.037 -.122 .132 -.211 -.050 .093 .122 -.026 .523**

.293 -.107 .117 .141 -.139 .153 -.052 .054

Employ -.186 .300 -.098 .146 .137 -.080 -.069 .108 .306 .045 .092 -.144 .156 .068 -.033 .005 -.017

Total .083 -.241 -.330* -.232 -.207 -.184 -.212 -.313 .492

** -.058 -.323

* .071 .276 -.057 .183 -.259 -.106


Health .146 -.105 -.133 .002 -.085 -.195 -.254 -.164 .152 -.157 -.021 .206 .500**

.060 .396* .074 .312


Adapt .229 -.037 -.088 -.221 -.339* -.237 -.285 -.277 -.022 -.295 -.102 .012 .309

* -.132 .158 -.131 -.014

SocSk -.211 -.029 -.158 -.317 -.154 -.033 -.044 -.164 .385* .175 -.251 -.044 .379

* .111 .151 -.030 .068

Behavior .276 -.294 -.077 -.233 -.316 -.301 -.198 -.332* .150 -.266 -.188 .223 .432

** -.081 .376

* -.077 .169

Total .076 -.125 -.162 -.271 -.276 -.220 -.235 -.291 .258 -.119 -.193 .114 .539**

.013 .346* -.042 .180

MCAS-Self Report

Health .261 -.393* -.420

** -.120 -.452

** -.295 -.422

** -.489

** .121 -.038 -.286 .026 .291 -.025 .157 -.315 -.172

Adapt .416**

-.216 -.179 -.138 -.182 -.100 -.357* -.267 .085 -.148 -.190 .069 .045 -.171 .073 -.283 -.199

SocSk .205 -.602**

-.298 -.345* -.437

** -.309 -.336

* -.547

** .286 .001 -.531

** .170 .117 .024 .182 -.272 -.118

Behavior .330* -.430

** -.220 -.456

** -.432

** -.284 -.533

** -.542

** .149 .004 -.213 .201 .094 -.117 .194 -.290 -.126

Total .380* -.586

** -.408

* -.337

* -.529

** -.352

* -.536

** -.639

** .234 -.053 -.456

** .147 .211 -.068 .209 -.392

* -.205

Note: Bold values are p < .05. ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.

Spt Abil = Spatial Ability; Exe Fnc = Executive Functions; SocEng = Social Engagement; IntCom = Interpersonal Communication; IndepC = Independence – Competence; IndepP = Independence – Performance; Recreat = Recreation; Prosoc = Prosocial Behavior; Employ = Employment; Adapt = Adaptation; SocSk = Social Skills

Page 143: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Appendix B: Correlation Matrix for Neurocognition by Symptoms, Social Cognition, and Social Functioning

Trails NAB-Screener

A B Attention Language Memory Spatial Ability Exec Functions Total



Total .037 -.313 .012 -.076 -.058 -.224 -.060 -.109

Social Cognition


Total -.167 .021 .154 .307 -.026 .421** .171 .308


Total -.256 -.214 .277 .263 .019 .391* .210 .328


Social Functioning


Social Engagement .120 .262 -.216 -.019 .136 .299 -.101 .019

Interpersonal Communication .137 .210 -.322* -.302 -.036 .305 -.153 -.148

Independence – Competence -.124 -.151 .213 .106 .034 -.002 .058 .114

Independence - Performance -.240 -.027 -.036 -.121 .015 .057 .255 .016

Recreation .210 .187 -.312 -.393* -.218 -.279 -.123 -.375


Prosocial Behavior .624** .377

* -.328* -.293 .019 -.217 -.239 -.299

Employment -.048 -.332 .145 -.147 -.086 -.083 .293 .014

Total .287 .218 -.236 -.336* -.036 -.121 -.024 -.231


Health -.235 -.142 .196 .017 -.182 .265 .244 .139

Adaptation -.086 -.076 .200 .180 .145 .084 .333* .224

Social Skills .102 .216 -.005 -.041 -.077 .097 .092 .011

Behavior -.089 -.107 .007 -.229 -.251 .163 .203 -.054

Total -.085 -.013 .124 -.021 -.123 .201 .270 .102

Page 144: Pathways to Social Functioning via Emotion Regulation in People with Serious Mental Illness


Trails NAB-Screener

A B Attention Language Memory Spatial Ability Exec Functions Total


Health .000 .172 -.015 .021 .200 .302 -.038 .113

Adaptation -.347* -.198 .196 .131 .121 .207 .318 .278

Social Skills .147 .287 -.214 -.228 -.037 .104 -.152 -.158

Behavior .122 -.003 .069 .202 .218 .404* .014 .223

Total .003 .151 -.039 -.019 .146 .314 -.002 .094 Note: Bold values are p < .05.

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.

Exec Functions = Executive Functions

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Appendix C: Correlation Matrix for

Symptoms and Social Cognition by Social Functioning

Symptoms Social Cognition


Social Functioning Measure


Social Engagement -.420**

.021 -.060

Interpersonal Communication -.368* -.065 .162

Independence – Competence -.294 -.204 -.066 Independence - Performance -.110 -.212 .133

Recreation -.188 -.485**


Prosocial Behavior -.391* -.071 .150

Employment -.107 -.272 .061

Total -.491**



MCAS Health -.503

** .140 .135

Adaptation -.043 .195 -.106

Social Skills -.267 .164 .002

Behavior -.434**

.217 .009 Total -.425

** .230 .022


Health -.363* -.008 .005

Adaptation -.201 .111 .204

Social Skills -.512**

-.309 .061

Behavior -.168 .028 .026

Total -.475**

-.109 .087 Note: Bold values are p < .05.

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.