Patho A 1. 4 Genetic Disorders (Gacasan, 2015).pdf

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  • 7/24/2019 Patho A 1. 4 Genetic Disorders (Gacasan, 2015).pdf


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    Far Eastern University Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation

    Pathology AGenetic Disorders

    Jocelyn Q. Gacasan M.D.


    Study of a single or a few genes and their phenotypic effects.


    Study of all the genes in the genome and their interactions.


    Measurement of all the proteins expressed in a cell or tissue.


    More common than appreciated, there are many existing cases

    of genetic disorders that are not being observed.

    Lifetime frequency of 670 per 1,000

    This includes classic genetic disorders, cancer, and cardiovascular


    Definition of terms


    Derived from parents and transmitted through the germ line.

    Genetically acquired and inherited from the parents.


    It runs in the family.


    Present at the time of birth.

    It does not necessarily mean it is hereditary.

    Congenital Syphilis

    Hereditary diseases on the other hand, do not also mean it is

    congenital, because there are hereditary diseases that manifest

    when an affected individual reaches adulthood.

    Huntingtons diseaseusually manifests at 20 y/o.


    A permanent change in the DNA make up of an individual.

    Germ Cellsmay give rise to the inherited diseases.

    Somatic Cells do not give rise or do not cause hereditary

    diseases but they are important in the genesis of cancers and

    some congenital malformations.


    1.) Point mutations with coding sequences

    A single nucleotide base is substituted by a different base.

    Missense Mutationalters the genetic code and protein output

    Conservative Missense replaced AA is biochemically the

    same as the previous amino acid.

    Non-conservative Missene replaced with biochemically

    different AA.

    Nonsense Mutationproduces a stop codon and terminates the

    sequence (UAG, UGA, UAA).

    In sickle cell anemia, thymine is replaced with adenosine. The previous

    triplet: CTT, which codes for glycine, is replaced with CAT which now

    codes for valine. The RBC phenotypically manifests a sickle shape rathe

    than biconcave disc shape.

    2.) Mutations within non-coding sequences

    Does not involve mutations of the exons.

    Mutations here involve regulatory sequences that may interfere

    with binding of transcription factors.

    Involvespromotersand enhancers.

    Defective splicing, no mature mRNA, and translation does notoccur.

    Example is Thalassemia.

    3.) Frameshift Mutation

    Involves deletionor insertionof one or two amino acids.

    Insertion or deletion in the DNA sequence may disrupt the

    reading frame, it may displace it forward (insertion) or displace i

    back (deletion).

    However, if 3 base pairs are inserted, there will be no frameshift

    but the amino acid that is translated is different.

    Example is the deletion of a base pair in ABO alleles.

    4.) Trinucleotide Repeats

    Amplification of sequences in 3 nucleotides.

    Commonly affects cytosine and guanine.

    Dynamic, it continues to amplify through generations.

    In fragile X syndrome, FMNR1 gene have 250-4,000 CGG repeats

    In a normal population, the amount of repeats is only small

    averaging to about 29 repeats.

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    1.) Single Gene Mutation Disorders(Mendelian Disorders)

    With large effects.

    Highly Penetrant

    Follows the Mendelian pattern of inheritance.

    2.) Chromosomal Disorders

    Arise from structural or numerical alteration in the autosomes or

    sex chromosomes.

    Uncommon and highly penetrant.

    Ex: Monogenic disorders

    Visible with karyotyping.

    3.) Complex Multigenic Disorders

    Most common form


    Multifactorial: interaction of genes and environmental factors.

    4.) Single Gene Disorders with Non-classic inheritance


    A trait seen in all carriers of the disease, but expresses the

    mutation differently.

    Same genotype, different degrees of phenotype.

    Ex: Neurofibromatosis

    Some manifests macule type of lesions (brown spots)

    Some manifests with tumors.


    Expressed mathematically in terms of percent.

    50% penetrance means 50% of those who carry the gene express

    the trait or the phenotype.


    Autosomal: Located in the autosomes (22 autosomes)

    Sex-linked: Located in the X and Y chromosomes


    Expressed only when the individual is homozygous.

    The individual must have the 2 recessive genes on both

    chromosomes to be affected with the disease.


    Expressed in homozygous or heterozygous forms.

    The individual only needs 1 dominant gene to manifest the

    disease. The dominant gene in heterozygous form masks theexpression of the recessive gene.

    Alleles Present Allele Expressed

    Homozygous Dominant Dominant,



    Heterozygous Dominant Dominant,



    Homozygous Recessive Recessive,




    Both of the alleles of the gene pair, dominant and recessive,

    contribute to the phenotype.

    Ex: Blood group antigens


    A single mutant gene leads to multiple end effects


    Mutations at the several loci may produce the same trait


    Result of expressed mutation of single genes of large effect.

    More than 4,500 mendelian disorders

    Each person is a carrier of at least 5-8 recessive mutant genes.

    80-85%are familial, 15-20%are new mutations (de novo).

    Transmission patterns


    Autosomal Dominant


    Autosomal Recessive

    3. X-linked

    1.) Autosomal Dominant

    Manifested both in homozygous and heterozygous states

    Some without affected parents, results from de novomutation.

    Both male and female can transmit the disease.

    An affected one marrying a normal one, 1 out of 2 children may

    manifest the disorder (50%)

    De novo or new mutations may arise in germ cells of older fathe

    Reduced Penetrance and Variable Expressivity.

    Onset may be delayed.

    The biochemical mechanism of autosomal disorders depend

    upon the nature of the mutation and the type of protein affected

    Many autosomal dominant disorders arise from deleterious

    mutations and result to mutations of:

    Those involved in regulation of complex metabolic

    pathways that are subject to negative feedback inhibition

    - Ex: Familial Hypercholesterolemia

    Key Structural Proteins

    - The product of the mutant allele can interfere with the

    assembly of normal and functional multimeric proteins.

    - Ex: Osteogenesis imperfecta

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    Autosomal dominant mutations usually affect:

    Non enzyme Proteins

    Regulatory Proteins

    Complex Structural Proteins

    Loss-of-function mutations

    More common

    Dominant negativeimpairs the function of normal alleles

    Gain-of-function mutations

    Results in an increase in a protein[s normal function.

    Imparts a wholly new activity completely unrelated to the

    affecter proteins normal function.

    Ex: Huntingtons disease results from generation of the

    huntingtinprotein which is toxic to the neurons.

    2.) Autosomal Recessive

    Single largest category of the mendelian disorders.

    Both alleles at a given gene locus are mutant.

    More uniform clinical expression of the defect.

    Complete Penetranceis common.

    Early onset, rarely de novo, rarely detected.

    Enzyme products are affected.

    Parents do not manifest the disorder but they are carrier of the

    recessive gene.

    1 in 4 chances a child can manifest the disease (25%)

    If the gene occurs at low frequency, it is likely a product of a

    consanguineous marriage.

    3.) Sex-linked Disorders

    Affected Male:

    zDo not transmit the disease to the sons

    But all daughters are carriers.

    Heterozygous Females are carriers.

    Sons have 1:2 chances of being affected (50%)

    Females have 1:2 chances of being a carrier

    There is no Y-linked disorder, although it is possible, because

    males with mutations affecting the Y-linked genes are usually


    X-linked recessive is the most common cause of sex-linked

    disorders, the Y chromosome is not homologous to X, and so

    mutant genes on X have no corresponding gene to the Y

    chromosome, hence males are said to be Hemizygous for X

    linked disorders.

    Females do not manifest the disease because there is an extra

    normal X chromosome. However, there are chances that the

    normal X chromosome get silenced and the abnormal X

    chromosome be fully expressed.

    There are few X-linked dominant disorder like Vitamin-D

    resistant rickets.

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    1. Enzyme defects

    2. Defects in membrane receptors and transports


    Structural and Functional protein defects


    Unusual reaction to drugs

    A.) Enzyme defects

    Synthesis of an enzyme with reduced activity or reduced amount

    of the normal enzyme.

    Results to:

    Accumulation of substrates


    Can be accompanied by accumulation of one or more

    intermediate substrates which are toxicto the tissues.

    - Ex: Lysosomal storage diseases

    Metabolic block with decreased end product

    - May cause loss of function

    - Ex: Albinism (Tyrosinase enzyme defect)

    - If the end product involves a negative feedback process,

    the deficiency of the end product may permit

    overproduction of the intermediates which are toxic to

    the tissues.

    - Ex: Lesch Nyhan disease

    Failure to inactivate tissue damaging substrate.


    Absence of a regulatory component.


    Ex: 1-antitrypsin deficiency.

    - Patients with this deficiency dont have 1-antitrypsin

    which inactivates neutrophil elastase in the lungs.

    Without the antitrypsin, elastic structures of the lungs

    are destroyed leading to emphysema.

    B.) Defects in membrane receptors and transport system

    Defective transport may result to accumulation inside the cell

    Ex: Familial Hypercholesterolemia

    Decreased synthesis of LDL-Receptors may lead to defective

    transport of LDL to the liver cells.

    Ex: Cystic Fibrosis

    Defective transport system of Cl-ions in exocrine glands

    C.) Alteration in structure, function, or quantity of non-enzyme proteins

    Often have widespread effects

    Defects in the structural proteins.

    Ex: Sickle Cell Anemia

    Defects in the structure of globin molecules

    Ex: Osteogenesis imperfecta

    D.) Adverse reaction to drugs

    The manifestation of the disease unmasks only after exposure to

    a certain drug.

    Drug-induced injury to genetically susceptible individual.

    Ex: G6PD Deficiency (Glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase)

    Primaquine, an anti-malarial drug, causes hemolytic anemia


    Structural protein defect

    A disorder of connective tissues manifested principally by

    changes in the skeleton, eyes, and cardiovascular system.

    Approximately 70-85% of the cases are familialand autosoma

    dominant, remainder of it is sporadic.

    Inherited defect in the extracellular glycoprotein Fibrillin.

    Fibrillin 1 (FBN1)15q21 for Marfan Syndrome

    Fibrillin 2 (FBN2) 5q23 for Congenital Contractua


    The fibrils provide a scaffold on which tropoelastin is deposited

    to form elastic fibers.

    Most of these are missense mutations that give rise to abnorma

    fibrilin-1 fibers, there can inhibit polymerization of fibrillin fibers

    (dominant negative effect).

    The reduction of the fibrillin content results to weakening of the

    connective tissue (haploinsufficiency).

    Loss of microfibrils results to activation of TGF-.

    Excessive TGF- activates metalloproteases causing degradation

    of extracellular matrix.

    In other Marfan syndrome individuals, there is no mutation of

    FBN1 but there is a mutation of the gene that encodes for TGF-


    Morphological Changes in Marfan Syndrome

    Skeletal and Eyes

    Unusually tall with exceptionally long extremities and long

    tapering fingers and toes.

    Double jointed, can extend the thumb to the back of the wrist.

    Frontal Bossing, Kyphoscholiosis, Pectum Excavatum.

    Bilateral Ectopia Lentis

    Cardiovascular Lesion

    Two most common lesions:

    1. Mitral prolapse


    Dilation of the ascending aorta due to cystic medionecrosis.

    Loss of medial support results in the progressive dilation of theaortic valve ring and the root of aorta resulting to aortic


    Weakening of the tunica media can predispose to tunica intima

    tear, which may initiate intramural hematoma and cleave the

    layers of the media producing aortic dissection.

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    EDS comprise a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of

    disorders that result from some defect in the synthesis or

    structure of collagen fibers.

    The mode of inheritance encompasses all the 3 mechanisms of

    mendelian pattern.

    The tissues rich in collagen have a lack in tensile strength.

    The skinis extraordinarily hyperextensible

    Thejointsare hypermobile.

    The internal structures that contain collagen (e.g. arteries, eyes,

    colon) can rupture, detach, or herniate.

    6 variants of EDS:

    EDS Type Findings Inheritance


    (I, II)

    Skin and Joint hypermobility,

    atrophic scars, easy bruising





    Joint hypermobility, pain,




    Vascular (IV) Thin skin, arterial or uterine

    rupture, bruising, small joint






    Hypotonia, joint laxity, congenital

    scoliosis, ocular fragility




    (VIIa, b)

    Severe joint hypermobility, skin

    changes, scoliosis, bruising




    (VII c)

    Severe skin fragility, cutis laxa,





    Receptor Disease

    A mutation in the gene encoding the receptor for LDL

    Chromosome 19 encodes for the LDL Receptors

    Most frequent mendelian disorder, autosomal dominant.

    Heterozygous have 50% normal LDL receptors.

    Presence of XanthomasElevated levels of cholesterol can induce premature


    5 Classes:


    Lysosomes are key component of the intracellular digestive tract

    they contain hydrolytic enzymes that have two special properties

    First, they function in the acidic milieu of the lysosomes.

    These enzymes constitute a special category of secretory

    proteins that are destined not for the ECF but for the

    intracellular organelles.

    Lysosomes catalyze complex macromolecules via autophagy o


    Causes of lysosomal storage diseases:

    Missing enzyme


    Called primary accumulation

    Lack of Enzyme Activator or protein protector

    Lack of Substrate Activator protein

    Lack of transport protein

    The lysosomal defects can lead to two pathologic consequences:

    This leads to an incomplete digestion of the macromolecule

    stuck inside the lysosome, also called primary


    Impaired autophagy can give rise to secondary

    accumulation of autophagic substrates such as

    polyubiquinated proteins and old mitochondria.


    1.) Tay-Sachs Disease

    Accumulation of GM2 Ganglioside.

    Hexosaminosidase Adeficiency ( -subunit, chromosome 15)

    Prominent CNS component

    S/Sx appear at 6 months:

    Motor and mental retardation, Blindness

    Vegetative at 1-2 y/o, Death at 2-3 y/o

    Cherry red spoton fundoscopy

    Neurons present with cytoplasmic lipid vacuole, and appear as

    whorled configurations on electron microscopy.

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    2.) Niemann-Pick Disease (Types A and B)

    Lysosomal accumulation of sphingomyelin.

    Spingomyelinase deficiency, typically autosomal recessive.

    Evident at 6 months.

    Type A secere infantile form with extensive neurologic


    Type B Have organomegaly but generally no central nervous

    system involvement, usually survives into adulthood.

    Cherry red spot is seen in 1/3 of cases.

    Fine vacuolization of phagocytic cells.

    Zebra bodiesin electron microscopy.

    3.) Gauchers Disease

    A cluster of autosomal recessive disorder resulting from the

    mutation of the glucocerebrosidasegene.

    Accumulation of glucocerebroside in phagocytes.

    Changes in Gaucher disease are also caused by activation of

    macrophages and the consequent secretion of cytokines.

    Three clinical subtypes:

    Type I

    - Chronic non-neuropathic form

    - Most common, 99% of cases.

    - Splenic and skeletal involvements dominate this type.


    Glucocerebrosides are limited to mononuclear phagocytes


    Has a predilection for Jewish of European stock.

    Type II

    - Acute neuropathic form


    Infantile cerebral pattern


    Hepatosplenomegaly, convulsions, mental retardation

    - Progressive CNS Involvement

    - Early death

    Type III

    - Intermediate between types I and II

    The phagocytic cells have a crumpled-paper appearance.

    4.) Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS)

    Typically autosomal recessive,except Hunter syndrome

    Due to deficiency of enzyme that degrades GAGs.

    Present with severe somatic and neurologic changes


    Some types of MPS:

    MPS I(Hurler Syndrome)

    - Most severe form


    L-iduronidase deficiency


    Normal at birth

    MPS II(Hunter Syndrome)




    L-iduronosulfate sulfatasedeficiency

    Coarse facial features

    Clouding of the cornea, joint stiffness

    Organomegaly, subendothelial deposits

    Zebra bodies and Balloon cells


    Defects in the synthesis or catabolism of glycogen

    Autosomal recessive

    Can be divided into 3 major sub groups:

    Hepatic Formvon Gierkes disease

    - Glucose 6 Phosphatase deficiency


    Hepatomegaly and Hypoglycemia

    Myopathic FormMcArdles disease

    - Muscle phosphorylase deficiency


    Myopathy, muscle cramps after exercise


    Failure of lactate to rise after exercises

    - Muscle weakness

    Miscellaneous FormPompes disease


    Acid Maltase (-glucosidase) deficiency.

    - Storage in heart

    - Prominent cardiomegaly

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    ALKAPTONURIA (Ochronosis)

    Autosomal recessive

    Deficiency of homogentisic acid oxidase.

    Black color of urine (alkaptonuria)

    Blue-black discoloration of collage (ochronosis)

    Arthropathy due to deposition in joints.


    Environmental influences and the mutant gene have additive


    Dosage effectthe greater the number of inherited deleterious

    genes, the more severe the expression of the disease.

    Multifactorial disorders:

    Cleft lip or Cleft palate (or both)

    Congenital Heart Disease

    Coronary Heart Disease



    Diabetes mellitus

    Pyloric stenosis


    Humans have either 46XY or 46XX.

    Chromosomal result from either alteration in number or in



    Study of chromosomes.

    Also called metaphase spread.

    Chromosome pairs are arranged in order of decreasing length.

    Total number of chromosomes + sex chromosome + description

    of the abnormality:

    Ex: 47, XY, +21 (Trisomy 21 male)

    Nice to know but not included in the exam:

    Each chromosome has 2 arms:

    p= short arm, q= long arm.

    Each arm is divided into region, bands, and sub-bands.

    Disorders or mutations in a specific site of a chromosome is

    named as:

    [Chromosome number][arm][region][band].[sub-band]

    Ex: Xp21.2, meaning there is a mutation in the short arm of the X

    chromosome at region 1, band 1, sub-band 2.

    Chromosomal Disorders

    Chromosomal Number:

    Euploidyexact multiple of the haploid

    Aneuploidynot an exact multiple of 23

    Monosomy (2n-1)

    Trisomy (2n+1)

    Causes of Aneuploidy


    When this occurs during gametogenesis, the gametes

    formed have either an extra chromosome (n+1) or one less

    chromosome (n-1)

    Anaphase lag

    One homologous chromosome in meiosis or one chromatid

    in mitosis lags behind and is left out of the cell nucleus.

    One cell is normal, and one is monosomy.

    Monosomies involving an autosome generally cause loss of too

    much genetic information to permit live birth or even

    embryogenesis, but several autosomal trisomies do permit survival.

    Structural aberrations


    Two breaks and inverted reincorporation

    Paracentricinvolves only one arm of the chromosome.

    Pericentricbreaks are on the opposite sides of the centromere

    Isochromosome Formation

    Loss of one arms followed by the duplication of the two

    remaining arms.

    The chromosome either only contains 2 short arms or 2 long



    A segment of one chromosome is transferred to another.

    Balance reciprocal translocation single breaks in each of two

    chromosome with exchange of material.

    Centric fusion or Robertsonian fusion long arms of one is

    transferred to the short arm resulting to one very long and one

    very short arm.

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    Loss of a portion of the chromosome.

    Most deletions are interstitial but rarely terminal deletions may


    Interstitial deletions occur when there are two breaks within a

    chromosome arm, followed by loss of the chromosomal material

    between the breaks and fusion of the broken ends.

    Ring Chromosomes

    Deletion of both the ends of the chromosome and fusion of the

    damaged ends.

    Cytogenetic Disorders involving Autosomes


    Trisomy 21Down Syndrome

    2. Trisomy 18Edwards Syndrome

    3. Trisomy 13Patau Syndrome

    4. Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

    TRISOMY 21 (Down Syndrome)

    Most common chromosomal disorder

    Major cause of mental retardation (80% have 25-50 IQ).

    Due to meiotic non-disjunction.

    Maternal age has a strong influence on the incidence.

    Increased risks:

    Coronary Heart Disease (40%)

    Acute Leukemia

    Alzheimers Disease

    Abnormal Immunity

    TRISOMY 18 (Edward Syndrome)

    Most severe malformation

    Meiotic non-disjunction

    Rarely revives beyond one year

    TRISOMY 13 (Patau Syndrome)

    Also due to meiotic non-disjunction


    Spectrum of disorders

    Result from a small deletion of band q11.2 in the long arm of

    chromosome 22.

    A fairly common syndrome occurring in 1 in 4,000 births.

    Clinical features and manifestations:

    Congenital Heart Defects

    Facial Dysmorphism

    Developmental delay

    Variable T-cell deficiency with hypocalcemia

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    Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization

    Left: Trisomy, Right: Deletion

    Cytogenetic Disorders Involving Sex Chromosomes.

    More common than autosomal abnormalities.

    Better tolerated.

    Not usually recognized until puberty

    Increase in number of X chromosome is associated with mental


    Lyon Hypothesis:

    Only one X is functionalin females affected.

    The other X is seen as a Barr body

    The inactivation of X is due to inactivation of XIST molecule

    Regardless the number of X chromosome, the presence of Y

    chromosome sets the sex to male.


    47 XXY

    Most common sex chromosomal disorder and cause of

    hypogonadism in males.

    Low IQ, Infertile, Gynecomatia

    Increased FSH and Estradiol and decreased testosterone.

    Due to maternal meiotic non-disjunction


    45 X

    Most common sex chromosomal disorder in females

    Edema, congenital heart disease, absence of secondary female

    characteristics, normal IQ, and ammenorhea.

    Auto antibory to thyroid (50%), glucose intolerant, obesity.

    Webbing of the neck, cubitus valgus


    Presence of both testis and ovariesExtremely rare

    50% is 46XX.


    Disagreement of gonadal and phenotypic sex

    Maledue to mutations in the gene for androgen receptor

    Normal testes and ducts but ambiguous external genitalia

    Female due to excessive exposure to androgens during


    Normal internal genetalia, virilized external genetalia

    Large clitoris.


    Four categories:

    1. Trinucleotide Repeats

    2. Mutation in mitochondrial genes

    3. Genomic imprinting


    Gonadal Mosaicism

    Trinucleotide Repeat Mutation

    Long repeating sequences of 3 nucleotides involving G and C.

    DNA becomes unstable

    Particularly neurodegenerative disorders.

    The proclivity to expand depends strongly on the sex of the

    transmitting parent.

    Fragile Xexpansion occurs during oogenesis

    Huntingtonexpansion occurs during spermatogenesis


    Seen as discontinuity of staining or as a constriction in the long

    arm of the X-chromosome, and is liable to chromatid breaks.

    One of the most common causes of familial mental retardation

    in males.

    Reduction in FMR protein due to mutation of the FMR1 gene

    Long face, large mandible, large everted ears, macro-orchidism.

    Atypical pattern of transmission:

    Carrier males transmit to daughters, grandchildren are


    Affected females30-50% are affected

    Phenotypic effects:

    - 9% brothers with Mental Retardation

    - 40% grandsons have Mental Retardation

    Worsens each generation

    Mutations in the mitochondrial genes (mtDNA)

    Maternal inheritance, because the mitochondria we inherit is the

    one in the egg cells cytoplasm.

    Mothers transmit their mtDNA to all their offspring but onlydaughters can pass the mtDNA.

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    mtDNA encodes for enzymes involved in oxidative

    phosphorylation, thus mutations affect primarily the CNS,

    skeletal, and cardiac muscles, liver, and kidneys.

    Progressive bilateral loss of central vision.

    First noted between 15 and 35 years and leads to blindness;

    cardiac conduction defects and minor neurologic manifestations

    may be seen.

    Genomic Imprinting

    Imprinting selectively inactivates either the maternal or the

    paternal allele.

    Occurs in the ovum or sperm before fertilization.

    Maternal imprinting silences maternal alleles

    Paternal imprinting silences paternal alleles.


    Deletion primarily affects the paternally derived chromosome 15

    Retardation, short stature, hypotonia, small hands and feet



    Deletion primarily affects the maternally derived chromosome


    Mentally retarded, ataxic gait, seizures.

    Inappropriate smile or laughter (happy puppets)

    Gonadal Mosaicism

    Mutation occurs postzygotically during early embryonic


    Parents are phenotypically normal but diseases are seen in

    multiple children.

    Germ line mutationthe gametes carry the mutation.


    PCR and Detection of DNA alterations

    Sanger sequencing


    Single base primer extension

    Restriction Fragment length analysis

    Amplicon length analysis

    Real-time PCR

    Molecular Analysis of Genomic Alterations

    Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)

    Multiplex Ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA)

    Southern Blot

    Cytogenomic Array Technology

    Array based comparative genomic hybridization

    SNP Genotyping Array

    Polymorphic Markers and Molecular Diagnosis

    Epigenetic Alterations

    RNA Analysis

    Next Generation Sequencing

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    Only Jon Snow knows nothing!