Partnerships for Co-Creating Businesses

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  • 8/8/2019 Partnerships for Co-Creating Businesses


    Partnerships for Co-creating


    S K Tapasvi

    MDI Gurgaon1/12/2010

  • 8/8/2019 Partnerships for Co-Creating Businesses


    Emerging Trends Shrinking of government from public services and

    welfare objectives of the state

    Emergence of trans-boundary issues/problemslike, climate change, AIDS, globalization of work

    and resources, terrorism

    Civil Society groups/NGOs at local, regional,national and global levels are exerting increasingpressure on governments and corporations for

    addressing these problems. There are increasing cases of collaborations

    across public, private and civil society sectors forfulfillment ofmutual objectives.

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    Social Concerns & Businesses

    Civil society groups have influenced businesses inareas such as, chemical regulation, oil spill

    liability, air emissions, liquid waste,

    pharmaceutical and food standards, child labour,

    and employment discrimination.

    Companies are investing in developing expertise

    to cope with civil society pressures

    Integrating social concerns into coreorganizational functions through innovation

    (moving away from functional trap)

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    Corporate Sector and Civil Society


    Three Stages

    Companies and NGOs work together to influenceeach other. Some companies and NGOs execute

    social responsibility projects together. Some companies get into bottom-of-the pyramid

    segments and niche markets while NGOs set upsocial ventures into those markets.

    Companies and NGOs enter into co-creationbusiness relationships which entails thedevelopment of business models in whichcompanies become a key part of NGOs capacity

    to deliver value and vice versa.

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    Partnerships & Management of

    Collaboration Co-creating markets through innovative businessmodels

    Task-oriented relationship rather than ideology orpolicy-driven dialogue as the mode of

    collaboration Align global standards with local capacity to

    create value

    Not an adversarial relationship

    Increasing legitimacy through 3-P dimensions Collaborative advocacy of policy issues and

    developing co-regulatory schemes.

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    What you can do?

    Create an environment where people areconscientious about what they are doing andtake pride in that.

    This is all about creating a vision of a companythat delivers a triple bottom line, that is

    Economically sound

    Environmentally sound

    Socially just

    This is a new vision of sustainability oforganizations

  • 8/8/2019 Partnerships for Co-Creating Businesses


    Please think & reflect!!!

    What is the legacy that we are leaving behind?

    When we are no longer on this earth, what is

    it that people will remember you for? What would you like them to remember you


    How are you going to approach your job andyour life so that you are creating a legacy you

    can be proud of?

  • 8/8/2019 Partnerships for Co-Creating Businesses


    How to enlist others? We must improve our capacities to act on two

    essentials: Appeal to common ideals

    Animate the vision

    Successfully engaging in these two essentials can

    lead to: Higher levels of job satisfaction




    Team spirit

    Productivity and profitability

  • 8/8/2019 Partnerships for Co-Creating Businesses


    Appeal to Common Ideals

    Visions are about ideal hopes, dream

    s, andaspirations

    Ideals reveal our higher order value preferences

    They are statements of the idealized purpose that

    we hope all our practical actions will enable us toattain.

    By focusing on the ideal, we gain a sense ofmeaning and purpose from what we undertake.

    When you communicate vision(s), talk to peopleabout how they are going to make a difference,how they are going to have positive impact.

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    Connect to what is meaningful to others in

    shaping shared visions. (do not impose)

    Take pride in being unique (differentiate) Align your dreams with the peoples dreams

    (communicate positive images)



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    How to animate the vision?

    Your enthusiasm and expressiveness are

    strong skills in your efforts to generate

    commitment in your constituents (being


    Use symbolic language (stories, anecdotes,

    picture, quotations, slogans)

    Planting seeds is more effective than pulling weeds Money does not grow on decision trees

    Make images of future (visualize the possibilities)

  • 8/8/2019 Partnerships for Co-Creating Businesses



    Practice positive communication

    Look at the bright side (strength-based reality)

    Speak from the heart Being true to oneself and others

    Vision can never be animated if you dont believe

    in what you are saying

  • 8/8/2019 Partnerships for Co-Creating Businesses


    For thought and action!!!

    Three action steps you can take:

    Record your shared vision

    What is your ideal work community

    What is unique about your hopes, dreams and


    How does the future shape of vision look like

    What images come to your mind

    How does this vision serve the common good?

  • 8/8/2019 Partnerships for Co-Creating Businesses



    Breath life into your vision

    Evoke strong positive emotions

    Make intangible values into tangible by using richness

    of language (sym

    bolic use of stories, for exam

    ple) Expand your communication and Expressiveness


    Expressing a vision is the most difficult of all skills as ithas a connection with your inner self which we do not

    want to project to others as a natural tendency

    So, task and relationship oriented expressiveness is anecessary skill for HR professionals.