Particle Size Determination by Light Scattering · 2008. 7. 16. · age translational diffusion...

Michael L. McConnell Chromatix, Inc. 560 Oakmead Pkwy. Sunnyvale. Calif. 94086 Particle Size Determination by Quasielastic Light Scattering Sedimentation, microscopy, intensi- ty light scattering, exclusion chroma- tography, and electrical resistance change are among the techniques ron- tinely used for particle size analysis. Ongoing studies with quasielastic light scattering (QLS) are demonstrating that this relatively new technique of- fers significant advantages in many pa:ticle sizing analyses compared to these more classical approaches. Posi- tive attributes of QLS include rapid analysis time, typically 10 to a few hundred seconds; wide applicable size range, exrending from less than SO A to 2-fim-diameter particles; minimal sample preparation; and no requisite knnwledge nf the sample concentra- tion. Of particular interest to the topi- cal fields of solar energy and tertiary oil recovery is the capability of QLS to size “soft” particles such as oillwater microemulsions. Fundamentally, the QLS experi- ment is a measurement of the slight (a few kHz) Doppler shift in the frequen- cy of the scattered light that is caused by Rrownian motion of the scattering particle. The term quasielastic serves to distinguish the measurement from intensity light scattering (totally elas- tic), in which no shifts in frequency are considered, and from inelastic techniques such as Raman spectrome- try. It must he noted that there is nu unanimity on the use of the “quasi- elastic light scattering” terminology. Names that have been used include dynamic light scattering, photon cor- relation spectrometry, Rayleigh spec- trometry, homodyne spectrometry, heterodyne spectrometry, laser light scattering, and frequency-analyzing light scattering. QLS Principles Measurement of the small Duppler shifts that occur in the scattered light 0003-2700181/A351-1007$01.00/0 (c; 1981 American Chemical Society t Amplified Discriminat Figure 1. Block diagram of a simple quasielastic light scattering photometer. L,, L2 are lenses; SI. S2 are apertures due tn diffusion of the scattering mac- romolecules requires the use of “upti- cal mixing” or “lieht-beating” tech- P = AE2 = A(E1sinwlt + E2sino2t)’ = A(F:sin2wlt + E:sin2w2t - niques. Such techniques involve di- recting scattered light containing two or more frequency components onto a power detector such as a photomulti- plier tube (PMT). The output of the PMT will contain a frequency campo- nent corresponding to the difference in the frequencies, Le., the Doppler shift. For example, in the case of scat- tered light containing two angular frequencies o1 and wz, the electric field, E, is given by: where A is a constant dependent on the PMT gain. The frequency components, w, and ut. for light scattered from a He-Ne laser (A = 6328 A) are on the order of 5 x 1014 Hz. A PMT cannot respond directly to such high frequencies, but instead provides a time-averaged (1) E = E,sinwlt + E2sinwzt The nutput of the PMT is proportion- al to E2, thus: power output corresponding to these components. However, the difference frequency term, w2 - WI, is a few kHz or less, well within the response range ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 53. NO. 8, JULY 1981 * 1007P

Transcript of Particle Size Determination by Light Scattering · 2008. 7. 16. · age translational diffusion...

Page 1: Particle Size Determination by Light Scattering · 2008. 7. 16. · age translational diffusion coefficient, DT, can be calculated. However, DT generally can be determined more conveniently

Michael L. McConnell Chromatix, Inc. 560 Oakmead Pkwy. Sunnyvale. Calif. 94086

Particle Size Determination by Quasielastic Light Scattering Sedimentation, microscopy, intensi-

ty light scattering, exclusion chroma- tography, and electrical resistance change are among the techniques ron- tinely used for particle size analysis. Ongoing studies with quasielastic light scattering (QLS) are demonstrating that this relatively new technique of- fers significant advantages in many pa:ticle sizing analyses compared to these more classical approaches. Posi- tive attributes of QLS include rapid analysis time, typically 10 to a few hundred seconds; wide applicable size range, exrending from less than SO A to 2-fim-diameter particles; minimal sample preparation; and no requisite knnwledge nf the sample concentra- tion. Of particular interest to the topi- cal fields of solar energy and tertiary oil recovery is the capability of QLS to size “soft” particles such as oillwater microemulsions.

Fundamentally, the QLS experi- ment is a measurement of the slight (a few kHz) Doppler shift in the frequen- cy of the scattered light that is caused by Rrownian motion of the scattering particle. The term quasielastic serves to distinguish the measurement from intensity light scattering (totally elas- tic), in which no shifts in frequency are considered, and from inelastic techniques such as Raman spectrome- try. It must he noted that there is nu unanimity on the use of the “quasi- elastic light scattering” terminology. Names that have been used include dynamic light scattering, photon cor- relation spectrometry, Rayleigh spec- trometry, homodyne spectrometry, heterodyne spectrometry, laser light scattering, and frequency-analyzing light scattering.

QLS Principles

Measurement of the small Duppler shifts that occur in the scattered light

0003-2700181/A351-1007$01.00/0 (c; 1981 American Chemical Society


Amplified Discriminat

Figure 1. Block diagram of a simple quasielastic light scattering photometer. L,, L2 are lenses; SI. S2 are apertures

due tn diffusion of the scattering mac- romolecules requires the use of “upti- cal mixing” or “lieht-beating” tech-

P = AE2 = A(E1sinwlt + E2sino2t)’

= A(F:sin2wlt + E:sin2w2t - niques. Such techniques involve di- recting scattered light containing two or more frequency components onto a power detector such as a photomulti- plier tube (PMT). The output of the PMT will contain a frequency campo- nent corresponding to the difference in the frequencies, Le., the Doppler shift. For example, in the case of scat- tered light containing two angular frequencies o1 and wz, the electric field, E, is given by:

where A is a constant dependent on the PMT gain.

The frequency components, w, and ut. for light scattered from a He-Ne laser ( A = 6328 A) are on the order of 5 x 1014 Hz. A PMT cannot respond directly to such high frequencies, but instead provides a time-averaged

(1) E = E,sinwlt + E2sinwzt

The nutput of the PMT is proportion- al to E2, thus:

power output corresponding to these components. However, the difference frequency term, w2 - WI, is a few kHz or less, well within the response range


Page 2: Particle Size Determination by Light Scattering · 2008. 7. 16. · age translational diffusion coefficient, DT, can be calculated. However, DT generally can be determined more conveniently

of the PMT. Thus, the output of the PMT is:

P = A[l/zEI + l/ZEi + E1Ezcos(wz - Ul)t] (3)

giving a signal with a component equal to the original difference or beat fre- quency, wz - 01. To observe these small frequency shifts, highly mono- chromatic incident illumination is necessary. Thus, the high temporal co- herence of the laser has been essential to QLS development.

In an actual experiment the various directions and the Boltzmann-distrib- uted speeds of the diffusing molecules create many beat frequencies resulting in a Lorentzian distribution, or spec- trum, of output frequencies. Using a spectrum analyzer, it is possible to measure the power spectrum, and from the spectral line-width the aver- age translational diffusion coefficient, DT, can be calculated. However, DT generally can be determined more conveniently by measuring the Fouri- er transform of the power spectrum, the autocorrelation function. The au- tocorrelation function, G ( T ) , of the scattering intensity can be expressed as

G(7) = ( n ( t ) . n ( t + T ) )

where n ( t ) is the scattering intensity at time t , T is a “delay” time, and the angular brackets indicate that the product term is to be ensemble-aver- aged over the duration of the experi- ment. Excellent treatments of auto- correlation theory exist (1-3) and need not be repeated herein. A de- scription of the operating fundamen- tals of an autocorrelator is given in the following section.

The relationship between DT and the measured G ( T ) is dependent on the conditions of the optical mixing. When only Doppler-shifted scattered light is mixed on the PMT, the mea- surement is described as a homodyne or “self-beating” technique. Under this condition and for a monodisperse sample (all particles have an identical diameter),

G ( T ) = A ( l + Be-2K2DTT)

where A is the baseline or square of the average scattering intensity, B is an empirical term related to the col- lection geometry, and



where n is the solution refractive index, A0 is the incident wavelength, and 8 is the observation angle. Con- versely, a heterodyne technique in- volves mixing both incident (unshift- ed) and shifted scattered light on the PMT. In such cases, the correct form of Equation 5 is

G ( T ) = A ( l + Ee-2K2DT7) provided the intensity of the unshift- ed light is much greater than that of the frequency-shifted light.

Homodyne techniques are more commonly used in the measurement of DT, while heterodyne spectrometry is used when a net transport of the scat- tering macromolecules is measured, such as in electrophoretic light scat- tering (4 ) . As a comparison of Equa- tions 5 and 7 indicates, a significant error in the calculation of DT will occur if light of the incident wave- length reaches the PMT in a homo- dyne experiment. Since scattering from stationary interfaces is unshifted from the incident wavelength, it is im- perative that such background scat- tering be avoided.

As given by Equation 5, the auto- correlation function takes the form of an exponential. To calculate D T , it is only necessary to determine the expo- nential time-constant, T,, and then

( 7 )

Techniques for computing T, are dis- cussed later in this paper.

Computation of particle size from DT is dependent on the particle shape. For a sphere, the Stokes-Einstein equation gives

where a is the particle diameter, k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the tem- perature (K), and is the solvent vis- cosity. Equations analogous to 9 are available for selected nonspherical shapes (3). For comparison studies, i t is also feasible to simply calculate a “spherical equivalent” radius.

In some experiments, the measured DT varies with sample concentration. This can result from physical interac- tions of the particles directly affecting DT. Moreover, a t high concentrations, light reaching the PMT may be scat- tered more than once, resulting in ad- ditional frequency shifts and a conse- quent change in the apparent DT. In either case the measured DT should be extrapolated to zero concentration prior to employing Equation 9.

than translational diffusion can con- tribute to the measured autocorrela- tion function; specific examples in- clude rotational diffusion and internal molecular movements (3). However, these phenomena typically have corre- lation times significantly shorter than those associated with translational diffusion and are unlikely to interfere with particle size measurements.

Instrumentation The instrumentation essential for

QLS measurements is diagramed in

Time-dependent phenomena other

Figure 1. Since monochromatic inci- dent light is required, a laser is the most practical source. Quite adequate measurements can be made with an inexpensive helium-neon laser operat- ing a t 6328 A. Although the particle scattering intensity increases with in- creasing frequency, no advantage in signallnoise can be gained by operat- ing a t shorter wavelengths other than that provided by improved PMT quantum efficiency. This fact results from the increase in background scat- tering that also occurs a t shorter wavelengths. The laser power required is very dependent on the collection op- tics (SI, Sz, Lz) and scattering angle, 8. With good-quality optics and a t a low (near Oo) scattering angle, a 2-mW He-Ne laser is generally satisfactory. I t should be noted that excessive laser power is undesirable since heating of the sample will increase particle diffu- sion.

While the design of the cell is not critical, it is important that surface scattering and dust contamination be minimized. The optical quality of the cell surfaces becomes crucial when op- erating at low scattering angles.

Apertures SI and Sz and lens Lz act to define the collection geometry; it is desirable that the viewed scattering volume be well removed from the cell walls. I t is also necessary to restrict the cross-sectional area of the viewed scattering volume to ensure that the coherence of the scattered light is maintained. Normally this is accom- plished by selecting L1 to focus the in- cident beam to a beam diameter of ap- proximately 100 pm and by adjusting the diameter of Sz to match this beam diameter.

The PMT should be selected for minimum dark count rate. Additional criteria for PMT selection are well documented elsewhere (5).

made a t high scattering intensities using analog autocorrelation tech- niques, far superior results are gener- ally obtained when using photon counting (digital) autocorrelation. The amplifierldiscriminator in Figure 1 is required for photon counting. The dis- criminator passes to the correlator a logic pulse for each incoming photon pulse above a preset amplitude. This amplitude is set so that PMT output pulses that do not originate a t the photocathode are ignored. The ampli- fierldiscriminator must be designed for wide bandpass (e.g., 100 MHz) op- eration to minimize pulse overlap at the correlator.

A variety of commercial digital au- tocorrelators are available. These de- vices utilize high-speed shift registers and arithmetic units to perform the computation of Equation 4. Specifical- ly, the correlator counts the photon

While QLS measurements can be


Page 3: Particle Size Determination by Light Scattering · 2008. 7. 16. · age translational diffusion coefficient, DT, can be calculated. However, DT generally can be determined more conveniently

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Page 4: Particle Size Determination by Light Scattering · 2008. 7. 16. · age translational diffusion coefficient, DT, can be calculated. However, DT generally can be determined more conveniently

pulses, n;, in a "sample time" interval AT and computes

selection of the scattering angle (6,7). Selection of the optimum angle(s)

for QLS analysis requires familiarity

as given hy Mie scattering theory (8, 9). In addition, consideration must be given to the angular dependence of Equation 6, to the characteristics of the collection geometry, and to proh- lems of dust contamination.

The important aspects of Mie scat- tering can he summarized as: . For small particles (Q < X/io): a) Is? the scattering intensity per unit ,

solid angle and per unit scattering vol- ume, is reasonably symmetrical about 0 = 900 when an unpolarized source is used; i.e., Is is highest near Oo and near 180°. h) Is increases as a function of the sixth power of particle diameter. . For large particles (Q > x/lO): a) As diameter increases, angular symmetry is lost; the scattering inten- sity is significantly higher near Oo compared to 180°. h) Is oscillates as a function of 0 for a given particle diameter; the angles a t which the local minima and maxima occur vary with particle size. c) Is oscillates as a function of d i m e - t e r a t a given angle. As 0 increases, the oscillations have a shorter period and ,

begin a t smaller particle sizes. Consideration of the collection op-

tics indicates a significant increase in collection efficiency can he obtained by operating near Oo or 180O. As noted previously, it is necessary to minimize the cross-sectional area of the viewed scattering volume. Under this con- straint, a significantly larger scatter- ing volume is viewed when the collect- ed light path is near coaxial (0 = 00 or 0 = 180°) as opposed to perpendicular (0 = 90°) to the incident beam (3).

A further advantage of operation near 180' is eiven bv Eouation 6. in

tistics are thus improved.

near 180° facilitates the analysis of

sorhance at the incident wavelength. Finally, observation near 180' mini- mizes requirements for sample clarifi- cation. Dust contaminants, a primary cause of poor precision in QLS mea- surements,are very large particles that scatter most intensely near Oo, but minimally near 180". Dust, if present, causes a severe loss of preci- sion in low angle measurements.

A summation of these characteris- tics yields a guideline for selection of observation angle for small monodis- perse samples. Quite simply, the mea- surement should he made as near 180' as practical, subject to constraints of background scattering. For larger (a > W10) and polydisperse samples, the selection is not as simple. Oscillations in the Mie function at high angles can adversely affect the accuracy of the size measurement. The selection of angle then becomes a compromise he- tween the convmience of minimal sample preparation and the accuracy desired.

A comparison of measurements a t low and high angles is shown in Table I. A significant improvement in preci- sion was obtained at 175.5". Note that the precisions reported a t 0 = 4.5' are not the optimum possible a t that angle; extending the time of a single measurement (7) allows the relative precision to he reduced to less than f l O W a t 8 = 4.5'.

The optical diagrams of the systems used for low and high angle measure- ments are shown in Figures 2 and 3. In Figure 2, the incident laser beam pass- es through the sample cell from the left, and is then diverted away from the collection optics by the beam block located a t the center of the an-

It is also noteworthy that operation

k with particle scattering characteristics samples demonstrating significant ah- G ( 7 ) = i = 1 X nin;+j

where j = 71AT and k = TIAT, T being the total analysis time. Typical- ly, the value of G l ( r ) is simultaneous- ly computed for 20 or more values of 7. Each sum is accumulated in a "channel" of the correlator memory and is transmitted to the computer a t the end of the analysis.

The number of correlator channels required depends on the analytical ac- curacy sought and the size distrihu- tion of the sample. For other than es- sentially monodisperse samples, oper- ation with fewer than 20 channels is ill-advised; 60 or more channels may be appropriate for characterizing poly- disperse samples &e., samples having a wide size distribution).

Note that the design of the correla- tor will establish a maximum value of n;; larger maximum values require more involved circuitry. In the s in- plest design the only values allowed for n; are zero or one. If the number of pulses occurring in an interval AT is greater than some preset number, called the clipping level, n; = 1. Other- wise n; = 0. These single-hit or clipped correlators are sufficient for many analyses. However, the clipping level must he correctly set; otherwise the frequency information will he lost. Correlators that utilize larger count registers allow operation a t a variety of light levels without loss of informa- tion. Depending on the sources of noise encountered in a particular ex- periment, improved signal-to-noise ra- tios can often be obtained using the larger register correlators. Correlators using four-hit registers (maximum y = 15) are commercially available.


- . . which K is seen to increase with in- creasine 0. Therefore. from Eauation

nulus. The attenuators to the left of the cell are used to reduce the incident Selection ot Scatterlng Angle


In many QLS analyses, little atten- tion is given to the selection of scatter- ing angle; measurements are predomi- nantly made at 90°. However, signifi- cant gain in precision and often in ac- curacy can he obtained by judicious

8 ,7 , must decrease with increasing 0 for constant Q. As rC decreases we can use a short AT in Equation 10. This allows the use of higher light levels without saturating the correlator count registers, and the counting sta-

intensity for highly scattering s m - plea. The annulus and field stop act to restrict collection only to light that is scattered from the center of the cell a t a low angle 0. The collected scattered

Continued onpage 1016 A

Table 1. Determlnation of Particle Diameter of Standard Polystyrene Latex Spheres by QLS 0 = 115.5' 0 = 4.5-

NOml.1 Sample lime, nm. n SIWU S.V* Urn. n m m SIWW M.nm.r' d, I' l u , mea.un&. s a. A2 lu IMaWrmM1.

- - - 870 A 866i 11 10 10 1090 A 1042 & 15 10 10 1075 f 225 5 20 2600 A 2689 i 78 20 5 3890 A 3556 i 64 20 10 3643 i 1200 21

- -

' NOmlnal dlameter spsclfled by supplier. ' Dlanmler Is average ot 10 measuremsnts; prsclsl~n valu~s are standard devlatlons ot 10 measuremsnts.

. . .


Page 5: Particle Size Determination by Light Scattering · 2008. 7. 16. · age translational diffusion coefficient, DT, can be calculated. However, DT generally can be determined more conveniently

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Page 6: Particle Size Determination by Light Scattering · 2008. 7. 16. · age translational diffusion coefficient, DT, can be calculated. However, DT generally can be determined more conveniently

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Page 7: Particle Size Determination by Light Scattering · 2008. 7. 16. · age translational diffusion coefficient, DT, can be calculated. However, DT generally can be determined more conveniently

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Page 8: Particle Size Determination by Light Scattering · 2008. 7. 16. · age translational diffusion coefficient, DT, can be calculated. However, DT generally can be determined more conveniently

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Page 9: Particle Size Determination by Light Scattering · 2008. 7. 16. · age translational diffusion coefficient, DT, can be calculated. However, DT generally can be determined more conveniently

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Page 10: Particle Size Determination by Light Scattering · 2008. 7. 16. · age translational diffusion coefficient, DT, can be calculated. However, DT generally can be determined more conveniently

Folding Diverging Prism / Lens

I Laser

ODhcal Bench

I I Condensing Cell Relay Field Detector Opal

Lens Windows

Anenuators Aperture Microscope Lens Lens Photomultiplier

Flgun 2. Optical diagram of a QLS photometer for measurement at low scattering angles (0 u o0)

Flgure 3. Optical diagram of a QLS photometer for measurement at high scattering angles (0 'c. WOO)

light then passes on to the photomul- tiplier. Prior to initiating a measure- ment, the lens and prism (dashed line) may be imposed in the light path to divert the light to the microscope, al- lowing the positioning of the cell and the degree of sample clarification to be examined.

To obtain measurements near 180° (Figure 3), two mirrors can be imposed in the incident beam. The incident beam now enters the cell from the right, and is diverted away by a repo- sitioned beam block a t the left end of the cell. The collection optics are un- changed, and thus now view light that is scattered in a direction nearly oppo- site to the incident beam.

Sample Preparatlon The primary aspect of sample prep-

aration for QLS is dust removal. As discussed in the previous sections, the requirements for clarification vary with the observation angle. At low an- gles, it is essential that the sample be

filtered or centrifuged to remove dust contaminants. Near 18o', precision of *Z% can often be obtained without fil- tration.

Samples can be prepared in any sol- vent that will suspend the sample; consideration should be given to the possibility of particle aggregation. Ac- ceptable concentration ranges vary ac- cording to the scattering behavior of the sample. As a guideline, polysty- rene latex spheres of diameter 0.1 pm to 0.3 pm can he satisfactorily mea- sured in the range of 5 pg/mL to 100 pg/mL.

Data Analysis The determination of the exponen-

tial time constant, T=, from the QLS data can involve sophisticated compu- tational techniques, a variety of which have been reviewed elsewhere (10). When the sample is monodisperse, G(T) is a single exponential, and a simple nonlinear least squares analysis generally provides optimum results. In

practice, this technique is used for most narrow size distribution samples.

When the sample is polydisperse, the resulting G(T) is a summation of exponentials. The most common tech- nique for determining T< in such cases is the method of cumulants developed by Koppel(12). The cumulant analy- sis provides a measure of the moments of the intensity-weighted size distri- bution. The first and second momenta (the z-average size and the variance) can often be reliably calculated; higher-order moments can be calculat- ed but are highly imprecise. The accu- racy of the moments is reduced a t higher angles and/or higher particle sizes a t which Mie function oscilla- tions distort the relative scattering in- tensities. The cumulant analysis is generally inadequate for analyzing multimodal distributions.

For applications where the cumu- lant analysis is of limited utility, the histogram technique of Chu et al. ( I O ) , may be used. In this approach, the size distribution (sample fraction vs. parti- cle size) is approximated by an equally or unequally segmented histogram. An autocorrelation function is computed from the histogram, and the histogram is adjusted until the error of fit of the calculated G ( T ) and measured G(T) is minimized. The histogram technique has been shown to he especially useful for bimodal distributions.

The techniques described above in- volve measurements at a single angle. An assortment of techniques have also been developed for using the angular variations in the measured D , that re- sult from Mie function oscillations as a semi-quantitative determinant of the particle size distribution (13.14).

Applications Because of their ready availability

and well-characterized size distrihu- tion, much of the development of the QLS technique has employed stan- dard polystyrene latex spheres. The sizing of polymer lattices and resins continues as a common QLS measure- ment; by avoiding the need for exten- sive sample preparation and drying, QLS offers a convenient alternative to electron microscopy. Specific applica- tions include the monitoring of parti- cle growth during emulsion and non- aqueous dispersion polymerization processes (15) and the sizing of fluoro- carbon "vesicles" (6), currently under investigation as possible artificial blood components.

nature of the analysis or the particle precludes desolvating the sample or subjecting it to the shear forces in- volved in several alternative tech- niques that QLS has the greatest ap- plication. For example, variation in particle size induced by solvent

I t is in those applications where the


Page 11: Particle Size Determination by Light Scattering · 2008. 7. 16. · age translational diffusion coefficient, DT, can be calculated. However, DT generally can be determined more conveniently

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Page 12: Particle Size Determination by Light Scattering · 2008. 7. 16. · age translational diffusion coefficient, DT, can be calculated. However, DT generally can be determined more conveniently

changes can be easily studied (15,115). Micelles and mieroemulsions, das-

sic examples of “soft particles” that inherently exist only in solution and can degrade under shear, are conve- niently sized by QLS. A wide variety of micelle applications have been re- ported, particularly in the hiochemical literature (1 7,18). Investigations of the enhanced cleavage of water by visible light in microemulsion systems have employed QLS to size the micro- emulsion particles (19, ZO), and the demonstrated capability of QLS tech- niques to size wa te r41 microemul- sions (21) may yield a useful tool for characterizing micelles and micro- emulsions used in tertiary oil recovery (22).

QLS is also a useful metbod for ob- serving changes in particle size during aasociation/aggregation phenomena. Reported applications include moni- toring the aggregation of antigen-eoat- ed latex spheres and a corresponding antibody (23), the aggregation of bac- terial ribosomes (24), and possible sec- ondary aggregation of sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles (25).

Finally, it should be noted that the QLS technique has utility beyond the measurement of particle size. The wide range of biochemical applications has been reviewed elsewhere (26). QLS techniques have been utilized for ’ determination of molecular conforma- tion (27, ZE), molecular weight and molecular weight distributions (29, 30), and molecular rotation (31). Poly- mer branching bas been characterized (32), and QLS has been applied to the study of latex surfaces (33) and polv- meric soft gels (34).

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L Michael McConnell received a BS in biology from Purdue University in 1972 and o PhD in analytical chemis- try from Indiana University in 1977. He is currently manager, Advanced Development, at Chromatix, Sunny- vole, Calif., and is engaged in the de- velopment of QLS instrumentation and new detectors and dato sys tem for LC.