Part Viii Osho

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Transcript of Part Viii Osho

  • 8/13/2019 Part Viii Osho


    art VII - 1974-1981 PoonaCh 6: Discourse Series on Many Masters

    From July 1974, Osho continues to give discourses every morning until1981, ith alternate months in !indi or "nglish# !e comments on the

    teachings o$ enlightened mystics in many s%iritual traditions& 'ao, (en,)hristianity, !assid, *u$i, +aul, !indu, 'ietan, 'antri, etc# On alternate

    days Osho ansers .uestions# "ach series o$ ten or tenty days is %ulishedveratim, as one oo--over /40 oos in seven years#

    +uddha s%oe, a 2ao '3u s%oe, Jesus s%oe###and they ne that theyere saying something hich cannot e said, ut they still said it# 'hey tried

    hard their hole li$e to say it in so many ays# 'hey used a thousand andone devices and they ne that they ere going to $ail###ut still the $ailure

    is never com%lete#es, it cannot e said and yet something is eing trans$erred# In the very

    e$$ort o$ saying it, something is trans$erred#I cannot say hat love is, ut my very concern--that I ould lie to relate toyou--ill sho my love#

    I cannot say hat music is, ut my very concern to convey it to you, illmae you hear the music o$ my heart# diseas28

    I am using all climates, I am ringing all the %ossiilities to you# It has neverha%%ened e$ore# +uddha created only one climate, one energy-$ield,

    +uddha-$ield# 5evlana Jalaludin 6umi created another, the *u$i-$ield# ithJalaludin only those gathered ho ere natural *u$is, ith +uddha only

    those ho ere natural +uddhists#ith me it is going to e totally di$$erent# 'his %lace is going to e the $irst

    %lace in the orld, in the hole human history, here all climates ill eavailale, all inds o$ soils, all %ossiilities# *o it is going to ha%%en againand again, and you have to rememer that you have to learn tolerance,

    sym%athy# hen something is not suiting you, ust dont start condemningit--ecause i$ I am taling aout it, it must e suiting someody else# nd I

    have to loo to the needs o$ all#nd those old inds o$ s%ecial $ields--the +uddha-$ield, the *u$i-$ield--cannote:ist in this orld no, ecause the earth has ecome so small# )ountries

    are no more secluded; the orld has ecome ust a gloal village# e are soclose to each other, and all the old arriers and oundaries are reaing on

    their on# 5an has ecome more gron-u%#*o around me all inds o$ %eo%le ill e here# Jes are here,5ohammedans, )hristians, !indus, Parsis, *ihs, Jains, +uddhists, 'aoists--all inds o$ %eo%le are here# Peo%le ho elieve in oga, %eo%le ho elievein 'antra, %eo%le ho elieve in (en, %eo%le ho elieve in !assidism--they

    are here# nd I have to nourish them all####I am going to go on s%eaing on all inds o$ schools# nd here, i$ you are aorn 5ohammedan, you have to disa%%ear as a orn 5ohammedan# I$ you

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    are a orn !indu, you have to disa%%ear as a orn !indu# ou have to $indyour natural .ualities--ecause only nature gros# +irth is accidental, irthdetermines nothing# It as coincidence that you ere orn in a home here

    %eo%le ere !indus--it is as much a coincidence as i$ they elonged to a%articular %olitical %arty# I$ your %arents ere communists, you need not e

    a communist# I$ your %arents ere )atholics, you need not e a )atholiceither#ou have to search $or your on %ath; each one has to search $or his on

    %ath# I ill mae all the %aths availale to you, so you can see and $eel# ndhen the right %ath ha%%ens you ill immediately see great oy arising inyou# 'hat is indicative that shos that your climate has arrived, that this

    as the time you ere aiting $or, that this is your s%ring# easy208I am %roclaiming a ne religion--the essential religion# In Islam it is non

    as *u$ism, in +uddhism it is non as (en, in Judaism it is non as!assidism--the essential core# +ut I s%ea your language, I s%ea the ayyou understand, the ay you can understand# I s%ea-a very religionless

    language# I s%ea as i$ I am not religious at all# 'hats hat is needed in thisorld# 'his tentieth century needs a religion com%letely $ree $rom all inds

    o$ su%erstitions, utterly nude, naed#'his century is trained in the ays o$ science, is trained very logically#

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    on 5ohammed or 5oses>= It is di$$icult to e:%lain to them# 5any times, ustlooing at their $aces, I decide that I ill s%ea; many times I loo again andagain into the ords o$ 5oses and 5ohammed, then I again %ost%one it#

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    remains# It alays remains in the %henomenon o$ love--you come closer andcloser and closer, ut even in closeness there is a distance# 'hat is the

    misery o$ all lovers#I s%ea on 2ao '3u totally di$$erently# I am not related to him ecause evento e related a distance is needed# I dont love him, ecause ho can you

    love yoursel$> hen I s%ea on 2ao '3u I s%ea as i$ I am s%eaing on myon sel$# ith him my eing is totally one# hen I s%ea on 2ao '3u it is asi$ I am looing in a mirror--my on $ace is re$lected# hen I s%ea on 2ao

    '3u, I am asolutely ith him# "ven to say =asolutely ith him= is nottrue--I am him, he is me#

    !istorians are dout$ul aout his e:istence# I cannot dout his e:istenceecause ho can I dout my on e:istence> 'he moment I ecame

    %ossile, he ecame true to me# "ven i$ history %roves that he never e:istedit maes no di$$erence to me; he must have e:isted ecause I e:ist--I am

    the %roo$# @uring the $olloing days, hen I s%ea on 2ao '3u, it is not thatI s%ea on someody else# I s%ea on mysel$--as i$ 2ao '3u is s%eaing

    through a di$$erent name, a di$$erent nama-rupa,a di$$erent incarnation####*o 2ao '3u is ust a s%oesman o$ li$e# I$ li$e is asurd, 2ao '3u is asurd; i$li$e has an asurd logic to it, 2ao '3u has the same logic to it# 2ao '3u sim%ly

    re$lects li$e# !e doesnt add anything to it, he doesnt choose out o$ it; hesim%ly acce%ts hatsoever it is####

    6ememer this###I am not commenting on him# 'here e:ists no distanceeteen me and him# !e is taling to you through me--a di$$erent ody, a

    di$$erent name, a di$$erent incarnation, ut the same s%irit# treas101It is said +uddha never laughed# nd you can see Jesus###it is im%ossile

    that that $ace can laugh# 5ahavira cannot laugh# 'here is only one

    man###and ecause o$ his laughter all the houses I have stayed in have eencalled 2ao '3u !ouse# 2ao '3u is the only man ho as orn laughing# "very

    child is orn crying# 'hat is asolutely uni.ue aout 2ao '3u# 'here aremany things in his li$e hich are uni.ue, ut nothing to e com%ared ith

    the $act that he as orn laughing# "veryody as shoced# !is mother and$ather could not elieve it# "ven a smile ould have een too much, ut he

    as laughing# nd he remained a laughter all his li$e# chit21ou say& So many times I can't understand your words because the sound ofyour words showers on me, your sound strikes me with energy, filling me,

    and as a shock, I feel in my spinal cord thrills, waes and ibrations! Should

    I be carefully aware for the meaning of your words"'hen there is no need to e care$ul aout the meaning o$ the ords; thatill e a disturance# I$ you $eel in tune ith my sound, thereis the

    meaning# I$ you $eel you are eing shoered ith a ne energy, i$ you $eelthrilled, %ulsating in a ne ay you never ne e$ore, i$ you $eel a sort o$

    ne dimension arising in your eing ecause o$ the sound o$ my ords, then$orget all aout me# 'hen there is no need; you have got the meaningalready# 'hat shoering is the meaning, that thrill in the s%ine is the

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    meaning, that viration that cleanses you is the meaning# 'hen there is noneed to orry aout the ordinary meaning o$ the ords# 'hen you aregetting a higher meaning, then you are reaching a higher altitude o$

    meaning# 'hen you are really getting the content and not the container# 'hemeaning o$ my ords is ust the container#

    I$ this is ha%%ening to you, then my ords are no longer ords to you; theyhave ecome e:istential# 'hen they are alive, then they have ecome atrans$er# 'hen something is trans%iring eteen my energy and yourenergy# 'hen there is ha%%ening something lie hat +auls call love#

    llo it# Forget all aout the ords and their meaning# 2eave it $or $oolish%eo%le ho only collect ords and are never in contact ith the content# 'he

    ords are ust lie shells& hidden ehind them, I am sending you greatmessages# 'hose messages cannot e understood y the intellect, those

    messages have to e decoded y your total eing# 'hat is hat isha%%ening--the viration, the %ulsation, the thrill, the shoering o$ a neenergy--your total eing is decoding# 'his is real listening# 'his is really to

    e in contact ith me, to e in my %resence####hen I tal to you my ords are lie caged eagles; my ords are in a

    %rison# I$ you really listen to me, you ill dro% the cage and you ill releasethe eagle# 'hat is hat is ha%%ening###the thrill# 'hen the $reedom is

    released; then you ecome the eagle--and higher and higher you rise# 'heearth is le$t very $ar ehind# ou can $orget all aout it# 'he ordinary is le$t

    very $ar ehind# 'he shell is le$t, the container is le$t, and you have thehole sy o%en to you; you, your ings, and the sy, and there is no end to

    it# 'he eternal %ilgrimage has started#Forget all aout ords and their meanings, otherise you ill e more

    concerned ith the cage and you ill not e ale to release the eagle ithinyou# belo110

    I have never s%oen e:ce%t in utter silence# ou no, $or years you haveheard me# ou no the silence in +uddha !all# Only in that silence#### our"nglish %hrase is meaning$ul& that the silence is so %ro$ound that you can

    hear even a needle dro% on the $loor# *o I no, ut I am ust accustomedto silence# glimps18

    In ugust 1974, Osho comments on the sayings o$ Jesus from #he $ospel%ccording to St!#homas!'hese discourses, %ulished under the title #he&ustard Seed,ecome one o$ Oshos most $amous and est selling oos,

    and attract the interest o$ many )hristians around the orld#'he $our gos%els o$ Jesus are recorded a$ter his death, and not immediately,three hundred years a$terards#

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    others#'hats hy I have s%oen on 'homass gos%el hich as ritten in India# !eas a direct disci%le o$ Jesus, ut his gos%el is not included in the !oly +ile#It as discovered ust thirty years ago, ut it is the most eauti$ul ecauseat least 'homas as a itness# nd it has tremendous eauty ecause it is

    not only that he as a itness to Jesus, here in India he ent through atrans$ormation#!e meditated, he %racticed yoga, he lived lie a sannyasin and moved $rommonastery to monastery# +uddhas air as still there# +uddha as gone $ivehundred years e$ore that, ut his $ragrance as still alive# *o in his gos%elthere is a certain authority hich is lacing in the $our gos%els o$ the +ile#First he as a itness, he had heard Jesus, and secondly he himsel$ had

    e:%erienced the truth# 'he comination o$ oth, gives a greater authority tothe $i$th gos%el o$ 'homas than #he oly (ible!celebr02

    hen I s%oe on the gos%el o$ 'homas, I received many letters $rom)hristians& =hat is the need o$ commenting on it> hat 'homas has said is

    enough, clear enough#= )ertainly it is clear enough, ecause 'homas asalso an uneducated man; he has ideas that are not very com%le:, that cane e:%lained# +ut i$ I ant to mae something com%le: out o$ something

    sim%le, I can# 'hat is not di$$icult# nd hen they heard me on 'homas, thenthey started riting letters to me& =e had never non that this is the

    meaning o$ 'homas#=It has nothing to do ith 'homas, it is sim%ly my meaning# It is my gun on

    %oor 'homas shoulder# I am using him as a um%ing oard; and I have usedall these %eo%le as um%ing oards# I dont say that hat I have said is theirmeaning--ho can it e> I have come tenty-$ive centuries a$ter +uddha;

    ho can it e> 'enty-$ive centuries have not gone y uselessly# *o hen Is%ea on +uddha, it is not the meaning o$ +uddha, it is my meaning# I amusing his ords and %utting my meaning into his ords# 'his has een a

    continuity in India that maes $or a tremendous develo%ment o$ideas# unconc21

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    5andala; instructions $or these are given# !e introduces many %ersonalmeditations, hich ecome ell-non through #he )range (ook,and later

    through the oo &editation* #he first and +ast reedom!'he ancient methods o$ meditation ere all develo%ed in the "ast# 'hey

    never considered the estern man#### I am creating techni.ues hich are

    not only $or the "astern man, ut hich are sim%ly $or every man--"asternor estern# light15editation as not something arduous or di$$icult, ut to the estern mindor even to the "astern mind today--hich is asolutely overtaen y the

    estern ideology--atching the mind is not an easy o# *o much garageand so much cra% has een $orced into the mind that you go almost cra3yust atching it# It is a $ilm hich egins, ut never ends# ou can go on

    atching day in, day out, year in, year out and the mind is alays ready tosu%%ly ne images, ne dreams#

    It is ecause o$ this I had to create a $e other devices--@ynamic, ?undalini,and others--e$ore you could enter into a silent itnessing meditation lie

    Vi%assana# I have made devices to hel% you cathart, thro out your garagerather than aste time in atching it# chit0.

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    I$ you $orce it, it ill ecome an e:ercise, a odily %hysical e:ercise# 'henthe shaing ill e there ut ust on the sur$ace, it ill not %enetrate you#

    ou ill remain solid, stone-lie, roc-lie ithin; you ill remain themani%ulator, the doer, and the ody ill ust e $olloing# 'he ody is not

    the .uestion--you are the .uestion#

    hen I say shae, I mean your solidity, your roc-lie eing should shae tothe very $oundations so that it ecomes li.uid, $luid, melts, $los# nd henthe roc-lie eing ecomes li.uid, your ody ill $ollo# 'hen there is noshaer, only shaing# 'hen noody is doing it, it is sim%ly ha%%ening# 'hen

    the doer is not# hsin02'hese are not really meditations# ou are ust getting in tune# It is lie###i$

    you have seen Indian classical musicians %laying###$or hal$ an hour, orsometimes even more, they sim%ly go on $i:ing their instruments# 'hey illmove their nos, they ill mae the strings tight or loose, and the drum

    %layer ill go on checing his drum--hether it is %er$ect or not# For hal$ anhour they go on doing this# 'his is not music, this is ust %re%aration#

    ?undalini is not really meditation# It is ust %re%aration# ou are %re%aringyour instrument# hen it is ready, then you stand in silence, then meditationstarts# 'hen you are utterly there# ou have oen yoursel$ u% y um%ing,y dancing, y reathing, y shouting--these are all devices to mae you a

    little more alert than you ordinarily are# Once you are alert, then the aiting#aiting is meditation# aiting ith $ull aareness# nd then it comes, itdescends on you, it surrounds you, it %lays around you, it dances around

    you, it cleanses you, it %uri$ies you, it trans$orms you# isay20

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    irst stage* 30 minutesith eyes closed dance as i$ %ossessed# 2et your unconscious tae overcom%letely# @o not control your movements or e a itness to hat is

    ha%%ening# Just e totally in the dance#Second stage* 20 minutes

    ?ee%ing your eyes closed, lie don immediately# +e silent and still##hird stage* minutes

    @ance in celeration and enoy# medfre0.'here is nothing etter than dance $or dro%%ing the ego; hence I insist thatall meditators should dance# +ecause i$ you go really in a hirlind, i$ you

    are really a hirling %ool o$ energy, i$ you really are in the dance, the danceris lost# In the dance the dancer is alays lost# I$ it is not lost then you arenot dancing# 'hen you may e %er$orming, then you may e mani%ulating,

    then you may e doing some odily e:ercises, ut you are not dancing#@ancing means so lost, so drun--and enoying the energy that is created ydance# +y and y you ill see your ody is no more so solid as it as e$ore#

    +y and y you ill see that you are melting; the oundary is losing itsshar%ness, it is ecoming a little vague# ou cannot e:actly $eel here you

    end and here the orld starts# dancer is in such a hirl%ool, he ecomessuch a viration, that the hole li$e is $elt as in one rhythm# trans208

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    navel, oth hands move $orards and then divide to mae to large circlesmirroring each other le$t and right# 'he movement should e so slo that attimes there ill a%%ear to e no movement at all# Feel that you are giving

    energy outards to the universe#$ter 7H minutes turn the hands, %alms don, and start moving them in

    the o%%osite direction#

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    'his techni.ue consists o$ $our stages o$ 1C minutes each# 'he $irst tostages %re%are the meditator $or the s%ontaneous 2atihan o$ the third stage#

    Osho has said that i$ the reathing is done correctly in the $irst stage thecaron dio:ide $ormed in the loodstream ill mae you $eel as high as

    ourishanar B5ount "verestD#

    irst stage* 1 minutes*it ith closed eyes# Inhale dee%ly through the nose, $illing the lungs# !old

    the reath $or as long as %ossile, then e:hale gently through the mouth andee% the lungs em%ty $or as long as %ossile# )ontinue this reathing cycle

    throughout the $irst stage#Second stage* 1 minutes

    6eturn to normal reathing and ith a gentle ga3e loo at a candle $lame ora $lashing lue light# ?ee% your ody still#

    #hird stage* 1 minutes

    ith closed eyes, stand u% and let your ody e loose and rece%tive# 'hesutle energies ill e $elt to move the ody outside your normal control#

    llo this 2atihan to ha%%en# @ont you do the moving& let moving ha%%en,gently and grace$ully#

    ourth stage* 1 minutes

    2ie don ith closed eyes, silent and still# 'he $irst three stages should eaccom%anied y a steady rhythmic eat, %re$eraly comined ith a

    soothing acground music# 'he eat should e seven times the normalhearteat and, i$ %ossile, the $lashing light should e a synchroni3ed

    stroe# &edfre10I have created so many mad inds o$ meditations that you can e othtogether--mad and meditators *loly sloly meditation is ound to in

    over#ou have ased, =Osho, I have three .uestions to as you# !o did you

    discover ?undalini meditation>=--the $irst .uestion# *im%le& 5editating dony the river u%on a hill o$ red ants

    nd second& =nd @ynamic>= 'hat is even more sim%le; it as almostim%ossile not to discover it# I came u%on it driving on Indian roads in

    Indian carsnd third& =nd hat aout = !m in4en05

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    essential is also oined ith them# +ut vi%assana is %ure essence# ou cannotdro% anything out o$ it and you cannot add anything to im%rove it#

    Vi%assana is such a sim%le thing that even a small child can do it# In $act,the smallest child can do it etter than you, ecause he is not yet $illed ith

    the garage o$ the mind; he is still clean and innocent#

    Vi%assana can e done in three ays--you can choose hich one suits youthe est##he first is*aareness o$ your actions, your ody, your mind, your heart#aling, you should al ith aareness# 5oving your hand, you should

    move ith aareness, noing %er$ectly that you are moving the hand# oucan move it ithout any consciousness, lie a mechanical thing###you are ona morning al; you can go on aling ithout eing aare o$ your $eet#

    +e alert o$ the movements o$ your ody# hile eating, e alert to themovements that are needed $or eating# 'aing a shoer, e alert to the

    coolness that is coming to you, the ater $alling on you and the tremendousoy o$ it--ust e alert# It should not go on ha%%ening in an unconscious

    state#nd the same aout your mind# hatever thought %asses on the screen o$your mind, ust e a atcher# hatever emotion %asses on the screen o$your heart, ust remain a itness--dont get involved, dont get identi$ied,

    dont evaluate hat is good, hat is ad; that is not %art o$ your meditation##he second form is*reathing, ecoming aare o$ reathing# s the reathgoes in, your elly starts rising u%, and as the reath goes out, your elly

    starts settling don again# *o the second method is to e aare o$ the elly&its rising and $alling# Just the very aareness o$ the elly rising and

    $alling###and the elly is very close to the li$e sources ecause the child is

    oined ith the mothers li$e through the navel# +ehind the navel is his li$essource# *o, hen the elly rises u%, it is really the li$e-energy, the s%ring o$

    li$e that is rising u% and $alling don ith each reath# 'hat too is notdi$$icult, and %erha%s may e even easier ecause it is a single techni.ue#In the $irst, you have to e aare o$ the ody, you have to e aare o$ themind, you have to e aare o$ your emotions, moods# *o it has three ste%s#'he second a%%roach has a single ste%& ust the elly, moving u% and don#

    nd the result is the same# s you ecome more aare o$ the elly, themind ecomes silent, the heart ecomes silent, the moods disa%%ear#

    %nd the third is*to e aare o$ the reath at the entrance, hen the reath

    goes in through your nostrils# Feel it at that e:treme--the other %olarity $romthe elly--$eel it $rom the nose# 'he reath going in gives a certain coolnessto your nostrils# 'hen the reath going out###reath going in, reath going

    out####'hese are the three $orms# ny one ill do# nd i$ you ant to do to $ormstogether, you can do to $orms together; then the e$$ort ill ecome more

    intense# I$ you ant to do all three $orms together, you can do all three$orms together# 'hen the %ossiilities ill e .uicer# +ut it all de%ends on

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    you, hatever $eels easy# 6ememer& easy is right#s meditation ecomes settled and mind silent, the ego ill disa%%ear# ouill e there, ut there ill e no $eeling o$ I# 'hen the doors are o%en#Just ait ith a loving longing, ith a elcome in the heart $or that great

    moment--the greatest moment in anyodys li$e--o$ enlightenment# It

    comes###it certainly comes# It has never delayed $or a single moment# Onceyou are in the right tuning, it suddenly e:%lodes in you, trans$orms you# 'heold man is dead and the ne man has arrived# dawn1

    I$ you can do something ith the reath, you ill suddenly turn to the%resent# I$ you can do something ith reath, you ill attain to the source o$li$e# I$ you can do something ith reath, you can transcend time and s%ace#

    I$ you can do something ith reath, you ill e in the orld and alsoeyond it# bt10.

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    Second stage* 1 minutes*it ith your eyes closed and mouth o%en and loose# ently rotate your

    ody $rom the aist lie a reed loing in the ind##hird stage* 1 minutes

    2ie on your ac, o%en your eyes and ith the head still, rotate them in a

    clocise direction# 2et your eyes turn $ully around in the socets# 'hemouth remains o%en and the a rela:ed ith the reath so$t and even#ourth stage* 1 minutes

    )lose your eyes and e still

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    is too sensuous# In the Indian music there is too much s%irituality--it is notsensuous at all# It silences you, calms you don, cools you, and rings a

    ree3e $rom the eternal###the reath o$ the eternal# It is an e$$ort to give youan indication o$ the cosmic sound#

    It is ust as hen I am taling to you# 5y hole e$$ort in taling is to ring

    you something that cannot e taled aout###to say something that cannote said###to ring to ords something hich is ordless###to de$inesomething hich cannot e de$ined and is immeasurale# In the same ay,

    music is an e$$ort to say something aout the cosmic sound#'he greatest master is one, listening to hom you naturally $all into

    meditation& that is the criterion o$ a real musician, a real master--otherise%eo%le are technicians# One can %lay the sitar eauti$ully and you can enoy

    it--its good, an enoyment#+ut a %erson ecomes a master hen his created sound rings you

    something o$ the uncreated###hen his created sound has a gos%el in it###sidey side comes the unnon###travelling ith the sound comes the soundless#

    'he sound you ill $orget, ut the soundless ill remain ith you#5usic is orn out o$ meditation, and so is dance# In $act all that is eauti$ulhas come out o$ meditation ecause there is no other ay $or it to come#

    5editation is the door#@ron yoursel$ in music--and dont %ractise it ust lie an art and a sill#

    Practise it lie a meditation, %ractise it religiously# It is the holiest o$holies# greatn08

    I am creating a situation here# 'his is an lchemical $ield# 'his is not anordinary ashram# 'his is a scienti$ic la# Peo%le are eing trans$ormed#

    Peo%le are moving into ne dimensions, taing .uantum lea%s, arriving into

    ne s%aces# ou cannot atch these things $rom the outside#perf20.

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    some detail to sho ho, as a s%iritual master, Osho guides seeers hocome to him#

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    have a certain identity# It ecomes a $amily, a community# community or a$amily $unctions di$$erently# 'he energy is multi%lied and each %ersons

    change ill a$$ect all# I$ one changes in a crod, then only one changes# crod remains aloo$, ecause each is an island in himsel$, not related to

    anyody else# In a $amily--and sannyas is a $amily--one changes, one goes

    higher, and he is related to others, so others are %ulled u%# It is an unnon$orce# +y and y you ill start $eeling that hen one memer changes,everyody goes higher; everyody has ecome more con$ident, less

    resistant# One %ersons realisation o$ any insight is shared# It is a veryunconscious %rocess, ut y and y, oring ith %eo%le you ill ecome

    aare#I have een taling to many ty%es o$ gatherings# I have taled to crods

    here each %erson is listening to me ut there is no inter-relationshi%eteen the %eo%le# *o it is as i$ I am taling to one %erson# 'here may eten thousand %eo%le sitting there ut I am taling to one %erson, ecauseeach %erson is one; there is no inter-lin# 'hat gave me the idea that this

    ouldnt do#'hen I started creating a $amily#

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    'he mala around your nec is not me I$ you understand that--that it sim%lyre%resents me, it is a symol, a meta%hor--then there is no %rolem# I$ you$orget that and you start taling ith the mala, and you start listening to themala, and you $orget all aout me--ecause then there is no need to comehere; i$ you have the mala you have me--then you have $allen into a tra%#

    ou have ecome an idolator# 'hen you are getting into a very, veryneurotic state# 'he symol has ecome truth itsel$####'he %icture on the mala is not me; %lease dont %inch it It is sim%ly a

    re%resentative# nd it hel%s, ecause you are so unaare# It reminds you#*o is the orange color& ust to remind you again and again# herever you go

    %eo%le loo at you ith a shoc--their shoc reminds you that you are inorange, that you are a sannyasin# ou ere ust going to say something, orhit someody, and you see your orange and something sto%s e:actly in themiddle# ou $eel $ro3en# great aareness has ha%%ened in that moment--o$ that old rotten hait o$ saying something ugly, that hat you are doing isstu%id# ou ere ust going to say it and suddenly, the rememrance# 'he

    mala comes in eteen, or the orange# nd those small moments o$rememrance can e o$ great trans$ormation# 'his is not idolatry#

    Idolatry is hen you ee% my %icture and you orshi% it, and you are$inished ith it# Idolatry is orshi% ithout eing in any ay involved in the

    %rocess o$ trans$ormation# I$ an image can hel% to remind you aoutyoursel$, it is not idolatry#### sands10=

    % sannyasin says* I'e been feeling a little pererse towards sannyas so Ithought it best to say so!!!

    5m, it can come# 'his idea can come# +ut alays rememer one thing& I amhere to hel% you to e more $ree# I$ at any moment you $eel that sannyas is

    ecoming a urden to you, heavy, and i$ rather than eing a hel% it ishindering you, then dro% out o$ it--and ith no guilt# I am the last %erson to

    create any guilt in anyody#5editate over it# I$ you $eel that it has ecome a con$inement to you and you

    ould e more $ree ithout sannyas, then I am alays $or $reedom#?noing ell that you are rong, still I am alays $or $reedom--even i$ it is

    illusory##he sannyasin says* I don't want to drop sannyas, but I feel a need to fight

    against it, rather like a fish on a line!7chuckling5m 'hat you can do# henever you $eel lie $ighting against

    me, you can do it# ou can start ith my lessings; thats not a %rolem,nything that hel%s you gro and that you $eel ill give you more maturity--even i$ it is $ighting against me--is good# nd dont thin in terms o$ your

    eing a renegade or etraying me# "ven i$ you ant to e a Judas, e one#6ememer only one thing--that hatsoever gives you ha%%iness and groth

    is good# It is noody elses usiness to inter$ere####*o i$ sometimes you $eel lie $ighting, $ight# @ont re%ress it# I$ sometimesyou $eel lie etraying, etray# @ont e orried aout it# I am not here to

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    create any sort o$ orry and an:iety in you# hatsoever you $eel good isgood# o into it# o holeheartedly and headlong so that hatsoever

    ha%%ens ill hel% you# I$ it is a rong thing, you ill come out o$ it iser# I$it is a right thing, you ill come out o$ it still iser, so nothing is lost# In thetotal reconing, the $inal reconing, nothing is lost# "ven going astray is %art

    o$ $olloing a %ath#*o it is going to ha%%en many times to many %eo%le that they ill ant togo aay $rom me# Per$ectly good# *ometimes you need your on s%ace# 'oe near me ecomes a heavy thing# *o e here only hen you ant to e,

    otherise go aay# ou should have your on s%ace#nd my sannyas is nothing else ut an e$$ort to give you the courage to

    have your on s%ace# I$ someday you $eel that this sannyas has ecome aondage and you are urdened, dro% out o$ it# nd never thin that youcannot do that ecause I have given it to you ith such love; dont e

    orried aout it# I can tae it ac ith the same love#+ut I am the last %erson to mae you $eel guilty $or anything# *o i$ you are asannyasin, it is your choice# I$ you are not a sannyasin, it is your choice# 5y

    lessings are unconditional# hatsoever you are--a sannyasin or a non-sannyasin--maes no di$$erence####

    nd alays rememer that my suggestions are not commandments# 'he$inal decision has to e arrived at y you#### 'hen too dont thin that you

    are not $olloing me or my advice# 'his is sim%ly advice# It as never meantto e $olloed# 'he decision has to e taen y you#

    *o my sannyasins remain asolutely $ree ith me# our relationshi% ith meis o$ to $ree %ersons# I am not occu%ying your s%ace# hatsoever I say hasto e %ondered over y you, and the $inal decision has to e yours# "ven i$

    you decide to $ollo me, rememer it is your decision# ou can never lameme# I am not res%onsile#

    ou cannot ever lame me# 'hats the eauty o$ giving $reedom to %eo%le--they cannot lame you *o you thin aout it, mm> ood# roseis05

    % sannyasin, who is leaing, says she had met another group whom she

    trusted totally!

    *o herever your trust is e there# I$ your trust is not ith me, then hyaste my time and your time>

    I ant to eed out %eo%le# I am in a hurry, and I ant only those ho arereally ith me so I can or on them# I have something to communicate to

    %eo%le; once they are ready it can e communicated# Peo%le lie you ill note ready, or it ill tae so long that y the time you are ready I ill egone#

    *o the est logical course is& you dro% sannyas; and herever your trust is,e totally there, maye thats here you are to gro# nd i$ some day you

    can e here ith total trust, the doors are o%en; the doors are not closed $oryou#

    'his may e the right ay# $e %eo%le are lie that& they cannot catch

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    hold o$ the door directly; they go round aout# ou may e one o$ them# *oe$ore you go, leave sannyas# nd there is no %rolem in leaving it# *annyas

    is given ha%%ily and taen ac more ha%%ily, ecause my oat is alreadytoo $ull, and I ould lie a $e %eo%le to disa%%ear#

    'hose ho are hal$-hearted, their eing ith me is ust useless& it is useless

    $or the or, it is useless $or you, ecause you remain divided#nd henever you leave sannyas I am not angry, I am not in any aydisa%%ointed in you# 2eave sannyas ith all my lessings# 5y love remains

    the same; your eing a sannyasin or not eing a sannyasin maes nodi$$erence# +ut leaving sannyas ill e hel%$ul at this stage; you ill e clearand at least you ill not e divided# nd henever you $eel that you can e

    totally here, totally ith me, you are elcome; you can come#oin18

    A Prev BPart VII, )ha%ter 1GD *it--the ay you are sitting isoay :she is sitting with her legs folded under her;!Just sit this ay and $irst

    start $eeling that em%tiness in the stomach, mm>'hen start $eeling that it is coming u%; that em%tiness lie a vacuum is

    coming u%, a ule o$ vacuum is coming u%# *loly, sloly, $eel it andring it u%, and let it come to the cron o$ the head# 'hen suddenly $eel that

    hen it comes to the cron o$ the head, the cron o%ens and there is ahole# From that hole $eel that the em%tiness is going out#

    nd hen you $eel this hole has come into your imagination, e:hale dee%ly,and ith the e:halation $eel that you are e:haling $rom the hole also--not

    only $rom the nose and the mouth, ut $rom the hole also# nd ith that airand e:halation $eel that the em%tiness is eing-taen out, thron out#

    hen you inhale, $eel that a great light is entering $rom the hole and you areinhaling light, streams o$ light###ust lie $oam, light is going into you# hen

    you e:hale, $eel em%tiness going out; hen you inhale, $eel light coming in#@o this $or at least ten to $i$teen minutes and then go to slee%# @o it $or onemonth and then you tell me ho you are $eeling#

    'hat em%tiness ill disa%%ear and instead o$ em%tiness you ill start $eeling$ull o$ light# ou ill start $eeling that not only is the light inside, ut that itsurrounds your ody# nd that light ill change many things# It ill ring a

    radiance, a oy, a .uality o$ dance around you# thisis12% sannyasin asks*

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    feel ery tired! Sometimes I can't een stand!

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    or a train, or in the o$$ice doing nothing--ust again rela: into it# For a singlemoment $eel it again#

    +eteen three ees and three months you ill start $eeling it almost lie asolid thing# It ill surround you and you ill e ale to $eel that you can no

    %ass amidst a crod and you ill remain una$$ected, untouched# dance23

    A Prev BPart VII, )ha%ter 17D

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    you dont ant to $ace it, and you have to $ace it sometimes, it is a veryshattering e:%erience hen you have to $ace it# It im%inges u%on you ithvengeance and you start avoiding it again; in that very avoiding you are

    creating it#'his time dont avoid it# o into it, disa%%ear into it, let it over%oer you,

    and $rom the other side you ill come out resurrected# nd then you illait $or the lac holes to come, ecause no you no that each lachole has a silver lining to it and i$ you can go into it, it is tremendously

    creative# It is chaos $rom one side and cosmos $rom another side#Once you have learned it, then it is a oy to e cruci$ied# I$ resurrection iscertain, it is a oy to e cruci$ied# ou get rid o$ all that is rotten and you

    come out $resh, young, and innocent# 'ry it 'his time dont avoidit# tunein23

    % sannyasin says* #here is a place where my mind e9plodes inside! It

    implodes towards the centre and it is not ery nice, because to e9plode is


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    A Prev BPart VII, )ha%ter 18D

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    the thing ill ha%%en ut you ill y%ass it# ou ill not recognise it or taenote o$ it, ecause it ill go against your mind#

    'hen you ill lose it# I$ you understand it and allo it, you no the %athand ho it ha%%ened# It is a nac, and you sli% into that nac again and

    again and again and it ha%%ens more and more#

    Peo%le ho have an idea that they have lived only once, are living only once,and that there are not many lives, also sli%, sometimes, into their %ast lives,ut they ill inter%ret it in a certain ay# 'hey ill say, 'his is ust dream or

    $antasy, ust nonsense, ruish In that ay they ill loc the door#'here are %eo%le ho sometimes move into dee% meditation ut theyremain com%letely olivious o$ the $act# I$ you as them, they ill say,

    5aye I $ell aslee%, or, I dont no hat as ha%%ening 'he mind onlyselects those things hich it acce%ts# 'hats hy an o%en mind is neededith no dogma cluttering it# 'hen hatsoever ha%%ens, one is availale totae note o$ it, to enoy it, and i$ it is li$e-enhancing, to move into it# 'hen

    more and more things ill ha%%en#It is a chain# I$ you go one ste% into it, another ste% ecomes availale# I$

    you go to ste%s, a third ste% ecomes availale# nd only one ste%ecomes availale at one time# I$ you dont tae the $irst ste%, the other

    ste%s are sim%ly closed $or you#henever it ha%%ens, %ush it ac a little $urther# ou $eel it is $our $eet, tryto mae it $ive or si:# I$ you $eel it is in the room, ust try to get out o$ the

    room# +y, and y you ill $eel that a $reedom is coming and you areecoming attuned to the %henomenon# *ometimes try to go out o$ the ton,and then to Poona BlaughterD# )ome $rom O:$ord, mm>###ecause time and

    s%ace are not arriers $or it# getout23

    6eligion says& that hich is, allo it to ha%%en# ll that you can do is,%lease, dont distur# Just allo it to ha%%en# 6emain alert and %assive andthen there is no need to come to me; I ill come to you# 5any times I have

    already reached you###henever you ere silent# *o this is not a theory&many o$ you even no it y e:%erience, ut you inter%ret this also#

    Peo%le come to me and they say& 'his morning, meditating, I suddenly $eltyou, ut I thought it must e a %roection o$ my mind# Or they say& 2ast

    night suddenly I $elt a %resence, I ecame alert, and then I thought it musthave een someone %assing y, a ind may have entered the room and

    $luttered the %a%ers, or ust a cat has %assed#

    *o hat I am saying, many o$ you have already $elt# 'hats hy I am sayingit; otherise, I ould not say it#@ont inter%ret# hen you $eel the %resence, allo it to ha%%en# I$ you alloit to ha%%en, it ill materiali3e more and more# It is %ossile that I ill ethere, as real as I am here, sometimes even more so--ecause it de%endson you ho much reality you allo to ha%%en# nd your .uestions ill e

    ansered#+e more meditative and then you are nearer to me# Once you are totally

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    meditative, you are me# 'hen there is no di$$erence# clouds1.'his is my e:%erience; many times it has ha%%ened#### *omeody ho isoring dee%ly ith me, groing, is in some dar night o$ the soul# !e

    needs my hel%, and I go to him and he tremles, and he ecomes a$raid#5any times I say to my disci%les, =I$ I come, dont get scared#= t that time

    they laugh, they thin I am oing# +ut hen I reach them they tremle andthey cannot elieve that I have come# 'hey can elieve anything, ut theycannot elieve that I have come, ecause that is eyond their sco%e# foll.01ou as& I hae been told that you leae your body for seeral hours each

    day and that when you return you are ery hungry and that you eat si9teen

    chapattis! Is this true"es, it is true# henever one leaves the ody one $eels very, very hungry on

    coming ac, and a$ter entering the ody again $ood $unctions as a%a%ereight and hel%s the inner s%ace to settle in the ody again easily#

    *ome day you ill $eel it, some day it ill ha%%en suddenly in yourmeditations, that you are standing outside the ody and atching your onody lying there# @ont e a$raid and dont e a$raid aout ho you ill noenter it# ith ust the idea o$ entering, you ill $ind yoursel$ in it#

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    ody# ou can visuali3e a hollo tue or an em%ty vessel, $illed only ith thevirations o$ the humming# %oint ill come hen the humming continuesy itsel$ and you ecome the listener# 'here is no s%ecial reathing and you

    can alter the %itch or move your ody smoothly and sloly i$ you $eel it#Second stage* 1 minutes

    'he second stage is divided into to 7H minute sections# For the $irst hal$,move the hands, %alms u%, in an outard circular motion# *tarting at thenavel, oth hands move $orards and then divide to mae to large circlesmirroring each other le$t and right# 'he movement should e so slo that attimes there ill a%%ear to e no movement at all# Feel that you are giving

    energy outards to the universe#$ter 7H minutes turn the hands, %alms don, and start moving them inthe o%%osite direction#

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    now Osho;s secretary3 &urchases a lar-e ranch in central Ore-on3and sets u& a co!!une there4 On $9th ,u-ust Osho (isits the

    co!!une and re!ains there +or the nee !ade it co!&letelynew3 reno(ated it totally4 /t eca!e really a eauti+ul &alace4 ?ut itwas -oin- to e just +or the ti!e ein- e+ore we can +ind a &lace

    ecause New 2ersey was not the ri-ht &lace3 it was hu!id3 (eryhu!id4 /t was eauti+ul3 it isreallya -arden statethe whole state isa -ardenso / lo(ed it3 ut !y aller-y was -i(in- troule4 5hen theranch in Ore-on was +ound3 and this suited !e4 2ust as / enteredhere / +elt a -reat relie+3 as i+ !y heart and !y lun-s3 oth +elt a

    urden re!o(ed4 ,nd +or these +our years3 / ha(e not had a sin-leattac#3 otherwise it was al!ost three3 +our ti!es &er wee#4 5hat

    !eans three3 +our ni-hts &er wee# slee& was i!&ossilejustcou-hin-3 snee@in-and the &ain with the nec#3 with the ac# was

    there3 and this diaetes was there3 so4444 last317>hen !y secretary Sheela was searchin- +or a &lace +or !e3 / saidthat3 Not Cali+ornia4 ,nywhere is o#ay ut not Cali+ornia3 ecauseall the idiotic /ndian -urus who don;t ha(e any hold in /ndia3 who

    don;t ha(e any intelli-ence/ don;t want to -et !i

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    to co!&ly with landuse re-ulations in constructin- residences andutilities

    Sheela li(es in the co!!une centre two !iles away4 She (isits Oshoin the e(enin- to as# uestions and ta#e any !essa-es4

    / was in silence and in isolation3 and !y instruction was that only

    Sheela will co!e e(ery e(enin- +or one hour that too only when shehas ur-ent wor# that she cannot handle4 ,nd she should in+or! !e

    only o+ thin-s which are asolutely necessary and ha(e to e told4 So+or three and a hal+ years / was co!&letely out o+ the world: not asin-le news&a&er3 no oo#3 no tele(ision3 no radio3 no in+or!ation

    aout what is -oin- on3 what is not -oin- on4 last22%Osho chooses a new sy!ol +or his !o(e!ent3 o+ two irds +lyin-

    to-ether4/ ha(e chosen the sy!ol +or the see#ers who ha(e -athered around!e o+ two irds4 One is the Master3 the other is the disci&le4 ?oth are

    the sa!e #ind o+ ird4 ?oth ha(e the sa!e win-s4 2ust seein- theMaster +ly3 i!!ediately the disci&le -ets the idea3 / ha(e also -ot

    the sa!e win-s which / ha(e not een usin-4 e tries4 Maye onceor twice he !ay +all4 Maye once and twice he !ay -et discoura-ed4?ut e(en i+ he starts +lutterin-3 that -i(es hi! the +irst -li!&se thatwhat is today just +lutterin-3 to!orrow can eco!e +lyin-4 /t needs

    just a little disci&line3 a little !ore trainin-3 a little !ore ti!e4 ,nd toco!e to this &oint3 you are already eyond +ear4 last321

    E .re( %//3 Cha&ter 9*G Nehen / ca!e to ,!erica / started to dri(e a-ain3 and sittin- with !e

    in the car &eo&le would +eel annoyed once in a while4 / a! not adri(er3 what to say o+ a -ood dri(erso naturally / did e(erythin-

    that was wron-4 ,lthou-h they tried not to inter+ere3 / couldunderstand their di++iculty4 5hey #e&t control o+ the!sel(es4 / was

    dri(in- and they were controllin- the!sel(esthat was a -reatscene4 ?ut still3 once in a while they +or-ot and started sayin-so!ethin- to !e in which they were o+ten ri-ht4 ,out that / ha(enothin- to say4 ?ut ri-ht or wron- it does not !atterwhen / a!dri(in-3 / a! dri(in-4 /+ / a! -oin- wron- then / a! -oin- wron-4

    ow lon- could they control the!sel(es /t was dan-erous3 and theywere not concerned aout their own li+e4 5hey were concerned aout

    !y li+e3 ut what could / do / could si!&ly state the +act that i+ /
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    was dri(in- wron-ly / would continue to do so4 ,t that !o!ent&articularly / did not want to e tau-ht4 /t was not any e-ois!4

    / a! si!&le in that way4 ou can always tell !e where / a! wron-3and / a! o&en to listen4 ?ut when / a! doin- so!ethin-3 / hate

    inter+erence4 I(en thou-h the intention !ay e -ood3 / don;t want it

    e(en +or !y own -ood4 / would rather die dri(in- wron-ly than esa(ed y so!eody;s ad(ice4 5hat;s the way / a! and it is too late to

    chan-e4 glims18/ a! !ysel+ a rec#less dri(er4 /n !y whole li+e / ha(e co!!itted

    only two cri!es3 and those were s&eedin-4 uan17/ ha(e een cau-ht twice in ,!erica s&eedin-3 ecause / cannotdri(e at +i+ty+i(e !iles &er hour when the car is !ade to -o one

    hundred and +orty !iles &er hourJ Do you see the inconsistency o+the -o(ern!ents ou !a#e the car to -o a hundred and +orty !iles&er hour3 and you !a#e the rule that noody can -o +aster than +i+ty+i(e4 5hen why do you createthese carsjust let the! -o +i+ty+i(e!iles &er hour4 5here is no need to !a#e any law3 there is no need

    to &ut si-ns on e(ery crossroads that you should not -o eyond +i+ty+i(e4 ,nd you are allowin- car +actories to create cars which are

    !eant to -o one hundred and +orty !iles &er hour4444>hat #ind o+ intelli-ence is rulin- the world

    / was !o(in- as +ast as the car could -o3 and when / was sto&&ed ythe &olice3 the co&s3 they said3 ou are -oin- eyond the s&eed

    li!it4/ said3 Aoo# at !y s&eedo!eter4 / cannot !o(e eyond the


    5hey said3 >e are not concerned with your s&eedo!eter4 Don;t yousee the si-n oards

    / said3 >hen / a! dri(in- / loo# aheadJ ,nd when a &erson is!o(in- at one hundred and +orty !iles &er hour3 do you want hi! to

    loo# sideways5hey said3 ou are a stran-e &erson4

    / said3 ,s# your -o(ern!ent that all +actories should create carswhich -o only +i+ty+i(e !iles &er hour4 5here will e no uestion o+so !any co&s on the road4 / listen to !y en-ine3 not to your si-nsJ5hey tal#ed with each other3 >hat should we do 5hey -a(e !e a

    tic#et3 that / had to e &resent in court4/ said3 /t is etter / don;t a&&ear in the court otherwise yourjud-es will e e!arrassed just as you are e!arrassed4 So !y

    attorney will deal with it4 /t is not !uch o+ a !atter+i+ty dollars4,nd e

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    5hen / !ade arran-e!ents +or one car ahead o+ !e3 one car ehind!e4 ,nd / had !ade arran-e!ents4445here are !echanical de(iceswhich -i(e you a si-nal when the co&s are around4 / continued to

    !o(e at !y s&eedJOnly in Salt Aa#e City you can !o(e +reely444or in "er!any4 ,dol+

    itler will e re!e!ered in history +or !a#in- the -reatest road3+or the +irst ti!e3 on which you can dri(e at any s&eed you want4

    Bather than increasin- the roads3 !a#in- etter roads3 you &re(ent&eo&le +ro! s&eedin-4 ,nd unless the car !o(es eyond one

    hundred3 you don;t ha(e the +eelin- o+ a -reat ecstasy: you areal!ost +lyin-J christ02

    ,nd there are ru!ors aout !e that / a! hy&noti@in- &eo&le4 >hen/ used to -o dri(in- on the hi-hways3 so!eti!es / was sto&&ed y a

    &olice car3 ut the &olice o++icer would not loo# directly into !yeyesa+raid o+ -ettin- hy&noti@edJ !alse23

    E .re( %///3 Cha&ter 1G Neith !e e(erythin- is a little stran-e4 =ro! the dental chair3 / ha(ecreated three oo#sJ /t !ust e asolutely un&recedented3 ecause

    &eo&le are so a+raid o+ the dental chair and the dentist4 / ha(eenjoyed it so !uchut it created di++iculties +or &oor De(a-eet3

    ecause you cannot wor# on the teeth while / a! tal#in-4 >hat hecould ha(e done in ten !inutes would ta#e two hoursJ444

    / was tal#in- to only two &ersons3 De(a-eet and ,shu &my dentistand dental nurse'(,nd / ha(e !y own -a!es to &lay4 / had &ut ,shu

    a-ainst De(a-eetshe is his dental nurse4 / can e

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    /t was a eauti+ul ti!e3 and !any thin-s that / would ha(e ne(erothered to tal# aout3 / tal#ed aout in the dental chair4 / was

    creatin- di++iculty +or the!ecause how can you wor# inside the!outh when / a! s&ea#in- ?ut !y sensiti(ity is such that just a

    lower de-ree o+ -as and / would hit ,shu i!!ediately4 She was in a

    -reat di++iculty444she has to listen to the doctor3 ut as +ar as / a!concerned the doctor and the nurse oth are !y disci&les4 / ha(e

    eaten De(a-eet so !uch that so!eti!es / +eel sad aout the &oor+ellow4 e has een doin- his est3 ut he was doin- it accordin- tohis !edical understandin-4 >ith !e3 thin-s cannot e in any way

    ordinary4 mani14Osho addresses his dentist: Don;t e a+raid4 / a! always in +a(or o+dan-er3 and this is dan-erous ecause you are on the (ery (er-e o+consciousness4 5his is the ti!e you want to sto&3 ut this is the ti!e/ want you to -o on3 ecause dan-er is eauti+ul3 you cannot ha(e

    too !uch4?ut / see you are already -oin- ac#3 you are ac#in- away4 >hat isthere to +ear Che!istry is there3 the ody is there / can tal#what

    does it !atter i+ / a! not in the ody One !an is noti!&ortant444ut what / a! sayin- !atters4 >hat / a! sayin- will

    re!ain3 it will stay it is o+ the essence4 / don;t !atter4 >hat !attersis what / a! sayin-4

    /+ the ti!e is o(er3 o#ay3 ut +i(e !inutes +or !y silence4444 / wasjust tryin- to +eel the chair3 ecause / a! so in the s#y3 to e in this

    chair at the sa!e ti!e is wonder+ul4 / a! not jo#in-4 / ha(e ne(erjo#ed in !y li+e4 ,ll those jo#es444/ ha(e +or-otten the!4 notes01

    Ne(er act out o+ +ear4 Don;t e worried aout !y ody3 it is o#ay4Don;t listen to !y ody ut to !e4 My ody is always a little

    stran-e444it;s ound to e4Once you are aware3 the ody starts losin- its -ri& o(er the

    consciousness4 Once you are aware3 you are no !ore o+ this world45hat is why the awa#ened one dies and is not orn a-ain4 e cannot

    e orn3 it is i!&ossile4 e cannot ha(e another ody4 5his is !ylast ody4

    ou are +ortunate to e with a &erson who is in the last ody4 / willnot e a-ain ecause / am?ein-4 Once you are ?ein- you cannot e

    orn a-ain4 /t is ?ein- which !atters4 /t is ?ein- which is eternal4?odies co!e and -o ?ein- re!ains4 ?odies are orn and die ?ein-is neither orn nor dies4

    5he !usic is eauti+ul ut sto& it4 / a! un&redictale4 /t is eauti+ul3ut a hindrance to the ulti!ate +li-ht4 /t is a rid-e and you cannot!a#e your ho!e under a rid-e4 5he rid-e needs to e dro&&ed4Moha!!ed was a(erse to !usic ecause the (ery eauty o+ !usic

    can #ee& one rooted4 /t is just etween this and that3 ut / want only

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    that4 / hear !usic durin- the day ut only to #ee& !ysel+ rooted inthe ody a little !ore ecause / lo(e you so !uch4 / want to create a

    ho!e +or the &eo&le / lo(e4 / do not want history to say / drea!edut could not !a#e !y drea! eco!e a reality4 2ust +or this / wantto lin-er in this ody4 ,ll who are -athered in this roo! are hel&in-

    !e4 5han# you all4 notes01Be!e!erin- the snow +allin- +ro! the trees3 just li#e +lowers

    +allin- +ro! !adhu!alti3 a hai#u +lashed4444)he wild geese

    #o not intend to make their re!lections()he water has no mind)o recei*e their images(

    ,hhh3 so eauti+ul4 >ild -eese not intendin- to !a#e theirre+lections3 and the water not intendin- to recei(e the! either3 andyet the re+lection is there4 5hat is the eauty4 Noody has intended3

    and yet it is therethat;s what / call co!!union4 / ha(e alwayshated co!!unication4 5o !e co!!unication is u-ly4 ou can see itha&&enin- etween a wi+e and a husand3 the oss and the ser(ant3and so on and so +orth4 /t ne(er really ha&&ens4 Co!!union is !y

    word4/ see ?uddha all with all !y &eo&le444just +or a !o!ent li#e a +lash3so !any !o!ents o+ co!!union4 /t is not just a -atherin- it is nota church4 .eo&le do not co!e to it +or!ally4 .eo&le co!e to !e3 notto it4 >hene(er there is a !aster and a disci&leit !ay e only the

    !aster and just one disci&le3 that does not !atterco!!unionha&&ens4 /t is ha&&enin- ri-ht now3 and there are only +our o+ you4

    .erha&s with !y eyes closed / can;t e(en count3 and it is -ood onlythen can one re!ain in the world o+ the unaccountale444 glims01Sheela was thin#in- o+ uyin- a &lane +or !e4 , !illion dollar &laneso / can +ly444ut / am+lyin-3 +lyin- without a license3 and +lyin- tothe hi-hest3 where there are no li!its4 Otherwise there are always

    li!its44445his is eauti+ul4 >ithout wastin- a !illion dollars4444

    "ood4 / a! now hi-h4 /t is so -ood4 notes01/ !ysel+ ha(e co!e to the &oint where you cannot -o any hi-her4owsoe(er hi-h you -o3 you are still on the sa!e hei-ht4 /n other

    words3 there co!es a !o!ent in s&iritual -rowth which isuntranscendale4 5hat !o!ent is called3 &arado

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    My eyes are e-innin- to collect dewdro&s4 .lease don;t interru&t4444"ood4 Don;t e worried aout !e and !y tears4 /t is -ood to ha(etears once in a while3 and / ha(e not we&t +or so lon-4 ,ooks13

    Now &oor De(a-eet si!&ly writes his notes3 and he does it &er+ectly4Once in a while / chec# y as#in-3 >hat was / sayin- and he

    re!inds !e e

  • 8/13/2019 Part Viii Osho


    death is another na!e +or "od4 / a! a!a@ed noody has said it yet4/t is another na!e +or "od3 +or li-ht3 +or joy3 +or eauty4

    So / -o on and on3into !ysel+4

    Dee& into the eyond3

    and the eyond is all there is4,ll else is -oin- to disa&&ear4

    Only that which is eyondwill re!ain +ore(er4

    / a! tal#in- o+ the eyond4 notes01/+ you all &ut your ener-ies to-ether you can hel& a uddha !a#e

    !illions o+ uddhas in the world4 / a! !ad otherwise just to thin#o+ one uddha is enou-h3 and / always thin# o+ !illions o+ uddhas4Aess than that is not enou-h4 / always thin# i-4 >e ha(e to create

    !illions o+ uddhas3 only then a new !an can e orn4 Only then canwe !a#e Christians disa&&ear and christs a&&ear4 5he e-innin- o+

    the uddhas will e the death o+ the ?uddhists4/ a! a e-innin- and also an end4

    / a! an end444end in the sense that a+ter !e there can e noChristianity3 2udais!3 induis!3 Moha!!edanis!4 ,+ter !e there isno &ossiility o+ any ideolo-y4 >ith !e ends the old and e-ins the

    newthe New Man4 Man with no ideolo-y3 no reli-ion3 no&hiloso&hy3 no conce&t to li(e3 ut only a joy to li(e3 a

    celeration4 notes025he second series o+ tal#s in the dental chair are aout !antras:

    O! Mani .ad!e u!

    / can re&eat this !antra +ore(er4 /ts eauty is such and you are sodea+ that it has to e re&eated a-ain and a-ain4 5ruth y its (ery

    necessity has to e re&eated3 ecause those who are hearin- are nothearin-4 5hey ha(e lost that sensiti(ity3 that rece&ti(ity4 So / will -o

    on re&eatin- this !antra4 5he day / see that it has &enetrated toyour unconscious3 eyond you3 within you3 where ri-ht now youcannot reach444ut / can4444 5he !o!ent / see it has reached3 the

    seed has +ound its soil3 / will say it no !ore4 5hat will e the end o+the series4

    O! Mani .ad!e u!444

    O! Mani .ad!e u!42ust the (ie o+ it is thrillin-3 tre!endously thrillin-3 justo(erwhel!in- one is drowned in it4

    5his !antra was not co!&osed y a &oet4 .oets can say eauti+ulthin-s ut those eauti+ul thin-s are sweet nothin-s4 5his !antra

    was concei(ed3 not co!&osed3 concei(ed just as a wo!an concei(esa child3 concei(ed y the !ystics4444

    5his !antra3 O! Mani .ad!e u!3 was concei(ed li#e a child3 in the

  • 8/13/2019 Part Viii Osho


    hearts o+ the !ystics on the &ea#s o+ the i!alayas4 5he i!alayasare co(ered with snow +ro! eternity it has ne(er !elted4 /t has

    re!ained the sa!e45his !antra co!es +ro! 5iet3 the hidden!ost &art o+ the

    i!alayas4 ,nd on these hei-hts / hear it: it is a sound li#e the

    sound o+ ees u@@in-4 ,nd the hu!!in- is so eauti+ul4 One cannote -rate+ul enou-h to the !ystics who tried to !a#e this hu!!in-sound into a !antra4 O! Mani .ad!e u!444aahhh3 the 2ewel in the

    Aotus4 notes02/n the third series3 ooks ha*e lo*edOsho tal#s aout 176 o+ his

    +a(ourite oo#s:/n the lirary there are thousands o+ oo#s there are o(er one

    hundred thousand (olu!es in the eauti+ul lirary4 / lo(e the liraryit contains all the est that has e(er een written4 / a! -i(in- it allto our uni(ersity4 O+ all the thousands o+ oo#s / ha(e told %i(e# to

    carry only one4 5hat is !y only oo# now4 /t is written y a !an whohas not reached ut has co!e (ery close3 (ery3 (ery closeKhalil

    "iran4 / wanted to tal# aout his oo# !any ti!es ut did not4 5heti!e was not yet ri-ht4 5he !an was only a &oet and not a !ystic3

    not one who really #nows3 ut he reached to hei-hts in hisi!a-ination4 notes01

    ?ut there is a ueue standin- at the door4 ou don;t #now what a +ihene(er / reco-ni@e so!ethin- li#e this / always a&&reciate it4 ,ndthis is eauti+ulthis is what you will understand i+ you canunderstand /dries Shah;s oo# )he u!is( e is the !an whointroduced Mulla Nasruddin to the >est3 and he has done an

    incredile ser(ice4 e cannot e re&aid4 5he >est has to re!ainoli-ed to hi! +ore(er4 /dries Shah has !ade just the s!allanecdotes o+ Nasruddin e(en !ore eauti+ul4 5his !an not only hasthe ca&acity to e

  • 8/13/2019 Part Viii Osho


    /t is a s!all oo#3 and its na!e is )he uture $sychology o! .an( ewrote in his will that the oo# should only e &ulished when he wasno !ore4 / don;t li#e the !an3 ut / !ust say3 in s&ite o+ !ysel+3 that

    in this oo# he al!ost &redicted !e and !y sannyasins4 e&redicted the +uture &sycholo-y3 and that is what / a! doin- here

    the +uture !an3 the New Man4 5his s!all oo# !ust eco!e anecessary study +or all sannyasins4 ,ooks10

    / always wanted to tal# aout this oo# ut was a+raid that / was-oin- to !iss ecause there was no ti!e4 / did not &lan3 just as

    always / -o un&lanned4 / had thou-ht to tal# aout only +i+ty oo#s3ut then ca!e the .4S4 and it continued and continued4 ,-ain +i+tytitles were co!&leted3 ut there were still so !any eauti+ul oo#s

    that / had to continue and start the .4.4S4 5hat is why / can now tal#aout this oo#4 /t is Dostoe(s#y;s -otes !rom the nderground(

    /t is a (ery stran-e oo#3 as stran-e as the !an was4 2ust notesli#eDe(a-eet;s notes3 +ra-!entary3 on the sur+ace unrelated to each

    other3 ut really related with an undercurrent o+ ali(eness4 /t has toe !editated u&on4 / cannot say anythin- !ore than this4 /t is one o+the !ost i-nored -reat wor#s o+ art4 Noody see!s to ta#e note o+it3 +or the si!&le reason that it is not a no(el3 just notes3 and they

    too see! to the un!editati(e to e unrelated4 ?ut to !y disci&les itcan e o+ -reat si-ni+icance they can +ind treasures hidden in

    it4 ,ooks14/n the +ourth series3 ;limses o! a ;olden 9hildhoodOsho s&ea#s+or the +irst ti!e in detail aout his childhood !any stories ha(e

    een used in this co!&ilation

    / just had a -olden e

  • 8/13/2019 Part Viii Osho


    es3 last ni-ht / sle&t3 +or the +irst ti!e in !any years3 as / wouldli#e to slee& e(ery ni-ht4 Durin- the whole ni-ht / was not disturede(en +or a sin-le !o!ent4 sually / ha(e to loo# at !y watch once ina while just to see whether it is ti!e to -et u&4 ?ut last ni-ht3 a+ter

    !any years3 / did not loo# at !y watch at all4 / e(en had to !iss

    De(araj;s concoction4 5hat;s what / call his s&ecial rea#+ast!ie should !a#e it a(ailale to e(eryodyDe(araj;sconcoction +or rea#+ast4 O+ course it is not +ast3 it is slow3 (ery (ery

    slow4 Can we call it a rea#slow ?ut then it would not soundri-ht4

    / had to !iss rea#+ast today +or two reasons: +irst3 / had to #ee&De(a-eet;s ti!e3 and still / was +i(e !inutes late3 and / don;t li#e to

    e late4 Secondly3 i+ / had started that concoction it would ha(eta#en so !uch ti!e to eat that y the ti!e / had +inished3 it would

    ha(e een lunch ti!e4 5here would ha(e een no -a&3 which isneeded4 So / thou-ht / would !iss it4 ?ut / really enjoy it3 and in

    !issin- it3 / really !iss it4Aast ni-ht was one o+ the rarest +or the si!&le reason that yesterday/ s&o#e to you aout Sha!hu ?au3 and it relie(ed !e o+ a wei-ht4/ also tal#ed aout !y +ather and the continuous stru--le and how it

    ended4 / +elt so unurdened4 glims21Ao(e is -ood4 5ranscend it3 ecause it can lead you to so!ethin-

    etter: +riendshi&4 ,nd when two lo(ers eco!e +riends3 it is a rare&heno!enon4 One wants to cry just out o+ joy3 or celerate3 or i+ one

    is a !usician3 &lay on the -uitar3 or i+ one is a &oet3 then write ahai#u3 a ru,aiyat(?ut i+ one is not a !usician or a &oet3 one can still

    dance3 one can still &aint3 one can sit silently and loo# at the s#y4>hat !ore can e done I

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    consciousness3 just let us call it 5I MOMIN5write it inca&itals4 glims24

    5he other day / told you aout Masto;s disa&&earance4 / thin# he isstill ali(e4 /n +act / #now he is4 /n the Iast3 this has een one o+ the

    !ost ancient waysto disa&&ear in the i!alayas e+ore you die4 5o

    die in that eauti+ul &art is richer than to li(e anywhere else e(endyin- there has so!ethin- o+ the eternal4 .erha&s it is the (ie o+

    the saints chantin- +or thousands o+ years4 5he %edas wereco!&osed there3 the "ita was written there3 ?uddha was orn anddied there3 Aao 5@u in his last days disa&&eared in the i!alayas4

    ,nd Masto did al!ost the sa!e4444Masto444it is di++icult to say -oodye to you3 +or the si!&le reasonthat / don;t elie(e you are no !ore4 ou still ehy are you late

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    e had thou-ht it was enou-h &roo+4 /t was rainin- so hard444catsand do-s were rainin-3 and he was co!&letely wet3 dri&&in-4 ,nd yet

    she was still as#in-3 >hy are you latee in(ented3 just li#e any child would3 sayin-3 Miss3 it is so sli&&ery

    that as / too# one ste& +orward3 / sli&&ed two ste&s ac#4

    5he wo!an loo#ed e(en !ore stern and said3 ow can that e /+you ta#e one ste& +orwards and then sli& ac# two ste&syou

    cheatthen you could ne(er ha(e -ot to school45he s!all oy said3 Miss3 &lease understand: / turned towards !y

    house and started runnin- away +ro! school3 that;s how / -ot here4/ say it is not a jo#e4 5hat schoolteacher is real3 the oy is real3 therain is real4 5he schoolteacher;s conclusion is real3 and the s!alloy;s conclusion could not e !ore real4 / ha(e told thousands o+

    jo#es and !any o+ the! ca!e +ro! real li+e4 5hose which don;t co!e+ro! real li+e also co!e +ro! real li+e3 ut +ro! the under-round li+e3

    which is also real ut ne(er on the sur+aceit is notallowed4 glims33

    ow !any houses ha(e / li(ed in /t is al!ost i!&ossile +or you toi!a-ine that in al!ost +i+ty years o+ li+e / ha(e een just !o(in-

    houses3 and doin- nothin- else4 O+ course3 the -rass was -rowin-/was !o(in- house3 and doin- nothin-3 and the -rass was -rowin-4?ut the whole credit -oes to nothin-3 not to !y !o(in- house4444

    / was sayin- / ha(e ne(er had a house4 I(en this house3 / cannot callit !y house4 =ro! the +irst one to the last&erha&s this is not the

    last3 ut whiche(er is the last3 / cannot call it myhouse4 2ust to hidethe +act3 / call it Aao 5@u ouse4 Aao 5@u has nothin- to do with it4

    ,nd / #now the !an4 / #now that i+ he !eets !eand so!eday a!eetin- is ound to ha&&enthe +irst thin- he will as# will e3 >hydid you na!e your house ;Aao 5@u ouse; Naturally3 the curiosityo+ a childand noody could e !ore childli#e than Aao 5@u3 neither?uddha3 nor 2esus3 nor Moha!!ed3 and certainly not Moses4 , 2ew

    ein- childli#e /!&ossileJ444,nd / had to watch it ha&&en3 !o(in- +ro! one house to another4 /

    can re!e!er hundreds o+ houses3 ut not a sin-le one where /could ha(e said3 5his is !y house4 / was ho&in-3 &erha&s this

    one444that;s een the way +or !y whole li+e: .erha&s the ne

  • 8/13/2019 Part Viii Osho


    co(ers it4 / call that all#nowin- and in those !o!ents3 a-ain /a! searchin- +or the ho!e4 / said it can e na!ed only &erha&s/ !ean that is the na!e o+ the ho!e4 /t is always -oin- to ha&&en3

    ut ne(er really ha&&ens444always just aout to ha&&en4444/ ha(e een continuously lea(in-3 always &ac#in- +or the new house4

    /n a way it was -ood otherwise / would ha(e had nothin- else todo3 just &ac#in- and then un&ac#in-3 then a-ain &ac#in- and

    un&ac#in-4 /t #e&t !e !ore occu&ied than any other uddha e+ore3and !ore har!lessly4 5hey too were occu&ied3 ut their occu&ation

    i!&lied others4My occu&ation has always een3 in a certain sense3 &ersonal4 I(en i+thousands o+ &eo&le are with !e it is still a onetoone relationshi&etween you and !e4 /t is not an or-ani@ation3 and it can ne(er e4

    Certainly +or !ana-erial &ur&oses it has to +unction as anor-ani@ation3 ut as +ar as !y sannyasins are concerned3 each sin-le

    sannyasin is related to !e3 and only to !e3 not (ia anyody else4/ a! a (ery unoccu&ied !an4 / cannot say une!&loyed3 hence / ha(e

    used the word ;unoccu&ied;3 ecause / rejoice in it4 / a! nota&&lyin- +or any e!&loy!ent4 / a! +inished with all e!&loy!ent /

    a! just enjoyin-4 ?ut to enjoy a certain !ilieu is needed4 5hat;swhat / a! creatin-4

    5he whole o+ !y li+e / ha(e een creatin- it3 -radually3 in ste&s4 /ha(e s&o#en a-ain and a-ain aout the new co!!une4 /t is just tore!ind !ysel+3 not you3 so that / don;t +or-et the new co!!une

    ecause the !o!ent / +or-et it3 / !ay not wa#e u& the ne

  • 8/13/2019 Part Viii Osho


    5hrou-hout these series3 +or the +irst ti!e3 Osho -i(es insi-hts intohis &ersonal daily li+e4

    / can e(en tal# in !y slee&3 so it is no troule to tal# li#e this4"udia #nows / tal# in !y slee& ut she does not #now to who!4 Only

    / #now that4 .oor "udiaJ / a! tal#in- to her and she thin#s and

    worries aout why / a! tal#in-3 and to who!4 ,las that she is notaware that / a! tal#in- to her just li#e this4 Slee& is a natural

    anesthetic4 Ai+e is so hard that one has to -o under e(ery ni-ht +or a+ew hours at least4 ,nd she wonders whether / really slee& or not4 /

    can understand her wonderin-4=or !ore than a uarter o+ a century / ha(e not sle&t4 De(araj3 don;te worried4 Ordinary slee&4444 / slee& !ore than anyody else in the

    whole world: three hours durin- the day3 and se(en3 ei-ht3 ninehours at ni-htas !uch as anyody can a++ord4 /n all3 in toto3 / slee&

    twel(e hours &er day3 ut underneath / a! awa#e4 / see !ysel+while aslee&3 and so!eti!es it is so lonely durin- the ni-ht that /start tal#in- to "udia4 ?ut her di++iculties are !any4 =irst3 when /

    tal# in !y slee& / tal# in indi4 / cannot tal# in In-lish while aslee&4/ ne(er will3 althou-h / could i+ / wanted to4 So!eti!es / ha(e tried

    and succeeded3 ut the joy was !issin-4444/n !y slee& when / s&ea# to "udia3 / a-ain s&ea# in indi ecause /#now her unconscious is still not In-lish4 She was only in In-land

    +or a +ew years4 ?e+ore that she was in /ndia3 and now she is a-ain in/ndia4 / ha(e een tryin- to e++ace all that lies etween these two4 O+

    this later3 when the ti!e co!es4444 glims07/n +act3 +or al!ost thirty years / ha(e not drea!ed at all4 / cannot4

    / can !ana-e a sort o+ rehearsal4 5he word will see! stran-ea;rehearsal; drea!ut the actual dra!a ne(er ha&&ens3 cannot

    ha&&en it needs unconsciousness3 and that in-redient is !issin-4ou can !a#e !e unconscious3 ut still you will not !a#e !e drea!4,nd to !a#e !e unconscious needs not !uch technolo-y just a hit

    o(er !y head and / will e unconscious4 ?ut that is not theunconsciousness / a! tal#in- aout4

    ou are unconscious when you -o on doin- thin-s without #nowin-whydurin- the day3 durin- the ni-htthe awareness is !issin-4Once awareness ha&&ens3 drea!in- disa&&ears4 ?oth cannot e

  • 8/13/2019 Part Viii Osho


    /s that not stran-e eha(iorecause that is the only ti!e when /so!eti!es wa#e u&3 just an old hait4 /n !y youn-er days / used towa#e u& at three in the !ornin-4 / did it +or so !any years that e(eni+ / don;t -et u&3 / ha(e to turn in !y ed and then -o ac# to slee&45hat is the ti!e when / need to see whether / should really -et u&3

    or / can still ha(e a little !ore slee& and stran-ely3 that is when thewatch sto&s4

    5oday it sto&&ed e

  • 8/13/2019 Part Viii Osho


    waitin- +or the ri-ht &erson4/ ha(e -ot not only one3 ut two such cloc#s3 one in each roo!4So!eti!es they ha(e decei(ed !e when / -o +or !y a+ternoon

    slee&4 / usually -o at ele(enthirty e

  • 8/13/2019 Part Viii Osho


    ,nd the whole day you are usy4 our ti!e is &ac#ed the whole day4ou could say that / a! a co!&letely retired !annot tired3 retired

    and not retired y anyody else4 5hat is !y way o+ li+eto li(erelahat can they do ow !any ti!es can they wash I(en

    here3 althou-h in an airconditioned roo! where there is no dust3just out o+ old hait3 whene(er / -o to the athroo!just to tell you

    a secret3 don;t tell anyody/ wash !y +ace +or no reason at all3!any ti!es each day444just an old /ndian hait4

    /t was so dusty that / used to run to the athroo! a-ain anda-ain4 glims31

    / ha(e eco!e so accusto!ed to ein- what / a! that e(en in s!allthin-s it is di++icult +or !e to chan-e4 "udia #nows she tries to teach!e in e(ery &ossile way not to s&lash water all o(er the athroo!4

    ?ut can you teach !e anythin- / cannot sto&4 Not that / want totorture the -irls3 or that they ha(e to e tortured twice e(ery day

    ecause / ta#e two aths3 so naturally they ha(e to clean twice4O+ course "udia thin#s / can ta#e a ath in such a way that they

    don;t ha(e to re!o(e water +ro! e(erywhere4 ?ut +inally shedro&&ed the idea o+ teachin- !e4 /t is i!&ossile +or !e to chan-e4>hen / ta#e !y shower / enjoy it so !uch that / +or-et and s&lashthe water all o(er4 ,nd without s&lashin- it / would ha(e to re!ain

    controlled e(en in !y athroo!4Now loo# at "udia: she is enjoyin- the idea ecause she #nowsehen / ta#e a shower / really ta#e a

    shower3 and / s&lash not only the +loor3 ut e(en the walls3 and i+you ha(e to clean3 then o+ course it is a &role! +or you4 ?ut i+ you

    clean with lo(e3 as !y cleaners do3 then it is etter than

    &sychoanalysis3 and +ar etter than transcendental !editation4 /cannot chan-e anythin- now4 glims42=or the &ast +ew !onths now / ha(e not read any oo#4 / ha(e

    sto&&ed readin- +or the si!&le reason that what is eauti+ul hasalready een understood4 Now it is &ointless to read4 / don;t e(enread the=edasthe i,lethe >oran(5here is nothin- that can e

    added to !y ehy waste your (ision3your eyesi-ht /t is not worth it4

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    >hen !y doctors started sayin- that i+ / still wanted to study /would ha(e to use s&ectacles3 / said3 5o hell with all oo#s3 ecause

    / hate s&ectacles4 / hate all #inds o+ s&ecs ecause they ostruct3they co!e in etween4 / want thin-s +ace to +ace3 directly3

    i!!ediate4 So / ha(e sto&&ed readin- oo#s4 ,nd the lirary is so

    rich3 and so i-3 containin- all that is -reat4 ?ut it no lon-er !attersto !e3 / ha(e -one eyond the words4 notes02

    ou !ust e aware that e(ery day / listen to a son- o+ Noorjahan3the +a!ous rdu sin-er4 I(ery day e+ore / co!e in / listen to her

    a-ain and a-ain4 /t could e(en dri(e you cra@y4 >hat do you #now o+drillin- / #now what drillin- !eans4 / drill that son- into "udia

    e(ery day4 She has to hear it3 there is no way to a(oid it4 ,+ter !ywor# is o(er / a-ain &lay the sa!e son-4 / lo(e !y own

    lan-ua-e444not that it is !y lan-ua-e3 ut it is so eauti+ul that e(eni+ it were not !ine / would ha(e learned it4

    5he son- that she hears e(ery day3 and will ha(e to hear a-ain anda-ain3 says: >hether you re!e!er or not3 once there was a trustetween us4 Once you used to tell !e3 ;ou are the !ost eauti+ul

    wo!an in the world4; Now / don;t #now whether you wouldreco-ni@e !e or not4 .erha&s you do not re!e!er3 ut / still

    re!e!er4 / cannot +or-et the trust3 and the words that you utteredto !e4 ou used to say that your lo(e was i!&eccale4 Do you still

    re!e!er .erha&s not3 ut / re!e!ernot in its totality3 o+course4 5i!e has done !uch har!4

    / a! a dila&idated &alace3 ut i+ you loo#3 loo# !inutely: / a! stillthe sa!e4 / still re!e!er the trust and your words4 5hat trust that

    once ehy do / -o on &layin- the son- o+ Noorjahan /t is a #ind o+drillin-4 Not drillin- o+ your teeth3 althou-h i+ you continue drillin-lon- enou-h it will -et to your teeth too3 ut drillin- into her the

    eauty o+ a lan-ua-e4 / #now it will e di++icult +or her to understandor a&&reciate it4 glims07

    5he !o!ent e+ore / ca!e in / was listenin- to one o+ the -reatest+lutists3 ari&rasad4 /t stirred !any !e!ories in !e4

    5here are !any ty&es o+ +lute in the world4 5he !ost i!&ortant is the

    ,raic the !ost eauti+ul3 the 2a&anese and there are !any others4?ut there is nothin- co!&arale to the s!all /ndian a!oo +lute +orits sweetness4 ,nd ari&rasad is certainly a !aster as +ar as the+lute is concerned4 e &layed e+ore !e3 not just once ut !any

    ti!es4 glims27/ was just listenin- a-ain3 not to ari&rasad Chaurasia3 ut another+lutist4 /n /ndia the +lute has two di!ensions: one3 the southern theother3 the northern4 ari&rasad Chaurasia was a northern +lutist /

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    was listenin- to the &olar o&&osite3 the southern45his !an too was introduced to !e y the sa!e !an3 .a-al ?aa4

    >hen he introduced !e he said to the !usician3 ou !ay notunderstand why /;! introducin- you to this oy at least ri-ht now

    you will not understand3 ut &erha&s one day3 "od willin-3 you !ay4

    5his !an &lays the sa!e +lute ut in a totally di++erent way4 5hesouthern +lute is +ar !ore &enetratin-3 &iercin- to e e

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    certainly3 e(erythin- is -oin- to e ta#en away4 ?e+ore it is ta#enaway3 use it3 s&end it3 enjoy it4 >hy wait +or death to snatch it

    away Certainly it is asolutely ri-ht4 , onehour reli-ion3 or e(en aMoha!!edan who &rays +i(e ti!es a day3 is not -oin- to

    hel&4 ,odhi0%

    My secretary collects all #inds o+ cra@y carstic#ers4 One was:>arnin-/ ra#e +or hallucinations4 / li#ed it4 Beally

    -reatJ glims+0/ ha(e ne(er than#ed %i(e# +or the si!&le thin-s4 er ser(ice to !eis just eyond words4 /t is useless to than# her3 it cannot e dee&

    enou-h3 e true4 5he last +ew !onths ha(e een (ery di++icult3 (erydi++icult to stay in the ody4 O(er the years she has ser(ed !e so

    eauti+ully3 ein- with !e li#e a shadow3 doin- a thousand and onethin-s4 ?e+ore / can say it3 she #nows !y need4 / ha(e not than#ed

    her4 ow can / than# her 5here is no way4 5he In-lish word than#you is so +ar away3 nor can / use it +or all o+ you who are ta#in-

    care o+ !y ody3 which is not just !y ody ut !y &ro!ise tothousands o+ &eo&le in the world4 notes01

    / li#e "udia +or !any reasons one is that she #ee&s e(erythin- soclean4 She e(en +inds +ault with !eJ ,nd naturally3 i+ she +inds a

    +aultas +ar as cleanliness is concerned/ always a-ree withher4 glims3+

    / ha(e ne(er learned e(en the art o+ !a#in- a sin-le cu& o+ tea4One day "udia went +or a holiday and Chetana was doin- her duty

    here3 ser(in- !e4 /n the !ornin-3 when / wa#e u&3 / &ush the utton+or !y tea4 Chetana rou-ht it3 and &ut the cu& y the side o+ !y

    ed3 then went to the athroo! to &re&are !y towel and toothrush3and e(erythin- that / need4 Meanwhile3 +or the +irst ti!e in ten

    years3 do you #nowone has to learn s!all thin-s/ tried to &ic# thecu& u& +ro! the +loor3 and it +ell downJ

    Chetana ca!e runnin-3 naturally3 a+raid4 / said3 Don;t e worrieditwas !y res&onsiility4 / should not ha(e done such a thin-4 / ha(e

    ne(er needed to &ic# u& !y cu& +ro! the +loor4 "udia has eens&oilin- !e +or ten years4 Now you cannot uns&oil !e in just one

    day4/ had so !any years o+ s&oilin-4 es3 / call it s&oilin- ecause they

    ne(er allowed !e to do anythin- +or !ysel+4 glims1%"udia is s&ecial in that way she always tells !e3 >ait4 5he tea istoo hot4 .erha&s it is !y old hait4 / a-ain start ta#in- the cu& andso she says3 >aitJ /t;s too hot4 / #now she is ri-ht3 so / wait untilshe does not oject3 then / drin# the tea4 .erha&s the old hait o+just drin#in- tea and rushin- to the ri(er is still there4 glims27

    "udia -oes throu-h tantru!s once in a while ut e(en then she hasnot har!ed !e4 She cannot3 it is i!&ossile +or her4 Once in a while

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    anyody can ha(e a tantru!3 &articularly a wo!an and !ore so i+she has to li(e twenty+our hours a day3 or !aye !ore3 with a !anli#e !e3 who is not nice at all who is always hard3 and always tryin-to &ush you to the (ery ed-e3 and who does not allow you to co!eac#4 e -oes on and on &ushin- and tellin- you to 2u!& e+ore

    you thin#J glims10.oor Chetana3 / ha(e told her that !y clothes ha(e to e snowwhite4 She is !y washerwo!an4 She does whatsoe(er she can3

    whatsoe(er is &ossile4 ,ooks135he other day / as#ed Chetana3 Chetana3 how is !y +ace loo#in-

    She said3 >hat/ said3 / a! as#in- ecause / ha(e not eaten anythin- ut +ruit +or!onths3 ehen / loo# at you / can;t see anythin- eells called )he )ime .achineac# into ti!e4 /t

    is the hardest wor#3 and you #now / a! a la@y !an4 / a! still hu++in-and &u++in-4444

    De(araj3 you !ay not ha(e thou-ht aout it3 ut / +elt sad that / hadeen a little cruel4 / should not ha(e said that4 ou are as uniue as

    one can e4 ,s +ar as ha(in- een a &hysician to a uddha is

    concerned3 noody can e co!&ared to you3 either in the &ast or inthe +uture444ecause there is ne(er -oin- to e a !an so si!&le3 soinsane that he calls hi!sel+ ora the ?uddha4

    5hat re!inds !e o+ the story / was tellin- you4 , -reat urden haseen li+ted +ro! !y heart4 ou can e(en see it in !y reathin-4 / a!

    really relie(ed4 /t was just a si!&le re!ar#3 ut / a! so sensiti(e3&erha&s !ore than a uddha is su&&osed to e4 ?ut what can / do /cannot e a uddha accordin- to anyody else / can only e !ysel+4

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    / a! relie(ed o+ a -reat urden that you !ay not ha(e +elt at all3 or&erha&s dee& down you were aware o+ it and you -i--led just to

    hide it4 ou cannot hide anythin- +ro! !e4?ut stran-ely3 awareness eco!es e(en !ore clear and unclouded

    y anythin- that hel&s the ody to disa&&ear4 / a! holdin- on to this

    chair just to re!ind !ysel+ that the ody is still there4 Not that /want it to e there3 ut just so that you all won;t +rea# out4 5here is

    not enou-h roo! in here +or +our &eo&le to +rea# out4 es3 i+ you+rea# in3 there is enou-h roo! anywhere4 glims12

    / ha(e ne(er li#ed shoes3 ut e(eryody insisted that / wear the!4 /said3 >hatsoe(er ha&&ens / a! not -oin- to use shoes4

    >hat / use are called chaalsin /ndia4 5hey are not really shoes3not e(en sandals they are the least &ossile co(erin-4 ,nd / ha(echosen the ulti!ate cha&&alyou could not reduce it any !ore4 Mycha&&al!a#er3 ,r&ita3 #nows that there is no way to !a#e the!

    !ore &er+ectly4 I(en just a little less and !y +eet would e nude4 /tis just the !ost !ini!al: just a stra& so!ehow holdin- !y +eet in

    the cha&&al4 ou could not cut it down any !ore4 glims3?Stran-ely3 whene(er ,r&ita co!es into !y roo! / s!ell ?oeh!e3 /

    suddenly re!e!er ?oeh!e4 Maye it;s just an association3 ecausehe was a shoe!a#er and ,r&ita is !y shoe!a#er4 ?ut ,r&ita3 you are

    lessed that you re!ind !e o+ ?oeh!e3 one o+ the !ost eauti+ul"er!ans e(er4 ,-ain3 he was utterly &oor4 /t see!s one has to e

    &oor to e wise that has een the case u& to now4 ?ut not a+ter !e4,+ter !e you ha(e to e rich to e enli-htened4 Aet !e re&eat it: you

    ha(e to e rich to e enli-htened4444

    ?oeh!e says a +ew thin-s3 just a +ew4 e could not say !any thin-s3so don;t e a+raid4 5he one thin- / would li#e to !ention is: 5heheart is the te!&le o+ "od4 es3 ?oeh!e3 it is the heart not the

    head4 ,ooks0%%asant 2oshi FSwa!i Satya %edantG is writin- a io-ra&hy o+ !e4

    5he io-ra&hy is ound to e (ery su&er+icial3 so su&er+icial that it isnot worth readin- at all4 No io-ra&hy can &enetrate to the de&ths3&articularly the &sycholo-ical layers o+ a !anes&ecially i+ the !anhas co!e to the &oint where the !ind is no lon-er rele(ant to thenothin-ness hidden in the center o+ an onion4 ou can &eel it layer

    y layer3 o+ course with tears in your eyes3 ut +inally nothin- is le+t3and that is the center o+ the onion that is +ro! where it had co!e inthe +irst &lace4 No io-ra&hy can &enetrate to the de&ths3

    &articularly o+ a !an who has #nown the no!ind also4 / say alsoconsideredly3 ecause unless you #now the !ind3 you cannot #nowthe no!ind4 5his is -oin- to e !y s!all contriution to the world45he >est has -one dee& in search o+ the !ind3 and has disco(ered

    layers u&on layersthe conscious3 the unconscious3 the

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    suconscious3 and so on and so +orth4 5he Iast has si!&ly &ut thewhole thin- aside and ju!&ed into the &ond444and the soundless

    sound3 the no!ind4 ence Iast and >est stand o&&osed4 glims34

    E .re( %///3 Cha&ter 'G Ne

  • 8/13/2019 Part Viii Osho


    ou were dancin- around !e joyously3 so dee&ly in the !o!ent4>ith -reat lo(e you were sittin- in +ront o+ !e3 owin- down3re&eatin- the -reatest !antra there has e(er een: uddham

    sharanam gachchhami/ -o to the +eet o+ the awa#ened one4 ,ndthousands o+ &eo&le were creatin- a !ilieu around you4 /t was not

    an ordinary situation: an e

  • 8/13/2019 Part Viii Osho


    would ha(e seen those thousands o+ &eo&le disa&&earin-an e!&ty!andir resoundin- with the chantin- o+ uddham sharanam

    gachchhami(Nee are sic# o+ the!4>e need the whole earth +illed with lau-hter3 and not ordinarylau-hter ut cos!ic lau-htera lau-hter that arises out o+ the

    understandin- that it is a eauti+ul jo#e e

  • 8/13/2019 Part Viii Osho


    other -oin- anywhere else ,nd there was no &role!3 ecause /+ul+illed al!ost all their cate-ories that are needed +or a &er!anent

    residence4 So / a&&lied +or a &er!anent residence45here is no uestion o+ any +raud3 as they &ro&osed e+ore the court3that / had a &reintention to stay in ,!erica and a&&lied +or a tourist

    (isa4 /+ / had a &reintention3 / could ha(e a&&lied +or directresidency4 5here is no &role! in it4 ,s a !an o+ reli-ion3 as a !an

    who is #nown all o(er the world3 these are their cate-ories3 as a&hiloso&her3 / had e(ery &ossiility4 5here was no need to as# +or a

    tourist (isa ut / had ne(er thou-ht o+ stayin- there4,nd / a&&lied a-ain +or a tourist (isa second ti!e3 when the +irsttourist (isa was +inished4 5hat ti!e also there was no uestion o+re!ainin- there4 Otherwise / would ha(e a&&lied +or &er!anent

    residence4 /t was in the !iddle o+ the second ti!e that was -i(en to!e +or tourist (isa that / a&&lied +or chan-e o+ intention4 Now

    noody can say that it is a cri!e to chan-e your intention4 ,+ter444one and a hal+ years li(in- in -ood health3 / ha(e e(ery ri-ht to

    chan-e !y intention4 ou ha(e e(ery ri-ht to reject it3 ut it is not acri!e4 last42%

    /n Octoer 198$3 Osho is inter(iewed y the /NS in .ortland4)he inter*iewer asks: Okay now think this is an eAact Buote that

    occurred in Culy o! 1%7% !rom you?oo# o+ the ?oo#s:/)his ashramis only a launching ad on a small scale( am eAerimenting( )he

    new commune will ,e on a ,ig scale10000 sannyasins li*ingtogether as one ,ody one ,eing( -o,ody will ossess anything

    e*ery,ody will use e*ery,ody will enDoy( 6*ery,ody is going to li*e

    as com!orta,ly as richly as we can manage ,ut no,ody willossess anything(/ #id you say that"

    >e ha(e already started those co!!unes in the world4 Now we ha(eco!!unes: two co!!unes in /taly and one in Sicily3 one in In-land3two in olland3 two in "er!any3 one in =rance3 one in 2a&an3 one in

    /ndia3 one in Ne&al and in !any other countries4#o you consider these one commune"

    5hey are se&arate co!!unes4s aDneeshuram the commune that you soke o! at that time"

    /t is the co!!une +or ,!erica4silent02

    5re you e*en consulted then in so !ar as the ,usiness matters o! theoundation go"No3 nothin-4

    -ot so !ar as the urchase o! any roerty"No3 / #now also nothin-4

    You had nothing to say a,out the de*eloment or the construction o!aDneeshuram"


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    Okay do you consider yoursel! a teacher o! religion"/ will ha(e to ehat / say3 / #now4 /+ / don;t #now3 / don;t say it4silent02Okay how long will this silent stage continue"/t will continue4

    ntil when"ntil / +eel a-ain to s&ea#4 / ha(e s&o#en so !uch that / +elt / was

    s&ea#in- to the walls4 /t is al!ost +utile4)hen you would not ,e a,le to gi*e me a seci!ic date in the !uture

    that you would resume seaking"

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    / cannot e(en say anythin- aout to!orrow4Was the silent hase o! your