Part II Pre-Departure Orientation

Pr e- Depar t u re Ori ent a t i on Version 01/14/2014

Transcript of Part II Pre-Departure Orientation

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Pr e-Depar t ur e Or i ent at i on

Part II of III Presented by Alliance Abroad GroupYour designated visa sponsor


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Wel come Back!• Alliance Abroad Group, (AAG) has prepared the following presentation in

order to meet and exceed the U.S. Department of State J-1 visa regulations found in section {62.10} Program Administration.

• This is Part II of III presentations that will help prepare you as you embark on your cultural exchange program in the U.S.

• Presentation Part II Overview:

• Review Key Participant Program Rules & Guidelines

• Understanding the Training Offer Document

• Introduction to Top Ten Program Steps & Rules

• Overview of Participant Insurance

• Proceed with Part III of Pre-Departure Orientation Program

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Hi ghl i ght of Key AAG TERMS & CONDI TI ONS• By accepting a position, you are making a commitment to your Host Company.

• No position can be guaranteed. It’s important to understand that a Host Company may cancel or reduce the number of participants they can employ either before or after you leave your home country.

• You should bring or have access to a minimum of $1,500.00 U.S. and whenever possible a valid credit card.

• It is your responsibility to call AAG if you have any concerns or problems with your J-1 Visa Program.

• All photos or testimonials provided to AAG during or after your program can be used for promotional purposes unless you choose to decline with a written statement to AAG.

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UNDERSTANDI NG t he Tr ai ni ng

Pl anRead your Training Plan in its entirety. Pay special attention to:

• Your Supervisor’s name and contact information

• Training/Internship dates• Hours per week & stipend information• Training Plan phases• Cultural opportunities

This information is provided to you to ensure that you have a successful program.

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UNDERSTANDI NG t he Tr ai ni ng

Of f er Agr eement For m• Highlights Host Company-related details such as:

• Name, Location and Description of company

• Company website, where you can learn more about the company’s mission, values and services

• Describes the placement as well as any special requirements

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UNDERSTANDI NG t he Tr ai ni ng

Of f er Agr eement For mThe Job Offer Agreement also highlights the following categories such as:                Arrival Instructions: Provides vital information regarding what you should do and what resources are available to you once you land in the U.S., including the nearest airport to your Host Company or bus/train options for travel. Make sure to review this section prior to booking your flights to the U.S.

Social Security Administration Process: Provides the address of the nearest Social Security office as well as whether or not the Host Company will assist with the process of applying for your card.

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St ep 1 – Under st andi ng Your Housi ngYour Host Company has provided you with temporary or permanent housing options

listed in the Host Company Application or Training Offer.

•Please arrange and confirm your Housing BEFORE you depart for the United States. You must have housing for the entire duration of your program. If you don’t confirm your housing, you may have to stay in a nearby hostel/motel and pay for your room per each day, which is very expensive.

•If your placement includes housing, you may not find your own housing.

•Once you make a commitment to housing, please understand that you are obligated by U.S. law to pay rent on time and through the end of your leasing contract.

•If you have arranged your own housing, please submit the property contact information to [email protected] for AAG review and approval.

•Bring enough money to cover the housing deposit and first month’s rent in addition to the $1,500 AAG recommends.

•Please note: If you need help finding other housing options in your area, please call AAG for assistance 1-866-622-7623.

If you change your housing during your program you are required to update SEVIS with your new address within 10 days.

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STEP 2 – Br i ng Enough MoneyIn the AAG Terms and Conditions you signed, you agreed to bring enough money with

you to support yourself until you receive your first stipend check.  •If a stipend is listed on your training plan, you may not get paid for several weeks after you begin training. Some Host Companies cannot pay you until you have received your Social Security card.

•You must bring enough money to cover your expenses for the entire duration of your program if you are participating in unpaid training or internship.

•For a breakdown of estimated expenses please see our website.

Please note: The AAG recommended amount of $1,500 does not include the cost of traveling to your site of activity or any initial housing costs (first month rent and the deposit).

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STEP 3 – Regi st er i n SEVI SSubmit your Arrival Information to AAG and your Host Company as soon as you book and confirm your ticket. You may provide this information to AAG by going to:

•Upon arrival in the U.S. and within 3 days of your DS-2019 start date, register your housing address with SEVIS by going to: You will need your AAG ID Number (found on your AAG ID card or sponsor letter) and DS-2019 number. Please do not forget to provide your apartment or room number.

•You cannot register with SEVIS before you arrive to the U.S. or before your DS-2019 start date.

•This registration is required to maintain good status with the U.S. Government. Click here to read more. Failure to Register with SEVIS will put your program at risk.

•SEVIS registration is necessary to apply for Social Security card. If you do not register in time, your Social Security card will be delayed.

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St ep 4 – Appl yi ng f or Soci al Secur i t y Car d

All J-1 Program participants must apply for a Social Security card. You must wait at least 10 business days after registering with SEVIS before going to the nearest Social Security Office to apply for your card. Be sure to apply for Social Security at the beginning of your program! Here are the steps you should follow:

1. Find your local Social Security Office2. Bring the following documents with you:

– Completed Social Security application form:– Passport and Visa– Sponsor letter– DS-7002 (Training Plan)– DS-2019– Electronic I-94 record print out (can be printed at the following link:– Birth Certificate or at least one official picture ID (identification document) that

is at least one year old. If the passport and other official ID, such as a driver's license, are both less than one year old, a birth certificate is required.

Provide your Host Company address on the Social Security application form. Keep your Social Security application receipt and show it to your Host Company.

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STEP 5 –Par t i c i pat e I N mandat or y Mont hl y check I ns

On the first of each month, AAG will send you an email reminder to complete your Monthly Check In. This is a program requirement mandated by AAG and is a great way to tell AAG how you are doing and share your cultural experiences. We want to know if you are okay and if your training program is on track.

•The link to Monthly Check In is located on AAG Website.

•While completing your Monthly Check-In, you must inform us of any changes to your housing address, email and phone number within 10 day of any changes.

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STEP 6 – Mi d- Ter m & Fi nal Eval uat i ons

You are required to complete a Program Evaluation so we can get feedback about your training experience. The evaluations should be filled out with your supervisor.

•Midterm Evaluations are to be completed half way through your program, if on a 12 month or longer program.

•Final Evaluations should be completed in the last month of your program.

•Program Evaluations are a required part of the program and regulated by the U.S. Department of State. Not completing your program evaluation could put your program status at risk.

•Please be honest and share as much detail as you can.

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St ep 7 – Under st and Your I nsur anceThe Health Care System in the United States is very different from other countries.

•Your Insurance coverage starts 1 day before your DS-2019 start date and ends 1 day after your DS-2019 end date.•Understand Your Health Insurance: You can find full information on your health insurance on the AAG Participant page here. It is important that you follow the instructions listed on this page in order to avoid paying a lot of money at a doctor’s office or hospital.•Call your insurance company before getting treatment (unless an emergency): They will ask for your unique ID number (found on insurance card), or the certificate number listed on your insurance card. The company will assist you with locating a doctor in your area. If it is an emergency you should go to the emergency room first and contact your health insurance company within 48 hours. •Always take your insurance card, passport, and DS 2019 form with you when you go ‐to the doctor.•When you go to the doctor, you will have to pay a fee for the first visit and an additional fee for each follow up visit. This cost is called a deductible and it is normal for every insurance company. Your deductible for doctor’s office visit is $100 per visit.•Only go to a hospital in a true emergency: The deductible (fee) for a hospital is much more than a doctor’s visit ($250).

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I nsur ance Det ai l s• Provider: Bulstrad Life with GBG Assist

• Group Policy Number: 500488• Policy Certificate Number: None• Toll Free Customer Service Line: 1-866-914-5333• Coverage Begins 24 hours prior to Program Start

Date and Ends 24 hours After Program End Date• You must purchase additional insurance to be

covered during your travel period 

Hi ghl i ght of Benef i t s• Regular Doctor (In-Network) Visit:

Co-Payment = $100• Hospital/Emergency (In-Network) Visit:

Co-Payment = $250• Prescriptions: Co-Payment 25% of the total cost • Overall Policy Maximum: $250,000• Providers List:

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I nsur ance Benef i t

Excl usi onsYour benefit coverage does not include the following:

• Willful attempt at self-injury• Pre-existing disease or conditions or complications from• Injury during war, criminal offense, nuclear explosion, use of weapon• Pregnancy, childbirth, or abortion• Involvement in hazardous activities including motor sports, flying, hang-gliding, sailing and underwater sports and hobbies, jumps from height, climbing • Injuries due to consumption of alcohol, narcotics and other opiate or simulative substances or accidents under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

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8 – Communi cat e wi t h your Host CompanyIf you are experiencing any issues at your Host Company, please discuss them with

your Supervisor or Human Resources professional at your Host Company. If you cannot resolve them with your Host Company, please contact AAG right away.

•If you leave before you talk to AAG, your program could be at risk.

•Please call us at 1-866-622-7623 at any time if you have any problems or concerns. •You may not begin training at your Host Company until the start date on your DS-2019 form.

•Contact AAG right away if your supervisor changes, your training plan is not being followed or you are having any other issues at your Host Company. We are here to help and support you!

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St ep 9– Get I nvol ved i n Cul t ur al Act i v i t i esAAG highly encourages you to participate in as many cultural exchange

opportunities as possible. This is the true purpose and benefit of your J-1 Visa program participation and summer in the U.S.

•AAG will provide you with some opportunities and ideas for experiencing American culture.

•Share your experience on our Facebook page or email us. We are excited to hear your stories and see pictures from your adventures!

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Your Pr ogr am

Fees Cover t he


• Approved Training Placement (Unless you have found your own, in which case we still review and approve it)

• Facilitation of your application paperwork and J-1 Visa Documentation

• Detailed Participant Handbook and Orientation

• Medical Insurance

• Housing Assistance

• 24 Hour Emergency Support 7 days a week and assistance from a dedicated team of AAG staff

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Next St eps.

. .Review Part III of IIIPresented by Alliance Abroad GroupYour designated visa sponsor
