PART 6 DAMPIER - Landcorp...Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-3 DAMPIER OVERVIEW Located 1,557...


Transcript of PART 6 DAMPIER - Landcorp...Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-3 DAMPIER OVERVIEW Located 1,557...

Page 1: PART 6 DAMPIER - Landcorp...Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-3 DAMPIER OVERVIEW Located 1,557 kilometres north of Perth, Dampier rests on the edge of King Bay overlooking the islands

Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-1


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Page 2: PART 6 DAMPIER - Landcorp...Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-3 DAMPIER OVERVIEW Located 1,557 kilometres north of Perth, Dampier rests on the edge of King Bay overlooking the islands

Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-2


















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Page 3: PART 6 DAMPIER - Landcorp...Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-3 DAMPIER OVERVIEW Located 1,557 kilometres north of Perth, Dampier rests on the edge of King Bay overlooking the islands

Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-3


Located 1,557 kilometres north of Perth, Dampier rests on the edge of King Bay overlooking the islands of the Dampier Archipelago. The area is home to a diverse range of marine life, making it a hub for recreational water sports such as boating, fishing and snorkeling. The area is also rich in indigenous archeological heritage with one of the most extensive collections of rock art in Australia. The coastal climate is hot and humid, with summer temperatures consistently reaching 34°C. Rainfall is scarce for the majority of the year and heavy during cyclone season. In spite of the extremes in heat and rainfall, the town maintains a pleasant greenness with endemic vegetation retained throughout.The Dampier Archipelago off the coast from Dampier is home to one of the most important collections of indigenous rock art in Australia. It was included in the National Heritage List in 2007.Since European settlement, the area has been the base for a variety of industries, including pearling in the 1870s-1890s, whaling from 1870 to 1872, and commercial fishing from 1900-1960. In the 1960s, the area was further settled with a pastoral industry. In 1963, Dampier became one of the first mining towns established in the Pilbara. It was developed by Hamersley Iron (a subsidiary of Rio Tinto) as a port facility and to provide housing for the workforce for its iron ore mine at Tom Price. Further industrialisation came in the 1960s and 70s with the discovery of offshore gas and petroleum and, more recently, solar salt production. Dampier’s population grew rapidly with this economic expansion and, by 1968, it had outgrown its original town plan. Karratha, approximately 16 kilometres away, was designed

to accommodate the overflow from Dampier and development became focused there. Today, this trend continues with Karratha anticipated to develop into a main regional centre with a population of 50,000 by 2035. Because of this, Dampier has becoming increasingly reliant on Karratha for the majority of its community and commercial amenities. Currently, Dampier is in the process of being normalised, meaning that services and buildings historically run and owned by Hamersley Iron are increasingly being administered by the Shire of Roebourne and owned privately. Private home ownership is now reflected in well maintained houses and investment in the community. Because of it’s attractive waterfront setting, Dampier’s future role is expected to be as a prime residential area with a focus on maritime recreation and tourism. Most of its residents acknowledge this, choosing to stay longer term due to its community atmosphere, beautiful location and recreation opportunities.

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Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-4

According to Pilbara Cities, the combined resident population of Karratha and Dampier is estimated to be around 18,700. As of 2006, 1,500 of these people were estimated to live in Dampier. The combined population of these two towns is expected to reach 50,000 by 2035. However, as future expansion is focused in Karratha, Dampier’s population growth is anticipated to be minimal.As with other towns in the Pilbara, current and future population projects fluctuate significantly as fly-in fly-out populations change based on industrial activities.Dampier demonstrates many of the characteristics that typify the unique employment situation within the Shire of Roebourne, namely:

� A higher proportion of males to females � The majority of the population are aged

between 30-44 years


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Page 5: PART 6 DAMPIER - Landcorp...Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-3 DAMPIER OVERVIEW Located 1,557 kilometres north of Perth, Dampier rests on the edge of King Bay overlooking the islands

Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-5


Dampier is one of the three major ports of the Pilbara region and one of the largest Australian ports based on annual tonnage shipped. Cargo statistics from the Dampier Port Authority show that for the year ending 30 June 2010, 170 million tonnes of cargo was exported through the port. The majority of this is iron ore, accounting for 83% of all exports, with salt, oil and gas making up the remainder. Despite recent upgrades, the Dampier Port Authority forecasts that the port will experience severe congestion by 2014 due to industrial expansion.OIL AND GASThe Gorgon project, a Liquefied Natural Gas production facility, is currently under construction 70 kilometres offshore of Dampier on Barrow Island. This development is considered to be Australia’s single biggest resource project.

DAMPIER SALTThe Dampier solar salt industry is based on harvesting salt from seawater. The operation occupies a large area of the coastal tidal flats and has a salt field capacity of four million tonnes per annum. FISHINGCommercial prawn fishing occurs in Nickol Bay and Mermaid Sound. Commercial fishing and pearling occur in the Archipelago. TOURISM With its coastal location, comfortable climate and recreation opportunities, Dampier is emerging as both a popular tourist destination and a stop for visitors travelling through the Pilbara and Kimberley regions. The expansion of the tourism industry is limited, however, by a lack of amenity and accommodation.

Iron ore shipment, 1974

Chevron’s Gorgon Gas Project currently under construction

Dampier Port, 2011

Fishing vessels in maintenance Dampier beach

Salt stockpiles

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In the late 1960s, a shortage of land in Dampier and the need for a new regional centre spurred the development of nearby Karratha. Future development is largely focused in Karratha and the town has large areas of undeveloped land in Mulataga, Baynton and Gap Ridge.1 The Regals area south of the Karratha Hills has more than 840 hectare zoned for urban development, but requires resolution of a number of issues, including the preparation of a native title agreement, before development can proceed. Currently, there are no land release opportunities for housing in Dampier.The 2010 Regional Industrial Land Survey indicated that there is a high interest for industrial land in Dampier, with 13% of companies wanting to develop there. PROPERTY MARKETHousing prices in Dampier have increased rapidly over the last few years with houses typically being more expensive than those in Karratha. According to sales reported to the Australian Property Monitors, houses in Dampier generally cost between $650,000 and $850,0000 in 2010.High prices make it difficult for local residents to live in this area unless they receive significant accommodation support from their employer. This displaces lower-income households and is a disincentive to prospective, longer-term residents.NORMALISATIONWhen Rio Tinto subsidiary, Hamersley Iron, initially built Dampier, the company had full control and responsibility over all aspects of town management, maintenance and development. At this time, Dampier was classified as a closed town.

1 “Karratha Regional HotSpots Land Supply Update” 2008

During the 1980s, a process of normalisation occurred, with the majority of state and federal government functions in Dampier transferred to the Shire of Roebourne during the 1980s. However, the transfer of accountability for assets and services to local government is still incomplete.While some assets have been handed over to governments, Hamersley Iron currently retains responsibility for township utilities and provides in-kind maintenance and management services in Dampier. There are a number of factors that work against the financial viability of independent normal towns and is stalling the transition process. These include:

• lack of robust population growth• aged infrastructure (which is over 40 years

old and requires major upgrades)• limited revenue opportunities for the

shire to direct toward the acquisition and maintenance of assets.

The state government and Shire of Roebourne are working with Hamersley Iron to resolve outstanding normalisation issues.2 As part of the normalisation process, a home purchasing scheme was introduced and Dampier now has a high proportion of owner-occupiers. Approximately 70% of Dampier’s houses are privately owned and 30% continue to be owned by Rio Tinto.

2 Pilbara Iron: Understanding the Pilbara Region and its Economy. A Baseline Socio-Economic Assessment, 2011

Dampier house valued between $690,000 - $810,000 (2011) Source:

Dampier house valued at $810,000 (2011) Source:

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Page 7: PART 6 DAMPIER - Landcorp...Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-3 DAMPIER OVERVIEW Located 1,557 kilometres north of Perth, Dampier rests on the edge of King Bay overlooking the islands

Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-7


TOWN CENTREDampier relies on Karratha for the majority of its community and commercial facilities. Limited amenities exist in Dampier’s town centre, including a primary school, service station, hotel, post office, pharmacist, convenience store, small supermarket, day care centre and a handful of restaurants. With so few services, the town centre lacks articulation with no natural movement through the town or intensity of built form.Karratha is the regional centre for many State Government agencies and provides a large shopping complex, banks, a hospital, two secondary schools, five primary schools, cinemas and a TAFE college.

OPEN SPACEDrainage swales along the rear of all residential lot boundaries contribute to strong vegetation links throughout the town. Both public and private areas are well vegetated, with much of the endemic landscape having been retained.The waterfront is underdeveloped with significant potential to develop multiple public realm and open space experiences along the foreshore.

RECREATIONThere are many purpose built recreation facilities in Dampier, including two ovals, squash and tennis courts and bowling greens. Many of these amenities are underutilised and require upgrading, including the playground and deteriorating beach facilities. Additional amenities are available in Karratha, including an Olympic size swimming pool and golf club.Recreation in Dampier focuses largely on its proximity to the ocean. The waters of the Dampier Archipelago are popular for boating, fishing and swimming, attracting people from other towns across the Pilbara. Boat ownership in Dampier is recognised as one of the highest in Australia with registration data showing that there are over 1,600 boats in the area, most of which are for recreation. Approximately 30 shacks have been built on some of the off-shore islands for recreational use and there are some charter boat operations in the area. There are also plans to develop Kaiser Marina and the yacht club.

RESIDENTIALWith a high percentage of owner-occupiers, there is a strong sense of pride associated with housing in Dampier. Lots are large and houses are typically well maintained and well sought after. Most have been extensively renovated and extended with outdoor living spaces and gardens. In comparison, houses that continue to be owned by Rio Tinto are typically dilapidated and require maintenance. According to the draft Pilbara Planning and Infrastructure Framework (2011), Dampier is anticipated to develop as a prime residential area. Currently, there is no dedicated fly-in fly-out accommodation is Dampier, with these amenities provided for in Karratha.

Zone of conservationRecreationResidential Zoning

‘Urban development’ area


Town centre


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Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-8


Town layout, 1972

As a planned mining town, Dampier was constructed over a short period in the 1960s. The town features a repetitive street design, set out in a series of curvilinear cul-de-sacs with lots oriented north-south. The town is characterised predominately by low-density single storey detached housing contained within a walkable distance of the town centre. Around the perimeter of the residential zone to the south are Rio Tinto’s single men’s worker accommodation. As there are plans to demolish these buildings, there is an opportunity to re-use them or the site to increase the variety of housing densities in town.The way in which Dampier is planned lays the groundwork for climatically responsive design. The cardinal lot orientation not only takes advantage of ocean views, but offers the best opportunity for houses to shade effectively using eaves and to capture sea breezes. Natural air flow is further enhanced by the staggering and spacing of houses and the presence of swales at the rear of lots which act as breeze corridors.AMENITY & INFRASTRUCTURECapacity of utility infrastructure in Dampier and Karratha is a major short-term issue that needs to be resolved. Water and wastewater are currently provided by Rio Tinto through the West Pilbara Water Supply Scheme and Water Corporation, respectively. Dampier receives its electricity supply from Horizon Power through the North West Interconnected System. This system is expected to experience strain in the near future with industrial growth in the Pilbara. Waste minimisation is critical in the Pilbara. Rio Tinto and Cleanaway jointly manage the Dampier Community Recycling Centre, which collects and sorts materials and transports them to recycling centres. The Shire of Roebourne also mulches green waste for sale at its Seven Mile Waste Disposal Site, just outside of Dampier.


Parks, recreation

Urban Development Area

Conservation, recreation


Public Purposes


Town Planning Scheme

Town Centre


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Page 9: PART 6 DAMPIER - Landcorp...Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-3 DAMPIER OVERVIEW Located 1,557 kilometres north of Perth, Dampier rests on the edge of King Bay overlooking the islands

Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-9

HOUSINGDAMPIERThe Hamersley Iron mining company built all the houses in Dampier over a very short period of time in the 1960s, using the same materials and methods. This has resulted in the housing having consistent built form and elements. Through the process of normalisation, home ownership has risen considerably, represented by the noticeable house modifications.SITE PLANNINGLot planning at a subdivision level ensures all houses are oriented north-south. The front elevation of houses generally face north resulting in only one side of the street being developed for housing and the other left as endemic landscape. Drainage swales are incorporated into these landscape areas.STRUCTURE, ROOF AND WALLSThe houses are steel framed brick veneer with sheet metal pitched roofs. Walls are either brick veneer or fibro clad and standard ceiling heights are 2.6 metres.WINDOWS AND EAVESThe houses are mostly unresponsive to the hot humid climate with small eaves and standard sized aluminium windows. FLOOR PLANHouse floor plans range from a basic two bedroom plan, to an intermediate three bed type and a larger four bed plan. The proportions of the rooms correlate to the house plan type, with the four bedroom houses having the largest rooms and originally accommodating mine managers. Units built for single employees are typically one bedroom. The three-storey single men’s quarters around the perimeter of the town are an example of these.

ADDITIONS The high cost of building in Dampier is reflected in the choice of building materials. Most additions are in the form of steel framed construction.Often sheds are partitioned to allow for additional bedroom or office space.Carports were not incorporated within the main roof of the house and have been added at a later period. Many have been adapted to accommodate the height of fishing boats which many residents own.WORKMANSHIP/FINISHES/CONDITIONThe quality of finishing reflects the employee level that the house was designed for, resulting in higher quality finishes on the larger managers’ houses.The houses are around 45 years old and are mostly structurally sound. Some houses are in noticeably better condition and better maintained than others.The single men’s quarters are in need of extensive renovation. Hamersley Iron plan to demolish them as concrete cancer is present. There is no available information on whether they are planned to be rebuilt.LANDSCAPINGMany houses have landscaped their front and rear yards extensively. Privately owned houses have installed swimming pools, built large covered outdoor living areas and a few have added stone cladding to the outside walls.RENOVATIONMost privately owned and occupied houses have had complete renovations including bathroom and kitchen.

Rio Tinto’s single men’s quarters

Many houses have retrofitted pools

Carports are generally large to accommodate boats and trailers

Typical brick veneer house

Many houses have been renovated to include large outdoor living spaces

Colorbond cladding

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Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-10


SOCIAL SERVICES & FACILITIESThe majority of social services are provided for on High Street including the Dampier Public Library and the Dampier Community Association (DCA). The DCA organises many community services in town such as video nights, newsletters, as well as hiring barbecues and tables. The Dampier Family Playgroup also provides support to families with children.

CULTURAL SERVICES & FACILITIESMuch of the town’s cultural services and organisations are based in Karratha, including a history museum and the Karratha Art & Learning Centre. Dampier is home to a few cultural services, including St. Peter’s Catholic Church and the Dampier Community Arts Group. Much of the town’s artistic landscape is framed by it’s connection to the Dampier Rock Art Precinct, one of the largest concentrations of indigenous rock art in the world.

HEALTH SERVICES & FACILITIESDampier medical centre provides general practitioner services for residents. Additional services are available in Karratha, including the Nickol Bay Hospital, although the services provided are limited.

EDUCATION SERVICES & FACILITIESThe town is a tight-knit community, with Dampier Primary School acting as the community hub. The school was established in 1967 for children on Hamersley Iron’s employees. The school accommodates approximately 170 students from kindergarten to year seven. The school has received upgrading through the BER program, with a new administration building, undercover assembly area, canteen, music room and library.

Dampier Primary SchoolDampier Fire Station St Peter’s Catholic Church

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ROADSDampier is strategically located on the Dampier Highway, a main thoroughfare connected to other national and state highways including the North West Coastal Highway, Burrup Peninsula Road and Madigan Road. Dampier Highway is the primary link to Dampier Port, major industries on the Burrup Peninsula and the regional airport. Ongoing regional expansion, particularly oil and gas projects, is expected to increase traffic substantially. A private bus company currently services Karratha from Perth and Darwin. This service does not extend to Dampier, illustrating its reliance on Karratha for infrastructure. Within town, Fortescue Bus Services has stops in Dampier and a community bus runs between Port Samson and Dampier, stopping in Wickham, Roebourne and Karratha. Taxi services based in Karratha also service Dampier.

PEDESTRIAN/CYCLINGDampier residents frequently walk, cycle or skate. Most footpaths are complete, yet lack the provision of shading that could enhance their use.

RAIL Much of the region’s mining output is transported by rail. Dampier is part of the West Pilbara network. Rail traffic is predicted to almost double by 2018. This increase is expected to impact on road traffic at railway crossings and cause noise issues as more frequent and longer trains use the network. Though the train line bounds the town to the west, it is hidden by the steep rocky hills that surround the town.

AIRPORTKarratha airport is located eight kilometres south east of Dampier. It is the busiest regional airport in the State, offering both intrastate and interstate services. The airport currently experiences the highest number of air passenger arrivals in the Pilbara, with the majority being fly-in fly-out workers. As of May 2010, the airport was servicing approximately 56 000 passengers per month. Runway expansion works were completed in March 2009 to cater for this growth, with the runway widened and lengthened.


Karratha Airport

Major Roads

Minor Roads


Formal Pedestrian Paths


Rail line Airport


Dampier Primary School

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Page 12: PART 6 DAMPIER - Landcorp...Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-3 DAMPIER OVERVIEW Located 1,557 kilometres north of Perth, Dampier rests on the edge of King Bay overlooking the islands

Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-12

DAMPIERAs with Dampier’s social and community services, the town’s retail amenity is increasingly shifting to Karratha. In recent years, the town has lost numerous retail outlets,including the IGA supermarket.

The town centre is focused around the Dampier Shopping Centre, which includes a bottle shop and post office. Hospitality

� Dampier Mermaid Hotel � Peninsula Palms Compass Group ESS � Dampier Transit Caravan Park � K.M. Dampier Services

Food and Beverage � Cellarbrations � Dampier Chinese Restaurant � Roadrunner Café � Dampier Mermaid Hotel � Ezway Food and Liquor � Hullabaloo Exciting Coffee � Dampier Oasis

Other � Roy Phipps Crane & Rigging Specialist


Dampier Petrol StationRoad Runner Cafe Dampier Shopping Centre (exterior) Dampier Shopping Centre (interior)




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Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-13


Dampier is located on the Burrup (Murujuga) Peninsula overlooking the 42 islands of the Dampier Archipelago. These islands support a diverse range of vegetation, mammals and reptiles. Smaller islands are important breeding areas for sea and shore birds and the islands close to the mainland protect regionally significant mangroves and marine turtle breeding sites.1

The waters around the islands and the northern part of Burrup Peninsula contain coral reefs, mangroves and algae meadows. A variety of commercial and recreational fish species inhabit both the shallow and deeper areas and fishing is a popular sport in the area. Marine mammals, including dugongs, whales, dolphins and marine reptiles, such as turtles and sea snakes also inhabit the coastal waters of the Dampier Archipelago.Much of the endemic vegetation has been retained in the town, represented most prominently by the swales that run along the rear of residential lots. As informal open spaces, these have the opportunity to enhance the biodiversity and livability of the town.

1. “Pilbara Planning and Infrastructure Framework” 2011














Dampier Shopping Centre (interior)


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Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-14


The town of Dampier is characterised by undulating land forms that flattens out closer to the coast. The town is focused near the water, bounded by hills to the east and south. Major expansion of the town has been limited by high development costs associated with the rocky terrain.The continental coastline of Dampier and the western side of the Burrup Peninsula have been extensively modified by industrial development. Until 1969, the peninsula was a tidally-isolated island. In 1969, a causeway was built across some of the tidal flats, connecting Dampier permanently to the mainland. A considerable area of mangroves and salt flats were flooded between Dampier and the mainland in order to develop salt ponds. There are locations south-east of town that offer views across the town to the islands of the Archipelago to the north and towards Karratha to the south. Swales are a prominent landform feature in town, creating a soft, rolling landscape and providing an informal division between lots.












Topographic map (5 metre contours)

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Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-15

TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITYSummers in Dampier are hot and humid, with consistent maximum temperatures of 34°C from December to April. Humidity levels are highest in these months, reaching 60%. From April through to October, temperatures are tenable. In the coldest month of July, temperatures are comfortable, ranging from 17-25°C. Humidity levels are lowest in winter, dropping to an average of 30%.SUNLIGHTDampier enjoys an annual average of 10.2 hours of sunshine per day. With erratic rainfall during the first half of the year, the sky in summer and autumn is cloudy for about seven days in a month. In the predominantly clear days of winter and spring, average daily sunshine hours range from 8.6-11.8 hours, with more towards the end of the year. Spring is the sunniest time of year, with an average of 11.7 daily sunshine hours in the months from October to December. The high number of clear days experienced in Dampier creates opportunities for natural lighting, passive heating and solar power, while encouraging the outdoor lifestyle intrinsic to Dampier’s character. RAINFALLDampier experiences low and erratic rainfall, with an average of 304 millimetres falling over an average of 23 days each year. Most rainfall occurs between December and May either as the result of tropical cyclones or depressions. September to November are the driest months, with Dampier experiencing less than 1 millimetre of rain.

Rainfall and Temperatures by Month (Bureau of Meteorology)

Clear vs. Cloudy Days (Bureau of Meteorology)















Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec


n so

lar e






clear cloudymean solar exposure




















Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec


n m


ly ra


ll (m





mean maximum temperature mean minimum temperature

Concrete drainage culvert covered by mesh collects and distributes storm water to the adjacent carpark for surface overflow down to the foreshore during storm events

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WINDSWinds are variable. In the morning, they predominate from the west in summer and the east to south east in winter. In the afternoon, they are mainly from the north-west to north-east in summer and north east to east in winter. CYCLONESLocated in wind codes region D, Dampier is prone to severe tropical cyclones. An average of 1.4 cyclones per year pass within 200 kilometres of Dampier. These can have winds of up to 70 metre/second and cause substantial storm surges. Recent notable cyclones include Cyclone Olivia in 1996 and Cyclones Clare and Glenda in 2006. Cyclones that impact the central Pilbara coast typically form over warm ocean waters to the north of the state. Although the typical initial steering of these systems is to the southwest, those that affect the Karratha region take a more southerly or southeasterly track as they move further south.Dampier is not at risk of major flooding caused by rainfall alone. Localised flooding is possible in susceptible areas along creeks and low-lying areas. Major flooding in Dampier is typically associated with storm surge. Fortunately, there has not been a significant storm surge in Dampier since the 1960s.

9am December 9am June

3pm December 3pm June

Rose of Wind direction versus Wind speed in km/h (04 Nov 1969 to 13 Nov 1993)Custom times selected, refer to attached note for details

DAMPIER SALTSite No: 005061 • Opened Jan 1969 • Still Open • Latitude: -20.7278° • Longitude: 116.7483° • Elevation 6m

An asterisk (*) indicates that calm is less than 0.5%.Other important info about this analysis is available in the accompanying notes.







CALM>= 0 and < 10


>= 10 and < 20>= 20 and < 30

>= 30 and < 40>= 40

3 pm7228 Total Observations




Calm *

CopyrightCopyright © Commonwealth of Australia 2010 . Prepared on 18 Mar 2010Prepared by National Climate Centre of the Bureau of Meteorology.Contact us by phone on (03) 9669 4082, by fax on (03) 9669 4515, or by email on [email protected] have taken all due care but cannot provide any warranty nor accept any liability for this information.


Rose of Wind direction versus Wind speed in km/h (04 Nov 1969 to 13 Nov 1993)Custom times selected, refer to attached note for details

DAMPIER SALTSite No: 005061 • Opened Jan 1969 • Still Open • Latitude: -20.7278° • Longitude: 116.7483° • Elevation 6m

An asterisk (*) indicates that calm is less than 0.5%.Other important info about this analysis is available in the accompanying notes.







CALM>= 0 and < 10


>= 10 and < 20>= 20 and < 30

>= 30 and < 40>= 40

3 pm Jun594 Total Observations






Calm *

CopyrightCopyright © Commonwealth of Australia 2010 . Prepared on 12 Dec 2010Prepared by National Climate Centre of the Bureau of Meteorology.Contact us by phone on (03) 9669 4082, by fax on (03) 9669 4515, or by email on [email protected] have taken all due care but cannot provide any warranty nor accept any liability for this information.


Rose of Wind direction versus Wind speed in km/h (04 Nov 1969 to 13 Nov 1993)Custom times selected, refer to attached note for details

DAMPIER SALTSite No: 005061 • Opened Jan 1969 • Still Open • Latitude: -20.7278° • Longitude: 116.7483° • Elevation 6m

An asterisk (*) indicates that calm is less than 0.5%.Other important info about this analysis is available in the accompanying notes.







CALM>= 0 and < 10


>= 10 and < 20>= 20 and < 30

>= 30 and < 40>= 40

9 am Dec652 Total Observations





Calm *

CopyrightCopyright © Commonwealth of Australia 2010 . Prepared on 12 Dec 2010Prepared by National Climate Centre of the Bureau of Meteorology.Contact us by phone on (03) 9669 4082, by fax on (03) 9669 4515, or by email on [email protected] have taken all due care but cannot provide any warranty nor accept any liability for this information.


Rose of Wind direction versus Wind speed in km/h (04 Nov 1969 to 13 Nov 1993)Custom times selected, refer to attached note for details

DAMPIER SALTSite No: 005061 • Opened Jan 1969 • Still Open • Latitude: -20.7278° • Longitude: 116.7483° • Elevation 6m

An asterisk (*) indicates that calm is less than 0.5%.Other important info about this analysis is available in the accompanying notes.







CALM>= 0 and < 10


>= 10 and < 20>= 20 and < 30

>= 30 and < 40>= 40

9 am Jun646 Total Observations






Calm 2%

CopyrightCopyright © Commonwealth of Australia 2010 . Prepared on 12 Dec 2010Prepared by National Climate Centre of the Bureau of Meteorology.Contact us by phone on (03) 9669 4082, by fax on (03) 9669 4515, or by email on [email protected] have taken all due care but cannot provide any warranty nor accept any liability for this information.


Rose of Wind direction versus Wind speed in km/h (01 Jan 1907 to 30 Jun 1948)Custom times selected, refer to attached note for details

PORT HEDLAND POST OFFICESite No: 004002 • Opened Jan 1897 • Closed Dec 1948 • Latitude: -20.3139° • Longitude: 118.5742° • Elevation 8m

An asterisk (*) indicates that calm is less than 0.5%.Other important info about this analysis is available in the accompanying notes.







CALM>= 0 and < 10


>= 10 and < 20>= 20 and < 30

>= 30 and < 40>= 40

3 pm Jun1064 Total Observations




Calm 1%

CopyrightCopyright © Commonwealth of Australia 2010 . Prepared on 14 Dec 2010Prepared by National Climate Centre of the Bureau of Meteorology.Contact us by phone on (03) 9669 4082, by fax on (03) 9669 4515, or by email on [email protected] have taken all due care but cannot provide any warranty nor accept any liability for this information.


Rose of Wind direction versus Wind speed in km/h (01 Jan 1907 to 30 Jun 1948)Custom times selected, refer to attached note for details

PORT HEDLAND POST OFFICESite No: 004002 • Opened Jan 1897 • Closed Dec 1948 • Latitude: -20.3139° • Longitude: 118.5742° • Elevation 8m

An asterisk (*) indicates that calm is less than 0.5%.Other important info about this analysis is available in the accompanying notes.







CALM>= 0 and < 10


>= 10 and < 20>= 20 and < 30

>= 30 and < 40>= 40

3 pm Jun1064 Total Observations




Calm 1%

CopyrightCopyright © Commonwealth of Australia 2010 . Prepared on 14 Dec 2010Prepared by National Climate Centre of the Bureau of Meteorology.Contact us by phone on (03) 9669 4082, by fax on (03) 9669 4515, or by email on [email protected] have taken all due care but cannot provide any warranty nor accept any liability for this information.


Summer Morning West Afternoon West -Northeast Winter Morning East Afternoon Northeast

Cyclone Glenda, 2006

Karratha Vet, Cyclone Carlos, 2011

All Seasons Hotel (Karratha), Cyclone Carlos, 2011














DAMPIER SALTSite No: 005061 - Opened Jan 1969 - Still OpenLatitude: -20.7278o - Longitude: 116.7483o - Elevation 6m

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Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-17


Dampier has a comfortable climate from April through to September with passive cooling appropriate during this time. This can be achieved through having openings facing the north-east to take advantage of winter sea breezes.From October to March, daytime temperatures exceed comfortable limits. Passive cooling can assist in lowering temperatures through having openings facing the west to take advantage of summer sea breezes. It is accepted, however, that mechanical cooling will be required during the hottest summer months. Nights are considered comfortable in spring, with temperatures nearing or exceeding the comfort limit in December through to March. Night ventilation and purging could be used to help maintain comfortable temperatures.


















Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec


n re


e hu






mean maximum temperature mean minimum temperature

mean 9am humidity (%) mean 3pm humidity (%)

Monthly Temperature and Relative Humidity (Bureau of Meteorology)

From June through to September, night time temperatures fall below the comfort limit. Methods of blocking afternoon winter wind from the north-east can help prevent excess cooling on winter nights. The use of thermal storage can also be considered during this time to capture solar heat gain during the day and release into the building at night. Designers must ensure, however, that this is not prone to sun in the summer months as this could result in overheating. Refer to the appendix for Understanding Climate for Energy Efficiency or Sustainable Design, 2007.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%0°

70% 80% 90% 100%










Building Bioclimatic Chart showing thermal comfort limits

Relative Humidity




Indirect evaporative cooling

High thermal mass with night ventilationDirect evaporative cooling

High thermal mass

Natural ventilation

Comfort zone

Full passive solar heating

Partial passive solar heating










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Page 18: PART 6 DAMPIER - Landcorp...Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-3 DAMPIER OVERVIEW Located 1,557 kilometres north of Perth, Dampier rests on the edge of King Bay overlooking the islands

Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-18

EXISTING MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUESDAMPIERDampier is located within a hot, humid climate which influences the selection of materials used for housing and in the public realm. The town was constructed by the Rio Tinto mining company to accommodate their workers. A process of normalisation has been underway for several years and during this time the mining company has sold off houses to their employees. The benefits of individual ownership is noticeable in many houses which now have extensively planted gardens, underground swimming pools as well as renovations and extensions. This has also resulted in many houses being modified to improve the passive cooling. Dampier is adjacent to the ocean and offers a milder and slightly more comfortable temperature range compared to nearby Karratha. Regular cool sea breezes and the extensive undeveloped areas within the town all positively contribute to making this town more livable at an urban scale. In the public realm, the careful use of thermal mass material can contribute to the comfort for users. Footpaths, carparks and roads are constructed from mass materials, usually black asphalt or concrete. Maximising opportunities to shade footpaths, carparks and roads will help to reduce the negative effects of exposed mass and will provide cooler zones to the surrounding verges and footpaths.Currently, buildings that perform a public role in the town are usually constructed with a large proportion of masonry, mainly brick sourced from Perth. If unshaded from the sun, these materials can absorb large amounts of heat during the day, which is then released into the building at night. St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Dampier effectively deals with this condition by using composite building materials with concrete block at the ground level and a boxed metal clad roof to create internal ceiling height. The concrete

blockwork enables deep recesses to shade the windows. A verandah roof shades the lower masonry walls and floor slab, protecting it from solar gain which allows this mass to stabilise indoor temperature. Masonry has many advantages. It is durable and resistant to air borne salt and strong winds; does not require additional surface finishes; has high compressive strength; its mass makes it effective in reducing sound transmission; is chemically inert and non-flammable. However, masonry has a relatively high embodied energy which is increased by the transportation distances between the manufacturer and Dampier. Therefore, its unlikely to become commonplace for housing or public buildings in Dampier.The Dampier primary school is also built from a composite of materials, with the ground floor masonry units and the upper steel framed with layered screened walls allowing for the cool sea breeze to penetrate the classrooms.Locally sourced stone has been used to clad steel framed houses and to build fences, garden walls, outdoor paving and living structures and informal retaining walls along drainage swales. The use of local stone can have low environmental impact if the method used to extract, cut, finish and transport is sustainable and gives a sense of permanent and local identity to the built environment. Using stone as a standard building material in Dampier is labor cost prohibitive, but access to the individual home owner is encouraged. Structural steel dominates the Pilbara region and is used extensively in Dampier. The high embodied energy of virgin steel means for this material to be considered environmentally sustainable, the Pilbara region needs to utilise a high level of recycled content. Steel framing requires up to thirteen times more energy to

produce than wood framing. Steel framing has advantages in this region with faster construction methods, use of less materials compared to building with mass materials. It is also a good choice where there is moisture and termites.Colorbond is almost exclusively the only roofing material used in the Pilbara, including Dampier. It is light and compact, making it easy to transport from Perth and can be used in Cyclone Category D areas. This material has historically been used for domestic and industrial sheds, but in recent decades it has been used to clad houses, sporting buildings and commercial buildingsThere is little evidence of timber framed buildings in Dampier. Timber has been used in a very limited way for outdoor living shelters, boardwalks and other external features.

Local stone used artistically for front fence and retaining walls

As elsewhere in Pilbara, corrugated metal sheeting is used for new construction as well as repairs and additions to old buildings

St Peter’s Catholic Church combines concrete blocks and lightweight metal sheeting. The concrete blockwork enables deep recesses which help shade openings

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Dampier is currently in the process of normalisation with buildings and services previously owned and run by Rio Tinto, increasingly shifting the private ownership and administration through the Shire of Roebourne. Having been constructed in the 1960s, much of the town’s infrastructure and housing is aging and in need of repair. Some of Rio Tinto’s single men’s quarters, for instance, have been found to have concrete cancer. According to the Shire of Roebourne, Rio Tinto is currently investigating further expansion opportunities including revitalisation of the town centre and infrastructure to accommodate up to 3,000 people.In the future, Dampier is expected to continue to develop as a prime residential area with a focus on maritime recreation and tourism. The town has enormous potential to harness the unique and rich diversity of the Archipelago by improving and establishing infrastructure to support the growth of activities such as boating, diving and fishing. Long term visioning by the Shire of Roebourne has identified the potential of establishing a marina and waterfront commercial strip. Future development in Dampier will need to take into account the present and future industrial operations of the port.

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Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-20


PUBLIC REALM AMENITYCONSTRAINT Limited retail and entertainment amenities. Limited amenity reinforces the perception of Dampier as a short-term location for residents.Commercial diversityOPPORTUNITY The proximity to Karratha - a future “Pilbara City” - will offer more possibilities for residents to stay longer term and access the services they require.TOURISMCONSTRAINT Poor quality or limited accommodation and tourist amenities limit the expansion of tourism.OPPORTUNITYDevelop marketing and services to establish Dampier as a gateway as a variety of tourism and recreation opportunities.Sites with expansive ocean, island and port vistas could be maximised for tourist development.CLIMATECONSTRAINT Long, hot periods.OPPORTUNITY High number of sunshine hours and clear days create the opportunity to promote an outdoor lifestyle and the use of solar power.Cooler evenings, coupled with extensive garden and public open space facing the water make outdoor spaces ideal for recreation and civic activity.

VEGETATIONCONSTRAINTLow, erratic rainfall and the prevalence of cyclones limits vegetation options. OPPORTUNITY Drainage swales along the rear of lot boundaries create a cooling micro-environment and create an integrated landscape that is used as an extension of adjoining lots.RECREATIONCONSTRAINT Landholding of waterfront property rests with Rio Tinto.OPPORTUNITYUpgrade existing purpose built sporting amenities already exist, including squash courts, tennis courts and a bowling green.Normalisation process can provide opportunities for new development and enhanced ownership.

HOUSING and BUILT FORMCONSTRAINT No designated fly-in fly-out accommodation.Limited number of houses for sale or rent. More expensive housing when compared to Karratha.No land release opportunities for housing.Limited housing diversity; Currently only single dwellings or single men’s quarters, which are dilapidated.Erratic rainfall discourages the installation of water tanks.OPPORTUNITY Development of short stay accommodation that is integrated with the town and sympathetic to its character.Dampier’s large lots offer a great deal of flexibility. Relaxing redevelopment options and the density controls would create opportunity to utilise environmentally responsive strategies and still make subdivision viable.HOUSING QUALITYOPPORTUNITY Refurbish existing houses that reflect Dampier character.Provide housing with ocean views by planning with existing topography.

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Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-21


� Control solar heat gain � Encourage natural ventilation and air movement � Minimise conditions which create heat islands � Work to local conditions

� Respect topography � Use vegetation, especially native vegetation � Ensure biodiversity

� Consider community-based art, culture and creativity � Consider local character and design � Work with Dampier-friendly materials � Acknowledge informality � Consider street life: content, movement and conviviality � Identify opportunities for tourism

� Ensure open space diversity � Incorporate access and connections to open space � Develop outdoor meeting and living places � Design for water � Diversify the built environment

� Focus on town centre vitality � Focus on town local economies � Create affordable housing � Normalisation opportunities

Responding to CLIMATE

Incorporating the NATURAL LANDSCAPE


Enhancing Livability

Mobilising for CHANGE

The following values and principles provide a framework for delivering Dampier specific strategies that will influence a way of living and building that is distinctive to the town and improves the quality of life for residents and visitors. These strategies for the public realm, housing and built form are additional to the Pilbara General strategies found earlier in this handbook.

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Responding to CLIMATE

PRINCIPLE: CONTROL SOLAR HEAT GAINThe way in which the town is planned can help control the amount of heat absorbed from the sun and thus the heat experienced by its occupants. To cope with Dampier’s hot, arid climate, urban design strategies must acknowledge the sun’s path and provide shade to streets and public spaces to improve user comfort and thus encourage more frequent and varied use.

ORIENTATION � Maintain Dampier’s cardinal lot orientation

in future developments. Orienting narrow lots north-south will assist neighbouring buildings to shade east and west walls. Wider lots oriented east-west will reduce the surface area of difficult to shade east and west walls. Ensure lots are planned with sufficient space to maximise planting for shading.

� Explore how shaded outdoor spaces can be integrated into the urban fabric to support more lively urban spaces through increased accessibility and walkability.

PEDESTRIAN COMFORT � Provide shade to pedestrian and cycle

networks with consideration of when people are most likely to use a route or service in order to optimise its effectiveness. Consider how this can occur on Church Street between the shopping centre and foreshore.

� Explore opportunities for buildings to shade themselves, as well as pedestrians, by providing canopies or awnings over footpaths and between buildings.

� Provide shade in public areas by using a combination of trees and built structures, such as shade sails, pergolas, covered arcades and courtyards, to create external spaces that are comfortable to use.

� Locate street and public open space seating under trees and shade structures to provide comfortable places for people to meet and rest.


Public Realm

This shaded playground could be improved if integrated with vegetation around the structure and in the carpark - Onslow

Shaded skate park in Dampier needs additional shade protection for afternoon shade

Shade structures over pedestrian entry spaces - Newman

Playgrounds need to be located near existing trees, or plant trees to replace shade sails in the long term - Perth

Shaded seating near the shopping centre has the potential to be integrated more with the town centre. The fence could be replaced with bollards to improve connection and permeability

Consider shading and softscaping to make ourdoor meeting spaces inviting and comfortable. Locate in areas where people want to sit, for example, with views to the water.

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Responding to CLIMATE

PRINCIPLE: CONTROL SOLAR HEAT GAINControlling the amount of heat a house absorbs is imperative for maintaining a comfortable living environment and reducing energy consumption.Because Dampier experiences comfortable temperatures for most of the year, houses should be designed to passively moderate temperatures, only resorting to mechanical cooling as a supplementary strategy in the hot summer months.To achieve this, buildings should be designed to minimise the absorption of heat and oriented for the maximum shading of roofs, walls, windows and doors from direct sunlight. Particularly noticeable on all buildings in Dampier is the lack of wide eaves, a feature that would significantly improve the houses’ performance.Material selection is fundamental in achieving thermal comfort. For example, many houses in Dampier use thermal mass externally. As this is difficult to shade, these materials often absorb heat during the day and release it into the house at night, making comfortable temperatures difficult to achieve. Strategies to overcome this have been outlined here.

ORIENTATION � For future developments, minimise the east

and west orientations of the house. Ensure that the long walls of a house can be oriented towards the north and south as this provides the best opportunity for shading with eaves.

SHADING � Encourage the use of screens, trees and

other vegetation around the house’s perimeter to provide shade. Dampier’s single R20 housing lots have plenty of room for vegetation and wide canopy trees to shade the house.

� The shading of houses and outdoor spaces in Dampier is critical. Ensure future developments break away from the tendency to develop houses without adequate eaves, emphasizing them as a key element for the Dampier vernacular. Ensure eaves are wide, approximately 800-900 millimetres.

� On houses with northern facades where existing eaves are lacking, consider the use of louvres or other external shade devices.

� As lots are currently oriented north-south, particular attention should be given to providing supplementary shading to the east and west facades. Consider using vegetation or shade structures to protect these areas.

� As existing undeveloped lots adjacent to the water have north-west facing waterfront views, development will need to balance views with Climatic Responsive Design.


Housing and Built Form

Recessed windows on St Peter’s Catholic Church reduce glare and direct solar heat gain and act as wing walls to increase ventilation

Wide eaves and a shaded verandah are used on this Dampier house to minimise heat gain

Trees planted on the east and west can protect the walls from heat gain. The trees partially shade the east wall of single men’s quarters building and effectively uses this principle in a medium density situation

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Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-24

MATERIALS � High mass building materials, such as brick

and stone, can be effective in stabilising internal room temperatures in Dampier. However, they need to be designed with effective shading, such as a surrounding cover of a verandah, patio, wide eaves or a canopy of trees. Without appropriate shade, high mass materials will absorb heat all day and re-emit it into the house at night, making the house uncomfortable for sleeping. If this type of shade is not possible, well insulated lightweight/framed construction is preferable as this will cool down faster at night.

� Consider a mix of building materials which respond to the climate. For example, use light frame construction for the walls on the east and west where low angle sun is difficult to shade against, and masonry for the southern and northern facing walls with large overhangs or verandahs.OPENINGS

� Consider adjusting the size and orientation of windows to suit Dampier’s exposure to the sun. The Mahoney Tables1 used in this study recommend openings make up 15-25% of the external wall surface. Openings to the east and west should be minimised and shaded to exclude low morning and evening sun.

1 Refer Appendix: Understanding Climate For Energy Efficient Or Sustainable Design, 2007


Responding to CLIMATE


On this Dampier house, the verandah provides extensive sun protection to the north, while small eaves provide on the east and west walls minimal sun protection


Housing and Built Form

Outdoor eating area in Dampier uses principles similar to the TAFE building for cooling this space

High ceiling with ceiling fans and high operable openings to purge hot air are encouraged

Thermal mass that is shaded from the sun is an effective method for cooling as it slowly releases its coolth into the space - Pilbara TAFE South Hedland campus

Pilbara TAFE South Hedland campus uses wide eaves and vegetation to the eastern wall - South Hedland

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Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-25

� Continue to allow sufficient air flow between buildings and trees along built up streets.

� Explore ways in which shaded outdoor spaces can be oriented to capture cooling sea breezes from the west.

� Explore how the spaces between buildings can be used to support a range of activities, such as cafes, retail, etc. Encouraging air flow through them will make them more comfortable, and thus more likely to be used.

� Consider locating new developments on higher ground to enable the cooling sea breeze from the west to flow through the subdivision. FENCES

� Consider designing fences, particularly those backing on to drainage swales, with a level of breeze permeability to enhance natural ventilation at an individual and town scale.


Responding to CLIMATE

PRINCIPLE: ENCOURAGE NATURAL VENTILATION AND AIR MOVEMENTThe effect of humidity on human comfort is most noticeable when air temperatures are high and air movement is low. Dampier experiences humidity throughout the year, particularly in summer. Strategies to encourage natural ventilation and air movement can greatly enhance the comfort of residents.The public realm should be designed for openness and permeability to take advantage of the cooling sea breezes from the west, encouraging air movement into public spaces, between and through buildings.


Public Realm

Dampier Primary School classrooms have been raised, providing shade and natural ventilation below. Screens are also used to encourage air flow and reduce glare

Breeze permeable fencing will allow for greater ventilation to individual properties

Shrubs can block breezes if they are too dense

Avoid high solid fences as they block the passage of cooling breezes

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Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-26


Responding to CLIMATE

PRINCIPLE: ENCOURAGE NATURAL VENTILATION AND AIR MOVEMENTPassive ventilation and ceiling fans can be used for the majority of the year in Dampier to achieve comfortable temperatures, with supplementary mechanical cooling necessary only in the hottest summer months. Because of this, houses in Dampier need to balance the openness and permeability required for passive cooling, with the need to seal off the building to enable air conditioning to best perform in summer.The majority of Dampier’s residential lots have been staggered, encouraging houses to be spaced apart. This aids in the movement of cooling sea breezes through the neighbourhood.

� The existing road orientation maximises the movement of sea breezes. Individual lots can take advantage of this by orienting openings to the west and using wind capturing devices, such as wing walls.

� Consider the use of shaded outdoor living spaces, such as a courtyard or terrace, that is cooled by sea breezes from the west and/or incorporates ceiling fans. Design for permeability in these spaces, exploring the use of open weave materials to encourage air movement.

� As passive ventilation will not be sufficient in the hottest months of summer, ensure mechanical cooling systems are integrated into the design. Consider designing buildings with a sealed inner zone to assist in efficient mechanical air conditioning in summer and an openable outer zone for passive ventilation for the rest of the year.

� To enhance ventilation and minimise heat transfer through glazing, consider alternative openings which allow for breeze ingress, such as louvres and screens.

� Ensure awnings and canopies facilitate air flow rather than allowing the air to stagnate, this includes shade shelters in parks and around the shopping centre.


Housing and Built Form

Outdoor living with permeable rear yard fencing Wing walls can be effectively used in Dampier - Perth

Perimeter verandah shades walls - Onslow

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Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-27


Responding to CLIMATE

PRINCIPLE: MINIMISE CONDITIONS WHICH CREATE HEAT ISLANDSSensitive landscaping and shading can be used to minimise the heat island effect in urban environments, improving the comfort and usability of both outdoor and indoor spaces.When designing or retrofitting houses in Dampier, a combination of elements can be used to create a cool micro-climate, including extensive tree planting around the perimeter of the building, wide eaves and awnings and minimal hardscape to outdoor areas.Various areas in Dampier, such as the shopping centre, are surrounded by hardstand carpark. These areas absorb heat and create heat islands, warming the cool sea breeze as it is drawn into the town centre.

� Take advantage of Dampier’s cardinal lot layout by minimising building setbacks in built-up streets to the east and west. This will allow urban buildings to shade adjacent buildings, carparks and pedestrian walkways.

� Consider opportunities to co-locate carpark areas and fragment them using landscaping, particularly within the town centre and around the shopping centre. Aim for a 1:3 tree to car space ratio to maximise shade coverage to asphalt surfaces. For other hardscape areas, consider opportunities to shade these through the use of trees or shade structures, such as trellis, pergolas or awnings from buildings.

� Protect and capitalise on Dampier’s extensive tree establishment as this is one of the most economical and effective methods of cooling the town. Ensure the town centre receives extensive tree planting to carparks, road reserves and main roads such as Hampton Drive as well as to Dampier Shopping Centre.

� Retain the prevalence of gravel, softscaping and vegetation corridors as these minimise heat gain.

� Take advantage of Dampier’s large lots by using trees and other ground cover to provide shade and enhance the micro-climate around buildings.

� Retain drainage swales along the rear of all lot boundaries to contribute a cooling micro-environment and an integrated landscape within the town.


Public Realm

Minimising hardscape at Dampier Shopping Centre by using trees and other vegetation to create smaller asphalt spaces carpark. This could dramatically improve its comfort and usability as well as creating a more attractive entrance to surrounding buildings

To break up the expanse of asphalt, this carpark is separated from the road by tree and shrub planting - Port Hedland

Trees and shrubs in swales in Dampier are already helping to reduce a heat island effect around houses

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Page 28: PART 6 DAMPIER - Landcorp...Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-3 DAMPIER OVERVIEW Located 1,557 kilometres north of Perth, Dampier rests on the edge of King Bay overlooking the islands

PRINCIPLE: MINIMISE CONDITIONS WHICH CREATE HEAT ISLANDSThe outdoor temperature around a house has a significant impact on the temperatures within a house. Landscaping and shading can be used to reduce the heat island effect, enhancing the thermal comfort and reducing the energy use of houses in Dampier.Extensive endemic vegetation has been retained in Dampier’s housing developments in the form of drainage swales. These perform stormwater drainage functions but also significantly cool the surrounding environment.


Responding to CLIMATE

� Encourage the continued use of trees, vegetation and softscaping/gravel around house perimeters to reduce heat gain and encourage evaporative moisture exchange between the ground and the air.

� A sheltered outdoor space could be used to connect the street and the building entry, providing a cooling path for air entering the building, as well as protection from the sun and rain. Consider how this may be integrated with other features, such as boat storage.

� Explore the use of water features integrated with shade and vegetation to provide evaporative cooling. Ensure these are designed with WSUD considerations.

� Explore ways in which mulch, ground covers, and light coloured gravel/paving can be used in place of concrete/black asphalt to minimise the absorption of heat. In areas with hard paving, explore strategies to shade it, such as using trees and built structures like trellises and pergolas.


Housing and Built Form

Extensive endemic vegetation surrounding housing in Dampier reduces the heat island effect on the town. These areas should be protected from future development

Shade sails used in lieu of a carport and to shade hardscape is an effec-tive short term solution - Newman

The benefits of permeable landscaping will be enhanced once trees mature

Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-28

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PRINCIPLE: WORK TO LOCAL CONDITIONSDampier faces unique constraints imposed by it’s location and environment. Acknowledging these is imperative to the success of it’s open spaces and urban environment.


Responding to CLIMATE

HEATUse native, drought resistant species and consider water reuse opportunities to ensure landscaping can tolerate dry and hot conditions.SANDConsider the use of vegetation to minimise wind borne sand. CYCLONESEnsure landscape in the public realm has adequate drainage to cope with heavy rain during cyclones.DRAINAGEPreserve and protect the natural condition of the site as much as possible, with particular consideration given to drainage swales and other natural contours.Explore strategies to protect vegetation from damage during cyclones such as using wind screens and planting trees in groves.


Public Realm

Drainage swales are utilised by the local residents, ensure drainage capability is not compromised

Tree protection during establishment may be required in areas subject to strong prevailing breezes - Bunbury

Irrigation is needed to create an inviting space near the Dampier tennis courts. The space would benefit from reducing turf areas to necessary usable areas only, such as for napping, picnics and children’s play. Plant waterwise groundcovers in other areas. Plant shade trees and avoid planting palm trees that provide minimal shade benefit

Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-29

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Pilbara Vernacular Handbook / Part 6-30

PRINCIPLE: WORK TO LOCAL CONDITIONSDesigning houses with consideration of the unique challenges faced in Dampier will help mitigate the impact these have on residents and assist in developing a distinctive Dampier vernacular.


Responding to CLIMATE

� Consider materials which are corrosive resistant to cope with Dampier’s proximity to the ocean.

� Ensure openings and outdoor living areas have insect screens to protect residents from mosquitoes and flies.

� In Dampier, almost all houses are oriented north-south. Coupled with the high number of sunshine hours, this situation is ideal for the use of photovoltaic panels and solar hot water systems for existing and proposed buildings.

� The coastal conditions in Dampier make thermal mass principles effective whereby cooling sea breezes allow mass to release its daytime heat build up. However, masonry walls need wide verandahs or other shading to protect them from direct sun.

RE-THINK AIR CONDITIONING � Dampier is located on the ocean and

experiences regular sea breezes. The opportunity to passively cool is therefore much simpler with mechanical cooling only required during a few extremely hot periods from November to February.

CYCLONES � Acknowledge cyclone season conditions

through incorporating defensive strategies into projects, such as cyclone shutters and places for outdoor equipment and boats to be secured


Housing and Built Form

Corrosion and concrete cancer is common due to Dampier’s coastal location on the coast and the nearby salt mining

Consideration for boat storage in medium density developments is important - boats on trailers in the Rio Tinto Single Men’s Quarters carpark

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PRINCIPLE: RESPECT TOPOGRAPHYSwales are a prominent feature of Dampier, creating a soft, rolling landscape that provides natural drainage as well as the informal division between lots. South-east of town, there are areas which offer views towards the islands of the Archipelago to the north and Karratha to the south.

NATURAL DRAINAGE � Continue to work with the natural contours

when locating future developments. Ensure existing swales are retained to assist with drainage.

� Explore how surrounding hills can be made accessible through the use of informal tracks or lookouts. These could offer alternative views of the town, its connection to Karratha and the surrounding islands, as well as provide recreation opportunities.

� Upgrade the existing lookout with a planting plan that provides additional shade when the shelters are not effective. Consider using low screening shrubs to integrate the lookout within the landscape.


Public Realm

A lookout facing the water provides panoramic views of the town and Archipelago Islands but needs landscaping and shading if it is to be an inviting place

Maintaining views from the street through undeveloped landscape to the ocean should be integral to any development in Dampier

Stepped retaining walls made of local stone create informal terraces and should be used in future development

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Small retaining wall integrated into the natural ground levels

Rooftop living is pleasant in the evening when the elevated position can take advantage of cooling sea breezes

Elevated outdoor spaces overlooking a swale and water should be encouraged in Dampier


Incorporating the NATURAL LANDSCAPE

PRINCIPLE: RESPECT TOPOGRAPHYTopography and landscape help frame the town; the rocky hills and low ridges are an important part of Dampier’s identity. Having been developed along it’s natural contours, the town already has a strong connection to its surroundings.

NATURAL DRAINAGE � Work with Dampier’s natural terrain,

preserving swales and planting to reduce erosion.

WIND ACTION � Use wing walls and staggered walls to direct

the westerly cooling breezes through openings and into the interior.

MAXIMISE VIEWS � For future developments, consider taking

advantage of site terrain to maximise connections and views to beach areas and other areas of open space. If well designed, houses located on high ground can enjoy a sea view.


Housing and Built Form

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PLANT FOR SITE CONDITIONS � Explore ways in which planting in the public

realm could be designed to grow successfully in a dry and hot climate, while providing sufficient to cope with sudden water inundation during storm and cyclone events.

� Ensure the longevity of vegetation by planning sufficient area to ensure they achieve maturity and taking measures to protect against uplifting during cyclones, such as wind screens.CREATE BUFFER ZONES

� Consider using vegetation as a buffer against wind borne sand from the coastPRESERVE EXISTING VEGETATION

� Develop strategies for retaining existing trees as they are well-established and provide visual appeal and shade.

� Plan for the open swale drainage design adjacent to all the housing to be integrated into the future development of the town centre area. These green pedestrian accessible linkages through the town centre may conceal the drainage and offer an alternative public open space away from the water’s edge. INFILL PLANTING

� Continue to use verge trees adjacent to footpaths to cool hardscape and encourage walking. Consider planting infill verge tree planting on vegetation gaps along The Esplanade and in the Shopping Centre.

PRINCIPLE: USE VEGETATION, ESPECIALLY NATIVE VEGETATION Dampier has a unique town plan with large portions of endemic landscape left undeveloped and undisturbed when the town was constructed. There are remnant pockets of vegetation throughout the town centre and how these may be incorporated into the public realm offers a unique opportunity to define Dampier’s identity.


Public Realm

Along the coast, Dampier has trees with wide canopies that provide good shade. Consider planting trees with wide canopies along the footpaths

Retain established vegetation, especially shade trees in public open spaces

Ensure local native trees are retained in public open spaces

Trees and shrubs are used in Port Hedland as a dust buffer. The principle of using trees for environment control can be applied to stabilise sand along the Dampier foreshore

Incorporating the NATURAL LANDSCAPE

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PRINCIPLE: USE VEGETATION, ESPECIALLY NATIVE VEGETATION Dampier’s existing housing has generous setbacks, encouraging the use of vegetation around the perimeter of the house. Despite this, the desire for housing extensions and the installation of in ground swimming pools has limited the practice of re-establishing vegetation within housing lots.

PLANT FOR PROTECTION FROM THE SUN � As lots are oriented north-south, large shrubs

or trees can be used on the east and west of each lot to help block morning and afternoon sun.

PLANT FOR SITE CONDITIONS � Encourage the use of local, drought resistant

species to cope with Dampier’s low, sporadic rainfall and cyclone conditions. Consider species that complement existing swale vegetation.

� Consult the Shire of Roebourne list of approved plant species which are appropriate for use in Dampier. (Refer to the Appendix).

� Explore the use of roof gardens and their ability to create vantage points to view the ocean.CREATE BUFFER ZONES

� Use vegetation buffers to protect openings from strong winds, particularly afternoon winter winds from the north-east as night time temperatures are below the comfort threshold.PRESERVE EXISTING VEGETATION

� Vegetation can be used to conceal fencing, improve the look of housing and enhance the informal, coastal character of the town.

� Explore strategies to protect swales and incorporate them into the landscaping of houses.


Housing and Built Form

Preserve existing trees

Drainage swales along the streets. Encourage home owners to plant species that complement the swale vegetation

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PRINCIPLE: ENSURE BIODIVERSITYDampier has large areas of vegetation within the town that supports a wide diversity of local flora and fauna. This is illustrated by the drainage swales that act as biodiversity corridors. Strategies should strengthen and protect these areas, preventing future development from jeopardising them and ensuring the environmental value of the landscape is highly prized in the community.

PROTECT FLORA AND FAUNA � Ensure development safeguards unique

ecological systems, such as the mangrove communities.INTEGRATE BIODIVERSITY

� Consider methods of linking future open spaces to the drainage swales to reinforce green corridors and increase biodiversity opportunities.

� Plant more local endemic vegetation along the perimeter of the drainage swales to increase biodiversity opportunities.

� Any redevelopment of Rio Tinto’s redundant single men’s buildings needs to ensure planting within the site continues the landscape biodiversity found around the perimeter of the town.

� Explore strategies to integrate the unique biodiversity of the Dampier Archipelago into public open spaces. For example, developing a boardwalk through the mangroves or including an interpretation of the unique landscape and ocean life into a park.

� Encourage beach access while minimising adverse impacts on the environment by defining public access points and walkways. CHOOSE LOCAL

� Give preference to vegetation that encourages habitat opportunities for local fauna.


Public Realm

Local Sturt’s Desert Pea is appropriate ground cover

It is important to retain the conservation area surrounding the town

Thoughtfully located tourist amenities be used to introduce people to the biodiversity of the area - Port Hedland

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PROTECT FLORA AND FAUNA � Because Dampier has extensive endemic

landscape within the town, it is imperative that domestic pets be controlled to avoid harming native fauna.

� The easy access to drainage swales from each home increases the risk that liquid waste may be disposed of within these areas. Offer alternative locations for disposal and promote these within the community.CHOOSE LOCAL

� Individual house owners can contribute to improving the biodiversity of their town by planting local native shrubs and trees in their gardens and avoiding the introduction of exotic plant species.

� Encourage house owners to remove weeds promptly and in a way that prevents the spread of invasive species into the endemic landscape that is within the town and surroundings.

PRINCIPLE: ENSURE BIODIVERSITYAlmost every house in Dampier faces onto endemic vegetation. The value of this is under threat by informal housing modifications, such as rear vehicle access, the construction of poultry pens and the cultivation of vegetables outside lot areas. A review to manage this spread into the endemic landscape needs to occur.


Housing and Built Form

Most houses have exotic plants in their garden. To encourage use of native plants, locals need to have access to plant and supplier information

Swales are used by local residents for access, storage, gardening and many other activities. Encourage responsible use. Liquid waste disposal is unacceptable

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PRINCIPLE: CONSIDER COMMUNITY-BASED ART, CULTURE AND CREATIVITYDampier has a strong community spirit, supported by a well established community association. The Dampier Community Association is an active organisation that facilitates large and small events and services to the community. Currently, Dampier’s community spirit is under threat by the reduction and relocation of key retail and community services to Karratha.


SHARE RESOURCES � Liaise with Rio Tinto to source possible

housing and studio opportunities in buildings not being used by the company.

� Capitalise on the sense of ownership and pride in the town by developing opportunities for people to invest in the community. For example, consider developing a community garden or an arts group through the existing Dampier Community Association.

� Consider locating after-school care adjacent to Dampier Library in Pilbara TAFE in order to promote access to this facility.

� Identify areas of heritage value for Dampier’s Yaburara and Ngarluma communities and seek ways in which their significance can be protected and celebrated.RESPECT SACRED SITES

� Work with the indigenous community to seek ways in which inspiration from the rock art and other significant heritage in the Dampier Archipelago can be incorporated into public spaces and develop Dampier’s sense of place. ENCOURAGE LOCAL ART

� Explore ways in which art can be incorporated into nature corridors and pedestrian pathways to boost the quality of these links.


Public Realm

Local art at the skate park

Rock art in the Dampier Archipelago

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PRINCIPLE: CONSIDER LOCAL CHARACTER AND DESIGNDevelopment in Dampier should reflect and enhance the desires of the local community, acknowledging the town’s geography and built character.

� There is an opportunity to maintain and promote Dampier’s unique public buildings, such as St. Peter’s Catholic Church and Dampier School through tourism.

� Explore ways in which future development can maintain the small-scale, closely-knit character of the town, minimising sprawl and ensuring amenities are walkable.

� Seek ways in which local materials such as stone can be integrated into public spaces to add to Dampier’s sense of place, for example, through paving and retaining walls.

� Explore ways in which the environmental knowledge of the Yaburara and Ngarluma people could be incorporated into public spaces.

� Focus on maintaining openness and permeability in the urban landscape, for example, through the use of permeable fencing, vegetation and capturing ocean views.

� Consider ways that the public realm can acknowledge the comfortable winter temperatures to encourage outdoor living and recreation.


Public Realm

Exotic palm trees are now synonymous with Dampier’s foreshore

View of Dampier from the waterSt Peter’s Catholic Church is a good example of region responsive design

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� Rio Tinto’s worker’s accommodation may offer re-use potential. Consider methods of redeveloping the nine lots where three storey single men’s buildings are located in order to maintain a housing diversity of unit accommodation.

� Due to the high transport cost of building materials, encourage the re-use of materials in home renovations.

� Discourage impermeable fencing to maintain an open and inviting streetscape.

� Design houses with strongly integrated outdoor spaces, such as a verandahs, courtyards or terraces, which are cooled by westerly breezes.

� Ensure new developments acknowledge the unique requirements of the local population through considerations such as the storage of boats and the provision of parking for large vehicles. Seek ways to achieve this without compromising the amenity of space for pedestrians.



PRINCIPLE: CONSIDER LOCAL CHARACTER AND DESIGNDampier’s public buildings are predominately constructed with masonry walls and light framed roofing. This differentiates public development from private single housing that is mainly framed and clad construction. Privately owned houses have been renovated extensively internally, with only minor upgrades made to external facades. Garden areas have generally been extensively planted to screen most of the front facades.


Housing and Built Form

Screens and landscaping create an inviting outdoor living space - Dampier

Look to the older houses for climate responsive building elements

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DURABILITY AND LONGEVITY � Ensure all materials used in the public realm

are suitable to and offer longevity in the harsh climatic conditions of Dampier. Materials will need to be able to withstand the effects of extreme heat, salt, heavy rain and flooding.EASY ACCESS

� Explore the use of indigenous materials in public spaces (such as gravel, sand and rock) to minimise environmental impact and celebrate local identity.

PRINCIPLE: WORK WITH DAMPIER-FRIENDLY MATERIALSDampier’s isolation emphases the need to use local materials which are durable and well-suited to the climate. The salt laden coastal air is corrosive and leaves a layer of white salt powder on surfaces. Cleaning and maintenance is easy but needs to be carried out to maintain an attractive appearance.


Public RealmBuilding on the PILBARA CHARACTER & IDENTITY

Local stone used for harbour wall construction

Self-shading ColorbondShade sails have high ongoing maintenance costs, short life spans and are easily vandalised. Consider planting trees for long term shade

Local stone used around the squash court

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PRINCIPLE: WORK WITH DAMPIER-FRIENDLY MATERIALSDesigning houses with consideration of the environmental and geographic challenges faced in Dampier will help mitigate the impact these have on residents and assist in developing a distinctive town vernacular.


DURABILITY AND LONGEVITY � Due to Dampier’s isolation and harsh climate,

consider the use of materials that are highly durable. Corrosion resistance is important because of Dampier’s proximity to the ocean. EASY ACCESS

� Explore ways in which local, indigenous materials, such as rock and stone, can be integrated into projects in order to reduce the economic and environmental cost of transportation. EASY CONSTRUCTION

� Transport costs play a large part in the inflated cost of building in Dampier. Many materials need to be imported from Perth or further. Designing houses to standardised sizing of building elements will help minimise wastage and save on transport costs of excess materials.


Housing and Built Form

Local stone can be used for informal retaining walls. Large rocks that were dumped in the swale areas during the town’s construction are common

Look for local materials, such as sea shells, that can be used for ground cover and aggregate - Onslow

Light frame steel carport and covered entry are common additions to houses in Dampier


The colour of local rock is distinctively Pilbara and readily accessible

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OUTDOOR LIVING � Develop an open space plan of Dampier to

ensure the town’s close proximity to water is maximised for all people. Encourage a range of activities to occur outdoors close to the water.

� Consider ways that the public realm can acknowledge the comfortable winter temperatures to encourage outdoor living and recreation.CONNECT WITH THE LAND

� Dampier town offers majestic views of King Bay, the harbor and nearby Archipelago Islands; identify the best locations to view these and establish public lookouts to ensure these views are maintained.

� Ensure new developments protect and maximise ocean views as these are intrinsic to the character of the town.

� Continue to manage drainage swales to a minimal level.

� When planting to improve biodiversity, plant random layouts of endemic tubestock.

� Allow gravel roads to remain where existing and encourage their use in the future for access roads to lookouts and other landscape features. Minimise detailed and fussy street furniture, fencing and urban furniture. Keep it simple.


PRINCIPLE: ACKNOWLEDGE INFORMALITYDampier is well known for its informal lifestyle, benefiting from a warm climate, outdoor living and close proximity to the ocean. Strategies to maintain and enhance this informality need to be considered as a way to maintain the town’s identity and sense of place.


Public Realm

Beach fishing is popular among Dampier residents

Dampier residents relaxing at the beach

Chook yard in a swale


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PRINCIPLE: ACKNOWLEDGE INFORMALITYHousing can be designed to support Dampier’s informal lifestyle by ensuring strong connections are maintained with the outdoors.



Housing and Built Form

OUTDOOR LIVING � Design houses with strongly integrated

outdoor spaces, such as verandahs, to take advantage of climate and lifestyle. As Dampier’s existing houses are set back from the street, consider creating outdoor living areas in front yards. This will encourage neighbourly interaction and enhance the sense of community already found here. CONNECT WITH THE LAND

� Maintain an informal approach to landscaping so that the house and its lot can make a easy connection to the surrounding natural environment. Encourage the continued use of drainage swales as an extension of residential lots.

� Ensure that the harbour continues to accommodate recreational boats. The development of a yacht club operated marina will strengthen community presence within the harbour.

Swales are used by residents for a variety of uses, including vegetable gardens

Consider designing or extending existing verandahs to ensure they are wide enough for use as a liveable space

Well designed outdoor spaces which can be enjoyed during the evening as well as providing shade during the day - Kununarra

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� Identify gaps in the path circuit around the town, along Hampton Road, Hill Road, Central Avenue and The Esplanade. Install exercise equipment at selected open space areas to mark and promote town exercise circuit.

� Once Rio Tinto owned development land is released along The Esplanade, consider redesigning the road to slow traffic and give priority to pedestrians moving from the town centre to the water.

� Capitalise on Dampier’s extensive footpath network. Identify gaps between key destinations, such as access to the primary school located on Church Street and pick-up and drop-off points for the bus that goes to Karratha, and ensure that these are connected.

� Dampier lacks good quality seating in the public realm. Consider locating seats under existing trees and in spaces that offer views of the ocean.

� Encourage the use of the town centre at night when Dampier’s climate is cooler through lighting and extended opening hours. Consider organising a small night market or movies in the shopping centre carpark or the new skate park.

� Encourage buildings to have a stronger interface with the street, incorporating verandahs/awnings to shade the street and encouraging activity to spill out on to the footpath.


PRINCIPLE: CONSIDER STREET LIFE: CONTENT, MOVEMENT AND CONVIVIALITY In order to activate the town centre and enhance the sense of belonging and identity of the town, future development should explore the variety of roles streets can play. Strategies that ensure the public realm is conducive to pedestrians and provide opportunities for a wide variety of experiences and informal interaction can help achieve this.



Public Realm

An informal meeting outside the Dampier bottleshop could be more pleasant with shade and seating

This side of the shopping centre has views to the water and has the potential to provide panoramic outdoor seating for the adjacent cafe

Consider using a carpark or other open area in town as an outdoor movie theatre to take advantage of Dampier’s comfortable climate, such as The Port Hedland Picture Gardens

The path along the foreshore needs shade trees to encourage walking and cycling during the day

Consider strategies to provide shade to bus stops using trees or shade structures

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PRINCIPLE: IDENTIFY OPPORTUNITIES FOR TOURISMWith it’s tropical climate and position on the Dampier Archipelago, Dampier is already attracting tourists both as a destination and a stop for those passing through. This is limited, however, by the lack of quality tourist accommodation and amenity. A destination tourist market similar to Broome is viable in Dampier if accommodation and amenity improve to meet tourist expectations.

� Encourage developers to invest in short stay accommodation such as resorts, serviced apartments and family chalets through capitalising on Dampier’s geographic and recreational amenities. Consider integrating these with tourism on the Dampier Archipelago.

� Explore opportunities to increase the viability of tourist accommodation by combining it with other housing typologies, such a fly-in fly-out accommodation.

� Focus on developing tourist amenities that capitalise on the ocean front location and provide enhanced amenities for residents, such as a jetty and improved beach facilities.

� Consider opportunities to expand and improve the Dampier Transit Caravan Park, such as linking with backpacker accommodation.

� Consider developing a clear road hierarchy and way-finding strategies to assist visitors in navigating the town.



Public Realm

Build on Dampier’s connection to the Archipelago IslandsMaintain a visual connection to the colossal industrial activities

Boating is popular in Dampier. Consider harbour access for visitors Basic holiday accommodation in the Archipelago Islands

Sam’s Island is unique in the Pilbara and needs to be promoted as a key tourist destination

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PRINCIPLE: ENSURE OPEN SPACE DIVERSITYDampier has an abundance of open space and the opportunity to develop these for a variety of different, yet compatible, functions. Existing public amenity is minimal and what exists requires upgrading.

� Install seating, bins and barbecues in the shaded open space adjacent to Yacht Club for the short term while looking for potential public open spaces along the bay suitable for development.

� Provide fish cleaning facilities at the most popular fishing spots.

� Upgrading beach amenities will further encourage strong relationship with the water for recreation and social purposes. Consider converting underutilised open spaces in key areas along the water into high amenity places that have multiple users

� Enhance existing playground facilities with shading and seating to encourage use.

� Consider the installation of future playground equipment in more prominent locations that are connected to other amenities.

� With a high population of children, consider options for informal play and the inclusion of meeting points for parents and children in public spaces.

� Revitalise the town centre through providing quality public open space, such as a plaza or pedestrian street or reusing existing spaces, such as a car park to host a variety of events, such as a night markets.


Public Realm

Lighting at the bowling club (left) and oval (above) enables use in the evenings when temperatures are cooler

Fish cleaning facilities provide amenity that is well used - Onslow

The skate park in Exmouth provides shade to different areas of use at different times of the day, including the skate bowl

Dampier Yacht Club encourages sailors to visit Dampier and provides support and amenity to locals and visiting boats

Formalise swales as usable open space by providing paths and trees


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PRINCIPLE: INCORPORATE ACCESS TO OPEN SPACEAll buildings in Dampier are located in close proximity to open spaces and the ocean. To capitalise on this, connections should be developed which make these features readily accessible and comfortable to use in hot weather.

CREATE ACCESS � Maintain the quality that all amenities are

within walking distance of each other and the water.

� Continue Church Road footpath through to the Esplanade to enhance connections to the water.

� Maintain a clear view of the port activities and Sam’s Island from key vantage points to give a sense of open space and connection to the local and regional climate.

� Consider the safe access for children to public open spaces to acknowledge and maintain Dampier’s high level of childhood freedom.

� Access to the harbour for recreational boats needs to be ensured in future industrial expansionUSER COMFORT

� Widen footpaths and provide shading along The Esplanade for shared pedestrian and cyclist access.

� Encourage the use of Jurat Reserve at night when temperatures are cooler through providing lighting and incorporating CPTED principles.

� Explore a combination of shade shelters and trees along the waterfront to encourage use.


Public Realm

Access paths to the beach need to be provided in many locations

Access for recreational boats needs to be retained

Boardwalks provide access across fragile landscape areas - Onslow

Shade trees create comfortable conditions that encourage use of footpaths in hot regions - Broome

Shade trees along paths would encourage more pedestrian activity in Dampier


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� Capitalise on the school as an existing community hub by developing shaded meeting spaces adjacent. Consider locating a small community garden adjacent to the school, providing furniture that will accommodate smaller informal gatherings, such as birthday and Christmas parties.

� Develop the palms area adjacent to the yacht club with facilities that encourage the community to meet informally. Provide bench seating for resting and enjoying the view and path access so all abilities can utilise the area. Consider installing barbecue facilities to provide opportunities to cook and accommodate private gatherings that normally be conducted within the privacy of their own home.

� Consider future development along the water which will be high density, mixed–use and interacts with the street and beach front.

� Ensure outdoor meeting places are in scale with Dampier’s size to ensure that they are welcoming and well-suited to the community.

� Enhance beach amenities to support activities important to residents, such as fishing, boating and swimming.

� Consider using the highly maintained lighting infrastructure at the sporting ground lighting infrastructure for large scale evening community activities.

PRINCIPLE: DEVELOP OUTDOOR MEETING AND LIVING PLACESThe Dampier climate is perfect for encouraging people to socialise and connect outdoors in their community. With services increasingly shifting to Karratha, opportunities to enhance these connections in a variety of spaces need to be considered.


Public Realm

This is a popular place in Dampier for weddings

Shaded seating outside Dampier shops could be further enhanced with planting

Shaded seating at the oval

Community garden - Onslow

Dampier has the potential to be a tourist destination as popular as Broome.

Open space along the foreshore


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PRINCIPLE: DESIGN FOR WATERPrecipitation in Dampier is erratic; low for much of the year and heavy during cyclone season. The town must acknowledge this through ensuring water is used responsibly and effectively, exploring methods of storing, reusing and draining water in the public realm.

� Preserve the existing drainage swales that weave their way through Dampier. Explore methods of celebrating the swales, such as integrating pathways into them to encourage walkers to engage with these spaces.

� Continue being selective in irrigating specific public open spaces. Consider focusing on areas such as the oval, around the shopping centre.

� Explore ways in which landscape design in the public realms could be designed to tolerate dry and hot conditions as well as cyclone rain conditions. Explore strategies of retaining heavy rainfall in sub-surface retention systems or subsoil aquifers for irrigation. Consider redirecting rainfall into nearby public open space and drainage swales.

� Explore the use of water features to cool public open spaces, particularly in combination with shade and greenery. Consider methods of using sea water or recycled water.

� Ensure water does not stagnate and create a mosquito hazard by providing adequate drainage in the public realm and ensuring water features are aerated.

� Use local plants and group them in similar watering zones to reduce water usage.


Public Realm

Surface drainage needs to be considered in all open space scenarios. At Jurat Reserve channels have been created between trees

Residents use swales for a variety of uses, including as a vegetable garden

A retention carpark is designed for extreme storm events, capturing runoff between rows of bays and allowing slow drainage - Newman


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PRINCIPLE: DESIGN FOR WATERWater supply in Dampier is near capacity, struggling to cope with the existing demand. Houses can play an important role in curbing this consumption by ensuring a sustainable approach is taken towards water use.

� Ensure lot landscaping responds to Dampier’s dry and hot conditions by planting water wise plants.

� Encourage the use of mulch to keep soils moist and limit evaporative water loss in gardens.

� Explore ways in which household water can be used for irrigation or other grey water uses, such as flushing toilets.

� Consider methods of stormwater capture for irrigation, such as siphoning some of the stormwater into gardens and directing the overflow into swales.

� Dampier’s lots are large and have potential to be used for a variety of different activities. Consider how ground covers can be used instead of lawn for areas not used for passive recreation.

� If reticulation is required, consider using subsurface irrigation to minimise potential water wastage through evaporation. Consider linking this to a grey water system.

� Create views to the water whenever possible. � Improve amenities for water sports including

boat storage, refueling and fishing platforms � Incorporate pools and shaded water play

zones into town planning.


Housing and Built Form

Along with driveway stormwater being directed onto the road and into swales, additional stormwater can be detained into a stone mulch channel adjacent to the driveway. Small informal stone retaining walls also help minimise the damage during storm events

Avoid the unnecessary planting of lawn. Limit to specific usable areas

Mulch and softscaping used in Newman


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PRINCIPLE: DIVERSIFY THE BUILT ENVIRONMENTDampier currently has a very small area of low to medium density zones. The town centre buildings have a similar form and scale to the residential areas and lack variety and interest. To help retain a variety of residents, Dampier needs to identify practical strategies that offer an alternative longer term lifestyle for residents. Upgraded education and health facilities will make permanency more desirable, whilst diverse recreation, commercial and community services will encourage staffing of these facilities.

� Explore opportunities to improve access to amenities. Encouraging the co-location of social/community services and enhancing existing connections to Karratha, in order to offer more possibilities for residents to stay longer.


Public RealmEnhancing LIVABILITY

Open expanses of asphalt do not help to create connections between amenities

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Housing and Built Form


PRINCIPLE: DIVERSIFY THE BUILT ENVIRONMENTDampier’s housing typology is dominated by, single residential housing, with Rio Tinto’s single men’s quarters a notable exception on the town’s boundaries. Encouraging diversity in the built environment will help provide more appropriate accommodation and infrastructure solutions for Dampier’s residents.


� Provide options for smaller houses for people whose lifestyle or working hours do not require large entertaining areas or outdoor living areas. Smaller, well designed houses will also reduce the higher than average operating and building costs experienced in Dampier.

� Provide aged housing that is appropriate to its occupants needs and the Dampier conditions with passive cooling and rooms that can be isolated to facilitate the efficient use of mechanical cooling during very hot periods

� Consider re-zoning Rio Tinto’s obsolete single men’s quarters (zoned R50 ) to enable a higher density development outcome through Plot Ratio control. Encourage smaller sized apartments and affordable unit housing in this area. Consider using these sites for cultural spaces, artist studios or housing supporting low income workers within the cultural, retail or educational sector.

Rio Tinto’s single men’s quarters offer single person accommodation but are in a state of disrepair

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Mobilising for CHANGE

� Provide financial incentives for a chain supermarket to re-establish in the town.

� Improve the visual, vehicular and public access to the shopping centre. Consider planting street trees along High Street, from Church road to The Esplanade, to help define the existing entry. Screen the shopping centre’s service areas from Nielsen Court and the rear carpark to enhance the streetscape.

� Explore ways in which existing commercial buildings could better address road frontages and engage with the street edge, integrating awnings and spaces to stop and connect.

� Consider the activation of laneways between buildings to provide shaded areas for cafes and other uses, encouraging density and enhance connections within the town centre.

� Consider mixed-use developments and the co-location of services to encourage residents to activate the public realm outside of business hours and improve the viability of services.

� Explore methods of developing a pedestrian-focused urban environment. For example, consider traffic slowing strategies and the integration of shade and strategies to encourage pedestrians to cross the road.

� Consider a hierarchy of road systems and building intensity to distinguish residential and commercial areas. Clearly identify Church Road and High Street as the primary town centre and Consider making King Bay and Central Avenue from the Church Road intersection local streets.

PRINCIPLE: FOCUS ON TOWN CENTRE VITALITYIn Dampier, services and amenity are increasingly shifting to Karratha. In recent years, the town has lost the IGA supermarket and numerous retail outlets in the shopping centre. Strategies need to consider methods of increasing the viability of commercial development, while exploring alternative ways to enhance the vibrancy and activity of the town centre. Prior to any further development within the town centre zone occurs, a town centre revitalisation plan needs to be developed.


Public Realm

Consider activating the shopping centre and exploring more inviting connections to the exterior

Consider strategies to make Dampier Shopping Centre more pedestrian focused through the integration of shade and pathways

Encourage restaurant and cafe chairs and umbrellas to spill out onto the footpath and make stronger connections with pedestrians

Improve vehicular and pedestrian entry to the Dampier Shopping Centre

Awnings protect shoppers in the main street of Bridgetown

Explore ways to make the entrances to the shopping centre more conducive to pedestrian traffic

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Mobilising for CHANGE

� Promote mooring opportunities for travelling boats to use. Consider the supporting services required and ensure that these can be accessed in town or in Karratha.

� Tourism is a viable option for Dampier. Provide small business development support and incentives to locate in town. Approach successful operators based in other remote towns, such as Broome, Northern Territory and Queensland.

� Relocate Dampier Community Association to a prominent site to raise awareness of the organisation and attract more participants from the community.

� Consider developing a waterfront cafe or restaurant and upgrading beach amenities to capitalise on the environment.

PRINCIPLE: FOCUS ON LOCAL ECONOMIESDampier is well-advanced in the normalisation process of transition from mining company to shire and private ownership. The next step is to expand community based development that contributes to Dampier’s unique characteristics. In order for the town centre to be fully developed, the shire needs to take ownership of the town.


Public Realm

Urban influences: a new coffee shop in Dampier

Local markets, Kununurra

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Mobilising for CHANGE

PRINCIPLE: CREATE HOUSING AFFORDABILITYAs well as high cost of purchasing and renting houses in Dampier, the cost of living is higher than in capital cities. This is particularly so because of high transport costs. Strategies and clever thinking are required to source products and materials by more cost effective ways.Generally, houses in Dampier rely on mechanical cooling because of the uncomfortable conditions in summer. Providing housing that is well designed with passive cooling solutions that minimise the reliance on mechanical cooling will greatly reduce household energy costs.


Housing and Built Form

� Consider the design of smaller, climatically responsive houses to reduce the higher than average building and running costs in Dampier.

� Offer a variety of housing options in new developments, such as shared housing, smaller dwelling and smaller lots to meet the needs of a more diverse population and cater for those who may not need a whole family home.

� Explore cost saving options for the mass ordering of products which require transport and shipping, both from Perth and international locations.

� Establish a recycling consciousness and make the trading of recyclable materials and products easier by setting up a network of locations both community based and commercial.

� Explore new or different construction methods, supporting local industries and employing local trades.

� Refurbish and re-use the single men’s quarters. These buildings are an important fabric of the town. Medium density with high amenity is an interesting architectural proposition for a Pilbara town.

The single men’s quarters could be refurbished and retofitted for sale to private investors or owner occupiers

MOVE apartments in Fremantle are indicative of what the renovation possibilities of Rio Tinto‘s single men’s quarters buildings

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