PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP WELCOME Website: Parish Office: PO Box 408, The Gap, Qld 4061 Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8.30 am—3.00 pm Contact: Phone: 3300 6099 Fax: 3300 6255 Churches: Mater Dei : 16 Philomene Drive, Ashgrove St Peter Chanel: 41 Chaprowe Road, The Gap Parish Priest: Fr. Vu Dinh Tuong [email protected] Parish Manager: Richard James [email protected] Parish Secretary: Caryn Lee [email protected] Sacramental Program enquiries only: [email protected] RECONCILATION Mater Dei Saturday 5.00-5.20 St. Peter Chanel Sunday 4.30-4.45 PARISH SCHOOLS Mater Dei Primary School Phone: 3514 4100 St Peter Chanel Primary School Phone: 3300 1202 PARISH COUNCIL Steven Foley (Chairperson) [email protected] New Parishioners WELCOME Please complete the form in the newsletter. Parish of St Johns Wood/The Gap SUNDAY 12 th June 2016 - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Tears Different people have different behaviour to react against sins they have committed. It is all to do with fear or arrogance. It is the fear to face the inner voice of their own conscience or the fear of being punished by justice of a society where they belong to. Fear comes and goes but when arrogance is anchored in a person, it becomes a personality of that person who would listen to no one. It is the worse kind of behaviour because arrogance is itself a sin and sins give birth to another sin and sin conceals sin. With the help of humility some would acknowledge the state of their sins but have no courage to change. They live in a state of sorrow. Others would deny and hide their own sins and live with internal struggles. Others again would prefer to conceal it for sometime before accepting their state of sin. The woman who bitterly wept on the feet of Jesus represented this kind of personality. She is a woman of faith who has placed her faith and trust in Jesus with the firm hope that Jesus would listen to her plea. She is a courageous woman who publicly found a special way to confide her sins to Jesus without worrying about the shames others would place on her. Knowing that Jesus was having a dinner at the house of a Pharisee, the woman wanted to come near to Jesus. She would envisage in her mind all the pros and cons that could possibly happen. Finally her love for Jesus won. It was stronger than the fear of being judged and being rejected. She came to Jesus with the hope that Jesus would make her right again with God and at peace with herself and she was right. She said not a single word but her sorrowful manifested in actions. She quietly shed the warm tears on the feet of Jesus and wiped it with her hair and then poured the costly oil on them and sealed His feet with kisses. In order to kiss the feet of Jesus she had to bend her back or bow down low in a prostrate position. It is an act of the most humble and respect that she has shown to Jesus. She was able to overcome her pride to voluntarily show her great love for Jesus. People may have different interpretation of her actions but for me she has shown the utmost reverent and the greatest honour to Jesus. It is the act of privilege because her faith in Jesus made her give to Jesus the best she could offer. The woman has no better way to give praise and honour to Jesus than to do what she did. By doing that she publicly told to others that Jesus alone is her Master Who alone has the power to erase her pass and restores her to the wholeness. The woman said nothing but others criticised Jesus and reminded Jesus of her bad reputation. Jesus himself came to her defence by saying that her actions were the evident of her great love for Him. She was received more from Jesus since her love for Jesus was great and genuine. Her actions were the most sincere form of worship and adoration deep within her heart that she could show for Jesus. Vudinh Tuong BAPTISMS Mater Dei 3rd Sunday St Peter Chanel 4th Sunday Baptism preparation details available on our website under Parish Activities The projector screen at MD Church is not working. While it is being fixed there will be no screen for a couple of weeks. We apologise for any inconvenience.


Page 1: PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP · 2018. 3. 14. · PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP WELCOME Website: Parish Office: PO Box 408, The Gap, Qld 4061 Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday



Website: Parish Office: PO Box 408, The Gap, Qld 4061

Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8.30 am—3.00 pm

Contact: Phone: 3300 6099 Fax: 3300 6255

Churches: Mater Dei : 16 Philomene Drive, Ashgrove

St Peter Chanel: 41 Chaprowe Road, The Gap

Parish Priest: Fr. Vu Dinh Tuong [email protected]

Parish Manager: Richard James [email protected]

Parish Secretary: Caryn Lee [email protected]

Sacramental Program enquiries only: [email protected]


Saturday 5.00-5.20

St. Peter Chanel Sunday 4.30-4.45

PARISH SCHOOLS Mater Dei Primary School Phone: 3514 4100 St Peter Chanel Primary School Phone: 3300 1202

PARISH COUNCIL Steven Foley (Chairperson) [email protected]

New Parishioners WELCOME

Please complete the form in the newsletter.

Parish of St John’s Wood/The Gap

SUNDAY 12th June 2016 - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


Different people have different behaviour to react against sins they have committed.

It is all to do with fear or arrogance. It is the fear to face the inner voice of their

own conscience or the fear of being punished by justice of a society where they

belong to. Fear comes and goes but when arrogance is anchored in a person, it

becomes a personality of that person who would listen to no one. It is the worse

kind of behaviour because arrogance is itself a sin and sins give birth to another sin

and sin conceals sin.

With the help of humility some would acknowledge the state of their sins but have

no courage to change. They live in a state of sorrow. Others would deny and hide

their own sins and live with internal struggles. Others again would prefer to conceal

it for sometime before accepting their state of sin. The woman who bitterly wept on

the feet of Jesus represented this kind of personality. She is a woman of faith who

has placed her faith and trust in Jesus with the firm hope that Jesus would listen to

her plea. She is a courageous woman who publicly found a special way to confide her

sins to Jesus without worrying about the shames others would place on her.

Knowing that Jesus was having a dinner at the house of a Pharisee, the woman

wanted to come near to Jesus. She would envisage in her mind all the pros and cons

that could possibly happen. Finally her love for Jesus won. It was stronger than the

fear of being judged and being rejected. She came to Jesus with the hope that Jesus

would make her right again with God and at peace with herself and she was right.

She said not a single word but her sorrowful manifested in actions. She quietly shed

the warm tears on the feet of Jesus and wiped it with her hair and then poured the

costly oil on them and sealed His feet with kisses.

In order to kiss the feet of Jesus she had to bend her back or bow down low in a

prostrate position. It is an act of the most humble and respect that she has shown to

Jesus. She was able to overcome her pride to voluntarily show her great love for

Jesus. People may have different interpretation of her actions but for me she has

shown the utmost reverent and the greatest honour to Jesus. It is the act of privilege

because her faith in Jesus made her give to Jesus the best she could offer. The

woman has no better way to give praise and honour to Jesus than to do what she

did. By doing that she publicly told to others that Jesus alone is her Master Who

alone has the power to erase her pass and restores her to the wholeness.

The woman said nothing but others criticised Jesus and reminded Jesus of her bad

reputation. Jesus himself came to her defence by saying that her actions were the

evident of her great love for Him. She was received more from Jesus since her love

for Jesus was great and genuine. Her actions were the most sincere form of worship

and adoration deep within her heart that she could show for Jesus.

Vudinh Tuong


Mater Dei 3rd Sunday

St Peter Chanel

4th Sunday

Baptism preparation details available on our website under Parish Activities

The projector screen at MD Church is not working. While it

is being fixed there will be no screen for a couple of weeks.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Page 2: PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP · 2018. 3. 14. · PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP WELCOME Website: Parish Office: PO Box 408, The Gap, Qld 4061 Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday

Next Week’s Readings: 12th Sunday in Ordinary

Time First Reading

Zechariah 12:10-11; 13:1

Second Reading Galatians 3:26-29

Gospel Luke 9:18-24

First Reading: 2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13

The Lord God forgave your sin; you will not die.

Responsorial Psalm: Lord, forgive the wrong I have done.

Second Reading: Galatians 2:16, 19-21

I live now, not with my own life but with the life of Christ who lives in me.

Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! God first loved us and sent his Son to take away our sins. Alleluia!

Gospel Reading: Luke 7:36-8:3

Her many sins were forgiven her, because she has shown great love.

Prayers for the Sick

Recently Deceased

Anniversaries Len Dunne

Michael Page Mary McCaffery

Leo Brady Pat & Wallace Johnson

Brent Grace

Please let us know about the sick

Every so often we learn of people confined to their home for quite a while or even transferred to permanent care in a hospice or nursing home. We would like to bring the sacraments to them so please let the Parish Office know if family members are so confined. Please contact the parish office: 3300 6099 or Vi Hall: Mob: 0409 894 904

Rosary If you would like to pray the Rosary in your home

please contact Bruce Bonney

Phone: 3300 2959

RCIA - The new RCIA

Program is starting up

soon. If anyone is

interested please

contact the Parish

Office on: 33006099.

menCONNECT Our second gathering is on

Saturday 25th June at 7:00am

at SPC Parish Hall. Our

speaker will be Fr Josekutty

Vadakkel. The theme will be

“Men Building a ‘Bridge’ to

Christ for Others”. It will be

about how we can do this in

our families, our workplace,

our voluntary groups and the

wider community. Come along to hear this

interesting topic and also

meet other men of the Parish

and beyond. Cost is $10 which includes


RSVP by 21 June email

[email protected]

Rosary Rosary will be held at 7:30pm on Monday 13 June 2016 at

Trish Corby’s house, 26 Doncilla Street, The Gap

Children’s Sewing Group

On Sunday 18th June at SPC Hall from 9:30am -

12:00noon. ($15 per session).

All girls aged 11 upwards and mothers wanting to learn

sewing are welcome.

Morning tea is provided and you make something to take

home each time.

Bookings essential

Email [email protected] or call Moria

Flynn 3366 4536 for more information.

Parish Pastoral

Council News

At the last Parish

Pastoral Council

meeting held on 8 June

2016, the following

matters were


Movie night prepara-

tions– 18th June;

Multicultural Mass

preparations - August;

Success of

Masquerade ball;

Red Hill church visits

for Year of Mercy.

The next meeting will

be held on Wed

6 July 2016.


A Courageous Heart

Saturday 18th June.

Dinner at 6pm, Movie at 7pm.

Hotdogs and drinks available to

purchase for a small amount on

the night.

Tickets on sale now from

Parish office!!

Movie ticket - $7 per person.


We need baked goods, sweets, chocolates or

sweet bags for the upcoming movie night.

Any one able to help out, please contact Lisa on

[email protected] or 0409 972 607

CAN YOU HELP? Our parish community has a long history

of offering religious education to

primary age children who do not

attend Catholic schools. To maintain

this important ministry we require

more helpers for term 3.


We need a leader for our younger

group (preferable with classroom

experience) and 2 willing assistants.

Job sharing is a possibility. Perhaps you

have other skills you could share with

us:- music, art, afternoon tea making,

classroom setup etc.. Our team of 7-

10 community members are all

volunteers with one aim, to share our

faith story with our younger members.

We meet each Tuesday of Term at

Mater Dei from 3.15 to 4.15pm. All

volunteers are subject to Working

with Children checks.

Interested? Talk to Caryn at the office

on 3300 6099 or drop by Tuesday and

talk to Mary.

Page 3: PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP · 2018. 3. 14. · PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP WELCOME Website: Parish Office: PO Box 408, The Gap, Qld 4061 Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday


Twelfth Sunday of the

Year - C


said, "Do not fear, only

believe." Do we believe

that God will answer our

prayers for more priests

and consecrated religious

for our Church? Pray, be-

lieving that your prayers

will be answered. Lord my

soul is thirsting for You.

Year of Mercy

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Mater Dei Church Monday 7pm-10pm Friday 9.30am-10pm

If you are able to spend an hour per week or

fortnight please call in.

E-book for your computer free of

charge Son of God:

The Daily Gospel Year C-2


This week on The Journey Bishop Bill Wright shares his

reflection on the Gospel of Luke. Sr Hilda Scott OSB in Wisdom from the Abbey gives us insights into God’s love for us; Fr Dave Callaghan MSC challenges us to love like God loves us and Marilyn Rodrigues The Peaceful Parent encourages families to spend time with each other. Go to or where you can listen

anytime and subscribe to weekly shows by email.

St Brigid’s Red Hill Year of Mercy

St Brigid’s Church at Red Hill will open for pilgrimage, private prayer, meditation and reconciliation every Friday night from 5 to 7pm.


Family Name: _____________________

Other Names: _____________________

Date of Birth: _____________________

Marital Status: _____________________

Spouse Name: _____________________

Spouse’s DOB: _____________________

Children & DOB’s:____________________



Address: _____________________

Home Phone: _____________________

Mobile: _____________________

Email: _____________________

Tick to commence Parish Planned Giving

Please place this completed form in the collection

plate or email your details to the Parish Office at: [email protected] or contact the Parish

Office on 3300 6099.

Vacancy – School Crossing Supervisor

A casual position exists for a School Crossing Supervisors at St Peter Chanel (and at some other schools throughout the region). Please tell neighbours, friends and family of these positions and help us to help our students. Casual School Crossing Supervisor positions are for up to 5 days per fortnight on a roster. Remuneration $28.18 per hour. Contact the Brisbane North Road Safety Office for more information. Phone: 3863 9839 Email: [email protected]


The students of The Gap State High School are once again preparing for their annual “Christmas in July” Concert.

For more than 30 years The Gap State High School has been staging the free Christmas in July Concert for North West suburbs senior citizens.

It is a wonderful community outreach for our young people and an enjoyable outing for our special guests.

Our school community provides transport for those who require it so as many people as possible are able to attend.

This year, the concert will be held on Saturday 23rd July from 1.00 pm to 3.30 pm in our school hall. Preparations are well underway, with our performing arts students presenting a program of music and other entertainment during the after-noon and a delicious afternoon tea is served at interval.

Admission is free, and Santa will be there with his sack of goodies and sur-prises.

For further information about our Christmas in July Concert or to RSVP please contact the school office on 3511 3888 or email Helen on [email protected] by 15th July 2015.

“The sinful woman teaches us the

connection between faith, love, and

recognition. ‘Many sins’ have been

forgiven and therefore she has loved much …

God has wrapped each and every one of us in the same mystery of mercy; and from his

love, which always comes to us first, we learn how to love.”

– Pope Francis, General Audience 20 April, 2016

Friends and Partners with East Timor “Eat Pizza – Meet Veronica” – 2 Weeks To Go

Parish Hall, Friday 24th June 6.30 – 8.00 pm : Pizzas, salad, drinks provided.

Our Parish has been supporting volunteers in Atabae Parish for over 10

years. Our newest volunteer, Veronica Chong, is visiting us before she

leaves to work on FPET projects. Here is a great opportunity for anyone

interested in meeting Veronica to wish her well, and to catch-up on FPET

achievements and plans in Atabae.

Meeting Notice : Next meeting – Monday 13th June, 7.30 pm, Mater Dei Meeting Room. All welcome. Any further information - Lindsay Stokes (0419 731388).

Page 4: PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP · 2018. 3. 14. · PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP WELCOME Website: Parish Office: PO Box 408, The Gap, Qld 4061 Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday

The Editor retains the right to edit any items

that are submitted to the bulletin.

The cut off for the Parish Bulletin is Wednesday

3pm. If you have any queries please contact the Parish

Office on: 33006099

Prayers for the sick:

When there is a request to pray for a sick person their names will be in

the Prayers of the Faithful for 2 weeks and

in the Bulletin for 2 weeks. If you wish to continue after that,

please contact the parish office.

Names of recently deceased will be on the prayer list for 2 weeks and in the bulletin for 2


Renovations, Decks, Fit Outs Build In Under


Monday Saint Anthony of Padua

Tuesday 9 am

Wednesday 9 am

Thursday 9am

Friday 9 am

Saturday 5.30pm


9.30am 8am 5pm


WILLS All parishioners are asked to consider including our parish St John’s Wood/The Gap in your will. One of the greatest contributions you can make to our parish is to ensure a legacy of faith for the young and to provide proper care for the old.

Jenny Ray for Sunday 12th June

David Mapstone for Monday 13th June

Greg Condon for Tuesday 14th June

Richard James for Wednesday 15th June (50th)

Donna Lynn for Thursday 16th June

Annie Lewis for Saturday 18th June

2005 Hyundai, 3 door hatch,

Manual, 1.5 litre, RWC, 50,000 ks.

Genuine reason for sale Absolutely nothing wrong with


$4400 ish Ph. Ron. 0423521377

Masquerade Ball The night was a great success as you can see by the photo’s. I wouldn’t have

been able to offer the Masquerade Ball without help from Richard James the

parish manager, for giving us the hall for the evening and spending the time to get to know the kids on the night.

Caryn Lee the parish secretary, for all her time and patience with me. Stewart Thompson from Centacare who gave

up his Friday night to spend it with a great group of kids. Kate Jones our local minister for her money donation, and a

beautiful gift basket, Lily, Shannon, Lauren, Eliza and Charlotte, all Mt St Michael’s students who gave up their night to

wait on and for getting on the dance floor with the kids!!!!! And I might add they weren’t bad dancers either!!! Sharon

and her gorgeous son Mark, what an example he set for such a young boy, Moira for her wonderful work helping at

the door and raffle, Storm, Andy, Douglas all helped in the kitchen, a big thank you. Hana for being the photographer

on the night. I have some other people to thank for the success of the night . Paul Collier DJ, well what can I say

about this wonderful man, he donated his exceptional array of music, Photobooth and electrifying entertainment for

the evening. Troy from Coles THE GAP, supplied the meat, Fresco’s THE GAP for our fresh fruit salad, and Bakers

Delight THE GAP for the bread rolls. This night wouldn’t have happened without the support of the parents in

bringing the kids to the ball, and for the kids attending and having such a great time.

Stewart Thompson, Richard James and myself, Claire McCourtie delivered an information day for OPEN DOOR’S at

Claire’s Cottage on Saturday 28th May, this was great to meet new families, we had a few outcomes they were: 1. For

parents and kids to plan together what activities that they would like to see happening; 2. More information on the

NDIS; 3. When OPEN DOOR’S will open. Anyone interested in more info regarding OPEN DOOR’S at Claire’s

Cottage please contact Claire on 0413270167.