Parish Life -...

Fr. David Roehrich Pastor 605-670-0802 Cell Tri-Parish Office Linda Peterson Administrative Assistant 901 S. 3rd St. PO Box 472 Beresford, SD 57004 605-763-2028 Office 605-763-2058 Fax 605-660-3112 Cell [email protected] Directors of Religious Education Kay Winquist 605-934-2605 Peggy Mach 605-660-6873 Dixie Nelson 605-661-9342 St. Teresa of Avila, Beresford Good Shepherd, Centerville St. Patrick, Wakonda WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE April, May, June Saturday, 5:00 PM St. Patrick, Wakonda Sunday, 8:30 AM St. Teresa, Beresford Sunday, 10:30 AM Good Shepherd, Centerville Reconciliation: 4:15 pm St. Patrick 7:45 am St. Teresa The Blessed Trinity The Trinity is not a puzzle or riddle that we can solve with our brains. The Trinity is a sacred mystery that we are called and invited to experience in our hearts through prayer and reflection. When we use the mysterywe are not talking about something that we can understand with conversation and logic. When we use the word mysteryto talk about The Trinity, we are talking about a reality that is so endlessly rich and profound that it will never be exhausted. The more we pray about the power and presence of The Trinity, the more of it will be revealed to us. Through The Trinity, God creates and loves us, Jesus liberates and saves us and the Spirit encourages and strengthens us. The Trinity is a community of love and life that we are invited to be part of and share in. Today, we are the people who are called to be Christs disciples and messengers. Today we are the people who are to proclaim and share with others all things that Jesus has done for us and told us. We are to live our daily lives conscious and aware that is through the sacred name of The Trinity that each of us has been bap- tized and confirmed. When a child or adult is baptized and becomes a member of Gods family, the church, the very same words that Jesus says in the gospel are used, Go, make disciples of all nations; baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.Through our baptism and confirmation, we are called to be active, vocal and visible members of the missionary church. When we begin our prayer, whether alone or in church with others, we do so by making the sign of the cross and calling on the Trinity to guide us. Perhaps, today and during the coming week, we could do this a little slower. This will help us to become more aware that it is through the sacred name of The Trinity that we are members of missionary church and that we are all called to live and proclaim the Good News of the gospel and the message of Jesus. Michael Moore OMI

Transcript of Parish Life -...

Fr. David Roehrich

Pastor 605-670-0802 Cell

Tri-Parish Office

Linda Peterson Administrative Assistant

901 S. 3rd St. PO Box 472

Beresford, SD 57004 605-763-2028 Office

605-763-2058 Fax 605-660-3112 Cell [email protected]

Directors of Religious Education Kay Winquist 605-934-2605 Peggy Mach 605-660-6873 Dixie Nelson 605-661-9342

St. Teresa of Avila, Beresford Good Shepherd, Centerville St. Patrick, Wakonda


April, May, June

Saturday, 5:00 PM St. Patrick, Wakonda

Sunday, 8:30 AM St. Teresa, Beresford

Sunday, 10:30 AM Good Shepherd, Centerville

Reconciliation: 4:15 pm St. Patrick 7:45 am St. Teresa

The Blessed Trinity

The Trinity is not a puzzle or riddle that we can solve with our brains. The Trinity

is a sacred mystery that we are called and invited to experience in our hearts

through prayer and reflection. When we use the ‘mystery’ we are not talking about

something that we can understand with conversation and logic. When we use the

word ‘mystery’ to talk about The Trinity, we are talking about a reality that is so

endlessly rich and profound that it will never be exhausted. The more we pray

about the power and presence of The Trinity, the more of it will be revealed to us.

Through The Trinity, God creates and loves us, Jesus liberates and saves us and the

Spirit encourages and strengthens us. The Trinity is a community of love and life

that we are invited to be part of and share in.

Today, we are the people who are called to be Christ’s disciples and messengers.

Today we are the people who are to proclaim and share with others all things that

Jesus has done for us and told us. We are to live our daily lives conscious and

aware that is through the sacred name of The Trinity that each of us has been bap-

tized and confirmed. When a child or adult is baptized and becomes a member of

God’s family, the church, the very same words that Jesus says in the gospel are

used, ‘Go, make disciples of all nations; baptise them in the name of the Father, the

Son and the Holy Spirit.’ Through our baptism and confirmation, we are called to

be active, vocal and visible members of the missionary church.

When we begin our prayer, whether alone or in church with others, we do so by

making the sign of the cross and calling on the Trinity to guide us. Perhaps, today

and during the coming week, we could do this a little slower. This will help us to

become more aware that it is through the sacred name of The Trinity that we are

members of missionary church and that we are all called to live and proclaim the

Good News of the gospel and the message of Jesus.

Michael Moore OMI

Lord, through the intercession of Mary Most Holy, hear our Prayers for the members of our parishes enduring patiently their bodily ill-ness: Leonard Roehrich, Delilah Limoges, Dorrie Lynch, Corrine Paw-lichek, Lee Barrows, Laura Bohlman, David Yaggie, Amy Albers Lamp, Roger Berg & family, Ken Kaltenbach, Warren Scherschlight, Ernie Alton, Gordon Gladden, D Thomas, Audrey Ericsson, Kelsi O’Donnell, Carol West, Margaret Jesperson, Rose Austin, Lois Carlson, Jerry Birgen, Suzanne Carlson, Jim Cink. Jer-ry Miller, Beth Esselstein, Rick Nothdurft, Jack Baker, Eric Buch-enberg, Lorraine Neuroth, Amy Harmon, Candyce Spurlin, Rhea Erickson, David Belluchi, Mike Austin, Blondie Dunlap, Kate Er-icsson, friends/cousins of members-Karen, Jessica, Ramona, Mary Chladel, Delmar Adamson, Gary Bak, Dennis & Merry Larsen, Sa-rah Bailey, Patti Ford, Darlene Zweifel, Miranda Andrew , Jared Berg, Lewie Kribell, Bill & JoAnn Dolan, Dick Gregoire, Larry O’Connor, Corbin, Linda Sebern’s brother, Ray Kruse, Carol Skon-hovd, Marie Gorman, Doug Nygaard, Tom, Barb, Mike Koch, Dan-iel Ulrich, Rosemary Weiland, Vince Colford & All those in our parishes battling cancer & serious illness. Call the prayer chain con-tacts to be added or removed from prayer list

St. Patrick

Linda Peterson

209 Iowa St, PO Box 386, Wakonda, SD 57073 T 605-763-2028 [email protected]

Mark Your Calendars May 28: Mass at St. John’s cemetery 8:00am June 9: Wine/Beer Tasting event, Good Shepherd June 16/17: Anointing of Sick at each parish

Parish Life

Do you belong to one of our three parishes but find you are going to another church because of schedules? You can put your envelope or check in the basket at any of our three parishes and it will be forwarded on to your home parish. If you are going elsewhere than our three parishes, please remember we still need your support every week. If you would like to have an automatic withdrawal taken every week or every month, please contact Donna, Peggy or Linda

Collections Total:$699.00 Building Fund: $967.00($20,369.00)

Prayer chain contact & Bulletin announcements Submit before Thursday AM

Knights of Columbus meet 3rd Monday 7:00pm McMahon Hall

Sacristan Schedule

June 2: Mike Logue

Coming soon: Spring Cleanup-church, hall, & grounds. Date to be announced

Bridal Shower honoring Ashley Currey, bride to be of Matt Brue will be held on Saturday June 2, 10AM at the Methodist Church in Wakonda. The couple is registered at Target, Bed Bath & Beyond & Pampered Chef. Eve-ryone is welcome.

RCIA Classes: Interested in becoming Catholic? This is a great opportunity if your spouse comes to Mass with you but is not Catholic. Talk to Fr. David about RCIA classes. Sacrament of Matrimony: Schedule at least 6 months before the wedding date to begin Marriage Instructions Sacrament of Baptism: Schedule Class & Baptism Sacrament of the Sick: Going to hospital for a procedure or are ill, call for Anointing of the Sick

Contact Fr. David at the parish office at 605-763-2028 or 605-670-0802

If you would like to have a Mass said in memory of someone or for their intention, please call Donna, Peggy, or Linda. A suggested donation is $10.00. Mass stipends may not be dependent on this financial encouragement.

Pope Francis has established the Memorial of the Blessed Vir-gin Mary, Mother of the Church, which is to be commemorated—beginning this year—on the Monday after Pentecost

Sunday. Blessed Paul VI, at the conclu-sion of the Third Session of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, declared: “We proclaim the Most Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church, that is, of the whole people of God, faithful and pastors, and we call her most loving Mother.”

St. Teresa NOTICE: Parking Lot Sealing Date TBD Traffic will be able to get in & out of the church using designated areas. Watch for signs in the driveway. The Trinity: Communion of Love

Today let us contemplate and worship the divine life of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, a life of communion and perfect love, origin and aim of all the universe and of every creature: God. The Holy Spirit, gift of the risen Jesus, conveys divine life to us and thus lets us enter into the dynamism of the Trinity, whih is a dynamism of love, of communion, of mutual service, of sharing. And love it the con-crete sign that demonstrates faith in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A person who loves others for the very joy of love is a reflection of the Trinity. A family in which each person loves and helps one an-other is a reflection of the Trinity. Pope Francis

St. Teresa of Avila

Linda Peterson 605-660-3112

901 S. 3rd St. PO Box 472, Beresford, SD 57004 Facebook: St Teresa of Avila Catholic Church Beresford SD T 605-763-2028 F 605-763-2058

Good Shepherd

Peggy Mach 605-660-6873

411 Wisconsin Ave, PO Box 98, Centerville, SD 57014 [email protected] or [email protected] T 605-763-2028

Collection Total:$783.51 Building Fund:$61,700.26

Prayer Chain Contacts Email: Gloria Adamson: [email protected]/605-563-2303 Deb Pease: [email protected]/605-563-2363 Phone: Mary Frederickson:605-212-0445 Nikki Perry: 605-552-2688 KCs meet 1st Sunday of month, 6:30pm Fr. Grace Hall

@GoodShepherdCenterville New pictures & video, watch the pro-gress

Collection Total:$1,628.50 R & I:$0.00 (YTD:$665.00) Prayer Chain Contacts Pat Hubert: [email protected] KC’s meet 2nd Wed. of month at 7pm

Catholic Daughter’s meet 2nd Wed of month @ 7:30pm Men's Group meet Fridays Breakfast is at 6 a.m. with the program to follow. All men of the parish are in-vited to come and feel free to invite a friend. We are continuing the series Crossing The Goal. Our next topic is: ‘Obstacles in Life’ Fellowship after 8:30 Mass. Sign up in lobby to serve Thanks

Reminder –If you have any dish towels or dish cloths from St. Teresa’s at home that you were laundering, please return them to the kitchen. Thanks.

St. Teresa delivers Meals on Wheels the month of May. Sign up in lobby

Thank you to all who helped prep & serve at The Banquet. We served 321 adults and 47 children. Your generosity was greatly appreciated.

2nd Annual Wine & Beer Tasting

Saturday, June 9th, 6-9p

Pascale Hall, Centerville Sign up sheets for volun-teers coming soon. A successful event requires lots of helping hands!

KC Breakfasts June 24: Free will donation

Totus Tuus July 15-19; St. Teresa

Registration forms in hall/entry

Liturgy and Worship Schedule

Lay Ministry Schedules for the Weekend of June 2/3

The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ

Ministry Saturday 5:00p

St. Patrick Sunday 8:30am

St. Teresa Sunday 10:30am Good Shepherd

Commentator Mike Kolbeck Greg Heiberger Leslie Sherman

Lector Bob Logue Pete Sexton Debbie Pease

Eucharistic Ministers

Brenda Ganschow Don Logue Mike Logue

Scott Kennedy Mary Limoges Linda Merrick

Jason Sherman Bernie Nesheim Kristi Lee

Servers Gianna Logue Nadia Logue

Jackson Heiberger Mason Heiberger Jax Wurth

Cole Edberg Chance Schoellerman


Tom/Angie Logue Bob/Cleo Kast Quint Pease Darrell Frederickson

Musicians Jim Greene Peggy Mach

Rosary Mary Moore

Money Counters

Jim Barnett Mike Logue

Donna Manning Pam McGill

Peggy Mach

2018 St. Teresa Good Shepherd St. Patrick

CFSA Goal $20,300.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00

Pledges Collected $13,636.00 $4,360.00 $4,625.00

Amount owed $6,664.00 $5,640.00 $5,375.00

Pledge cards returned 42%

May 28 Monday 8:00a Beresford St. John’s Cemetery + Mike Seivert

May 29 Tuesday 10:30a Wakonda Heritage Manor + John/Carol Pollman

May 30 Wednesday 10:00a Irene Sunset Manor + Msgr. Don Schmitz

No Serv Wednesday 1:30p Alcester Service 1st & 3rd Wed of Month xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

May 31 Thursday 10:30a Centerville Centerville Care & Rehab + Tri-Parish Members

No Serv Thursday 1:00p Hudson Service 4th Thursday of month xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

June 1 Friday 9:30a Bethesda Beresford + Rosary Society Members

June 2 Saturday 5:00p St. Patrick Wakonda + Jack McCarty

June 3 Sunday 8:30a St. Teresa Beresford + Loretta Heinricy

June 3 Sunday 10:30a Good Shepherd Centerville + Curt Anderson

How might I better reflect the life and action of the Trinity in my ac-

tions today?

Daily Readings May 28-June 3

Monday, May 28

I Pt 1:3-9

Mk 10:17-27

Tuesday May 29

I Pt 1:10-16

Mk 10:28-31

Wednesday May 30

I Pt 1:18-25

Mk 10:32-45

Thursday May 31

Zep 3:14-18a or Rom

12:9-16; Lk 1:39-56

Friday June 1

I Pt 4:7-13

Mk 11:11-26

Saturday June 2

Jude 17, 20b-25

Mk 11:27-33

Sunday June 3 Corpus Christi

Ex 24:3-8

Heb 9:11-15

Mk 14:12-16, 22-26

A priest went into a second-grade classroom of the parish school and asked, “Who can tell me what the Blessed Trinity means?” A little girl lisped, “The Blethed Twinity meanth there are thwee perthonth in one God.” The priest, taken aback by the lisp, said, “Would you say that again? I don’t understand what you said.” The little girl answered, “Y’not thuppothed to underthtand; ‘t’th a mythtewy.”