Parish Informa on › assets...The Sunday of Saint Gregory of Palamas This divine Father, who was...


Transcript of Parish Informa on › assets...The Sunday of Saint Gregory of Palamas This divine Father, who was...

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    Parish Informa on


    Sunday Divine Liturgy: 9:30am

    Weekday/Holy Day Liturgy: 9:00am

    Saturday/Holy Day Vespers: 5:00pm

    Winter Vespers: 4:00pm

    Contact: Rev. Father Daniel Mahler

    Presiding Priest Rectory: 607-962-5285

    Father’s Cell: 607-377-0587 Canada Road 607-936-0689

    Chuck Coons Parish President/Cantor

    Home: 607-962-0904


    Church Website:

    Follow our Diocese On-Line

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    Camp Nazareth



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    (Protec on of the Theotokos) 61 Canada Road Painted Post New York 14870

    A Parish of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America, Ecumenical Patriarchate

    Sunday, March 4, 2018 9:30am Divine Liturgy Saint Gregory of Palamas Coffee Social/Birthdays Ladies Altar Society Meeting Wednesday, March 7, 2018 5:00pm Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts Thursday, March 8,2018 2-4:00pm Church Open for Confession/Prayer/Meditation Friday, March 9. 2018 5:00pm Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts Saturday, March 10, 2018 9:00am All Souls Memorial Service 5:00pm Vespers/Confession Sunday, March 11, 2018 Cross Veneration Sunday 9:30am Divine Liturgy Panachida memory of parentsJulia, Michael & brother Edward Brudnak offered by Mrs. Helen Verno Coffee Social 4:00pm Deanery Mission Sunday Lenten Vespers in our Saint Mary’s Church Wednesday, March 14, 2018 5:00pm Moleben to the Holy Crosss

    Welcome to all our visitors and guests who par cipate in our celebra on of the Divine Liturgy today. We are glad you are here. While Holy Communion may only be received by prepared Orthodox Chris ans, our guests are welcome to join us in venera ng the cross and receiving blessed bread at the conclusion of the Liturgy. We also hope you will join us for the Coffee Social a erward.

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    Epistle Sunday of St. Gregory of Palamas

    Saint Paul’s Letter to the Hebrews 1:10-14;2:1-3


    “IN THE BEGINNING, Thou, Lord, didst found the earth in the beginning, and the heavens

    are the work of thy hands; they will perish, but thou remainest; they will all grow old like a

    garment, like a mantel thou wilt roll them up, and they will be changed. But thou art the same,

    and thy years will never end.” But to what angel has he ever said, “Sit at my right hand, till I

    make thy enemies a stool for thy feet?” Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to serve, for

    the sake of those who are to obtain salvation?

    Therefore we must pay closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. For if

    the message declared by angels was valid and every transgression or disobedience received a just

    retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was declared at first by

    the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard him.

    Gospel– Sunday of St. Gregory of Palamas

    Mark 2: 1-2

    Let us attend,

    At that time,. Jesus entered Capernaum and it was reported that he was at home. And many were gathered

    together, so that there was no longer room for them, not even about the door; and he was preaching the

    word to them. And they came, bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men. And when they could not

    get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him; and when they had made an opening,

    they let down the pallet on which the paralytic lay. And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic,

    “My son, your sins are forgiven.” Now some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts,

    “Why does this man speak thus? It is a blasphemy! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” And immediately

    Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they thus questioned within themselves, said to them, “Why do you ques-

    tion thus in your hearts? Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, “Your sins are forgiven,” or to say, “Rise,

    take up your pallet and go home.” And he rose, and immediately took up the pallet and went out before

    them all; so that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!!

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    Q: As Orthodox Christians we believe the bread and wine in the Liturgy becomes

    the actual body and blood of our Lord. How do other denominations regard Holy


    A: Our Church believes that when we receive the elements, we receive Christ’s body and blood, but we offer no explanation as to how it occurs. The fathers of the church

    maintain the assurance of Christ Himself as recorded in the 6th Chapter of the

    Gospel of John that His flesh “is meat indeed,” and His blood “is drink indeed,” by

    the use of words like “metabole,” “allage,” which means simply “change” in Greek.

    The Roman Catholic Church also teaches that in the sacrament, communicants re-

    ceive the real body and blood of Christ. In the past, they taught a doctrine called “transubstantiation”

    which sought to explain the change. This is not usually referred to in our days. Certain Protestant groups,

    such as the Anglicans and Lutherans hold that in communion they receive Christ in a spiritual way, but

    that the elements do not change in any way. This is known as the doctrine of the “real presence,” in Angli-

    can teaching and “consubstantiation” in Lutheran teaching. The Reformed (Presbyterian) tradition held

    historically that no change took place, that Christ’s body and blood were not really present, but that com-

    municants receive “the power of virtue” of the body and blood of Christ. Other Protestants (I believe that it

    is the majority) hold that the Eucharist is just a memorial or a symbol, and nothing more.

    The Orthodox Church: 455 Questions and Answers by Stanley S. Harakas

    The Sunday of Saint Gregory of Palamas This divine Father, who was from Asia Minor, was from childhood reared in the royal court of Con-stan nople, where he was instructed in both religious and secular wisdom. Later, while s ll a youth, he le the imperial court and struggled in asce cism on Mount Athos, in in the Skete at Boroea. He spent some me in Thessalonica being treated for an illness that came from his harsh manner of life. He was present in Constan nople at the Council that was convened in 1341 against Barlaam of Ca-

    labria, and at the Council of 1347 against Acindymus, who was of like mind with Barlaam; Barlaam and Acindymus claimed that the grace of God is created. At both these Councils, the Saint contended courageously for the true dog-mas of the Church of Christ, teaching in par cular that divine grace is not created, but is the uncreated energies of God which are poured forth throughout crea on: otherwise it would be impossible, if grace were created, for man to have genuine communion with the uncreated God. In 1347 he was appointed Metropolitan of Thessalonica. He tended his flock in an apostolic manner for some twelve years, and wrote many books and trea ses on the most exalted doc-trines of our Faith; and having lived for a total o sixty-three years, he reposed in the Lord in 1359.

    His holy relics are kept in the Cathedral of Thessalonica. A full service was composed for his feast day by Patriarch Phi-lotheus in 1368, when it was established that his feast be celebrated on this day. Since works without right faith avail nothing, we set Orthodoxy of faith as the founda on of all that we accomplish during the Fast, by celebra ng the Triumph of Orthodoxy the Sunday before, and the great defender of the teachings of the holy Fathers today.

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    UP-COMING EVENTS March 11 Deanery Lenten Mission for Cross Venera on Sunday OUR Church @ 4:00pm


    The following month is s ll available: SEPTEMBER


    Move your clock forward ‘1’ Hour

    Next Saturday before retiring!

    MARCH 10, 2018


    Birthday Sunday TODAY, where we

    celebrate the

    members of our

    parish celebrating a birthday that month.

    Please remember those less fortunate and

    bring a donation for our birthday bags to

    the Corning Community Pantry, such as

    cake frosting. Please provide all donations

    to Millie Sosonka for assembly.

    One of the criminals who were hanged

    railed at him, saying, “Are you not the Christ? Save

    yourself and us!:

    But the other rebuked him, saying, “Do you not fear

    God, since you are under the same sentence of

    condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we are re-

    ceiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man

    has done nothing wrong.

    An he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come

    into your kingdom.”

    And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you

    will be with me in paradise. From the Gospel of St. Luke 23:39-54

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    Media Release: February 9th, 2018

    Ci zen’s Response to Ac ve Shooter Training for area Clergy

    Steuben County Sheriff, Jim Allard, reports that the Steuben County Sheriff’s Office, in response to community concerns arising from na onwide events of catastrophic violence, will be conduc ng three CRASE trainings, primarily for clergy and lay-leaders, to assist in se-curity concerns at area houses of worship. The Sheriff’s Office will conduct three trainings in March 2018, in the Bath, Corning and Hornell areas, to meet the needs of our area clergy.

    Any person interested in a ending these classes, or willing to host a class in their ar-ea, please contact Terri Moir at the Steuben County Sheriff’s Office at (607) 622-3930 or at [email protected]

    The Corning area session will be held on TUESDAY MARCH 13, 2018 AT 6:00PM. Fa-ther Dan and Don Kraketz will be a ending. In anyone is interested in a ending see Don or Father Dan and let us know. A number of those a ending must be given to the Sheriff’s Office a.s.a.p.

    Father Dan

    Office of the Sheriff

    Steuben County

    7007 Rumsey Street Ext.

    Bath, New York 14810


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    Second Sunday of the Great Lent

    Commemoration of St. Gregory of Palamas

    From the Prayer on the Amvon at the end of Liturgy on the Second

    Sunday of Lent….

    “Master and Lord our God, because You are good, we ask You to listen to Your un-

    worthy servants, and enable us to reach the desired end of these days of fasting, giv-

    en to us for correction. Lead us who have started this present contest to the hoped-

    for crowns of victory. Take off the armor of darkness, and clothe us with the armor

    of light. Grant us, O Lord, self-denial without hypocrisy, grant us prayer in secret

    which is more acceptable to You, and grant us humble almsgiving, which is pleas-

    ing to You. Through the mercies of Your only-begotten Son, with Whom You are

    blessed, together with Your all-holy, good and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and

    forever. Amen.”

    You should secretly give from what you have to those in need, so that you receive from God, Who sees in secret, a hundred times more, as

    well as life eternal in the age to come.”-

    St. Gregory of Palamas

    “The passion for popularity brings such injury upon those it masters that it shipwrecks faith itself.”

    Saint Gregory of Palamas

    Taken from Book #7 FORTY-EIGHT DAYS TO THE “GREAT DAY”

    Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank Miloro, Diocesan Chancellor

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    If you would like to meet with Father, please call him @607-962-5285 to arrange a time and place which is convenient for you.

    Emergency Sick Calls: Father is available for emergencies at any time. Please call him @ 607-962-5285 or on his cell phone @ 607-377-0587.

    Our Mailing Address is: 7 Chatfield Place East Painted Post, NY 14870

    Confessions are heard after Vespers on Saturday, after any weekday or Lenten ser-vice or by calling Father for an appointment.

    Marriages are solemnized on Saturdays. Consult Father at least six months in ad-vance and before plans have been made for the wedding reception. Marriages cannot be celebrated dur-ing the fasting seasons of the Church.

    Baptisms are normally scheduled on Saturday or Sunday. Consult Father for scheduling. Two God-parents are required, at least one of whom must be Orthodox by faith and the other a practicing Christian.

    Church Funerals are provided for practicing Orthodox Christians who are current in their Spiritual and Financial obligations to the parish otherwise burial is from the funeral home.

    If you would like to schedule a Panachida for your loved one please call Father at 962-5285

    The Church does not permit Cremation.

    His Grace, Bishop GREGORY; Protopresbyter Frank Miloro; Protopresbyter John Duranko; Protopresbyter Jim Dutko; Protopresbyter Luke Mihaly; Protopresbyter Lawrence Barriger; Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky; V. Rev. Thomas Kadlek; V. Rev. Michael Kleban; V. Rev. Michael Psenechnuk; Rev. James

    Gleason; V. Rev. Jason Kappanadze; Father James Worthington and Family Deacon Charles Ellis; Deacon Donald Koch; Mother Ralphaela; Pani Joan;

    Pani Kathleen Dutko; Pani Patricia Duranko; Matka Julia Romanchak; Sally Ellis; Judy Koch; Michael Banik; Helen Verno; Eleanor Adzima; Stan Lewek; Michael & Delores Kundrat; Vasyl & Lyudmyla Hayova; Helen Coons; Anna Soraparu; Mary Benyo; Anna Chudanic;

    Paul Rodrigues; George Officer; Michael Matzkevich; Marlene Wheet; Mae Mary Shonak; Helen Molson; Donna Blazosky; Tom Serdula; Art Gallant; Karen Kluchonic; Nancy Murphy-

    Teed; Joyce Nissen; Chelsea Roman; Gloria Ewsuk; Andrew Chudanic; Tammy Pierson; Jeanne Zimmer; Denise Topichak

    To Jonathan Share who is serving in the United States Navy; Tyler Colburn serving in the United States Army; Douglas Linsey serving in the United States Army and to all of our

    men and women who are serving and protec ng our country both at home and abroad.

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    March 5 Anne H.

    March 6 Gloria Ewsuk

    March 6 Father Dan

    March 12 Vasyl’ Hayovy

    March 16 Tom Cox

    March 19 Paul Rodrigues

    March 25 Noah Coons

    March 25 Jason Cox

    od grant your servants good

    health, happiness, sal-vation for many blessed years!

    Mnohaja I Blahaja L’ita!

    I was asked by Mary Benyo who is convalescing in the Steuben Center for Rehab and Health in Bath to say thank you for all the prayers, cards and good wishes you have sent her. She loves and misses each and everyone of you.

    She asks that our Lord grant each of you good health, happiness and salvation!

    Mnohaja I Blahaja L’ita!

    Having suffered the Passion for us, O Jesus Christ,

    Son of God, have mercy on us!

    Preterpivyj za nas strasti, Isuse Christe,

    Syne Bozij, pomiluj nas!

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    March 2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



    3 9:00am All Souls Memorial Service 5:00pm Vespes/Confessions

    4 St. Gregory of Pala-mas 9:30am Divine Litur-gy Coffee Social/Birthdays Ladies Al-tar Society Mtg



    7 5:00pm Liturgy of Presanc fied Gi s

    8 2-4pm Church Open for Prayer/Confession

    9 5:00pm Liturgy of Presanc fied Gi s

    10 9:00am All Souls Memorial Service 5:00pm Vespes/Confessions

    11 Cross Venera on Sunday 9:30am Di-vine Liturgy Panachida mem Julia, Michael, Ed-ward Brudnak Coffee Social 4:00pm Deanery Lenten Mission Ser-vice-Here



    14 5:00pm Moleben to the Holy Cross

    15 2-4pm Church Open for Prayer/Confession

    16 5:00pm Liturgy of Presanc fied Gi s

    17 9:00am All Souls Memorial Service NO VESPERS TO-NIGHT

    18 St. John of the Lad-der (Climacus) 9:30am Divine Litur-gy Potluck/Pantry


    20 Lis ngs for Next Month due to Helen R

    21 5:00pm Liturgy of Presanc fied Gi s

    22 2-4pm Church Open for Prayer/Confession

    23 5:00pm Liturgy of Presanc fied Gi s

    24 NO VESPERS HERE 7:00pm Feast of the An-nuncia on Ves-pers Annuncia-

    on GO Church Vestal, NY

    25 Saint Mary of Egypt 9:30am Divine Litur-gy Coffee So-cial



    28 5:00pm Liturgy of Presanc fied Gi s


    30 5:00pm Liturgy of Presanc fied Gi s

    31 Lazarus Saturday 9:00am Divine Liturgy 10:00am Make Palm Crosses 5:00pm Great Vespers/Li ja Palm Sun