Parent Information Year 1 to 6 2017 - · PDF fileTelephone: 9497 1188 Fax: 9497 1841 ... some...

Parent Information Year 1 to 6 2017 With Pride We Learn With Pride We Grow

Transcript of Parent Information Year 1 to 6 2017 - · PDF fileTelephone: 9497 1188 Fax: 9497 1841 ... some...

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Parent Information Year 1 to 6


With Pride We Learn With Pride We Grow

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Willandra Primary School Website- School app -Tiqbiz available from the app store

Chidzey Drive Sevil le Grove WA 6112 Administrat ion Hours 8.00am -4.00pm Telephone: 9497 1188 Fax: 9497 1841 Principal Mrs Caird Deputy Principals Mrs Vincent and Mr Smith Business Manager Mrs Kelly School Officers Mrs Sarti, Ms Vandermeer and Mrs Sofoulis School Hours First Siren 8.30am Recess 10.30am -10.50am Lunch 12.30pm - 1.00pm Final Siren 2.30pm Sport Mr Trethewey and Ms Tubby LOTE - French Madame Harvey Year 3 - Year 6 Music - Choir, Recorder, Ukulele and Guitar programs Ms Nicholas Uniform Shop at the front of Cluster 5 Thursday 2.15pm to 2.45pm Cash or cheques accepted No EFTPOS facilities available Voluntary School Contributions Cash or cheques accepted EFTPOS facilities now available Families with one child enrolled $40.00 Families with two children enrolled $64.00 Families with three children enrolled $72.00 Families with 4+ children enrolled $80.00 Voluntary P & C Contributions per family $20.00 per year Canteen - Open every day except Wednesday. Place orders before 8.30am. Parent volunteers are welcome.

Assemblies - Parent assemblies every Thursday at 8.30am, at undercover area near Canteen. Student/Cluster assemblies every Monday at 8.30am.

Student Requirement List - Purchased through West Supplies or store of parents choice.

Newsletter - Distributed every even week each Term to the Family representative (oldest sibling).

Breakfast Club - Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning 7.45am-8.15am. Coin donation. Year 1-6 Primary Information 2 Willandra Primary School

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ASSEMBLIES Each Monday morning children are involved in a student assembly. Parents do not attend this assembly as school administrative matters are raised with the children. Every Thursday, we conduct parent assemblies. Each alternate week the Junior school (Years PP to 3) and the Senior school (Years 4 to 6) host the assembly. Merit Certificates and TED Awards are presented at the assembly. Parents are advised beforehand if their child is to receive an award, and are encouraged to attend their child’s assembly. BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT / DISCIPLINE POLICY All families are provided with a copy of these rules early in the year and all teachers explain and reinforce the rules regularly. These rules are for children to understand and obey. They are in place so that everyone at this school has rights and is treated respectfully. Good manners and care for others must be shown by everyone towards both adults and children. Please read the School Behaviour Management/Policy and discuss the contents with your child/ren. BICYCLES, SCOOTERS AND SKATEBOARDS All cyclists are required by law to wear protective helmets. Research confirms that they help to prevent serious head injuries. School staff accept no responsibility for bicycles, scooters or skateboards at school. Parents are advised to provide children with chains and locks, and some form of identification for these items. Students are required to walk bikes, scooters and skateboards when on the school grounds. The road behaviour of many students is concerning, and parents are asked to ensure that their children ride in a disciplined and safe manner. At all times, this remains the responsibility of parents. Parents are strongly urged to accept Bikewest Council recommendations and not allow children in Years One, Two or Three to ride bikes to school. When students do not comply with rules, they may be banned from bringing bikes, scooters and skateboards onto school premises for some period. Year 1-6 Primary Information 3 Willandra Primary School

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CANTEEN The canteen operates on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. It is closed on the last day of the school year for stock take and cleaning. Items available are listed on the menu which is available from the canteen. The canteen management seeks to cooperate with parents, and in turn seeks parental cooperation. Volunteers are always needed to work on the canteen roster. The canteen can only operate efficiently if sufficient volunteer helpers are available. All enquiries should be directed to the Canteen Manager. Children are provided with attractive wholesome meals at very reasonable prices. In the interests of Department of Education requirements, the school has a policy of reducing the amount of sugary foods and food with high fat content sold in the canteen.

CHILDREN’S ABSENCES FROM SCHOOL If your child is absent from school, it is a Department of Education requirement that a note be sent to the classroom teacher upon your child’s return to school. If your child is going to be absent for a lengthy period, please contact the office by phone on 9497 1188.

CHILDREN’S HEALTH The school nurse visits the primary school each week. Please make an appointment with the Nurse, if you wish to discuss any children’s health problems. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Parents are asked to phone the Principal if there is any concern about a child attending school whilst suffering from any health condition that can be

passed to other students. DENTAL HEALTH A Dental Service operates for our students from Armadale Primary School, Carradine Road Armadale. For further information please contact; 9399 4546.

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ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Enrolments for Kindergarten, Pre Primary and Years 1-6 are not complete until an original Birth Certificate, Immunisation Records and a current utility account (to prove residency) is provided to the office. When each child is enrolled at the school an enrolment form is completed by the child’s parent or guardian. Children must be enrolled under their legal surname. The name that is stated on their birth certificate, or if changed, the Name change certificate which must be sighted and copied. HEAD LICE Pediculosis (head lice) occasionally infests students’ hair. This is not a reflection on the child, the family, or the school. If the child is found to have head lice, the parent will be contacted, given information about how to check for and treat head lice, and asked to take the child home to begin treatment. The parents must undertake treatment before the child returns to school. HOMEWORK Parents are asked to ensure all students read each week night. In Year One, students read aloud to parents. Please see the sheets supplied by Year One teachers which provide appropriate strategies to use when hearing children read. Year Two students may also be required to read aloud and record the time spent reading. From Year Two to Six, students are asked to read silently. Parents are asked to monitor this activity. Students will be motivated to become keen readers when parents take an interest in the material their children read, and discuss the material with them. One of the most vital ways you can assist your child, is to make him/her an efficient habitual reader. Those who do not read readily and easily are very disadvantages at high school level. Even Mathematics requires high level skills in reading comprehension.

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HOMEWORK Students are expected to complete homework activities each week primarily based on Literacy and Numeracy. Teachers will outline their homework policy at the Parent Meeting held early in Term One, as well as by letter. Teachers will regularly allocate additional homework for students in Years Five and Six. The purpose of this is to create good study habits. Parents are asked to supervise homework and provide a quiet study environment, away from television and other distractions. The necessity for children to develop sound study habits in preparation for high school cannot be over-emphasised. LEAVING SCHOOL GROUNDS On no account are children allowed to leave the school grounds, during school hours, without a written request from parents. If parents wish to collect a child from school before the end of the day a Leave Pass must first be collected from the office. Children will not be released by teachers unless a Leave Pass is presented to them by the parent/guardian who is collecting the child/children. This will ensure that appropriate adults are collecting children from school. LOST PROPERTY Lost property items are placed in the medical room in administration. These items are displayed at each assembly for parents to look through. LUNCH

Students sit outside their classroom, or in an area under the direction of

the duty teacher for the first ten minutes of lunch time.

Food and drinks are to be finished in the lunch areas and rubbish placed

in bins.

Students are to sit quietly until dismissed and then walk to the


All eating/drinking must be done while seated, in designated areas.

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MEDICATIONS AT SCHOOL (Department of Education Policy) From time to time, parents request that children be given medication at school. School policy does not allow this because: Teachers are not legally qualified to administer medications. Generally speaking, if children are sick enough to require medication, then they probably should not be at school. If your child does need to take medication during school hours, specific documentation must be completed. A ‘Health Care Authorisation Form’, available from the office, must be completed, even if the child is able to administer their own medicine. The medication should be provided to the office in the bottle/box with the pharmacist’s label displaying the student’s name, dosage required and name of medication. NEWSLETTER The school newsletter, sent out with the eldest child every second Thursday, is an important method of communication between the school and parents. Parents are asked to read the newsletter carefully, and to respond to contents if asked. From time to time, it contains administrative information, items of school and class news, children’s work and school policy. ORGANISATION

Hand bell at the end of breaks means ‘stop games’ - make your way to

the lining up area.

The siren means to line up and be ready to enter the classroom.

No one may be in a classroom unless a teacher is present.

At break times, children see the teacher on duty about any problems.

Children do not come to the staff room or office except in an emergency.

The car park and bicycle racks are out of bounds.

Chewing gum is banned.

Shoes must be worn at all times.

Children are asked not to be at school before 8.15 am. Children arriving

before this time must assemble and sit in the undercover area if not

supervised by their parents.

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PARENTS’ AND CITIZENS ASSOCIATION Willandra has a strong P & C Association that provides many school facilities and gives great support to the school. New members are very welcome at meetings which are held on Wednesday of Weeks 3 and 8, in the school staff room commencing at 6.30pm. PARENT PARTICIPATION The school encourages a high level of parent participation. Research confirms that effective education is dependent on family and school working together. Our school fosters an open, friendly and welcoming culture/environment, so that parents can be actively involved part and feel part of the educational team. Parents at Willandra can help the school in many ways: Some examples of this are: * Helping on excursions * Coordinating Breakfast Club * Working in the canteen * Going on camps * Helping in the library * Being actively involved in classroom learning activities * Typing children’s stories * Covering books Being a member of the School Board and/or the P&C PARENT - TEACHER INTERVIEWS Parent-teacher interviews are organised on request. Parents are asked to phone the school for an appointment. We are anxious to maintain a high degree of quality communication with parents. Please seek clarification of day to day issues to avoid misunderstandings.

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PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT The school has a Physical Education Specialist. Children are required to wear appropriate footwear on all sports and Physical Education days. Interm swimming classes are held at the Armadale Aquatic Centre. Children are strongly encouraged to participate in these lessons. SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT DAYS The school is closed during School Development Days when all teachers are involved in Professional Development and planning. The dates are advised through the school newsletter and parent term planner. SCHOOL RULES In the interests of the school community, it is important that parents, teachers and students work together to ensure high standards of conduct and behaviour. It is not helpful when children garner support from parents when they behave inappropriately at school. Teachers or a member of Administration have a responsibility to make a thorough appraisal of the facts before correcting a student, and the wise parent supports the school’s efforts to preserve standards. From time to time, misunderstandings occur. If parents approach the school in these circumstances in a reasonable manner, they are entitled to make enquiries and seek explanations. Parents are asked to contact the Principal in the first instance when difficulties occur, then approach the class teacher if necessary. This school makes an earnest effort to demand high standards of its students. Parents are asked to support this effort, and to keep in contact with their child’s class teacher whenever they feel it is necessary.

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Follow instructions given by school staff.

When eating, students must remain seated.

Classrooms are out of bounds before school, at lunch time and recess

time, unless a teacher is present.

Walk on pathways and paved areas.

All sports equipment to be returned to the classroom/sports shed after


Behave in a sensible manner to prevent accidents and injury.

All sports/play equipment is to be used in a responsible manner.

Consideration, good manners and respect is to be extended to other

students, staff and visitors.

The school environment is to be kept clean and tidy.

Bicycles, skateboards and scooters are not to be ridden on the school

grounds. Children are asked to dismount and walk their bikes to the

racks and walk their bikes out of the school grounds at the end of the


Children are not permitted to leave the school grounds without


Sports equipment or climbing gear is not to be used before or after

school. It is vital that in an emergency, we are able to reach parents immediately. If parents are unable to be contacted it is important that the person(s) used as emergency contact(s) are reliable and their details kept updated. Your continued cooperation and consideration in this area will help to ensure your child’s welfare will receive the highest priority, especially in times of


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STUDENT COUNCIL We have a Student Council in the school. A number of students from Years Five and Six are elected each semester to represent their fellow students. The councillors meet on a weekly basis and perform some very important functions around the school, e.g: assemblies, flag raising, tidy class award tally and newsletter distribution. STUDENT RECORDS/INFORMATION It is essential that all the information on the student enrolment form is accurate and current, with updates made as changes occur. STUDENT REQUIREMENTS LIST Parents need to provide personal items for their children at the commencement of each year. Booklists are distributed at the end of each year ready for the following year and all requirements on this list need to be provided by parents. SCHOOL SUPPORT SERVICES We have the services of the School Nurse available to us. She will meet with a number of the children during the course of her work. She is able to refer children to relevant specialists for help e.g. Speech Therapy. We also have access to the services of the School Psychologist two days per week.

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VALUES PROGRAM Pre Primary children participate in the school Values Program. Two Values are covered each term. At the end of each value, a child from each class will be awarded a values certificate. The values covered over the year are: Co-operation, Respect, Tolerance and Inclusion, Perseverance, Kindness, Honesty, Responsibility and Courage.

TED PROGRAM As a part of the school’s Bullying Prevention Program, we participate in the TED (Treat Everyone Decently) Program. At each Junior Assembly a child from each class will be awarded a certificate. The TED Program encapsulates all of our school’s anti-bullying policies. Certificates are awarded at each Junior Parent Assembly to those students who positively contribute to helping others feel valued and safe at school.

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VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS & CHARGES At the end of each year, families are advised of the voluntary contributions and charges they can expect to pay for the following year. These payments can be made with your Student Requirement List or at the school office. Families with one child enrolled $40.00 (full contribution) Families with two children enrolled $64.00 (each child pays 80% of full contribution) Families with three children enrolled $72.00 (each child pays 60% of full contribution) Families with four or more children enrolled $80.00 (each child pays 60% of full contribution)



We’re children of Willandra Together growing strong Proud to be Australians

In the land where we belong We’ll build a bond between us

For all eternity Children of Willandra

All growing strong and free And as we grow together In God we trust and pray

To bring us strength and wisdom To guide us through our day

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We have students in the school who are highly allergic to any nut products or products containing nut extracts. These students do not have to actually eat nut products to have a life threatening reaction. Their condition is so serious that, even ingesting a trace of a nut product could result in an anaphylactic reaction. In order to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction the school canteen has eliminated all nut products from the menu. Further to this precaution, we request that you follow our lead and remove nut products from your child’s recess. We understand that this can make preparing meals more difficult; however, failure to make this change could have dire consequences. Information on foods to avoid and a list of alternatives are listed. We ask for your co-operation and support in adhering to the above guidelines. This will assist us in providing a safe and supportive school environment that minimises the risk to the student with a life threatening allergy to nuts.

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Avoid these foods

Please bring any of these alternatives

TIP: Buying large servings can be cheaper eg: Tinned fruit, 1kg of yoghurt, 200gm dips and dried fruit. Each day, give your child a portion in a smaller container or snap lock bag. (Don’t forget the spoon). There are lots of alternatives to bringing peanut products; we thank you for your cooperation in this area.

Peanut Cashew Pistachio

Brazil nut


Macadamia Pecan Pine nut

Praline Shea nut Walnut Almond


Nutella/Hazelnut Spread

Satay products Peanut butter/paste

Chocolate/Cream biscuits Incredibites L.C.M’s Muesli bars

Dippity biscuits

Uncle Toby’s Le Snack (cheese)

Tiny Teddies


Mortadella (may contain pistachios)

Most crackers Eg: Jatz, Ritz, Ryvita,Premium & Cruskits

Anything made with peanut oil or whole/crushed peanuts

From October 2006: Coconut identified as a tree nut

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Any fruit or vegetables Fresh/dried or tinned

Sandwiches eg: Meat slice/spread, jam, vegemite, pickle, honey, fish, cheese slice/spread, fairy bread

Homemade scones Homemade pikelets

Homemade Muffins (that contain no peanut oil or peanuts)

Homemade biscuits Boiled egg




Instant puddings

Cheese (slices/cubes/sticks/spread)

Meat/Dairy: sausage

polony or frankfurts (with tomato sauce dip)

Pizza Blackmore’s Fruity Bits

Bellis Apricot fruit bites

IXL Fruit Plus bars


Jelly Arnott’s cheese


Creamed rice


Captain’s Table classic water crackers

Packet of chips



Fantastic rice crackers

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ANTI BULLYING POLICY Is your child a victim of bullying at school A survey carried out at the school showed that many students don’t tell their

parents about being bullied.

How can parents tell that there may be something wrong

Possible Signs:

Not wanting to go to school

Begins doing poorly in school work

Headaches, stomach aches for no clear reason

Bruises, scratches, damage to their property

Change of mood (feeling down or angry)

Wanting changes in the way he/she travels to school

Withdrawal from peer activities


What is Bullying

Bullying is repetitive behaviour that hurts, injures, embarrasses or upsets

someone. It can be:

Ganging up

Ignoring someone or deliberately leaving them out

Spreading rumours

Unwanted touching, hitting, teasing, abusing and mocking


Hiding someone’s property

Writing nasty notes

Name calling

Taking or damaging the person’s property

Making hurtful & racist comments

Upsetting comments on social/family background

Threats or dirty looks

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What can Parents do

Telling parents is often a hard step to take. Students often fear that their

parents will get angry and take steps that will make it worse.

I t helps if parents .. . 1. Listen calmly and try not to over-react. Get a clear picture of what


Who was involved?

Where did it happen?

When did it happen?

Did anybody else see it, and if so who?

2. Remember you are hearing only one part of the story.

3. Help the child work out what might be done. Reassure them that the

situation can be changed.

4. Once you have a clear picture of the situation and some ideas of how

you and your child would like to handle it, contact the school.

5. Discourage any planned retaliation either physical or verbal if your child

is bullied. Encourage them to be assertive but not aggressive.

What can the School do

The Willandra Primary School’s Anti-Bullying Policy states that the school will: 1. Use a proven effective counseling strategy to talk to all students

involved. 2. In severe cases or if there are repeated incidents, behavioural

consequences will be placed on the bully.


Anti-Bullying Committee

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Learning Literacy Helping your child with reading Read to your child every day. Join the local library. Get Grandfather’s, Dads and brothers to read to boys, they are important

role models. Talk about authors and illustrators. Borrow books and tapes from the local library to play at bedtime or on

journeys. Buy children books as presents. Show children that you read and write too. Make your own family books to remember celebrations or holidays using

digital photos or child drawings. Toy catalogues are great favourites, ask the child to find words or letters

they know.

Reading to your child is an essential part of your child learning to read.

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Learning Literacy

Phonological Awareness Activities At this stage, it is important to develop basic listening skills. These can be practiced through fun activities that you do together like repeating simple rhythms, or connecting the sound to thing that makes it. Also, this is a great time to model other phonological awareness concepts such as rhyming and alliteration. Play stop and start games, such as musical chairs. (At this age, play a

version of the game where no one gets out. This will avoid many tears.) Clap simple rhythms together, such as clap, clap, clap or clap pause clap. When you hear sounds around you, ask what made the sound. Try giving your child one-step instructions and then move on to two-steps. Play a sound guessing game. Make a familiar sound and let your child

guess what made the sound. Tap a rhythm like a drum beat on a table or on your lap. Do one rhythm

that is very fast and one that is very slow. Talk about the difference in the sound--fast and slow. Then tap more rhythms and encourage your child to label them either fast or slow.

Read rhyming books together. Repeat nursery rhymes and sing little songs that include rhyming words.

Read books or repeat tongue twisters with alliteration (the first sound is the same in many of the words). For example: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Take advantage of everyday activities to talk about words and sounds. For example, when going to the shops you might ask your child which sound is the same in the words peach and pineapple, or in peach and tin.

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Learning Literacy

Learning the Alphabet There are many fun ways to work on learning the alphabet. The purpose here is to help your child become familiar with the names of the letters and understand that letters are something special. Sing ABC song or the ABC rap. For example, you say the first 2 letters

and your child says the next 2. Next time start part way through the alphabet. This is better that the song as the song, has a melody and the children are not listening to the letter names but rather going with the flow.

Read alphabet books. Point out letters in the environment. Point out the print in books and other print materials. Give the child magnetic letters and other letter shapes to play with. Talk

about their shape, eg: ‘o’ is round without any corners. Put together ABC puzzles. Introduce your child to the names of the letters in his or her name. Blending and Segmenting When blending you say each sound in the word, starting with 2 or 3 letter words. For example /m/ /o/ /p/. What word am I trying to say?

Segmenting is the opposite to blending where your child has to listen for the sounds in words eg; in the word cat you can hear /c/ /a/ /t/.

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Learning Literacy

Oral Language Developing oral language is the most important cognitive undertaking for young children. Strong vocabulary and oral language skills allow people to understand and do anything they want to.

How to build vocabulary and language structure

Engage the child in conversation-expect that your child will contribute to

the conversation. Ask open-ended questions such as "What was your favorite thing that we saw today?"

As you do things together, think of new words or new concepts that can

be introduced through that activity. For example, if you are planting a seed together, you can talk about the soil, the pot, the seed, and the water. Later, as the sprout comes up, you can introduce the words sprout, stem, leaf, and roots. All of these will be easy for your child to grasp because of the concrete activity that shows their meaning. Make sure you use the new word or words several times and engage your child in conversation where he or she will have the opportunity to use the word also.

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Learning Literacy

Oral Language

Continue building oral language skills by extending ideas in conversation

with the child. In response to what your child has said, add in a word that is at a slightly higher level than what the child can currently use. For example: if your child says "It was really, really big." respond back "It must have been enormous!"

Read lots of books together. Gradually increase the length and difficulty of

the stories you are reading together. This will help your child's listening comprehension to grow.

With familiar stories, encourage the child to retell the story, even if it is only a couple of sentences.

Ask questions throughout the story, such as who different characters are

or what they are doing. Talk about the pictures, what is happening, what might happen next, why do you think that happened?

Comment on things that the story reminds you of. For example, if you

read a book about going to the park, talk about your recent time playing at the park. Talk about the things you did that were similar and different from the book.

Read books of children's poetry together. Have fun with the rhythm and

feel of the poems. Change the rhyming words even if you use nonsense words.

Read non-fiction books. Go slowly and look more in depth at the pictures.

Talk about what you are learning. Most importantly if you think your child has a problem, talk to their teacher. They may be referred to the School Nurse or for Speech Therapy. Speech Therapy is not just about articulation, how we pronounce sounds, but is also about how we interpret and process information.

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Learning Literacy

Linking Literacy and Maths Children need lots of talking and hands on or concrete experiences with maths before they are ready to learn more abstract concepts. Cooking is a great way to expose children to the language of

mathematics. Talk about numbers in the environment e.g. when shopping, street signs,

house numbers, clocks etc. Look for shapes in the environment e.g. triangles, circles, squares etc. Look at the clock and discuss what time it is e.g. when they go to school,

have breakfast etc. Talk about the sequence of events in their lives eg: daily routines -

breakfast, lunch, dinner, seasons - summer, autumn, winter, spring, days of the week etc.

Singing nursery rhymes or songs that involve numbers e.g. 1, 2, buckle my shoe, etc.

Use mathematical language e.g. bigger, smaller, more, less, full, empty etc.

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HAT POLICY RATIONALE The following statistics provided by the Cancer Foundation of Western Australia clearly indicate that the need to minimise the risk to skin from sun damage is essential.

WA has the second highest rate of skin cancer in the world. The incidence of melanoma in WA doubled in the past decade. Two out of three people in Australia will develop skin cancer at some

stage in their lives. Each year 1200 Australians die from skin cancer. Living in Australia for the first 15 years of your life contributes to the

lifetime risk of melanoma for a lifetime resident in Australia. Most damage to the skin is caused by over exposure to the sun in

childhood and early adolescence. OBJECTIVES This policy is written to achieve two objectives:

1. To minimise the risk to students from sun damage. 2. To offer staff guidance and protection.

PROCEDURES RECESS AND LUNCH BREAKS The existing “no hat, no play” policy remains in place. This policy is operational throughout the year. Policy: Children who are not wearing a hat must play in the undercover area at break times. OUTDOOR EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Students are required to wear a hat for all outdoor educational activities throughout the year. In the event that a child is not wearing a hat he/she will be withdrawn from

the activity. The student will sit in an area out of the sun. As outlined in our School’s Hat Policy all children are expected to wear hats for all outdoor activities throughout the year. It is recommended for students from Kindergarten to Year 6 to wear a school reversible Faction bucket hat for outdoor activities, and during recess and lunch time. These hats are available from the Uniform Shop.

REVIEW OF POLICY The effectiveness of this policy will be reviewed annually.

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SCHOOL BOARD The role of the School Board is to participate in short term and long term decision making for the school, and to maintain oversight of the schools’ operations. It supports the school and provides additional expertise to help the school achieve the best possible outcomes for the students.


The Principal

Three (3) staff members (teaching and non-teaching)

Four (4) Parents / Carers, including P&C President

Three (3) Community members, (can include Tertiary, Commerce and

Industry leaders, to bring particular skill and knowledge to the Board) HOW ARE BOARD MEMBERS CHOSEN Staff and parent members of the Board are elected. Community members are invited to serve on the Board. The Principal will invite nominations for positions on the Board if and

when they become available. Each family within the school will receive a ballot paper listing nominated candidates. Each family will be entitled to one vote. A member of the Board shall hold the position for up to three years. A member of the Board may re-nominate at the end of his/her term. The Board may co-opt a member of the local community for a period of time if the community member has specific skills, experience or qualification required.

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WHAT DOES THE BOARD DO The School Board provides additional expertise to help the school achieve the best outcomes for its students by: Contributing to the establishment and review of the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions Endorsing financial arrangements necessary to fund the objectives,

priorities and directions Evaluating the school’s performance in achieving the above Approving charges, contributions, and personal items (Booklist) Formulating codes of conduct for students Determining, in consultation with the school community, a dress code

for students Promoting the school in the community and being in informed source

of information Taking part in the selection of a new Principal. WHAT DOESN’T THE BOARD DO The Board does not: manage the day to day running of the school, employ staff, decide

which classes students will be assigned to or resolve issues relating to individual teachers and staff and/or parents

discuss individual issues relating to teachers, staff or parents represent specific interest groups, or allow special interests to

dominate the agenda of the Board Intervene in the educational instruction of students Performance manage the Principal or any other staff member

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WHEN DOES THE BOARD MEET The Board meets once per term or when necessary, though additional

meetings can be called if an issue that requires prompt resolution arises

Meetings of the Board are conducted in the Library on Tuesday of Week 6 of each Term, commencing at 6.00pm.

MEETING RULES The Chairperson of the Board is elected from within the Board

membership. Each member of the Board is entitled to one vote. Minutes of the meeting will be kept. Only elected members of the committee are permitted to vote at

meetings. Decisions at meetings are made with a consensus of the majority. Agenda items will be posted to each member prior to meeting. Decisions for which an agreement cannot be reached will be held over

to the following meeting.

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INTRODUCTION As a school we aim to promote eight core values: Respect Responsibility Honesty Tolerance and Inclusion Co-operation Perseverance Kindness Courage

BASIC PRINCIPLES The basic principles of discipline in this school are: 1. Everyone has the right to be treated equally and with respect 2. Everyone has the right to learn without disruption 3. Everyone’s property should be treated with respect 4. Everyone should take responsibility for their own behaviour 5. Everyone has a right to play free of interference from other students. PROCEDURES 1. The Managing Student Behaviour Policy has procedures for three

areas. These are the: Classroom Playground Administration 2. The Behaviour Policy rewards those children who maintain appropriate behaviours and provides consequences for those children who behave inappropriately. Our focus is to encourage positive, desirable behaviour. 3. Parents will be informed of their child’s good and poor behaviour. 4. A positive approach will always be used first. 5. Behaviour management is based on carefully developed steps. The children are made aware of these steps.

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1 CERTIFICATES/GOOD NEWS Children will be given certificates and/or ‘good’ notes by their teacher

to inform parents/carers of good behaviour. 2 VISITING THE PRINCIPAL The children may be sent to the Principal for acknowledgment of their

good behaviour. 3 “GOTCHA” VALUES AWARDS These are awarded to students who are seen demonstrating our core

values. 4 MERIT AWARDS Those children who have worked hard over a sustained period of time

may be given a Merit Certificate at a parent assembly. 5 CLASS VISITS The Principal and Deputy Principals will visit each class during the

year and interact with the students eg: Read a story.

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towards others or are working to the best of their ability are identified to Administration. Administration then rings parents to inform them.

7 T.E.D. AWARDS (TREAT EVERYONE DECENTLY) Children identified as treating others decently are recognised

with a certificate which is presented at a parent assembly. 8 SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Names of children identified for producing exceptional work are

published in the school’s newsletter. 9 TOKENS Classes receive tokens/stamps/stickers from teachers for

demonstrating appropriate behaviour. 10 ASSEMBLIES Specialist teachers present merit awards at parent assemblies for

classes that display exceptional behaviour or work in their lessons.

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Class and school rules are displayed in all classrooms. Children are fully aware of school rules. IN ONE DAY 1st MISDEMEANOUR Child’s name is placed on the tracking sheet and warning is circled. 2nd MISDEMEANOUR A circle is drawn around the number on the tracking sheet and an in-class consequence is implemented. 3rd MISDEMEANOUR The student is sent to a buddy class until the next break. They take work with them to complete. 4th MISDEMEANOUR Child receives an Orange Slip detailing their behaviour, and a consequence. Any further misdemeanour during this day receives an automatic Orange Slip. Parents are advised in writing of the misdemeanour and the consequence. A teacher/parent interview is scheduled for students who are regularly tracked in class or receive multiple Orange Slips, and an Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP) is implemented to improve behaviour.

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1. Behaviour slip ( Years 1—3 only ) .

2. Behaviour slip + recess and lunch detention.

3. Behaviour slip + recess and lunch detention.

4. Behaviour slip + All day in another class + recess and lunch detention

+ parent interview (Teacher included).

5. In-school suspension + suspension notice.

6. In-school suspension + suspension notice and case conference with

parents and School Psychologist.

7. Out of school suspension + suspension notice and case conference

with parents and School Psychologist.

RS1 A Red Slip is given for a serious breach of conduct. Behaviour may

include physical violence towards other students and/or staff; swearing at

staff and/or students. Depending on the severity of their actions, the

students may be suspended for up to 5 days.

When an Orange Slip is issued, the student takes it to the office to be centrally recorded and photocopied. If necessary the incident is investigated by a Deputy Principal or the Principal, and the student is counselled and reprimanded. The student takes the original Orange Slip home to be signed by their parent/guardian, to be returned on the next school day. Children who receive no Orange Slips throughout the term receive a reward at the end of each term. A student who is involved in a serious incident e.g: wilful disobedience, violence or vandalism will be fast-tracked in the system. Students who are involved in a fight that becomes physical will receive automatic suspension ranging from two to five days. The rights of students to feel safe and protected at school must be upheld. Specific conditions apply to attendance at the Year 6 lunch and Graduation Ceremony. These are articulated in the Year 6 Policy.

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POSITIVE CONSEQUENCES FOR PLAYGROUND GOOD BEHAVIOUR Students who demonstrate our core values receive a “Gotcha” values

award. The “Gotcha” award slips are placed in a raffle which is drawn at the school’s Monday student assembly. As per the school’s Values Education Policy, Values Awards will be presented during the Thursday parent assembly at the end of the Value in Focus cycle.

TED (Treat Everyone Decently) awards are issued by all staff. At each

Thursday Parent Assembly class awards are presented. In addition, as per the school’s Bullying Prevention Policy, bronze, silver and gold TED awards are presented to students who receive multiple TED class awards.

SCHOOL RULES The following school rules have been designed to provide our children with a safe environment and to ensure everyone has their rights respected. Above all, good manners and a caring attitude towards others will be expected at all times. Follow instructions given by school staff. When eating students must remain seated. Classrooms are out of bounds, unless a teacher is present. Walk only, on path ways. All sports equipment to be returned to the classroom or sports shed at

the end of breaks. Behave in a sensible manner to prevent accidents and injury. All sports/play equipment is to be used in a responsible manner. Consideration, good manners and respect are to be shown to peers,

staff and visitors. School environment is to be kept clean and tidy. Bicycles, skateboards, scooters and rip-sticks are not to be ridden in

the school grounds. Students are asked to dismount and walk their bikes etc to the racks and walk them out of the school grounds at the end of the day.

Children are not permitted to leave the school grounds without permission.

Sports equipment and climbing gear is not to be used before or after school.

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Students are given: “Gotcha” Values Award T.E.D. Awards Verbal praise, stickers etc A ‘good’ note A merit certificate Class reward at assembly A call home from Administration Name published in school newsletter End of term reward DETAINING CHILDREN AFTER SCHOOL Whilst the school recognises that the detention of children after school does have its drawbacks, it is felt that teachers must have some recourse for the immediate sanction of children who misbehave. Regulation 4.2.1 states: ‘A student can be detained after school as a consequence of a breach of school discipline. Detention in this context will apply to individuals or small groups of students’. This means that- By law, teachers are permitted to detain students after school. Experience tells us that ten minutes is an acceptable time to detain children as there are still children and parents leaving the school grounds at this time. Please remember that, for a child to be detained she/he has chosen this course of action.

In the event that a child is to be detained, the parent/caregiver will be notified beforehand.

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Students are given: “Gotcha” Values Award T.E.D. Awards Verbal praise, stickers etc A ‘good’ note A merit certificate Class reward at assembly A call home from Administration Name published in school newsletter


At the start of the school year, the class teachers hold parent meetings where information regarding the consequences for negative behaviour can be discussed.

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UNIFORM POLICY Students at Willandra Primary School are required to wear the correct school uniform to school. Parent support for wearing of uniforms is essential and is appreciated. Children are expected to be clean and tidy at all times. The school logo is available with all uniforms.

The school uniform was designed by the parents of this school after an incredible amount of work. The uniform, therefore, is the choice of the majority of parents at this school. The wearing of a uniform helps to enhance school pride and tradition as well as contributing to discipline and the tone of the school. There are a number of sensible reasons for having your child dressed in uniform, these are as follows: In the long run, uniforms are cheaper than casual wear. Uniforms stop the children competing against one another in terms of their appearance. On excursions children are more easily seen if they are in uniform. Uniforms help to build school spirit and pride. Uniforms look neater. Uniforms allow the children to feel they belong to, or are part of a group.

All school clothing must be labelled with the student’s name. If a child arrives at school out of uniform they are loaned a T-shirt or

jumper for the day. Long hair should be tied back for reasons of hygiene.

UNIFORM SHOP Uniforms are sold at the Uniform Shop, in Cluster Five. The shop is run on a voluntary basis by the P&C (opening times will be advised in the newsletter). We would appreciate your prompt arrival.

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SUMMER UNIFORM BOYS The boys’ summer uniform consists of an 'ice blue' polo shirt or T-shirt and black shorts. GIRLS The girls’ summer uniform consists of an 'ice blue' polo shirt or T-shirt, and either black tailored shorts or a black sports skirt, bike pants are unacceptable. A dress in the school check is also available.

WINTER UNIFORM BOYS The boys’ winter uniform consists of an 'ice blue' shirt, an 'ice blue' track suit top/windcheater and black tracksuit pants or tailored pants. Black shorts may also be worn in place of the tracksuit pants. GIRLS The girls’ winter uniform consists of an 'ice blue' shirt, an 'ice blue' track suit top/windcheater and black tracksuit pants. The girls also have the option of wearing the school black sports skirt in place of the tracksuit pants. SHOES The children are required, for safety reasons to wear suitable foot covering at all times when they are at school. Sports shoes, leather school shoes, sandals and casual shoes are all acceptable. We would ask that, for safety reasons, children do not wear thongs. As outlined in our School’s Hat Policy all children are expected to wear hats for all outdoor activities throughout the year. It is compulsory for students from Kindergarten to Year 6 to wear a school reversible Faction bucket hat for outdoor activities, and during recess and lunch time. These hats are available at the Uniform Shop.

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UNACCEPTABLE CLOTHING These items are not welcome because they are unsafe or do not fit in with accepted standards of school wear. The following are specifically banned from school for various reasons, including safety, modesty and restriction of movement: Shorts, pants or T-shirts with any slogans or advertising logos, such as “Billabong” Black T-shirts Denim jeans/shorts and board shorts Singlets, tank tops and scanty clothing Clothing which is not modest Thongs Loose dangling earrings, facial studs or rings and excessive jewellery

MAKE UP It is not acceptable or appropriate for primary school aged students to wear make up to school.

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