Parastoo Sadeghi, Rodney A. Kennedy, Predrag B. Rapajic...

© MASTER SERIES Finite-State Markov Modeling of Fading Channels [ A survey of principles and applications ] 1053-5888/08/$25.00©2008IEEE IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE [57] SEPTEMBER 2008 I n late 1950s and early 1960s, Gilbert and Elliott at Bell Labs were modeling burst-noise telephone circuits with a very simple two-state channel model with memory. This simple model allowed them to evaluate channel capacity and error rate performance through bursty wireline telephone circuits. However, it took another 30 years for the so-called Gilbert-Elliott channel (GEC) and its generalized finite-state Markov channel (FSMC) to be applied in the design of second-generation (2G) wireless communication systems. Since the mid 1990s, the GEC and FSMC models have been widely used for modeling wireless flat-fading channels in a variety of applications, ranging from modeling channel error bursts to decoding at the receiver. FSMC models are versatile, and with suitable choices of model parameters, can capture the essence of time-varying fading channels. This article’s goal is to provide an in-depth understanding of the principles of FSMC modeling of fading channels with its applications in wireless communication systems. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSP.2008.926683 [ Parastoo Sadeghi, Rodney A. Kennedy, Predrag B. Rapajic, and Ramtin Shams ]

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Finite-State Markov Modeling

of Fading Channels[A survey of principles

and applications]


In late 1950s and early 1960s, Gilbert and Elliott at Bell Labs were modeling burst-noisetelephone circuits with a very simple two-state channel model with memory. This simplemodel allowed them to evaluate channel capacity and error rate performance throughbursty wireline telephone circuits. However, it took another 30 years for the so-calledGilbert-Elliott channel (GEC) and its generalized finite-state Markov channel (FSMC) to be

applied in the design of second-generation (2G) wireless communication systems. Since themid 1990s, the GEC and FSMC models have been widely used for modeling wireless flat-fadingchannels in a variety of applications, ranging from modeling channel error bursts to decodingat the receiver. FSMC models are versatile, and with suitable choices of model parameters, cancapture the essence of time-varying fading channels.

This article’s goal is to provide an in-depth understanding of the principles of FSMCmodeling of fading channels with its applications in wireless communication systems.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSP.2008.926683

[Parastoo Sadeghi, Rodney A. Kennedy, Predrag B. Rapajic, and Ramtin Shams]

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While the emphasis is on frequency nonselective or flat-fad-ing channels, this understanding will be useful for futuregeneralizations of FSMC models for frequency-selective fad-ing channels. The target audience of this article include boththeory- and practice-oriented researchers who would like todesign accurate channel models for evaluating the perform-ance of wireless communication systems in the physical ormedia access control layers, or those who would like to devel-op more efficient and reliable transceivers that take advan-tage of the inherent memory in fading channels. Both FSMCmodels and flat-fading channels will be formally introduced.However, a background in time-varying fading communica-tion channels is beneficial.

We consider the FSMC modeling of fading channels from fivedistinct viewpoints. First, we provide a brief history of FSMCmodels and the FSMC modeling of flat-fading channels. Second,we define the parameters of FSMC models and discuss how theseparameters can be derived from flat-fading channel statistics. Wepoint out the trade-offs between model accuracy and complexity.Third, we categorize applications of FSMC models for fadingchannels into four categories and discuss the FSMC model appli-cability and accuracy in each application. We pay special atten-tion to the effect of FSMC memory order on the model accuracy.Fourth, we consider the information-theoretical aspects of FSMCmodels and the FSMC modeling of fading channels. Finally, wepresent open questions and directions for future research. Foreasier access to the technical contents, the reader can refer to the“List of Acronyms” and “Notational Conventions.”


1957–1968: DEVELOPMENT OF FSMC MODELSThe study of finite-state communication channels with memorydates back to the work by Shannon in 1957 [1]. In [1], Shannonproved coding theorems for finite-state channels (FSCs) withdiscrete channel input and output symbols, where the channelstate could be calculated at the transmitter, but not necessarilyat the receiver. In 1958, Blackwell et al. [2] proved that for apractical class of FSCs with memory, reliable transmission ispossible at rates below the channel capacity.

In 1960, Gilbert introduced a new type of FSC model todetermine the information capacity of wireline telephone cir-cuits with burst-noise [3]. One main distinction betweenGilbert’s model and Blackwell’s model [2] was in the way chan-nel output was defined to depend on channel states and inputs.In Blackwell’s model, channel output was a deterministic func-tion of the current channel state, which, in turn, stochasticallydepended on current channel input and previous channelstate. Whereas in Gilbert’s model, channel output was a proba-bilistic function of the current channel input and the currentchannel state. In particular, each channel state in Gilbert’smodel was associated with a discrete memoryless channel(DMC). Despite its simplicity, Gilbert’s model was the firstnontrivial example of channel models with memory, where thechannel state is statistically independent of channel input sym-bols and is unknown to the transmitter or the receiver.

Soon after the work of Gilbert [3], Elliott used this model toevaluate and compare the error rate performance of error cor-recting and error detecting codes over burst-noise channels [4].This channel model is known as the GEC, which is shown inFigure 1. States are determined by the upper two-state Markovchain model and are denoted by good G and bad B. The proba-bility of moving from the good state G to the bad state B isb � Pr(G → B) and the probability of moving from the badstate B to the good state G is g � Pr(B → G ). When the chan-nel is in the good state G, channel output is related to the chan-nel input through a DMC, governed by error probabilityPG � Pr(0 → 1|G ). In the original version of the GEC, Gilbert


ACF Auto-correlation functionACK AcknowledgmentAR AutoregressiveARQ Automatic repeat requestAWGN Additive white Gaussian noise BCJR Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-RavivBER Bit error rateBFSK Binary frequency shift keyingBPSK Binary phase shift keying BSC Binary symmetric channelCP Cartesian productCSI Channel state informationCT Context treeCTP Context-tree pruningDMC Discrete memoryless channelEM Expectation-maximizationFSC Finite-state channelFSMC Finite-state Markov channelGEC Gilbert-Elliott channel HMM Hidden Markov model IID Independent and identically distributedISI Intersymbol interferenceIUD Independent and uniformly distributedLBG Linde-Buzo-GrayLCR Level crossing rateLDPC Low-density parity checkMAP Maximum a posteriori MDP Markov decision process ML Maximum likelihood MMSE Minimum mean square error MSE Mean square errorNAK Negative acknowledgmentOFDMA Orthogonal frequency division multiple accessPDF Probability density function PED Packet error distributionPER Packet error ratePMF Probability mass functionPOMDP Partially observable Markov decision processSNR Signal-to-noise ratioTV-FFC Time-varying, flat-fading channelVQ Vector quantization


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assumed a noise-free good state with zero error probabilityPG = 0. The zero error probability assumption in the good stateallowed Gilbert to calculate capacity in closed form. Elliott latermodified the model to accommodate for the error probability inthe good state to be nonzero or PG > 0. In the bad state B, theerror probability is higher than that in the good state and isdefined as PB � Pr(0 → 1|B).

Researchers in the late 1960s extended the model proposed byGilbert and Elliott to improve their representations of channelswith memory. In 1968, McCullough [5] introduced more channelstates in the model, each with a different error rate. State transi-tions in [5] were allowed only immediately following an error inthe state. In another work in 1967, Fritchman [6] proposed aFSC with J error free and K − J error states. However, the modelwas complicated in terms of deriving channel error statistics,unless there was a single error state or K − J = 1, which effec-tively made the Fritchman model similar to the GEC model.

In 1968, Gallager further developed the information theoryof FSMCs [7], making it a classical subject in advanced informa-tion theory. Originally, Gallager used the term FSC, where chan-nel states are assumed to be the output of a Markov chain.FSMC is more clarifying and will be used throughout the article.

In [7, pp. 97–111, 176–187], Gallager provides rigorousdefinitions, coding theorems, error exponents, and several

examples of FSMCs with memory. Gallager also mentions fad-ing channels in wireless radiotelephony as physical channelswith memory that can be represented by FSMCs. Gallager’sdefinition of FSMCs is the standard definition used by

[FIG1] The GEC model [3], [4] was the first nontrivial exampleof burst-noise channel models with memory. Channel statesbelong to the set {G, B} are statistically independent ofchannel input symbols, and are unknown to the transmitteror the receiver. States are determined by the upper two-stateMarkov chain model. The channel input-output behavior isgoverned by one of the lower two discrete memorylesschannels, selected according to the current channel state.





















� Discrete time indexN Sequence lengthfZ(z) Probability density function of the random vari-

able ZN (m, σ 2) Normal or Gaussian probability density function

with mean m and variance σ 2

PT Transpose of matrix or vector Ps� State of the FSMC at time index �K Number of states in the FSMCM Markov memory order in the FSMCu� Substate of a higher memory order FSMC at time

index �D Number of substates in a higher memory order

FSMCPk→m Probability of moving from state k to state m in

the FSMCP K × K state transition probability matrix in

the FSMCπ Steady-state probability vector in the FSMCx� Channel input symbol at time index �Es Energy per transmitted symbolTs Symbol periodP Number of input symbol alphabetsy� Channel output symbol or received signal at time

index �Q Number of output symbol alphabets (if discrete

valued)z� Channel noise or error at time index �N0/2 Variance of the additive white Gaussian noise z�

per complex dimensionγ� Received SNR at time index �γ Average received SNR

h� TV-FFC gain at time index �σ 2 Fading gain power per complex dimensiona� Magnitude of the TV-FFC gain at time index �θ� Phase of the TV-FFC gain at time index �hi,� In-phase or real part of the TV-FFC gain at

time index �hq,� Quadrature or imaginary part of the TV-FFC gain

at time index �Rp pth coefficient of the auto-correlation function

for the TV-FFC gaindm mth coefficient of the AR model w� AR process noiseσ 2

M Variance of the AR process noise w�

fD Maximum Doppler frequency shiftTc Channel coherence timeR M × M covariance matrix for the AR modelvk kth threshold for the TV-FFC amplitude partition rk kth partition region for the TV-FFC amplitude v ′

k kth threshold for the TV-FFC phase partition r ′

k kth partition region for the TV-FFC phaseNk Level crossing rate at the TV-FFC amplitude

partition threshold vk

Rk Average number of symbols per second transmitted in state k

P(m, n) Probability of m errors in a block of size nβ� Block success/failure at time index �1/F Fading margin μ Memory content in the GECI(X; Y) Mutual information between X and YI Mutual information rateH Entropy rateC Channel capacity



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researchers today. This model accommodates for both caseswhere the channel state transition is driven and controlled bythe channel input (such as intersymbol-interference (ISI)channels), as well as the case where the channel state is statis-tically independent of the channel input (such as fading chan-nels). We will refer to the first case as data-dependent FSMCmodels and to the second case as data-independent FSMCmodels, respectively. Since the state of fading channels isindependent of the channel input, our focus is naturally ondata-independent FSMC models.

1969–1989: EARLY APPLICATIONS OF FSMC MODELSFrom 1969 to the mid 1970s, research activity on applicationsof FSMCs was limited to modeling error bursts in digital wire-line telephone circuits and HF tropospheric/ionospheric wire-less links between fixed stations. The proposed models weremainly variations of earlier ones developed up to 1968, suchas the Fritchman model [6]. While earlier works mainlyfocused on first-order characterization of channels with mem-ory, higher- order Markov models were proposed in 1973 byBlank and Trafton [8], where the probability of transition to astate depended on M > 1 previous states. For a detailed sur-vey of the modeling and applications of channels with memo-ry up to 1978, see [9].

From 1978 to 1989, research activity for finding new applica-tions of FSMCs in digital communications was more or less dor-mant. During this period, theory and techniques for mobile radiocommunications were in early stages of development and cellulardigital telephone networks did not emerge (were not commercial-ly available) until the early 1990s. This explains why researchactivity on applications of FSMC for digital mobile communica-tion systems did not receive impetus until the early to mid 1990s.


MOTIVATIONFading channels with memory are common in mobile radiocommunications [64]. With the advent and commercial successof digital cellular networks in the early 1990s, there was animmediate need for accurate modeling of fading channels withmemory. The channel models helped system designers analyzeand improve system performance measures, such as the errorcorrecting capability of channel codes or the packet through-put. But more importantly, the use of channel models withmemory for decoding at the receiver would potentially result inhigher information rates than those achieved by assuming amemoryless channel [27].

EARLY WORKSIn 1991, Semmar et al. [11] used the Fritchman model [6] witha single error state and two to four error-free states to charac-terize error sequences in ultrahigh frequency (UHF) digitalmobile radio channels at 910 MHz. In their work, the Fritch-man model was fitted to measured data by determining suitable

values for transition probabilities between channel states. In1991, Vucetic [13] used a finite-state model for adaptive codingover time-varying radio channels. In [13], each state represent-ed a Rician fading channel with different Rician factors. In [12],Sivaprakasam and Shanmugan developed a modified Baum-Welch algorithm [65] to estimate the parameters of a hiddenMarkov model (HMM) based on the observation of actual errorburst sequences in fading channels.

It was the work by Wang and Moayeri in 1995 [14] that iswidely viewed to have revived FSMC modeling of fading chan-nels in mobile radio communications. One of the novelties oftheir work was to explicitly establish the link between the sta-tistical Clarke’s model for fading channels [66] and the FSMCstates. In particular, each FSMC state in their model represent-ed a range of received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which inturn determined the error probability in that state. Based onthis assumption, Wang and Moayeri provided analytical expres-sions for states, state transition probabilities, and error proba-bilities in each state. The original FSMC modeling of fadingchannels as proposed in [14] or its variations are still widelyused in the literature.

Almost concurrently with Wang and Moayeri, Goldsmithand Varaiya proposed a new iterative method for computing theinformation rates and capacity of data-independent FSMC mod-els with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) inputs.They also introduced a maximum-likelihood (ML) decision-feedback decoding technique for the receiver that took theinherent channel memory into account [27]. Their work was ageneralization of an earlier study by Mushkin and Bar-David in[10] on the capacity and coding for the GEC.

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND ON APPLICATIONSOF FSMC MODELS FOR FADING CHANNELSTraditionally, FSMCs have been used to model error bursts infading channels during the design stages of wireless communica-tion systems. This helps system designers analyze and improveperformance measures in the physical or media access controllayers. Since 1997, FSMC models have enabled closed-form orsimulation-based analysis of system-level performance measures,such as packet throughput [20], [21], packet error distribution(PED) [18], and packet error rate (PER) [17] through burstywireless channels. The bit error rate (BER) in more sophisticatedcommunications systems that include receiver diversity has beenstudied using FSMC models in [23] and [24].

The potential benefits of incorporating FSMC memory intodecoding algorithms at the receiver to achieve higher informa-tion rates has been known as early as 1989 [10]. Since the late1990s, an active area of research has been to develop practicaldecoding techniques at the receiver using FSMC models for fad-ing channels. FSMC models enable implementation of mathe-matically tractable channel estimation and data decodingalgorithms for time-varying fading channels [35], [37]. Decod-ing algorithms for conventional turbo codes and low-densityparity-check (LDPC) codes have been modified in [30], [31], and[32], respectively, to take into account FSMC state estimation,


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and it is shown that information rates higher than the memory-less channel capacity become possible. More recently, successivedecoding is proposed for fading channels modeled by FSMCsthat takes channel memory into account [33]. In a later sectionon FSMC applications, we will provide a more in-depth catego-rization of the FSMC applications for fading channels.

Since 1995 [14], first-order FSMC models for fading channelshave been the models of choice due to their computational sim-plicity and the ease with which model parameters can be deter-mined. A first-order Markovian assumption in the FSMC modelmeans that given the previous fading channel state, the currentstate is statistically independent of all other past and future fad-ing channel states. Ever since, the accuracy of first-order FSMCmodels for fading channels, compared with higher-order FSMCmodels, has been the subject of research. One main research aimhas been to find channel fading rates over which low-orderFSMC models are a sufficiently good match with other widelyaccepted statistical fading models, such as the Clarke’s model[66]. While it is generally accepted that first-order FSMC modelsare more accurate for slow fading channels than for medium-rateor fast-fading channels, still today, there is no consensus aboutexact fading rates over which first-order FSMC models are accu-rately applicable for fading channels. In a later section on FSMCapplications, we will provide a detailed examination of the litera-ture on the accuracy of first-order and higher-order FSMC mod-els for fading channels. This study will take into account theFSMC application and the criterion used for accuracy analysis.

A summary of the history of FSMC and its applications isshown in Table 1.

BACKGROUND DEFINITIONS FOR FLAT-FADING CHANNELSWe study two important aspects of flat-fading channels in wire-less communications. First, we review the channel observationequation, which relates channel input to channel output. Sec-ond, we study the time-varying nature of the fading channel,which is a key factor in its FSMC modeling. The decision tofocus on flat-fading channels is made because FSMC modelshave been mainly used for modeling such channels in the litera-ture. While the emphasis is on flat-fading channels, this under-

standing will be useful for future generalizations of FSMC mod-els for frequency-selective fading channels.

SIGNAL OBSERVATION THROUGH THE CHANNELA schematic of the discrete-time, low-pass communication sys-tem under consideration is shown in Figure 2. All frequencycomponents of the transmitted signal will undergo a similar fad-ing gain or attenuation. Therefore, the fading channel isreferred to as frequency nonselective, frequency-flat, or simplyflat-fading channel. The received signal is sampled at the receiv-er side at times t� = �Ts with symbol period Ts. Let us denotechannel input, output, and fading channel gain by x�, y�, andh�, respectively. Moreover, z� is the complex-valued, additivewhite Gaussian noise (AWGN) with variance per complex dimen-sion N0/2. The observed signal at the receiver is given by

y� = h�x� + z�. (1)

Throughout the article, we will refer to the frequency-flatfading channel gain or attenuation h� simply as the fadingchannel gain. The fading channel gain h� is a complex-valuedrandom variable with in-phase (real) and quadrature (imagi-nary) components: h� = hi,� + jhq,� . In polar format, the mag-nitude and phase of the fading channel gain are denoted by a�

[FIG2] Communication system block diagram through a TV-FFC, also described in (1).

State of the ChannelTime Varying Channel Gain/Attenuation


Signal Observation Through the Channel


z (AWGN)

xx +

yh x

h1→h2→h3→ … →h →…








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and θ� : h� = a�e jθ� . We will refer to a� as the fading channelamplitude and to θ� as the fading channel phase. The in-phaseand quadrature components of the complex-valued fading chan-nel gain are often assumed to be Gaussian distributed thatare stationary and independent (orthogonal) of each other.That is, hi,� ∼ N (m, σ 2) and hq,�(t) ∼ N (m, σ 2), where m isthe mean, σ 2 is fading channel gain variance (power) per com-plex dimension, and hi,�⊥hq,� . The complex-valued Gaussianassumption for the fading channel gain h� is in accordance withthe Clarke’s model [66] that is introduced in more detail in thenext subsection. If the mean of the fading channel gain m iszero, the fading process is called Rayleigh fading, otherwise it iscalled Rician fading. In the Rayleigh fading model, the fadingchannel amplitude a� has a Rayleigh probability distributionfunction (pdf), as shown in Figure 3 (a), which is given as

fA(a) = aσ 2 exp

(− a2

2σ 2

), a ∈ [0,∞). (2)

Also the fading channel phase θ� is uniformly distributed as

f�(θ) = 12π

, θ ∈ [0, 2π). (3)

Among other types of statistical distributions for the fadingchannel amplitude is the Nakagami distribution [64]. Theinstantaneous received SNR is defined as γ� = |h�|2Es/N0 ,where Es is the energy per symbol. The average received SNR isdenoted by γ = 2σ 2Es/N0. Without loss of generality, it can beassumed that the total power of the fading channel gain is2σ 2 = 1. In the Rayleigh fading model, the instantaneousreceived SNR γ� has an exponential distribution.

THE TIME-VARYING NATURE OF THE FADING CHANNELThe main characteristic of the fading channel under considera-tion is that it is a correlated and time-varying random process.In other words, the communication channel is a dynamic sys-tem with the fading channel gain h� being a random processthat changes over time in a correlated manner. Tractable math-ematical models are required to accurately describe time varia-tions of the fading channel gain and its dynamics. In thisarticle, we consider two such models: Clarke’s model and theautoregressive (AR) model.

Clarke’s model [66] is one of the most widely used statisticalmodels for describing the fading random process. In Clarke’smodel, the in-phase and imaginary components of the fadingchannel gain are intra-correlated and the autocorrelation func-tion (ACF) for each component is given as [66]

Rp = E{hi,�, hi,�−p} = E{hq,�, hq,�−p} (4)

= σ 2 J0(2πpfDTs), (5)

where fD is the maximum Doppler frequency shift, Ts is symbolperiod, and J0(·) is the zero-order Bessel function of the first kind.

Because the fading channel in (1) is a frequency-flatchannel and is varying with time, we refer to these class offading channels as time-varying, flat-fading channels (TV-FFC). For the observation equation in (1) to be valid, wehave assumed that the channel fading gain h� stays more orless constant during one symbol transmission. This excludesextremely fast TV-FFCs, where the channel coherence timeTc ≈ 1/fD is less than the symbol period Ts [64]. Extremelyfast fading channels, however, are not common in the major-ity of practical wireless communication systems, where the

channel coherence time is at least a fewtimes larger than the symbol period.

In this article, we will often refer to thefading channel memory order. The notion offading channel memory order can be bestexplained in AR modeling of the TV-FFC [67].In the AR model of order M, the fading chan-nel gain h� is statistically related to its M pastrealizations through

h� = −M∑


dmh�−m + w�, (6)

where w� is a complex-valued, white Gauss-ian process with variance σ 2

M and d1 to dM

are AR model coefficients. The fading chan-nel gain in the AR model is a Markovianprocess of order M , where at time index� − 1, M channel realizations h�−1 to h�−M

constitute the state of the channel. The ARmodel coefficients d1 to dM can be derivedfrom the Yule-Walker equation [64, p. 125] as follows. Let the vectord = [d1, . . . , dM]T contain the AR model

[FIG3] Two distinct features of a flat-fading channel are shown. In (a), statisticaldistribution of the fading channel amplitude a� at any given time index � is shown,which is assumed to be Rayleigh as defined in [2]. The Rayleigh fading probabilitydistribution function fA(a�) only characterizes the instantaneous behavior of thechannel and cannot model fading channel time variations. In (b), time-variation of thefading channel amplitude in a correlated manner is shown, which is due to relativemovements in the environment. Five hundred samples of the fading channel amplitudea� = |h�| are generated according to an AR model h� = −∑M

m=1 dmh�−m + w� withmemory order M = 500 and with the normalized Doppler frequency shift fDTs = 0.01.

1 250Time Index,

fDTS = 0.01

500Rayleigh Pdf, f (a)



de o

f the






n, a

= |h


l(a) (b)


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coefficients (the superscript T denotes matrix transpose). Vec-tor d can be derived from: Rd = −v. Matrix R is the M × Mcovariance matrix of the AR process, whose element at row mand column p is R|m−p| . Also, v = [R1, R2, . . . , RM]T.

Clarke’s TV-FFC model is inherently non-Markovian anddoes not fit into AR modeling. In fact, the power spectral densityof the fading process in Clarke’s model is a nonrational functionof frequency, whereas the power spectral density of the fadingprocess in an AR model is a rational function of frequency [67].However, it is possible to think of the fading process in Clarke’smodel as an infinite-order AR process [67]. In practice, a large,but finite memory order M may suffice for accurate AR model-ing of the Clarke’s fading process. In this case, one may use thefirst M coefficients of the ACF in Clarke’s model, defined in (4),to solve the Yule-Walker equation and to obtain an AR model oforder M for the fading channel. More technical details can befound in [67]. Figure 3 shows 500 samples of the Rayleigh fad-ing channel amplitude a� = |h�|, where the fading channel gainsequence {h�} is generated according to an AR model withmemory order M = 500 and the normalized Doppler frequencyshift fDTs = 0.01 using the technique described in [67]. It isnoted that a normalized Doppler frequency shift fDTs = 0.01means that the channel coherence time Tc ≈ 1/fD is 100 timesthe symbol period Ts.

Figure 4 shows the effect of assumed AR memory order Mwhen Clarke’s model is mapped into the AR model. Two ARprocesses with memory orders M = 500 and M = 1 are shown.The vector of ACF coefficients v = [R1, R2, . . . , RM]T in bothcases are chosen according to the Clarke’s model and the samenormalized fading rate fDTs = 0.1 is assumed. It is clear fromthis figure that a higher memory order M results in a smootherand more predictable process. The predictability ofan AR process can be measured by the variance σ 2

Mof w� in (6), which is the minimum mean-squareerror (MMSE) of the one-step predictor of order Mfor the fading process h� [68, pp. 598–601]. Figure4 visually verifies the fact that the predictionMMSE is a decreasing (strictly speaking nonin-creasing) function of memory order M , orσ 2

M � σ 2M−1, for all M [68, p. 600].

Finally, it is noted that despite time correlationsof the TV-FFC gain in (4)–(6), the received signal y�

in the observation (1) only depends on the latestrealization of the TV-FFC gain h�.

THE FSMC MODELWe introduce data-independent FSMC models,in which the channel input and channel stateare statistically independent. This class of FSMCmodels is more suitable for modeling the TV-FFC, where the fading channel gain h� and thechannel input x� are independent of each other.The general definition of FSMC models, includ-ing data-dependent FSMC models can be foundin [7] and [56].

WHERE IS MEMORY IN THE FSMC?Figure 5 shows a snapshot of an FSMC model with K = 4 statesand its evolution in N = 4 time samples. Assume that at firsttime step, the channel is in state s = 0. In this state, the channelacts like a binary symmetric channel (BSC). Let us denote thebinary input, output, and error in the BSC by x, y, and z, respec-tively, where y� x ⊕ z and ⊕ denotes addition in modulo two.The error probability in the first BSC is Pe0� Pr(Z = 1|S = 0).Let us assume that at the first time step, x = 1 was sent and anerror z = 1 occurred with probability Pe0 to produce the BSCoutput y = 0. This is highlighted in the figure. In the next timestep, the channel moves to another state, say s = 3 with statetransition probability equal to P0→3� Pr(S� = 3|S�−1 = 0). Thekey feature of an FSMC model is that given the new state andinput of the channel, communication through the channel ismemoryless or independent of previous channel states, inputs,and outputs. For example, given that the new state of the chan-nel is s = 3, the channel acts like a new BSC with another errorprobability Pe3 = Pr(Z = 1|S = 3). As highlighted in the figure,we have assumed that at the second time step, x = 0 was sentand no error occurred or z = 0 with probability 1 − Pe3 to pro-duce the BSC output y = 0. This process is repeated for thefuture time steps.

If the FSMC is a cascade of memoryless channels withtime-varying channel observation law, then where is thememory in the channel? The answer is that an FSMC modelhas memory when the channel state is hidden to the receiver.This is often the case, and such valuable knowledge about thehidden state of the FSMC is not available at the receiver. Inthis case, memory is introduced to the channel outputsequence yN

1 �{y�}N�=1 and to the channel error or noise

[FIG4] The effect of memory order M on the predictability of the AR process. It isclear that a higher memory order M results in a more predictable process. In fact,the predictability of an AR process, measured by the variance σ 2

M of w� in (6), is adecreasing (strictly speaking nonincreasing) function of AR memory order M.


l Par

t of






n, h






1 10 20 30 40 50 60Time Index, l

Time Index, l

70 80 90 100




fDTS = 0.1M = 500


l Par

t of






n, h






1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




fDTS = 0.1M = 1


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sequence z N1 . It is important to note that despite the Markov

FSMC state transition, the memory in yN1 or z N

1 is not Mar-kovian [69]. Mathematically speaking, if a genie disclosed thechannel state process sN

1 to the receiver, the channel lawwould decompose into a series of (discrete) memorylesschannels with time-varying channel observation law as


y N1 |x N

1 , s N1



Pr(y�|x�, s�). (7)

However, when FSMC states are hidden to the receiver, thechannel law is not decomposable and stays as


y N1 |x N



∑s N1


y N1 |x N

1 , s N1


(s N1

), (8)

which is non-Markovian.

FORMAL DEFINITION: THREE TYPES OF STOCHASTIC PROCESSESThe block diagram of the FSMC model is shown in Figure 6 atdiscrete time index �. Three types of stochastic processes inFSMC models will be described next.

The first stochastic component of the FSMC model is thechannel input x�, which can be either a memoryless or a corre-lated random process. The FSMC input is often discrete valuedwith P possible symbols. Historically, the study of discrete-val-ued channel inputs in FSMC models dates back to the earlyworks of Shannon [1], Blackwell et al. [2], and Gallager [7], aswell as more recent ones, such as Goldsmith et al. [27]. From

[7, p. 97], it seems that the decision not to consider continuous-valued inputs was made for the ease of analysis. According to arecent study in [55], this assumption is not essential and withsome modifications continuous-valued channel inputs may alsobe considered. So far, continuous-valued channel inputs inFSMC models have received far less attention in the literature.

The second stochastic component of the FSMC model is thechannel state s�. The number of FSMC states is finite and equalto K. As highlighted in Figure 6, we have assumed that at timeindex �, the state of the channel is equal to an arbitrary states� = m, m ∈ {0, . . . , K − 1}. The channel state is the output ofa Markov chain. The state transition probability is the probabili-ty of moving from state k to state m and is denoted by

Pk→m � Pr(S� = m|S�−1 = k). (9)

Therefore, the channel state transition probability matrix P is aK × K matrix as follows:

P =


P0 →0 · · · P0 →(K −1)

.... . .


P(K −1)→0 · · · P(K −1)→(K −1)

⎤⎥⎦ . (10)

Often, the Markov state process is stationary and hence, thestate transition probability is independent of time index �. Thisis a reasonable assumption in many practical communicationscenarios, where channel statistics do not change rapidly overtime. In this article, we consider only indecomposable FSMC

[FIG5] An example of the evolution of an FSMC in time. A Markovian genie determines the state of the channel. In each state, thechannel is a discrete memoryless channel. If the genie disclosed the channel state sequence sN

1 to the receiver, the channel lawwould decompose into a series of discrete memoryless channels with time-varying channel observation law, according to (7).However, when the FSMC is hidden to the receiver, memory is introduced to the channel output sequence yN

1 , and to the channelerror sequence zN

1 . The memory in yN1 or zN

1 is not Markovian [69].

Pe0 (z=1)

1-Pe0 (z=1)

Pe0 = Pr(Z =1|S =0)

P0 → 3 P3 → 1 P1 → 2

1-Pe0 (z=0)




x y


1-Pe3 = Pr(Z =0|S =3)


Markovian Genie

Pe1 = Pr(Z =1|S =1)


Pe2 = Pr(Z =1|S =2)


Pe3 (z=1)

1-Pe3 (z=1)

1-Pe3 (z=0)



x y


Pe1 (z=1)

1-Pe1 (z=0)

1-Pe1 (z=0)



x y


Pe2 (z=1)

1-Pe2 (z=0)

1-Pe2 (z=0)



x y


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models, where roughly speaking, the influence of the initialchannel state fades out with time. Let us denote the stationaryprobability of being in state k by πk = Pr(S = k). For stationaryMarkov models, the stationary state probability vectorπ = [π0, . . . , πK−1]T is the solution to the eigenvalue equation

PTπ = π, (11)

where superscript T denotes matrix or vector transpose.The third type of stochastic process in the FSMC model is

the one that probabilistically maps the channel input x� to thechannel output y� at each channel state s�. In other words, foreach FSMC state, there is a corresponding memoryless chan-nel, which determines the channel’s input-output relationship.This probabilistic relationship is often referred to as the chan-nel observation law, or simply as the channel law, and is denot-ed by Pr(y�|x�, s�). The channel output y� is often discretevalued. However, a continuous channel output is also allowed.The channel observation law is independent of time index �,due to stationarity.

For practical communication purposes, it is often usefulto introduce the FSMC error or noise z� , which is a functionof the current channel input and output such asz� = f(x�, y�). The corresponding error probability is givenby Pr(z�|x�, s�), which is shown in the lower part of Figure6. The FSMC error probability often depends on the type ofmodulation at the transmitter, the physical law that governsthe channel input-output relationship, and the type of detec-tion at the receiver.

It is important to note that the presence of the stochastic chan-nel input, unknown to the receiver, makes an FSMC model dis-tinct from a classical hidden Markov model. In a hidden Markovmodel, there are only two types of stochastic processes: hiddenMarkov state s� which is observed in stochastic noise process z�.Similarly, the presence of the stochastic channel state, unknown tothe receiver, makes an FSMC model distinct from a memorylesschannel. In a memoryless channel, there are only two types of sto-chastic processes: channel input x� and memoryless noise z�.

HOW TO GENERATE A SEQUENCEOF N CHANNEL OUTPUTS IN AN FSMC MODELFor simplicity, assume that the input is independent, and uni-formly distributed (i.u.d) with P possible symbols. However,other input distributions are possible. To generate a sequence oflength N channel outputs:

1) Set time index � = 0. Initialize the FSMC state s�. Forindecomposable FSMC that are of interest to this article, theeffect of initial state fades out for large N. Therefore, one cangenerate s� according to its steady-state distribution.2) Set time index � = � + 1 and carry out the following operations:

a) Let the previous FSMC state be denoted by s� = k. Ran-domly generate the new FSMC state s�+1 according to thekth row of the state transition probability matrixPk�[Pk→0, . . . , Pk→(K−1)].b) Generate the new channel input x� according to thei.u.d distribution Pr(x�) = 1/P.

[FIG6] The FSMC with three types of stochastic processes: channel input x, Markov channel state s, and channel input-outputrelationship. The current or active state of the channel (s� = m) and its associated DMC are highlighted in the middle. The probability ofFSMC error or noise z� is also shown in the lower part of the figure.

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c) Generate the new channel output y� according thechannel law probability mass function (pmf)Pr(y�|x�, s�) with y� ∈ {0, . . . , Q − 1} for discrete-valuedchannel outputs or according to the channel law pdff(y�|x�, s�) for continuous-valued channel outputs.

3) If � ≤ N, go back to step 2; otherwise, stop.This procedure is illustrated in Figure 5 for an FSMC model

with K = 4 states, N = 4, and a binary symmetric channel(BSC) in each state with P = 2 and Q = 2 input and outputsymbols, respectively.


THREE MAIN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSConsider the fading channel model in Figure 2 and the FSMCmodel in Figure 6, and let us assume that both channels areconnected to the same channel input and produce channel out-puts that belong to the same alphabet set. The main questionis: how can we model the fading channel with an FSMC? Toanswer this question, we must first divide this general questioninto three more specific questions and provide an outline of theanswer to each one, illustrated with simple first-order FSMCexamples. We provide formal definitions later.

STATES What is the relationship between states in the FSMC model andthe TV-FFC gain in the fading model?

EXAMPLEOne of the most common practices since 1995 [14] has been todivide or partition the magnitude of the TV-FFC gain a into anumber of nonoverlapping regions. This is shown in Figure 7.The nonoverlapping fading amplitude regions are[0, v1), [v1, v2) , . . . , [v4,∞) , where the vk denote regionthresholds. The FSMC is said to be in state s = k if the TV-FFCamplitude a falls in the region rk�[vk, vk+1).

STATE TRANSITION PROBABILITY What is the relationship between state transition probability inthe FSMC model and the TV-FFC channel gain dynamics andstatistics?

EXAMPLEReferring to Figure 7, the state transition probabilityPk→m = Pr(S� = m|S�−1 = k) is the probability that thefading amplitude a moves from region rk at time index� − 1 to region rm at time index �. In the example of Fig-ure 7, we have

Pk→m = Pr(a� ∈ [vm, vm+1)|a�−1 ∈ [vk, vk+1)

). (12)

CHANNEL OBSERVATION LAW What is the relationship between channel observation law in eachFSMC state and the observation equation (1) in the TV-FFC?

EXAMPLEThe channel observation law in the kth FSMC statePr(y�|x�, S� = k) is the probability that we observe channeloutput y given the channel input x in the TV-FFC and providedthat the fading amplitude is in the kth region rk. In the exampleof Figure 7, we can write

Pr(y�|x�, S� = k) = Pr(y�|x�, a� ∈ [vk, vk+1)), (13)

which will be discussed later in more detail.

FIRST-ORDER FSMC MODELS FOR THE TV-FFCIn the literature, first-order FSMC modeling of the TV-FFC ismost commonly used. In this section, we discuss how first-orderFSMC models can be obtained for fading channels and postponethe discussion on the applicability and accuracy of the first-order assumption to later in the article. There are three possibil-ities for modeling a TV-FFC with a first-order FSMC. In eachcase, at least one component of the complex-valued TV-FFC gainis mapped to FSMC states:

1) first-order FSMC modeling of the TV-FFC amplitudea = |h| or the received SNR γ = |h|2Es/N0 with K states2) first-order FSMC modeling of the TV-FFC amplitude awith K1 states and the TV-FFC phase θ with K2 states, with atotal of K = K1K2 states3) first-order FSMC modeling of the TV-FFC in-phase part hi

with K1 states and the TV-FFC quadrature part hq with K2

states, with a total of K = K1K2 states.FSMC modeling of the TV-FFC amplitude a or the

received SNR γ has been predominantly studied in the litera-ture from 1995 onwards [13]–[21], [23]–[26], [28], [40]–[50]. In amplitude-only FSMC modeling, the effects of unknownchannel phase on the received signal are not considered. Thismodeling is more suitable for applications, where the chan-nel phase can be estimated and compensated prior to decod-ing or where differential or noncoherent detection is used.More recently, FSMC modeling of the TV-FFC phase θ (orboth in-phase hi and quadrature hq components, which togeth-er contain phase and amplitude information) has been consid-ered by various researchers including [33], [35]–[38], and [59].By including the fading phase in the FSMC model, various jointchannel estimation and coherent data decoding techniques forphase-sensitive modulations in the presence of (fast) time-vary-ing channel amplitude and phase distortions have become pos-sible. These techniques will be addressed in the applications ofFSMC models for fading channels later in the article.

FIRST-ORDER FSMC MODELS FORTHE TV-FFC AMPLITUDE OR RECEIVED SNRStates correspond to partitioning the TV-FFC amplitude a or thereceived SNR γ into K nonoverlapping regions such as [0, v1),[v1, v2), . . . , [vK−1,∞), where the vk denote fading amplitudepartition thresholds. An example of partitioning the TV-FFCamplitude a into five regions is shown in Figure 7. Since theinstantaneous received SNR γ is proportional to the square ofthe TV-FFC amplitude a2 (γ = a2Es/N0 ), partitioning the

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fading amplitude a into [0, v1), [v1, v2), . . . , [vK−1,∞) isequivalent to partitioning the received SNR γ into [0, Esv2

1 /N0),[Esv2

1 /N0, Esv22 /N0), . . . , [Esv2

K−1/N0,∞). Therefore, it suf-fices to consider FSMC modeling of the TV-FFC amplitude a.

In Figure 7(a), the steady-state probability of each FSMCstate is derived by integrating the pdf of the TV-FFC amplitude aover the corresponding region as

πk =∫ vk+1


fA(a)da, (14)

where fA(a) is the analytical pdf of the fading amplitude.Rayleigh fading pdf is a widely used statistical model for fadingamplitude in the FSMC modeling [14], [15], [18], [25], [26],[28], [33], [35]–[38], [40]–[48], [50], [59]. For Rayleigh fading,the pdf fA(a) was given in (2). Other statistical models used for

the FSMC modeling of the fading amplitude include Rician[16], [17], [19], [49] and Nakagami m [23], [24]. Having ananalytical expression for fA(a) is not necessary for obtainingFSMC steady-state probabilities. Instead, fading channel fieldmeasurements or simulated data can be partitioned into thedesired K nonoverlapping regions. In this case, the ratio ofoccurrences of the kth region over the total number of meas-urements can be used as an estimate of πk.

The state transition probability Pk→m = Pr(S� =m|S�−1 = k) is the probability that fading channel amplitudemoves from region rk at time index � − 1 to region rm attime index �. This is loosely shown in Figure 7(a). Strictlyspeaking, however, the state transition probabilities shouldbe derived from integrating the joint pdf of the TV-FFCamplitude over two consecutive time indices and over thedesired regions as

[FIG7] (a) An example of the relationship between fading amplitude partitions and FSMC states. The FSMC is said to be in state s = k ifthe magnitude of fading channel gain a falls in the region rk

�= [vk, vk+1). (b) An example of the relationship between fading phasepartitions and FSMC states. The FSMC is said to be in state s = k if the fading channel phase θ falls in the region r ′

k�= [v ′

k, v ′k+1). In the

FSMC state numbering, we have assumed that the number of fading amplitude regions is K1 = 1 and the number of fading phaseregions is K2 = 4. Therefore, the total number of FSMC states is K = K1K2 = 4.



de o

f the






n, a
















1Rayleigh Pdf, f (a) 250 500












r'1r'2S=2 S=0



Time Index,

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Pk→m =∫ vm+1


∫ vk+1vk

f(a�−1, a�


πk, (15)

where the denominator is the steady-state probability of being instate k as defined in (14). For the Rayleigh fading channel, thejoint pdf of the fading amplitude f

(a�−1, a�

)has a closed form

and numerical integration of (15) is possible, which has beenused to obtain FSMC state transition probabilities Pk→m in [15],[22], [35], and [59].

For obtaining channel observation law in each FSMC state, anexpression for the probability of observing output y given input xand the instantaneous channel amplitude a is needed, which isdenoted by Pr(y|x, a) or f(y|x, a) (the latter is used if y is contin-uous). This depends on the type of modulation at the transmitterand detection at the receiver. For example, in binary noncoherentdetection of frequency shift keying (BFSK), Pr(Y=0|X=1, a)= Pr(Y=1|X=0, a)=1/2 exp(−(Es.a2)/(2N0)) [64, pp. 300–311].The channel observation law in each FSMC state is the normal-ized average of instantaneous observation probability over thedesired TV-FFC amplitude region. That is,

Pr(y�|x�, S� = k) =∫ vk+1

vkPr(y|x, a) fA(a)da

πk, (16)

where the denominator is the steady-state probability of being instate k as defined in [14].

APPROXIMATION OF STATE TRANSITION PROBABILITIESIn [14], the authors proposed a method to approximate statetransition probabilities Pk→m in the first-order FSMC modelfor the fading amplitude or the received SNR in Rayleighfading channels. The advantage of the approximate methodis that it provides single-letter solutions for FSMC statetransition probabilities and can replace numerical evalua-tion of the double integration in (15) in real-time applica-tions. Referring to Figure 7, [14] assumed that from time� − 1 to �, the fading channel amplitude either stays in thesame region rk or it transits to its immediate neighboringregions rk−1 or rk+1. Therefore, FSMC states can only loopback to themselves or move to immediate previous/nextstates. In other words,

Pk→m = 0, ∀|m − k| > 1. (17)

The above assumptions are reasonably accurate when therate of temporal variations in the TV-FFC (determined by thenormalized fading rate fDTs) is relatively slow and the num-ber of states is not so high. As the number of regions for thefading amplitude increases, the possibility of state transitionamong nonneighboring states increases and should be takeninto account.

Let us denote the level crossing rate (LCR) at amplitudeboundary threshold vk by Nk, which is the number of times persecond that the fading amplitude a crosses vk in a downwarddirection and is given as [14]

Nk =√


σfD exp

(− v2


σ 2

), (18)

where fD is the maximum Doppler frequency shift and σ 2 is thevariance of the fading channel gain per complex dimension. Thetransition probability from state k to state k − 1 wasapproximated in [14] to be the ratio of the LCR at point vk to theaverage number of symbols per second that is transmitted instate k, which is equal to Rk = πk/ Ts. In summary,

Pk→(k−1) ≈ Nk

Rk. (19)

Similarly, the transition probability from state k to state k + 1was approximated in [14] to be the ratio of the LCR at pointvk+1 to the average number of symbols per second that is trans-mitted in state k. That is,

Pk→(k+1) ≈ Nk+1

Rk. (20)

Other state transition probabilities are given asP0→0 = 1 − P0→1 , P(K−1)→(K−1) = 1 − P(K−1)→(K−2) , andPk→k = 1 − Pk→(k−1) − Pk→(k+1) for k = 1, 2, . . . , K − 2.The authors in [14] verified the validity of approximate statetransition probabilities through computer simulations of theTV-FFC for the normalized fading rates of fDTs = 0.0001 andfDTs = 0.001 and K = 8 equiprobable amplitude states. Otherresearchers including [16], [23], [25], [26], and [47] have usedthis approximation method.

SELECTION OF AMPLITUDE REGION BOUNDARIESSelection of the amplitude region boundaries vk is a key factorthat determines the accuracy and applicability of the obtainedFSMC model for the fading channel. Finding a clear-cut solu-tion for the best way of selecting the region boundaries is notstraightforward. The criterion for optimality or accuracystrongly depends on the application. We now discuss some ofthe main partitioning methods used in the literature, whichwill be revisited in light of FSMC applications for fading chan-nels later in the article.

Equiprobable partitioning of fading amplitude is a reason-able, but the ad-hoc method that has been used in the literature[14], [15], [23], [35]. In this method, steady-state probabilitiesfor all obtained FSMC states are equal to πk = 1/K. In theequiprobable partitioning of the TV-FFC amplitude into Kstates, region boundaries are given as [35]

vk =√

−2σ 2 ln(

1 − kK

), k = 0, . . . , K − 1, (21)

where σ 2 is the variance of the fading channel gain per com-plex dimension.

Another criterion is to minimize the quantization MSEusing the Lloyd-Max technique [18], [70]. In this method,each region rk is represented by a single quantized point inthat region denoted by ck = ak , which results in the

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minimum quantization MSE. If the Lloyd-Max technique isused for the FSMC modeling of Rayleigh fading amplitude,states will not be equiprobable. Due to the nonlinear relation-ship between SNR and BER performance, nonuniform ampli-tude partitioning may be useful to obtain more accurateestimates of system performance measures, such as BER,PER, or packet throughput. However, the advantage of thismethod over equiprobable method may diminish as the num-ber of fading amplitude states K increases [23].

Other partitioning schemes have been proposed in the liter-ature. In [25], the authors partitioned the received SNRaccording to the (average) time duration of each state. Theaverage state duration is chosen so that transitions only hap-pen to current and adjacent states and also each data packet ineach state approximately experiences the nominal state BER.In [26], the authors proposed a new partitioning scheme thattakes into account the relationship between SNR and fadeduration at a given SNR. In [59], the effect of Rayleigh fadingamplitude partitioning thresholds on the obtained FSMCcapacity is discussed. Selecting a partitioning scheme thatresults in the highest FSMC capacity can serve as a guidelinefor designing receivers that use FSMC modeling of fadingchannels for channel estimation and decoding.

FIRST-ORDER FSMC MODELSFOR THE TV-FFC AMPLITUDE AND PHASEFirst-order FSMC modeling of the TV-FFC amplitude and phasecan be suitable for tracking time variations of channel phase forcertain fading rates. The instantaneous TV-FFC amplitude a ispartitioned into K1 nonoverlapping regions, where the k1thregion is rk1

= [vk1, vk1+1) as before (see Figure 7). The range

of fading phase [0, 2π) is also partitioned into K2 non-overlap-ping regions, where the k2th phase region is r ′

k2= [v ′

k2, v ′

k2+1).This is shown in Figure 7 for K2 = 4 phase regions.

The FSMC is said to be in state s = k if the instantaneous TV-FFC amplitude a falls in the region [vk1

, vk1+1) and the instan-taneous TV-FFC phase θ falls in the region [v ′

k2, v ′

k2+1). Thetotal number of states is K = K1K2. That is,

s� = k ⇔ a� ∈ [vk1, vk1+1),

θ� ∈ [v′k2

, v′k2+1), k � k1K2 + k2 . (22)

Phase-only FSMC modeling of the TV-FFC is a special casewhere there is a single region for fading amplitude: a� ∈ [0,∞)

(K1 = 1)2. Steady-state probability in joint phase and amplitudeFSMC modeling of the TV-FFC is the probability that the fadingamplitude resides in the region rk1

= [vk1, vk1+1) and the fading

phase resides in the region r ′k2

= [v ′k2

, v ′k2+1). This probability is

given by integrating the pdf of the TV-FFC amplitude and phaseover the desired regions

πk =∫ vk1 +1


fA(a)da∫ v ′


v ′k2

f�(θ)dθ, k � k1K2 + k2 ,


where we have assumed that fading amplitude and phase areindependent of each other (as in the Rayleigh fading).

Strictly speaking, the state-transition probabilities Pk→m

should be derived from integrating the joint pdf of the TV-FFCamplitude and phase over two consecutive time indices and overthe desired regions. Although the joint pdf f(a�−1, a�, θ�−1, θ�)

is available in closed form for the Rayleigh fading channel,numerical computation of the quadruple integral involvingf(a�−1, a�, θ�−1, θ�) over the regions is time consuming. There-fore, we can use the following Monte Carlo method to obtain anestimate of Pk→m.

■ Generate a long sequence of simulated complex-valuedTV-FFC gains hN

1 , according to the simulation method in[67] or the references therein.■ For each state index m, k ∈ {0, . . . , K − 1} , find thenumber of joint occurrences that two consecutive fadingamplitude and phase a�, a�−1, θ�, and θ�−1 belong to regions[vm1 , vm1+1) , [vk1

, vk1+1) , [v ′m2

, v ′m2+1) , and [v ′

k2, v ′

k2+1) ,respectively. Normalize this number by the number of jointoccurrences of a�−1 ∈ [vk1

, vk1+1) and θ�−1 ∈ [v ′k2

, v ′k2+1).

For obtaining the channel observation law in eachFSMC state, we need the probability of observing channeloutput y given channel input x, the instantaneous chan-nel amplitude a and the instantaneous channel phase θ ,which i s denoted as Pr(y|x, a, θ) or f(y|x, a, θ) . Thisdepends on the type of modulation at the transmitter anddetection at the receiver. For example, according to (1),f(y|x, a, θ) is the pdf of the complex-valued Gaussiannoise z with variance N0/2 per dimension and meanm = acos(θ)x + jasin(θ)x. The channel observation law ineach FSMC state is the normalized average of instanta-neous observation probability over the desired TV-FFCamplitude and phase regions. That is,

Pr(y�|x�, S� = k) =∫ vk+1


∫ v ′k2+1

v ′k2

f(y|x, a, θ) fA(a) f�(θ)dadθ


k � k1K2 + k2 , (24)

where the denominator is the steady-state probability of being instate k as defined in (14).

HIGHER-ORDER FSMC MODELS FOR THE TV-FFCThe main difference between the first-order FSMC model andhigher-order FSMC model for the TV-FFC is that a higher-order FSMC model keeps track of the fading channel gaindeeper in the past. In particular, the state s� in an M th-orderFSMC model represents M realizations of the fading channelgain (or its components) from time index � to time index� − M + 1. There are three distinct ways to obtain Mth-orderFSMC models for the TV-FFC:

1) Cartesian product (CP) method2) vector quantization (VQ) method3) context-tree pruning (CTP) method.

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CP METHODA schematic of the CP method is shown in Figure 8. Eachstate s� in the Mth-order FSMC is a composite state thatkeeps track of M first-order FSMC states, which are nowreferred to as substates and denoted by u� to u�−M . In otherwords, the CP method performs sample-by-sample partition-ing of the individual fading channel gain or its components toD regions according to the methods described in the previoussection and then inflates the state space to K = DM . There-fore, in the CP method, the number of FSMC states growsexponentially with memory order M. The authors in [18],[19], and [36] have considered constructing Mth-order FSMCmodels using the CP method.

In the CP method, the Mth-order Markov state is shown byan M -tuple of substates in base D : s� = (u�, u�−1, . . . ,

u�−M+1). This is also shown in the evolution of states in Fig-ure 8. For example, in a second-order CP-based FSMC modelfor the TV-FFC amplitude, s� = (k, m) means that the TV-FFCamplitude a� and a�−1 in two consecutive time intervalsbelong to partitions [vk, vk+1) and [vm, vm+1), respectively.

In Figure 8, in the CP method, there is an inertia for changein FSMC states. That is, the current state s� can be different fromthe previous state s�−1 only in the current substate u�. Any otherstate transition is not legal. For example in a second-order CP-based FSMC model, Pr(S� = (k, m)|S�−1 =(p, q)) = 0, unless(p, q) → (k, m) is valid (that is m = p ). In the CP-basedFSMC model and referring to Figure 8, a legal state tran-

sit ion probabil i ty from s�−1 = (u�−1, u�−2, . . . , u�−M) tos� = (u�, u�−1, . . . , u�−M+1) is simplified to

Pr(s�|s�−1) = Pr(u�|u�−1, . . . , u�−M+1, u�−M). (25)

Evaluating of the above quantity using the integrationmethod requires an (M + 1)-fold or (2M + 2)-fold integration,depending on what part of the TV-FFC is modeled by the FSMC.However, this is computationally complex for M ≥ 2. Instead,one can perform Monte Carlo techniques to find the empiricalprobability that M + 1 consecutive TV-FFC gains reside in a vec-tor of channel partition regions. In the CP-based FSMC modelwith memory order M , the number of free transition probabili-ties is D M × (D − 1). This is because each of D M states canmove to at most D legal neighboring states, and since the sumof transition probabilities to all destinations is one, there areD − 1 free parameters that need to be obtained for each state.

VQ METHODUnlike the CP method, the VQ method directly partitions asequence of M consecutive TV-FFC gains into K disjoint(nonoverlapping) and M-dimensional regions. Figure 9(a)shows a second-order FSMC model with 16 states for the TV-FFC amplitude a� and a�−1 obtained through the VQ method.The VQ method takes into account the correlation amongadjacent TV-FFC gains and hence, the outcome of the VQmethod for the TV-FFC depends on the normalized fadingrate fDTs (in Figure 9 fDTs = 0.1). Moreover, in the VQmethod the number of states K does not need to be a powerof memory order M . Each region rk has a codevectorck = [c�,k, . . . , c�−M+1,k], which is often the centroid of thatregion. Each codevector ck and its associated region rk repre-sent a state in the VQ-based FSMC model for the TV-FFC.

The Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG) algorithm (see [64, p. 117] forthe original LBG reference) is a widely used iterative techniqueto obtain the codevectors and their associated regions in the VQmethod. For the LBG algorithm to work properly, a relativelylarge number of training vectors are required. The training vec-tors used to obtain quantization regions are shown in Figure 9.Training vectors for fading channels can be obtained usingMonte-Carlo techniques to generate a fading process. For exam-ple, refer to [67] and the references therein. Given the trainingvectors, the LBG design criterion is to find partition regions andcodevectors that minimize the average distortion across alltraining vectors. The distortion is defined as the square distancebetween training vectors and the associated centroids.

Figure 9 also compares the CP and VQ methods. As mentionedbefore, the CP method is a sample-by-sample quantization of thefading channel. To keep the number of states in both cases equal,D = 4 equiprobable amplitude partition regions are used for eacha� and a�−1 component [see (21)], resulting in K = 42 states.The shape of each region in the CP method is forced to be rectan-gular. Therefore, the CP method is a very special case of the VQmethod. The same training vectors used for the VQ method areoverlayed on the rectangular CP regions on the right. Since the

[FIG8] The evolution of substates in an M th order FSMC modelobtained through the CP method. Each substate u� is obtainedby first-order partitioning of the TV-FFC gain h� (or its amplitudeand phase components) into D nonoverlapping regions. In thisfigure, there are D = 2 fading amplitude intervals andu� ∈ {0, 1}. The FSMC states keep track of M such substates. Attime index �, a new substate arrives, the oldest substate isshifted out, and intermediate substates are shifted by oneposition deeper into past.

0 1u −M

0 1u −M+1 0 1

u −M+1

0 1u −2

0 1u −1

0 1u

0 1u −2

0 1u −1

S Time Index:

S −1Time Index: −1


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CP method fails to capture correlations in the fading channelgain, it results in a less efficient representation of the fading chan-nel in the FSMC states. In [18] and [36], the authors have com-pared constructing Mth FSMC models using the CP and VQmethods for two different applications of channel error burstmodeling and decoding at the receiver, respectively, and have con-cluded that with the same number of states K in both FSMCmodels, the VQ method results in more accurate FSMC modelsfor the TV-FFC or in better receiver BER performance.

In a VQ-based FSMC model for the TV-FFC, channel observa-tion law in the kth state is approximated in terms of the centroidof the associated region. According to (1), the channel observa-tion, given the current TV-FFC gain realization h� and currentchannel input x�, is independent of previous channel realiza-tions. Therefore, the channel observation law in the VQ-basedFSMC model only depends on the last component of the regioncentroid. For example, in the second-order VQ-based FSMCmodel for the TV-FFC amplitude in Figure 9, we can write

Pr(y�|x�, S� = k)) ≈ Pr(y�|x�, ck = (a�,k, a�−1,k)) (26)

= Pr(y�|x�, a�,k), (27)

where (a�,k, a�−1,k) is the centroid for region rk. This approxi-mation becomes more accurate as the number of states Kbecomes larger.

CTP METHODCTP is the third technique for obtaining higher-order FSMCmodels for fading channels, proposed in [17] and [49].

Let us first assume that a sample-by-sample quantization ofthe fading channel gain sequence of length N is available and thediscrete-valued fading channel gain sequence is denoted by uN

1 ,u� ∈ U � {0, . . . , D − 1} (� = 1, . . . , N). Each element of U is afading state. The sequence uN

1 is also called the training sequence.A context c is a short sequence of fading states of length |c|

and each context can have a different length. A context-tree(CT) model is defined by a set of contexts C and transitionprobabilities Pr(u|c). The context set has the property that forany given sequence u�

1 and any � = 1, . . . , N, the suffix of u�1

matches exactly one context c ∈ C as follows:c = {u�−i+1}i=|c|

i=1 . The CT memory order is the length of thelongest context in C denoted by M. Transition probabilities arePr(u�+1|u�

1) = Pr(u�+1|c(u�1)), where c(u�

1) is the unique con-text of u�

1. The number of free transition probabilities to beestimated in a CT-based model for the fading channel isK = |C| × (D − 1), where |C| is the size of context set. There-fore, compared to the CP method with DM × (D − 1) parame-ters to estimate, the CT often results in a simplerrepresentation with a smaller number of parameters.

The CTP method is an algorithm to estimate the contextsfrom the training sequence uN

1 and to simplify the full tree by

[FIG9] Comparison of the (a) VQ method and the (b) CP method to obtain a second-order FSMC model for the fading channelamplitude. In the VQ method, there are K = 16 regions and each region k is represented by a code word ck, which is usually thecentroid of that region. Region centroids are shown by asterisks. Regions and their associated code words are obtained via the LBGalgorithm. Training vectors in the LBG method are shown by colored dots. All training vectors that are closest to a given centroid areshown by a unique color. In the CP method, there are D = 4 equiprobable amplitude partition regions for each a� and a�−1 component[see (21)], resulting in the same number of states K = 42 = 16 as in the VQ method. The centroid for each one-dimensional (1-D)partition interval is also shown, assuming Rayleigh fading. The shape of each region in the CP method is forced to be rectangular.Therefore, the CP method is a very special case of the VQ method. For comparison, the same training vectors used for the VQ methodare overlayed on the CP regions in (b). Since the CP method fails to capture correlations in the fading channel gain, it results in a lessefficient representation of the fading channel in the FSMC states.

Ck=[a ,k,a −1,k]

fDTS =0.1










0.5 1.5 2

Fading Channel Amplitude, a



ng C


el A



, a −


2.5 3 3.5 41

fDTS =0.1










0.5 1.5 2

Fading Channel Amplitude, a(b)


ng C


el A



, a −


2.5 3 3.5 41


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merging contexts. By applying more aggressive thresholdswithin the CTP state merging strategy, it is possible to gener-ate a hierarchy of CT-based models for the TV-FFC withdecreasing levels of complexity (parameter size), but withlower fidelity than the best model at the top of hierarchy.Fidelity can be selected according to the application and is agoodness-of-fit criterion that judges model quality. Therefore,the model designer can choose an appropriate balancebetween Markov model accuracy and complexity. In [17], amaximum CT depth of M = 7 was imposed when obtainingthe context set and it was found that the actual context lengthfor fading channels with fDTs ≥ 0.01 was always strictly lessthan seven in all constructed models.

NUMBER OF FSMC STATESBefore concluding this section, we comment on the requirednumber of FSMC states for representing the TV-FFC. There isno clear-cut solution on how to select the number of fadingstates in the FSMC model. This may depend on many factorsincluding application, model complexity, required accuracyand modulation/demodulation format, and the coding scheme.There is often a trade-off between model accuracy and its com-plexity. In the first-order FSMC models considered in the liter-ature (either in the developed theory or in provided numericalexamples), the number of considered FSMC states K rangesfrom 2–4 [13], [20], [21], [27], [28], [38], [47], [50] to1,000–2,000 [15], [23]. However, the middle range of K = 8 toK = 64 states is more widely used [14], [18], [19], [23], [24],[26], [33], [35]–[37], [59] and is generally accepted to have abetter balance between accuracy and model complexity thanFSMC models with smaller number of states. The number ofinput symbols P in the FSMC model is also a factor for thephysical layer analysis of fading channels. The number ofFSMC states K = 8 or K = 16 is aligned with binary signalingP = 2. For example, it is shown in [59] that the first-orderFSMC capacity saturates with D = 8 to D = 16 partitionregions for the TV-FFC in binary signaling. For higher dimen-sional modulations (P > 2), a larger number of partitionregions D may be required for the fading channel gain. Whilethe number of partitions D is mainly influenced by application(such as the modulation dimensionality), the FSMC memoryorder M is mainly affected by the required accuracy. In theintermediate fading region, model accuracy should beimproved by increasing the FSMC memory order M. The effectof FSMC memory order on model accuracy will be discussed inmore detail in the section devoted to FSMC applications.

APPLICATIONS AND APPLICABILITYOF FSMC FOR CHANNELS WITH MEMORYIn this section, our goal is to categorize applications and appli-cability of FSMC models for channels with memory and in par-ticular, for TV-FFCs. While a wide range of FSMC applicationsfor channels with memory has been proposed and studied in theliterature, it is often hard to find a unified and explicit classifica-tion of these applications, especially in terms of their practical

significance. In this article, we identify four main applicationsfor FSMC modeling of channels with memory. An effort hasbeen made to make this new classification as general and com-prehensive as possible. With the use of this classification, wethen provide an application-based investigation of the FSMCmodel accuracy and design criteria for TV-FFCs. The followingfour subsections will consider in more detail the applications ofFSMC models for channels with memory and their correspon-ding design and applicability measures.

APPLICATION ONE: MODELING CHANNEL ERRORBURSTS FOR ANALYTICAL OR SIMULATION-BASEDPERFORMANCE EVALUATIONFSMC models are well suited to represent burst of errors thatare commonly observed in channels with memory. The Markov-ian channel state transition probability often results in mathe-matically tractable expressions for system performancemeasures. FSMC models also enable faster simulation of burst-noise channels during system design stages.

ANALYTICAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONTraditionally, FSMC models have been used to evaluate theerror rate performance of coded communication systemsthrough channels with memory. The research activity in thisarea can be traced back to the early work by Elliott in 1963[4], in which he studied and compared error correcting capa-bility of various channel codes used in burst-noise telephonecircuits. One novel aspect of Elliott’s work was that using themathematical tractability of the GEC model, he providedclosed form and recursive expressions for PED, which isdefined as the probability of m errors in a coded block oflength n and is denoted by P(m, n) . In [4], P(m, n) isexpressed in terms of two quantities: 1) the probability of merrors in a coded block of length n, given that the channel isin the good state at the start of block, which is denoted byG (m, n) and 2) the probability of m errors in a coded block oflength n, given that the channel is in the bad state at the startof block, which is denoted by B(m, n). Quantities G (m, n)

and B(m, n) are, in turn, recursively related to PED in goodand bad states in a smaller coded block of sizen − 1: G (m, n − 1) , G (m − 1, n − 1) , B(m, n − 1) , andB(m − 1, n − 1). The recursive expressions for PED in [4] canbe readily extended to FSMC models with more number ofstates and the expressions are given in [17]. The analyticalsolution for the PED enables system designers to evaluatePER in a block-coded system that is capable of correcting terrors in a block of size n, which is given as

PER =n∑


P(m, n). (28)

PER and PED for the FSMC modeling of fading channelshave been investigated in [15]–[19].

FSMC models also enable analytical study of packet through-put in wireless data protocols operating through correlated

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time-varying fading channels. In [21], a first-order Markovmodel is proposed for the block sucess/failure, which is based ontwo-level quantization of the square of the continuous-valuedchannel amplitude a2. In particular, the block or packet suc-cess/failure is a binary random variable β , where β = 0 andβ = 1 represent packet success and failure, respectively, and arerelated to a2 as

β� �{

0 a2� ≥ 1/F

1 a2� < 1/F,


where 1/F is coined as the fading margin. It is assumed thatblock success/failure β� is a first-order Markov process thatonly depends on β�−1. Using the above model for block suc-cess/failure, the authors in [21] provided closed-form expres-sions for the throughput of proposed data protocols. Theauthors also indicate that by taking channel memory intoaccount in the design of data protocols, better throughputperformance can be obtained compared to using an independ-ent (memoryless) channel model. In [16], the authors providesome theoretical insight about the applicability of the two-level quantized model in (29) to represent block success/failure.

FSMC models also enable closed-form analysis of the fadeduration distribution in the TV-FFC [15], [22]. Fade duration isthe period of time that the power of a fading process spendsbelow the fading margin 1/F. Fade duration distribution is ofinterest in the coding/decoding design stages, but does not havea closed-form solution in Clarke’s model and requires simula-tion-based analysis of fade duration distribution. Therefore, anFSMC model can be used to provide a more efficient way for system analysis and design.

FASTER CHANNEL SIMULATIONSObtaining a closed-form expression for the performancemeasure in a coded system may not be always possible. How-ever, FSMC models are still useful in providing more efficienterror burst modeling and faster channel simulations. Insteadof the time-consuming process of passing the transmitted sig-nal through the TV-FFC and processing the received signal todetermine if an erroneous decision is made, one can replacethe original fading channel with an FSMC model and then usethe FSMC model to directly simulate samples of the channelerror process at the output of the demodulator in a muchfaster way [23]. Using FSMC models instead of Clarke’s modelfor channel simulation becomes a major advantage for analyz-ing more complex communication systems which includediversity [23], [24] or multicarrier techniques [24]. Once theFSMC states, state transition probabilities, and probability oferror in each state is determined, channel simulation com-prises of generating two sequences of (independent) uniformrandom variables, one to decide whether state transition hastaken place and the other to determine whether an error hasoccurred in each state [23] (see the end of section on FSMCmodels). The authors in [23] have used this simulation modelto study the coded BER in three main diversity schemes.

FSMC models have been also used in [25] for faster and moreconvenient system-level analysis of wireless video transmis-sion by avoiding bit-level simulations.

DESIGN TECHNIQUES AND ACCURACY CRITERIAEvidently, in order to evaluate and analyze a system perform-ance measure, one needs to first design an FSMC model for thephysical TV-FFC under consideration. For modeling channelerror bursts, researchers have considered FSMC modeling of thefading channel amplitude a or the received SNR γ . In the litera-ture, it is implicitly or explicitly assumed that channel phase iseither estimated prior to coherent demodulation, or modulationand detection are not sensitive to phase distortions. This couldbe a reasonable assumption in very slow fading conditions withthe normalized fading rate fDTs � 1.

A fundamental issue in the design of FSMC models is howaccurate and reliable the resulting system performance meas-ures are. A natural criterion for accuracy would be how theobtained performance measures in the FSMC model comparewith those in the reference model for the TV-FFC (such as theClarke’s model or the AR model) or with those obtainedthrough field measurements. Examples, include comparisonof packet error rates [15] packet error distribution [17–19],BER [23], packet throughput [20], [21], and fade duration[15], [22] in the FSMC and in the reference TV-FFC models.The other criterion is how accurately the FSMC model canreproduce channel statistics. Comparison of the ACF in theTV-FFC with that in the FSMC model is the widely acceptedstatistical measure and has been studied in [15], [17], [19],and [26] in order to verify the FSMC design technique. Otherstatistical measures include comparison of state transitionprobabilities between the FSMC model and simulated Clarke’sfading model [14], [24], [25], state duration or steady-stateprobabilities [25], [26]. In summary, the authors above haveaimed to optimize amplitude region thresholds and/or FSMCmemory order in order to reproduce the closest performancemeasure or channel statistics, compared with the referencemodel, subject to complexity constraints on the FSMC model.The effect of Markov memory order in the FSMC model is dis-cussed below in more detail.

THE EFFECT OF MARKOV MEMORY ORDERThe suitable choice of Markov memory order in the FSMC-basedsystem performance analysis and evaluation has been the subjectof research since 1996 [48]. The first-order Markovian assumptionfor the TV-FFC amplitude means that given a�−1, a� is independ-ent of any other previous amplitude realizations a�−2 , . . . . In[48], the authors proposed an information-theoretic measure forvalidating the first-order Markovian assumption in the FSMCmodel. The authors stated that when the information in a�−2

about a� given a�−1 is small, then the first-order FSMC model issufficient for describing the TV-FFC amplitude. In particular, theyinvestigated the ratio between mutual information between a� anda�−2 given a�−1, I(A�; A�−2|A�−1), to the mutual informationbetween a� and the pair {a�−1, a�−2}, I(A�; A�−2, A�−1). Based

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on this criterion, [48] concluded that the first-order FSMC modelis accurate for TV-FFCs for the considered normalized fading rateof fDTs < 0.002. This criterion was subsequently used in [16], [20]or validating the first-order block success/failure for wireless dataprotocols. This information-theoretic measure was later criticizedin [15] where it was shown that the mutual information ratio

I(A�; A�−2|A�−1)

I(A�; A�−2, A�−1)= I(A�; A�−2|A�−1)

I(A�; A�−1) + I(A�; A�−2|A�−1)(30)

can only have some validity in justifying whether a second-orderFSMC model is marginally better than a first-order FSMCmodel. By means of comparing the ACF, BER, and fade durationdistribution, the authors in [15] then concluded that first-orderFSMC models are only accurate for very slow fading channelsand short-duration applications (such as analysis of BER withshort block lengths) and inaccurate for long-duration applica-tions (such as analysis of fade duration distribution). Animproved version of the information-theoretic criterion thattakes into account more memory of the block success/failurewas later investigated in [50].

By comparing the PED in the first-order and second-orderFSMC models with simulation results in the referenceClarke’s model, the authors in [18] verified that it is possibleto obtain more accurate evaluation of PED using the second-order VQ-based FSMC model. By using the CT-based Markovmodeling for two- to four-level quantization of the TV-FFCamplitude, the authors in [17] and [19] concluded that first-order Markov modeling of the TV-FFC amplitude is relativelyaccurate for slow fading channels with the normalized fadingrates fDTs � 0.01. For the intermediate regime of the normal-ized fading rates 0.01 � fDTs � 0.4, higher-order Markovmodels with memory order between M = 2 to M = 7 providea more accurate account of the TV-FFC process, whereas inthe fast fading regime of fDTs � 0.4 a memoryless model withM = 0 is enough.

The above observations are intuitively justifiable to someextent. When the fading channel is very slow, the most recentrealization of the fading channel gain may be enough to statisti-cally represent its history. For example, fading channel ampli-tudes a�, a�−1, a�−2, . . . are expected to be similar. Therefore,we can only keep track of a�−1 at time index � and drop the rest.Based on this argument, we can only conclude that amongFSMC models of various orders, more accurate accounts of theslow fading regime may not be found by increasing the memoryorder. However, we cannot rule out the existence of completelydifferent types of (non-Markovian) channels that could providemore accurate representations of slow fading channels. The factthat first-order FSMC models are still approximations of slowTV-FFCs can be confirmed by observing the differences betweenthe ACF in the slow TV-FFC in Clarke’s model, given in (4), andthe ACF in the first-order FSMC model [15], [17], [19], [26].

On the other hand, when the fading channel is very fast,fading channel gain changes in an almost uncorrelated man-ner. For example, a� has little dependence on a�−1, a�−2, . . . .

Hence, there is almost no memory in the channel. However, inthe intermediate regime, the channel changes neither veryslowly to be represented by its most recent realization nor veryfast to be memoryless. In this case, a longer sequence of previ-ous fading channel gains are required to represent channel’sevolution in time. The authors in [17], [49] also mention thathigh-order FSMC models may be more useful in applicationsrelated to analyzing packet error behavior or channel statistics(such as the ACF), whereas for wireless protocol evaluationlow-order FSMC model may suffice [17]. The requirement ofhaving high-order FSMC models for accurate representation offading channel statistics and packet error behavior was laterconfirmed by [19] for fDTs < 0.1.

APPLICATION TWO: DECODING IN CHANNELS WITH MEMORY USING FSMC MODELSThe second main application of FSMC models is in receiversthat operate through channels with memory. While the firstapplication of FSMC models for system performance analysisdates back to the work by Elliott in 1963 [4], the application ofFSMC models for decoding is more recent and can be tracedback to the work of Mushkin and Bar-David in 1989 [10].

ADVANTAGESOne of the main advantages of using FSMC models fordecoding in channels with memory is their mathematicaltractability. First, there is only a finite number of states inthe FSMC model that need to be estimated at the receiver,compared to continuous-valued channels with memory withan infinite state space. Estimating only a finite number ofchannel states can be especially advantageous in the lowSNR conditions, where having a channel estimate with lowerprecision and higher reliability is better than having a chan-nel estimate with higher precision but limited reliability[37]. For example, instead of estimating the continuous-val-ued TV-FFC amplitude a, one can use a two-state estimationmethod to determine whether a ∈ [0, v1) or a ∈ [v1,∞). Sec-ond, the Markovian property of channel state transitions inthe FSMC model brings further tractability in the channelestimation and decoding algorithm. Together, the finite-state and Markovian nature of FSMC models facilitate inte-gration of the model into powerful and well-known decodingtechniques such as the Forward-Backward or Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv (BCJR) (see [64, p. 519] for the original BCJR reference) maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoding. As aresult, researchers have considered the problem of channelcoding and decoding over channels with memory, and inparticular over TV-FFC s, which are modeled by FSMCs.

Another advantage of using FSMC-based decoding is thepotential for achieving higher information rates through thechannel. In [10], the authors defined the notion of channelmemory content μ for the GEC (not to be confused with theMarkov memory order M defined previously) as

μ = 1 − b − g, |μ| ≤ 1, (31)

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where b and g are channel state transition probabilities as shownin Figure 1. The authors then rigorously proved that with theerror probability in the good and bad states, PG and PB, and theratio ρ = g/b being fixed, the GEC capacity Cμ decreases aschannel memory content μ decreases. The GEC assumes itsminimum capacity when channel memory μ is zero, which isalso denoted as C NM (no memory). That is, Cμ ≥ C NM. Intu-itively, this is generally true for FSMC models with more numberof states and the memory content in the channel results in anincreased information capacity, compared to its memorylesschannel counterpart with the same error probability in eachstate. Therefore, if an FSMC model can accurately represent achannel with memory, it is expected that by use of specializedcoding and decoding techniques for FSMC models one mayachieve higher information rates.

CHALLENGESThe main issue is how to approach the true FSMC capacity andutilize its memory. According to [10], there are two major diffi-culties. First, not much is known about good channel codes forFSMC models, compared to memoryless channels. Second,decoding complexity of such codes would depend on channelmemory and code block length. Due to the lack of good channelcodes for channels with memory, so far, the practical solution hasbeen to disperse bursts of errors by using an interleaver/deinter-leaver pair at the transmitter and receiver. If the interleaver isdeep enough, the cascade of interleaver, channel, and deinter-leaver can be considered memoryless and standard decodingtechniques developed for AWGN channels can be applied. Sincethe interleaver/deinterleaver pair is an invertible process, it doesnot potentially change the achievable information rate throughthe channel [10]. However, since the conventional decoding algo-rithms at the receiver treat the interleaved channel as memory-less, the achievable information rate will be limited to CNM. Thishas motivated researchers to investigate this problem and pro-pose decoding schemes to approach the true FSMC capacity.

PROPOSED TECHNIQUESThe first technique for approaching information rates in the GEChigher than that of the memoryless case CNM was proposed in[10], which was later generalized to FSMC models in [27]. Theauthors proposed a decision-feedback decoder, which is com-prised of a channel-state estimator and an ML decoder. Since thechannel-state estimator uses previous ML estimates of inputsymbols, this method is prone to error propagation [27]. Assumethat the output of the ML estimated symbol is in error. Since thisdecision is fed back to the channel state estimator, the channelstate estimator will be in error too. The erroneous channel stateestimate will be used in the next ML symbol estimation roundand hence, the error propagates. To avoid error propagation, [28]has proposed an alternative strategy, called the output-feedbackdecoder, which does not use previous symbols decisions and onlyrelies on previous received symbols. In [29], the authors studiedachievable information rates in the output-feedback decoder pro-posed in [28]. It was shown that the state estimation is only pos-

sible at the price of decreasing information rate and reducing theinput symbol entropy rate. In particular, for the class of uniform-ly-symmetric and variable-noise FSMC models defined in [27],channel state estimation in the output-feedback decoder is notpossible with the capacity-achieving i.u.d. input distribution. Bychoosing an input distribution which is non-i.u.d., one is effec-tively introducing redundancy or structure into the channelinput signal, which enables (implicit or output-feedback) chan-nel state process estimation, but reduces information rate belowthe channel information capacity.

In another approach, existing capacity approaching codes forAWGN channels, such as turbo codes and LDPC codes, have beenmodified and extended for decoding through FSMC models. Theauthors in [30] proposed turbo-decoding for the GEC that avoid-ed channel interleaving. The decoding technique builds asupertrellis to jointly describe the finite state of the channel andthe finite state of the turbo encoder and modifies decoding equa-tions. Code design is shown to have a considerable effect on theerror rate performance. The optimum number of constituentturbo encoders is chosen to balance between providing diversityand weakening each decoder due to puncturing. The numericalerror rates show that information rates higher than the memory-less capacity CNM are achievable. Incorporating the GEC andFSMC model into the message passing in LDPC decoding hasbeen studied in [34] and [31], respectively and superior error rateperformance compared to decoding techniques that do not takechannel statistics into account is shown. In [32], density evolu-tion analysis is extended from memoryless channels to the GEC,which can be used to determine the region of GEC parametersover which LDPC decoding is successful.

Recently, a successive decoding technique for FSMC modelswas proposed in [33], which is optimal with near-capacity per-formance, but at the expense of large codewords and decodingstages and hence, complexity and delay.

APPLICABILITY OF THE METHODSThe proposed decoding methods in application two are mainlyconcerned with the FSMC-based modeling and decoding at thereceiver from a theoretical viewpoint, i.e., they consider decodingproperties of a receiver that operates in a communication channelideally represented by an FSMC model. Given this assumption,research focus has been to utilize encoding and decoding tech-niques to provide the best BER performance at the receiver and toapproach the theoretical FSMC capacity. Obviously, physicalchannels differ from the ideal FSMC. Nevertheless, theoreticalanalysis and understanding of decoding through an ideal FSMCprovides invaluable insight, as well as trackable analytical toolsthat can be used to study decoding in real physical channels.Another advantage of this approach is that comparison among dif-ferent methods in terms of computational complexity, BER per-formance, and capacity approaching behavior becomes possible.

However, the natural question is the applicability of FSMC-based decoding in a physical channel with memory. This hasmore recently been the subject of research, as described in thenext application.

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APPLICATION THREE:THE MISMATCHED DECODING SETUPThe analysis in application two focused on optimized decodingas if the actual transmission had taken place through theFSMC model with disregard for its physical accuracy. Whereas,the decoding performance analysis in the third applicationassumes that the actual communication takes place over aphysical communication channel, such as the TV-FFC, and it isonly the decoding at the receiver that is based on a simplifiedand mismatched FSMC model. Mismatched FSMC-baseddecoding can be advantageous due to its mathematicaltractability and promising FSMC-based decoding techniquesthat were described in the previous subsection. However, itshould be noted that due to the mismatch between the chan-nel and the decoder there is an immediate decrease in theachievable information rate [71], even if the FSMC-baseddecoding were optimal for the FSMC model.

Making the distinction between application two and three inthe literature is not always easy. Although [33] have consideredthe FSMC modeling of underlying TV-FFC, whether the numeri-cal BER results are provided by passing the transmitted datathrough the TV-FFC or through the obtained FSMC model isunknown to the authors of this article. Therefore, [33] has beenclassified in application two.

Research work in the mismatched FSMC-based decodingsetup for the TV-FFC includes [35]–[39]. Joint MAP sequencedetection and channel state estimation are proposed or used in[35], [36], and [38]. Joint iterative channel state estimation anddecoding using the BCJR algorithm are proposed or used in[37], [39], which is based on supertrellis or separate trellises ofthe turbo code and the FSMC model.

In this application, the main design and performance cri-terion is not how the FSMC model can reproduce the statisti-cal aspects of the real TV-FFC, but rather, the designcriterion is the ability of the FSMC-based receiver to decodewell and reliably in spite of receiver mismatch and the abilityto minimize the gap between the information rates that areachievable. In [36], the authors compared the BER perform-ance of two receivers based on the first- and second-orderMarkov models, using joint MAP sequence detection andchannel state estimation [35]. The actual communicationchannel was assumed to be a TV-FFC according to theClarke’s model. Interestingly, for a fixed number of channelstates in two models, the BER performance of the first-orderMarkov receiver outperforms that of the second-orderMarkov receiver (even when a VQ method is used to obtainthe second-order FSMC model). As a result, it is concluded in[36] that first-order FSMC models are adequate for decodingpurposes and provide a good tradeoff between decoding com-plexity and error rate performance. From an information the-oretic viewpoint, the lower bound on the achievablemismatched information rates [71] for first-order and sec-ond-order FSMC-based receivers were compared in [51]. Itwas concluded that first-order FSMC-based mismatched MLdecoding incurs little information rate loss for normalized

fading rates fDTs � 0.01, whereas for the faster fading rate offDTs � 0.1, the use of second-order FSMC models is benefi-cial to achieve higher information rates.

APPLICATION FOUR: ADAPTIVE TRANSMISSIONAdaptive transmission is particularly important for efficienttransmission of data packets in wireless networks. As the namesuggests, in the adaptive scheme the transmitter adapts its cod-ing strategy based on some side information about the qualityof the fading channel (and possibly based on available trafficand data buffer resources). The objective is often to devise anefficient adaptive scheme that maximizes the rate of reliabledata transmission or the probability of successful file transfer ata tolerable cost, such as transmission delay or power.

The side information for adaptive transmission is often pro-vided by the receiver via a feedback link. For example, sideinformation can be the fading level, which is obtained at thereceiver by doing extra processing/measurements such aschannel estimation. Alternatively, the receiver can send backthe success or failure in packet decoding, such as acknowledg-ments (ACK) or negative acknowledgments (NAK) in the auto-matic repeat request (ARQ) protocol. In loose terms, in poorchannel conditions the transmitter should send data at lowerrates by either changing the coding rate or by reducing themodulation dimensionality. In better fading channel condi-tions, the transmitter may transmit at higher rates. The treat-ment of the fading channel as an FSMC is attractive from apractical viewpoint. First, the receiver may need to estimatefew states for the fading level and send them back to the trans-mitter. This can greatly reduce the bandwidth required for thefeedback link. Second, only a finite number of transmissionstrategies need to be devised. This simplifies the implementa-tion of the adaptive transmitter.

The application of FSMC models for adaptive transmissionin correlated fading channels can be traced back to the earlywork of [13]. More recently, the adaptive transmission prob-lem has been cast into the Markov decision process (MDP)framework [40]–[42].The MDP framework facilitates solvingdecision problems in which a scheduler (such as the transmit-ter) tries to maximize a reward (such as packet throughput),while minimizing some cost (such as transmission delay orpower). An MDP has the following elements: a set of systemstates, a set of actions, and a set of rewards. In the context ofadaptive transmission, system state can include the state oftransmission buffer, the state of incoming traffic, and thestate of fading channel. The required action is to choose asuitable coding rate or transmission power. The reward can bedefined as a weighted sum of throughput, delay, and/or power(with appropriate signs used).

The MDP setting is more suitable for the slow-fadingregime, where the channel state can be accurately estimated atthe receiver and be sent back to the transmitter infrequently.However, in faster fading conditions, channel estimation at thereceiver becomes imperfect and noisy. In addition, imperfectstates should ideally be sent back before the channel changes

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state, which requires a large feedback bandwidth. In situationswhere the state of the channel is not directly observable orhidden, a partially observable MDP (POMDP) setting is moresuitable for this purpose [41], [43]–[45]. Partial observationscan be either noisy and delayed channel state feedback, orACKs/NAKs in the ARQ protocol. However, it should be notedthat the solution to POMDP is often computationallyintractable and hence, practical and suboptimal solutions havebeen considered in [44] and [45].

Among other adaptive transmission studies, [46] studiedadaptive packet size and modulation scheme in a variation of theARQ protocol in fading channels modeled as FSMCs. The authorsin [47] used FSMC models for channel prediction in orthogonalfrequency division multiple access (OFDMA) systems.

Finally, other applications of FSMC models include jointsource and channel decoding for vector quantization over FSMCmodels and their applications to the TV-FFC [72].

INFORMATION THEORY OF FSMC MODELSThe capacity of the GEC for the very special case of error-freegood state (PG = 0) was given in closed form by Gilbert in 1960[3]. However, the method heavily relied on the fact that errorscan only occur in the bad state and could not be extended to anyother GEC with nonzero error probability in the good statePG > 0. In 1968, Gallager proved general theorems for capacityand coding for FSMC [7, pp. 97–111, 176–187]. However, com-putation of the FSMC capacity remained a challenge for morethan 20 years. To appreciate the difficulty in evaluating and ana-lyzing the FSMC capacity, examine the capacity of an indecom-posable FSMC that can be written as [7]

C = limN →∞



1 )I(

XN1 ; YN


), (32)

where I(XN1 ; YN

1 ) denotes mutual information betweensequences of channel input and output of length N . Themaximization is over all possible input distributions. Even if weare only interested in obtaining FSMC information rates and notthe optimal input distribution, direct computation of I(XN

1 ; YN1 )

is problematic for large N. Note that the information rate for afixed sequence length N is expanded as

IN � 1N


XN1 ; YN



= 1N






xN1 , yN




1 |xN1




) . (33)

If the input and output alphabet sizes are P and Q, there areP N × QN different probabilities that need to be calculated inthe mutual information rate above. For many FSMC models ofpractical interest, a very large N is needed for the informationrate IN to converge to its asymptotic value and the computationof (33) becomes unfeasible.

In 1989, Mushkin and Bar-David proposed a new recursivetechnique for computing the GEC capacity for general error

probabilities in the good and bad states [10]. This work was laterextended in [27] to recursive capacity computations for FSMCmodels with an arbitrary number of states. The main result in[27] is that the FSMC information rate can be computed asexpectation with respect to the steady-state distribution of thefollowing channel predictors:

πN(k) � Pr(

SN = k|yN1 , xN


), (34)

ρN(k) � Pr(

SN = k|yN1

), (35)

which can be recursively computed. For an FSMC model with Kstates, the quantities πN(k) and ρN(k) take values in the K-dimensional real field R(K−1). The proposed approach in [10]and [27] for feasible computation of πN(k) and ρN(k) is to finelyquantize the field R(K−1) into B (K−1) bins. As a result, practicalcomputation of πN(k) and ρN(k) is possible for small number ofFSMC states (K ≤ 4 [37]). It is also noted that the methods pro-posed in [10] and [27] are applicable to i.i.d input distributionsand for data-independent FSMC models, which excludes ISI-induced FSMC models.

In 2001, three groups of researchers [52]–[54], independ-ently proposed a numerical stochastic method for computingFSMC information rates, which relies on the Shannon-McMil-lan-Breiman theorem [69]. The Shannon-McMillan-Breimantheorem states that for stationary and ergodic processes, atime sample of entropy converges with probability one to theexpected entropy rate over the ensemble. In other words,

− 1N

log(Pr(yn)) → H(Y), with probability one. (36)

The complexity of computing log(Pr(yn)) on the left hand sideis greatly simplified by the use of the recursive Forward-Back-ward or BCJR algorithm for HMMs [64, p. 519], [65] and is lin-ear in the sample length N. As a result, one can compute anestimate of (33), by generating a long sample of channel inputand output and by computing 1/N log(Pr(yN|xN)/Pr(yN)) .More details and examples of this technique can be found in[55]. Reference [55] also discusses an algorithm for obtainingupper and lower bounds for very general (nonfinite-state) chan-nels with memory based on auxiliary FSMC models.

The capacity-achieving input distribution for generalFSMCs is generally unknown. A result is due to [27], where itis shown that the capacity of data-independent FSMCs with asymmetric discrete memoryless channel in each state isachieved by i.u.d inputs. As a reminder, according to [29], forthis class of FSMC models, channel state estimation in theoutput-feedback decoder of [28] is only possible with non-i.u.d.input distributions, or in other words, at rates below channelcapacity. The numerical computation method for FSMC infor-mation rates in [52]–[54] was later utilized in [56] to propose astochastic expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm for opti-mizing the input distribution of FSMC models. The channelinput is assumed to be a Markov chain, whose state transitionprobabilities are optimized to increase the FSMC information

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rate. This method can be thought of as a nontrivial extensionof the classical Blahut-Arimoto (see the references in [56])algorithm for the iterative optimization of the input distribu-tion to achieve the capacity of DMCs. However, whether theproposed algorithm in [56] globally converges to the FSMCcapacity-achieving input distribution is an open problem.Compared to the choice of i.u.d input distribution, optimizingstate transition probabilities of Markov sources over FSMCmodels results in noticeable achievable information rateimprovements. In fact, [58] showed that Markov inputs canasymptotically achieve the capacity of data-dependent FSMCmodels induced by ISI.

Recently, the authors in [57] shed light onto potential (butmainly theoretical) limitations of the numerical technique for theFSMC information rate computation. These potential limitationsare mainly related to the lack of confidence intervals or errorbounds on the estimated mutual information, which precludesdetermination of the necessary sample lengths for xN

1 and yN1 for a

reliable estimate. From an engineering/practical viewpoint, howev-er, the these limitations are not major issues and it is likely thatthe information rate estimate is very close to the correct answer,where the order of difference is 10−3 (see [57, Figure 2]). The gen-erated sample length can be determined by a few initial trials andthen based on experience. Generally, sample lengths N ≈ 106 toN ≈ 107 are good starting points. The authors in [57] then provethe central limit theorem, confidence intervals, and bounds on ini-tialization bias for the numerical estimate of information rates.The latter can be used to provide (rather conservative) upperbounds on the sample length to reach steady state. Finally, [57]expressed the FSMC mutual information and capacity in terms ofLyapunov exponents and developed a theory for computing orapproximating entropy and mutual information with dependent(non-i.i.d) inputs, which does not rely on numerical techniques.

In [10], [27], and [52]–[57], the FSMC capacity has beenstudied mainly as a mathematical model. However, a main issueis whether the FSMC model is applicable to analyze the infor-mation rates through more complicated channels such as theTV-FFC that may neither be Markov nor finite state. The appli-cability of FSMC models for the TV-FFC has been analyzed in[59] from an information-theoretic viewpoint and the effect ofchannel parameters, such as the normalized fading rate fDTs,SNR, Markov memory order M, and the number of states onthe resulting information rates is investigated. Both TV-FFCamplitude and phase are mapped into FSMC models and theresulting information rates or information rate bounds are ana-lyzed. It is concluded that for binary signalling [such as BPSKor binary frequency shift keying (BFSK)] the capacity is rapidlysaturated beyond D = 16 fading amplitude or phase partitionregions in the FSMC model. This gives an indication on thenumber of required FSMC states for the FSMC-based decodingat the receiver, which was discussed as application types twoand three in the previous section. In other words, the optimumnumber of FSMC states for joint channel estimation and decod-ing is where the information rate stops to increase noticeablyby increasing the number of FSMC states.

We conclude this section by a brief discussion on the capacityand/or capacity-achieving input distribution in FSMCs with feed-back from the receiver to the transmitter. The author in [60]studied the FSMC capacity with perfect channel state informa-tion (CSI) at the receiver and delayed, but noiseless CSI feedbackto the transmitter. The analysis verified the intuitive expectationthat the advantage of having access to CSI at the transmitter van-ishes as the feedback delay increases. The authors in [61]–[63]studied the case where the delayed channel observations y� (notCSI) are fed back to the transmitter. Their treatment is based onthe directed (causal) mutual information. In [61], converse anddirect coding theorems for the FSMC capacity with feedback areproven. In [62], it is shown that the capacity of data-dependentFSMC models with feedback and memory order M is achieved byMarkov sources of the same memory order. In [63], the achiev-able rate and a capacity upper bound are given for FSMC modelswith feedback, where the feedback is a deterministic function ofthe channel output. For indecomposable and data-independentFSMC models with no ISI (such as TV-FFCs), the achievable rateand the capacity upper bound coincide and hence, are equal tothe channel capacity.

CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCHWireless communication systems that operate through fadingchannels have become more diverse and complex. In the last tenyears, there has been a growing interest for research and devel-opment of advanced wireless communications systems thatemploy multicarrier (MC) techniques. So far, applications ofFSMC models for fading channels has been mainly limited tosingle carrier (SC) communications with very few exceptions[24], [47]. FSMC models are particulary suitable to representand estimate the relatively fast flat-fading channel gain in eachsubcarrier. An unexplored avenue for research is to find appro-priate FSMC models to represent MC fading channels. However,the number of TV-FFC gains to be modeled in the MC system isoften much higher than in a SC system and a major challengewould be to keep the number of FSMC states to computationallymanageable levels.

Until now, FSMC models have been used to represent time-varying fading channels that are frequency flat. However, practicalfading channels exhibit both time-varying and frequency-selectivecharacteristics. Therefore, another direction for future research isto extend the FSMC modeling of fading channels to include fre-quency-selective fading channels of the form

y� =J∑


h�( j)x�− j + n�, (37)

where J is the number of delayed paths and h�( j) is the fadinggain of the jth path at time index �, which is varying with timein a correlated manner. Again, care should be taken in the mod-eling stages to keep the number of FSMC states small to moder-ate, while accurately representing the frequency-selective fadingchannel. The obtained FSMC model may be then used to devisejoint (and perhaps iterative) channel state estimation, equaliza-tion, and decoding techniques at the receiver.

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It is fair to say that a major challenge is to devise practicalFSMC-based coding and decoding for fading channels (asdescribed in application types two and three). While [30]–[32]have reported information rates higher than memoryless decod-ing limit by incorporating FSMC state estimation in the decod-ing algorithm, developing guidelines for the design ofspecialized LDPC and/or turbo codes to approach true FSMCcapacity has been essentially an unexplored territory. A veryrecent work on the design of good LDPC codes for FSMC modelsis reported in [73], which is further evidence of the currentresearch trend in this area.

It is also important to have the mismatched decodingsetup in mind for testing the devised decoding algorithms. Inthis case, special attention is needed to optimize FSMC modelparameters (such as the inclusion or exclusion of the fadingphase or amplitude in the FSMC model, the number of FSMCstates, memory order, and state transition probabilities) tominimize information rate loss through the actual and physi-cal fading channel. Preliminary methodologies are reported in[74] for such optimizations. However, this problem certainlyrequires further investigation.

Finally, the use of FSMC models for model-based channelprediction and adaptive coding techniques at the transmittercan be an avenue for future research activity. Modeling fadingchannels with a finite number of states is advantageous forchannel prediction and adaptive coding, because only a few cod-ing rates/strategies need to be developed depending on the finitenumber of channel states. Also, the receiver can provide feed-back to the transmitter only about a few estimated channelstates, which reduces the data rate on the feedback link. It isexpected that the recent developments in the information theo-ry of data-independent FSMC models with feedback will lead tothe design of capacity approaching and causal adaptive codingtechniques. The application of MDP and POMDP for adaptivetransmission in FSMC-modeled fading channels was recentlyproposed in [13] and [40]–[45]. This area may also be furtherinvestigated and extended in the future.

Given the current trends and avenues for future research,it is expected that research into new applications of FSMCmodels for fading channels will continue to be an active areafor many years.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank anonymous reviewers for many help-ful suggestions. This research was partly supported under Aus-tralian Research Council’s Discovery Projects funding scheme(project number DP0773898).

AUTHORSParastoo Sadeghi ([email protected]) received the B.E. andM.E. degrees in electrical engineering from Sharif Universityof Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 1995 and 1997, respectively,and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from The Uni-versity of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, in 2006. She isa research fellow at the Research School of Information Sci-

ences and Engineering, The Australian National University,Canberra. She received two IEEE Region 10 student paperawards in 2003 and 2005. Her research interests include sig-nal processing and channel modeling for wireless communi-cation systems and channel modeling and information theoryof time-varying fading channels.

Rodney A. Kennedy ([email protected]) is a pro-fessor at the Australian National University, Canberra. Hereceived his B.E. degree in electrical engineering from the Uni-versity of New South Wales, Australia, in 1982, his M.E. degreefrom the University of Newcastle, Australia in 1985, and hisPh.D. degree in systems engineering from the AustralianNational University in 1988. He is currently head of the Depart-ment of Information Engineering in the Research School ofInformation Sciences and Engineering. He has been an activemember of the IEEE, serving on a number of technical programcommittees of workshops and conferences, and was an associateeditor for IEEE Transactions on Communications. His researchinterests include digital and wireless communications, signalprocessing, spatial information systems and information theory,and acoustical signal processing. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.

Predrag B. Rapajic ([email protected]) received hisB.E. degree from the University of Banjaluka, Bosnia and Herze-govina, in 1982, his M.E. degree from the University of Belgradein 1988, and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Sydney, Aus-tralia in 1994. He is currently professor of Communication Sys-tems and is the director of a research program in Computer andCommunications Engineering, University of Greenwich, U.K. Hisresearch interests include adaptive multiuser detection, equaliza-tion, error control coding, mobile communication systems,multiuser information theory, information capacity, and model-ing of time-varying communication channels. He has publishedmore than 170 refereed research papers in the area of wirelesscommunications theory and practice.

Ramtin Shams ([email protected]) received hisB.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical engineering from SharifUniversity of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 1995 and 1999,respectively. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the AustralianNational University, Canberra. His research interests includecomputer vision, medical image analysis, information theory,and Internet authentication and identity management.

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