Paranormal activity 2 poster analysis

The graphics for this title are simple but clearly highlight the themes and genre of the film. The font used is all capitals and is spaced out; it has the appearance and font of the “REC” text on a camera. This is done purposely to connote that all events in the film have been filmed as evidence. The colour scheme of black, red and white connotes a thriller and horror film with dark connotations. The 2 in central rather Only one image has been used at it some up the film along with the title. It is an image of a baby and dg looking towards a lit up open door. The baby is not reflected in the mirror and therefore highlights the theme of The colours used are red, blue, white and black. These are used to show that it is a thriller and connotes The USP is the success of the first film; this is the The distributors of this film are Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks and Icon

Transcript of Paranormal activity 2 poster analysis

Page 1: Paranormal activity 2 poster analysis

The graphics for this title are simple but clearly highlight the themes and genre of the film. The font used is all capitals and is spaced out; it has the appearance and font of the “REC” text on a camera. This is done purposely to connote that all events in the film have been filmed as evidence. The colour scheme of black, red and white connotes a thriller and horror film with dark connotations. The 2 in central rather than at the end to show the breaking of convention and highlighting that is not normal shows the theme of the film being based around paranormal activities. The self explanatory name highlights the genre and therefore attracts the target audience.

Only one image has been used at it some up the film along with the title. It is an image of a baby and dg looking towards a lit up open door. The baby is not reflected in the mirror and therefore highlights the theme of the paranormal. The image shows what the film is about as it is self explanatory and highlights the theme of a thriller through use of colour.

The colours used are red, blue, white and black. These are used to show that it is a thriller and connotes the dark themes. This easily attracts the target

The USP is the success of the first film; this is the biggest selling point.

The distributors of this film are Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks and Icon film Distribution.