Paranoia Creation Roll Chart

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Transcript of Paranoia Creation Roll Chart

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    You must Create a humorous unique Name and Gender for your character:

    You have 5 Seconds... 4... 3... 2... 1... pencils down!

    If you fail to create this data it will now be decided for you.

    If you succeeded to create this data in the time iven you ain "1 #erversity #oints

    Gender Naming

    1-5 $%oth& 'ermaphrodite( 1-2 )oll on *hart 1 + 4

    6-10 ,enderless(( 3-4 )oll on *hart 1 + 2

    11-15 -ale 5-6 )oll on *hart 1 2 + 4

    16-20 emale -! )oll on *hart 1

    "-10 )oll on *hart 3 + 4( / 'ermaphrodite enerally still appears to

    be one ender over the other lip a coin to

    determine appearance. 'eads 0 -ale

    ails 0 emale.

    (( ue to problems with *lonin some

    people come out ,ender /mbiuous. hey a

    lac of proper enitalia and have a similar

    unclear appearance lie #at from Saturday

    iht 6ive.

    11-12 )oll on *hart 2 + 4

    13-14 )oll on *hart 1 3 + 4

    15-16 )oll on *hart 2

    1-1! )oll on *hart 2 + 3


    )oll on the *harts of

    players choice

    20he ,amemaster names you

    Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 4

    %oin 'appy 1 7erific

    lub %utt ace 2 7o7ramma

    *runch %lueberry 3 7oid

    hun *ocroach 4 7-an or 78oman

    9ap umbass 5 7butt

    Splat wiy 6 7tastic

    wipp urnip 7essey

    %am %utton ! 7in

    #op *rotch " 7time

    %urp )ocet 10 7$rhymin phrase

    %eep Slime 11-12 7ins

    :noc oilet 13-14 7ly,urle oney 15-16 7ish

    in oodle 1 7er

    *rac wea 1! 7well

    weet ;uice 1" -r. or -iss.

    ic %arly 20 Sir or 6ady

    #lun ro

    ,rrr Snot

    8ham in

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    Chart 3a #$a%e& Chart 3' #(ema%e& Chart 3' #unc%ear &

    1) =van 1) estiny1)


    2) -at 2) ;asmine2)


    3) ,rant 3) ,race3)


    4) %lae 4) 6i??ie4)


    5) ony 5) #enny5)


    6) -a@ 6) aith 6) #iper

    ) 6oan ) -elody)


    !) ;ac !) )uby!)


    ") ristan ") Sophia")


    10) *ole 10) %rooe10)


    11) %en 11) Isabel11)


    12) Ascar 12) ,race12)


    13) /dam 13) aomi13)


    14) Iy 14) rinity 14) =dan

    15) %ob 15) 9oe15)


    16) Ivan 16) #aie16)


    1) 6ue 1) Alivia1)


    1!) 'unter 1!) /shley1!)


    1") 9ac 1") /le@is1")


    20) /dolph(( 20) ;ade20)


    (( *haracters named /dolph will be coveted by the eo eo a?is and have the option to choosethem as a Secret Society without rollin...

    *ecurity c%earance: 

    I)/)= $)an C&

    )= $)an 1&

    A)/,= $)an 2&

    Y=66A8 $)an 3&

    ,)== $)an 4&

    %6D= $)an 5&

    II,A $)an E&

    FIA6= $)an G&

    D6)/FIA6= $)an 1C&

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    *ector: )oll on the followin chart at least 3 to 5 times combine the letters to

    determine Sector ameH

    *ector Naming

    1 / 11

    2 % 12 A

    3 * 13 #4 14 )

    5 = 15 S

    6 16

    ' 1 D

    ! I 1! F

    " 6 1"

    10 - 20 Y

    +ar%y ,ife

    'ow did you spend the first part of your lifeJ 8ere you born yesterday or have you

    lived for years down in the bottom of /lpha *omple@J *iti?ens of the /lpha comple@

    emere from a ,rowth ube fully rown and possess a basic nowlede...

    Chart . +ducation #*/i%% 'onuses&

    Chart . or/ +erience #*ecia% uty romotion&

    Chart C. hysica% 7raining #8itonts&

    Chart . ro'%ems #ersona%ity tics&

    )1 hysica% )2 $enta% )3 *ocia%

    ,ife +eriences

    1-2 Ine@perienced Your fresh out of the ,rowth ube and put to wor $)oll on *hart C + )3&

    3-4 -istaen for a %ot $)oll twice on *hart once on C + any &

    5-6 =@ecuted immediately for treason $)oll on *hart C + )1&

    -! Sold to a?is $)oll on *hart   C + any &

    "-10 6ost in a abandoned sub7sector $)oll on *hart or C + )2&

    11-12 Dsed to prop up a table $)oll on *hart or C + any &13-14 2 years doin paperwor $)oll twice on *hart + once on any &

    15-16 An the

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    2) Fat Scrubbin7 iosciences "4

    3) rin testin7 Chemica% +ngineering "4

    4) 'appiness enforcement7 harmatheray "4

    5) 6ooin for lost =Kuipment7 9nsight "4

    6) 6ooin for lost #aperwor7 ata *earch "4

    ) ryin to understand #aperwor7 ata na%ysis "4

    !) estroyin #aperwor7 emo%ition "4

    ") estin )adioactive %ubble chips7 Nuc%ear +ngineering "4

    10) ested new *leanin /cids7 8ygiene "4

    11) ,ot stuc on refrieration shaft7 8a'itat +ngineering "4

    12)/ccidentally welded into new %ot desin had to find your own way out7 any one 8ardare 

    specialty at "4

    13)'ad to reproram drin machine not to ill you on your lunch breas7 any one *oftare 

    specialty at "4

    14) ested inedible polymers on Autdoor creature until it died7 any one etare specialty at "4

    15)#art of a random G day Interroation proram by riend *omputer7 any two $anagement 

    specialties at "4

    16)Suffered paranoid delusions due to bad batch of )anch flavored /ile *hips7 any two *tea%th 

    specialties at "4

    1) ihtin a?i saboteurs for control of a sector7 any two ;io%ence specialties at "4

    1!) orced to -emori?e operation manual7 any two 8ardare specialties at "4

    1") -emories accidentally replaced by e@perimental data scan7 any two *oftare specialties at "4

    20) issected strane rowth in ube E7G to determine oriins7 any two etare specialties at "

    Chart #8or =@perience&

    1) Sold issued eKuipment for profit7 *7%ay "4

    2) *onvinced someone else to do your

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    1) 7 any two ;io%ence specialties at "4

    1!) *an reroll any one sill score

    1") /ccess at "4

    20) /dvance to A)/,=$)an 2& any two specialties at "4 

    Chart )1 #hysica%& Chart )2 #$enta%& Chart )3 #*ocia%&

    1)*annot hear

    very well

    1)reKuently has


    sleepin well 1)

    /lways in

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart




    disfiured in



    #essimist 14) Secret Society enem

    15)-idet7 short


    compulsive 15) ecnophobe



  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    1C Internal Security $service firm&

    11713 #roduction 6oistics + *ommissary

    14715 #ower Services

    1E71G )esearch + esin

    1M71P echnical Services

    2C Industrial spy or saboteur(((

    *er>ice (irm

    rmed (orces

    172 /mmunition resheners

    374 /rmed orces riends etwor

    57E %odyuard *ommunications


    G7M %last Shield -aintenance

    P71C *rowd *ontrol $/rmed orces&

    11712 Sensitivity rainers

    13714 hreat /ssessors $/rmed

    orces&1571E ool + ie 8ors

    1G71M Fulture SKuadron )ecruiters

    1P72C Ather $see ,amemaster for


    Centra% rocessing ?nit

    172 11E =merency Systems

    374 *redit 6icense *hecers57E acility Surveillance *ontrol

    G7M orm acilitators

    P71C orm Inventory Afficers

    11712 orm isposal /dvisors

    13714 #ocet #rotector )efurbishers

    1571E Security System Installers

    1G71M Folunteer *ollection /encies

    1P72C Ather $see ,amemaster for


    8 @ $ind Contro%

    172 =ntertainment Scoutin /encies

    374 'istory #urifiers

    57E ews Services

    G7M #ublic 'atin *oordination

    P71C Sector =@pansion Surveyors11712 Semantics *ontrol

    13714 Sinalon /ents

    1571E Subliminals #olice

    1G71M rend Identifiers

    1P72C Ather $see ,amemaster for


    9nterna% *ecurity

    172 *rowd *ontrol $IntSec&

    374 orensic /nalysis

    57E ,lee >uota /dices

    172 %attery %acup

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    374 %urn )adius /ssessors

    57E *ircuit -aintenance

    G7M uel *ell )eplenishment $#ower&

    P71C uel )od isposal *onsultants

    11712 Ador resheners

    13714 #ower Ascillation #rofessionals

    1571E Safe /toms Initiative

    1G71M 8ire Supply *hecers

    1P72C Ather $see ,amemaster for


    =esearch @ esign

    172 %ioloical iceness Inde@ers

    374 %ot #rocessin

    57E ru Interaction esters

    G7M ield ata *ollectors

    P71C ,oo *leanup

    11712 )obo#sych /uditin

    13714 Scientist Sanity *hecers

    1571E Fehicle herapists

    1G71M 8eapon =ffectiveness /ssessors

    1P72C Ather $see ,amemaster for


    7echnica% *er>ices

    172 %eddin Inspectors

    374 *lone an Support Services

    57E *onsolidated -otori?ed ransport$*-&

    G7M uel *ell )eplenishment $ech


    P71C -emo-a@ >uality /ssurance

    11712 -edical Services

    13714 #aint *ontrol

    1571E Slime Identification

    1G71M ech Support

    1P72C Ather $see ,amemaster for


    *A9,,* $-anaement Stealth Fiolence 'ardware Software 8etware&

    )oll 1d2C for each sill and halve the number rolled to et its ratin for results

    under 4 the sillLs ratin is 4.


    si@ common specialties $"4&

    Si@ weanessH ratin is 1.

    si@ narrow specialties $"E&

    can eep these slots open $undefined&

    ,ater ,ife +>ents

    $utant oer

    1B2 /bsorption 50B52 -achine =mpathy

    3B4 /cidic Spit 53 -aneti?e

    5 /daptive -etabolism 54B55 -atter =ater

    6 /dhesive Sin 56 -echanical Intuition

    /drenalin *ontrol 5B5! -ental %last

    !B" %ouncy 5" -ind Sense

    10 %ureaucratic Intuition 60-62 #olymorphism

    11 *all %ots 63 #ouches

    12B13 *hameleon 64 #sychometry



  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    1B1! *hromativariation 6 #ush -utant #owers

    1" *lean Slate 6!B6" #yroinesis

    20 *orrosion 0B1 )adioactivity

    21B23 *reepin -adness 2B3 )eeneration

    24 *reepin arness 4 )ubbery %ones

    25B26 *ryoinesis 5B6 Scream

    2 eath Simulation B! Sculpt

    2! eep houht "B!0 Second Sin

    2"B30 esolidity !0B!2 Shrinin

    31 etect -utant #ower !3 Slippery Sin

    32B33 =lectroshoc !4 Speed

    34 =mpathy !5 Spies

    35 =nery ield !6 Stasis

    36 =nvironmental *ontrol !B!! Stench

    3 ind 6ocation !" Stretchy

    3! orettable "0 eleinesis

    3"B40 ,ravity -anipulation "1 eleportation

    41B42 ,rowth "2B"3 o@ic -etabolism

    43 'a?e "4B"5 ransmutation

    44 'yper )efle@es "6B" Dncanny 6uc

    45 'yper Senses "! FentriloKuist

    46 ;ump "" 7)ay Fision

    4B4! 6evitation 100 ,-Ls *hoice4" 6iht *ontrol

    *ecret society

    rmed (orces

    173 /nti7-utant

    47E eath 6eopard

    G7P ranenstein estroyers

    1C712 #D),=

    13 eo7eo7a?is14 ***7#

    15 ree =nterprise

    1E #ro ech

    1G #sion

    1M Illuminati(

    1P Ather $see ,- for details&

    2C Dndercover aent((

    Centra% rocessing ?nit

    174 *omputer #hreas

    57M *orpore -etal

    P71C ***7#

    11712 Sierra *lub

    13 /nti7-utant14 eo7eo7a?is

    15 #ro ech

    1E #sion

    1G #D),=

    1M Illuminati(

    1P Ather $see ,- for details&

    2C Dndercover aent((

    8 @ $ind Contro%

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    172 /nti7-utant

    374 ***7#

    57G 'umanists

    M711 )omantics

    12713 Sierra *lub

    14 eo7eo7a?is

    15 -ystics

    1E #sion

    1G #D),=

    1M Illuminati(

    1P Ather $see ,- for details&

    2C Dndercover aent((

    9nterna% *ecurity

    173 /nti7-utant

    47E eath 6eopard

    G7P ***7#

    1C712 ranenstein estroyers

    13 eo7eo7a?is14 ree =nterprise

    15 #ro ech

    1E #sion

    1G #D),=

    1M Illuminati(

    1P Ather $see ,- for details&

    2C Dndercover aent((

    roduction ,ogistics @

    Commissary #,C&

    175 ree =nterprise

    E7P 'umanists

    1C711 -ystics

    12713 )omantics

    14 eo7eo7a?is

    15 #ro ech

    1E #sion

    1G Sierra *lub

    1M Illuminati(

    1P Ather $see ,- for details&

    2C Dndercover aent((

    oer *er>ices

    172 *omputer #hreas

    374 eath 6eopard

    57E ***7#

    G7M ranenstein estroyers

    P71C ree =nterprise

    11712 -ystics

    13714 #ro ech

    1571E #D),=1G eo7eo7a?is

    1M Illuminati(

    1P Ather $see ,- for details&

    2C Dndercover aent((

    =esearch @ esign

    173 *omputer #hreas

    47E *orpore -etal

    G71C #ro ech

    11712 #sion

    13715 #D),=

    1E ***7#

    1G eo7eo7a?is

    1M Illuminati(

    1P Ather $see ,- for details&

    2C Dndercover aent((

    7echnica% *er>ices

    172 *omputer #hreas

    374 *orpore -etal

    57E eath 6eopard

    G7M ranenstein estroyers

    P71C -ystics

    11712 #ro ech

    13714 #sion

    1571E Sierra *lub

    1G eo7eo7a?is

    1M Illuminati(

    1P Ather $see ,- for details&

    2C Dndercover aent((

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    C%ass societies: eath 6eopard ***7# ree =nterprise )omantics Sierra *lub

    C%ass societies: /nti7-utants *orpore -etal -ystics #ro ech Illuminati

    C%ass C societies: eo eo a?i *omputer #hreas ranensteins #D),=

    'umanists #sion

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    (ree +nterrise =omantics

    Beliefs: he 6aw of Supply and emand!

    ,ettin rich is ood. If thereLs a demand for

    a ood or service and he *omputer

    doesnLt meet it well someoneLs ot to. Ifwe et rich in the process thatLs reat!

    Beliefs: )ecapture the historical lory and hih cultu

    in the Ald )econin times.

    hrow off the dominance of he *omputer and

    reestablish the world of fast7food restaurants risbeesand ;. ). olien ovels. In order to return to humanit

    oriinal happy state each person must be free to Q

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    humans who can reconi?e these true

    principles must assist robots and computers

    in creatin the perfect society of rationality

    and efficiency.

    =ach wise man has his own passaeway InsideRdrus

    meditation yoa fastin primal screamin. he 8ay

    does not matter. he Inside is what counts.

    Friends: #ro ech

    Enemies: 'umanists #D),=

    ranenstein estroyers

    Friends: )omantics ree =nterprise

    Enemies: one

     Advancement: eliminate lare numbers

    of superfluous bioloical intelliences

    $humans& remove the asimov circuits of

    bots replace body parts with cybernetics

     Advancement: iscoverin new ways to achieve

    enlihtenmentRnew drus new transcendental

    disciplines and by turnin on non7-ystics on their own

    path to Inner 6iht.

    Special Rules: -any members of *orpore

    -etal are bots. 'owever a lare human

    au@iliary is eaer to transform themselves

    into machinesRimmortal efficient and

    unemotionalRthrouh the radual

    replacement of their bioloical elements

    with cybernetics.

    Special Rules: he -ystics are not strictly speain

    an orani?ation but a community of lie7minded

    individuals who believe in the search for illumination.

    -ystics also have e@cellent access to drus of all inds

    typically of a much hiher potency than those leally

    obtainable and maintain a bris trade in these scarce



    Secret skills Secret skills

    1-5 1-5

    6-10 6-10

    11-15 11-15

    16-20 16-20

    Treasonous Equipment Treasonous Equipment  

    1-3 1-3

    4-6 4-6

    -" -"

    10-12 10-12

    13-15 13-1516-1 16-1

    1!-1" 1!-1"

    20 20

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    ro 7ech 9%%uminati

    Beliefs: =ncourain research and the

    development of new technoloies will let

    humanity restore the =arthLs ruined surface

    and return to the stars beyond. %etteradets solve all of lifeNs problems.

    Beliefs: #ower is all that matters. %ecomin powerfu

    the only way to be safe. inety7nine percent of the

    human race is cattle. Anly the stronest and brihtest

    ain power.Serve the 6eader do as we say and one day you may

    become powerful enouh that all the Illuminati will ser

    you and control /lpha *omple@.

    Friends: *omputer #hreas *orpore


    Enemies: #D),= ranenstein estroyers

    Friends: one

    Enemies: one

     Advancement: 'elpin others procure

    necessary research materials advancin in

    )+ service roup or by reproramminbots or computers $theyLve stolen& to

    respond to #ro ech society instructions.

     Advancement: #erformin tass ordered by their

    superiors by learnin the true identities of their

    superiors settin up a victim for blacmail and do asyour told...

    Special Rules: #ro ech has no hierarchy.

    Independent roups wor on their own

    secret pro

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    Neo Neo Nai Comuter hrea/s

    Beliefs: 8e are the one race the

    enetically pure! /ll others citi?ens must beNpurifiedN or enslaved to reach our oal of a

    perfect society. / society without

    *omputers without corruption or *redits a

    perfect utopia built on the burnin ashes of

    /lpha comple@.

    Ane day our illustrious leader the 'ih

    #rorammer /dolph7%lueberry7'itler will be

    reborn throuh the clonin matri@ and we

    will once aain rise to power!!

    Beliefs: #layin with technoloy is fun. %reain

    security is fun. %ein e@ecuted for treason is not fun bit wonLt happen to youRyouLre too ood. Anly failures

    et cauht. -essin with he *omputer is reatR

    challenin danerous and e@citin.


    Friends: o one lies the a?is!

    Enemies: =verybody hates a?is!

    Friends: #ro ech

    Enemies: ***7#

     Advancement: ae darin action aainst

    he *omputer spreadin a?i propaanda

    Sabotain or alterin the *lonin tans

    talin with a thic ,erman accent also


     Advancement: 'acer feats lie defeatin physica

    and prorammed *omputer security and establishin

    access to data bans subsystems and prorams.

    Special Rules: he a?is donLt really

    now much about the historical ,erman

    a?i #arty which was a dead doctrine lonbefore Year 1 of he *omputer. 'owever

    with the promise of perfection a mytholoy

    about the lon dead the 'ih #rorammer

    /dolph7%lueberry7'itler has led to itNs

    strane revival...

    Special Rules: #hreas are loners. hey sociali?e ov

    he *omputerLs own systemsR/I- $/lpha Instant

    -essain& I)* $Infra)ed *hat& and the rest. heywant freedom of information havin fun pushin you

    limits and findin out what hey didnLt want you to


    Secret skills Secret skills

    1-5 1-5 'acin and %ot #rorammin

    6-10 6-10

    11-15 11-15

    16-20 16-20

    Treasonous Equipment Treasonous Equipment  

    1-3 1-3 ilesharin networs

    4-6 4-6

    -" -"

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    10-12 10-12

    13-15 13-15

    16-1 16-1

    1!-1" 1!-1"

    20 20

    (ran/enstein estroyers ?=G+

    Beliefs: -an has a soul to uide his

    intellience. )obots and he *omputer have

    no soul and are therefore evil and amoral.

    -achines should be tools for -anLs use.

    Intellient mechanisms $lie he *omputer&

    pervert the natural estroy them!!

    Beliefs: :ill he *omputer! :ill those who support h

    *omputer! he *omputer is evil. hose citi?ens who

    support he *omputer are traitors to humanityLs hihe

    destiny. each submissive citi?ens to resist and fiht

    *omputer with whatever resources are at hand.

    Friends: 'umanists #D),=

    Enemies: *orpore -etal #ro ech ***7#

    Friends: 'umanists )omantics eath 6eopard.

    Enemies: ***7#

     Advancement: isablin or destroyin

    robots or computers. amain he

    *omputer itself is especially respected.

     Advancement: #erformin acts of sabotae and

    terrorism by causin roubleshooter missions to fail a

    by performin flamboyant public estures of defiance

    toward he *omputerLs authority

    Special Rules: ranenstein estroyers

    are orani?ed lie a military each member

    reports to an immediate superior onederee hiher than himself. Arders are

    relayed down the chain of command and

    information and reKuests relayed up

    Special Rules: #D),= is a vicious an of scary

    fanatics! )eveal he *omputerLs obvious weanesses

    and failures and encourae others to e@ploit them. hultimate oal is to set all intellient beins $includin

    bots& free of its dominion.

    Secret skills Secret skills

    1-5 1-5

    6-10 6-10

    11-15 11-15

    16-20 16-20

    Treasonous Equipment Treasonous Equipment  

    1-3 1-3

    4-6 4-6

    -" -"

    10-12 10-12

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    13-15 13-15

    16-1 16-1

    1!-1" 1!-1"

    20 20

    8umanists sion

    Beliefs: /lpha *omple@ ouht to be a

    utopia. %ut somethin has one disastrously

    wron. he *omputer e@ecutes people at

    random condemnin the innocent alon

    with the uilty. =veryoneLs constantly

    involved in a witch7hunt for a?is. here are

    no a?is no one is plottin to destroy /lpha

    *omple@. he *omputer is insane.

    8e must brin he *omputer bac under

    the control of human beins.

    Beliefs: -utants rule!

    Aur transcendent abilities Kualify us to overn humani

    8e must brin he *omputerLs traditional prorammin

    into harmony with this principle we must naturally

    occupy all positions of power and responsibility. If

    necessary we must destroy he *omputer and its

    culture to mae way for the new orderRthe #sionic /

    Friends: ranenstein estroyers


    Enemies: ***7# *orpore -etal

    Friends: one

    Enemies: /nti7-utant

     Advancement: )eprorammin bots or

    computers to respond to 'umanist

    commands by disablin danerous bots and

    by alterin he *omputerLs prorammin

     Advancement: evelopin their own mental powers

    introducin new citi?ens with mental powers to the

    society placin #sion members in positions of authorit

    and responsibility and eliminatin /nti7-utants

    Special Rules: You and your fellow

    members are the only hope for humanity.

    #ower to the people! ,reedy 'ih

    #rorammers control the system and enrich

    themselves. hey are evil. 8hen we ain

    power you will be richly rewardedRfor the

    ood of the people of course.

    Special Rules: evelop your powers refine them

    strenthen them and learn new powers. #rotect those

    with psionic powers whenever possible. hose who

    survive will have a place in our new orderRsubservien

    but benevolently cared for by their superior


    Secret skills Secret skills

    1-5 1-5

    6-10 6-10

    11-15 11-15

    16-20 16-20

    Treasonous Equipment Treasonous Equipment  

    1-3 1-3

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    4-6 4-6

    -" -"

    10-12 10-12

    13-15 13-15

    16-1 16-1

    1!-1" 1!-1"

    20 20

    Current *ociety $ission: -ade up by the ,-...

    er>ersity oints:


    ersona% +quiment

    =ed C%earance +quiment


    & Cost& 9tem&

    & 1& ag&of&Cruncheetym&%gae&Chis&

    & 3& oot&o%ish&

    & 2& ott%e&of&ouncy&u''%e&e>erage&

    & 5& ott%e&of&*uer&*hine&$outhash&


    & 10& uc/et&

    & 50& u%%horn&

    & 2& Co%d&(un&in&a&se%f-sea%ing&uc/&

    & 25& (irst&id&Ait&

  • 8/15/2019 Paranoia Creation Roll Chart


    & 10& (%ash%ight&

    & 50& Gas&$as/&

    & 2& 8ainess&+nergy&ar&

    & 100& 8ottorch&

    & 5& Dfficia%&7ee%a-D&icture&$irror&

    & 25& ersona%&8ygiene&Ait&

    & 50& ersona%ied&Eumsuit&

    & 12& i%%o&

    & 1Fm& %asticord&credit&er&meter&&

    & 15& oncho&

    & 25& *mo/e&%arm&

    & 25& *uerGum&

    & 25& *uerGum&*o%>ent&

    & 25& 7hermos&

    & !& Trou!leshootin")and)#ou &


    & 5Fm& ;e%cro&*tri&creds&er&meter&