Parametric Design -...

Parametric Design Principles of Space Systems Design Parametric Design ¥ The Design Process ¥ Example: Project Diana

Transcript of Parametric Design -...

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Parametric Design

¥ The Design Process¥ Example: Project Diana

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

AkinÕs Laws of Spacecraft Design - #3

Design is an iterative process. Thenecessary number of iterations is onemore than the number you havecurrently done. This is true at anypoint in time.

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Overview of the Design Process

System-level Design(based on discipline-

oriented analysis)

Vehicle-level Estimation(based on a few

parameters from prior art)

System-level Estimation(system parameters based

on prior experience)

Program Objectives ✑System Requirements

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Project Diana - Mission Statement

Design a system to return humans tothe moon within the shortest feasibletime span for the minimum achievablecost.

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Project Diana - Requirements Document (1)

¥ System must be based on the use ofAmerican launch vehicles in operationalstatus as of 2005

¥ System shall be at least as capable forlunar exploration as the G-mission ApollosystemÐ Two landed crewÐ 24 hour stay time, 3 hour EVAÐ 100 kg of science payload (each way)

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

American Heavy-Lift Vehicles (2005)

¥ Space Shuttle -25K kg to LEO

¥ Delta IV Heavy -25K kg to LEO

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

DV Requirements for Lunar MissionsTo:


Low EarthOrbit


Low LunarOrbit



Low EarthOrbit






Low LunarOrbit









Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Mission Scenario 1

¥ What can be accomplished with a single shuttlepayload (25K kg)?

¥ Assume d=0.1, Isp=320 sec¥ Direct landing

Ð LEO-lunar transfer orbit DV=3.089 km/secÐ Lunar transfer orbit-lunar landing DV=3.046 km/secÐ Lunar surface-earth return orbit DV=2.861 km/secÐ Direct atmospheric entry to landing

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Scenario 1 Analysis¥ Trans-lunar injection

¥ Lunar landingÐ r=0.3786Ð mLS=1897 kg

¥ Earth returnÐ r=0.4016Ð mER=572 kg

r eTLI



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This scenario would work for amoderate robotic sample returnmission, but is inadequate for ahuman program.

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Mission Scenario 2

¥ Assume a single shuttle payload is used to sizethe lunar descent and ascent elements

¥ Assume d=0.1, Isp=320 sec¥ Direct landing

Ð LEO-lunar transfer orbit DV=3.089 km/secÐ Lunar transfer orbit-lunar landing DV=3.046 km/secÐ Lunar surface-earth return orbit DV=2.861 km/secÐ Direct atmospheric entry to landing

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Scenario 2 Analysis¥ Lunar landing

Ð r=0.3786Ð mLS=6965 kg

¥ Earth returnÐ r=0.4016Ð mER=2101 kg

¥ Trans-lunar injectionÐ r=0.3724

Payload mass still too low forhuman spacecraft. Need a betterfit to launch vehicle constraints.(Ideal situation is to ensure 100%load factors.)





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Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Mission Scenario 3

¥ Assume three shuttle missions carry identicalboost stages which perform TLI and part ofdescent burn

¥ Fourth shuttle payload completes descent andperforms ascent and earth return

¥ All other factors as in previous scenarios

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Scenario 3 Standard Boost Stage

¥ mo=25,000 kg¥ mi =2500 kg¥ mp =22,500 kg¥ LEO departure configuration is three boost

stages with 25,000 kg descent/ascentstage as payload

¥ mLEO =100,000 kg

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Scenario 3 TLI Performance¥ Boost stage 1

Ð VTLI remaining=2290 m/sec

¥ Boost stage 2Ð r=0.7; DV2=1119 m/secÐ VTLI remaining=1171 m/sec

¥ Boost stage 3Ð r=0.55; DV3=1875 m/secÐ Residual DV after TLI=704 m/sec

DV gIm m


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Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Alternate Staging Possibilities

¥ Three identical stages¥ Serial staging (previous chart) DV=3793 m/sec¥ Parallel staging (all three) DV=3525 m/sec¥ Parallel/serial staging (2/1) DV=3750 m/sec¥ Pure serial staging is preferred

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Scenario 3 Ascent/Descent Performance

¥ 704 m/sec of lunar descent maneuver performedby boost stage 3

¥ Remaining descent requires 2342 m/secÐ r=0.4738Ð mLS=9346 kg

¥ Earth returnÐ r=0.4016Ð mER=2818 kg

Return vehicle mass iscomparable to the Geminispacecraft - should be adequatefor adoption as initial baseline.

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Baseline System Schematic - Project Diana

Boost Stage 125,000 kg

Boost Stage 225,000 kg

Boost Stage 325,000 kg


15,650 kg

Ascent Stage6528 kg

Crew Cabin2818 kg

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Variation 1: Lunar Orbit Staging¥ Assume same process as baseline, but use lunar

parking orbit before/after landing¥ Keep boost stage scenario as before

Ð Residual DV=704 m/secÐ Additional 104 m/sec required for braking into LLO

¥ Add LOI completion to descent stageÐ Descent DV=2269 m/sec + 104 m/sec LOI (r=0.4692)Ð Ascent DV=2084 m/sec (r=0.5145)Ð TEI DV=808 m/sec (r=0.7729)

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Variation 1 Results

¥ Lunar landed payload = 9625 kg¥ Payload returned to lunar orbit = 3990 kg¥ Earth return payload = 2685 kg¥ Net loss of 133 kg for crew cabin/entry

vehicle¥ Simplistic approach (includes taking earth

return propellant to/from lunar surface)basically adds another stage, but reducesuseful payload

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Variation 2: Lunar Orbit Rendezvous¥ Use specialized vehicle for descent/ascent¥ Keep boost stage scenario as before

Ð Residual DV=704 m/secÐ Additional 104 m/sec required for braking into LLO

¥ Leave TEI stage in lunar orbit duringascent/descentÐ Descent DV=2269 m/sec (r=0.4850)Ð Ascent DV=2084 m/sec (r=0.5145)Ð TEI DV=808 m/sec (r=0.7729)

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Variation 2 Mass Calculations

¥ TEI stage inert mass=2500 kg (d=0.1)¥ Propellant for LOI completion=815 kg¥ Desired quantity=crew module mass (mcm)¥ Ascent vehicle mass=2.412 mcm

¥ Descent vehicle mass=2.597 mascent =6.265 mcm

¥ Trans-earth injection maneuverÐ Initial mass=25,000-815-5.265 mcm

Ð Final mass=2500+mcm

Ð r=0.7729 --> mcm=3194 kg (gain of 376 kg = 11%)

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Variation 2 System Schematic

Boost Stage 125,000 kg

Boost Stage 225,000 kg

Boost Stage 325,000 kg

Descent Stage12,310 kg

TEI Stage4990 kg

Ascent Stage4510 kg

Crew Cabin3194 kg

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Variation 3: Maximal LOR¥ Use specialized vehicle for descent/ascent¥ Keep boost stage scenario as before

Ð Residual DV=704 m/secÐ Additional 104 m/sec required for braking into LLO

¥ Leave earth-return hardware (heat shield,parachutes - assume 1000 kg) and TEI stage inlunar orbit during ascent/descentÐ Descent DV=2269 m/sec (r=0.4850)Ð Ascent DV=2084 m/sec (r=0.5145)Ð TEI DV=808 m/sec (r=0.7729)

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

LOR Component Definitions

¥ Five components to vehicle at lunar arrivalÐ Boost stage 3 (jettisoned during lunar orbit

insertion)Ð TEI stage (also performs final LOI burn)Ð Descent stageÐ Ascent stageÐ Crew module/entry vehicle, composed of

¥ Earth entry hardware (assumed 1000 kg)¥ Crew module

¥ Arrival mass 25,000 kg

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Variation 3 Mass Calculations

¥ TEI stage inert mass=2500 kg (d=0.1)¥ Propellant for LOI completion=815 kg¥ Desired quantity=crew module mass (mcm)¥ Ascent vehicle mass=2.412 mcm

¥ Descent vehicle mass=2.597 mascent =6.266 mcm

¥ Trans-earth injection maneuverÐ Initial mass=25,000-815-5.266 mcm

Ð Final mass=2500+mcm +1000Ð r=0.7729 --> mcm=2997 kg --> mentry =3997 kg

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Revised Baseline System Schematic

Boost Stage 125,000 kg

Boost Stage 225,000 kg

Boost Stage 325,000 kg

Descent Stage11,550 kg

TEI Stage5220 kg

Entry Hardware1000 kg

Ascent Stage4232 kg

Crew Cabin2997 kg

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

The Next Steps From Here

¥ Perform parametric sensitivity analysesÐ Inert mass fractionsÐ Specific impulseÐ Size of entry package left in orbit

¥ Investigate reduction from 3 to 2 boost stagesfor minimal system

¥ Examine growth options allowed by systemÐ One-way cargo variantsÐ Larger module with more boost modules

Parametric DesignPrinciples of Space Systems Design

Overview of the Design Process

System-level Design(based on discipline-

oriented analysis)

Vehicle-level Estimation(based on a few

parameters from prior art)

System-level Estimation(system parameters based

on prior experience)

Program Objectives ✑System Requirements