
Paralysed by chloe hedley


I landed on my back on the hard concrete, it felt like there was a knife piercing through my spine, I tried to breathe but I couldn’t, I screamed as loud as I could but no sound came out! I could see everyone in the park running towards me...

Transcript of Paralysed


by chloe hedley


cheered as I ran up to the podium to receive my trophy!

“SMACK” I woke up with start with and the sight of Ms Price’s beige shoes laying before me. “Williams see me after class please.

I spent the rest of class dreading the ring of the school bell, as if on cue the bell rang so loud like it was the last day of the world.I slowly lurked over to Ms Price’s desk,eyes down at my black school shoes.

“Olivia Williams I will not have ANY daydreaming in my class, understood!?” “Yes Miss” I answered solemnly. I HATE being called Olivia.

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As soon as I got my bag I ran out of Birmingham Academy as fast as I could. !!!!With my red school tie flapping on my chest I slowly saw the big white building come in focus the big black letters of ‘SOPHIE WELSH GYMNASTIC SCHOOL’ becoming clearer and clearer. I raced in to the bathrooms to change in to my leotard. I had twenty minutes before class started, I whipped out my phone and started texting my best friend.

HOLLY 683-497-51


are you coming to gym today?

yeah, running a bit late sorry.

are you off the bus yet?

just getting off, see you in a bit.

As soon as Holly arrived she got changed and we both raced out of the changing room and on to the gym floor, we joined the end of the aerial line and started chatting “So are you nervous for the tryouts?” “Of course! Do you know how strict the judges are! I hope I don’t mess up my bar routine, even though I’ve done dozens of times whenever I do it I get chills!” I replied worriedly.

“LIV IT’S YOUR TURN” bellowed coach Sophie, I quickly did my front aerial so that me and Holly could get back to talking.

“Aren’t you nervous about the tryouts? you have some pretty hard moves in your bar routine.” I questioned her. “I’m ok, the tryouts are just like normal competitions except if you mess up you have no chance of getting in to the junior olympics at all.” She noticed my worried look and a small smile spread across her face “I was just kidding, you’ll do fine.”

“GIRLS GO OVER TO THE BOARD AND CHECK WHAT YOUR DOING FIRST. WE HAVE NOT GOT ANY TIME TO LOSE! TRYOUTS ARE TWO WEEKS AWAY AND I STILL HAVE TO MAKE ROUTINES FOR LEVEL 3!” Holly and I followed the other girls as they raced to the board, a couple groaned when they saw their tasks but most of the girls were happy. We waited until there were less girls and than we checked our tasks “well I’m off to the bars” I said with a touch of disappointment. “See you later” she replied.

“Liv it’s your turn on the bars, remember we changed the pullover to a kip to make the cast easier.” As I walked up to the mat the chills started to hit me again, I did my kip and waited on the bar for a second, and then casted as hard as I could, coach Sophie was right it was easier I could feel the difference. I started getting goosebumps as I started to fall round the smooth wooden bars and then I went stiff as I reached my handstand the top of the bar, and round again then back into the normal position, then once again I casted as hard as I could except this time I put my two feet on the bar and jumped to the higher bar, I swung into my kip and landed perfectly on the high bar, then the cast into undershoot and back tuck off the bar!

“Well done Liv, you nailed it again, now go take a break.” “Thanks.” I replied happily. “Soooooo, are you still worried” Holly asked me. “Kind of, I mean they still only pick the best gymnasts, and I guarantee you that Lucy is going to make it into the select team.” I replied.

“LIV GET TO THE BEAM!” coach Sophie screamed across the room causing a gymnast to mess up their routine. I quickly ran to the beam not wanting to get yelled at again, I’ve had enough shouting for a day.

As I waited in line Holly and I used sign language to talk together, we took some classes to learn it so we could communicate with her brother William who was hearing impaired, even though he had hearing aids now we still use sign language so that nobody would understand us. (Stella messed up her routine so now she has to do a five minute handstand.) She told me. (Jemima just fell off the beam so now she is doing fifty pushups.) I replied, It was fun communicating together, ever since Holly moved schools I only saw her four times a week at gymnastics, but now she comes to my house on Fridays after gymnastics and we have a sleepover, I miss walking to gymnastics together. (HEY LIV STOP DAYDREAMING) I suddenly noticed Holly waving at me with her hands. (Sorry, just caught up in my thoughts.) (Did you see the lady that came in?) (ya.) (She’s here to take a look at the gymnasts so she can give some advice to the judges to make their choosing a little easier.) (How do you know?) (My mom told me.) “Liv can you please get ready for you routine, you’ll be up pretty soon.” (Hang on.)

I chalked up my hands so I wouldn’t slip during my routine, then I walked up to the beam and placed my hands on it, I jumped off the floor into a handstand, while I was upside down I saw Holly give me the thumbs up sign and I smiled.

I swung into a straddle position, and shifted my wrists so I was sitting with my legs hanging off the side of the beam, now I lifted up one of my legs so it was resting on the beam then the other leg, I pulled my knees up to my chest and swung both legs back so my feet were arched behind me and I stood up. I stepped forward a couple of steps then went into a back walkover and did a wolf jump, took two steps backwards scooping my feet down the side of the beam and ran to the other end, then I jumped as hard as I could and did a front tuck off the beam!

“Well done Liv! Go have a break.” Said coach Ivy. I went to sit at the bench by the water fountain. (Great job on your routine.) (Thanks Holly.) (Did you bring your sleepover stuff?) (Yep.) (Great! I chose two movies Once Upon a Time and Happi....)


All the girls rushed to the locker rooms, they didn’t want to get yelled at by coach Sophie again. None of us were in level five, we were all in level eight or nine, Holly and I were level nines. “Now we might be able to watch both the movies!” Holly joked, we packed up our school stuff and went back on to the the floor to do the conditioning.

“80 PUSHUPS, AND WHEN YOU’R DONE WITH THOSE FIFTY SIT UPS, THEN HEAD OVER TO COACH IVY AND START AN AERIAL LINE DO ONE FRONT AERIAL AND ONE SIDE AERIAL. GO!” all the girls rushed in to their pushups all eager to go home two hours early. I finished my conditioning and waited for Holly, it was a Friday which meant we were having a sleepover!

“Got all your stuff?” “Yep.” “Then lets go!” We walked to the bus stop talking about school. “Are your teachers strict?” I asked her. “No, public school teachers are pretty easy going.” “Lucky! Ms Price and the prefects are always making me write lines whenever I’m talking in class or the library. Maggie was promoted to head prefect this year and she’s always rubbing it in my face and reminding me that I didn’t stay prefect for a whole term.” I replied, she could tell that I was annoyed so she told me that no one needed prefects anyways.

We took the short cut through the park to get to the bus stop quicker, “I can’t believe nationals are only two weeks away.” “I know right, we only have a couple classes left.” “Hey look theres an exercise bar maybe I could practice my bar routine.” I said confidently. “I don’t know....” she sounded quite worried “I’ll be fine, just watch.”

I walked up to the bar, the chills started to hit me again, I did my kip and waited on the bar for a second, I could feel the cool breeze blowing in my face, then I casted as hard as could, I started to fall round the bar smooth wooden bars and then I went stiff as I reached my handstand the top of the bar, and round again then back into the normal position, then I started falling back, my hands became sweaty and I slipped off the bar!

I landed on my back on the hard concrete, it felt like there was a knife piercing through my spine, I tried to breathe but I couldn’t, I screamed as loud as I could but no sound came out! I could see everyone in the park running towards me, I couldn’t hear anything I screamed as much as I could but no sound came out! then everything was BLACK.

I woke up struggling to breathe, I looked around and realised I was in hospital! I could hear voices a young sounding man probably the doctor saying, “She has broken her back, and is paralysed, she will never do gymnastics again!” !