Parallelism in Science and Islam

By Nur Amirah Azman



Transcript of Parallelism in Science and Islam

Page 1: Parallelism in Science and Islam

By Nur Amirah Azman

Page 2: Parallelism in Science and Islam

Science Islam

Quran & Sunnah

Requires logic, proofs AND Faith Uses the mind AND the heart


Philosophy & Theories Requires ONLY logic and proofs

Uses ONLY the mind

There is God There is no God

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Stephen Hawking Albert Einstein

Darwin’s Theory

“Out of Africa” Theory

The Big Bang Theory

The Expanding Universe The Universal Law of Cause and Effect

Ancient Atomism

“Out of Asia” Theory

Michio Kaku

Mummification Process

Formation of Humans

Density of Ocean Water


Dark Energy in Space

The String theory

The Golden Ratio Jabir Ibn Hayyan

Ibnu Sina

Harun Yahya

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• January 8, 1942 (300th anniversary of Galileo’s death)

• Hawking was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

• Had his tertiary education in Oxford University. Did his PhD in Cosmology in Cambridge University

• He conducted the studies on black holes and dark energy

• A scientist, an educator, a curious man

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The Expanding Universe Surah: 51. Az-Zariyat, Ayah: 47

Surah: 21. Al-Anbiyaa, Ayah: 104 Surah: 14. Ibrahim , Ayah: 48


Surah: 55. Ar Rahman, Ayah: 37

Dark Energy in Space Surah: 15. Al-Hijr, Ayah: 14

Surah: 30. Ar-Rum, Ayah: 11 Surah: 2. Al-Baqarah , Ayah: 117

Surah: 18. Al-Kahf, Ayah: 51

Islam definitely has a lot to say about Astrology and space. In the Quran itself, there

are surahs named after the star (An-Najm) and the moon (Al-Qamar).

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“Out of Africa” Theory

Homo = human Humanus = Earth Quran says that humans are made from clay (water+earth) Water is found greatly in our body. A trace of Si and Al are found in the human body but are considered essential for the functionality of the body systems which are found abundantly in Earth’s crust,

Surah: 5.Al Maida, Ayah: 60

Surah: 23. Al-Mu'minun, Ayah: 12 Surah: 32. As-Sajdah , Ayah: 7 Surah: 71. Nuh, Ayah: 17, 18 Surah: 11. Hud, Ayah : 61

“Out of Asia”


Both theories above explain the fact that the first two humans on Earth, (Adam and Eve)

were reunited in Jabal Rahmah which is situated in between those two continents

The Quran proves that it is not humans who come from apes, but the other way


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Development in the uterus Surah: 39. Az-Zumar, Ayah: 6

Nutfah Surah: 23. Al-Mukminun, Ayah: 13

Alaqah, Mudghah Surah: 23. Al-Mukminun, Ayah: 14

Development of hearing and sight Surah: 32. As-Sajdah, Ayah: 9

The fusion of sperm from the semen with the ovum

Surah: 77. Al-Mursalat, Ayah: 20-21

9 months of conceiving Surah: 77. Al-Mursalat, Ayah: 22-23

“Maybe fourteen centuries ago someone secretly had a microscope and did this research, making no mistakes anywhere. Then he somehow taught Muhammad and convinced him to put this information in his book. Then he destroyed his equipment and kept it a secret forever. Do you believe that? You really should not unless you bring some proof because it is such a ridiculous theory.” –Dr. Keith Moore

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Surah: 10. Yunus , Ayah: 90-92

Natron is stuffed into the internal organs and will then be taken out except for the heart. This is to dry out the fluids during embalming process

Science only explains the reaction that takes place in the normal mummification of the Pharaohs

The Quran proves the preservation that takes place without the need of carrying out the mummification process in which it can happen whenever God pleases

Surah: 35. Al Fatir, Ayah: 42-43 Surah: 36. Yaasin, Ayah: 29 Surah: 54. Al Qamar, Ayah: 31

The Pharaoh who died in the Red Sea

People of Pempeii

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The Different types of water Surah: 25. Al-Furqan, Ayah: 53

The Darkness level of Water Surah: 24. An-Nur, Ayah: 40

With modern technology today, we get to confirm the proofs in the Quran about the sea and river waters.

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1.61803398875 Surah: 65. At-Talaq, Ayah: 3 Surah: 82. Al-Infitar, Ayah: 7-8

Science only explains the coincidence that governs the law of nature. But Islam says that behind this coincidental discovery, lies a Great Creator of perfection

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It’s the Westerners who had contributed a lot in the world’s technology today. . .

Perhaps, it’s because of prejudice the Muslim scientists are not known for their contributions. In fact, there are MANY of them during the long period of Islamic civilization. But what the Westerners did was they got rid of their books and claimed them to be their work, their findings and their discovery when it’s actually the Muslims who made the discovery first.

The least you can say to them are these. . .

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There ARE Muslim scientists, but often times their names will be changed into something that doesn’t sound like a Muslim name. Example, Geber (Jabir Ibn Hayyan), Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Alpharabius (Al-Farabi) , Alhazen (Ibn Al-Haytham), Averroes (Ibn Rushd), etc. Even some fields ie Algebra which were developed by the Muslim Mathematicians was originated from the word al-jabr (restoration). The Westerners just love to Latinize or in other words “jay walking” people’s names.

Why are there no Muslim scientists known for their contribution to Modern Day Science compared to the European? And if there is, still there are more non-Muslim contributors compared to the Muslims. . .

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. . .Majority of the successful people in the present world

are non-Muslims,

Most of the third world countries are Islamic countries. . .

Define successful. Islam don’t measure success of this world without having the intention to gain success in the Afterlife. Perhaps they are poor financially but not at heart. But it doesn’t mean that they are not working towards developing their country. Ask the current “most powerful man on Earth” what has he done to help these needy countries with his veto power. Ask why is there a monopoly in this world today. Try to imagine if there’s no such thing as monopoly in this world. And that is the very reason why Islam forbids monopoly.

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Does Islam encourage its believers to explore the world of Science?

YES. More than yes. Because Islam believes that it is one of the ways to strengthen your faith and relationship with God. The Quran itself contains a lot of examples of the miracles of the world. Although not all are explained explicitly, that only proves Islam does wants us to explore the marvelous creations of God. It also explains why seeking knowledge is one of our obligations. It’s categorized in our Fardhu Kifayah.

The so called scientific proofs in the Quran are vague. . . It doesn’t really tell you anything significant when compared to the real thing. . .

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How can you be certain that the Quran has never been edited by anyone? What proof do you have?

The Quran read in the past centuries has always been the same with the Quran read today. You can go all around the world and only find one version of the Quran, all with the same meaning and same surahs and ayahs. There’s no such thing as the new testament or the old testament, only different versions of either translations or writing fonts. This has also been guaranteed by the Mighty Lord that the Quran is the last revelation of the humankind and will be preserved by Him till the day of Judgment. Unlike the Bible, throughout the Ruling of the Caliphates after Prophet Muhammad ‘s (PBUH) death, the Quran has never been changed nor edited by these rulers. The scriptures are kept in its original form of sentences and words. Not a word less or a word more.

So long as you know them, don’t be scared to answer. . .

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Be careful of what we ask for. Curiosity is good. Because it leads us to seek the knowledge of God and that’s what Islam encourages us to do. But too much of curiosity causes doubt as to what people usually say, “curiosity kills the cat”. Our mind is complex enough to make things complicated. Why complicate the proofs and signs more with unnecessary questionings when it is clear for us to see the existence of God??

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Click on the links to find out MORE

interesting proofs of how Science is

inseparable from religion or Islam to be


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First of all, even though the Prophet (PBUH), did not read or write, it was recorded and written down during his life. He had a dozen or so of those who memorized Quran from him, write it down on various mediums, including animal skins (leather), bark and palm leaves. He then rehearsed it with them over and over even up until his passing away. Three of the actual Qurans printed in the time of the companions of Muhammad, peace be upon him, exist today and they are exactly as we do recite them today. Second, we are pleased to tell you, the Quran was recorded in the hearts and minds of more than 10,000 men and women while the prophet, was still alive. He rehearsed it over and over with his companions day after day and in its entirety from cover to cover, out loud, every Ramadan (lunar month of Muslim calendar). Third, you need not be concerned about the honesty and integrity of those people who preserved the Quran in their hearts. The veracity of each and every single one of these people (called companions of the prophet) has been attested to and they were all known for having memorized and related the Quran exactly the same as each other. They totally memorized it just as people do today, from mouth to ear and in the exact manner of recitation. This is in itself, an amazing thing. No other book on earth has ever had such distinction in this area. Fourth, there is no other book on earth like the Quran. Its style and prose in the Arabic language is unmatched for 14 centuries. The prophecies, predictions, scientific evidences, ease of memorization and ability to comprehend is beyond compare. Fifth, you safely put your mind to rest on this subject of preservation of the Holy Quran, because of its presence with us even today, throughout the entire world. Today every single living Muslim (over 1 billion) has memorized some portion of the Quran in the original Arabic language that it came in, just as the people memorized it over 1,400 years ago. And amazingly enough, over 9 million men, women and children have the entire Quran in their hearts and can recite it for you from cover to cover.