(Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy...

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  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    Stephen G. Nicols, Gerald Pnce, and Wendy Stener,

    ri dtr

  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


    Te Avenre of D eren ePpy Nz

    Gianni V attmo

    Trnsled by Cyprn Bres

    wh he sssnce f hs Hrrsn

    he Joh Hopki Uiveiy PeBlimoe

  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


    Cyrt ld Grz Edtr 180h Eh rl cyh Plty Pr 1 h rrvdPtd Gt Br

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    bry f Cr CtlPbct DtVtt, G 1

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    dvtr dffrc hly r Ntzch ddr G Vt : rtd by Cyr B wt thtc rr

    c (PIcld bbhl rcBN 808-464- (k r) Dc Plhy 2. dr, Mrt 88-76

    Ntch Frdch Wl 84-00 I tl II r:

    P Bl, MdB654 V88 110 04-dc20 2-0885


    ctl rcrd f t bk vlb r th Bth bry.

  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    he uthor nd publishers wish to thnk the llowing rpermssion to use copyright mteril.

    George Weidenld & Nicoson Ltd nd Rndom Housenc. r mteril om riedrich Nietzsche The Wll oPower trns. W Kufmnn nd R J. Hollingdle. opyright by Wlter Kufmnn.

    very eort hs been mde to trce ll the copyright holders,but if ny hve been indvertently overlooked the publishers

    will be plesed to mke the necessry rrngement t the rstopportunity

  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


    Abbreviati ons

    rom tme to tme referece the text or ote are therm of (bracketed) abbrevatio. hee referece are all towork by Nietzche or Heidegger ad the key to the

    abbrevato a low

    Works by Nietzsche

    HTH Huma a t Huma traslate b R. HlaleCambe 1986

    UM tmey Medtat Part asae b R Hliae Cambie 983.

    WP The t Pwe, taslae b W Kafma aR. . Hlale New a 968.

    Works by Heidegger

    BT Beg ad Tme, asae b Maare a Rbs Ox 962

    BW Bac tg, eite b D F Kre New 977

  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


    P Th End ofPhosohy, raslaed b J. Sabau,ew Yor 19

    R Th snc of Rasons raslaed b T. Ma,vaso 1969.

    D Idny and rnc, raslaed b J. Sabau,ew Yor 1969

    H eer o Huas raslaed b . . Cauad J Ge Gra Basc rngs 19-242.

    Nsch, 2 vos, Ple 1962 reerees o heGera edo).

    PT Poy anguag Though raslaed b Ho

    sader ew Yor 195QT Th Quson concng Tchnoogy and oh Essays

    rasaed b W o ew Yor 19SVG Sa om rund Plle 195 aos rasTB aed b C P. Blares

    On Tm and Bng raslaed b J Sabau ewWT Yor 192

    a s cad Thnkng? raslaed b Gle Graew Yor 1968.

  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    common thread n th omewhat heterogeneo collecton of eay all datng om the the dea ofderenc If there eem to be more than a hnt of ncon-

    tency n the varyng approache adopted to th topc thereaon to be nd n what Hegel called the thng tele. not mply the content of my dcore the concept ofderence telf wth all t ambgte mplcaton andapora bt the whole complex play of relaton betweenth concept and htorcal experence n other word theprt of the age Typcal of th prt ha been theprevalence n recent year of a preoccpaton wth Netzcheand Hedegger the two wrter whoe dea provde thecommonet and mot ndamental reference pont r theeeay. Netzche and Hedegger have been regarded byome a tendng toward the ame vewpont whle otherhave een them a ndamentally at odd and thee contrat-

    ng repone are both relected n the preent volme btone thng thee eay all reect my convcton thatNetzche and Hedegger have done more than any otherthnker crrently thn or cltral horzon to tranrmradcally the whole dea of thnkng o that nce them tothnk ha come to mean omethng derent om what t

    meant bere Wth Netzche th partclarly evdent n

  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    the idea of the deah of God and he perman 1 n the earlypart of thi volme take thee concep o be an original andradical rermlation of the nity of theory and practice thenew type of thinking Nietzche i preparing r i done in heligh of the eernal recrrence of he ame ie in the light ofa niy of eence and exitence exience and meaning Thican come abot only by virte of a radical tranrmation ofocial relation a tranrmation hat mt be inernal o theindividal bere i can be exernal to him From ch aperpective thinking a tradiionally conceived and carried

    on look like a malady r it i marked by an (allegedlyinperable eparaion beween being and vale event andmeaning. Bt according to Niezche all ch eparaion iin reality prely a ncion of relation of domination or a have hown elewhere of the Oedipal rcre of timeThi doe not herere mean tha the etion of what it

    mean o think i prely a maer of praxi the revoltion-ary tranrmation of ocial relation r ch a ranrma-ion can eectively give rie to new hinking only if at heame time here i an elimination of he trctre ofdomination at he point where they are mo deeply en-trenched namely in grammar.3 i wih the categorie ofgrammar ha we order the way we baically experience the

    world which we ee in erm r example of he relation ofbjec o predicate ownerhip) bject to object andbtance to accident he new thinking enviaged byNietzche wih hi proclamation of the perman may alobe regarded a a kind of advenre of dierence above all inhe ene tha ridding ielf of all he metaphyical imidiy

    and denivene embodied in he redction of everythingo a ingle principle the poeion of which garanteehat nothing will happen to i can rrender itelf to themltipliciy of appearance appearance liberated om thaPlatonic condemnation which in making hem copie of atrancendent original immediaely creae hierarchie andacei n hi obervation on Niezche eidegger aw hat

  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    we cannot idetep the rce of all thi by viewing it a anaethetic reprie of the notion of play it i rather to be een aa rigorou expreion of the ultimate unfoundedness and

    procedural riour in which thinking operate in the age oftechnology. he exitence of technological man i un-uetionably a elfurrender to the play of multiplicity andappearance but at the ame time thi ununded multipli-city i ordered a a varied enemble of rmal language eachendowed with it own precie grammar he pay i not tobe undertood in term of ome noneentialne or arbitra-

    rine but in term of a ubjection to rule that are at bottomgratuitou and ununded.

    And yet i thi really all tha dierence mean inNietzche Doe he view dierence purely and upremelya the liberation of thinking r multiplicity through adetruction of Platonic hierarchie which nally bring the

    realization that God i dead? f o there would be eriouimplication r the whole of Heidegger thought, with itown much more explicit appeal to dierence. hi thoughtwould be reduced to nothing more than a manitation ofpermanent notalgia r Platonim and metaphyic, inora it i r ever triving to grap Being though a event andnot a table tructure, by tarting om a ame das Selbe)

    which running through the hitory of Being, makepoible both the dierence between the epoch and thedialogue between them. hi i how have ometimepreented Heidegger in the earlier eay in thi volume, butthoe eay are till cloely bound up with omething nowregard a a dream the dream of uperhumanity a an

    attainable condition in which a harmonization of exitenceand meaning i achieved. hi harmonization i the contantelement underneath the variou hi and turn in theeeay, but I now view it a till too much under the pell ofthe dialectical model. What can it in ct mean to think of theuperman a the man liberated for the dierence and themultiplicity of experience, if thi liberated man continue to


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    be iagined on the odel of the subject who has etuned tohisel at the end of a wandeing itineay that still covetlyllows the dialectical guidebook, a suect who has nally

    ealied the unity of event and eaning the beauty ofHegels Astc, the pefect coincidence of intenal andextenal (his was Macuse' s dea and it has been thedea of the ost adical evolutionay thinkes past andpesent) n this question, the cucial essay in the pesentvolue is the uth one he Will to Powe as At hee Iegin to detail all the consequences that esult in Nietsche's

    thought o the ct that he takes at as the odel thenotion of the will to powe, while also descibing at as thelocus of the decline of the subject of the dissolution of ,unity and hieachies t is this odel that deonstates thetility of continuing to intepet the supean and the willto powe dialectically

    f to becoe libeated dieence and ultiplicity alsoiplies that we accept the disintegation of unity with thesubject unchangeably a dvduum and haoniation thee-e a dea as paadoxically constitutive then die-ence thus eeeges in its Heideggeian sense which othe point of view of the philosophy of the supean (see thethid essay Nietsche and Dieence had looked like a

    anifestation of esidual etaphysical nostalgia Dieenceeeeges in othe wods as the denial and destitution ofpesence o in the language of y late essays, as anungounding' of any clai of pesence to denitiveness.he cental ipotance I attibute to this ungounding as ispaticulaly evident in the essay on Andnkn is in no way

    eant to suggest a evival of a kind of existentialist vision ofan as pobleatic o as nitude aked by the daa ofchoice Nietsche inoculated us once and all against thatsot of bobastic notion. Rathe dieence as destitutionof denitiveness o pesence is essential if thinking is toconstitute itself as citical thinking and esist evey tepta-tion to seek a dialectical haoniation and hence ignoe


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    all poclaations of the end of alienation and the attainento a condition o authenticity eaple, in soe politicalode passing as eal socialis Dieence as ungounding is

    thus a esponse to the call citical thinking ade by thosethinkes who have lived the adventue o the dialectic ostdaatically, such as Adono hough the ost patunspoken he is an evepesent eeence point in these essays

    Although dieence as ungounding is not pincipallyeant to be undestood as a etun to eistentialis, it doesalso cay the suggestion o a ediscovey of the nitude that

    is constitutive of eistence o to the thinking which listensto its call, eistence counicates itsel as insepaablybound up with beingtowadsdeath (in the tes thatHeidegge was the st to put wad). onsequently inthe late essays in this volue, I tend to the view that theeaning of the title o Heidegges st geat wok, Bng

    and Tm ust oe and oe be sought in a philosophy odecline a philosophy which sees what is constitutive oBeing not as the ct of its pevailing, but as the ct of itsdisappeaing. his ontology o decline also of couse, haspossible psychological iplications though these do notpoint in the diection o a geneally pessiistic vision o life.But Heidegges thought is in eality a esponse to a deand

    felt with inceasing ce and claity in oden epeience an ontology oganied in weak' categoies. As Nietschehad seen vey clealy,4 and as Heidegge shows in ontological tes the etaphysical tadition is the tadition ofviolent thinking With its pedilection unifying soveeign and genealiing categoies and with its cult o the

    ar it aniests a ndaental insecuity and eaggeatedselipotance o which it then eacts into ovedensiveness All the categoies o etaphysics ae violentcategoies: Being and its attibutes, the st cause an asesponsible, and even the will to powe i that is eadetaphysically as afation o as the assuption of poweove the wold hey ust be weakened o elieved of thei


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


    D U 0

    3 fea we ae t etti f beause we stll beliee iamma ei Netse Twilight fhe Idl tasR J Hllale L, 1968, 38.

    At least I ti ts is te mea f texts lke te e Te

    Waee a s aw'

    35 Th gd watchwd May as ae beelai u ma s tat e sul le beae lie aamal: a e as i tut beme etle, mesitual, me jyl me eetie ta ay aimalis. Nw wee, e sues m a w s

    as s l m be eie s l flea a a ee memet: tese ais, wee, sall ee ease m eeati, ae tse eay aeat es tae te etis f mality el a metayss Oly we ts ick

    fm cha as als bee eme wll te steat al ae tuly bee attaie te seaati fma m te aimals.

    Nietzshe Huan t Huan ed Heler,as R.] Holigle, Cmbidge, 6, p

    ee als te ey e lui asm te st at fHma al t Hma at i seti 3 a exellet littleteatse te weaee subet'

    5 W Beami Das Kustwe im Zetalte see teseReuziebakeit i amm Sch, e R. Teema a H weeause, Fakt 19, l. , 431

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  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    Hermeneuica Reason/Diaecica eason

    N Truth and Method Gadae engage in a lengthy citicaldicuion of hitoical concioune' which he conideto be a chaacteitic atue of the philoophical entality ofecent cetuie. At eveal point in thi dicuion heake occaional vey pecic efeence2 to Nietcheaccount of the htoical alady in the econd of thentmely Medtatons o a conideable etent Gadae'heeneutical ontology ay in ct be viewed a a delibeateattept to go beyond peciely that condition of the odenpiit diagnoed by Nietche in te of uch a alady ButGadae' entepie bing a whole new dienion to the

    thee by aking a eie of connection with Heidegge'dicoue on etaphyic and it ovecoing.3 It eelegitiate theee to take a cloe look at heeneuticalontology' oe o le eplicit clai to tand entielyoutide any uch hitoical concioune o alady hikind of inuiy i all the oe petinent in that any of the

    contepoay chool of thought that touch in one way oanothe on the thee of heeneutical ontology elyingoe often diectly on Heidegge than on Gadae at theae tie alo clai Nietche a thei eunne A debatewith heeneutical ontology on the ubect of the hitoicalalady ee likely theee to thow light on a wholecople of inteeting ue while oeing a uniue


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    ppctiv on nuou pobl o contpoay philo-ophy o not only hav th h o hnuiaoud an vgowing intt ov a wid aa o philo-ophy4 but h i concuntly a nw hitoicalthoticalin in h wok o Nitch and in h inglyinactabl pobl involvd in i intptation uh-o, on an vn o adical lvl Nich, Hidggand h thoi o hnutic a igh o point out thatth hitoical alady on o h alnt atu o odnconcioun and ha ovcoing it i a ak yt to b

    tackld h nc in h titl hi ay to dialcicalaon which i o b undtood in th n it ha inSa lat though allud o a point I hop o don-a that Nitch, laving bhind hi initial appoach (inntmly Mdtatons) to h pobl o ovcoing thhitoical alady go on to laboat a nw appoachwhich, ovd o hnutical ontology i ulti-atly copaabl with Sa dialcical aon

    h a u baic poin I ant to ak h Iwan o giv a bi uay o th nial atu oNitch dnition o th hitoical alady cond want to idniy h ln o h ciiqu o hitoicalconcioun that undli hnuical ontology and to

    conid h altnaiv i popo to that conciounthid I want to t thi alnativ againt th dand thagav i o Nitch citiqu o th hitical alady,taking into conidaion h dint way in which hw xpd a Nich wok dvlopd and nally Iwant o how how Nitch hought, unlik hnu-tical ontology, to tak a dialctical tun wih appa-ntly o ipiv ult

    Whn Nitch pak o a hitoical malady, hi chiai i to phai h ct ha h xciv hitoioga-phical awan h think chaactiic o th ninnthcnuy i alo and invitably an inabiliy to ca nwhioy h hitoical' nau o th alady ct both i


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    concn wth hstoogaphy and ts nvolvnt wthhstoy as res gestae ngatvly, t aounts to an nablty to gnat a hstoy o on's own, bcaus o anobssson wth th scnc o thngs past 7

    hus w hav th wllknown passags n th scond pato th ntmely Medtatons such as th stoy o th dscplo Hacltus who cannot ov vn a ng, so conscous sh o th vanty o vy ntatv that clas to establsanythng n hstoy, whch h ss as pu passng o th sth dscusson o th gttng nvolvd n vy hstocal

    acton, a ctan nustc' that s th oppost o all thatobjctvty to whch on hstoans lay cla8 Accodng to Ntsch, that puty and natualnss o th latonshp btwn l and hstoy so chaactstc o th tagcpoch o th Gks was subsquntly dgadd by scenceby te demand tat story sould be a scence

    As a ul, th Ntschan dscous n ths pat ontmely Medtatons s (to so xtnt ustably dntdwth ths ctqu o hstoogaphcal objctvty o, noth wods, wth a ctqu o th cla that th thodologcal dal o th natual scncs ay b appld tohstoogaphcal knowldg t s wth just ths pobl thatGadas Tut and Metod bgns, and t s cla that

    contpoay hnutcs can n ths sns ghtly cla tob h to th Ntschan ctqu. But what want to doh s to show that Ntsch ths s o bng thnd o th att snc th way h gos on to dvlop hsctqu o hstocs lads h n a vy dnt dctono hnutcal ontology, vn though th statng

    pont ay b th saA th plcaton o th scon pat o ntmelyMedtatons s th cla that unconscousnss s an ssntalcontxt catvty and l n ths spct, a valuablbypoduct o th polc aganst th atonals o latbougos phlosophy cad out by any contpoayschools o thought, and by th othodox Maxs o

  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    Lukc n patula, ha been to call attenton to the liitedand utiatey contadictoy chaacte o puey vitalit andiationalit intepetation of Nietche (and o all the ealytwentiethcentuy philoophical oveent that efe oeo e explicitly to hi Yet, on the othe hand, i we lookat othe wok by Lukc uch a the peMaxit Soul anForm, but ao and above all itory an Cla-Coniounewe nd an atonihing fetility in the vey thee that hehiel late coned a ationatic, in pite of hi ownindebtedne to the. he poitivity o eay twentieth-

    centuy iationali, even o a evolutionay view-point i aied a a poble both by the ealy thought oukc and by the oe inpiing and coheent thoughto Ent Bloch. he ct that it till uneolved uggetthat the pictue o Nietche a an iationalit and a thinkeo the ea o bougeoi decadence equie thoough evi-

    on. Although thi i a quetion thatI

    cannot tackle heeechoe o it and o a poibe atenative olution to it willnone the le be und in what llow.10

    n Nietche dicoue on the hitoical alady thee i athid iplication, one that i geneally ied o at eatelegated to a econday potion and yet it ay enable u toake conideable poge in ou exaination of the eult

    and liitation o the heeneutica ovecoing o hitoi-c. he hitoical aady i a alady, a we have eenbecaue an exce o hitoiogaphical awaene detoy thecapacity to ceate new hitoy. Nietche, a i uggeted bythe title o hi eay i inteeted in the uelne1 anddiadvantage o hitoy i'. he te uelne i not

    being eployed hee in an onic ene, a i Nietche weeipy dawing a adical contat between knowledge andaction He ean it quite taightwadly ight at thebeginning he tate a the thei o hi eay that theunitorial an the hitorial are neeary in equal meaure for thehealth of an iniviual of a people an of a ulture' On theae page he decibe


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


    MUI RO/ ON

    te aaity t fee t a ertain deree unistrialy as beinre tal an naental . . Te unstral is lie anatsere witin wi ane lfe an erinate nlyby isin its n ts unistria eeent by tinin,

    reetn arn, istnusin, drawin nlusns nly tru te wer f elyn te ast rte urses flfe and f aan ntrdun nt istry tatw as been dne a is ne - id an bee an: butwt an exess f stry an aan eases t exist

    Whn Ntsh nvsags a knd of dalt btwn an

    nvlopng nhstoa atosph and a hstoogaphalawanss (tslf nspd by th dand of l), h styng to put nto wods a onpt of hstoal aton that snot sply to b dntd as a knd of blnd atng whhton annot but llow, as though aoss a Hglangulf btwn th in ih and th ih btwn dong and

    knowng h sot of atvty and hstoal podutvtythat Ntsh wants to dsb s ath an qulbubtwn unonsous and onsous knowng, btwn apu spondng to th dands of lf and an objtvton that thnks, thnks, opas, dstngushs,puts togth n oth wods, that ls th ntons ofason H th two aspts a not two spaat

    onts; on on hand th atvty of a ton thatopas and dsns s nspd and otvatd by tsuslnss lf wh on th oth hand l tslf, onay gtatly add, s not thought of n puly bologalts as psstntly anstng tan bas nds; than who fls as a nssty of lf th nd to t, to

    opa and to dsn s a an who has bn bon nto apatula ultu, not nto so natu pu and splh dltaton of th ot and podutv latonshpbtwn hstoogaphy and f s tslf a hstoal andultual t. h dvlopnt of Ntshs thought akst nasnly la that th s no suh thng as l, wth ahaatst ssn on th bass of whh w an asu


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    wth evolutostc or some other crtero the vadty atruth of cltures or symbolc cogratos.

    If we bear all ths md, we ca also uderstad thesgcace of the se Netzsche makes here of the coceptof style', to whch the eally mportat cocept of hor-zo' s related. he delmtato of a gve horzo caot bedescrbed purely terms of a cotrast betwee a sphere ofclarty ad the obscrty that srrods t The cocept ofhorzo (whch s eqetly employed cotemporaryhermeetcs wth referece to Netzsche ad pheomeo-

    logy) volves a mch more complex reato betwee thatwhch stads outsde the horzo ad that whch es wtht Bt what ct matters most abot the cocept ofhorzo s the order of thgs artcuated within t. It s todesgate ths delmtato of the horzo that Netzschetlzes the rther cocept of tyl whch utmately uder-

    les the whole secod part of Untimly Mitation Theatthess of the hstorcal malady as the capacty toprodce hstory through a excess of hstorographcalawareess s ot bld actg or the exaltato of the dark'powers of lfe but ty of artstc style as a ty of al themafestatos of the lfe of a socety ad a people Style sthe complete opposte of the rmarkabl antithi that s

    typcal of moder ma: the remarkable atthess betweea teror whch ls to correspod to ay exteror ad aexteror whch ls to correspod to ay teror.7 Herethe teror s hstorca kowg as the bare possesso ofcotets' wth respect to whch ma s a mere receptacleBut r Netzsche the opposte of the hstorcal maady s

    more geeraly stystc uty as the uty betwee terorad exteror. Ths pts to a deret perspectve thevtalstc' cotrast betwee a hstorographca kowgwhch obstrcts acto ad a way of actg that mst bydeto be coscos

    Noe the less, the vtalstc readg of Netzsche's essay sot etrely llegtmate other words t s tre that he


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    viws h sparaion o inrior om xrior hisoriography om acon and dong om nowing as h nda-mna aur o modrn mans hisorica maady and sohims rmains a prisonr o his anihsis wih is un-misakaby Hgian roos Th passags I hav n discussing om par wo o ntimely Meitation, and paricuaryh ons in h rs chapr on h diacic' bwnunhisoricaiy unconsciousnss) and raiona aricuaionmay aso b rad as puing rward a vision o hisory as adiacic bwn i and rm' such ha any diniion o

    a horizon is possib boh as an ac o rging and a hsam im as an ac o inrior raiona aricaion vryhisorica conguraion amouns o rging inasmuch as iavs ousid is own sphr a h rs o hisory andmorovr rgs ha i is is surrondd by darknss Buh aricuaion o wha is iuminad, in imposing is asan xigncy ha is univesal and no ongr mry inrinsico a horizon nds o disp h darknss on which i ivs, soha boh craiviy and h capaciy o produc hisorybcom nbd and di I is ru ha Nizsch dos noxpiciy nvisag a coninua rpiion o his anihsis,r h anihisoricism o h scond par o ntimelyMeitation aso amouns o a rsa o horiz a gnra

    schma o hisory; and his srugg agains dcadnc isinspird by a bi in h possibiiy o h rsoraion o apropr raionship bwn hisory and i, rahr han byany bi in som inviab arnaion o craiv priodswih drivaiv and dcadn ons Y vn ousid anysuch cycica vision o hisory i rmains ru ha r hNizsch o h scond par o ntimely Meitations hr isimay a conras ha is si diacica/Hgian bwnawarnss and rging knowing and doing

    ha h concusion o h scond par o ntimely Meitations no ony may bu mus b rad primariy in his sns isasd by is uima appa o h rnaizing powrs origion ad ar as rmdis r h hisorica maady and


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    more partilarly r the domiatio of iee thepreet ltral otext at leat Niethe eay ee theproblem prely i term of alterative premaie li to

    domiate kowledge ad iee or i kowledge todomiate life There a be o dobt life i the higher,the domiatig re r kowledge whih aihilated liwold have aihilated itelf with it all thi at leat p tothe poit at whih [me will be ietly healthy agai totdy hitory ad to the ed of li to employ the pat 18

    Bt thi poibility of a ew epoh with the reovery of a

    ity of tyle, remai illdeed ad ertai Niethetalk of life ad kowledge i term of olit ad theeteraliig powr of art ad religio do ot here poittoward a tyliti ythei, bt are eetially obrigre, re that are both prahitorial ad at the ametime alo hitorial the olio to the ith ad

    peltimate hapter of the eay the eee of reativehitorial atio i ee i the apaity to at i a unhoralway9 r the at by whih ma etablihe the tablehorio withi whih there i a poibility of atio i itelfhitorial

    t wold be poible to give rther evidee of the waythat Niethe i the eod part of the Unmly Maons

    remai der the pell of Hegel Eve while he trive tooeive a ideal of hitorial exitee apable of ifyigiterior with exterior doig with kowig, a hitorialbeig that wold be reative withot at the ame time beigreetive or vievera hi model remai Hegelia itame that ltimately the motor of hitory i the glf

    betwee doig ad kowig, betwee n sh ad r shThe proof of thi i hi olio that the eteraliigre art ad religio oer the oly eape om thedeert of hitoriit deadee

    t i art ad religio that beome two of the hief polemialtarget i the iitial etio of uman all too uman the rtwork that really take p where the eod of the Unmly


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    Meitations leaes o the one that ntates a ne stage nNetzsches thought ate the ealy oks tten unde thespell o Schopenhaue and Wagne he most supecal

    eadng o uman all too uman s enough to suggest that tcannot easly be econcled th the anthstocsm o thesecond pat o Untimely Meitations. Hoee athe thanadoptng a completely ne epont Netzsche seems noto be uestng a moe authentc esponse to the demandsmanested n the essay on hstoy None the less t sabundantly clea that both the polemc n uman all toouman aganst at and elgon and the etun n that book toa boadly hstocst poston suggest the need acautous eappasal o the conclusons dan n the secondpat o Untimely Meitations. In patcula e need to payey cael attenton to the poblematc and contadctoyaspects o these conclusons hch spu the the deelop-

    ment o Netzsches thoughtAll ths has a patcula eleance to the pesent dscusson contempoay hemeneutcal ontology attackng hsto-csm and pesentng tsel as an altenate to the hstocalmalady not only emans edded to the concepton o thehstocal malady expounded by Netzsche n the second pato ntimely Meitations, but shos no sgn o beng aae oths o o oecomng the contadctons nheent n thatconcepton By contast hen Netzsche hmsel takes thepoblem a stage the hat esults s a poel tool actue o the lmts o hemeneutcal ontology

    What I ee to hee as hemeneutcal ontology s aphlosophcal moement that s lldened smply because t

    s so deangng he ognal mpulse ths moementcame om Hedegge especally the late Hedegge and tas educed to a system n HansGeog Gadames ruth anMetho, hee the Hedeggean thematc s taken up anddeeloped and the hole sgncance o ts lnks thDlthey and Hussel expounded n tems oten suggeste o

    Hegel. It s Gadame ho detects and exploes the antes7

  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    o e ud (udereah he udeale derece eweehe hermeeucal oologcal cocluo of he lae Hedegger o oe had ad he laer heory of Wgee ad

    he aalycal chool ha rer o h o he oher

    hemap of hermeeucal oology alo exed over a wdeecor of Frech culure (om Rcoeur o porucurallke Derrda Foucaul ad Deleue ad o ome exe ahker lke Laca oo exed o a more lmed admore urm ecor of!ala phloophy (Pareyo ad addo ha ramcao of a heologcal ad lerary

    kd a repreeed y he avagarde of hermeeuc preeday Amerca culure (Roo ad Co whher New Fronters n heology ad cholar lke E DHrch or R E Palmer am of coure drawg up hhghly prolemacal map om a hermeeucal Hedegge-ra ad Gadamera vewpo ad perfecly pole

    ha eher he AgloAmerca of he aalycal choolor omeoe lke Laca r example would adm or wouldhave admed o elogg here u do eleve ha haome plauly, r here are pree o ome degree allhee yle of hkg cera crucal feaure of he hermeeucal perpecve

    or he purpoe of our dcuo hermeeucal oo-

    logy may e deed wh rerece o hree eleme all ofwhch relae o he dameal oo of he hermeeucalcrcle h omehg ha ha perely haued reeco o he prolem of erpreao om he me of heearle heore aou he allegorcal meag of he Ho-merc poem o he ypologm of parc ad medaeval

    exege o Luher prcple of ola Srptura ad rgh upo Schleermacher Dlhey ad Hedegger wo wa her o gve he dea a rgorou phloophcal developmer he dd o ackowledge a a lm u a a povepoly r kowledge deed a he oly polyavalale o Dae r a experece of ruh areeeal he hermeeucal crcle degae a parcular


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    recprocal belogg betwee ubect' ad object' -terpretato wereby tee ter becoe ecearlyvaldated ce tey orgated ad developed wt a

    perpectve tat aued ter eparatee ad attead ued te to gve expreo to tee Hedegger vewedterpretato a otg oter ta te artculato of wat udertood ad o alway preuppog copreeoor precopreeo of te tg r t eat plytat kower ad kow belog to oe aoter recprocallypror to ay explct act of kowg ad pror to ay

    recogto of oetg a als) oetg o tat tekow already wt te orzo of te kower but olybecaue te kower wt te world tat te kowcodetere.

    Te tree cottutve eleet of wat I call ereeutcal otology a Gadaera ter) ca all be rerred to t

    ceatc rulato of te ereeutcal crcle Te rtof tee eleet te rejecto of obectvty a a deal oftorcal kowledge ad t ea te rejecto of teetodologcal odel of te potve cece) Te ecod te exteo of te ereeutcal odel to all kow-ledge torcal or oterwe ad te trd te lgutcatue of Beg Gadaer' way of puttg t wa to ay

    tat Beg wc ca be udertood laguage. 2T etece ay be read eter wt two coa oeaer Beg ad oe after uerstoo, or t ay be readwtout ay coa at all. But t true eag te oetat would llow o te ue of te coa te oe tatafr bot te lgutc ature ad te copreeblty

    of all Beg Of coure t poble to tk of a type ofBeg a copreeble ad uc Beg would ot belaguage but tat cae te propoto would becoe aere tautology. Tee tree eleet are alo tree ucce-ve tage te cotructo of ereeutcal otology atleat te yteatc r t a ruth a Metho Tert oe dcate oetg tat partcularly obvou


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    Bing an im nmel tht hemeneticl ontolog tkess its sttingpoint the poblem of histoicl knowledgeeginning om election on the indeqc of thescientic/positie model with espect to histoiclknowledge nd the hmn sciences it moes on to genelcitiqe of the positiistic model of scientic method e-menetics ls clim to nieslit, clim which is bothconcetized nd nded in the tho of the lingistic nteof eing.

    It is not pt of m ppose hee to gie een smm

    ccont of the stges in Gdmes constction of thisschem in ruh an Mho I shll meel note tht the ststge is clel etn to the ilthen inheitnce me-dited thogh the eidegge of Bing an im see section of tht wok mentioned boe). he second stgeinoles clssifing ee kind of knowledge s hemene-

    ticl, implicitl inclding scientic knowledge moewhich sbets the positistc clt of obectit his moeis diect conseqence of the eideggein dicliztion ofilthe; while ilthe stopped shot of explicitl theoizingthe positie nte of the hemeneticl cicle eidegge hsno sch inhibitions, nd the ontologicl conseqences of this his thinking e momentos o exmple thee is the

    centl fmtion of the Lr on umanm whee in thethown poject tht is sein, the thowe' is eing itself( p ) t the ilthen cknowledgement tht histo-icl knowledge cnnot be ndestood nd explined on thebsis of the sbject/obect ntithesis is not eidegges nlwod on the mtte On the cont two the poblems

    ineitbl emege, nmel the qestion of how nd whhistoiogph ee cme to ccept this model s lid onein the st plce nd the bode qestion of whethe ndhow the sbject/object model, with its eltie cnoniz-tion of objectiit emins lid in genel tems een iflimited to the sphee of the soclled ntl sciencesRelection on these poblems bings to light the ct tht


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    thee is ndeed no subect/obect elation of the knd onwhch the postsc model of knowledge s based

    This s the agument put wad by Hedegge in secton44 of Beng an me thee he states that what les undeneatheey magnable conmty of the poposton to the thingand all obectie alidty of the knowledge of cts whch isof couse the metaphyscal concepton of tuth, eently andmost coheently incanated n the scientic/positie deal ofmethod) s a moe pmodal disclosedness' He belieesthat it is this disclosedness' that nitially makes possble any

    sot of conmity o unconmty; he holds that both theknowe and the known belong pimodially wthin it Eenscentic knowledge s ntepetaton inso as it s anatculation of that whch s undestood This aticulatonmay still be guded as is the case n moden scence by thegeneal cteion of conmity, and by specic modes of

    eifying that;27

    but the establshment of these speccmodes of atculaton/ntepetaton s tself an eent' thatinoles the most pimodal dsclosedness of Being and thegingconcealng tself that consttutes ts epochal natueBeng an me shows toleance' towads science and tsciteia efying the conmty between popositonand thng, as does Heidegge's late wok and tha of

    Gadame; but it s not at all clea whethe o to what extentthis toleanc' is to be taken at ce alue n othe wods, tis not clea whethe n ct Hedegge and hs hemeneutcalsuccessos accod paticula legtmacy to moden scenticmethodology as long as it emains wthn its specic lmits.At all eents any such limts can cetainly no longe be

    settled on the bass of the Diltheyan dstnction between thenatual and the human scences, snce acceptance of thswould amount to a eecton of the unesality of theintepetatie stuctue of knowledge But then as s in ctthe case with the deelopment of Hedeggean thought, thepope limts of moden scentc methodology becomelmits' n a sense that is no longe puely descipte but


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    evalave he lii of hogh n he epoch of eaphyic in he epoch of he geing of Being he epoch of heredcon of he eniy o an obec Moden cience i no

    one of he poible r of knowledge i.e. one of hepoible ode in which he inernal ariclaion of a deer-nave precopehenion ake hape r hi woldiply ha ch ode cold be lined p ne o one anoheron a ancendenal level a poible dienion of eaonRaher i i an apec of he epoch of Beng in which we ndoelve an epoch which i alo ha of hiorci n i

    varo r hiorci a boh a general philoophy ofhiory and a cienc odel of hioiography

    he claicaon of all knowledge a heenecalrher nvolve he reafraion hogh in a novel way ofhe noion of he hioriciy of knowledge i ean hahioriographical knowledge and evey oher ype of know

    ng ae neve eely coneplaion of obec b aheracion ha odie he conex o whch i belong and ofwhch i becoe a par. In developng hi onologicalhinking Heidegger end o hink h hioiciy adicallyhrogh n e of he epochaliy of Being r hi orknowing i now copleely aaed wih he eaphyicalrgeing of Beng and h geing ine by Being

    elf o ha i canno be alered by a ee change of aideon an par B Heidegge ereneical llowergenerally end o pick p only he blander and le povocaive apec of h dicoe Fo he he niveraly ofhereneic and he horicy of knowledge ignifyeely ha hiory gow a a pepeal nerpeaive

    proce. o know i o nerpe b o nerpre i alo opodce new hoy. In hi eirenic perecive all hedraaic ce in he Heideggeian idea of eaphyic ilo ruth a Mtho r eaple beay lile gn ofHeidegger daaic von of he hory of weern civliaion h odicaion and aenaion ha Hedeggerianhinking on he epochal nae of Being and on eaphyc


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    ndgos t th hnds of hs hmntcl sccssos hssgncnt consqncs th poblm wth whch I mconcnd nd I shll hv occson to tn to t

    h thd of th chctstc thss of hmntclontology s lso dcty lnkd to th gn d of thhmntcl ccl nd t th sm tm t psnts cohnt conclson to th two pcdng thss h cnt-lty of lngg n th dvlopmnt of th ontologclpoblm s ldy ft n Being an ime wh th s whol ply of tons stblshd btwn Bngnth-wod nd mnngnss lthogh t s not lly wokdot ntl th wtngs tht low Gdm tks on bodths mo dvlopd Hdggn ttmnt bt t th smtm h somhow mngs to nd t too schmtc ndovsmpld h mks t n mplct cooly of th othtwo thss n hs vw th hmntcl nt of xp-

    nc s most vdnt whn w ct on th poblm ofhstocl knowldg wh t sms obvos tht thsbjctobjct modl s no ong pplcbl bt thn nddton whn w ct on how nd why th mthodolo-gcl mod of th postv scncs hs mgd nd thnmposd tslf on th hmn scncs t bcoms cl thtvy typ of knowdg nd xpnc of th tth s n cthmntcl Howv ths nvslzton of th hm-ntc mpls tht l xpnc nd l knowldg s to bndstood s lngstc As hv dy sd n Gdmth s no xplct ttmpt to pply hmntcs systm-tcly to scnc n th sns of th scnc of nt Btnth cn t b sd tht th Dlthyn dchotomy s stll

    vld on hm H dos not s th hmntclchct of xpnc s dpndng solly on th ct thtbtwn lngstc xpnc nd th oth mods of xp-nc n nlogy n scholstc tms n nlogy ofpopotonlty) my b dwn n tht w clld by thvos lts' of xpnc just as w clld by th

    mssgs tnsmttd by lngg t dpnds mch mo23

  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


    essentially on the ct that all expeience of the wold ismiat thoh lanae and theee is pimaily alinistic event discose o dialoe of qestion and

    answe. his means that thee is an analoy of attibtionbetween expeience in eneal and linistic expeience 28The pinciple that sms p Gadame's hemenetical onto-loy en which can be ndestood s lanae thssests by its doble implication a vision of histoy as atansmission of messaes o a dialoe of qestion andanswe whee lanae is the ndamental mode in which

    ein occs. We aleady belon to that which is tansmittedto s we ae angpochn by the call that tadition addessesto s bt not becase we aleady beon to the wold asexpessed in linistic expeience bee and beyond thatlinistic expeience ein is not somethin moe vast thanlanae and pio to it Rathe the peliminay belonin

    to ein is a peliminay and pimodial belonin tolanae ein is histoy and histoy of lanaeThee is an initial conseqence of this vision of ein and

    histoy as a tansmission of calls as a dialecticdialoic ofqestion and answe in which the espondent is alwaysaleady constitd by the ct of bein called. t is that theintepetation of hioy and indeed knowlede in eneal

    is not a pocess of dechement o a oin back om thesin to the sinied ndetood as the extalinistic objectto which the wod efes. he intepetation of histoy isathe a dialoe in which the eal Sach, the eal qestion atisse is that sion of hoions discssed by Gadame29 ason n whch the wold wth its ojects s continally

    econstcted and in some sense ows in bein by thepocess of intepetation 3 hee ae two implications hee:st the model of the objectivity of histoica awaeness iseplaced by the model of the histoioaphical act as dialo-ical i.e. as a (new histoical event. When Gadame talksabot Wikunggchicht and wikunggchichtlich Bwutin he is ltimately efein to the ct that the objctiv


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    tth of the past hstocal evet caot be othe tha whatthe evet has bee ad s om the momet of ts st havghappeed tl today ths cldes ts addessg a call to s

    ad the daloge that t tates wth s ad we wth t3Secod tepetato s a inenite pocess whch

    evey espose chages ad modes the chaacte of the callto the extet that t aects the vey beg of that whch callsas the othe the daloge om closg the dscoset actally stmlates the estos he detveess(o at least the teecy towads detveess) of the

    decphemet e the completo of the pocess of gogbac om the sg to the sged wth the coseetelegato of the sg to essetalty s eplaced by theatoomos lfe of lagage lved daloge hs alsocostttes a ejecto of the Hegela solto whch sbst-tted the elato of decphemet the pheomeologcal

    teay whch the tth of the patcla evet wasmafested oly the totalty of the pocess whe com-pleted Fo hee thee seems to pesst the mplcato of aobjectvst model o ltmate selftaspaecy ad theed ths seemed to mea the same model of decphemetalbet elaged to clde the hstocal becomg of tepe-tatos bt stll always wth a hozo domated by the

    moologcal essece of mode atoalsm32 A vso ofhstoy as the hstoy of lagage ad as ope daloge stheee coessetal to hemeetcal otology O thebass of pemsses smla to Gadames Lg Paeysoexplctly ames ths the ty of tepetato33

    o what extet does hemeetal otology as I have

    otled t tly scceed ovecomg the hstocal mala-dy as descbed ad attacked by Netzsche hs st asesthe esto of whethe the hstocal malady shold ctpmaly be deted wth hstoogaphy sped bymethodologcal models of scetc obectvty thsght also seem to volve a exclso o at least a eglectof that aspect of hstoogaphy tself whch s athetcally


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    MU RN RN

    hoc (e cve pocve ovve) If ch eco be coec he hemeec ooogce epese w of phg o exeme

    heeb esovg he em e he seco p ofUnimely Meaon. Howeve Nesche gmze hso-ogphc objecvm s m so ws heexpeo of choom bewee eo exeobewee og kowg He w he excesve hoogphc wee of he eeeh ce (whch hseveope eve he o ow me) s oppoe o he

    ee of fe becse mpe b o gecogve me o h w mpobe o c o hebs of ch kowege wh coheece of e B heco moe c pec of he pobem of hehsoc m oe o seem o eceve sfce e-o hemeec ooog Fo Neche hsoog

    phc objecvsm w o ce of he heopccechoom h o be oppoe bece ws bse o hempo h o become we of evegowgmbe of c bo he p ws ve ef epe-e of efeece o pese o e pobems ohemeec o he ohe h hoogphc objecv-m s bove eo mehooog oes o

    ee o he heopcce choom so mch o heegme omo of he e of he hm cece bhe mehooog of he posve cece I s eve hhogh Heegge hkg o mephcs ccgcce eemg he hoc exece of wese ( e of echoogc m we c ee h he

    mehooogc eo of kg cec objecv s ve moe bc bo p wh he heopcce choom somehg pec o he mephscme B hemeec ooog oe o bg ohs meo Theee hee ve e ge h hemo of he hemeec gsc eece ofeve hoc hppeg m become eqve o


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    legitimato of all teoretical actiity isor as it s alwaysalready e fao practice.3 d tis must surely be coectedwt a ct wose apparet strageess uicly aises o

    rter cosideratio, te ct tat ermeeutcal oto-logy ils to oer weter because it caot or wllot metodologcal gudelies r te actual cocrete tasof iterpretatio. t supposes tat eery act of owledge isalready of its essece ermeeutical ad caot be obectie te sese appropriate to te scietc metod. usGadamer as o ws to teac us aytg tat we caot

    ad do ot ct already do e s cotet to mae explicitwat appes i eery id of owig startg wtistoriograpical owig ad edig wt a redeitio ofexperiece n erm of wha t aleay aually s

    is way of proceedig, iolig as t does te ucoerig of te true ad already gie structure of istorcal

    owledge ad te of all experiece ad ideed of existeceitself uderstood as exstig i te Beig tat is laguageloos all too muc lie a ew metapysical teory as sucit certaily caot aswer te reuremets laid dow byNietsce ad still less te sprt of Heideggers tougt towic it refers more explctly

    I Hedegger, bot te dscoery of te ermeeutcal

    circle i Beng an me ad te subseuet gradual elucda-tio of te particular exus of Beig ad laguage always goalog wit a acute awareess of te problematic ature oftese socalled structures. Wile i Beng an me iterpretato is te iteral artculatio of a precompreesio tatcostitutes Daen te latter oe te less as i commo

    wit all existetals tat it is ioled i te more geeralalteraties of autetc or iautetic existece cf Bpp. ). is eeds to be bore i mid if we are touderstad wy ee i tis isio of owledge as teiteral artculatio of a always already aailable precompreeso tere s still te eed r a iolet act ofdiscoery of te trut, suc as te oe called r by te


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    pheoeological ethod a Heidegge otlie it i theitodctio to Being an ime hi beet o theafatio of the Beiglagage e i alay liked

    ith the poble of etaphyic a a hitoical peetatioof Beig, a peetatio that ivolve a cocealig/cocealig thi cocealig/ cocealig belog above allt Beig ad yet i pite o pehap becae of thibelogig to Beig, it daetally coce o hito-icity deteiig it lle coditio i the etaphyicalold of Senvergeenhe. Thi i oe of to eao hy

    Heidegge eve aage to ay, a Gadae doe i hila etioed above that Being language (The otheeao i elated to thi oe it i the ipoibility of ayigthat Beig s thi o that, o ideed of ig the veb to be aa copla at all)

    o Heidegge, the Beiglagage e, the ligitic

    ad theee alo heeetical chaacte of ha epeiece of the old, ae both deeply pobleatic deed itcold be aid that they ae he poble that cotitte oeitece i the epoch of accoplihed etaphyic. IGadae ad heeetical otology all thi becoe adeciptio of Beig a theoy of the tcte of the hacoditio, of the itde of eitece.

    t i i thi light that e hold look at Habea'citie of Gadae. Habea age that heeetica a philoophical diciplie o ideed ou our a hephiloophical diciplie par eellene peppoe a beak itaditio. Ad it i te that both aciet ad odeheeetic oigiated ad developed at oet he

    thee a a eceptioally tog ee of the eed to etoea theateed, itepted, o at the vey leat cetaicotiity: patitic a coceed ith the cotiitybetee the Old ad e Tetaet, a ee claicaltdie of oe ode tie ith the cotiity beteeHai ad thei day) At the ae tie, Habeaacce heeetic of evadig the poble poed by ch


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    beaks i afmig ha eeyhig i hisoy cosiss ihe asmissio of messages, i dialecic/dialogic of ques-ios ad aswes, Gadame descibes Beig/laguage (he

    liguisic aue of expeiece as adiio wee eally aoninuum. The saeme Beig, which ca be udesood,is laguage' meas ha Beig is laguage, ad cosequelyha laguage is o as such s ad emos a pueisume of commuicaio, a sig o be decipheed bygoig back exhausiely o a exaliguisic objec i is aee of Beig iself So why is i ha he wese adiio

    has ulimaely asmied o us a cocepio of laguage assig, o be assessed by is acual capaciy obecieefeece ad oeig iself o he esseial expeiece ofdecipheme wih all hose implicaios ha i Heideggeaach o meaphysics ad he geig of Beig Heme-euical oology simply ils o discuss his whole poblem

    i emais i his dameal ad cucial sese deoid ofmehodological' guidelies o he huma scieces bu exisece which eeds such guidelies if i is o esablishiself e fao i he liguisicaliy ha is aibued e ure oBeig Heidegge is well awae of he c ha i laemeaphysical sociey (ad we could equally well call i laecapialis sociey laguage is om peailig wesen i

    is pue essece as he ee of Beig No oly has mamisudesood laguage akig i as esseially siglaguage acually prevails as such, while he wold of objecslikewise prevails as idepede, ad is hee puely o beacceped ad descibed i accodace wih cieia of igo-ous objeciiy Howee Heidegge may iepe ad

    heoize i, he domiaio of objeciiy emais a c ofdomiaio ad i cao as such be oecome meelyhough he heoeical ecogiio of a mehodologicaleo

    If i is ue ha he hisoical malady is basically chaace-ized by a spli bewee heoy ad pacice, iolig a lackof adequaio bewee doig ad kowig while hisoical


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    acto s codemed either to be ucoscous or ot to beacto the hermeeutica otoogy is autheticay toovercome the probem precisey to the etet that it rgets

    this robem o the uity o theory ad practice a a problm my hypothesis about the cocusios draw the secodpart o Utmely Metato s correct they oered oaity r Nietzsche i the esug works om Huma alltoo Huma owards it dawed o him with evericreasigcarty that the ways out he had origay proposed theeterazg rces o art ad reigio were sti vitiated bythe very separatio o dog om kowig that costitutedthe maady as maady

    Hermeeutca otoogy evades the probem o the uicatio o doig ad kowig t cosders this probemresoved by a theoretica recogto o the iguistic adhermeeutica character o eistece but a the whie it

    remais committed to the separatio o theory om prac-tice his separatio is ot discussed hermeeutca oto-ogy; t is pushed back ad repressed as it were but itsurces agai just ike thigs that are repressed psycho-aaytica theory or i the theory o iterpretatio itsepreudices that are ot recogzed or ot accepted as suchhe separatio makes ts presece et both i the resuts othis type o thikig ad i its prevaig Stmmug t vewsthe ity o the iterpretative process as utimatey oy acorreative o the itude o ma Gadamers otio oeperiece reects the dameta eatures o HegeaEahrug, havig eperieces other words chaggruig up agast the uepected ad the egative ad

    hece r Gadamer aso beig eperieced or havig vedbeig aware o the reativity ad ephemeraity o the humathis is essetiay i harmoy wth a Goethia/Ditheyarm o wisdom i which history agai gures as essetaythe passig o thigs 3

    ived i this way the iity o terpretatio ad theperpetua repetto o the daectic/ diaogic o questo ad


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    anwe a the ey maow of htoy ha the el ofwandeng o exle And the tem wandeng of oeoften oed by Hedegge a a way of debng the

    ondton of thoght n the epoh of metaphyss bt n t tdoe not at all dene the eene of man m th pont ofew the te n hemenet on the ntde of man andthe nnty of ntepetaton of htoy) tll look lke amoment wthn the epoh of metaphy whh an theee hadly lam to be oeomng metaphy ntdewandeng and exle o een mply the nnty of thentepetate poe ae all expeon that nole thepetene of the epaaton of theoy om pate neeoeome beae nee ded

    t te that the Hedeggean dea of ontologal de-ene may be ead a nolng a don of th dhotomy Sgnantly howee t an dea that annot be

    nd n ruth an Metho, no ndeed t to be nd nhemenetal ontology n geneal Hedegge de df-feene and man ondton of epaaton and exle omBeng theeby alo beome a poblem by mplatonthogh to what extent debatable he e howeegnoed by h hemenetal llowe whom deene lt a omethng epeed that ee n thethoght the athenttynathentty themat togethewth t deelopment n the poblem of oeomng meta-phy etanmed nto a metaphyal aeptane ofthe ntde of Daen a the nnty of the ntepetatepoe

    o pt t anothe way the poblem that hemenetal

    ontology leae nded th one f thee an nntyof ntepetaton and f we onee th a hemenetalontology doe n a way that btantally nepaable omthe ntde of extene doe th not alo neealy mplya pemanent plt between extene and meanng betweendong and knowng h n tn wold mean that lt-mately the nnty of ntepetaton nothng bt the old


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    Hgla gulf btw h adr h as t otor r twol poologal pross ad r t wol storyof t sprt Hruts obts tat t oplt dt

    ato of dog wt kowg ad of xst wt agwould b uvalt to otg lss ta t d of story t prt slftraspary of t absolut Hgla sprt;ad akg ts objto dtally ruts su losr to Krkgaarda xsttals ta to H-dggr. But t objto stll ss to tak Hgls tr-ology r gratd t ss to ply tat storal ato s

    tr at last partly uosous or ls ot ato at all butpur rtrosptv otplato, as Ntzs supposd t sod part of Utmely Metatos o Gadar tuty of dog ad kowg ss possbl oly toologal r of t Hgla syst allgdovrog of t storal alady or storal osous

    ss) tus bos yt aotr aozato of story aspur passg, at last t strt ss w all tat ssstal s passg (w s of ours wat all xst sw sparatd o ts ag) W ar bak o orwt t paralysg wsdo of t dspl of Hraltus.s way of lookg at tgs s u lss dbtd toHdggr ad Ntzs ta t s to lty ad toprsvly rtrosptv' aratr of s vso ofstory

    All of ts, ospuously abst o t olusosdraw by rutal otology puts a usto arkagast ts la to rprst a ovrog of storalosousss. brst of glas at t way Ntzss

    tougt volvs aftr uma all too uma sows tat aysu ovrog wll rur us to takl (at bot ttortal ad t pratal lvl) t dotoy tatdoats wstr a a dotoy tat udrls all trurrt plosopal appals to t tud of xst t of t totalzg las' of daltal tougt. o


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    put t crudly, s w v to do r, mus sd t Nsc d of Ueermenh c oly udrstoodd pld f t s s s mor t ortcl ort o

    costruct typ of m cpl of vg uy ofxstc d mg, of dog d kowg hioriallyd trr stll tm comg o t moo-lss slftrsprcy of Hgl solut sprt. Trs posslty of gog yod t sorcl mldy dsorcl coscousss solly in o Jar a one ealihe hepoiiliy of a hiory ha i no malay, story tt dos ov s ts moor t guf tw in ih dr ih Bot ts torcl cott d tortcl/prtcl dm-so s, d of wc Ntsc s wll wr tsprolm costtuts t cus of ll Nscs wor ftrs domt of s youl vro r Scop-ur d Wgr. ustos ft ursolvd t

    scod prt of Unimely Meiaion r us t sprtor t dvlopmt of ts tougt wc my wtjustcto rd rly t lgt of t usto ofstorcsm

    Smply s dcto of t mg v rutd tots Nsc rprs, s wort podrg spot suggsv pssg Srtrs he Prolem of Mehowc orgl pprs s t troduco to tCriique e la Raion ialeique). For s rds s xplctclg o rmutc rso d s rmto oft y of trprtv procss, v f Srtrmslf dd o td t prmrly s suc

    Mxsm in e eeen euy is i em nooy o me Hisoy bu o e o i lly neoely . . Tus e luly of the meag ofHisoy n be isoee n ose self only uon eou of ue olio . . Ou isol s ee of is olyven wo, is o b lose e momen


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    wen Hsty il e oy oe meig we it wil end be dssed in te ee en w wil ke n

    Th rfrc to Sartr to b tak ot a a coclo bta a got H argmt mak t m v morobvo that th coclo of hrmtcal otology arbo p wth that vo of htory a pr happgwhch rta omthg of a hol o Ntzch th copart of Utmely Meao Th why, om th prpct-

    v of hrmtcal otology vry clam to totalty mplylook lk th agr of a to htory, th rk of thaboltzato of moolog t Hgla rm Paraox-cally, t a charactrtcally a pclarly Hgla that hrmtcal otology ca cocv of htory acto lly a malay that a a glf btw Bg a

    mag, btw og a kowg, btw thory apractc Bt th ct that th malay caot b ovrcoml th ato la r a htory that ot malayot parato btw tror a xtror, ot abc oftyl Hrmtcal otology t rght to vw htorya th htory of lagag, th pr tramo of m-ag, or, to trm clor to tho of Ntzch, a th

    om of th worl of ymbol Th wor ot rt armot th g of a worl pt of lagag;htory th htory of wor, t alog, mch morprmorally a amtally tha t th htory othg' Bt what har to rta th propoto th tr barg of th : hrmtcal otology,

    pt all t rrc to Hggr, th tll alwayth of mtaphyc a hc crptv of c thatar prt at ha By cotrat, Ntzch, Hggr, amor rctly Sartr hav ach h ow way grap thproblmatc atr of th Th lbrato of th worl ofymbol om t bcto to a prvalg ralt that pror to t, that omat t a th mar of t throgh


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    crtr ch tht of objctvty th lbto ltmtly wht rprtd by th mto of th l-gtc tr of Bg. Ad t ct tht r

    thotcl/prctcl movmt volvg omthg morcomplx th mply bcomg wr of th oto of thhrmtcl crcl d t mplcto o Hdggrwht rd th tp bck om mtphycl/rprttv thoght to th thoght of Bg collc-to Anenken. or Ntch t th cotrcto of thprm whl r St t th dg of w wy of

    lvg ot trbjctvty ldg to th l cot ofth rt of tht cotlty whch prvl world ofpy d tggl

    Ov gt hrmtcl wdom th ccptc oftd th td xprc md by Ntch thot to cotct w bjct cpbl of lvg th ty

    of bg d mg dog d kowg or othrword cpbl of xpcg Hgl bolt kowldghorally wthot dg mmoblty) oth wodcpbl of lvg th dom of th ymbolc.

    I t pobl r th to b htorcl cto bglog wth t om th bgg t ow mg d otlbl to ll bck to th t of cotrlty? I thr

    pobl tprtto tht m wy of lvg otymbol trptto tht dc d ply wthZthtr d ot ptt mgc of th tcdc of mg wdrg xrc td?C thr b podcto of ymbol tht ot bd o thpo/blmto tctr C th th b

    ovcomg of mtphyc?h th coclo o thr th w ttgpot towhch w ld rctg o th lmtto of hmtcl otology om th pot of vw of th htoclmldy. h totlzto to whch th to pot lwy tll th t: yt prhp othg l bt thc cor o th pod of htory chrctr tht


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    dieren om ha o re assing (he assing of heinessenial seaaed om s meaning) whih is waconses as malady


    Tuth and Method, Loo 975 a 979 Te seo a of

    is wo is aiualy oee wi e iiue ofisoia osiousess

    2 ee e uth and Method, 2713 Heiee's ou oo is bou u o simy wi e

    Niezsea obemai i eeal bu also seially wie iea of a isoia malay. am ii isae ofe essay Te Ae of e Wol iue' (i Mai Hei

    ee, The Question concening Technology and othe Essays,asae a eie by Wiiam Loi, New Yo aToo, 1977, . 1 1, a aso i eeal of Heiee's wiis o Niezse wee e eme of isoiism isaeasie

    4 ee beow my ouie of a ma' of e emeeuiaemai i oemoay ou.

    J ae, Citiqe ofDialectical Reason, as Aa eiami ol 1 , heoy of Pactical Ensembles Loo, 1976.Fo e isussio of is oi as wel as aiioabibioaia maeial, see my L'esiseialismo i Jae, i Tezo pogamma, 972, s. 2

    6 Untimely Meditations, a O e uses a isaaaesof isoy life' (1874), as R ]. Holliale

    Cambie, 983. om ow o sal efe o is as UM lowe by e ae a ae umbes as aoiae. Oe isoial malay' see UM 20

    7 ae ueae a moe ey a eaie aalysis of isessay by Niezse i my aile Niiismo e obema eemo i Niezse' i ascal e Nietsche Qadeni dell'Achiio di Filosoa, 962 Te eae is efee o is isussio of e aual oe of Niezse's ex wi is


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    only brey aluded to ere. e aroac adoted n tatstudy s very derent om te one usue ere a ctwc beleve to be of more tan merely bogracalnterest Gven tat everytng tat one wrtes s te sgn of

    a artcuar cultura moment tere s a vaue n settng tetwo aroaces aganst eac oter tey ndcate te cange nersectve tat as recenty taen lace wt resect to teteme of te maady of story and storcsm etc 974)

    8 UM 62-3.9 UM 77

    10 For rter dscusson of ts see my I soetto e la mascheraNetzsche e poblema ella lberazone, nd ed. Mlan 1979

    n te ngls translaton rerred to n te resent volumeR. J. Holngdae renders te word as use but to render t asuselness s n better wt Vattmos argument ere.ranslator's note)

    2 UM 63; te talcs are Netzsces

    3 bd UM 115, 20 C Truth an Metho . 26916 UM 797 UM . 7818 UM . 12 12219 UM . 5

    20 Te rst voume of Human all too Human begns wt anaorsm tat sets out a rogramme r a storcal tye oflosozng Note also aorsm 292, were te sgncance of ts return to story on Netsces art s exounded n a gly suggestve manner wt nts of a ndof Netscean enomenoogy of te srt'. On ts wolequeston see te second secton of my soetto e la maschera

    21 Gadamer refers excty to Wttgensten n reaton to teconcet of lay and language n a note n te reword toTruth an Metho xxv, n. 1) But nowadays tere are auge number of studes esecaly n Germany tat urortto establs connectons between ermeneutcal ontoogy andte later Wttgensten; am tnng artcuarly of te worofK e. See also G Radntzy Contempoary Schools ofMetascence vo. 2, Gteborg 1970.


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    22 R alme Hrmucs vaon ll 969 . D HicVdy d Irro New Haven 967

    23 n ti connecon ee te article Hermeeuti by G. belign e encyclopeda Rgo Gsc ud Ggwr

    and e roducon to my irmrjosoo dirrzo Milan 1967

    24 B p 2825 ru d od p 4226 e poblem tat provide te atingpoit Bg d

    im te probem of te meanng of Being i deermied amuc a ad indeed more ta by e peomeological

    poblematic of regonal otologie ad fundameta oology, by e queio of ow eedom can be toug, andteee ow itory can be tougt, witin te categoeof metapyic. ggee r Hdrs P okg ra D Magara ad S. Babe tlatic Higland, 987 a gigted e mpotace of te elgiouprobem, and moe pecicaly e poblem of te ecouer

    betwee e ew conent of te Crita meage and emetapyical cema of Gee pioopy dung te pepaaio ofBg d m i e Feibug yea But i acualct e quetion of ow t poible o e cone ofCriia eoogy in te laguage of metapyic atbottom e ame a e queton of wete te categoie ofGee meapyic are adequae to decribe ocal

    exitece27 C B p 262: popoig ou detion of tut we

    ave o sk o e aditon but we ave rord itprimordaly: t a eat ossib o read t in a eevourable to my agument.

    28 may row lgt on te way a in conemporaryculture linguitc, ad epecialy Sauuean inguic, aincreagy ae on e ole of a mode r e umancience; i raie e queton weer i model coud andould peap be exeded in general o al te ciece

    29 ru d od pp 27 7 ad ssim0 See r exampe toe page n ru d od at deal

    wt te ontologca igncace of e image and in wc


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    O/T RO

    Gaame alks exi abo e inease o being oe b he mage on he moe 3 hee is aine hee ha an eas be exene o he manne nhih Gaame oneives o iso an neeaon

    31 On Wikungsgshih an elae hemes see Tuh and Mhod 2 an passim

    32 C Tuh and Mhod, 3-.33 C Esia Toia da fomaivi, 2n e. Bologna 190

    an i inpaion Milan, 197134 n e same a ih ei iea o eoeal aie,

    Alhsse an his oes nesan e ivison o abononialeall an eee ovie a jsaion nelea ok as i is in he o oae aaism. Mho esena Fenh loso an ism is given ohe o exeises in heoi, gail se as e e a oevoion

    3 C J Habemas On h Logi ofh Soia Sins, ans SW. Niolson an]. A Sa Cambge, 1988

    3 See examle Tuh and Mhod, 32.3 J.P. Sae Th om of Mhod, ans H E Banes,

    onon 19, 89-90.


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    The Dec line o t he Subject andt he Pr ob lem of Testim ony

    A y appeal t the dea testmny nwadays can justablybe labelled anachrnstc. At east r anyne wh waseducated durng the eary pstwar perd n urpe thewrd testmny seems netrcably lned t a welldenedera n the hstry urpean cuture namely the era estentasm Testmny as a phlsphca and thelgcaterm s a remnder the prund ntensty wth whchm the tme Keregaard estentasm has alwaysvewed the unrepeatable estence the ndvdual and hspartcuar and hghy persnal relatnshp wth truth arelatnshp t whch a persn cmmts hmse whlly

    eclusvely and n slatn There s a clear nstance ths nJaspers celebrated thess n Gale and Brun accrdng twhch Gales retractn n the ce the Inustn desnthng t mpugn the scenticaly demnstrabe truth the helcentrc thery whereas Bruns phsphcal truthsubssts ny n the testmny he bears t t Thus Brunculd nt retract wthut at the same tme destryng thet th hs phlsphy. ence a scentc truth s ahstrcaand unversal whe phlsphcal truth has n ther mean-ng than t be the truth the estence the ne whpresses t and prpunds t t the wrd

    Tdays phlsphca clmate shws ltte nterest n thsknd subect and s n genera unreceptve t the themes

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    claic eitentialim uch a the individual eedom tochooe reponiilit death and A t indierence to uchtheme i indeed peculiarl characteritic of thoe who claimnone the le to e heir to eitentialim Such i the caewith rench tructuralim r example which unuetion-al pick up Heideggerian theme, even if on occaion onlto travet them And on a ver dierent level of theoreticalprondit there i adamer hermeneutical ontolog, atheor of interpretation in which it i difcult to ingle outan determinate nction correponding to the peron. Of

    late there ha in ct een a wave of imperonalim oth atthe level of the mot penetrating philoophical reearch andat the level of more eeting cultural trend Although thi inot the place to eamine the phenomenon in depth, Icertainl do not elieve that it ha onl a negative inuenceand ought to e reited, rather it i a mptom of a real turn

    inour wa of thinking and a tranrmation in the nda-

    mental condition of eitence. An dicoure on tetimonmut egin om a recognition and anali of thi ct,which i connected with the decline of eitentialim and at adeeper level with the crii of the notion of the ujectitelf.

    recognie the reaon r peaking of the anachron-

    itic lavour of a concept like that of tetimon we mightconider the work of the two author om whom perhapmore than anone ele the current imperonalitic trend inphilooph and culture take it rie namel Nietce andHeidegger. he are the one aove all whoe aumptionhave made an idea lie that of tetimon eem out of date

    that i, through their initiation of a radical critiue of thenotion of the uject the uject a contituted and conoli-dated om ecarte onward on the ai of a traditionidentiale with that of claicim and Chritianit n anuthell the epreion ourgeoiChritian uject cap-ture the contitutive feature of thi uect and i notunithl to the deeper intention of Nietche and Hei-


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    H F H S U B E C T

    Nitsc on prsss islf trncantly and sgncantly on tstony n ts ost t nd bltcr s artyrdo. t rgs n Zarahusra partII of t prsts') wr t probativ val of Cristinartyrdo s copltly discrditd H dsisss as ttrlybsrd t ida tat a trt ay b donstratd by tsdding of blood ndd, bood is t worst wtnss oftrt blood posons nd trnsrs t prst tacng intodlson and atrd of t art ' Nor is tis all: wrts nhe AniChris: artyrs av harme trt' r t olis

    and t nav ar takn n by artyrdo ty r alwys toordy to sppos tat a cs r t sak of wic sooncs dat cannot b witot val.2

    iportnt tng r r y prposs s ndd rNtsc slf s not so c t dstnction btwnt quaesio iuris of t trtval of proposton and tquaesio fai of t sbjctiv vidnc on t basis of wc aprson scrcs is l n wsng to afr tt propos-tion. Asid o anyting ls trdtonal Crstin tnking abot artyrdo as nvr gon so r as to aintaintt it nts to a tr nd propr proo of t trt ofCristinity Nor dos Ntsc r is part old tat tris prly logcotapyscl quaesio iuris rgarding trt-

    val tt cn b st gnst t spl ct of t irrsstblsbjctiv vdnc on t basis of wic a prson is willngto d r a cs. Ratr r Ntsc vrytng srdcibl to a quaesio fai nd tis is t anng of tcriti of t da of vdnc tat ntats in t ssyOn rt nd Falsty n tr Ultraorl Sns and con-

    tns rgt p to t nots rhe Will o Power.

    In t lttr gos as r as to stat baldly tat y nabilty to concvt contrary of a givn proposition as possbl is vry ro donstratng t trt of it n ct t provs tat tproposton s ls r t s trby rvld to b rly adtrntiv condtion r t prsrvaton and dvlop-nt of crtan typ of l naly y own nd t lf of


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    T H I r H U BJ

    my world My accepting it r tre i th completely theoppoite of the detached and obectie iew of the cientit iti an act that i pemely paionate and committed andtherere premely open to error at leat according to thetraditional criteria r objectiity3 Here again thoghNietzche concern i not to contrat a poibly objectieand detached way of knowing the trth with a partianditortion of it in hi eye eidence i itelf tainted with thibaic ice What eem obio and clear to me, een whenthe eidence r it i obtained by way of a highly tringent

    dicipline ch a that of the cientic method, eem oonly within a amework of need that belong to a particlarrm of life, a Nietzche often nderline, epecially in heWill to Power.

    hi i the meaning of Nietzche redction of trth tomorality Wheneer a propoition eem eident thereoperate a erie of hitorical premie and predipoitiontoward acceptance or rejection on the part of the bject,and thee predipoition are gided by an oerriding inte-ret in the preeration and deelopment not imply of lifea ch bt of a particlar rm of li Thi i not howeerthe ame a the mere redction of a priori or of orderingchema of experience to hitorical trctre, to biological,

    pychological or ocial heredity a in a certain type ofeoltionitic poitiim. Or at leat we cold ay thi:Nietzche afrmation of the hitoricity of the a priori awe might call it i a great deal more radical than it i inpoitiim There are two reaon r thi on one hand he ientirely ee om eoltionitic prejdice, o that r him

    the hitoricity of the a priori alo implie it nonneceityand relatie rtitone Or mode of being in the worldand or criteria r ditingihing tre om le are notthoe that are dictated by life a ch they are not the onlyor the bet one r le in general hey are thoe appropriateto a particlar rm of life contitted and conolidateda a precie and particlar congration of relation of


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


    T H E I T I U BJ

    doitio reltios tt cold ve bee d y beoter t tey re ct te doctre o te sperots to polec gist evoltiois; t its ttoder , r o beig te cltio o process oevolto is relty r tt st be cged dovercoe, ot by rter developet bt by otig lesst ttio

    A secod etre o ts Nietzsce storcty o te priori etils its developet to teory o te strtiedstrctre o cosciosess Ad tis brigs s to te rel root

    o Netzsces reecto o rtyrdo d testioy As weve see Nietzsce rejects te vle o rtyrdo o tegrods tt rresistble evidece is o sig o trt sice terely ttests to te cority betwee give propostiod te iterests o certi r o l to wic tedividl belogs Hs rel poit owever is ot siplytt evidece itsel s oly sg o sc cority, bt tteve te crterio o evidece s te becrk o trt s costttive spect o certi istorcl r o l te oeto wic we belog We evidece ( Crtes ters cler d distict de) is tke s te llrk d distictivecrtero o trt tis is cltrl peoeo tt iscostttive o civiliztio wic is coceived d

    deed i ters o coscosess d te egeoy ocoscos kowig over every oter spect o te perso-lity

    To pt it crdely te rtyr tks tt trt is soe-tig e s t is disposl yet relity wt e tks os tre is oly tt wc cors to cert prcticl/

    tiltri sces tt e sres wt is prticlr epoc,wit is storcl species Ad ts bsic rtoqickly opes te wy to rter step We ssert ttsoetg s tre sc s it s evdet wt goes o ie is ctlly qite dieret o wt sees to e to begoig o Wile y cosciosess tlks bot wt is tred wt s lse belevig itsel to be detced d objectve

    i scietic wy i relity t is dog otg else bt

  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


    H E E C L I E H E U E C T

    cultivatig ad vouig the assetio of its ow iteestsad those o the goup o epoch o social class to which itbelogs ad which it ucoscious epesets hus thee ismoe goig o i the act of owig tha is appaet tocoscousess o the cota what it does is to electwithi itself a pocess that has alead tae place outsideitself he momet we ecogie what has tued ito thestuctue of the schemas o the basis of which evideceappeas to us as evidece the hegemo of cosciousess isdestoed e of the meaigs of that complex otio of

    the will to powe is this a om beig able to be summedup ad cted i cosciousess o i the kowledge each ofus has of himself ad the esposibilit each coceives himself, the idividua pesoalit is a esemble, pehapsot eve a sstem, of dieet stata o pulsatios as wemight call them Nietsche calls them passios) that ae at

    odds with oe aothe ad give ise to euilibia that aeeve moe tha povisioal this view the cassical/Chistia idea of the peso

    deives its egitimac soel om the ct that Euopeama dive b the pessues of social demads ad the ugeto poductivit ad domiatio, is ogaied ad goveedb cosciousess, b easo ad b the passio tuth,5to which the othe compoets of his pesoalit ae subo-diated Paadoxicall, howeve, pecisel though its owpassio tuth ad the pusuit of tuth cosciousess hasbought itself ito cisis It has come to eaie that itamouts to ol oe passio amog ma, that hegemohas bee attaied though moe o ess casual o at least

    extea cicumstaces Above al it has discoveed that thesubodiated passios have bee athig but cushed theavege themselves thei humiliatig coditio i the wathat slaves do o thei maste, b imposig o the vecosciousess that believes it has them ude cotol adistoted ad degeeate logic of thei ow he topic issciatig exploed i Beyon Goo an Evil ad heGenealogy of Morals


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


    H C N T H U B E C r

    his discovry lavs cosciousss i a kid of itrdiat positio th positio dd as ihilis Cosciousss grows awar that it has casd to b th supristac of prsoality. But lard Socratic igorac isth datally subvrtd sic kowig that it dosot kow that it o logr costituts th totality of th ow cass to b a ark of coscious supriority Whatcosciousss rally ils to s is ot th objct i ot of itbut its ow atur its ow costitutio its ow hiddorigi idd why of its ow choics ad of th vidc it

    fls coplld to accpt Socratic raso or th kowldgof okowldg was raso coig of ag ad it is oticidtal that th coct of Mnikit is so iportat iKat prcisly whr raso bcos Socratically awar ofits ow liitatios ad thus i a ss astrs th.

    hus tstioy is urliabl i Nitzsch prcisly isor as it is giv by a idividual who is dd i trs ofth supracy of cosciousss ovr all othr aspcts ofprsoality. For to us a juridical taphor this idividualhas ot co of ag; h is ot astr' of hisl ct thsupracy of cosciousss o th basis of which a prsoaswrs r hislf ad givs tstioy is a ctitioussupracy udrid at th udatios by th hidd

    rvolt of th othr passios th rvolt that givs birth to thcolossal display of uross that is our civilizatio. hsupracy of cosciousss is rthr udrid agai atth lvl of urosis by th awarss it has acuird of itsow suprfciality.

    this prspctiv th Kirkgaardia apology r th

    subjctiv thikr ad xisttialAngt,

    togthr with thirsubsut dvlopts i philosophy look xtrlyrot lik sothig still trappd withi th awork ofth bourgois/Christia traditio. Ad talk about tstioyss to los all its aig ct its subjct vaishsh witss hislf is rducd to th lvl of pur sypto.Far o big th ultiat ad activ ctr of itrprta


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


    F H U B

    to tus to a objct subsqut tptatos. do ot wat to vtu ypotss suc a vast ad

    costatly cagg aa of study as tat wc cocvs of

    a possbl lato btw Ntzsc ad psycoaalysswt t b stocal/bogapcal o puly totcal wll mly ot tat Ntzsc's ctqu of t oto oft subjct atcpats ts actual dstucto at t ads ofaalytcal psycology ou ow ctuy oto oftstmoy gos out of dat as a sult of t vso of ttadtoal acy of t lmts of t dvdual

    psyc s vso as mat a casgly domatol t ucoscous a tdcy ot ulatd toNtsc's stss o sttv l

    Wat s gally fd to as Hdggs Kehre, tabupt otologcal mutato s tougt aft Being anime ld to a aalogous sult at last wt spct to t

    ctqu of t oto of t subjct f Ntzscs ctqu oft bougos/Csta subjct atcpats ad qustostms ad agumts lat dvlopd by psycoaalyssHdggs ot to ovcom t da of t subjct as amo pcsly otologcal caact v f w must stllask wat tat may ma. passag olzwege w(s lgustc obscuty oc lly justd) Hdgg

    calls t ovcomg of subjctvty as t costtutvfatu of ma coms at t d of a tay tat s ofpatcula tst t statd om pcsly t kdof xsttalstc, Kkgaada ad Augusta postostat also povdd t cotxt t mgc of tpoblmatc of tstmoy.

    f w lav asd What is Metaphysis? o of t moststkg atus of Hdggs wtgs a Being an imes t dsappaac of a wol ag of tms wc adb xtmly pomt bot s ow aly tougt adv mo so t dvlopmts of t put wad byvaous xttalstc tks Suc tms clud tat ofAngst of cous but also auttcty (wt ts colatv of


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


    H C r S B

    iathetcity) I the abece of a explcit codeato oftetmoy edegge we mt c or dco othe latte to whch tetmoy cloely elated epecially it philoophicotheoogical deveopmet extetialitcicle A elcdatio of the coectio volved herewold obvoly be a codeable dertakg reiig amal deito of tetmoy telf which have teadtake here the average ad eveyday ee which thetatigpot edegge aalyi i Being an ime AI dicated at the tat tetimoy implie the idea of a

    cotittve elato betwee the dvidal ad tth ooe had tth omeoe' wthot ceag to be tth ado the othe it i tth pecely ad oly o a t thetrth of omeone who tetie to it If thi mplicato ivaldly draw the oto of tetmoy ca be related toedeggea athetcty a cotated wth atheticexitece the wold of the they hle the chatter of theathetc they toche o eveythg bt relate toothg atheticty doe ot allow or ehavgreght ad ecoceptio (cotttg o precompeheo) to be preeted to by ce ad poplarcoceptio (B p ) tead it appopate the thgtel Ad becae the thig Being an ime i alway a

    itrmet th appropiatio poble oly o a thethg i take p ito a project decded o ad choe byDaei Dae th appropate the thig oly o a tappopate itelf oly or a it athetc 8

    here ae eidegge two codito r the attaimetof trth which he tll eem to evage hee term of

    aaequato Fit we have to have opted o ow motathetc poiblty ad ecod we have to be prgtrth wthi a poect that i the vey extece of Daehi talk of optg clearly mple that the poject radcally dvidal a the deciio that o oe ca take(ad the death that o oe ca de) o my behalf


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    eertele, weer eaily demntrable r nt, ucanalgie between Heidegger idea f auenticity and teidea f etimny are nt my main cncern ere. ater,

    want t w w and wy te nlgica urn in Heideg-ger tugt inle an inenicatin f i criiue f teburgei/Critian idea f te ubec. n ct, te uppre-in, indeed te cmplee diappearance f nin like tatf auenticity in e later Heidegger i merely a ympm fti intenicatin. Aready in Being and Time n mralignicance cud legiimately be ug in te autenic/inatenic ppiin alug i away implied a rerence t te ntin f deciin in te laer wrk tere eemt be n pin in alking abut a cice n man part, unei i te cice wai and prepare r a new adent fBeing i becme increaingly eiden after e Letter nHumanim were tat wic trw, in e prect, i

    Being, and in te later tinking abut language. Bu teunderying aumptin are already be und in On teence f rut, were man eedm i rted andunded in a deeper eedm, wic ten turn ut t be teeedm f Being itelf in i epcal eene.

    n Heidegger te diappearance f te idea f auenticityand e l f te meaning f te ubect g and in andwit te deepening f i analyi f metapyic a edetiny f Wetern tugt, if nt f uman tugt ingeneral. nr a metapyic i recgnized a detiny, teditinctin between auenticity and inautenicity n lngerccur wiin te indiidual but i rater an eent tatcncern Being itelf and it tructure nautenticity i te

    nnrut tat necearily accmpanie and und trut adicledne. Accrding Beng and Tme Daein i t beund alway aready, primrdialy in inauenticity. n tentlgical perpectie tat i later deelped, ti meanta trut arie and i dicled alway and nly in a ettingf nntrut, f epoh f upenin and cncealmen.


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


    H E E C I E H E U BJ E C

    e eult i that we loe a impotat ditictio udi Beng and Tme, a ditictio much teed b the citic,epeciall the Maxit oe om Lukc owad. Beng

    and Tme the iautheticit i which Daei alwa, aleadad pimodiall exit i tied to the ct that Daei eitwith othe i ociet, ad coeuetl alwa ted totae commo opiio a the bai it poect But ocemetaphic ha bee ecogized a deti, the idividual'belogig to a hitoical wold become a poibilit that icotitutive. e doe ot become authetic b leavig the

    wold of the hey i a peoal aumptio of epoibilitet ito the phee of authetic exitece, which doe otget Beig i it peoccupatio with beig, ca ol occuif it actuall ca) though the modicatio of thi woldthough the tamatio of oe epoch of Beig itoaothe.

    It i ot m coce hee to exploe all the coeuece othi tu i Heidegge thought hall ot attempt example, to decide whethe thi tu impl exted aduivealize the idea of iautheticit om which it become uite impoible Daei to ecape wheea Bengand Tme till allowed the poibilit of authetic deci-io) M poit i thi the theo of metaphic a thedeti of Beig ield the dicove that belogig to ahitoical wold i eceail ad uavoidabl cotitutiveof idividualit hee ca be o idividual autheticit ia iauthetic wold; the move ito autheticit deped oa compeheive tamatio of thi wold o the iau-guatio of a dieet epoch of Beig'.

    I believe that acceptace of thi ct ot ol allow thedicove of a impotat dimeio of the igicace ofthe cii i the otio of the ubject it alo hed ew lighto the uetio of the Kehre i Heidegge' though,accomplihig a thei of it vaiou itepetatio. Igeeal thee ae two tpe of uch itepetatio; oe i aiteal' itepetatio tedig to de a dametal


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc



    break between the Heidegger of Being and Time and the laterHeidegger he other is a biographical/political interpretation linking what is now held to be a clear relinqishment of

    the positions in Being and Time to its athors adherence' toNazism9 wo types of consideration provide the bestargments r the internal interpretation First, there is thect that Being and Time is om the otset ankly ontologicalin its concerns insor as its analysis of existence was to haveserved prely as a preparation r a rethinking of theproblem of Being Second the startingpoint of Being and

    Time as well as the analysis in the pblished part of thework, were already orientated towards the negation of allpossible transcendentalism, of all doctrines of the sbectConseqently they were open to and indeed specicallymoving towards an acceptance of the sbects belonging toa sphere mch broader than himself and his own decisions

    n this light, Heidegger's intellectal itinerary after Being andTime contains another highly revealing element Startingwith a critiqe of eokantian and phenomenological transcendentalism, in the name of exigencies that are existentialin a broadly Kierkegaardian sense (r there is a prondanalogy between Heidegger's polemic against eokanianism and Kierkegaard's polemic against Hegel, Heideggerltimately negates and overcomes those same exigencies.he Christian/borgeois individal is set over and againstthe transcendental sbect; however, what the ontologicalKehe ltimately demonstrates is that this individal sharesthe same characteristics as that sbect and that the critiqeof transcendentalism implies also a crisis r borgeois/

    Christian individality In other words, these two notionsare very r om being opposed to each other in the radicalmanner sggested by the classical antithesis between Hegeland Kierkegaard, r they share the same roots A negationof one cannot il to lead to a negation of the other.

    his is the line of interpretation which I have calledinternal' it considers the Kehre to be reshadowed both in


  • 8/10/2019 (Parallax_ Re-visions of Culture and Society) Gianni Vattimo-The Adventure of Difference_ Philosophy after Nietzsc


    T H D C N F H U B J C T

    te uetn tat pmpted t and n te pvnal eutf Being and Tme But t lne can be cntated wtante ne exemped abve all by Lwt pemcal

    bk Hedeer Dener dger e

    In t bk teatu between Beng ad Tme and te ubeuent wk een a datc tat t cannt be explaned except byefeence t a bgapcal ct: Hedegge adeence tNam. A me teetcal vaatn f