Paragrpah Writing Assignment - 4.1.16


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How to Write a Good Paragraph: A Step-by-Step


Follow this guide on how to draft, expand, refine, and explain your ideas so that you write clear , well-developed   paragraphs and discussion posts:

Read through each step and answer all the questions in red colour . These steps are designed to take you through

a structured process of ideating and writing a paragraph. The final step requires you to write the actual


The Step-by-step guide has to be written and submitted for all the 6 paragraph writing topics/prompts

given below:

The best thing I ever learned

o!puter vs pencil

"#$ things that happen to us can help us to beco!e better people.

%y favourite !ovie character

I a! sitting here thinking about&&

$ear %r. 'ri!e %inister 

Step 1: Decide the Topic of Your aragraph

"efore you can begin writing, you need to know what you are writing about. First, look at the writing

 pro!pt or assign!ent topic. #s you look at the pro!pt, note any key ter!s or repeated phrases because you

will want to use those words in your response. Then answer the questions below:

!n what topic am " supposed to be writing#

$hat do " %now about this topic already#

"f " don&t %now how to respond to this assignment' where can " go to find some answers#

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$hat does this assignment mean to me# (ow do " relate to it#

#fter looking at the pro!pt and doing so!e additional reading and research, you should better understand

your topic and what you need to discuss.

Step ): Develop a Topic Sentence

"efore writing a paragraph, it is i!portant to think first about the topic and then what you want to say

about the topic. %ost often, the topic is easy, but the question then turns to what  you want to say about the

topic. This concept is so!eti!es called the controlling idea*

(trong paragraphs are typically about one !ain idea or topic, which is often explicitly stated in a topic 

sentence. )ood topic sentences should always contain both *+ a topic and *- a controlling idea.

The topic   $hat is the main sub+ect matter or idea covered in the paragraph*

The controlling idea  $hat is this one idea that focuses the topic by providing direction to the

composition of the paragraph*

Read the following topic sentences. They all contain a topic *in orange and a controlling idea *in purple.

/hen your paragraphs contain a clearly stated topic sentence such as one of the following, your reader

will know what to expect and, therefore, understand your ideas better.

0xa!ples of topic sentences:

'eople can avoid plagiari,ing by ta%ing certain precautions.

There are several advantages to online education.

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ffective leadership requires specific .ualities that anyone can develop. 

Step : Demonstrate Your oint

#fter stating your topic sentence, you need to provide infor!ation to prove, illustrate, clarify, and1or

exe!plify your point.

#nswer the questions:

$hat e0amples can " use to support my point#

$hat information can " provide to help clarify my thoughts#

(ow can " support my point with specific data' e0periences' or other factual material#

$hat information does the reader need to %now in order to see my point#

2ere is a list of the kinds of infor!ation you can add to your paragraph:

Facts, details, reasons, exa!ples

Infor!ation fro! the readings or class discussions

'araphrases or short quotations

(tatistics, polls, percentages, data fro! research studies

'ersonal experience, stories, anecdotes, exa!ples fro! your life

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(o!eti!es, adding transitional or introductory phrases like: for example, for instance, first, second, or last  

can help guide the reader. #lso, !ake sure you are citing your sources appropriately.

Step : 2ive Your aragraph 3eaning

#fter you have given the reader enough infor!ation to see and understand your point, you need to explain

why this infor!ation is relevant, !eaningful, or interesting.

#nswer the questions:

$hat does the provided information mean#

(ow does it relate to your overall point' argument' or thesis#

$hy is this information important/significant/meaningful#

(ow does this information relate to the assignment or course " am ta%ing#

Step 4: 5onclude

#fter illustrating your point with relevant infor!ation, add a concluding sentence* oncluding sentences

link one paragraph to the next and provide another device for helping you ensure your paragraph is unified.

/hile not all paragraphs include a concluding sentence, you should always consider whether one is

appropriate. oncluding sentences have two crucial roles in paragraph writing:

First, they draw together the infor!ation you have presented to elaborate your controlling idea by:

Summari,e the points7 you have made*

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Repeating words or phrases fro! the topic sentence.

3sing linking words that indicate that conclusions are being drawn *e.g., therefore, thus, resulting.

Step 6: 8oo% !ver and roofread

The last step in good paragraph writing is proofreading and revision. "efore you sub!it your writing, look

over your work at least one !ore ti!e. Try reading your paragraph out loud to !ake sure it !akes sense.#lso, answer the questions:


Does my paragraph answer the prompt and support my idea#

Does it ma%e sense# Does it use the appropriate academic voice#

Step 9: $rite the paragraph

3sing the ideas and content created in the above 4 steps, write a proper paragraph.

3se the structure and style explained in the above steps