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Joseph D. DimayugaThe view on women during today's modern times is significantly different from the past. At present, there has been a rise of women empowerment. Women of today's society continue to impose a feminist idea that women are phenomenal and extraordinary. Gender equality, although not completely, is being respected by today's society and has been accepted as a human right that everyone is entitled to. Nowadays, there are many feminist groups that exist to continue fighting for gender equality. Even men support these groups and believe that women are just as powerful are. There are woman presidents, inventors, billionares, and other phenomenal women to prove this. But the rights that women enjoy now have not always been the same. It has been a lengthy and tormenting road fighting for women's rights that can be traced back to ancient times. The rights that women deem normal now, like being able vote or have a job other than household chores, was very unusual in the past. Although, women empowerment is an idea that is widespread in today's society, women continue to be looked down upon. Not everyone is seen as Maya Angelou or Michelle Obama, there are still many women experiencing human trafficking, prostitution, rape, or domestic violence. Most women still do not feel safe being able to walk in the streets without the fear of getting rude remarks from men--or worse, being raped. There are still women who result to prostitution to pay for their families or just to get through their lives. Women still stay with their boyfriends or husbands despite being brutally abused, physically or verbally. Some women still have the mentality that women are only meant for certain labels and stereotypes. Many people still get shocked when women study courses like engineering, architecture or medicine because some people still view it as manly jobs. Respect for gender equality has never been completely achieved. Back in Jesus' time, most women were mistreated but Jesus was always there to defend them. Some even thought that Jesus was a bad man because he was talking to prostitutes and other sinners. Many women were looked down upon but their faith in Jesus has always restored them. There were many stories in the bible including women who were considered as impure. Examples of these would be the prostitutes, the one who had a flow of blood, woman caught in adultery, or the poor widow. These were all women who had faith in the Lord and were forgiven despite the sins that they have committed. The Lord accepts everyone, man or woman, just the same. He accepts sinners, heals them and help them live a better life. The Bible also showed that during Jesus' death women were the first to go up to Jesus and to realize that he was not in the tomb anymore because of his ressurection to Heaven.

In relation to the women of today who need empowerment, God never made anyone better than the other. God made everyone equal and he sent His only Son to help us sinners. He continued to fight for the women who were mistreated because He knew that those women who may be sinners, remained faithful to him. Naturally, women are loving and caring. Women, like prostitutes, rape victims, human trafficking victims, need to remember that the Lord believes that they can be forgiven as long as they remember to remain faithful to him and remember that they are worth more than what they are doing. Women are naturally loving and caring, most of the time they do whatever just to be able to put food to eat on their tables. Women have to remember how important their roles are because they are the reason why people are here. Women bring lives to the world and that should empower them. There are people like Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Ghandi because women brought them to the world. Women should constantly be reminded that Jesus himself was brought by Mary, someone so pure and did not commit original sin was chosen by God to turn Jesus into flesh. All women should realize their worth because Jesus himself acknowledged all the women experiencing suffering and he forgave them despite their sins.