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  • ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)

    DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2, June 2015

    Page | 136




    Zahra Zargar Balayjame1, Mohammad Reza Seirafi2*

    1 Department of Clinical Psychology, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran 2Department of Health Psychology, Karaj Branch, Islmaic Azad University, Karaj, Iran

    *Corresponding Author, Email: [email protected]

    ABSTRACT Objective: the aim of this study is comparing strategies cognitive adjust, emotional and body image in

    women suffering from multiple sclerosis with healthy women .method: in this study, the method of this

    study is causal event - a comparison. The statistics population consisted of women suffering from MS who

    are member of multiple sclerosis community of Iran (patient diagnosis by the specialists of the community

    membership conditions is) that in the second half of 1393 year in MS community center of Iran (located in

    city of Tehran,) were present.

    The volume of study statistical sample consisted of 180 people (90 people of women suffering from

    multiple sclerosis referred to the MS community of Iran and 90 people of healthy women for example,

    investigated and aim sample), which is as a available sampling method as the statistical sample was


    Research instruments were consisted of excitement cognitive emotion regulation order questionnaire by

    Nadia Gernfesky et al and body image concerns (bici). To analyze the hypotheses of ANOVA was used.

    Findings: the results showed that the fact that there is a significant difference between cognitive emotion

    regulation strategies among women suffering from multiple sclerosis with healthy women was confirmed.

    Also between body image of women suffering from multiple sclerosis with healthy women, there was a

    significant difference. Conclusion: the results showed that women suffering from multiple sclerosis in

    cognitive emotion regulation strategies and body image with serious probleMS are faced.

    Therefore, it is suggested that patients who are suffering from multiple sclerosis are under supervision of

    drug treatments besides psychologist treatment and by supportive treatments and creating positive attitude

    to life, it is possible to help people in the face of sufferers disease from multiple sclerosis

    KEYWORDS: excitement- cognitive regulation, body image, multiple sclerosis.

    INTRODUCTION Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease, since the immune system can not recognize your tissues,

    mistakenly attact to myelin sheath covering nerves.

    Melin is lipid membrane that surrounds nerve fibers and causes conduction facilitate of nerve shocks

    (dennison, moss-morris and chalder, 2009). The loss of melin in multiple sclerosis is associated with

    reducing the speed of nerve message. Where the destroyed melin of sclerotic levels and the hard-set (as a

    scar) occurs and because these levels are as numerous in brain and spinal cord, numerous scleros or multiple

    sclerosis are called. (Khanjani, 1391).

    In multiple sclerosis the clinical symptoMS depend on the location and extent of damage have and

    destruction of melin usually in certain regions, such as the optic nerve, brain stem, cerebellum and white

    material of brain hemispheres and spinal cord, leading to a set of clinical symptoMS as sudden blurred

    vision, inability in limbs movement, ataxia, diplopia, and sensory disorders, as feeling of numbness in the

    limbs and other various symptoMS is (dennison, mouse-morris and chalder, 2009). Multiple sclerosis

    different challenges for physical and mental health to follow.

  • ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)

    DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2, June 2015

    Page | 137

    Empirical research literature indicates high rate of depression and feelings of helplessness, increasing

    anxiety, decreasing subjective welfare, quality of life and probleMS related to relations and social role

    (logio, 2008; dodyouvanaf moin and mazor, 2008; Harrington and badger, 2009).

    Multiple sclerosis threaten independence and person ability to effective participate in the family and society,

    conduct the patients towards lack of competence and their confidence. Personconfidence flawed health and

    her body.

    Patients in accordance with their disease suffere the general stress and increasing. Pretension and

    complications of the disease strongly on the iperson mage of self affects and and the effects of very

    destructive on the patient's self-esteem have (diamond et al., 2008).

    Cognitive emotion regulation strategies have considerable effects on emotions that each person will

    experience. Cognitive emotion strategy regulation is a process through which people adjusted their

    emotions as the conscious or unconscious untill as properly to various environmental applications respond

    (kampel- sailes, Barlow, 2010).

    Also dissatisfaction of body is a cognitive-affective component from body image, which includes the

    feelings and negative recognition and sickness about body (Galyuto, Garcia, Groder, 2012).

    Fealamet, hill, butch hulz, henderson, taska, goldfild (2012, as quoted by dodyouvanaf moin and mazur,

    2008) also pointed out that when persons advertising ideal body image internalize for them and as a

    personal standard introduced person at body dissatisfaction risk will place, and at this time, a wide range

    of disorder behaviors will be common.

    Body image is one of the psychological structures and a central context for health psychologists. The term

    body image has two dimensions of cognitive and attitudinal.

    The perceptual components of body image, on how to see the size, shape, weight, face, movement and

    actions is related while attitudinal component is related which we how feeling and about these features

    have, and how these feelings, driven our behaviors (gleeson, 2006).

    The concept of body image is defined for the first time by sholder and with a psychological outlook as the

    image of our body that forMS in our minds and the way that body for us is clear.

    This concept has two main dimensions of body image capital and body image assessment, which body

    image capital deals to the degree of behavior importance and the cognitive that people to their body and

    appearance attributed deals and body image evaluation the to the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of

    body image and appearance of persons body is related.(harrington and bajer, 2009). Since the concept of cognitive emotion regulation and body image now in the field of providing

    psychological researches has been entered and in about comparing these styles in patients and healthy

    people and also as regards multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease with debilitating and numerous physical

    symptoMS and and most stressful events on person enters, people suffering from this disease have certain

    mental traits and body image more different compared with healthy persons.

    Therefore the purpose of this study was determining the difference between the cognitive regulation

    strategies, emotional and body image in women suffering from multiple sclerosis with healthy women, and

    the main hypothesis of this study were as follows.

    1. Do dimensions of cognitive emotion regulation strategies in women suffering from multiple sclerosis

    (MS) with healthy women are significant differences.

    2. Do dimensions of suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS) with healthy women are significant



    Methodology in this study, after event causal - a comparison which in it comparison of cognitive regulation

    strategies, emotional (its components, including: self-blame, blame others, subjective rumination,

    catastrophic, acceptation, renewed attention on planning, positive renewed attention, positive re-evaluation

    of vision) and body image (its components including: assessment of appearance status, tends to appearance,

    fitness assessment, orientation to fitness , hobby with overweight or mental weight , satisfaction of the areas

    of the body) in women suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS) with healthy women was studied.

  • ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)

    DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2, June 2015

    Page | 138

    In this study the statistical population consisted of women suffering from MS patient who are member of

    MS community of Iran. (Patient diagnosis by the specialists of the community membership conditions is.)

    That in the second half of 1393 year in MS community center of Iran (located in city of Tehran,) were


    The volume of statistical sample in this study 180 people (90 people of women suffering from multiple

    sclerosis( m.s) referred to the MS community of Iran and 90 people of healthy women as the control group)

    that as a available sampling method as the statistical sample was selected.

    Entry criteria for patients including: women suffering from MS past two years of their disease, minimum

    age of 20 years and maximum age of 40 years, minimum education diploma and exit criteria for patients,

    including severe mental disorder, mental retardation, suffering from chronic diseases, such as heart disease,

    kidney disease, etc.

    Research tools

    1. Questionnaire of cognitive emotion regulation:

    Questionnaire of cognitive emotion regulation is a multidimensional questionnaire in 1999 year by

    nadia granefskietal (1999; quoted granefski and kraaij, 2002) designed to identification of persons

    cognitive coping strategies after experiencing the events or negative situations has been used. This

    questionnaire is a self-report tool and has36-item. Implementation of this questionnaire is very easy

    and for people 12 years and older (both normal and clinical populations) has been used.

    Questionnaire of cognitive emotion regulation has the basis of strong theoretical and empirical and

    from 9 subscales his rebuke: questions (1, 10, 19 and 28), others rebuke: questions (9, 18, 27 and

    36), admission: questions (2, 11, 20 and 29), refocusing on planning: questions (5, 14, 23 and 32),

    positive refocusing: questions (4, 13, 22 and 31), rumination: questions (6, 15, 24, 33), the views

    acceptance: questions (7, 16, 25 and 34), creating catastrophizing: questions (8, 17, 26 and 35) has

    been formed. Scores range from 1 (almost never) till 5 (almost always) is. In a study hassani et al.

    (1387), reliability of the scale based on internal consistency and test-retest the methods and the

    validity of mentioned questionnaire through the main component analysis by using varimax

    rotation, the correlation between subscales and good criterion validity were reported.

    Reliability of tool in the present study, through cronbach's alpha 0.79 has been calculated, also its

    formal validity has been approved by the teachers

    2. Questionnaire of body image concerns (bici):

    This questionnaire by lilton etal in 2005year to evaluate the level of people concerns around your

    appearance has made. To evaluate and preparing the present questionnaire lilton etal the present

    questionnaire on 1403 people carried out. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 93% and internal

    reliability coefficient by using cronbach's alpha was 92%.

    Also highly correlation with other existing measurement scales in this area show. For example, present

    questionnaire correlation with physical deformity disorder questionnaire 0.001equaly r =83% obtained

    indicating from high validity this scale is. In Iran, a research by basaknejad on students done reliability the

    questionnaire of body image concerns by cronbach's alpha for male and female all students, respectively,

    93%, 95% and 95% have been reported.

    This questionnaireis self-assessment scale 46-iteMS by cash etal in 1986 and 1987 years to assess

    of body image was created in this study from final form that was prepared by the cash in 1997year,

    will be used.

    This questionnaire including a number of sentence s about way of thinking, feeling or individuals behavior is. The tool has six subscales including: assessment of appearance status, tends to appearance, fitness

  • ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)

    DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2, June 2015

    Page | 139

    assessment, and orientation to fitness, hobby with overweight or mental weight, and satisfaction of the areas

    of the body (Cash and Fleming, 2002).

    Manner of performing

    After selecting two groups of 90 in available women suffering from (MS) who referred to the MS

    community of Iran and healthy women and filling the informed consent forMS to participate in the

    program, first the cognitive emotion regulation strategie questionnaires and questionnaire of body image

    anxiety have been implemented over both groups. After completing research forMS, collected and by

    entering into analysis program spss were analyzed.


    Descriptive findings show that from the 90 triable people18 people were (20%) between 20 till 25 years,

    49 people (54%) between 25 till 30), 23 people (25%) between 35 till 40 years.

    35people (38%) diploma, 37 people (41%) ba 13 people (14%) bachelor and more. Age of onset of the

    disease of 15 people (16%) were between 2 till 4 years, 52 people (57%) between 4 and 6 years, 27 people

    (30%) between 6 and 8 years, 10 people (11%) between 8 till 10 years and higher.

    First hypothesis: there is a significant difference between aspects of cognitive emotion regulation strategies

    in women suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS) and healthy women.

    Table 1.the results of leven test based on default of variance equaliy in ANOVA

    Sig Df2 Df1 F The dependent variable index

    850.8 870 8 58.3 Aspects of cognitive emotion regulation index

    According to data of figure 1, the results of this test show that because the obtained significant level is

    higher than 0.05, thus there is not a significant difference between two groups of control and experimental

    from the perspective of variance, so the default for doing ANOVA has been observed.

    Table 2. The results of ANOVA analysis of variance between the scores of cognitive emotion regulation

    strategies in women with multiple sclerosis (MS) in healthy women

    Sig F MS Df Ss Source

    840.8 078*.3 858.004 8 858.004 Variance between group

    - - 428.258 870 044.44574 Variance within group

    - - - 870 044.45550 Total variance 85.8p

  • ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)

    DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2, June 2015

    Page | 140

    According with table 3, the results of this test show that because the obtained significance level is larger

    than 0.05, so this default has been observed for doing ANOVA.

    Table4. The results of ANOVA analysis of variance between the scores of body image between women

    with multiple sclerosis (MS) and healthy women.

    Sig F MS Df Ss Source

    888.8 578*.40 422.7084 8 422.7084 Variance between group

    - - 323.857 870 400.20883 Variances within groups

    - - - 870 088. 87350 Total variance


  • ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)

    DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2, June 2015

    Page | 141

    Moreover, people suffering from multiple sclerosis with psycho-social consequences of the disease

    including failures in life goals, career, money, relationships, leisure activities, and activities of daily living

    (khanjani, 1391; sadooiing and remik, alen ans swartz, yeh, 2010). Thus it seems logic that psychological

    and emotional problems in patients with multiple sclerosis compared to normal individuals without this

    disease and compared with other chronic diseases are very common.

    On one hand, it can be said that the high prevalence of anxiety, depression and other emotional problems

    and the impact of these problems on the overall performance of individual makes a few researchers identify

    and focus related factors with this problem.( baktash, yaghoubi, yousefi, 1392) including one of these

    factors, there is a kind of emotional dysregulation listed. Stress disorder, depression and anxiety are seen

    as a result of problems in the regulation of emotion (campbell - sales, barlow, 2010) to the extent that

    researchers consider depression as the most common psychological disorder in patients suffering from

    multiple sclerosis and high estimated frequency between 27% to 54%. (Khanjani, 1391; sadovinc, a.d.

    Remick, Allen, Swartz, Yee). In addition, 37% of people suffering from multiple sclerosis anxiety as the

    most debilitating symptom of this disease ( stinger, e. Knudsen, l. Jensen, k) and have reported it in the first

    year after recognizing this disease (khanjani, 1391; sadovinc, kanudsen, l. Jensen, k). So what reason

    women with greater use of strategies to regulate negative emotion and positive emotion regulation strategies

    is to use less of anxiety, depression and stress in their wake is multiple sclerosis.

    Moreover, the results that there is a significant difference between body image in women suffering from

    multiple sclerosis and healthy women has been confirmed. Thus, significant differences can be found

    between dimensions of body image in women suffering from multiple scloresis and healthy women and

    this difference is statistically significant. Patients with chronic and debilitating diseases such as multiple

    sclerosis face dependent problems with this disease.( sanglichi, salimi, dastoorpour, mansouri, ashraghi nia,

    Esmail zadeh and asadi lari, 1392). These problems limit their activities related with well-being. And thus

    a result increase the complications and limitations in their own lives and at the end leaves a negative impact

    on their life quality. (Morgante, l, 2005). Most studies in patients with multiple sclerosis focuses on the

    problems associated with the physical and psychological less on cognitive and psychological aspects have

    noted (feinstein, 2004; diamond et al., 2008).

    Most researches in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis have focused on problems related with

    physical and body dimensions more than cognitive and psychological aspects (Feinstein, a, 2004; Diamond

    and et al, 2008). Researches of Lujive (2008), Mouiin Dudyouvanaf and marz (2008), Harington and Bajer

    (2009) indicate the role of body image and its dimensions in important variables of life including life

    quality. The term body image has two dimensions of perceptual and attitudinal. Perceptional components

    is related with body image, how to size, shape, weight, face, movement and our actions, while the attitudinal

    dimension is concerned with how we feel about these features and how to guide these emotions and

    behavioure (glison, 2996). The researches show that women having more positive body image are more

    satisfied from their lives (Katez, 2007; qouted by asgari and shabaki, 1389). Since the women suffering

    from multiple sclerosis have lower life quality due to their disease, they face serious problems i their body


    The statistical populations of this research to Tehran and women shuddering from MS disease the member

    of multiple sclerosis society of Iran and the difficulty of access to the research sample members due to

    limitations of movement and their disease and prolonging the time of responding because of number and

    variety of questions and muscle weakness of sample members are the limitations of this study. It is

    suggested that future research studies will be done in other cities and other parts of the country on women

    with MS in order to be comparable with the results of present study. As well as future research should be

    done as example of cognitive emotion regulation strategies and body image compared with other patients

    such as breast cancer and MS patients. And due to having multiple sclerosis in a list of specific diseases

    such as welfare support centers, they should apart from financial support with drug treatment; to support

    people with multiple sclerosis to improve body image is also planning to do. And the patients suffering

    from multiple sclerosis should be under supervision of psychologist beside medical treatment. And by

    having supportive treatment and creating positive attitude to life, it is possible to help these people to face

    their problem.

  • ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)

    DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2, June 2015

    Page | 142


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  • ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)

    DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2, June 2015

    Page | 143