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  • 8/3/2019 Paper1_SE_MethodsofMontage



    Jon Tichenor

    SNDS-729Prof. David Stone


    Thoughts on Eisensteins Montage Methods

    Sergei Eisenstein asks in the opening to his essay on cinemas methods of montage if the

    category of Overtonal montage is the pinnacle of all montages or simply a stepping-stone

    for further exploits of the montage categories. It seems difficult to accept the former. At

    the time this essay was written, in 1929, cinema was in its infancy and to accept the

    notion that the montage sequences have been fully investigated at that point is premature,

    to say the leastalthough to this day it is worthy of further investigation and continued

    analyses. Eisenstein goes on to outline what he considers the formal categories of

    montage of them there are fiveMetric Montage; Rhythmic Montage; Tonal Montage;

    Overtonal Montage; and Intellectual Montage.

    As a student of film sound, I am compelled to consider the possibilities of correlating

    these categories into sound for film; how and if they can be translated to fit a film sound

    vernacular, how sound in film can support these categories, and to search for examples to

    support these ideas. Although, fully exploring this is beyond the breadth of this short

    paper. I do, however, hope to do such an investigation throughout the quarter.1I intend to

    use this paper as a prcis to the chapter by outlining Eisensteins montage concepts and

    leave the linkage to film sound for the final.

    1I am hoping to combine the three short papers due throughout the quarter as a precursor to the final paper,

    in which I will attempt to accomplish this along with other concepts that arise.

  • 8/3/2019 Paper1_SE_MethodsofMontage



    Eisenstein notes that the first four categories of montage are simply methods and do not

    become constructions until they enter into relations of conflict with each other.2 He

    goes on to write, within a scheme of mutual relations, echoing and conflicting with one

    another, they move to a more and more strongly defined type of montage, each one

    organically growing from the other.3He also defines and points to examples in his own

    work of each of the montage categories.

    Metric montage finds its roots in the construction of absolute lengths of the pieces.

    [They] are joined together according to their lengths, in a formula-scheme corresponding

    to a measure of music. Realization is in the repetition of these measures


    , according to

    Eisenstein. Rhythmic montage expands on metric montage in that the content within the

    frame is also considered in determining the length of the pieces. Tension is achieved here

    through accelerating the speed of the pieces by shortening them not only by following the

    original plan but also by violating it. The third category is tonal montage. It incorporates

    the movement within the frame of the piece to encourage movement from frame to frame.

    He claims that, emotive structure is applied to nonemotional material.5 Next comes

    overtonal montage in Eisensteins list. This method is organically the furthest

    development along the line of tonal montage,6in his opinion. This characteristic steps

    up the impression from a melodically emotional coloring to a directly physiological

    perception.7 Finally there is the intellectual montage. It is a montage not of generally

    2Sergei Eistenstein, Methods of Montage, in Film Form: Essays in Film Theory, ed. Jay Leyda, 72-83

    (Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Inc, 1977), 78.3

    Ibid, 79.4

    Ibid, 72.5

    Ibid, 77.6

    Ibid, 78.7


  • 8/3/2019 Paper1_SE_MethodsofMontage



    physiological overtonal sounds, but of sounds and overtones of an intellectual sort: i.e.,

    conflict-juxtaposition of accompanying intellectual affects.8

    Eisensteins essay is interesting and thought provoking. His outlined methods of

    montage are concise, to the point, and worthy of further investigation. Plus, the examples

    he provides within his own work are detailed and precise. I look forward examining

    them further and hope to find correlations with other theories, perhaps form some of my

    own, and to find concrete examples with film sound.

    Works Cited

    Eistenstein, Sergei. "Methods of Montage." In Film Form: Essays in Film Theory, by

    Sergei Eistenstein, edited by Jay Leyda, translated by Jay Leyda, 72-83. Orlando, Florida:Harcourt, Inc, 1977.

    8Ibid, 82.