paper - · I. which is a case study...

1 ' .,; .) , '" .. _) , \ . > ? l:- Subject: Individuals & Organizations Max. Marks : Section I - 40 SeCtion u- 27 Duration: 3 hours Date: . Time: 9'oct''M ') Guidelines attemnting .the paper: This is a COmm9t1qllestloll paper. Section I is compulsory for all Divisions. Section II should be attempte4by only Divisions C & F. Please answer Question no. 1 compulsorily in I. From the remai.ning 4 questions answer any 3. Attempt total 4 qnestions In seetIoD I, aDd then .«em»! section lIas per the instructions given in that SemoL . , .. Question No. 1 is a case study, which should be read care1)lUy before answering 1be questions that follow.. A few assumptions about the case arc subject to a clear mention of these while answering n<>t change or revise any givc;n inUle case. AJ'lswer the ease questions briefly. ," Figures to the right indicate maximum marks for a given questio ll ., Section I Q. 1) Read the fo1Jowing case study and answer the questions.that foUow: (10) Manish the of Adarsh Ceramics Ltd. The manufactqres sanitary ware and other ceramic products. manages a staff of 146 people spread in its offices across 3 metros: Mumbai, New Delhi & Bangalore. Manish is known as i : He has the reputation for an eye. on productivity and-profits. At times he does get a little tough and with pecple. But he seems to have streamlined the business operations through his flair for efficiency. a rapport with general Mr. 'Bharat Kumar. Mr,? with sound in the industry and had a umlersbJ,nding;of organizational issues. ,His background as an engineer stOQ<l him in good stead while dealing with product-related He was not as h,igh-handed as Manish, but definitely believed in managing a cordial relationship withliis boss 'by endorsing both his leadership style and manner of working. Mr. J(umjlf decided to reHce, Manish was a little worried. Rajesh Desai took Mr. Kumar's position after his retirement. Rajesh was a well qualified and a senior manager with a pleasant disposition. He believed in a people-centered 22-

Transcript of paper - · I. which is a case study...

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Subject: Individuals & Organizations Max. Marks : Section I - 40 SeCtion u- 27

Duration: 3 hours

Date:. S~~~/ ~q,~~~

Time: ~b.~~ 9'oct''M ') Guidelines ro~ attemnting .the paper:

This is a COmm9t1qllestloll paper. Section I is compulsory for all Divisions. Section II should be attempte4by only Divisions C & F.

Please answer Question no. 1 compulsorily in s~ction I. From the remai.ning 4 questions rD~$St!Oill,:answer any 3. Attempt total 4 qnestions In seetIoD I, aDd then .«em»! section lIas per the instructions given in that SemoL

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Question No. 1 is a case study, which should be read care1)lUy before answering 1be questions that follow.. A few assumptions about the case .s'~ion arc permht~ subject to a clear mention of these while answering theq\lest.~.I)c;> n<>t change or revise any 'fac~givc;n inUle case. AJ'lswer the ease questions briefly. ,"

Figures to the right indicate maximum marks for a given questioll. ,

Section I

Q. 1) Read the fo1Jowing case study and answer the questions.that foUow: (10)

Manish ShfIDllll,i~ the ~EO of Adarsh Ceramics Ltd. The cOtll~y manufactqres sanitary ware and other ceramic products. M~mish manages a staff of 146 people spread in its offices across 3 metros: Mumbai, New Delhi & Bangalore. Manish is known as i : a;b~~~k, m~ter. He has the reputation for ~~in~ an eye. on productivity and-profits. At times he does get a little tough and p~Jty with pecple. But he seems to have streamlined the business operations through his flair for efficiency. J~~ ~~. a $~',Jnq rapport with bi~ general m~nager (o~ralions) Mr. 'Bharat Kumar. Mr,? K~~ ~~,I:l~nior profe~sio~al with sound experienc~ in the industry and had a ~eep umlersbJ,nding;of organizational issues. ,His t~hil!~1 background as an engineer stOQ<l him in good stead while dealing with product-related i~sues. He was not as h,igh-handed as Manish, but definitely believed in managing a cordial relationship withliis boss 'by endorsing both his leadership style and manner of working. Wh~n Mr. J(umjlf decided to reHce, Manish was a little worried. Rajesh Desai took Mr. Kumar's position after his retirement. Rajesh was a well qualified and a senior manager with a pleasant disposition. He believed in a people-centered

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approach1 He thought that people have to be treated with dignity and concern to help them perfpnn their jobs efficiently. He opposed the punishment system and favored PQsi~i'Ve reioforeement for motivating people. ]n his previous organization, Classique Ceramics Ltd, he had used this approach effectively as a deputy General manager. He was confident that people are responsive if the superior is considerate and cares for their interests.

Upon studying the systems of the company carefully, he noticed that there were quite a few rules, which were stringent. One such rule he decided to abolish completely. This rule specified that if a person is late to work for 2 consecutive days then his Iday's leave, or incase ofno balance leave, 1 day's pay be deducted. He also adopted an open-door policy for his employees, so that they could walk in and express their concerns, grievances and problems to him. Manish did not react to these developments, but was definitely not pleased with them. He kept a strict watch on the situation to prevent any deterioration. To his dismay, he saw that the staff indulged in greater unpuDctuality in the first month itself. He pointed this out to Raj~sh.. Rajesh felt that therew~ no cause to be alarmed. But he immediately spoke to department

1" .... ~,heads whosedepBrtmerit registered greater unpunctuality. He told them to counsel the concerned employees to be more careful with their work behavior. Despite this, in the second month also the level of punctuality improved only marginally. Manish asked . Rajesh to reintroduce the previous rule. Rajesh thought that this would send wrong message to the employees and therefore requested Manish to allow him to continue with this at least for 3 months. But Manish was detennined to revert back to the previous rule of deducting leave or pay. At the same time, he advised Rajesh to eannark time for meeting employees so that this does not affect his productive work .time. Rajesh was notverj happy with this however he did accept tJ'te suggested changes. He thought to himsetfihat the road ahead definiteJylooks a difficult one and remembered his previous boss Mr. Telang with whom he shared a perfect rapport and understanding. Even while he contemplated revising his prev~ous stand· he was convinced about his approach being the right one.


I. How would you describe Manish's style of leadership? Do you think that this style is an appropriate leadership style?

2. Was Rajesb's style of leadership a suitable one? Give reasons for your tf answer.

3. ]f you were appointed· th~ ·General manager in place of 1tajesh which leadership style would you choose &: Why?


Q.2) XYZ Technologies wants to set up a new production plant at SUvass&. You have been appointed as a project manager for this projec1. Your first task.:involves selecting people for this project who are ea,eful because the materials are sensitive to mishandling. EmpJoy"S win have aIligh degree ofautonomy bcJcause the plant uses self-diroeted work teams. Identify the peJ'SQOAlity traits from the "Oig Five Personality Dimensions" as well as other personality models t.hal you haye explored during your in~lass discussions on personality that P1~y be useful in piokiQ. people for these jobs. (to)

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Q.3 a) Your colleague Mr. Ramesh Sawant is liked by your boss for his punctuality. As a result of this, he always gets a good appraisal from your boss. This year, Mr. Rarnesh was inadequate in his performance as observed by you and a few other colleagues, but in spite of this he once again managed a very good appraisal from the boss. What perceptual error is this? As a boss, how should you guard against your personal biases and refrain from such errors? (5)

Q.3 b) As a successful manager of your company, you would obviously want to avoid perceptual errors and perceive people neutrally. How would you do this? (5)

Q.4) 'Understanding the need for power, need for achievement and need for affiliation is critical for work motivation' - discuss with appropriate examples. Also discuss Maslow's theory as a base of designing motivational techniques tor employees. (10)

Q.5) Write short notes on any 2 out of the following: (10)

i) Bases ofpower ii) Impression Management iii) Locus of control iv) Women versus men Leaders v) Managerial Grid vi) Tactics for encountering organization31 politics! social influence vii) Role of rewards

Seetion II

Note: Q No 1 is compulsory in this section , .,. Answer any two questions of the remaining questions....

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Q 1.) Define I Explain the following. [any three] [ 9] a. Personality Trait b. Perception c. Charismatic Leadership d. Motivation

Q2.) What are the four dimensions ofrelational work? How can an individual build I strengthen them? [ 9 ]

Q3.) Managers' expectations are key to a subordinates' development. Comment. [ 9 ]

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<H­Q4.) "Storytelling is one of the most effective tools leaders can use. However

leaders need to use a variety of narrative patterns for ditl'erent aims". Elaborate. . [ 9] .

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Oass: PT-MBA (All Divisions) I ~ '1 ~



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Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Subject: Individuals & Organizations


~h \cst \~- Tn 'n1uk- 2 Instructions

Question no. I. which is a case study is compulsory. Read the case carefully and answert~e questions thaffollow. You can m~ktassumptions wherever necessary. ".' . -'. Answ~r any 4 questio~sJrom the remaining questions. All questions carry eqli~,marks. .

Please writtneatly and legibly. Give examples wherever necessary.

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Q.l) Read the followU!g ~ase and answer the questions that foUow:

Safueer Mehta -works~ for Alpha' Pharma Ltd. Alpha Pharma is a 40 year old traditional company which .manufactures pharmaceutical products rangmg from antibiotics to cough syrups. Sanieer is a Medial representative and has to make on an average 10 calls per day to promote the company's products to doctors. He has' been working with the company for past 4 years. He is' srilart employee who bas nwketed the company's products well. However Sameer hateS if someone were to point his flaws. He has often argued out his performance appf3isal with his boss Sudhakar Raut,. if it has been critical. ' Sudhak,ar fu1ds Sameer to be a difficult person -who always expects praise and avoids criticism. . Whereas Sameer believes that he has been loyal to the company in the face of offers from the competitors, as weJl as, he') has really worked hard for the company~ lJe str~ng1y believes that Sudbakar should be more encouraging in his approach by praising good work done rather than criticizing him. Sudhakar on the other hand believes in honestly telling the subordinate where he has gone wrong to help him correct himself in the future. He also be~eVes that too rnUch ofPf~se may make an employee self-complacent. RecentlY Sudhakar was taking stock Qf$ameer's work for the month and he realized tblclt on an average S~eer has been m8Jrins approximately 8-9 calls per day instead of making the standard 10 calls per day. From the records, he found that only on 6 occasions Sarneer had met the standard of 10 calls per day. .So he decided to talk it out with Sameer.

When Sarneer met Sudhakar. he was fuU of apprehension. He expected criticism and hence had prepw:ed his response weU in advance. When Sudhakar asked him about the number of calls made during the month, Sameer immediately said that the new product that he was promoting was a product, which faced stiff competition in the market. Obviously because of this he had to spend more time in convincing the medical practitioners. Sudhakar seemed to be in doubt about this. Sameer further added that he had tried to cover doctors spread over a reasonably large geographical

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area, which made commuting cumbersome. Sudhakar was convinced that Sameer was not prePat:ed to accept any suggestion for improvement and was instead very defensive. S~dh<Jlw closed the meeting by clearly sounding Sameer on the lapse that had been committed during the month and also advised him to be careful in the future. Sameer however thought that Sudhakar was as usual being critical about him and was simply indulging in nit picking.


i) If you were in place of Sameer and if you were asked to explain your position what would you do?

ii) What advise will you give to Sudhakar to help him change Sameer's perception?

Q.2) Ifyou are a senior manager with a FMeG company, and you had two employee profiles handed over to you for selecting a customer service executive, which of these would you chose based on the personality theories? Please read the profiles given below and eJitplain your decision:

a) Raju is an introvert with a flair for structured work routines and though a friendly person generally likes to keep to himself He has been a consistent performer and is generally perceived to be a good co-worker.

b) Hari is an extrovert who likes to socialize and people simply love him for his amicable nature. He is a dependable and an enterprising fellow with a flair for learning.

Q.3) Your subordinate Lata is found to be disinterested in her work and tends to make too many mistakes. She appears listless and dull and you wonder what could make her the same motivated Lata that she was before. She has worked with you since last 3 years, a graduate and a' mother of 2, who has risen up the organizational hierarchy through her sheer hard-work and commitment. But of late she has not been able to perfonn as well as she used* to. As her immediate superior how will you motivate Lata? Discuss anyone motivational theory in detail. . ,

Q.4) Sudhir's boss often gets annoyed with him and his other colleagues and despite any serious problems, the boss expects th~t he should complete his work in given time. He has even threatened Sudhir that if he does not improve' his efficiency and shape up on the job then he may even be fired. Wha. is the leadership style of Sudhir's boss? If you were his boss which leadership style would you use and why?

. Discuss the situational leadership theory.

Q.5) "Power struggles in organizations often lead to politics", discuss this statement in the light of organizational power and politics? How will you prevent such politics in your own organization?



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Q.6) Your colleague who recently got promoted to a senior position has observed'that her male subordinates do not take her very seriously and she overheard one of them telling his other colleague that "I think Alpana will not last in this position for long. Women are good for junior positions but I think that a male boss is needed for a senior position like this one". What kind of perceptual error is this? How -will you covect any such perceptual errors in your own employees?

Q.7) Answer any 2 short notes

a. Bases/Sources ofPower b. Locus of Control c. Impression Management d. Johari Window e. Managerial Grid f Creativity in work place

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Course: PTMBA- 1st yr. (All Divisions) Max. Marks: 100 Academic Year: 2006-~OO7 Duration: 3- hn. ~.~ ~ '-\ ~ B~\-,a.ep6

Answer the rust question, whida is a we study, compulsorily; Answer any 3 questions from the remaining questions. Figures to the right indicate marks for agiven question .

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j Q.l) Read the foJlowing case study and answer the questions that follow: (40)

Mihir Bhandari. An 11M graduate was appointed the CEO of Cosmos Consultancy Ltd. Cosmos developed softWare packages for the finance companies and banks. The ambience at Cosm~s was rather relaxed with a flat organizational structure. Being a softwarehOU$t\it was bUt natma.I for progr~ers and managers to mingle freely with each· other. The company. ProDlOted a fri~dly unstnictured .atmosphere to geA with its nature of~ess. The. aVerage. ase of a COsmos employee was 25-27 years. Before Mihir took ovec as the CEO, H8riPrUad Bhardwaj, an llT ian, was heading Cosmos for nearly 4 years. Hariprasad was known for his professionalism and "burnan touch". Most of the young prpgranuners saw ~ role model in Hariprasad because of his down-to-earth and amicable approach. Out oftJ1e total staff of 167 employees, anyone could walk up to him and freely diScuss his problems with him. He enjoyed the week-end "fun hours" with his employees when the company would give snacks and tea to all the employees and allow them time and space to enjoy themselves. Cosmos has seen a steady growth under him, which in tangible terms meant an increase in business turnover of up 10 llsAS•-- crores. His decision to leave for USA came as a shock to all the employees. And when the new appo~- t4ibir .k>in~ Cosmos, "there was apprehension in the aU. Mihir ofcourse, bad an impeccable tra4 fC(X)rd, with a soUrid COinputer engineering degree and the added management qualification from 11M.

Wrthin a few days .of~ charge, Mihir introduced a few changes. He saw no value in "fun hours" and decided.tQ discontitiuethis practice. He also insisted that employees. first check with his PA and tb~n meet him. MoreOver, when one of the programmers remained absent for more than 2 days without any intimation, Mihir used strong words to communicate his displeasure to Naresh Gupta, the project leader to whose team the programmer belonged. Naresh obviously found Mihir strongly opinionated because he realized that Mihir was not prepared to buy his explanation for the absence. One partiCUlar project team ran into trouble chasing the deadline. Mihir minced no words in communicating to the project manager, Subodh Walavalkar, that if the project was not

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completed within next two weeks then he may be forced to assign the project to another team. Of course, by now the office grapevine was abuzz that Mihir has an "attitude" problem. In the meanwhile, Subodh WalavaJkar resigned along with two other programmers from his team. During the first 6 months, the company showed a slight dip in its profitability. The company's employee turnover went up by a wh~pping 10%. The managing director Mr. Shrihari Sharma was a worried man. He invited Mihir for a meeting to discuss the issue.


1. What happened at Cosmos when Hariprasad Bhardwaj left the company? 2. Was Mihir Bhandari wrong in his approach? Give reasons for your response. 3. Ifyou were in place ofMihir Bhandari 'Yhat would you do?

Q.2) Ifthe boss appraises a mediocre secretary as a good secretary e:very time because of her physical beauty and glamour, what is the perceptual error that the boss is suffering from? What are the other types ofperceptual errors that you will find in the organization? How will you correct these errors? (20)

Q3) Raman's boss Praful always tells him what to do at his job and how to do it.- Raman is frustrated that despite being a qualified engineer, Praful does not allow him an opportunity to work ind~endentJy. What style ofleadership does Praful use? What would be your advice to Praful? Discuss the Situational leadership model. (20)

Q.4) How would creativity contribute to your organization? What are the blockages to aeativity experienced by employees? Use one example to explain the use ofcreativity in your organization or any. other organization? (20) .

Q.5) You need to hire a smart sales executive. You have a choice to make: Subodh is a talkative, polite and an-extroverted penon. On the other band Ameya is a qui~ sincere an~ a loyal person. Which ofthese would you choose as your sales executive? Justify your response. Explain the key determinants ofpersonality. (20)

Q.6) Subir is having serious marital problems and is therefore finding it difficult to concentrate on his work. Unlike in the previous yean ofhis employment. he is now found to be making too many mistakes and often misses important deadlines. As Subir's team manager where will you place Subir on Maslow's Hierarchy ofNeeds? How will you motivate Subir? Discuss any theory of motivation, giving suitable examples. (20)

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Q.l. Read the fonowing case and answer the questions that follow: (20)

CASE Mariish Sharma is the CEO of Adar~h Ceramics Ltd. The company manufactures sanitary ware and other cer8lPi~ produ~s: :Manishminages a staff of ll46 people spread in its offices across 3 metros: Mumbai, New Delhi '& Bangalore. Manish is known as a hard­task master. He has the reputation for ~ping an eye on productivity and profits: At times he does get a li~le tough ~d pushy with people. But he seems to have streamlined the business operations through his flair for efficiency. He had a sound rapport with his general manager (operations)'Mr. Bharat Kumar. Mr. Kumar was a seniOr professional with sound experjence in the industry and had a deep understanding of organimional issues. His technical background as an engineer stood him in good stead while dealing

" \ with product-related issues. He was not as high-handed as Manish, but definitely believed ) in managing a cordial reliltionship with his boss by endorsing both his leadership style

andmanner of working. When Mr. Kumar decided to retire. Manish was alittle worried. ~~h D~,Sai took Mr. Kumar's position after IPs retirement. Rajesh was a well qualified an~ a.senior ~aJUlIJet' with a pl~~ ~sposition. He believed in a people-centered apprQach. He thought that people have to be treated with dignity and concern to help them perform their jobs efficiently. He opposed the punishment system and favored positive reinforcement for motivating people. In his previous organization, Classique Ceramics Ltd, he had used this approach effectively as a deputy General manager. He was confident that people are responsive if the superior is considerate and cares for their interests.

Upon s~udying the systems of thecomp~y car:~Allly. he noticed that there were quite a few mles, which were stringent. One such rule 'he decided to abolish completely. This


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Coune,: PTMBA - AU Divisions Year: I Subject: Individuals and Organization ~~te: 28-09-07 I

Time: 2 hn l b'(~ ~ %..~ lt~rm ) , Marks: 50

I~st'ructions: 'Candidates should rea~ carefully the instructions printed on tbe . qu~tion Paper and on ·tbe cover ofthe·8D$Wer book. which is provided for their

NB: 1. Question No.1 is compubory. 2. Out of remaining questions, attempt aoy.3 questions. 3. I.- all 4gUption$ to be attempted 4. Answer to eath new question to be started ()R a fresh page. 5. Figure in brackets indicate full marks 6. Total number or questions is 5


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rule specified that ifa person is late to work for 2 consecutive days then his 1 day's leave, or in case of no balance leave, 1 day's pay be deducted. He also adopted an open-door policy for his employees, so tha.t they could walk in and' express their concerns,

. grievances and problems to him. Manish did not reach to this development, but was definitely not pleased with them. He kept a strict watch on the situa:tion to prevent any deterioration. To his dismay, be saw that the staffinoulgedin greater unpunctuality in the first month itself He point~ this out to Rajesb. Rajesh feh that there waS no cause to be aIartl\ed. But he immediately spoke to department heads whose department registered greater unpunctuaJity. He to.ld t1}em to coUDcJI the concerned employees to be more car~fulwith their ~ork behaviour. Despite this, in the secoQ4 rnonthatso the level of punctuality improved only marginally. Manish asked Rajesh to reintroduce the previous rule. Rajesh thought that this world send wrong message to the employees' and therefore requested Manish to allow him to continue with this at least for 3 months. But Manish was determined to revert back to the preVious rule ofdeducting leave or pay. At the same time, he advised Rajesh to earma:lk time for meeting employees so that this does not affect his productive work time. Rajesb ~as not "eryhaPPY with this however he did accept the suggested changes. He thought to llimselfthat the road ahead definitely looks a ,.-." difficult one and remembered his previous boss Mr. TeJang with' whom he shared a - ; perfect rapport and understanding. Even while he contemplated revising his previous \. _. J stand he was convinced about his approach being the right one.


a. How would you describe Manish's style of leadership? Do you think that this style is an~ppropriateJ~ershipstyle?

b. Ifyou were .appointed the General Manager in place ofRajesh, what would you do? .

Q.2. H8ri~an, who isa trainee in a retail store, is handsome, polite but laid back. In each QU4I1erly review his bosa Ms Shanlhi appraised him, she ritedhim high on performance. What perceptual error is the boss suffering from? What differ-em perceptual errors occur in the organization? How can you minimize or eliminate these errors? (15)

Q.3. YPl,l have r~ntly interviewed 2 managers for a senior position in your ) o~anization.'Ofthese tWo. Priyanshu is a quick leamer, and is alsO dependable, ~OVerted, ~ an emotionally mature manager. On the other hand Simai1k is a ~et, hardwoiidnS andsincere~ employee. Which of these employees would you promote? Give your reasons. Discuss the biS five model ofpersonaJity. (15)

Q.4. Mohan is a senior manage! in your company, having worked with your company for past 10 years. He is a 8~getter and a high-performing employee. Recently he was interviewed for the position of Vice·President- Marketing. along with Rajendra his oolleague. Subsequently Rajeodra was made the Vice President. After this incident, Mohan is bitter and indulges in nit-picking and anti­management behavior. He has negatively influenced two young employees, as a


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result of which they have left the company. How wiU you motivate Mohan? Where would you place him on Abraham Maslow's hierarchy ofNeeds? Discuss any two theories of motivation? As a manager, what strategies will you use to motivate different employees in your organization? (15)

Q.5. Write Short Notes on any two of the following: . (15)

i) Determinants ofPersonality

ii) Power & Politics in Organization

iii) Stereotyping

iv) Building Interpersonal Relationships

v) Blocks to creativity

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SVKM's NMIMS University

Course: PT-MBA (All Divlsions)

Subject: lndividuab & Organizations Total Marks: 50

Year: 1st Trimester: I

Time: 2 h01ln lb'oo _~.20'Pm.> Date; ~-&9-2008

\~ l PrtdJLY)

Instruction.: Candidates should read carefully the instructions printed on the ,question paper and on the cover ofthe Answer Book. which is provided for their use.

(') N.B.l. Question No.1 Is compulsory. 2. Out of remaining questiona, attempt !!l!.1 questions. 3. Answer to ,aeh new question to be started on a Crah page. 4. Figura in brackets iDdJcate fuD IIUltks. So Total number ofquestioDi are $.

Q.l) Pleale nad the following short case study and auwer th~ ease qoeatioJU th~a

foDow: (20)


Hari Sinha is a Marketing executive With Hardbyte Computer Peripherals Ltd. Hardbyte is a company with .10 years of existence and has a sound product range in computer peripherals. It sells its products at a sliptly higher price in the market because .of its goodwill for quality. Had Sinha is one of the best marketing executives of the compmyc )

'. c.

and enjoys sev~ cor.npany benefits for his ex~ent-performance. Hari's boas Sudhir . Pradhan is thoroughly setisfied With his work and likes Hari. Had on the otherband, likes to sell to ~~~~rath~ than smJill-time dom~c custome:rs. Had also likes to work on ~CP~8.~~ers but not at the cost 01 wasting too DllJCh time on ~y hard to p~onee..»0 ~I18Wltly keeps himselff~ on the targets to l>c adUeved. for the month and tries to reach the DUUdmum. For him, it matters tQ be ahead in the race of. .

selling and th~f()re he worlcs vecy hard and smart. Sudhir has always tried to ensure that Hari is given enouah scope to explore the potential customers on hi" own. He of COU1'SCt

feels a little worried about Bari's attitu4e towards those marketing executives who!lell to small customers. Hari is • times beliUling In his attitude towards them and even ridicules their effo~. Ho~ert Sudhir has tried to ignore this because ofHari's performance.

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Page 14: paper - · I. which is a case study is ... his performance appf3isal with his boss Sudhakar Raut,. if ... to Sudhakar


. Due to the recent slack j.nthe IT industry, Harbyte's business with corporate customers has dipped. Because of this Sudhir has reallocated the targets to all the marketing executives. However. he knows Hari's fetish for corporate clients too well. But he also knows that Hari will have .to be foreed to go to small Customers for promoting the product He is aware of the fact that Han is a man of strong likes and dislikes and hence he is in a fix. He is also apprehensive that ifHari is not given an appropriate pssignment then he may even consider leaving·his job. SUdlllr was fully aware that Had had no dearth of opportunities. Sudhir knows that the dilemma that he is facing is serious and will have to be resolved suitably.

Case Questions

i) From the above description of Hari's character, what seems to be the key motivator, for Hari? What kind of orientation does Hari po~ according to the well..known theories ofmotivation? Disc~ any onc theory ofmotivation.

ii) What should Sudhir do to motivate Hari.and retain him inthc organi7JJ~on? ..•.)! . \.

Q.2) Anirban is a strict boss and virtually dictates to his subordinates, He has low tolerance for mistakes and does not like employees who do not perform too well. What kind of leadership style does Anirban possess? Would you like to work for a boss like Anirban? Ifyou were a superior what leadership style would you use and why? (15)

Q.3) is often found to support his subordinale Mukesh who is very courteous and humble. Though Mukesh is an average performer on the job. Manish.8lways rates him very high. Other colleagues of MukeSh think that because of his hwnility, Manisb gets

. very good rating. What perceptua.l error does Manish suffer 1i'om? What me the other types ofperceptua1 errors seen in organizations? How will you corm:t these errors? (IS)

( ~

\.)Q~4) Radha prefers to work individually without any team interactions. She is a research analyst in her orgaNZat;On.. Nagesb, who is mother ~ analyst in the· same organinmon, is a sociable and outgoing person. He likes to get work done through his people skills. .Reccntly base4 on their paSt petformance, botll were inVited to appear for a selection interVi~ for a sei1ior uumager's position in the organization. Ifyou were oJi the interView panel, which 91 the two would you chose based on their persooality types, assuming that their'performance on the job is similar so far? Explain the Big Five Personality Model (1 sf

Q.5} Write short notes on .,! two oftbe following: (IS)

i) Types ofPower ii) Blockages to creativity ill) Johari Window iv) Strategies to motivate employees

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