PAPER The Increased Risk of Flooding in Hampton Roads: On ...tezer/PAPERS/2018_MTS_SLR.pdf ·...

PAPER The Increased Risk of Flooding in Hampton Roads: On the Roles of Sea Level Rise, Storm Surges, Hurricanes, and the Gulf Stream AUTHOR Tal Ezer Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography, Old Dominion University ABSTRACT The impact of sea level rise on increased tidal ooding and storm surges in the Hampton Roads region is demonstrated, using ~90 years of water level measure- ments in Norfolk, Virginia. Impacts from offshore storms and variations in the Gulf Stream (GS) are discussed as well, in view of recent studies that show that weakening in the ow of the GS (daily, interannually, or decadal) is often related to elevated water levels along the U.S. East Coast. Two types of impacts from hurricanes on ooding in Hampton Roads are demonstrated here. One type is when a hurricane like Isabel (2003) makes a landfall and passes near the Chesapeake Bay, causing a large but short-term (hours to a day) storm surge. The second type is when Atlantic hurricanes like Joaquin (2015) or Matthew (2016) stay offshore for a relatively long time, disrupting the ow of the GS and leading to a longer period (several days or more) of higher water levels and tidal ooding. Analysis of the statistics of tropical storms and hurricanes since the 1970s shows that, since the 1990s, there is an increase in the number of days when intense hurricanes (Categories 35) are found in the subtropical western North Atlantic. The observed Florida Current transport since the 1980s often shows less transport and elevated water levels when tropical storms and hurricanes pass near the GS. Better understanding of the remote inuence of the GS and offshore storms will improve future prediction of ooding and help mitigation and adaptation efforts. Keywords: ooding, sea level, hurricanes, Gulf Stream Introduction T he National Water Level Obser- vation Network (NWLON) operated by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (https:// html) provides an essential source of data to study both long-term sea level rise (SLR) and short-term water level variations and storm surges. These tide gauges data show that the rate of local SLR along some stretches of the U.S. East Coast (around the Chesapeake Bay and the Mid- Atlantic coast in particular) is much faster than the global SLR; this is mostly due to land subsidence (Boon, 2012; Mitchell et al., 2013; Ezer & Atkinson, 2015; Karegar et al., 2017), with a potential recent acceleration in SLR due to climatic slowdown of ocean circulation (Boon, 2012; Sallenger et al., 2012; Ezer & Corlett, 2012). Variations in wind patterns and atmospheric pressure (affecting sea level through the inverted barometer effect) can signicantly contribute to coastal sea level variability along the U.S. East Coast (Piecuch et al., 2016; Woodworth et al., 2016), but these effects are outside the scope of this study. Norfolk, VA, on the southern side of the Chesapeake Bay (see Figure 1 for its location), is a city that is already battling an acceleration in ood- ing frequency and intensity (Ezer & Atkinson, 2014, 2015; Sweet & Park, 2014). This study will focus on this city as an example that can apply to other coastal cities and communities in the Hampton Roads area, where efforts toward the development of options for adaptation, mitigation, and resilience to SLR have already been started (Considine et al., 2017; Yusuf & St. John, 2017). Local SLR in Norfolk from ~90 years of tide gauge records is ~4.6 mm/year (Ezer, 2013), but the rate is increasing (i.e., SLR is accelerating), so that the SLR over the last 30 years is ~5.9 mm/ year compared to ~3.5 mm/year in the previous 30 years (Ezer & Atkin- son, 2015); the recent local SLR is sig- nicantly larger than the global SLR obtained from satellite altimeter data, ~3.2 mm/year (Ezer, 2013). SLR can also escalate the damage from hurri- canes, tropical storms, and noreasters. When high sea level today is added to storm surges, weaker storms today 34 Marine Technology Society Journal

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The Increased Risk of Flooding in HamptonRoads: On the Roles of Sea Level Rise, StormSurges, Hurricanes, and the Gulf Stream

A U T H O RTal EzerCenter for CoastalPhysical Oceanography,Old Dominion University

34 Marine Technology Society Journa



The impact of sea level rise on increased tidal flooding and storm surges in theHampton Roads region is demonstrated, using ~90 years of water level measure-ments in Norfolk, Virginia. Impacts from offshore storms and variations in theGulf Stream (GS) are discussed as well, in view of recent studies that showthat weakening in the flow of the GS (daily, interannually, or decadal) is oftenrelated to elevated water levels along the U.S. East Coast. Two types of impactsfrom hurricanes on flooding in Hampton Roads are demonstrated here. One typeis when a hurricane like Isabel (2003) makes a landfall and passes near theChesapeake Bay, causing a large but short-term (hours to a day) storm surge.The second type is when Atlantic hurricanes like Joaquin (2015) or Matthew(2016) stay offshore for a relatively long time, disrupting the flow of the GSand leading to a longer period (several days or more) of higher water levelsand tidal flooding. Analysis of the statistics of tropical storms and hurricanessince the 1970s shows that, since the 1990s, there is an increase in the numberof days when intense hurricanes (Categories 3–5) are found in the subtropicalwestern North Atlantic. The observed Florida Current transport since the 1980soften shows less transport and elevated water levels when tropical storms andhurricanes pass near the GS. Better understanding of the remote influence ofthe GS and offshore storms will improve future prediction of flooding and helpmitigation and adaptation efforts.Keywords: flooding, sea level, hurricanes, Gulf Stream

faster than the global SLR; this ismostly due to land subsidence (Boon,


The National Water Level Obser-vation Network (NWLON) operatedby National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration (NOAA) ( provides an essential source ofdata to study both long-term sea levelrise (SLR) and short-term water levelvariations and storm surges. Thesetide gauges data show that the rateof local SLR along some stretchesof the U.S. East Coast (around theChesapeake Bay and the Mid-Atlantic coast in particular) is much

2012; Mitchell et al., 2013; Ezer &Atkinson, 2015; Karegar et al., 2017),with a potential recent accelerationin SLR due to climatic slowdown ofocean circulation (Boon, 2012;Sallenger et al., 2012; Ezer & Corlett,2012). Variations in wind patternsand atmospheric pressure (affecting sealevel through the inverted barometereffect) can significantly contribute tocoastal sea level variability along theU.S. East Coast (Piecuch et al., 2016;Woodworth et al., 2016), but theseeffects are outside the scope of thisstudy.

Norfolk, VA, on the southern sideof the Chesapeake Bay (see Figure 1 forits location), is a city that is alreadybattling an acceleration in flood-ing frequency and intensity (Ezer &Atkinson, 2014, 2015; Sweet & Park,2014). This study will focus on thiscity as an example that can apply toother coastal cities and communitiesin the Hampton Roads area, whereefforts toward the development ofoptions for adaptation, mitigation,and resilience to SLR have alreadybeen started (Considine et al., 2017;Yusuf & St. John, 2017). Local SLR

in Norfolk from ~90 years of tidegauge records is ~4.6 mm/year (Ezer,2013), but the rate is increasing (i.e.,SLR is accelerating), so that the SLRover the last 30 years is ~5.9 mm/year compared to ~3.5 mm/year inthe previous 30 years (Ezer & Atkin-son, 2015); the recent local SLR is sig-nificantly larger than the global SLRobtained from satellite altimeter data,~3.2 mm/year (Ezer, 2013). SLR canalso escalate the damage from hurri-canes, tropical storms, and nor’easters.When high sea level today is added tostorm surges, weaker storms today

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would cause as much flooding asmuch stronger past storms that hap-pened when sea level was lower; thiseffect will be demonstrated here.There are some indications that warmerocean waters may be related to anincrease in the potential destructive-ness of Atlantic hurricanes and tropi-cal storms over the past 30 years(Emanuel, 2005). However, withstrong interannual and decadal vari-ability, finding a persistent trend instorm activities over the past centuryor predicting future changes in hurri-cane activities over the next centuryare challenging (Knutson & Tuleya,2004;Vecchi&Knutson, 2008;Vecchiet al., 2008; Bender et al., 2010). De-spite the difficulty of predicting thechanges in the frequency and inten-sity of future storms, assessing theimpact of SLR on storm surge is quitestraightforward—if a storm with thesame intensity and track that hitNorfolk 90 years ago were to come

today, water level of a storm surgewould be expected to be ~40 cmhigher,and many more streets would beflooded. In addition to the impact ofstorm surges, Atlantic storms can alsohave an indirect impact on the coastby modifying ocean currents and caus-ing more mixing. If such storms af-fect the Gulf Stream (GS), coastal sealevel could be affected as well (Ezer& Atkinson, 2014, 2017; Ezer et al.,2017), and this indirect impact willbe further investigated here. An addi-tional indirect impact on coastalwater level and coastal erosion is dueto large swell from remote storms thatcan create wave runup (Dean et al.,2005). Impact from wave runup can,for example, increase coastal erosionof barrier islands and coasts along theAtlantic Ocean (Haluska, 2017).However, flooding in the HamptonRoads is not affected that much bywaves and is mostly due to highwater levels in the Chesapeake Bay


and rivers (e.g., the Elizabeth Riverand the Lafayette River cause floodingin Norfolk).

The connection between the flowof the GS and sea level along the U.S.East Coast has been recognized earlyon from observations (Blaha, 1984)and models (Ezer, 2001), thoughdue to the relatively short observedrecord of the GS identifying a persis-tent long-term trend in the GS trans-port is challenging (Ezer, 2015).Somewhat surprisingly, however, isthe fact that this connection may bedetected on a wide range of scales.On long-term decadal variability scales,for example, a potential climate-relatedslowdown of the Atlantic MeridionalOverturning Circulation (AMOC)(Sallenger et al., 2012; McCarthyet al., 2012; Ezer et al., 2013; Ezer,2013, 2015; Smeed et al., 2013; Srokosz& Bryden, 2015) may relate to acceler-ated SLR and increased risk of flood-ing along the U.S. East Coast (Boon,2012; Ezer & Corlett, 2012; Sallengeret al., 2012; Mitchell et al., 2013; Yin& Goddard, 2013; Goddard et al.,2015; Ezer & Atkinson, 2014, 2015;Sweet & Park, 2014). On short-termtime scales, there is nowmore evidencefrom data and models that even dailyvariations in the GS can cause var-iations in coastal sea level (Park &Sweet, 2015; Ezer, 2016; Ezer &Atkinson, 2017; Ezer et al., 2017;Wdowinski et al., 2016), includingunexpected “clear-day” flooding (i.e.,unusual tidal flooding with no appar-ent storm or local weather events).These variations in the GS can bedue to natural variability and insta-bility (Baringer & Larsen, 2001;Meinen et al., 2010) or variations inthe wind pattern (Zhao & Johns,2014), including impacts from tropicalstorms and hurricanes passing near theGS (Oey et al., 2007; Kourafalou


Mean sea surface height (SSH) from AVISO satellite altimeters are shown in color (in meters)and the location of the GS is indicated by white arrows. The location of the FC measurementacross the Florida Strait is indicated by a red line, and the location of Norfolk, VA, is indicated bya black star. The tracks of several storms, discussed in the paper, are shown with markersrepresenting the location of the eye of the storm every 6 h.

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et al., 2016; Ezer & Atkinson, 2017).Note that, on short-term scales, an im-portant mechanism transferring large-scale oceanic signals onto the shelfmay involve the generation of coastal-trapped waves (Huthnance, 2004;Ezer, 2016).

The mechanism that connects theGS and coastal sea level is as follows.The GS separates a lower sea level onits inshore side (blue in Figure 1) anda higher sea level on its offshore side(red in Figure 1). This sea level differ-ence (~1 to 1.5 m) is proportional totheGSflow speed (i.e., theGeostrophicbalance), so even a small and commondaily change of say 10% in the GS flowmay result in ~10 cm sea level change;in comparison, this amount of globalSLR would occur over ~30 years.Therefore, a weakening in the GSflow is expected to raise coastal sealevel and lower offshore sea level (theoffshore impact has less important im-plications but can be detected fromsatellite altimeter data; Ezer et al.,2013).

In this paper, the latest research onvarious mechanisms that can causeflooding are summarized, using sev-eral data sets including tide gaugedata, observations of the Florida Cur-rent (FC; the upstream portion ofthe GS, see Figure 1), and a data setof historical hurricanes and tropicalstorms.

Data SourcesHourly sea level records from tide

gauge stations are available fromNOAA (; here the focus is on theSewells Point Station in Norfolk,VA (see star in Figure 1), which hasthe longest record in Hampton Roads.The estimated errors in measuringwater level anomalies (say during a

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storm surge) are around ±5–10 cm.As a reference water level, the meanhigher high water (MHHW) fromthe datum centered on 1992 is used.The definitions of minor (often called“nuisance”), moderate, and majorflood levels relative to MHHW areconsistent with NOAA ’s reportsand recent studies of flooding (Ezer& Atkinson, 2014; Sweet & Park,2014).

The daily FC transport from cablemeasurements across the FloridaStrait at 27°N (Baringer & Larsen,2001; Meinen et al., 2010) is obtainedfrom the NOAA/Atlantic Oceano-graphic and Meteorological Laboratory


website (; see the locationin Figure 1. Estimated errors are ±1.6 Sv(1 Sv = million cubic meter persecond) with a mean transport of~32 Sv. The data include the periods1982–1998 and 2000–2016, with agap of 2 years.

The Atlantic hurricane and tropicalstorm data set HURDAT2 (Landseaet al., 2004; Landsea & Franklin,2013) is available from NOAA’s Na-tional Hurricane Center ( It provides the trackdata every 6 h for storms in 1851–2016, but only data since the satelliteage from the 1970s are used here.


The maximum water level at Sewells Point (Norfolk, VA) relative to the MHHW (1992 datum) forthe major storms passing the region. The impact of SLR relative to 1930 is demonstrated usingthe average rate of that period. Also shown in horizontal dashed lines are the estimated levels ofminor (0.53 m), moderate (0.835 m), and major (1.14 m) flood levels in Norfolk.

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Surface currents during hurricanesare obtained from NOAA’s coupledoperational Hurricane WeatherResearch and Forecasting model(Yablonsky et al., 2015; Tallapragada,2016). The atmospheric model iscoupled with the Princeton OceanModel, which has horizontal resolu-tion of 7–9 km and 23 vertical terrain-following layers with higher resolutionnear the surface; the model domaincovers the western North AtlanticOcean (10°N–47.5°N, 30°W–100°W). A recent study (Ezer et al., 2017)used this model to evaluate the impactof hurricane Matthew (2015).

The mean sea surface height in Fig-ure 1 is obtained from the AVISO sat-ellite altimetry data set that combinesseveral available satellites; the data arenow distributed by the Copernicussystem ( For comparisons between tidegauge and altimeter sea level data inthe region, see Ezer (2013).

ResultsThe Impact of SLR on Floodingin Hampton Roads

Figure 2 shows the maximumwater level (relative to MHHW) thathas been reached in Sewells Point(Norfolk, VA) during the majorstorms that affected the region sincerecording started in 1927 (the highestrecorded storm surge was during thehurricane of 1933). To illustrate howmuch SLR would affect storm surgesover the years, an average rate of4.5 mm/year (Ezer, 2013) is shownrelative to 1930. For example, if the1933’s hurricane happened today,water level would reach ~2 m, withunprecedented level of flooding anddamage. Note the cluster of storms ofthe past two decades compared withthe infrequent past storm surges.

This may be partly due to decadal var-iations in storms but most likely is theresult of SLR, as smaller storms plusSLR can have similar impacts as largerpast storms. The frequency of minorflooding is also greatly affected bySLR. For example, if a storm surge ofsay 0.6 m caused some minor floodingin the 1930s, an equivalent floodingwould occur today with just ~0.2 mwater level over MHHW, so that evena slightly higher than normal tide wouldbe enough to cause inundation withoutany storm. This is illustrated by thedramatic increase in the hours ofminor flooding in Norfolk (Figure 3).Other cities have similar accelerationin flooding hours (Ezer & Atkinson,2014; Sweet & Park, 2014). Note thatseven of the top nine most flooded yearshappened since 1998. In addition to theclear impact of SLR and storms, there


are interannual and decadal variationsassociated with more stormy years dur-ing El Niño and years with low NorthAtlantic Oscillation index or a weakAMOC (Ezer & Atkinson, 2014;Goddard et al., 2015). The main rea-son for the large increase in floodhours is that past floods occurredmostlyfor short periods of a few hours to a dayor so during the passage of strongstorms. Today, we often see longerflooding periods that occur for severaltidal cycles, sometimes even withoutany storm in sight, but these are possi-bly due to a weakening GS or an off-shore storm (see discussion later).

Examples of the Impactof Hurricanes on Floodingin Hampton Roads

There are three ways in whichstorms (tropical storms, hurricanes,


The number of hours per year that water level in Norfolk is at least 0.53 m above MHHW; thislevel corresponds to minor street flooding (also known as nuisance flooding). Major storms inthe most flooded years are listed, as well as indication (red triangles) of years with El Niño.

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or winter nor’easters) can cause flood-ing in Norfolk (and in other coastalcities): (1) Storm surges resultingfrom the direct impact of the low at-mospheric pressure, winds, andwaves; in this case, the storm pilesup water against the coast or pusheswater into the Chesapeake Bay andthe Elizabeth River. (2) Indirect im-pacts from offshore storms that donot make landfall and do not passnear Norfolk; in this case, examplesare storms that impact ocean cur-rents like the GS (see discussionlater). (3) Street flooding due to in-tense precipitation associated withthe storm. Note that in many casesseveral of these mechanisms canapply simultaneously.

An example of Case 1 was Hurri-cane Isabel (2003), which resulted inthe second higher water level ever re-

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corded in Norfolk (Figure 2). Thishurricane made landfall near CapeHatteras, NC, and moved northwestsouth of the Chesapeake Bay (Fig-ure 1). Wind gusts of ~30 m/s nearNorfolk (Figure 4b) caused a largestorm surge that lasted a few hours(Figure 4a); fortunately, the stormpassed during the Neap tide period,so the addition of the high tide wasminimal. An example of Case 2 isHurricane Joaquin (2015), whichlooped in the South Atlantic Bightand stayed offshore for a long timewithout ever making a landfall (Fig-ure 1). However, the storm winds dis-turbed the flow of the GS (winds westof the storm blowing southwardagainst the GS flow), as seen in thelow transport of the FC (blue line;Days 270 and 280 in Figure 5b). Be-cause of the GS-coastal sea level rela-


tion discussed before (Ezer, 2016;Ezer & Atkinson, 2017; Ezer et al.,2017), sea level rose (red line in Fig-ure 5b) when GS transport dropped,causing a couple of weeks with flood-ing in Norfolk almost every high tide(Figure 5a). An example of Case 3 isthe impact of Hurricane Matthew(October 2016; see its track in Figure1) on flooding in the Hampton Roadsarea ( elevated water levels werecombined with enormous amount ofrain, streets could not drain andstayed flooded for a long period oftime (in other regions along theSouth Carolina coast direct stormsurge was a major factor in theflooding). The disturbance thatMatthew caused to the flow of the


Example of (a) water level and (b) wind in Sewells Point (Norfolk, VA) during hurricane Isabel in September 2003 (see Figure 1 for the track). Blueand green lines in (a) are for tidal prediction and observed water level (in meter relative to MHHW), respectively; blue and red lines in (b) are formean wind and gusts (in m/s), respectively. Data plots obtained from NOAA NWLON Station at Sewells Point (

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GS can be seen in Figure 6, froman operational atmosphere-oceanforecast model. When the eye of thestorm was near the coast of southFlorida, the storm broke the path ofthe flow, separating the FC exiting theGulf of Mexico from the downstreamGS. For more details on the impactof hurricane Matthew, see the recentstudy of Ezer et al. (2017). In the

next section, analysis of many otherstorms will be examined to detectthose that may have affected the GS.

The Impact of Tropical Stormsand Hurricanes on the FC

Anecdotal examples of hurricanesaffecting the GS (and its upstreamportion, the FC) have been discussedabove, so here a more quantitative ap-


proach is taken by analyzing theHURDAT2 data set of Atlantic hur-ricanes and tropical storms. The dataset starts from the middle 1800s usingship observations and later satellite-based data (Landsea et al., 2004).Here, only the data from the satelliteera (1970–2016), which are morereliable, were considered. From the6-hourly records of storms’ locationand strength, the number of daysper year when storms of differentcategories are found in the region60°W–85°W and 20°N–40°N werecalculated, and the distribution isshown in Figure 7. Many tropicalstorms and hurricanes that affect theU.S. East Coast pass through this re-gion of the subtropical western NorthAtlantic, and the cyclonic orientedwind there can influence both thesubtropical gyre flow and the GS.Sensitivity experiments with subtrop-ical regions slightly different than thatchosen above (not shown) yield verysimilar trends. Note that, insteadof counting individual storms, the an-nual sum can include multiple countsof the same storm, so that storms thatlast longer have more weight thanshort-lived storms. The results appearto show that since the 1990s there isan increase in the occurrence of hur-ricanes in this region. For example,before 1995 no year had more than10 days of Category 1–2 hurricanesor more than 3 days of Category 3–5 hurricanes in this region. However,since 1995 there were 8 years withmore than 10 days of Category 1–2 hurricanes and 12 years with morethan 3 days of Category 3–5 hurri-canes. In other words, since 1995,there is over 50% chance that thestrongest hurricanes (Categories 3–5)will be found in this region for at least3 days (though only few of them willmake landfall). Further statistical


(a) Hourly observed water level (red) tidal prediction (blue) and residual anomaly (green) inNorfolk from late August to late October 2015, when Hurricane Joaquin was offshore the Atlan-tic coast (see Figure 1 for the track). (b) Daily FC transport (blue in Sv, 1 Sv = 106 m3/s) andwater level anomaly (red in meter).

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analysis of Atlantic hurricanes as donebefore (Landsea et al., 2004; Vecchi& Knutson, 2008; Vecchi et al.,2008, and others) is beyond thescope of this study, which will focuson potential influence of the stormson the GS.

The daily transport of the FC hasbeen measured by a cable across theFlorida Straits since 1982 (with alarge gap October 1998–June 2000and a few smaller gaps; see Meinenet al., 2010). To evaluate if unusualtransports are observed during thepassage of storms, a subset of thecable data is created for only thosedays when storms are found in the re-gion (as in Figure 7). Two propertiesare evaluated for these “stormy” days,the FC daily transport (Figure 8a) andthe FC daily transport change (Fig-ure 8b). The transport change is sim-

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ply the daily change in transport fromthe observed transport of the previousday. Previous studies show that varia-tions in coastal sea level are correlatedwith both the GS/FC transport andtransport change (Ezer et al., 2013;Ezer & Atkinson, 2014, 2017). Dur-ing “stormy” days, the FC transportcan change significantly by as muchas 5–8 Sv/day (see storms with signif-icant impact in Figure 8b). For exam-ple, when Hurricane Matthew (2016)moved along the coast (Figure 1), theFC transport declined from ~35 Sv to~20 Sv (last column of “x”s in Figure8a) and the maximum daily declinewas ~5 Sv (Figure 8b). For more anal-ysis of the impact of Matthew, seeEzer et al. (2017).

The track of a hurricane relative tothe location of the GS/FC can make asignificant difference in the impact.For example, hurricanes that caused alarge daily transport decline (Figure 8b),like Barry (1983), Karl (1998), and


Example of surface currents on October 7, 2016, when Hurricane Matthew was near the southFlorida coast (the eye of the storm is indicated by a circle). The simulations are from NOAA’sHurricane Weather Research and Forecasting operational coupled ocean-atmosphere forecastsystem. See Figure 1 for the complete track of the storm.


The annual occurrence of tropical storms and hurricanes in the subtropical western North Atlanticregion 60°W–85°W and 20°N–40°N during 1970–2016. For each year, the number of days whentropical storms or hurricanes are found in the above region are calculated according to three stormcategories: tropical storms in blue (maximum windWmax < 33 m/s), hurricanes Categories 1–2 ingreen (33 m/s < Wmax < 50) and hurricanes Categories 3–5 in red (50 m/s < Wmax).

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Wilma (2005), moved fast exactly overthe FC not far from the Florida Strait(see their track in Figure 1). However,their influence on water level inNorfolk was minimal compared withhurricanes like Sandy (2012) orMatthew (2016), which moved slowlyalong the GS path (Figure 1) withenough time to influence the GS andcoastal sea level.

To look at the total impact ofstorms on the FC transport in amore quantitative way, the histogramof the FC transport for all the dayswithout storms (Figure 9a) is com-pared with the histogram duringdays with storms (Figure 9b). Al-though the daily transport distribu-tion looks Gaussian and symmetricaround the mean during days withno storms, it is clearly asymmetricalwith a lower mean flow and skewedprobability toward low transportsduring storms (i.e., a longer “tail” ofthe distribution toward the left).Note that Figure 9a (“withoutstorms”) excludes days with tropical

storms and hurricanes but may in-clude other extratropical or winterstorms that are absent from theHURDAT data set. This result con-firms anecdotal observations (Ezer &


Atkinson, 2014, 2017; Ezer et al.,2017) that storms can disturb theflow of the GS and thus in mostcases increase the likelihood of weakerthan normal GS—this weakeningfurther contributes to higher thannormal coastal sea level during par-ticular periods. Ezer et al. (2017)showed, using satellite altimeterdata, high-frequency radar data andmodels that, after an intense mixingof the GS water by a nearby storm,may take a few days for the currentto recover. During those days, anom-alously high water can be observedalong the U.S. East Coast and minortidal flooding increased as well.

Summary and ConclusionsThe impact of the fast rate of local

SLR in the mid-Atlantic region (Boon2012; Sallenger et al., 2012; Ezer &Corlett, 2012; Ezer, 2013) has alreadybeen felt in the acceleration of flood-ing in low-lying cities like Norfolk,


(a) FC transport (blue in Sv) and (b) transport change (red in Sv/day) during the time that atropical storm or hurricane was recorded in the same region as in Figure 7. Each marker repre-sents a day in which a storm was found in the region; some of the storms that caused the mostdecline in the FC transport are indicated in (b) and discussed in the text.


Histogram of FC transport 1982–2016 for (a) all the days without hurricanes or storms and(b) days with recorded hurricanes or storms in the same region as in Figure 7. Red and bluevertical lines represent the mean and the standard deviation, respectively.

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VA, and other coastal communitiesalong the U.S. East Coast (Mitchellet al., 2013; Ezer & Atkinson 2014,2015, 2017; Sweet & Park, 2014).Both minor tidal floodings andmajor storm surge floodings havesignificantly increased in recentdecades, as demonstrated here forNorfolk.

This report discusses the differentmechanisms that contribute to the in-creased flooding. Some mechanismsare quite straightforward; for example,it is easy to understand how SLR orincreases in storms frequency or in-tensity would result in more floodingand a greater risk of damages toflooded properties. However, othermechanisms are more complicated;for example, floods associated withnonlocal factors such as offshore vari-ations in the GS (other remote influ-ences such as westward-propagatingplanetary waves, climatic variationsin the North Atlantic Ocean, or vari-ations in wind and pressure patternswere discussed in other studies).This study follows on the footstepsof recent studies that showed aconnection between short-term weak-ening in the FC/GS transport andelevated coastal sea level (Ezer, 2016;Ezer & Atkinson, 2014, 2015, 2017;Ezer et al., 2017; Wdowinski et al.,2016), but here the analysis includesfor the first time an attempt to evaluatethe impact on the GS from all the hur-ricanes and tropical storms that passedthrough the region over the past fewdecades. There is some indicationthat the most intense hurricanes (Cat-egories 3–5) can be found more oftennear the subtropical western North At-lantic region, which is consistent withsome other studies that suggest thatwarmer waters would cause an increasein the destructiveness of Atlantic hur-ricanes (Emanuel, 2005; Holland &

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Bruyère, 2014). The consequence isthat, due to warmer Atlantic waters,hurricanes may be able to sustaintheir intensity longer if they stayoffshore (e.g., Hurricanes Joaquin,Matthew, and other recent storms)and thus may have larger impact onthe GS. It was found that hurricanesthat moved across the GS path orstayed in its vicinity long enough areindeed those that have the largest im-pact on the GS. This indirect impact ofoffshore storms that sometimes do noteven make landfall can result in severaldays of elevated water levels and tidalflooding, until the GS recovers andreturns to its normal variability (Ezeret al., 2017). When combined withstorm-induced rain, these elevatedwater levels prevent proper drain-ing of flooded streets and lengthen-ing the impact, as was the case inthe Hampton Roads during Hurri-cane Matthew (2016). This remoteimpact from storms and hurricanesis more long-lasting than cases ofstorm surges near the landfall areathat can result in higher water levelsbut shorter-term impact of only afew hours, as was the case of Hurri-cane Isabel (2003).

Analysis of the FC transport sincethe 1980s suggests that the impact oftropical storms and hurricanes on theGS is not only detectable in a few iso-lated cases but has a significant signa-ture in the long-term statistics of theflow variability. Therefore, during thetime of the year when tropical stormsare active, there is a greater probabil-ity of weaker than normal FC andhigher than normal coastal sea level.Since remote/indirect forcing of coastalsea level variability is not easily ac-counted for in storm surge models,studies of this type can help to betterunderstand the mechanisms involvedand improve water level prediction.


AcknowledgmentsOld Dominion University’s Cli-

mate Change and Sea Level Rise Initia-tive and the Resilience Collaborativeprovided partial support for this study.The Center for Coastal Physical Ocean-ography provided computational sup-port. L. Atkinson, R. Tuleya, andfour anonymous reviewers are thankedfor providing useful suggestions.

Author:Tal EzerCenter for Coastal PhysicalOceanographyOld Dominion University4111 Monarch Way, Norfolk,Virginia, 23508Email: [email protected]

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