Panorama June 17, 2016

Serving the NATO, Naples and Gaeta Military Community in Italy 61st year, No. 24 Friday, June 17, 2016 PRESIDENT OFFERS CONDOLENCE PAGE 11 By Cheryl Pellerin DoD News President Offers Condolences to Orlando Victims Following a June 14, 2016, meeting with his National Se- curity Council, President Barack Obama today offered condolences to those affected by the June 12 shooting that killed 49 people at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida. “The American people and our allies and friends all over the world stand with you and are thinking about you and are praying for you,” Obama said during a news conference at the Treasury Department here. The NSC meeting was fo- cused on cutting off the Is- lamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s revenue sources. Stopping Such Attacks “We are doing everything in our power to stop these kinds of attacks,” he added. The shooter, identified as 29- year-old Omar Mateen from Fort Pierce, Florida, had ac- cessed “extremist information and propaganda over the inter- net,” Obama said. Mateen was killed during a confrontation with police. Fifty-three people were injured in the shooting. Among those killed was Army Reserve Capt. Antonio Devon Brown, Navy Capt. Jeff Davis told reporters today. “We express our condo- lences to his family and to all the families and loved ones of the victims," he added. Those who joined the presi- dent on the podium included Joint Chiefs Chairman Marine Corps Gen. Joe Dunford, FBI Director James Comey, Direc- tor of National Intelligence James R. Clapper and Treas- ury Secretary Jack Lew. Defense Secretary Ash Carter, who is in Brussels for meetings with NATO defense ministers, participated in the NSC meet- ing via teleconference. BASE NOTES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 NAVY HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 FFSC CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SOUND OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 MOVIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 JOBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 USO TOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 WORD SEARCH / COLOR ME 14 USO SUMMER FEST 2016 . . . . . . . . . . page 5 SUMMER FUN HAS BEGUN . . . . . . . page 14 President Barack Obama Secretary of Navy (SECNAV) Ray Mabus provides remarks during an all-hands call at Naval Support Activity Naples June 16, 2016. Mabus officiated an awards ceremony and reenlist- ments for select Sailors, and followed with an all-hands call. Mabus is visiting to see first-hand Great Green Fleet operations in Europe, the highlight of which will include an Italian oiler refueling USS Mason (DDG 87) with advanced alternative fuel. The Great Green Fleet initiative is designed to make our Sailors and Marines better warfighters, able to go farther, stay longer and deliver more firepower. Photo by MCC Brian Biller


Panorama is a weekly newspaper serving the NATO, Naples and Gaeta military community in Italy.

Transcript of Panorama June 17, 2016

Page 1: Panorama June 17, 2016

Serving the NATO, Naples and Gaeta Military Community in Italy61st year, No. 24 Friday, June 17, 2016


By Cheryl PellerinDoD News

President OffersCondolences toOrlando Victims

Following a June 14, 2016,meeting with his National Se-curity Council, PresidentBarack Obama today offeredcondolences to those affectedby the June 12 shooting thatkilled 49 people at a nightclubin Orlando, Florida.“The American people and

our allies and friends all overthe world stand with you andare thinking about you and arepraying for you,” Obama saidduring a news conference atthe Treasury Departmenthere. The NSC meeting was fo-cused on cutting off the Is-lamic State of Iraq and theLevant’s revenue sources.

Stopping Such Attacks“We are doing everything in

our power to stop these kindsof attacks,” he added.The shooter, identified as 29-

year-old Omar Mateen fromFort Pierce, Florida, had ac-cessed “extremist informationand propaganda over the inter-net,” Obama said.Mateen was killed during a

confrontation with police.Fifty-three people were injuredin the shooting. Among thosekilled was Army Reserve Capt.Antonio Devon Brown, NavyCapt. Jeff Davis told reporterstoday. “We express our condo-lences to his family and to allthe families and loved ones ofthe victims," he added.Those who joined the presi-

dent on the podium includedJoint Chiefs Chairman MarineCorps Gen. Joe Dunford, FBIDirector James Comey, Direc-tor of National IntelligenceJames R. Clapper and Treas-ury Secretary Jack Lew.Defense Secretary Ash Carter,

who is in Brussels for meetingswith NATO defense ministers,participated in the NSC meet-ing via teleconference.

BASE NOTES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

NAVY HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

FFSC CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . 5

SOUND OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

MOVIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

JOBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

USO TOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


USO SUMMER FEST 2016 . . . . . . . . . . page 5

SUMMER FUN HAS BEGUN . . . . . . . page 14

President Barack Obama

Secretary of Navy (SECNAV) Ray Mabus provides remarks during an all-hands call at Naval Support Activity Naples June 16, 2016. Mabus officiated an awards ceremony and reenlist-ments for select Sailors, and followed with an all-hands call. Mabus is visiting to see first-hand Great Green Fleet operations in Europe, the highlight of which will include an Italianoiler refueling USS Mason (DDG 87) with advanced alternative fuel. The Great Green Fleet initiative is designed to make our Sailors and Marines better warfighters, able to go farther,stay longer and deliver more firepower. Photo by MCC Brian Biller

Page 2: Panorama June 17, 2016

The Naples Overseas Support Club (NOSC) awarded 15 in-dividuals within the Naples military community a total of$40,000 in scholarship funds June 1, 2016.NOSC is a nonprofit command-recognized charitable and

social organization working for the benefit of the Americanmilitary and civilian community in Naples. NOSC offers thecommunity an abundance of charitable programs fundedprimarily by the NOSC Thrift Store. We engage our members with special events and encourage

them to become an integral part of our mission through vol-unteering. NOSC also hosts, promotes and partners withour Naval Support Activity (NSA) organizations to bring ourmembers community events and get-togethers, enrichmentclasses and travel opportunities. This year NOSC continued to extend its reach beyond the

high school senior’s “Scholarship A” and offered a second“Scholarship B” for anyone seeking higher education, forwhich three individuals received scholarships. This secondscholarship option caters to those who are returning toschool or who are considered “non-traditional” students. The funds for these scholarships are primarily generated

from items the community has donated to the NOSC ThriftStore and through the sale of our book, Shopping on theBoot. This is a resource guide published by NOSC with in-formation on shopping, dining and traveling in Naples andthe surrounding areas. It was a highly competitive application season and we ap-

plaud all who applied. NOSC is pleased to award thesefunds to help supplement students in their quest for higherlearning.This year’s recipients (in alphabetical order, by scholar-

ship) are as follows: (Senior Scholarship A) Joseph Ciancia-ruso (American University in Washington D.C.), RaffaeleEberlin (Auburn University), Serena Hanson (MichiganState University), Ryan Lee (Worcester Polytechnic Insti-tute), Molly Mcgunnigle (Florida Gulf Coast University),Brandon Oestereicher (University of California Los Ange-les), Ellen Pikul (Florida Gulf Coast University), Brian Ray-mond (University of California Los Angeles), Angelica Sheils(University of San Diego), Sophia Sommeling (Rutgers Uni-versity), Joshua Steiner (University of Central Florida),

David Zimmerhanzel(Scholarship B) TerraDowney, Erin Dromer-hauser, Meagan Whalen. More information about

Naples Overseas SupportClub, NOSC Thrift Storeand Shopping on theBoot can be found onlineat or on ourfacebook page.

2 PANOrAMAJune 17, 2016

PANOrAMAAssociato all’USPI

Unione Stampa Periodica Italiana

Panorama is pub lished week ly on Friday by Stampa Generale S.r.l. Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy- Tel. 081-568-7884, Fax 081-568-7887. E-mail: stam pa gen e [email protected] - Autoriz-zazione Tribunale di Napoli No. 3404 del 3.4.1985. Direttore Responsabile:Bruno Brandi. Stampa: Arti Grafiche Boccia SpA, Salerno; Fotocomposizione:Stampa Generale S.r.l. - Tel. 081-568-7884. Stampa Generale is a pri vate firm inno way con nect ed with the U. S. Navy under exclu sive writ ten con tract with theU. S. Navy. The edi to ri al con tent is edit ed, pre pared and pro vid ed by the PublicAffairs Office of the Naval Support Activity, Naples, Italy. All news and fea turearti cles and announce ments sub mit ted to Panorama are sub ject to edit ing to con -form with con tem po rary stan dards of jour na lis tic objec tiv ity, clar ity and rel e -vance. We welcome any contributions, suggestions or comments dealing withcommunity issues. Submissions for pub li ca tion in Panorama will be accept ed onthe basis of news wor thi ness, time li ness and space avail able. All copy must besubmitted in Microsoft Word format in an e-mail to the editor at:[email protected]. Each submission must include the name and tele-phone number of the author. Deadline for all copy and photos is close of business Friday

prior to publication date.

This civil ian enter prise (CE) news pa per is an author ized pub li ca tionfor mem bers of the mil i tary ser vic es over seas. Contents of Panorama

are not nec es sar i ly the offi cial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S.Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy. The appear -ance of adver tis ing in this news pa per, includ ing inserts or sup ple ments,does not con sti tute endorse ment by the Department of Defense, orStampa Generale S.r.l. of the prod ucts or ser vic es adver tised.

Everything adver tised in this pub li ca tion shall be made avail ablefor pur chase, use, or pat ron age with out regard to race, color,relig ion, sex, nation al ori gin, age, mar i tal stat us, phys i cal hand i cap,polit i cal affil i a tion, or any other non mer it fac tor of the pur chas er,user, or patron. A con firmed vio la tion or rejec tion of this equaloppor tu nity pol i cy by an adver tis er will result in the refu sal to printadver tis ing from that source until the vio la tion is cor rect ed.

The Panorama edi to ri al office is locat ed at Naval Support Activity,Naples, Italy, PSC 817, Box 1, FPO AE 09622-0001.

Telephone: 081-568-5335/5912; DSN 626-5335/5912. Email: [email protected].

Editorial StaffGary Nichols, Editor: [email protected] Tel. 081/568-5907

AdvertisingFree Mercato Ads: Tel. 081/568-5912

Paid Advertising: Tel. 081/568-7884 E-mail: [email protected]

Naval Support Activity Naples Italy

Capt. Doug Carpenter Commanding Officer

Cmdr. Jay Driskell Executive Officer

Lt. j.g. Alexander Perrien Public Affairs Officer

Teresa Merola Public Affairs/COMREL Specialist

BASE NOTESNow-June 19: Registration for Group Swim Lessons at Support Site pool (Session 1)| Adults and children are invited to join a fun swimgroup session at the Support Site pool. Registra-tion is through June 19 at the Support Site poolduring the ‘Splash Into Summer Safely’ Day pro-gram. Lessons are held on Monday throughThursday mornings (class times depend uponskills levels). Lessons are 40-minutes long andrun four days per week. Fee is per participant.For details call the Support Site pool at DSN 629-6513 or Comm. 081-811-6513.

Now-June 24: American Red Cross Replenishment DriveThe American Red Cross is holding a Replenish-ment Drive to collect supplies for Comfort Kits. Weare looking for travel-sized items, including: sham-poo, conditioner, deodorant, lotion, bar soap, tooth-brush, toothpaste, razor, washcloth and handsanitizer. Items can be dropped off at ourCapodichino office, located in Admin II Room 208.1.

Now-June 26: Back Gate - Capodichino ConstructionConstruction period through June 26 will requireminor traffic pattern changes to avoid closure, weask for your patience and be mindful of traffic signs.Back Gate: Two-Way traffic 5:30 to 9 a.m. Outbound traffic only 3 to 5 p.m.

Now-June 30: Father’s Day Massage Specialat the Support Site Fitness CenterGive dad the gift of relaxation. The Support SiteFitness Center is offering father’s day massagespecial. A 60-min session and a 90-min session isavailable. Special runs through June 30. Forreservations call DSN 629-6611 or Comm. 081-811-6611.

Now-Aug 5: Priority registration for YouthFall GymnasticsPriority registration is now open for Youth FallGymnastics for participants of the Spring 2016season. Register at the School Age Care office.Open to children 5 to 18 and will run from August29 to December 8, once or twice per week, de-pending on class. Open registration for new stu-dents begins August 8, however, new studentsmust first be assessed August 6 at the SupportSite Youth Center Gymnasium, from 9 to 10:30a.m. for details call DSN 629-4722/4729 orComm. 081-811-4722/4729.

Now-Aug. 19: Registration for Youth FallSports (Soccer and Flag Football) Registration is open for Youth Fall Sports (Soccerand Flag Football) now through August 19 at theSupport Site School Age Care office. Soccer isopen to ages 5 to 18 while Flag Football is open toages 9 to 18. Cost is $50 per child. Upon register-ing, parent must bring online PAYS certificate (tobe completed by one parent in each household at For details callDSN 629-4729/4722 or Comm. 081-4729/4722.

Now-Sept. 30: Carney Park Outdoor Recreation Center Spring/Summer HoursThe Carney Park Outdoor Recreation Center hasstarted begun its Spring/Summer hours. Fromnow until September 30 the Outdoor RecreationCenter located inside Carney Park will be openMonday-Friday from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Satur-day-Sunday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. For details callComm. 081-526-1579.

Now-Sept. 30: Oil Painting ClassesOutdoor Recreation is holding basic and ad-vanced Oil Painting Classes with a local artistand experienced instructor. Classes run four con-secutive Mondays at the Support Site and CarneyPark Outdoor Recreation Center from 4:30 to 6:30p.m. Cost of class is 100 Euro per participant.Equipment and paint is available upon requestfor an extra fee of 25 Euro. Classes are open to 10years and above (youth 17 years and under mustbe accompanied by an adult or guardian). Regis-ter prior to the first Monday of four-sessioncourse. For details call DSN 629-4947 or Comm.081-811-4947.

June 17: San Missmo Food DriveThe NSA Naples Fire Department is sponsoringthe second annual Fire Fighter Food Drive to sup-port the San Missmo soup kitchen. We will be ac-cepting food donations of rice, beans, canned meator any other dry goods. To support, look for the fire-fighters under the tent, across the street from theFire Station on Support Site from non to 6 p.m.

June 19: Father’s Day at the Farm withTickets and TravelSpend Father’s Day in the beautiful set of a farmwhere one of the best natural olive oil in Italy isproduced. Enjoy the countryside and the naturewhile savoring the good food that our farmer hostis preparing for us. A buffet lunch with typicalfoods from the Campania Region will completethe relaxed day. Fee is per adult and per child 2-11 years. Transportation, tour guide and lunch in-cluded. For details or to register or the Support Site or Capo Tick-ets and Travel offices or call DSN 629-7901 orComm. 081-811-7901.

June 20-30: Group Swim Lessons at SupportSite pool (Session 1)|Adults and children are invited to join a fun swimgroup session at the Support Site pool. Registra-tion will begin on June 16 at the Support Sitepool during the ‘Splash Into Summer Safely’ Dayprogram and will continue to June 19. Lessonsare held on Monday through Thursday mornings(class times depend upon skills levels). Lessonsrun 4 days per week for 2 weeks and classes are40-minutes long. Fee is per participant and foreach additional family member. For more detailscall the Support Site pool at DSN 629-6513 orComm. 081-811-6513.

June 20-Aug. 29: Youth Summer Camp Adventure registrationNaples Child and Youth Programs is partneringwith Camp Adventure Youth Services for SummerCamp. Summer Camp runs from June 20 to Au-gust 29. Activities will include swimming, hiking,archery, field trips bowling and more. For reser-vations call Youth Activities at DSN 629-4722 orComm. 081-811-4722.

June 21-Aug. 28: Summer Reading Programat the Support Site LibraryChildren 3 to 13 are invited to join the MWR libraries in another summer reading adventure.This year’s theme is “Read for the Win!” Sign upand pick up your free starter kit and book log at the Support Site library byJune 21. Check our calendar for scheduled programs and activi-ties. For details call DSN 629-4361 or Comm. 081-811-4361.

See BASE NOTES Page 13

From Naples Overseas Support Club

NOSC Awards $40,000

The Naples Overseas Support Club (NOSC) awarded 15 individuals within the Naples mili-tary community a total of $40,000 in scholarship funds June 1, 2016. Photo courtesy of theNaples Overseas Support Club

Page 3: Panorama June 17, 2016

3PANOrAMAJune 17, 2016

Volunteers NeededNaples American Red Cross (ARC) needs volunteers. For details or to register for a CPR/First Aid class, call 081-568-4788 or 626-4788 or visit American Red CrossNaples on Facebook.

Club Beyond is searching for volunteers to serve as adultleaders. Leaders assist in planning, setup and conductingsmall group meetings with students in grades 7 through 12.Leadership training lasts a month. For details call Diane Vanderpool at DSN 629-4600.

Animals Without Limits (AWL) is searching for volunteerswho want to help at our Animal Hospice in Lago Patria. Wealso need volunteers for different projects on the Support Sitebase. For details email [email protected] or [email protected].

The American Soccer Club (ASC) of Napoli is looking forqualified coaches. For details email [email protected].

USO Naples is looking for outgoing and enthusiastic volun-teers to join their committee to make a difference in the com-munity through special events and outreach. If interested,email USO Naples and Rome Director, Sabrina Pullido at [email protected].

The Transatlantic Council Of The Boy Scouts of America is looking for Eagle Scouts in the Naples communityto update the National Eagle Scout Association database. AllEagle Scouts, both active and not active in scouting are askedto send an email with their last name, first name, email ad-dress, hometown/community, and council/district name wherethey earned their Eagle rank, to [email protected]. “Oncean Eagle, always an Eagle.”

Ongoing / On the Horizon

NMCRS Uniform Locker The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Uniform Locker hasFREE new and gently used uniforms and uniform items for allactive-duty service members. The Uniform Locker is located onboard Capodichino on the ground floor of Admin II, Room G016(down the hall from the Navy College), and is open Mondaythrough Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. For details call DSN 626-3913 or Comm. 081-568-3913.

The Naples Middle High School Music Boosters Is your Naples Middle High School student in Band, Choir, Orchestra, or Flag Team? If so, then he / she benefits fromNMHS Music Boosters. We are a growing organization thatensures all Naples Middle High School music programs con-tinue performing at the highest levels. Help support MusicBoosters with your yearly family membership of $25 (othermembership levels also available). Volunteers are continuouslyneeded to assist with several projects. For details email [email protected] or visit NMHS Music Boosters on Facebook.

More “Inside Page” on Page 7


Stolen Marble Head of Rome’sFirst Emperor Returned to Italy A marble sculpture of the head of Au-gustus, the Rome’s first emperor wasreturned to Italy after being illegallysmuggled abroad about 40 years ago.The 45 centimeter head of Augustus isone of the earliest known depictions ofa man born more than 2,000 years agoand it is the latest artifact recovered bya police unit dedicated to trackingdown artwork from all over the world.The head was displayed in a museumin Brussels. The museum had boughtthe sculpture in good faith from a pri-vate collector, and as soon as art his-tory experts established that it wasstolen from the Nepi museum, nearRome in the 1970s, the museum re-turned it to Italy immediately. At a cer-emony to mark the return of theartwork Deputy Foreign MinisterMario Giro stated the importance thememories of these artifacts have for thefuture of humanity.

Italy’s Osteria FrancescanaCrowned World’s Best RestaurantItaly’s “Osteria Francescana” in Mod-ena was crowned world’s best restau-rant of 2016 at a ceremony in NewYork on Monday. Chef Massimo Bot-tura opened his restaurant 21 yearsago and he focused on traditionallydishes from the Emilia Romagna re-gion, but also for his twists on tradi-tional ingredients with an innovativeand contemporary recipes. The Italianchef, whose world-famous restaurantin Modena came in at number three in2013 and 2014, was emotional in ac-cepting his award.

Pisa University to Train Italy’sFirst ClimatologistsIn Italy there are no degree courses inclimatology, however, Pisa University isto become the first Italian university totrain climatologists. From the next aca-demic year 2016-17, the university willtrain experts to predict medium-to-long-term climate trends by analyzingpast data thanks to disciplines such as‘paleoclimatology.’


Anglo-Italian Montessori Elementary School Graduation Ceremony Kindergarten and fifth grade students wait patiently for their turn to walk across the stage, while NATO Communications and InformationAgency Customer Support Unit Naples Executive Officer U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael S. Ryan speaks to their family members at the formerNATO Joint Force Command Base at Agnano during a graduation ceremony June 15, 2016, at the Anglo-Italian Montessori School (AIS).Specializing in an English-based curriculum, and serving the U.S. military, NATO and Italian children in the Naples area since 1958, AIS isauthorized by the Italian Ministry of Education, and is the only English-based Montessori school in Italy. Photo by Gary Nichols

Page 4: Panorama June 17, 2016

On June 17, 1898, Presi-dent William McKinleysigned into law a Con-gressional bill authori-zing the establishment ofthe U.S. Navy HospitalCorps.Although their name

has evolved over the pastcentury from LoblollyBoy to Pharmacists Mateto Hospital Corpsman,the core mission has re-mained consistent: to mi-nister to the sick andwounded.Known by Marines and

Sailors simply as “Doc,”Corpsmen have servedeverywhere the Navy andMarine Corps have ser-ved or fought since theSpanish-American War,and they are often theonly medical support im-mediately available toSailors and Marines at“the tip of the spear.”Since 2011, Corpsmen

receive their basic medi-cal training at MedicalEducation and TrainingCampus (METC) at JointBase San Antonio, Texas.Those who serve aboardships and isolated loca-tions as the sole medicalprovider, receive additio-nal training as Indepen-dent Duty Corpsmen;those who serve with theMarine Corpsreceiveadditio-nal trai-ning atField MedicalService Schoolwhile those whoserve with EOD,Dive and SEALTeams receive addi-tional specialized trai-ning.“No Marine has gone

into battle without you.No ship or sub has goneunderway without you,”former deputy Navy sur-geon general and retired

4 PANOrAMAJune 17, 2016

Hailing from New Haven, Connecticut, Hospital Corps-man 3rd Class Aikkiko Nickler reported to U.S. Naval Hos-pital (USNH) Naples in October 2015. Nickler works as aGeneral Duty Corpsman in the Plans, Operations, andMedical Intelligence/Operations Management Division ofthe Human Resources Department.Nickler is mentoring her peers and junior Sailors by hav-

ing them become a part of the USNH Naples Coalition ofSailors Against Destructive Decisions (CSADD) Chapter.As president of the local CSADD, Nickler has worked hardwith her fellow Sailors to improve the CSADD Chapter atthe Naval Hospital; starting with a recent private organiza-tion approval from the installation.“The progress the groupmembers have made since I joined in October, and their de-sire, dedication, and willingness to help other Sailorsmakes me proud to belong to this group,” Nickler said.The organization is working on creating new volunteer

events and command activities to give Sailors more oppor-tunities for getting involved.Although not currently assigned in a patient care setting,

Nickler strives to pick up Petty Officer Second Class andfurther hopes to attend Independent Duty Corpsman “C”School. This would be utilized as a stepping stone to fur-ther her career goals as a Behavioral Health Physician As-sistant. In her spare time, Nickler enjoys paddle boarding,painting, traveling, reading, volunteering, going on new ad-ventures and trying new things.

SPOTLIGHT: HM3 Aikkiko Nickler


From Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman with Marines from the 3rd Battalion, 24th Marine Regimentadministers blood plasma to a wounded Marine at an aid station near the front lines onSaipan during World War II. For nearly 100 years, Navy Corpsmen have served everywherethe Navy and Marine Corps have served or fought and they are often the only medical sup-port at “the tip of the spear.” U.S. Marine Corps photo

Rear Adm. Michael H.Mittelman, said at the115th anniversary cele-bration of the HospitalCorps two years ago. “Yo-u’re always in the thickof the battle and themain reason we have a97 percent save rate onthe battlefield. Your li-neage is one of honor,courage and commit-ment.” The Hospital Corps, is

the only all enlistedcorps in the military. Itconsists of more than25,000 active duty andreserve Navy hospitalcorpsmen, and is the lar-gest and most decoratedrating of all branches ofthe U.S. military. The first member of the

Hospital Corps to beawarded the Medal ofHonor was ospital Ap-prentice Stanley Robertduring the Boxer Upri-sing in China. To date,22 Hospital Corpsmenhave been award theCongressional Medal ofHonor (nine of whichwere award posthumou-sly), and more than 2,000have been killed in ac-tion. In honor of their ex-

traordinaryduties, 20Navyships

have beennamed after Ho-

spital Corpsmen.Famous Hospital

Corpsmen includeJohn Bradley, whowas with the Marineswho raised the flag atIwo Jima on Mt. Suri-bachi during World War

II; Navy SEAL MarcusLuttrell; and the 11thMaster Chief Petty Offi-cer of the Navy, Joe R.Campa.

Page 5: Panorama June 17, 2016

5PANOrAMAJune 17, 2016

May 2, 2016, Silas Alden Powell 8 pounds 5.9 ounces,son of Jeanina J. Powell and SW2 Ryan P.Powell

May 9, 2016, Kennedy Dahlia Terrell 6 pounds 10.4ounces, daughter of Shameka L. Terrell andHM1 Kenneth D. Terrell

May 9, 2016, Katiyana NG 6 pounds 5.2 ounces, daugh-ter of Ming Yee Choi and OS1 Chin Fei NG

May 9, 2016, Nele Scharf 9 pounds 9.4 ounces, daughterof Cornelia Scharf and OF-4 DEU JanHen-drik Scharf

May 29, 2016, Jayden Caleb Julian 5 pounds 9.1 ounces,son of Geraldine A. Cueto and HMC JohnRey S. Julian

May 29, 2016, Devin Miguel Jorgensen 8 pounds15.4ounces, son of Denia M. Jorgensen and FCCJeffrey M. Jorgensen

May 31, 2016, Dean Michael Anderson 8pounds 9.6 ounces, son of Peychi P. Andersonand Lt. Cmdr. William M. Anderson


More than 400 people attended USO’s Summerfest at Support Site on June 11. The annual event, which is designed to officially kick off sum-mer fun, featured an American pie bake off, a patriotic pet parade, a live performance from the Naval Forces Europe Top Side Brass Band, and afree trip give away to Edelweiss Lodge and Resort. Inset photo: Josh Marioni and his son, Gabriel, 3, make giant bubbles during USO’s Sum-merfest 2016. Photo by MC2 Justin Stumberg

● June 20-24: Pre-Separation, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Support SiteFFSC

● June 21: Easy Italian, 9 a.m. to noon, Support Site FFSC (2 of 2 Sessions)

● June 23: Play Scopa, 10 a.m. to noon, Support Site FFSC ● June 23: Italian Cooking, 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Cost: 15 euro.Need: 2 AC1 Tickets, Meet outside Support Site main gate

● June 24: Shoe Alley Market, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Location:Mc Café by Capo Airport

● June 27: Italian Graffa for Kids, 10:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost: 6 euro, Location: Teen Center

● June 27-28: Accessing Higher Education, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.,Support Site FFSC

● June 28: Easy Italian, 9 a.m. to noon, Support Site FFSC (3 of 3 Sessions)

● June 28: Linkedln, Workshop, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., SupportSite FFSC

● June 29: Sponsorship Training, 9 a.m. to noon, Support SiteFFSC

● June 30: Interview Skills, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Support SiteFFSC

● June 30: Catacombs for Kids, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Cost: 5 euro,Location: Teen Center


For more information about local Fleet and FamilySupport Center (FFSC) events, visit

All classes require registration.Call 081-811-6372 for more information or to register.

Summer’s here and theUSO’s Summerfest 2016welcomed it with style. More than 400 people from

the NSA Naples communityattended the free “All-Amer-ican” themed event on June11 that featured an Ameri-can pie bake off, a patrioticpet parade, a live perform-ance from the Naval ForcesEurope Top Side BrassBand, and a free trip giveaway to Edelweiss Lodgeand Resort.Summerfest is an annual

event the USO hosts that’sdesigned to kick off thesummer fun. “It’s a way for the families

to come out and enjoy thefirst big event at the Cen-tral Park Area,” Sabrina

Pullido, USO Naples andRome area director, said“They’re able to bring outtheir picnic baskets andchairs so everyone is able toget in the groove of summerfestivities.” Pullido has been at the

Naples USO for more than15 years and knows the im-portance of communityevents; especially those thatremind service members ofhome. “One of the things people

miss the most is that feelingof being in their home townsand those festivities theiruse to,” Pullido said. “Theremight be some local Italianfestivities but it’s great tohave something with an All-American flavor.” But, not only is the USO

trying to give the NSA

Naples community a pieceof home, they’re also show-ing their appreciation.“For the USO, this is our

big appreciation event,” Pul-lido said. “All the events theUSO hosts is a reminder ofAmerica’s appreciation anda way to show service mem-bers and their families thatthere’s a very grateful coun-try back home.” More than 35 volunteers

helped plan and execute theevent including collabora-tion with MWR. Other base organizations

involved were the NaplesOverseas Support Club,AFN Naples, American RedCross Naples, UMUC Eu-rope, Navy College, NavyMarine Corps Relief Societyand Navy Federal CreditUnion.

By MC2 Justin Stumberg

From NSA Naples Energy Management Team

ENERGY CONSERVATIONEnergy ‘Biggest Loser’ Competition

The Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia(EURAFSWA) Region is sponsoring a competitioncalled Energy Biggest Loser. Installations, regionwide, will compete for the grand prize of $70,000 to beawarded in support base projects. The second andthird place winners will be awarded $50,000 and$30,000 respectively.The grand prize winner will be the installation with

the greatest decrease in energy consumption for themonth of July.The competition will run from July 1 to 31. Electrical

readings will be taken weekly using the electric meter-ing systems, and the readings will be made availableto the public via articles in the energy corner ofPanorama, NSA PAO notes and on the NSA Naples En-ergy Savings Facebook page. At the end of the competi-tion period, the winning installations will be chosenbased on the greatest percent reduction in electricalconsumption.The winning installation will be announced in Au-

gust.This year, installation occupants are offered an oppor-

tunity to support energy conservation awareness ef-forts. In addition to the reduction competition, there isalso a poster and video competition. The winning videoand poster for the installation will compete with theproducts created region wide for the best design. Thewinning poster and video will be announced in July.Please review the Energy Biggest Loser flyers for addi-tional poster and video competition details. If you have any suggestions on how to reduce energy

and help get ahead in the competition please contactyour facilities’ Building Energy and Water Monitor(BEWM). There are only a few weeks left before thecompetition begins. So, turn it off, turn it down, and tohelp NSA Naples become the Biggest Loser.

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Naples HighSchool SeniorsCelebrate Graduation

Seventy-two seniors fromNaples High School toss theirhats high into the air at an ob-servation platform at the Ital-ian Air Force Academy(Accademia Aeronautica),which overlooks the Bay of Pozzuoli, to celebratetheir recent graduation. Ap-proximately 75 percent ofthem plan to attend college,and about 15 percent plan onenlisting in the military. Therest will remain with theirfamilies in Italy or will take ayear off to travel and explorethe world. On average, of the300-some students who at-tend the high school, they willbe here for only two or threeyears before moving on to an-other duty station with theirmilitary family. Photo by Dot Ramirez

AS2 Michael Brunelle“Forest Gump, he is awe-

some, he reminds me of

myself to a certain degree,

I’m a country boy, too.”

AS2 Brandon Cain“Minions, they’re on myBand-aid my wife put onme.”

AS2 Anastasia Graves“Scott Pilgrim, he’s ambitiousand doesn’t stop trying, healso fights all of Ramona’s 7evil exes just to be with her.”

OS2 Berenice Hernandez“Sherlock Holmes, for the

mysteries and the way he

always solves them.”

OS2 Jayson Mendoza“Sherlock Holmes, he has a

keen eye and sees things

other people miss.”


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Naples Middle High School Marching BandParents of Naples Middle High School Students: Looking for afun and educational after school activity for your kids? Goodnews! There is still time to join the NMHS Marching Band!Interested? Check us out Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3 the Band Room. For details, [email protected]

The Naples Middle High School PTSA is looking for volunteers to help provide information, resources and eventsthat strengthen the connections between students, parents,the school and the community. A yearly membership is $10and joining is a great way to get involved, meet the teachers,other parents and your child’s friends. For details emailNaplesPTSAteam@ or Naples Middle High SchoolPTSA on Facebook.

Boy Scout Troop 007 holds troop meetings every Mondayfrom 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Support Site Community Center.For details email [email protected] or visit:https://www.facebook. com/BSATroop007; or

Girl Scouts Overseas Naples is excited to support youngleaders in action. We are much more than cookies; we showgirls how to contribute positively in this world. From arts andcrafts to camping trips and more Naples Girl Scouts wantsgirls to be have fun learning. For details visit site/usagsonaples/ or USA Girl Scouts- Naples, Italy on Facebook.

The Naples Toastmasters Club provides materials and ex-perience to improve competent communication and leadershipskills. Meetings are at 6:30 p.m. on the first & third Tuesdaysof the month at the Support Site Community Center. Guestswelcome. For details visit or Toastmasters Naples Italy on Facebook.

Naples Area First Class Petty Officers Association iscomposed of members from different rates with one mission:To enhance community relations, promote awareness of ourduties as Sailors, and fortify the professional and social wel-fare of our service members. We normally convene every otherweek alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays. Visit us and bring a friend. For details call YN1 Gordon atDSN: 626-7733.

Club Beyond is a youth group run by Naval Support ActivityNaples Religious Ministries, and is open to children in grades7 through 12. Meeting are Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at theChapel Fellowship Hall at the Support Site. For details emailArturo at [email protected].

Alcoholics Anonymous hosts English-speaking AA meetings on and off base in the Naples area. For details call339-267-7075 or visit

NATO Lions Rugby: International Rugby Club lead by pro-fessional English coach Jamie Ball. Practices are held at Car-ney Park every Thursday from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The club is opento training and developing all interested players. For detailscall Corey Keating at 340-695-7971 or email [email protected] or visit the NATO Lions RFC (Naples, Italy)facebook page.

Harry S. Truman Lodge No. 649 meets 6:30 p.m. every sec-ond and fourth Friday of the month at 6:30 p.m. For detailscall Chris Gerbore at 333-704-9607 or [email protected] or visit

Women, Infants, Children (Wic) Overseas Program is of-fered at NSA Naples. Women who are pregnant, breastfeed-ing, postpartum or have an infant or child under the age offive may qua0lify for the program. WIC Overseas is a nutri-tion education program that provides nutritious supplemen-tal foods. For deails call 081-811-4962.

The Naples Area Second Class Petty Officer Associa-tion meets every other Tuesday in the Capodichino Theaterat noon to discuss upcoming community outreach opportuni-ties and charity events. For details, call MA2 Amanda Bauerat DSN 626-4955 or MC2 Eva-Marie Ramsaran at DSN 626-5249.


More “Inside Page” on Page 10

Katarina Johnstone, RN, volunteers each week asa Red Cross nurse at Naples Elementary School to help students like sixth grader MaryMcCarthy. American Red Cross photo

Fourth of July Celebration Event Access Policy &Guest PassesThis year’s Fourth of July celebration will be held at CarneyPark July 1 from 5 to 11 p.m. and July 2 from 4 p.m. to mid-night. ● U.S. ID cardholders/contractors, Local National CarneyPark access card holders (and family members printed onback), and JFC Privilege cardholders may enter free forboth dates and are allowed up to six guests per adult ID onSaturday only. ● Local National Employees who are not access card holdersmay enter free on July 2 only and are allowed six guests per adult ID on Satur-day only. ● Family members of Local National Employees who are not access card holderscount as guests. ● JFC NATO cardholders may enter on July 2 only at a cost of $4 per person andare not allowed guests. ● Guest passes (not required for children under four) cost $4 each and are avail-able for purchase at both Support Site and Capo Tickets & Travel offices throughJune 29. For details call DSN 629-7911 or Comm. 081-811-7911.

Fourth of July Celebration Bus Transportation to Carney ParkBus transportation is available to U.S. Military ID cardholders from Capo andSupport Site to Carney Park and return on July 1 and 2 to celebrate Fourth ofJuly.● Cost is $2 per person or $5 per family.● To register visit or stop at the Tickets & Travel offices by June29. After June 29, patrons may ride on a space available basis only.● TLA guests may show their room key to Tickets & Travel office for a FREE ride.● Pick up a schedule at the Tickets & Travel offices. For details call DSN 629-7911 or Comm. 081-811-7911.

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No Children Under 10 Admitted to R-Rated Movies


If you have been sexually assaulted or need to speak with a S.A.P.R. victim advocate, call 335-640-6621 24/7 for information and support. The DoD Safe Helpline can be reached toll-free at 001-877-995-5247.

Friday, June 172:30 p.m. Money Monster, R4:45 p.m. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:

Out of the Shadows, PG-135 p.m. Captain America:

Civil War, PG-137 p.m. Ratchet and Clank, PG

7:45 p.m. Warcraft, PG-139:30 p.m. Central Intelligence, PG-1310:15 p.m. The Conjuring 2, R

Saturday, June 18Noon The Conjuring 2, R 3 p.m. Finding Dory, PG4 p.m. Finding Dory, PG5 p.m. Central Intelligence, PG-136 p.m. X-Men: Apocalypse, PG-13

7:45 p.m. Warcraft, PG-139 p.m. The Conjuring 2, R10 p.m. Neighbors 2:

Sorority Rising, R

Sunday, June 19Noon Neighbors 2:

Sorority Rising, R3 p.m. Alice Through The

Looking Glass, PG5:15 p.m. Finding Dory, PG6 p.m. X-Men: Apocalypse, PG-13

7:45 p.m. Central Intelligence, PG-13

Monday, June 20Noon Warcraft, PG-133 p.m. X-Men: Apocalypse, PG-136 p.m. Captain America:

Civil War, PG-137 p.m. Central Intelligence, PG-13

Tuesday, June 21Closed, No Movies

Wednesday, June 224:30 p.m. Alice Through

The Looking Glass, PG6 p.m. X-Men: Apocalypse, PG-137 p.m. Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising, R

Thursday, June 234:30 p.m. Finding Dory, PG6:30 p.m. Warcraft, PG-137 p.m. Central Intelligence, PG-13

Alice Through The Looking GlassPG, Action-Adventure, 108 min. Cast:Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, AnneHathaway, Rhys Ifans, Helena BonhamCarter. Alice Kingsleigh (Wasikowska)has spent the past few years following inher father’s footsteps and sailing the highseas. Upon her return to London, shecomes across a magical looking glass andreturns to the fantastical realm of Under-land and her friends the White Rabbit(Sheen), Absolem (Rickman), theCheshire Cat (Fry) and the Mad Hatter(Depp), who is not himself. The Hatterhas lost his Muchness, so Mirana (Hath-away) sends Alice on a quest to borrowthe Chronosphere, a metallic globe insidethe chamber of the Grand Clock whichpowers all time. Returning to the past,she comes across friends – and enemies –at different points in their lives, and em-barks on a perilous race to save the Hat-ter before time runs out.

Captain America: Civil WarPG-13, Action-Adventure, 146 min. Cast:Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., ScarlettJohansson, Sebastian Stan, AnthonyMackie. We find Steve Rogers leading thenewly formed team of Avengers in theircontinued efforts to safeguard humanity.But after another incident involving theAvengers results in collateral damage, po-litical pressure mounts to install a systemof accountability, headed by a governingbody to oversee and direct the team. Thenew status quo fractures the Avengers,resulting in two camps – one led by SteveRogers and his desire for the Avengers toremain free to defend humanity withoutgovernment interference, and the otherfollowing Tony Stark’s surprising decisionto support government oversight and ac-countability.

Money MonsterR, Drama, 98 min, Cast: George Clooney,Julia Roberts, Jack O'Connell, DominicWest, Giancarlo Esposito. Lee Gates is abombastic TV personality whose popularfinancial network show has made him themoney wiz of Wall Street. But after hehawks a high tech stock that mysteri-ously crashes, an irate investor takesGates, his crew, and his ace producerPatty Fenn hostage live on air. Unfoldingin real time, Gates and Fenn must find away to keep themselves alive while simul-taneously uncovering the truth behind atangle of big money lies.

Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising PremiereR, Comedy, 92 min. Cast: Rose Byrne,Chlo Grace Moretz, Zac Efron, SethRogen, Dave Franco. Now that Mac andKelly Radner have a second baby on theway, they are ready to make the finalmove into adulthood: the suburbs. Butjust as they thought they’d reclaimed theneighborhood and were safe to sell, they

learn that the new occupants next doorare a sorority even more out of controlthan Teddy and his brothers everdreamed of being. Forced to turn to theone ex-neighbor with the skills to bringdown the new Greeks, the Radners –alongside best friends Jimmy and Paula –bring in charismatic Teddy as their secretweapon. But if they think that theirneighbors are going down without a fight,they have severely underestimated thepower of youthful ingenuity and straight-up crazy.

Finding Dory PremierePG, Animation, 97 min. Cast: Ellen De-Generes, Albert Brooks, Ed ONeill, KaitlinOlson, Ty Burrell. Disney Pixar’s “FindingDory” reunites everyone’s favorite forget-ful blue tang, Dory, with her friendsNemo and Marlin on a search for answersabout her past. What can she remember?Who are her parents? And where did shelearn to speak Whale?

Central Intelligence PremierePG-13, Comedy, 107 min. Cast: DwayneJohnson, Kevin Hart, Ed Helms. Thestory follows a one-time bullied geek, Bob,who grew up to be a lethal CIA agent,coming home for his high school reunion.Claiming to be on a top-secret case, he en-lists the help of former “big man on cam-pus,” Calvin, now an accountant whomisses his glory days. But before thestaid numbers-cruncher realizes whathe’s getting into, it’s too late to get out, ashis increasingly unpredictable new frienddrags him through a world of shoot-outs,double-crosses and espionage that couldget them both killed in more ways thanCalvin can count.

The Conjuring 2 PremiereR, Horror, 134 min. Cast: Vera Farmiga,Patrick Wilson, Ron Livingston, Lili Tay-lor, Joey King. Lorraine and Ed Warren,in one of their most terrifying paranormalinvestigations, travel to north London tohelp a single mother raising four childrenalone in a house plagued by maliciousspirits.

Ratchet and ClankPG, Animation, 94 min. Cast: Paul Gia-matti, John Goodman, Bella Thorne,Rosario Dawson, Jim Ward. This is ananimated movie based on the iconicPlayStation video game. Two unlikely he-roes struggle to stop a vile alien namedChairman Drek from destroying everyplanet in the Solana Galaxy. Ratchet isthe last of his kind, a foolhardy “lombax”who has grown up alone on a backwaterplanet with no family of his own. Clank isa pint-sized robot with more brains thanbrawn. When the two stumble upon adangerous weapon capable of destroyingentire planets, they must join forces witha team of colorful heroes called The

Galactic Rangers to save the galaxy.Along the way, they will learn about hero-ism, friendship, and the importance ofdiscovering one’s own identity.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the ShadowsPG-13, Action-Adventure, 108 min. Cast:Johnny Knoxville, Alan Ritchson, NoelFisher, Jeremy Howard, Megan Fox. TheTurtles return to save the city from a dan-gerous threat. Michelangelo, Donatello,Leonardo, and Raphael return to theatersthis summer to battle bigger, badder vil-lains, alongside April O’Neil (Megan Fox),Vern Fenwick (Will Arnett), and a new-comer: the hockey-masked vigilanteCasey Jones (Stephen Amell). After su-pervillain Shredder (Brian Tee) escapescustody, he joins forces with mad scientistBaxter Stockman (Tyler Perry) and twodimwitted henchmen, Bebop (Gary An-thony Williams) and Rocksteady (WWESuperstar Stephen “Sheamus” Farrelly),to unleash a diabolical plan to take overthe world. As the Turtles prepare to takeon Shredder and his new crew, they findthemselves facing an even greater evilwith similar intentions: the notoriousKrang.

WarcraftPG-13, SciFi-Fantasy, 123 min. Cast:Travis Fimmel, Paula Patton, Ben Foster,Dominic Cooper, Toby Kebbell. The peace-ful realm of Azeroth stands on the brinkof war as its civilization faces a fearsomerace of invaders: Orc warriors fleeingtheir dying home to colonize another. As aportal opens to connect the two worlds,one army faces destruction and the otherfaces extinction. From opposing sides, twoheroes are set on a collision course thatwill decide the fate of their family, theirpeople and their home. So begins a spec-tacular saga of power and sacrifice inwhich war has many faces, and everyonefights for something.

X-Men: ApocalypsePG-13, Action-Adventure, 135 min. Cast:James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jen-nifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, NicholasHoult. Since the dawn of civilization, hewas worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, thefirst and most powerful mutant fromMarvel’s X-Men universe, amassed thepowers of many other mutants, becomingimmortal and invincible. Upon awaken-ing after thousands of years, he is disillu-sioned with the world as he finds it andrecruits a team of powerful mutants, in-cluding a disheartened Magneto, tocleanse mankind and create a new worldorder, over which he will reign. As thefate of the Earth hangs in the balance,Raven with the help of Professor X mustlead a team of young X-Men to stop theirgreatest nemesis and save mankind fromcomplete destruction.

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University of Oklahoma Graduate Degrees The University of Oklahoma offers the master ofhuman relations on-site graduate de-gree program. Courses meet in a seriesof four evenings and one weekend. Fordetails call the OU office at DSN: 626-6672 or visit the office at Capodichinoin the Admin II building.

Security Note: All DoD military orcivilian personnel hosting an event offbase must complete a Special EventForce Protection Plan (SEFPP) 45days in advance, regardless of organi-zation, if the event will involve 50 ormore personnel, include distinguishedvisitors or involve personnel wearinguniforms. For details call the AT/FPDivision at 081-568-5525 or visit thedivision office in the Capodichino Se-curity Precinct, Bldg. 403.

Napoli Nation Fan Club is a groupthat helps community members attendSSC Napoli soccer games, promotes in-tercultural relations and provides SSCNapoli information to the community.Membership benefits include SSCNapoli gear, discounted tickets andentry to Napoli Nation functions. Fordetails visit USASSCNapoli on Face-book.

Seventh Day Adventist Worship Service takes place Saturdays at Sup-port Site Chapel from 9 a.m. to noon.The schedule is: Sabbath School les-sons, 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.; songs andpraise, 10:45 to 11 a.m.; Divine Serv-ice, 11 a.m. to noon. For details callPaolo Fleurant at 328-194-6897 oremail [email protected].

Connect The Tots Club unites fami-lies with children from newborn topre-school age within the Naples mili-tary community. Club events includemonthly coffee mornings and birthdayparties, weekly playgroups, craft activ-ities and more. For details visit

Gaeta/Naples Area Girl Scouts is inneed of leaders and co-leaders. Train-ing and support provided. For detailsemail [email protected].

The Naples Christian Homeschool Association meets every month tosupport families who have chosen toeducate their own children. We offerweekly park/pool days, a moms’ nightout and field trips to explore BellaNapoli and beyond. For details emailNatalie Mack at [email protected].

The Knights Of Columbus, San Gennaro Council 14853, meetsat noon on the third Sunday of eachmonth at the Support Site Chapel Of-fices. For details email robert Kenneyat kofcnaples

Carney Park Golf Association(CPGA) is a non-profit organizationestablished for eligible Carney ParkGolf Course patrons. The CPGA pro-vides weekly social activities for alllevels of golfer and often organize tripsto other courses. Events are held everySaturday and Sunday. For details call081-568-1749.

Latinos Unidos Welcomes New Members Meetings are 2 p.m. on thefirst Sunday of every month at theSupport Site park. For details [email protected] or call334-6771-0327, or [email protected] or call 081-811-5554.

Naval Hospital Religious ServicesTuesday: Silent prayer (7:15-7:45 a.m.)in the hospital chapel. Traditionalhymn and praise and worship musicwill be provided during this time;Wednesday Roman Catholic Mass(11:30 a.m.-12 p.m.) in the hospitalchapel (call 081-811-6451 to confirmthat Mass is being held); and Thurs-day Men’s Fellowship and Bible Study(6-7 a.m.) in the hospital galley.

Meditation Sitting Group meets onMondays from 5:30 to 6 p.m. at theSupport Site side chapel. Participationis free and newcomers are welcome.For details or questions please emailClaudia [email protected] orjoin the Facebook group at NSANaples Meditation Group.

The U.S. Military Retiree Association of Southern Italy(USMRA-SI) is the only association inSouthern Italy representing the inter-ests of U.S. retired military personneland their survivors. If you are not amember and are eligible, visit theUSMRA-SI at orcall Wylie Miller at 329-208-7315.

Cub Scout Pack 007 Want to campin Nettuno, hike in Cuma, go bowlingor participate in swimming andarchery? Then Cub Scouts is the placefor you! Boys in first through fifthgrade meet three times per month tolearn skills that they apply on hiking,camping and service outings. For de-tails [email protected] or

Harry S. Truman Lodge No. 649meets 6:30 p.m. every second andfourth Friday of the month at 6:30p.m. For details call Chris Gerbore at333-704-9607 or email [email protected] or visit group/HST649.

Naples Area Nurses Association(NANA) is an organization of nursesthat work together to fundraise, par-ticipate in social events, and providesupport throughout the U.S. NavalHospital Naples and NSA Naples com-munity. For details email Lt. ShelleyBeltz at [email protected] orLt. Jenny Paul [email protected].

Sure Start is a unique program com-mitted to providing the highest qualityof education for command-sponsoredchildren of enlisted personnel (priorityto E1-E4) who are four years old bySept. 1. For details, contact BridgetRuffino at 629-4683 or [email protected] or callthe school at 081-811-4037.

Filipino-American Association ofNaples, Italy meets at noon the firstSunday of every month at the SupportSite Fellowship Hall. For details callRon Nacianceno at 081-568-1746 or335-760-4446 or visit Fil-Am Napleson Facebook.

Educational & Developmental Intervention Service ScreeningsNow Available Room W09, SupportSite Village Forum. For eligible chil-dren who have not reached their thirdbirthday. If you are concerned aboutyour child’s development, contactEDIS at 081-811-4676.

Register For On-Site Undergraduate Classes Visit thecolleges for more information aboutwhat classes and programs are offered.Call UMUC Maryland at 081-568-6673/74/75; Central Texas College at081-568-6761.

Catholic Women of The Chapelmeets monthly in the Support SiteFellowship Hall for prayer, fellowship,and learning. Child care provided. Wealso meet Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m.for Rosary and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m.for bible study. For details email [email protected] or visit CatholicWomen of the Chapel - NSA Naples,Italy on Facebook.

The Welfare & Recreation Association is available to meet asso-ciates every Thursday from 11 a.m. to1 p.m. at its location on the first floorof Building 450 upstairs from CapoLanding. For details visit


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Obama said the meeting was part of his admin-istration’s regular effort to review and intensifythe campaign to destroy ISIL. “I want to remind them that they are not alone,”

the president said of the people of Orlando.

Counter-ISIL MeetingDuring the NSC meeting, Carter and Dunford

reviewed the military campaign against ISIL,Obama said, adding that the mission to destroythe terrorist group continues to be a difficultfight, but one that is making significant progress.“Over the past two months, I've authorized a se-

ries of steps to ratchet up our fight against ISIL,”the president said. These include adding moreU.S. personnel, including special operationsforces in Syria to help local forces battling ISILthere, more advisors to work more closely withIraqi security forces, and other assets such as at-tack helicopters and more support for local forcesin northern Iraq, he said.“Our aircraft continue to launch from the USS

Harry Truman, now in the Mediterranean. OurB-52 bombers are hitting ISIL with precisionstrikes. Targets are being identified and hit evenmore quickly,” Obama said. So far, he added,13,000 airstrikes have been launched againstISIL.

ISIL’s Experiencing PressureThe counter-ISIL campaign is firing on all cylin-

ders, “and as a result, ISIL is under more pres-sure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose keyleaders,” the president said.He added, “This includes Salman Abu Shabib,

the senior military leader in Mosul … who plot-ted external attacks; Shaker Wahib, ISIL's mili-tary leader in Iraq's Anbar province; and Maheral-Bilawi, the top ISIL commander in Fallujah.”The coalition has killed more than 120 top ISIL

leaders and commanders, and ISIL continues tolose ground in Iraq, Obama said. In the past twomonths, he said, local forces in Iraq with coali-tion support have liberated the western town ofRutbah and moved up the Euphrates River Val-ley, liberating the strategic town of Hit andbreaking the ISIL siege of Haditha.“Iraqis forces have surrounded Fallujah and

begun to move into the city … In the north, Iraqiforces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley… and now [are] preparing to tighten the noosearound ISIL in Mosul,” Obama said.

In Syria, helped by U.S. Special Forces, thecoalition of local forces is tightening the noosearound ISIL in Raqqa, he added.

Reducing ISIL’s Revenue Stream“In short,” Obama said, “our coalition continues

to be on offense. ISIL is on defense and it hasnow been a full year since ISIL has been able tomount a major successful offensive operation oneither Syria or Iraq.”As a result of strikes against ISIL’s oil infra-

structure and supply lines, its revenue from oil isdown by millions of dollars per month, and thecoalition’s destruction of storage sites for its cash,ISIL is deprived of many millions more, the pres-ident said.“ISIL's cash reserves are down; it has had to cut

salaries for its fighters, [and] it's resorting tomore extortion of those trapped in its grip. Andby ISIL's own admission, some of its own leadershave been caught stealing cash and gold. Onceagain, ISIL's true nature has been revealed.These are not religious warriors. They are thugs,and they are thieves,” Obama said.The terrorist group’s ranks and morale also are

shrinking, he said.“As one defector said, ISIL is not bringing Islam

to the world, and people need to know that,” headded.

Stemming Foreign Fighter FlowInternational efforts have made it possible to

stem the flow of foreign fighters, Obama said.The U.S. intelligence community, he added, nowassesses that the ranks of ISIL fighters havebeen reduced to the lowest levels in more thantwo and a half years.The coalition also is addressing factors that

have allowed the terrorists to gain traction inparts of the world, Obama said.In Iraq, he said, this means helping Iraqis sta-

bilize liberated communities and promote inclu-sive governance so ISIL can’t return. In Syria, itmeans continued support for the fragile cessationof hostilities there. ISIL, and al-Nusra – al-Qaida's affiliate in Syria – also continue to ter-rorize Syrians, the president said.Beyond Syria and Iraq, ISIL is also losing

ground in Libya, he added.“Forces of the Libyan Unity Government are

going after ISIL in their stronghold in Sirte, andwe'll continue to assist the new Libyan govern-ment as it works to secure its country,” Obamasaid.

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(monthly and daily), locker fees andfees for electric cart rentals. Em-ployee will act as starter whenneeded on weekdays and assistwhen needed as cashier. Closingdate: Open until filled.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#16-081, flexible, MWR The-ater, Support Site, Naples, ItalyJob Summary: Performs duties in-dependently in the ticket officeand/or the snack bar in accordancewith prescribed practices and gen-eral directions at the theater. Clos-ing date: Open until filled.Lead Lifeguard, NF-0189-02,ANN#16-111, temporary flexible(Seasonal Employment) AquaticsDivision, Carney Park/SupportSite. Job summary: Ensures subor-dinate lifeguards are enforcing thepool rules and regulations. Openuntil filled.Lifeguard, NF-0189-01, ANN#16-105, (Multiple positions) temporaryflexible (Seasonal Employment)Aquatics Division, Carney Park/Support Site. Job Summary: Worksas instructor, safeguards and su-pervises swimmers and bathers inpool area. Closing date: Open untilfilled.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#16-109, (Multiple positions)temporary flexible, (Seasonal Em-ployment) Aquatics Division, Car-ney Park/Support Site. Jobsummary: Provides oversight of ac-tivities and necessary services toauthorized patrons. Closing date:Open until filled.Recreation Assistant, NF-0189-02, ANN#16-205, regular full time,(Eligible for Post Allowance) MWRGolf Course, Carney Park, Naples.Job summary: Assists with the op-eration of Golf Course Pro Shop inaccordance with MWR regulationsand instructions. Open until filled.


OPPORTUNITIESGricignano, Bldg. 2091-B

Call DSN 629-4774 or Comm. 081-813-5252/5253/5254

Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

For a current list of U.S. vacanciesand the on-line application visit: To assist your job search go directlyto the location field, open the dropdown menu and click on Italy, thenclick on SEARCH FOR JOBS but-ton. You will see all the jobs in Italy(mostly Naples area); just makesure you are NOT applying for a po-sition located in Sigonella (Sicily).For any questions or concernsplease call the numbers above.GRICIGNANO MAIN STORE

Ann#1600011K Sales Clerk

(Handbags & Accessories)/G3/NF-1/FLEX – Open until filled – Payrate: $8-9.50 per hour. Job sum-mary: Sells general merchandise tocustomers exercising professionalselling techniques. Works as part ofa sales team to provide service thatanticipates and exceeds customerexpectations.Ann#1600011L Sales Clerk(Watches & Accessories)/D4/NF-1/FLEX – Open until filled – Payrate: $8-$9.50 per hour. Job sum-mary: Sells general merchandise tocustomers exercising professionalselling techniques. Works as part ofa sales team to provide service thatanticipates and exceeds customerexpectations.Ann#1600001ZP Sales Clerk(Childrens)/SL/NF-1/REGULAR –Open until filled – Pay: $8-$9.50 perhour. Job summary: Sells generalmerchandise to customers exercis-ing professional selling techniques.Works as part of a sales team to pro-vide service that anticipates and ex-ceeds customer expectations.Ann#1600001ZO Sales Clerk(Ladies)/SL/NF-1/REGULAR –Open until filled – Pay: $8-$9.50 perhour. Job summary: Sells generalmerchandise to customers exercis-ing professional selling techniques.Works as part of a sales team to pro-vide service that anticipates and ex-ceeds customer expectations.Ann#160001NA Sales Clerk (Cos-metics)/D5A/NF-1/FLEX – Openuntil filled – Pay rate: $8-9.50 perhour. Job summary: Sells generalmerchandise to customers exercis-ing professional selling techniques.Works as part of a sales team to pro-vide service that anticipates and ex-ceeds customer expectations.Ann#1600011M CashierChecker/CC/NF-1/FLEX – Openuntil filled – Pay rate: $8-9.50 perhour. Job summary: Associates en-gaged in the operation of cash reg-isters to record sales in retailcheckout areas.Ann#160001WE Lead CashierChecker/CC/NF-1/REGULAR –Open until filled – Pay: $9-$10.50per hour. Job summary: Responsi-ble for leading a minimum of threeassociates engaged in the operationof cash registers to record sales inretail check out areas.Ann#160001J8 LP/Safety Investi-gator (Detective)/52/NF2/RPT – Open until filled – Pay rate: $9-11per hour. Job summary: Responsiblefor the protection of Navy Exchangeassets through investigative strate-gies, utilizing various surveillancetechniques, and the auditing of con-trols designed to prevent and mini-mize loss potential.Ann#160002AL Sales Clerk(Wine Shop)/PS/NF1/FLEX – OpenUntil Filled – Pay Rate: $8-$9.50per hour. Job summary: Sells gen-eral merchandise to customers

JOBS Financial Technician, Ua-0503-05, ANN#3049B-415708-XD, FullTime Permanent, AOC: Com-mander Navy Region Europe,Africa, and South West Asia (CN-REURAFSWA) permanent andtemporary employees only.

CLOSING June 30Realty Specialist, Ua-1170-04KPP03/02 or Ua-1170-03 KPP02 orUa-1170-02 ANN#44308-414255-MM, Full Time Permanent

If you have any questions, contactthe front desk at DSN 626-5409 orComm. 081-568-5409. You can alsocontact the Civilian Human Re-sources (CHR) Naples helpdesk at: You will be contacted within24 hours, so please be sure to pro-vide your contact information.Thank you and we appreciate yourinput, whether negative or positiveso that we can find ways to improvethe CHR services, or continue toprovide excellent service. As a re-minder, a CHR Representative isavailable for the bi-weekly “Meet &Greet” at the NSA, Support SiteBase, Navy Exchange Food Courtarea from 8-9 a.m. Please feel freeto come by, pick up a copy of a va-cancy announcement that you maybe interested in applying for, or askquestions. If the CHR representa-tive is unable to provide you a re-sponse, he/she will bring thequestion back to the CHR office andyou will be provided an answer or acall back the same day. The next“Meet & Greet” is scheduled from 8-9 a.m. on June 15.


Fleet & Family Readiness NAFLocal Naples job announcementswithin CNREURAFSWA may beviewed at: – The necessaryapplication forms are also availableon line. For questions please call081-568-4164/2505/5612/8202.The applications may be emailed [email protected]


Education Aid/Technician, CY-1702-I/II, ANN#16-030R, (MultiplePositions) flexible, Child Develop-ment Centers, School Age Care,Youth Programs, Teen Center andYouth Sports Capodichino/SupportSite. Job summary: Provides appro-priate developmental care and in-struction for children and youthranging in age from six weeks to 18years in a Child and Youth Pro-gram setting Performs routine,day-to-day care of infants and chil-dren ranging from six weeks to fiveyears. Assembles and gathers ma-terials and equipment necessary toexecute School Age Care for chil-dren ranging from six to nine yearsold, School-Age Care Pre-Teen forchildren ranging from 10 to 12years, Teen Center Program forchildren ranging from 13 to 18years. Receives and releases chil-dren to/from authorized parents,guidance. Closing date: Open untilfilled.

U.S. POSITIONSUSAJOBS WEBSITE: CHR WEBSITES: c n r e u r a f s w a / a b o u t / j o b _openings/USVacancies.html

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Effectiveimmediately, all Department ofNavy overseas US civilian positionsaboard Naples and Gaeta commut-ing area will be posted on the US-AJOBS website. Not familiar withUSAJOBS? Get started by creatingan account at Once registered, you maycustomize your job searches, set upjob alerts and store your resumeand other essential employmentdocuments online and be ready toapply for a job anytime. Alreadyhave an account on USAJOBS buthave questions about applying foroverseas positions, contact the DONEmployee Intake Center for assis-tance at [email protected]. The De-partment of the Navy is an EqualOpportunity Employer. U.S. citi-zenship is required.


To find out what positions are cur-rently open call our front desk atDSN 626-5409 or Comm. 081-568-5409. Copies of vacancy announce-ments will be also posted at TheCivilian Human Resources (CHR)located at Capo Admin I, first floor.The customer service hours are:Monday through Friday, from 8a.m. to 3 p.m. The announcementsare also visible at the followinglinks: mil/regions/cnreurafswa/about/job_openings/LocalNationalVacan-cies.htmlApplications are accepted at the Se-curity Pass and ID Office atCapodichino, or at the SecurityPass and ID Office at Gricignano,Support Site, or at the CivilianHuman Resources (CHR), Capo-dichino, Naples. The CHR Officemust receive mailed applications byclosing date of the vacancy an-nouncement.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The appli-cation form and instructions onhow to apply have been revised. Anyprior editions will be obsolete andwill no longer be considered. Appli-cations that do not conform to therevised instructions will not be con-sidered.

CLOSING June 23Engineering Technician, Ua-0802-02, ANN#44308-413160-MM,Full Time Permanent

Education Aid/Technician, CY-1702-I/II, ANN#16-024R , (MultiplePositions) regular full time, (Eligi-ble for Post Allowance) Child Devel-opment Centers, School Age Care,Youth Programs, Teen Center andYouth Sports Capodichino/SupportSite. Job summary: Provides appro-priate developmental care and in-struction for children and youthranging in age from six weeks to 18years in a Child and Youth Pro-gram setting Performs routine,day-to-day care of infants and chil-dren ranging from six weeks to fiveyears. Assembles and gathers ma-terials and equipment necessary toexecute School Age Care for chil-dren ranging from six to nine yearsold, School-Age Care Pre-Teen forchildren ranging from 10 to 12years, Teen Center Program forchildren ranging from 13 to 18years. Receives and releases chil-dren to/from authorized parents,guidance. Closing date: Open untilfilled.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#15-167, flexible, Auto/WoodSkills Center, Support Site, Naples,Italy. Job summary: Provides over-sight of activities and necessaryservices to authorized patron, in-cluding general information on theuse of equipment. Closing date:Open until filled.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#16-055, flexible, FitnessDept., Capo/Support Site, Naples,Italy. Employee in this positionplays an integral part in providingcustomer service and insuring pa-trons are offered a clean facility andpleasant conditions for their fit-ness/athletic workouts or programs.Closing date: Open until filled.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#16-005 flexible, OutdoorRecreation Program, Supportsite/Carney Park. Job Summary:Provides and maintain recreationand athletic equipment issue. Clos-ing date: Opening Until filled.Food Service Worker, NA-7408-02, ANN#16-045R flexible, (MultiplePositions) Bowling Center, SupportSite. Job summary: Performs taskswith several steps or sequence oftasks such as: sets up food servicecounters, steam tables, dining roomtables, and side service stands withhot and cold food, including meats,vegetables, salads, desserts, bread,butter, and beverages. Closing date:Open until filled.Bartender, NA-7405-05, ANN#16-049, flexible, Bowling Center, Sup-port Site. Job summary: Preparesand serves all types of alcoholic andnonalcoholic beverage from a fullservice bar. Closing date: Openuntil filled.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#16-074, flexible, MWR GolfCourse, Carney Park, Naples. Jobsummary: Collects green fees

Customer service operation hours forthe following services are Monday,Wednesday and Friday from 9-11 a.m.and from 1-3 p.m.:● ID/CAC Cards (DD1172-2)●Work Certificates


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MORE BASE NOTESJune 22: Climb & Dangle Outdoor RockwallTry your hand at climbing or develop your climbingskills on one or more of the four routes of our 25 footoutdoor climbing wall with auto-belay protection. Tryour Climb & Dangle Outdoor Rockwall at the SupportSite Outdoor Recreation (closed parking lot) from 3:30 to5 p.m. Fee is per person per date chosen and is open toages 10 and up. Youth 17 years and under must be ac-companied by an adult or legal guardian who will re-main present for the duration of the activity. Register atthe Outdoor Rec Center by noon on the day of the event.For details call DSN 629-4947 or Comm. 081-811-4947.

June 22, 24: Navy 2nd Class Swim Qual Testing atSupport Site Pool Active duty can participate in theNavy 2nd Class Swimmer Qualification Testing thatwill be held June 24 from 9:30 to 11 a.m.; and June 22from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Other dates will be available in July,August and September. Participants must know how toswim 25 meters in front crawl, breast-stroke, sidestrokeand elementary backstroke, plus abandon ship (tower)jump into deep water, timed prone (front) and supine(back) floats. Each element must be performed to stan-dards as per NETC1552/16. Eligible personnel mustsend a confirmation email [email protected] by the Friday prior toscheduled test date. Day of walk-ins will not be accepteddue to staffing/ratio regulations. Bring your own toweland swimwear. For details call DSN 629-6513 or Comm.081-811-6513.

June 23-July 28: Gaeta Summer Activity DayChildren of all ages are invited to join the Summer Ac-tivity Day program held every Thursday from June 23to July 28 at the Olde Mill Inn Park in Gaeta. Activitiesinclude weekly themes, arts and crafts, outdoor recre-ation, sports, open play and more. Cost is $5 per personfor the seven week program. Register by June 15 at theFRC. This is a parent driven program. Parent/legalguardian must be with children for the duration of theactivities. For details call DSN 626-8357 or Comm. 081-811-837.

June 23, July 9, 23: Outdoor Recreation KayakingDay Trips (Afternoon and All-Day)Navigate the open seas on the Mediterranean and pad-dle a kayak along the Naples, Sorrento, Amalfi coastsand Baia Capo Miseno. An experienced kayak instructorwill take you in the waters that were once navigated byUlysseys and narrated by Homer. An afternoon trip toBaia Capo Miseno (from 2 to 5:30 p.m.) is available onJune 23 at a cost of $35 per person. All day trips to Sor-rento (6:45 a.m. to 4 p.m.) are available on July 9 andJuly 23 at a cost of $45 person.Trips are open to 15years and above. Youth 17 years and under must be ac-companied by an adult or legal guardian who will re-main present for the duration of the activity. Previouspaddling experience or prior paddling workshop is re-quired. Must sign up 5 days prior to trip. For details callDSN 629-4947 or Comm. 081-811-4947.

June 24: The World’s Largest Swimming Lesson atSupport Site poolJoin thousands of kids and families at aquatic facilitiesaround the globe for The World’s Largest Swimming

Lesson June 24. Naples Aquatics is hosting the event atthe Support Site pool at 7:30 p.m. Registration runsfrom 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. and is open to MWR authorizedpatrons. For details call DSN 331-197-4119 or [email protected]

June 25: Pizza Fest Safety Day/Pompieropoli atSupport Site Central ParkWRA & MWR Community Recreation present PizzaFest Safety Day/Pompieropoli at the Support Site Cen-tral Park on June 25 from 4 to 7 p.m. Enjoy a trueNeapolitan pizza served piping hot out of the oven inyour own backyard, Neapolitan music throughout theevening and fun for kids at Kiddieland (face painting,magician, bounce house and cotton candy). For detailscall Comm. 081-568-6078.

June 25: USO Beach Day for Single ServiceMembersUSO Naples is offering a free day at the beach for sin-gle/unaccompanied service members on June 25. We willbring the troops to the beautiful clear waters and sandybeach of Sperlonga, Gaeta, a destination for locals andvisitors alike. Seats are limited – reserve your spot atthe USO Capo or Support Site Centers. For details callDSN 626-5713.

June 25: Outdoor Recreation Trekking Trip Join Outdoor Recreation and enjoy one of the mostbeautiful trails on the Amalfi peninsula where you willexperience breathtaking views of Naples and Salerno.No previous mountaineering experience is required.Must be 15 years or older to participate (ages 15-17must be accompanied by adult/legal guardian). $30 perperson includes guide and transportation from SupportSite. Be sure to pack a lunch, snacks water and bringextra euro. Registration deadline June 20 at the Out-door Recreation Center. For details call DSN 629-4947or Comm. 081-811-4947.

June 29: Summer Night Yoga Event at SupportSite Central ParkAll ages and fitness levels are welcome to the SupportSite Central Park on June 29, from 7 to 8 p.m. for a funSummer Night Yoga Event. Bring your own mat. Eventis free. For details call DSN 629-6604 or Comm. 081-811-6604.

July 1: Tori Kelly Free Show at Carney ParkArmed Forces Entertainment and MWR present ToriKelly at the Fourth of July Celebration at Carney ParkJuly 1. FREE show begins at 8 p.m. For details callDSN 629-7911 or Comm. 081-811-7911.

July 1-2: Free Ride Tickets for Fourth of July Celebration at Carney ParkU.S. ID Cardholders and dependents are eligible to re-ceive free ride tickets for the Fourth of July Celebrationat Carney Park on July 1 and 2. Stop by the Capo orSupport Site Tickets & Travel office to receive a receiptfor a booklet of 10 tickets per dependent. Sponsor anddependent names will be listed on the receipt. Receiptscan be turned in and redeemed at Carney Park on July1 at the FREE rides ticket tent for ticket booklet. Fordetails call DSN 629-7911 or Comm. 081-811-7911.

exercising professional selling tech-niques. Works as part of a salesteam to provide service which antic-ipates and exceeds customer expec-tations.Ann#160001WF Customer Serv-ice Clerk/CS/NF-2/ REGULAR –Open Until Filled – Pay Rate $9-11per hour. Job summary: Performs avariety of customer service dutiesincluding special orders, foreigncurrency exchange, Western Union,merchandise returns, gas sales, lay-aways, etc.

GRICIGNANO MINIMARTAnn#1600016K Sales Clerk/MM/NF-1/FLEX – Open until filled –Pay rate: $9-$10 per hour. Job sum-mary: Responsible for selling generalmerchandise to customers and ensur-ing merchandise is properly stockedand available. Candidates must be atleast 18 years old to apply.


Ann#160001JW Sales Clerk/MM/NF-1/FLEX – Open until filled –Pay rate: $8-9.50 per hour. Jobsummary: Responsible for sellinggeneral merchandise to customersand ensuring merchandise is prop-erly stocked and available.

LATINA NEXMARTAnn#160000XD Retail AnnexOperator/MM/NF-2/RFT – Openuntil filled – Pay: $9-$11 per hour.Job summary: Serves as operator incharge of a retail outlet located asignificant distance from an Ex-change, with responsibility for sell-ing a variety of technical items(uniforms, automotive parts, elec-tronics, etc.). Candidates must be atleast 18 years old to apply.


Ann#1600025D WarehouseWorker/84/NA-05/FLEX Seasonal –THREE VACANCIES – Open untilfilled – Pay Rate: $13.18 per hour.Job summary: Responsible for one ormore functions (receiving, storing, is-suing and shipping, etc.) within thewarehouse area. Candidates must beat least 18 years old to apply.Ann#1600025D WarehouseWorker/83/NA-05/Flex Seasonal –TWO VACANCIES – Open untilfilled. Pay Rate: $13.18 per hour. Jobsummary: Responsible for one ormore functions (receiving, storing, is-suing and shipping, etc.) within thewarehouse area. Candidates must beat least 18 years old to apply.

NEX LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITYEUROPE DISTRICT FACILITIESAnn#I-06-16 MaintenanceWorker/58/EB05/Regular Full Time– ONE VACANCY – Closes June 24.Job summary: Perform tasks in-volved in the upkeep of buildings,grounds, fixtures, equipment, ofNavy Exchange and/or Navy Lodgefacilities, etc. Typical assignmentsinclude painting, plumbing, carpen-

try and electrical repairs at the jour-neyman level. Position is NOT opento United States citizens or dual cit-izens. To apply: send resume to [email protected]


professional Chapel Youth Program Director

CNREURAFSWA is seeking a pro-fessional Chapel Youth Program Di-rector’s (CYPD) at Naval SupportActivity Naples Chapel. The CYPDwill provide, as a non-personal serv-ice, an ecumenical, spirituallybased outreach program that is re-lational and spiritually focused, byproviding youth programs in theplace of performance. These pro-grams are intended to support theemotional, relational and spiritualneeds of the students. The CYPDwill establish an annual calendar ofevent, to develop a life-skills corecurriculum, which shall have a spir-itually based content, and be struc-tured so that youth will meet, learn,and grow in spiritual and ethicalvalues, character building, social is-sues awareness and life-stylechoices. The CYPD will conductMiddles and Senior High Schoolyouth meetings, small group meet-ings and special events. The CYPDwill train adult volunteers, build re-lationships with the youth anddemonstrate that the youth min-istry program is accessible to allyouth. For details [email protected] or call 314-626-3539; or visit the Chapel office.

Naples Vet Clinic Seeking Animal Health Assistant

The Naples Vet Clinic Animal HealthAssistant (Veterinary Services NF-0704-03) is posted at USAJOBS.GOV with the announcement num-ber NENAFAG161720936. The posi-tion will close June 24. For questionsstop by the Vet Clinic and speak withSara Berry or Sgt. Vandegaart.

Commissary Seeking BaggersThe Commissary is seeking fulltime baggers to work Mondaythrough Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7p.m. This position is open to U.S. IDcard holders only. For details andapplication, call Rita Hallmark at349-829-6762.

American Red Cross SeekingField Office Assistant

The American Red Cross is cur-rently seeking a full time teammember to serve as the Field OfficeAssistant (FOA). The FOA providesadministrative support and assistsin the delivery of Red Cross servicesto area military members and theirfamilies. Employees and volunteersof the Red Cross are essential inkeeping the American public in-formed and prepared to preventand respond to disasters and per-sonal emergencies. Applicants musthave SOFA status. For details callDSN 626-4788 or email [email protected], or visit the Red Cross office at Admin II,Room 028.1

JOBS from page 12

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Practice your vocabulary. Find the Italian words.

Answer to last week’s puzzle

+ + A + + + S P + + + T C + A + E + U + I R C + + + R O + E A + R + T E N + U + + E M + R + Z + A S O + S + O + N P + O + + N I I + B + E + L O I + P O + D A + G + U A G N A T + L R E + + C + G V S I N + I + A E T + + + A V A L + + A A + N M A + + + E V O I + + U N + O O T + + N O S + + V L + + T + C S + T T I S P I A G G I A E O E U A P A N I C S I P + + + C R L P I C N I C + + + + + + A E R A R O L P S E + + + + + G + + + A S A C + + + + + + +





Upcoming USO Tours

Capodichino Office


Support Site Office


www.uso.itJuly 1-4 Fourth of July on French Riviera . . . . €495July 16-17 Weekend Under the Tuscan Sun. . . . . €179July 27-Aug 3 Greek Island of Zakynthos . . . . . . €839 Sept 2-7 Labor Day in Corfu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €740Sept 22-25 Oktoberfest in Munich. . . . . . . . . . . . . €759Oct 7-10 Columbus Day in Athens. . . . . . . . . . . €679Oct 30-Nov 3 Halloween in Transylvania . . . . . . . €849Nov 24-27 Thanksgiving in Krakow. . . . . . . . . . . €679




June 17 Ruins of Pompeii after Work . . . . . . . . . . . . €19June 24 Evening in Sorrento . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €36June 25 Island of Capri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €67June 26 Naples from Top to Bottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . €19July 1 Ravello in the Evening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €34July 2 Island of Procida. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €67July 3 Ruins of Paestum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €39July 4 Island of Capri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €67


AEROPLANO / Air PlaneAULA / ClassroomAUTOBUS / BusAVVENTURA / AdventureCASA / HomeCOCOMERO / WatermelonCOMPITI / HomeworkPRESIDE / PrincipalESPLORARE / ExploreESTATE / SummerGELATO / Ice CreamINSEGNANTE / TeacherPICNIC / PicnicPISCINA / PoolPISOLINO / NapSCUOLA / SchoolSPIAGGIA / BeachTRENO / TrainVACANZA / VacationVIAGGIARE / Travel


School is out, pools are open, there’snothing to watch on TV, and the kids aregetting restless. That makes it official:Summer is here, and if you weren’t aware,there really is a lot to see and do.I’d like to point out a few of the activities

coming up in the next couple of weeks thatcan keep the kids occupied: You can enjoy atrue Neapolitan pizza served piping hot outof a real pizza oven in our own backyardat Support Site’s Central Park at thePizza Fest Safety Day/Pom-pieropoli on June 25.You and your family can

also celebrate the Fourth ofJuly along with the 50th An-niversary of Carney Park byattending outdoor concerts byTori Kelly at Carney Parkon July 1, along with theQueen Tribute Band and I-Move. The Navy Band andthe Kelly Bell Band will be perform-ing at Central Park on July 4. Kelly, an innovative home-grown

pop and R&B artist from California, isBillboard’s Women in Music Break-through Artist for 2015 and Radio DisneyMusic Awards Breakout Artist of the Yearfor 2016. Her hit Nobody Love from herdebut album Unbreakable Smile madeBillboard’s Hot 100 this past year. QueenTribute Band and I-Move are local bandsthat will be bringing both old and new fa-vorite tunes to the stage. And, the KellyBell Band is a well-known funkadelic

R&B band from the Mid-Atlantic region.Did you know that this year you can get

your very own Fourth of July and CarneyPark 50th anniversary T-shirt and com-memorative mug? Visit Tickets andTravel at the Support Site today, andwhile you are buying your mug and T-shirt, be sure to pick up a receipt for freeride tickets for Fourth of July celebrationat Carney Park.A few weeks ago I hinted that we might

be having a special surprise for this year’sFourth of July celebration. Here’s an-other hint: It’s big, it’s round, and it’s

beautiful. If you guessed ferriswheel, you were right. Wehaven’t had a ferris wheelhere in the five years I’vebeen here, but this year, itwill be at both Carney Parkand Support Site to help uscelebrate the Fourth of July.Just imagine what a great

ride and unique view riderswill enjoy from the top of the

“big wheel.”Finally, we are offering another

great roarin’ opportunity. We’re of-fering tour packages to London for theLion King live musical over the MartinLuther King Jr. holiday weekend. Al-though this fantastic show is still somemonths away, tickets will be limited andyou can be sure it will sell out quickly. Soget in line now and reserve your spot forthis fantastic opportunity.If you have any comments, questions or

suggestions, give me a call at DSN 629-7911.

By Chris KasparekNSA Community Recreation Director

Summer Fun Has Begun

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In the event of an emergencyor to report a crime,

please call the Emergency Dispatch

Center at 081-568-4911or 5911.

(On-BaseDial 9-1-1)For non-emergency assistance,

call 081-568-5638

ITALIAN LESSONS, for info contact ElenaD'Angelo cell. 340-577-5239 or tel. 081-891-1489.



LANDSCAPE OF MEMORYThe aim of this initiative is to see, placed side by side in a collective exhibition, affirmed artists, children, kids and simple fans, in order to show how the landscapes of the origins are or were

especially how Campania’s landscapes are interpreted and represented by different expressive and artistic models. The person responsible of the project is the artist Domenico Severino to whom theworks have to be addressed, It is not a contest nor a competition. Anyone can participate from adultsto school students and children too. The initiative provides the realization of theme postcards

The postcards will have to be realized according to the following modalities:• Free support and techniques.

• The highest size 21 x 30 centimeters• The topic is Landscape of memory.

There will be no jury, no taxes for the participation, neither restitution. The material has to be sent via traditional mai.l No critical discriminations are allowed and no sales of material.

The Material will be catalogued and become part of the patrimony of The Centro Studi ColomboThe address to send the material to will be:

To: Mr. Domenico Severino, Via Crapolla II N. 41 (80045) Pompei (Na) For further info pls. contact: [email protected]

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