Panel rejects bill to impose DIWANIYA fees on expats ...satisfaction of the criminal entity, Israel...

‘Crimes to soar if tyrants stay’ ‘World must move in right way’ “FOLLOWING the assault on Paris which has been claimed by the Islamic State (IS) or the so-called ‘DAESH’, the US President Barack Obama has declared the terrorist crimes that have been carried out in Paris are crimes against humanity not only against France,” columnist, the Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Heritage Revival Society (IHRS) and the Dean of the College of the Technological Studies at the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET) Dr Wael Al- Hasawi wrote for Al-Rai daily Sunday. “While we agree with Obama that terrorism doesn’t belong to a specific religion, a specific State or a specific people since it targets the entire human race the question is: Does the civilized world realize these facts when dealing with the interests of the people around the world or closes its eyes and ignores the pains and the tragedies of the persecuted people? “We have repeatedly said that the entire world shall pay the price of its silence to what has been hap- pening in Syria for the past five years which is a gross violation against humanity. “In this context, we say for the past 40 years the Syrians have been facing genocide and persecution in its form which has peaked over the past five years. The Syrians have suffered at the hands of the incumbent president and his father respectively just to meet the satisfaction of the criminal entity, Israel and to defend it. “In spite of the above, the ‘civi- lized world’ stood idle instead of dealing with ‘a criminal’ who has massacred his people. We have seen the involvement of some other coun- tries in the panicky situations annihi- lating the Syrians and supporting the criminals. “We had earlier highlighted the impacts of oppression and persecution facing the Palestinians for more than sixty or seventy years represented by the confiscation of their lands and murder of their children. “In spite of the above, we found the ‘civilized world’ instead of making haste to deter the criminals only issued resolutions over the Palestinian cause through its ‘window’ — the United Nations (UN) — but unfortunately, these resolutions did nothing to end the Palestinian torment, rather the res- olutions only boosted the domination of the criminals on Palestine. “Following this the criminals spared no efforts to enhance the suffering of the Palestinians and this became evi- dent when a decision was taken recent- ly by the Zionist entity to allow its sol- diers to kill any suspicious movement (person) even children and the killer will not face the law. “Likewise, we have realized that the so-called ‘creative anarchy’ put in place by the Americans in Iraq and their decision to hand over Baghdad to Tehran on a silver platter will not go unpunished. “However, although the rational and wise people of these countries are looking forward to get rid of this trag- ic reality, they don’t like to surmount the same through violence or by force, but unfortunately young people who are raised in the midst of such tragic events are witness to the tragedies suf- fered by their parents and elder sib- lings. “And what about the young men who are taught to reject injustice and turn down restrictions put on them by others particularly their freedoms and the freedoms of others, particularly when they see the crimes committed against humanity by criminal leaders in their countries who have grabbed power at the expense of their people and have begun monopolizing both the sources of weapons and to an extent they have dominated some terrorist organizations. “We have seen the terrorist opera- tions which have been carried out recently. Take for example the down- ing of a Russian airliner over the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. Likewise, we have also seen the terrorist operation that was carried out on the southern out- skirts of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, the stronghold of Hezbollah. “However, the above happened because both Russia and Hezbollah at the moment are involved in persecut- ing and torturing the Syrian people, although, we have repeatedly said the Syrian victims are civilians and should not be punished for the crimes com- mitted by their leaders. “Anyway, we expect the crimes to soar and aggravate, if the entire world does not move in the proper direction and as long as the ‘butch- ers’ rule over the people, we will con- tinue to see devastation, killings and death.” Also: “Terrorism is an unjustifiable act irrespective of the circumstances and reasons behind it,” columnist Abdulmohsen Juma’a wrote for Al- Jarida daily Sunday. “What occurred Friday evening in the French capital, Paris was a brutal act of terrorism that must be con- demned by the entire world and must declare solidarity with the French and support their government to arrest all those who are involved in carrying out this horrible crime. “Undoubtedly the big loser of this brutal crime after the victims will be Muslims and Arabs. “Yes, terrorism should be coun- tered by decisive force, but this should not come at the expense of reason or at the expense of other effective measures. Of course, the option of reason is something which is rejected by both the Europeans and the Americans. “It is needless to say both the Europeans and the Americans must realize that they are dealing with the East — the Arab world — and eventu- ally keep in mind that the Arabs repre- sent the heart of the world and the centre of various civilizations and religions dated back to thousands of years. “Meanwhile, the Europeans and the Americans, should keep in mind that whatever the volume of their might and potentials to impose their will on this part of the world, it is needless to say this imposition will not last long and when that happens the price will be to huge to pay. “In fine and without going through the depth of history and its associa- tions, we would like here to emphasize that what has occurred in Paris, can be mostly ascribed to a manner that has been followed by both the Europeans and the Americans in the region. “You, the Europeans and the Americans were the ones who planted Israel in the region and Paris through- out the decade of the 1950s was involved in providing the Hebrew state nuclear weapons to enable it to reject all proposals necessary for a peaceful settlement. Moreover, this support has consecrated the Israeli occupation of Arab territories. “In spite of the above, we wonder why we see a young Frenchman of Arab or Muslim extraction embrac- ing extremism. We tell such people that this happened because this young man has seen Israeli soldiers killing a Palestinian child in cold- blooded manner and then destroying his home and building settlements for the Jews. “Meanwhile, we would like to remind both the Europeans and the Americans that since they have mis- used Islamic fundamentalism in col- laboration with some despotic regimes for the sake of encountering the then Soviet Union during the so-called ‘Cold War’ instead of supporting the democratic and civil movements in the Arab world, this rejection actually resulted in the disappearance of these movements. “Not just that, both the Europeans and the Americans over the past three years between 2011 and 2014, have made more dangerous moves in the Middle East region by pulling wool over their eyes and ignoring the atroc- ities of Bashar Al-Assad of Syria in collaboration with Iran and both the Lebanese and Iraqi militias. “However, amid such atmospheres, the Islamic State (IS) or the so-called ‘DAESH’ was born at the end of 2013 the time when Al-Assad made use of the chemical weapons against his peo- ple in Al-Gouta. “This happened, while both the Europeans and the Americans were standing idle in response to pressures put on them by Israel. We found both the US and Britain refraining from punishing the Al-Assad regime.” “The Institute of Political Development in Bahrain is a very important one. Its Board of Trustees is headed by the Advisor to the King for Information Affairs Nabil Yacoub Al- Hamar,” Sami Abdulatif Al-Nesf wrote for Al-Anba daily. “The institute organizes valuable seminars and lectures for which they invite lecturers from all parts of the world. We had recently attended this year’s event for which the keynote speaker was the General Manager of Al-Arabiya Channel Turki Al-Dakhil. He delivered a comprehensive lecture on the “Ideologies of Mutual Hatred.” He discussed manifestation of reli- gious and sectarian militarization that is synonymous with Sunni and Shiite channels. He indicated that religious speeches delivered by Muslim sects do not encourage consolidation of peace. “After his session, three other important sessions followed for dis- cussions on the role of conventional and contemporary media in consoli- dating social security and putting an end to hate speeches. “In this vein, we suggest that the GCC and Arab League should estab- lish similar institutes in all Arab nations, considering the weakness of political development and awareness.” “Words cannot describe the achievements of HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad who is a leader that the entire world is proud of him as the Amir of politics and diplomacy,” columnist Khalid Al-Arafah wrote for Al-Anba daily. “Each time HH the Amir achieves excellence he directly boosts the name of the State of Kuwait through his dili- gent efforts to settle conflicts among leaders and solve pending problems between countries. He deserves the title of father of wisdom and diploma- cy. “HH the Amir rightfully deserves the title of ‘Humanitarian Leader’ which has been bestowed on him by the United Nations due to his charity work in the name of Kuwait every- where in the world. “It is not strange that two days ago he was chosen to win the award of most influential leader in the Arab world in 2014. The selection has come due to his achievements on the internal and external fronts particularly his diligent efforts towards Arab reconcil- iation and the unlimited support which Kuwait gives to less fortunate nations.” “I wonder when this country will wake up and when the government will realize the danger the country is passing through because the situation has reached a critical point on the verge of collapse,” columnist, Constitutional Expert and the Dean of Kuwait University’s Faculty of Law Dr Mohammad Al-Moqatei wrote for Al-Qabas daily. “The justice has been shaken; the oil prices have tumbled down to $42 from $105 a barrel; the real estate market continues to be monopolized and corruption and bribe is wide- spread in most institutions, not to mention the conflict between mem- bers of the ruling family and the national unity is in a state of decom- position. “All these factors are signs that a country can collapse overnight starting with its institutions which will soon lose its glamour, respect and power. “They will become structures of corruption and political exploitation accompanied by a crash in values and good manners, bringing social reper- cussions that will affect the social security and stability. “In spite of clear futuristic dangers the country will be confronting because of these dangerous signs, the government has yet to come with solu- tions to deal with serious issues in a responsible manner, which means the country is nearly going to sink with no one to rescue the sinking ship, and when that happens, nothing will come to your rescue.” — Compiled by Zaki Taleb ARAB TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2015 4 LOCAL Al-Hasawi DIWANIYA a digest of public opinion Panel rejects bill to impose fees on expats remittances MP files grilling against minister By Abubakar A. Ibrahim Arab Times Staff KUWAIT CITY, Nov 15: The parliamentary Legislative and Legal Affairs Committee on Sunday rejected a bill submit- ted by MP Kamel Al-Awadhi to amend the Central Bank of Kuwait Law in order to impose five percent fee on the remittances of expatriates. Speaking to reporters after the committee meeting, Rapporteur MP Ahmad Al-Qudaidi confirmed they also discussed the Public Authority for Industry Bill and forwarded it to the relevant committee. He added the committee approved the request of the Public Prosecution to lift the immunity of MP Nabil Al-Fadel on press misdemeanor cases, but rejected the same request for MP Abdullah Al Maayouf. The committee postponed discussions on the request to lift the immunity of MP Saleh Ashour as he intends to attend the next meeting. Al-Qudaibi went on to say the pre-trial proceedings in the Criminal Code will be the same in terms of the periods, indicat- ing there is no change in the periods for misdemeanor cases. On the other hand, MP Saadoun Hamad Al-Otaibi submitted Sunday his grilling request against Minister of Public Works, Electricity and Water Ahmad Al- Jassar to National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim. The three-point interpellation motion is based on Article 100 of the Constitution, stating that, “Every member of the National Assembly may address interpella- tion motions to the prime minister and min- isters on matters under their jurisdiction.” The lawmaker intends to grill the min- ister on the supposed financial and administrative irregularities and suspi- cion of encroachment on public funds in relation to the awarding of a tender for the establishment and furnishing of a new terminal at Kuwait International Airport. It can be recalled that Al-Jassar sub- mitted his resignation to the Cabinet late in September, and it has not been accept- ed nor rejected. On Sept 29, then acting Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al- Hamad Al-Sabah notified the Cabinet on Al-Jassar’s resignation letter which was addressed to HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al- Sabah. This was followed by a decision View on e-media bill: Minister of Information and Minister of State for Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman Sabah Salem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah on Sunday delivered the government’s view on the e-media draft law to a Parliament committee. Sheikh Salman explained to the Education, Culture and Guidance Affairs Committee at the National Assembly the philosophy behind the bill as well as the goals, and how it will bridge a gap in the regulation of Kuwait’s national media, the minister said in a press statement. In addition, the new bill is consid- ered a support to the Audio-Visual Media, and Printing and Publishing Laws, he added. During the meeting, Sheikh Salman listened to remarks offered by commit- tee members on their relevant efforts, noting that all share the same trench to serve Kuwait and back efforts to boost the role of national media. (KUNA) Dates changed: Undersecretary of Ministry of Education Dr Haitham Al- Atari has decided to change the start- ing day of the academic year 2016/2017 for middle and high school level to Sept 18, 2016 instead of the earlier-announced date Sept 11, 2016, reports Al-Seyassah daily. He revealed that the date has been changed because the earlier-announced date coincides with Eid al-Adha holi- days, indicating that the decision is supplement to the decision issued on June 16, 2015 concerning the school calendar of 2015/2016, which necessi- tated some changes. Dr Al-Atari explained that the schedule of those working in all aca- demic and kindergarten levels will start on Sept 4, 2016. However, the kindergarten and first year intermedi- ate students will report back to school on Sept 7, 2016. The other intermedi- ate students will report back on Sept 8, 2016 while the middle and high school students will report back on Sept 18, 2016. Check on prices: Vice-President of Consumer Protection Private Association Khalid Al-Subaei revealed the prices of about 1,000 products in the local market increased within one year only, reports Al-Nahar daily. He disclosed the association sur- veyed the local market to check the prices of commodities and the results showed that prices rose within a year. He said the committee tasked to moni- tor prices is now studying 1,200 other products to determine the level of price increase. News in Brief on assigning State Minister for Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Mohammad Al-Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah to handle the Ministry of Electricity and Water, while State Minister for Housing Affairs Yasser Abul was assigned to the Ministry of Public Works. Meanwhile, the Financial and Economic Committee set its priorities for the current legislative round, which include the Tenders and Commercial Agencies Bill, in addition to the amend- ment of the Planning Law and Facilities and Services Fees Act. Committee Chairman MP Faisal Al- Shaya explained the amendments to the Social and Economic Planning Law include the removal and revision of cer- tain words or terms. He added the Legislative Committee considers it unconstitutional to amend the Facilities and Services Fees Act as the gov- ernment increases fees without the law, so the Finance Committee will study the pro- posed amendment in its next meeting. Moreover, Minister of Information and State Minister for Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman Al-Hamoud Al-Sabah disclosed his ministry has presented its viewpoint on the Electronic Media Law to the par- liamentary Education, Culture and Guidance Affairs Committee. He confirmed the ministry explained all the goals of this regulatory project, which aims to address loopholes in the existing regulations for national media with the support of the Press and Publications Law. On sports issue, the minister claimed that those who sought to suspend local sports are now pushing for Kuwait’s par- ticipation in international events. He asserted that as a sovereign State, Kuwait rejects participation under the Olympic flag. He stressed Kuwait will not partici- pate unless the Kuwaiti flag is flying. He revealed the Sports Authority has submit- ted another letter to the Olympic Committee of Kuwait indicating its com- mitment to international laws. DAESH mole planning hit nabbed Ghanaian nurse cheated, returns to home country KUWAIT CITY, Nov 15: A 28-year Ghanaian nurse, identified only as E.B., is said to have returned to her country after being cheated by her agent, reports Al-Rai daily. According to the daily, E.B., was promised a lucrative job as a nurse in a Gulf country but after she landed in Kuwait her passport and other documents were seized and was sold to a family to work as a housemaid. E.B was also forced to undergo a med- ical check-up and the result showed she was one month pregnant and her agent advised her to abort the baby but she refused. She therefore called the agent in Ghana and requested him to help her return to Ghana but he refused. E.B. then informed her husband in Ghana who subsequently filed a com- plaint with the police accusing the agent believed to be the Managing Director of a travel agency. He was subsequently arrested on Nov 3, this year. According to reports the agent informed E.B. that Kuwait needed some nurses and that if she is interested she should pay money to process her papers, which she did and she was subsequently flown to Kuwait to take up her job. However, when she arrived in Kuwait, she was sold to a family to work in a house where she not only was humiliated but suf- fered due to maltreatment and abuse. The agent in Kuwait also refused to help her to return to Ghana and she was allowed to go only after her husband bought the ticket in October this year. The accused has been charged with human trafficking and exploitation and is believed to be out on bail. Meanwhile, in an unrelated develop- ment, an employee of the Joint Operations Department of the Wafra Oilfield and identified only as B.H., has been referred to the State Security police for interroga- tion after he admitted to being DAESH mole to carry out a terrorist act at his work site, reports Al-Shahed daily. According to the daily, the man told officers during interrogation that his task was to carry out an act of sabotage at the joint operations site between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. A security source said the employee driving a pickup truck entered the com- pany gate to go to his work place and because he looked confused he was referred to the company’s security control department where he reportedly admitted to being a DAESH mole and that his plan was to carry out a terrorist attack. The source added, bomb disposal experts rushed to the site of the incident and checked the pickup truck but failed to find the explosives. Investigations with the suspect are continuing.

Transcript of Panel rejects bill to impose DIWANIYA fees on expats ...satisfaction of the criminal entity, Israel...

Page 1: Panel rejects bill to impose DIWANIYA fees on expats ...satisfaction of the criminal entity, Israel and to defend it. “In spite of the above, the ‘civi-lized world’ stood idle

‘Crimes to soar if tyrants stay’

‘World must move in right way’“FOLLOWING the assault on Pariswhich has been claimed by theIslamic State (IS) or the so-called‘DAESH’, the US President BarackObama has declared the terroristcrimes that have been carried out inParis are crimes against humanity notonly against France,” columnist, theDeputy Chairman of the IslamicHeritage Revival Society (IHRS) andthe Dean of the College of theTechnological Studies at the PublicAuthority for Applied Education andTraining (PAAET) Dr Wael Al-Hasawi wrote for Al-Rai dailySunday.

“While we agree with Obama thatterrorism doesn’t belong to a specificreligion, a specific State or a specificpeople since it targets the entire humanrace the question is: Does the civilizedworld realize these facts when dealingwith the interests of the people aroundthe world or closes its eyes and ignoresthe pains andthe tragedies ofthe persecutedpeople?

“We haverepeatedly saidthat the entireworld shall paythe price of itssilence to whathas been hap-pening in Syriafor the past fiveyears which is a gross violation againsthumanity.

“In this context, we say for the past40 years the Syrians have been facinggenocide and persecution in its formwhich has peaked over the past fiveyears. The Syrians have suffered at thehands of the incumbent president andhis father respectively just to meet thesatisfaction of the criminal entity,Israel and to defend it.

“In spite of the above, the ‘civi-lized world’ stood idle instead ofdealing with ‘a criminal’ who hasmassacred his people. We have seenthe involvement of some other coun-tries in the panicky situations annihi-lating the Syrians and supporting thecriminals.

“We had earlier highlighted theimpacts of oppression and persecutionfacing the Palestinians for more thansixty or seventy years represented bythe confiscation of their lands andmurder of their children.

“In spite of the above, we found the‘civilized world’ instead of makinghaste to deter the criminals only issuedresolutions over the Palestinian causethrough its ‘window’ — the UnitedNations (UN) — but unfortunately,these resolutions did nothing to endthe Palestinian torment, rather the res-olutions only boosted the dominationof the criminals on Palestine.

“Following this the criminals sparedno efforts to enhance the suffering ofthe Palestinians and this became evi-dent when a decision was taken recent-ly by the Zionist entity to allow its sol-diers to kill any suspicious movement(person) even children and the killerwill not face the law.

“Likewise, we have realized that theso-called ‘creative anarchy’ put inplace by the Americans in Iraq andtheir decision to hand over Baghdad toTehran on a silver platter will not gounpunished.

“However, although the rational andwise people of these countries arelooking forward to get rid of this trag-ic reality, they don’t like to surmountthe same through violence or by force,but unfortunately young people whoare raised in the midst of such tragicevents are witness to the tragedies suf-fered by their parents and elder sib-lings.

“And what about the young menwho are taught to reject injustice andturn down restrictions put on them byothers particularly their freedoms andthe freedoms of others, particularlywhen they see the crimes committedagainst humanity by criminal leadersin their countries who have grabbedpower at the expense of their peopleand have begun monopolizing both thesources of weapons and to an extentthey have dominated some terroristorganizations.

“We have seen the terrorist opera-tions which have been carried outrecently. Take for example the down-ing of a Russian airliner over the SinaiPeninsula of Egypt. Likewise, we havealso seen the terrorist operation thatwas carried out on the southern out-

skirts of the Lebanese capital, Beirut,the stronghold of Hezbollah.

“However, the above happenedbecause both Russia and Hezbollah atthe moment are involved in persecut-ing and torturing the Syrian people,although, we have repeatedly said theSyrian victims are civilians and shouldnot be punished for the crimes com-mitted by their leaders.

“Anyway, we expect the crimes tosoar and aggravate, if the entireworld does not move in the properdirection and as long as the ‘butch-ers’ rule over the people, we will con-tinue to see devastation, killings anddeath.”

Also: “Terrorism is an unjustifiable act

irrespective of the circumstances andreasons behind it,” columnistAbdulmohsen Juma’a wrote for Al-Jarida daily Sunday.

“What occurred Friday evening inthe French capital, Paris was a brutalact of terrorism that must be con-demned by the entire world and mustdeclare solidarity with the French andsupport their government to arrest allthose who are involved in carrying outthis horrible crime.

“Undoubtedly the big loser of thisbrutal crime after the victims will beMuslims and Arabs.

“Yes, terrorism should be coun-tered by decisive force, but thisshould not come at the expense ofreason or at the expense of othereffective measures. Of course, theoption of reason is something whichis rejected by both the Europeans andthe Americans.

“It is needless to say both theEuropeans and the Americans mustrealize that they are dealing with theEast — the Arab world — and eventu-ally keep in mind that the Arabs repre-sent the heart of the world and thecentre of various civilizations andreligions dated back to thousands ofyears.

“Meanwhile, the Europeans and theAmericans, should keep in mind thatwhatever the volume of their mightand potentials to impose their will onthis part of the world, it is needless tosay this imposition will not last longand when that happens the price willbe to huge to pay.

“In fine and without going throughthe depth of history and its associa-tions, we would like here to emphasizethat what has occurred in Paris, can bemostly ascribed to a manner that hasbeen followed by both the Europeansand the Americans in the region.

“You, the Europeans and theAmericans were the ones who plantedIsrael in the region and Paris through-out the decade of the 1950s wasinvolved in providing the Hebrew statenuclear weapons to enable it to rejectall proposals necessary for a peacefulsettlement. Moreover, this support hasconsecrated the Israeli occupation ofArab territories.

“In spite of the above, we wonderwhy we see a young Frenchman ofArab or Muslim extraction embrac-ing extremism. We tell such peoplethat this happened because thisyoung man has seen Israeli soldierskilling a Palestinian child in cold-blooded manner and then destroyinghis home and building settlements forthe Jews.

“Meanwhile, we would like toremind both the Europeans and theAmericans that since they have mis-used Islamic fundamentalism in col-laboration with some despotic regimesfor the sake of encountering the thenSoviet Union during the so-called‘Cold War’ instead of supporting thedemocratic and civil movements in theArab world, this rejection actuallyresulted in the disappearance of thesemovements.

“Not just that, both the Europeansand the Americans over the past threeyears between 2011 and 2014, havemade more dangerous moves in theMiddle East region by pulling woolover their eyes and ignoring the atroc-ities of Bashar Al-Assad of Syria incollaboration with Iran and both theLebanese and Iraqi militias.

“However, amid such atmospheres,the Islamic State (IS) or the so-called‘DAESH’ was born at the end of 2013the time when Al-Assad made use ofthe chemical weapons against his peo-ple in Al-Gouta.

“This happened, while both theEuropeans and the Americans were

standing idle in response to pressuresput on them by Israel. We found boththe US and Britain refraining frompunishing the Al-Assad regime.”

❑ ❑ ❑

“The Institute of PoliticalDevelopment in Bahrain is a veryimportant one. Its Board of Trustees isheaded by the Advisor to the King forInformation Affairs Nabil Yacoub Al-Hamar,” Sami Abdulatif Al-Nesf wrotefor Al-Anba daily.

“The institute organizes valuableseminars and lectures for which theyinvite lecturers from all parts of theworld. We had recently attended thisyear’s event for which the keynotespeaker was the General Manager ofAl-Arabiya Channel Turki Al-Dakhil.He delivered a comprehensive lectureon the “Ideologies of Mutual Hatred.”He discussed manifestation of reli-gious and sectarian militarization thatis synonymous with Sunni and Shiitechannels. He indicated that religiousspeeches delivered by Muslim sectsdo not encourage consolidation ofpeace.

“After his session, three otherimportant sessions followed for dis-cussions on the role of conventionaland contemporary media in consoli-dating social security and putting anend to hate speeches.

“In this vein, we suggest that theGCC and Arab League should estab-lish similar institutes in all Arabnations, considering the weakness ofpolitical development and awareness.”

❑ ❑ ❑

“Words cannot describe theachievements of HH the Amir SheikhSabah Al-Ahmad who is a leader thatthe entire world is proud of him as theAmir of politics and diplomacy,”columnist Khalid Al-Arafah wrote forAl-Anba daily.

“Each time HH the Amir achievesexcellence he directly boosts the nameof the State of Kuwait through his dili-gent efforts to settle conflicts amongleaders and solve pending problemsbetween countries. He deserves thetitle of father of wisdom and diploma-cy.

“HH the Amir rightfully deservesthe title of ‘Humanitarian Leader’which has been bestowed on him bythe United Nations due to his charitywork in the name of Kuwait every-where in the world.

“It is not strange that two days agohe was chosen to win the award ofmost influential leader in the Arabworld in 2014. The selection has comedue to his achievements on the internaland external fronts particularly hisdiligent efforts towards Arab reconcil-iation and the unlimited support whichKuwait gives to less fortunatenations.”

❑ ❑ ❑

“I wonder when this country willwake up and when the governmentwill realize the danger the country ispassing through because the situationhas reached a critical point on theverge of collapse,” columnist,Constitutional Expert and the Dean ofKuwait University’s Faculty of LawDr Mohammad Al-Moqatei wrote forAl-Qabas daily.

“The justice has been shaken; theoil prices have tumbled down to $42from $105 a barrel; the real estatemarket continues to be monopolizedand corruption and bribe is wide-spread in most institutions, not tomention the conflict between mem-bers of the ruling family and thenational unity is in a state of decom-position.

“All these factors are signs that acountry can collapse overnight startingwith its institutions which will soonlose its glamour, respect and power.

“They will become structures ofcorruption and political exploitationaccompanied by a crash in values andgood manners, bringing social reper-cussions that will affect the socialsecurity and stability.

“In spite of clear futuristic dangersthe country will be confrontingbecause of these dangerous signs, thegovernment has yet to come with solu-tions to deal with serious issues in aresponsible manner, which means thecountry is nearly going to sink with noone to rescue the sinking ship, andwhen that happens, nothing will cometo your rescue.”

— Compiled by Zaki Taleb




DIWANIYAa digest of public opinion

Panel rejects bill to imposefees on expats remittances

MP files grilling against minister

By Abubakar A. IbrahimArab Times Staff

KUWAIT CITY, Nov 15: Theparliamentary Legislative andLegal Affairs Committee onSunday rejected a bill submit-ted by MP Kamel Al-Awadhito amend the Central Bank ofKuwait Law in order toimpose five percent fee on theremittances of expatriates.

Speaking to reporters after thecommittee meeting, Rapporteur MPAhmad Al-Qudaidi confirmed theyalso discussed the Public Authorityfor Industry Bill and forwarded it tothe relevant committee.

He added the committee approved therequest of the Public Prosecution to lift theimmunity of MP Nabil Al-Fadel on pressmisdemeanor cases, but rejected the samerequest for MP Abdullah Al Maayouf.

The committee postponed discussionson the request to lift the immunity of MPSaleh Ashour as he intends to attend thenext meeting.

Al-Qudaibi went on to say the pre-trialproceedings in the Criminal Code will bethe same in terms of the periods, indicat-ing there is no change in the periods formisdemeanor cases.

On the other hand, MP SaadounHamad Al-Otaibi submitted Sunday hisgrilling request against Minister of PublicWorks, Electricity and Water Ahmad Al-Jassar to National Assembly SpeakerMarzouq Al-Ghanim.

The three-point interpellation motion isbased on Article 100 of the Constitution,stating that, “Every member of theNational Assembly may address interpella-tion motions to the prime minister and min-isters on matters under their jurisdiction.”

The lawmaker intends to grill the min-ister on the supposed financial andadministrative irregularities and suspi-cion of encroachment on public funds inrelation to the awarding of a tender forthe establishment and furnishing of a newterminal at Kuwait International Airport.

It can be recalled that Al-Jassar sub-mitted his resignation to the Cabinet latein September, and it has not been accept-ed nor rejected. On Sept 29, then actingPrime Minister and Interior MinisterSheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah notified the Cabinet onAl-Jassar’s resignation letter which wasaddressed to HH the Prime MinisterSheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. This was followed by a decision

View on e-media bill: Minister ofInformation and Minister of State forYouth Affairs Sheikh Salman SabahSalem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah onSunday delivered the government’sview on the e-media draft law to aParliament committee.

Sheikh Salman explained to theEducation, Culture and GuidanceAffairs Committee at the NationalAssembly the philosophy behind thebill as well as the goals, and how itwill bridge a gap in the regulation ofKuwait’s national media, the ministersaid in a press statement.

In addition, the new bill is consid-ered a support to the Audio-VisualMedia, and Printing and PublishingLaws, he added.

During the meeting, Sheikh Salmanlistened to remarks offered by commit-tee members on their relevant efforts,noting that all share the same trench toserve Kuwait and back efforts to boostthe role of national media. (KUNA)

❑ ❑ ❑

Dates changed: Undersecretary ofMinistry of Education Dr Haitham Al-Atari has decided to change the start-ing day of the academic year2016/2017 for middle and high schoollevel to Sept 18, 2016 instead of theearlier-announced date Sept 11, 2016,reports Al-Seyassah daily.

He revealed that the date has beenchanged because the earlier-announceddate coincides with Eid al-Adha holi-days, indicating that the decision issupplement to the decision issued onJune 16, 2015 concerning the schoolcalendar of 2015/2016, which necessi-tated some changes.

Dr Al-Atari explained that theschedule of those working in all aca-demic and kindergarten levels willstart on Sept 4, 2016. However, thekindergarten and first year intermedi-ate students will report back to schoolon Sept 7, 2016. The other intermedi-ate students will report back on Sept 8,2016 while the middle and high schoolstudents will report back on Sept 18,2016.

❑ ❑ ❑

Check on prices: Vice-Presidentof Consumer Protection PrivateAssociation Khalid Al-Subaei revealedthe prices of about 1,000 products inthe local market increased within oneyear only, reports Al-Nahar daily.

He disclosed the association sur-veyed the local market to check theprices of commodities and the resultsshowed that prices rose within a year.He said the committee tasked to moni-tor prices is now studying 1,200 otherproducts to determine the level ofprice increase.

News in Brief

on assigning State Minister for CabinetAffairs Sheikh Mohammad Al-AbdullahAl-Mubarak Al-Sabah to handle theMinistry of Electricity and Water, whileState Minister for Housing Affairs YasserAbul was assigned to the Ministry ofPublic Works.

Meanwhile, the Financial andEconomic Committee set its priorities forthe current legislative round, whichinclude the Tenders and CommercialAgencies Bill, in addition to the amend-ment of the Planning Law and Facilitiesand Services Fees Act.

Committee Chairman MP Faisal Al-Shaya explained the amendments to theSocial and Economic Planning Lawinclude the removal and revision of cer-tain words or terms.

He added the Legislative Committeeconsiders it unconstitutional to amend theFacilities and Services Fees Act as the gov-ernment increases fees without the law, sothe Finance Committee will study the pro-posed amendment in its next meeting.

Moreover, Minister of Information andState Minister for Youth Affairs SheikhSalman Al-Hamoud Al-Sabah disclosedhis ministry has presented its viewpointon the Electronic Media Law to the par-liamentary Education, Culture andGuidance Affairs Committee.

He confirmed the ministry explainedall the goals of this regulatory project,which aims to address loopholes in theexisting regulations for national mediawith the support of the Press andPublications Law.

On sports issue, the minister claimedthat those who sought to suspend localsports are now pushing for Kuwait’s par-ticipation in international events. Heasserted that as a sovereign State, Kuwaitrejects participation under the Olympicflag. He stressed Kuwait will not partici-pate unless the Kuwaiti flag is flying. Herevealed the Sports Authority has submit-ted another letter to the OlympicCommittee of Kuwait indicating its com-mitment to international laws.

DAESH mole planning hit nabbed

Ghanaian nurse cheated, returns to home country KUWAIT CITY, Nov 15: A 28-yearGhanaian nurse, identified only as E.B.,is said to have returned to her countryafter being cheated by her agent, reportsAl-Rai daily.

According to the daily, E.B., waspromised a lucrative job as a nurse in aGulf country but after she landed inKuwait her passport and other documentswere seized and was sold to a family towork as a housemaid.

E.B was also forced to undergo a med-ical check-up and the result showed shewas one month pregnant and her agentadvised her to abort the baby but sherefused.

She therefore called the agent in Ghanaand requested him to help her return toGhana but he refused.

E.B. then informed her husband inGhana who subsequently filed a com-plaint with the police accusing the agentbelieved to be the Managing Director of a

travel agency. He was subsequentlyarrested on Nov 3, this year.

According to reports the agentinformed E.B. that Kuwait needed somenurses and that if she is interested sheshould pay money to process her papers,which she did and she was subsequentlyflown to Kuwait to take up her job.

However, when she arrived in Kuwait,she was sold to a family to work in a housewhere she not only was humiliated but suf-fered due to maltreatment and abuse.

The agent in Kuwait also refused tohelp her to return to Ghana and she wasallowed to go only after her husbandbought the ticket in October this year.

The accused has been charged withhuman trafficking and exploitation and isbelieved to be out on bail.

Meanwhile, in an unrelated develop-ment, an employee of the Joint OperationsDepartment of the Wafra Oilfield andidentified only as B.H., has been referred

to the State Security police for interroga-tion after he admitted to being DAESHmole to carry out a terrorist act at his worksite, reports Al-Shahed daily.

According to the daily, the man toldofficers during interrogation that his taskwas to carry out an act of sabotage at thejoint operations site between Kuwait andSaudi Arabia.

A security source said the employeedriving a pickup truck entered the com-pany gate to go to his work place andbecause he looked confused he wasreferred to the company’s security controldepartment where he reportedly admittedto being a DAESH mole and that his planwas to carry out a terrorist attack.

The source added, bomb disposalexperts rushed to the site of the incidentand checked the pickup truck but failed tofind the explosives.

Investigations with the suspect arecontinuing.