Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71...

'·f REG». Panaji, 16th OFFICIAL. GOVERNMENT ·OF·GOA'. DAMAN , . .' AND DiU of Personnel and AdrninistrativeReiorll)s Order No. 31/7/78-PER' On -placement 'of hiS services' at the dif;p.o!3al" of the. Government of Mizoram by the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs as cpmmunicated thei.r Wireless Message No. U. 14016/34/84-UTS dated .14-3-1985 the Administrator of .Goa, Daman' and Diu is pleased; to relieve w. e. (B. N.) Shri' D. T. Barde, Grade I . Officer of the Goa, Daman and Diu '-Police :3ervice ll?-S been included in the Select,·list.for promotion to 8hri, D. T. Barde after __ handing over the charge. shall report' to- the Chief secretary Mizoram, Aizwal, for posting. . .. :. . 'By order and tii'.the:name Of·'the'of Goa, Daman -and Diu. . N._ P. Gaunekar, Uilder Secretary •. , . ,,',' I Parraji, 9th May, 1985. Order No. 22/13,1.;83-PER The ad..;hoc 'promotions of S/Shri M. Chagas i),SilVa.-,and --Ps. P. Kamat, made in the,grade of Mamlatdar/Block Develop:" roent Officers vide, order, "No.' dated 24.,.f).;84 are hereby- terminated consequent UP9n their,: promotion. on offi¢iating' basis in the' gz'ade, ".of ,Superintenqent with effect 'from! the date they are relieved from . the said- posts. ,. . . 2. Shri D. A. Quadros, JoiJ;lt Mamlatdar, Panda shall,relieve Shri Kamat and hold the charge of the post of Chief. Officer Ponda ,Municipal .-Council ,::and . V. G. Dessa1, .Joint Mamlatdar Salcete shall relieve Shi'i M. Chagas D'Silva an.d hold the charge 'of, the post, of Joint in addition :to their own duties. " By order and in the name of the Administrator of G08s. . Daman· and Diu. . N. P. Gatwnekarr, Under Secretary (Personne)). P,,,iaji, 7th May, 1985. . General Administration. and Co-ordination Division Order No. 1/18/69-GA&C(VoL III) Read: i) Govt, Notification No, 1/lS/69-SA&C .(VoL III),. dated ,30-6-1983 published the.' OffiCial Gazette'Senes I, No. 14, - dated ii)Govt. Notification No,l/18/69,GA&C Vol. II dated 20-2-1985. 'L'.' . _ -j "_'.i 'j-. The J)epartriiental' fOl\. - 'cadre '·'Of -Mahllatdar,lJt. "Mamlatdai-/Block Officer was conducted from"11'3-1985 to '13-3-1985 :ill accordari'ce with' Govt.: cited "*bove." G; Daman for the said examination failed "in Paper' I " and passed ,in Papers"II, TIl, -se'cured"m'O:ie than 45% _m'arks' -in each 0'£' these -4- (four), papers shown "in .tl\e . Annexlire ," to . the said Notification" dated 30-6-1983; and hence' he' is::decIared failed' in ·the -'said mination; 'consequently, in" ternis', of1:proviSO' to'-Rule, 5: of, the .Goa, Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt .. Mamlatdar/Block' Develop- ment Officer Rules, 1983. the Administrator of Goa, _Daman and Diu is, pleased to exempt Shri Rathcid, Mamlatdar, Daman from further' appearing _for ,the examination in papers n, III, V & vn iil which. he has passed. .By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa •. Daman and Diu. 'N. P. (PersOlUlel). Panaji, 8th May, .. eo. General Branch/Division Notification Np, 2/28/85-HD(G) . In exercise-of the p,owers conferred by sub-section (1) 'of . section, 20 9f the Criminal, Procedure Code, 1973. (2 of 1974), . the, Ad':nunistrator _ of -Goa, .Daman_ and', Diu 'hereby appomts the, ,Block. Development :Officer, in the District· ,of -Daman; as an Executive 'Magistrate' within the _jurisdiction' of Daman with imhiediate -.effect -and WltU further orders.' .., By order: and -itt, the, name of the AdDtinistrator of Goa, . and Diu. . , D:' '8; ,Under -S'ecretary .(Home). Panaji, 3rd May; 1985, •• Illanning Department Notification Nc>. 12-1-8()/PLG-Vol-II IIi exercise of ,the' powers' conferrea by' (b) of sub- (2) of section '3-' of the' Oaths Act, 1969 (Act 44 of 1969) read with the Notification No. U-ll()30/2/80-UTL dated 14-10-198() issue<:! by the Millistryof Home Affairs, New Delhi, the Administrator of Goa, Darilan and Diu hereby empowers, tl;te Block Officers and the Branch ·Managers of Nationalised Banks and the' Goa. state Co- Bank. in the Union territory of Goo;, Daman and Diu to· administer oaths and aifil1llations within their in respect· of the affidavits' required fol""

Transcript of Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71...

Page 1: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt

'·f REG». GO~·;;·

Panaji, 16th Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71



.' AND DiU

Depa~tment of Personnel and AdrninistrativeReiorll)s


No. 31/7/78-PER'

On -placement 'of hiS services' at the dif;p.o!3al" of the. Government of Mizoram by the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs as cpmmunicated v~de" thei.r Wireless Message No. U. 14016/34/84-UTS dated .14-3-1985 the Administrator of .Goa, Daman' and Diu is pleased; to relieve w. e. f~ 13~5~1985 (B. N.) Shri' D. T. Barde, Grade I . Officer of the Goa, Daman and Diu '-Police :3ervice wh~ ll?-S been included in the Select,·list.for promotion to I.P.-S~.

8hri, D. T. Barde after __ handing over the charge. shall report' to- the Chief secretary Mizoram, Aizwal, for f~rther' posting. . .. :. .

'By order and tii'.the:name Of·'the'of Goa, Daman -and Diu. .

N._ P. Gaunekar, Uilder Secretary (P~sonne.1> •. , . ,,',' I

Parraji, 9th May, 1985.


No. 22/13,1.;83-PER

The ad..;hoc 'promotions of S/Shri M. Chagas i),SilVa.-,and --Ps. P. Kamat, made in the,grade of Mamlatdar/Block Develop:" roent Officers vide, order, "No.' '1/2/83~SA&C dated 24.,.f).;84 are hereby- terminated consequent UP9n their,: promotion. on offi¢iating' basis in the' gz'ade, ".of ,Superintenqent oubli~e Secre~iat with effect 'from! the date they are relieved from

. the said- posts. ,. . .

2. Shri D. A. Quadros, JoiJ;lt Mamlatdar, Panda shall,relieve Shri Kamat and hold the charge of the post of Chief. Officer Ponda ,Municipal .-Council ,::and . '~hri V. G. Dessa1, .Joint Mamlatdar Salcete shall relieve Shi'i M. Chagas D'Silva an.d hold the charge 'of, the post, of Joint M~latdar in addition :to their own duties. "

By order and in the name of the Administrator of G08s. . Daman· and Diu. .

N. P. Gatwnekarr, Under Secretary (Personne)).

P,,,iaji, 7th May, 1985.

• . General Administration. and Co-ordination Division


No. 1/18/69-GA&C(VoL III)

Read: i) Govt, Notification No, 1/lS/69-SA&C .(VoL III),. dated ,30-6-1983 published ~n the.' OffiCial Gazette'Senes I, No. 14, -dated 74:.19~a.

ii)Govt. Notification No,l/18/69,GA&C Vol. II dated 20-2-1985.

'L'.' . _ -j "_'.i 'j-.

The J)epartriiental' Ex~ination fOl\. t~e_-' -~~fc~rs -'lri~ :;~~e 'cadre '·'Of -Mahllatdar,lJt. "Mamlatdai-/Block ~~Development Officer was conducted from"11'3-1985 to '13-3-1985 :ill accordari'ce with' Govt.: -~otifkation' cited "*bove."

s~ G; M.~R~thOd, l'...r~:~~·l1atdar,· Daman ~ho' a~peared for the said examination failed "in Paper' I " and passed ,in Papers"II, TIl, -V-'and--VII'a~:Lhe.-'had -se'cured"m'O:ie than 45%

_m'arks' -in each 0'£' these -4- (four), papers shown "in .tl\e . Annexlire ," to . the said Governm~rtt Notification" dated

30-6-1983; and hence' he' is::decIared failed' in ·the -'said exa~' mination;

'consequently, in" ternis', of1:proviSO' to'-Rule, 5: of, the .Goa, Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt .. Mamlatdar/Block' Develop­ment Officer Rules, 1983. the Administrator of Goa, _Daman and Diu is, pleased to exempt Shri Rathcid, Mamlatdar, Daman from further' appearing _for ,the examination in papers n, III, V & vn iil which. he has passed.

.By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa •. Daman and Diu.

'N. P. Ga..zuyuikaf'~ Under,.a~:t;etary (PersOlUlel).

Panaji, 8th May, ~985 ..


Homell~partmerit (Ge~eral) General Branch/Division


Np, 2/28/85-HD(G) .

In exercise-of the p,owers conferred by sub-section (1) 'of . section, 20 9f the Criminal, Procedure Code, 1973. (2 of 1974), .

the, Ad':nunistrator _ of -Goa, . Daman_ and', Diu 'hereby appomts the, ,Block. Development :Officer, :Qam~, in the District· ,of -Daman; as an Executive 'Magistrate' within the _jurisdiction' of Daman Di.$trict~: with imhiediate -.effect -and WltU further orders.' ..,

By order: and -itt, the, name of the AdDtinistrator of Goa, . and Diu. .

, D:' '8; Shirodka~~ ,Under -S'ecretary .(Home).

Panaji, 3rd May; 1985,

• •• Illanning Department


Nc>. 12-1-8()/PLG-Vol-II

IIi exercise of ,the' powers' conferrea by' cl~use (b) of sub­~section (2) of section '3-' of the' Oaths Act, 1969 (Act 44 of 1969) read with the Notification No. U-ll()30/2/80-UTL dated 14-10-198() issue<:! by the Millistryof Home Affairs, New Delhi, the Administrator of Goa, Darilan and Diu hereby empowers, tl;te Block neyelopmen~ Officers and the Branch ·Managers of Nationalised Banks and the' Goa. state Co­~operative Bank. in the Union territory of Goo;, Daman and Diu to· administer oaths and aifil1llations within their res~ pecti~e juri~'dictions in respect· of the affidavits' required fol""

Page 2: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt


a::ly purpose relating to borrowing of loans. 'other than, the affidavi~s required' f<?r the purpose of judicial proceedings.

By order 'and in the name of the AdI¢nistrator of Goa,_ . D~niail and' Diu, . . ,-~

... 4.. p. Panvelkd,l', Under- Secretary (E. & A.).

Panaji, prd M;ay,' 1985: ... Education Departm~nt.


. NO.12/20/8VWET/I '

Read: -. Memol'andumNo.12/20/84,\VET dated 22.8·1984

On the recommendatlon-Qf-Lpcal Se.1ection Committee •. Shri Raji.v Maheshwal'i. is h~reby temporarily appointed on ad-hoc basis as Assistant Professor in Environmental -Science in the Goa College cit Engineering, Fa~gudi. with. effect from 5-12-84 (F.N.) on an Initial payRs. 1100/- pel' mensum in the pay -scale of as. 11()()"50-1600 plus the allowances admissibe from time. _ -',' -',

2. The appointment -is, Ptn:e1y, on' ad-lioe basis and, shan not bestow .on him a. c~aim for "regular appointment-:and that ad-hoc service ,rendered -would not count for the purpose of' .seni~)rit.y ,in ,that grade and for eligibility for promotion and confirmation.

3. other conditions of- service shall be governed' by the relevant rules and reguliltions in for.c~" ;from" time to time:.

'. Revenue Department . .


No, 22/40/85-RD

vVhereas it appears to ,the appropriAte GOverriinent .(here .. inafter 'referred to as "the Government") tlU!.t the land specified i~ the schedul~ h,eret~, (hereinafter referre<il. to as the "said land") is likely ,to_ be;'needed fOl""p.ubllc purpose viz. Land Acquisition for construction of R. B. M. C. of A. I~ P.-1st & 2nd StFetch·-;Balance Work at ShiroIl, _Satari.

Therefore the Government· is pleased to notify under sub­-section (1) of- Section 4 of the Land Acquisition. Act, 1894 (hereinafter referred to as the "said ,Act") that the: said land is likely to be ne.::ded for the purpose specified above.

2. All persons' Interested in, the said -land are' 'hereby \yarned ,not too' obstruct or interfere"With _any surveyor _01"

other_ per'sons employed upon .tile said land. for the pl.irpose -of". the said, acquisition. ,Any contracts for: the disposal: ~f tp.e said land by sale,. mortgage,' aSsigTQllent. exchange or otherWise or any outlay commenced or improvements made th61:'eon without the sanction of the Collector appoint~d in paragraph -4: below, after the date: of the publicatIon of this Notification, will under clause (seventh) of -Section 24 of the said' Act. be disregarded by him '_while' -assessing com·


Shri ~eshwari has been examined by '-the--;:Medical' Board,", ; Goa MediC~ Collegel and has been found fit.

4. The appointment is' liable for t~l1l1inAtion In _caSe:'tiv!-: character and antecedent of Shri Maheshwari are adverse

• S('I as to disqualify him from -holding a post under Govern~' ment. '

. ~~ :,.'

By order and in the name of the Administrator: of Goa._ Daman and Diu. '- ' -

, A. P.- Parwelkar~ Under Secretary to the GoVt. of Goa.~ Daman and Diu.

Panaji, 8th May) 1985. ... . Forest and Agriculture Department



Read: Govt. Notification of\ even number dated 17-4-85 •. .-

The of Shri Ladu L. Harnialkar, Sarpanch, Nagargaon Panchayat,_ Satan standing at. Serial ,No. 5 Of the Govern-­ment Notification quoted above shall be read as 4'Shri Ladu L. Harvalka,r".

By order and in the name of the Adminlstrator of Goa, .. D.aman and Diu.

A., P. Pan'Velka'j~ Under Secretary to the, Govt. of Goa, .. Daman & Diu.

Panaji, 6th May. 1985.

pensation for such parts of the sald -land as may be finally­acquired.

3 .. If the GOvermnent is 'satisfied that the said land is,' needed for the\' aforesaid -purpose', a declaration ,to that_ effect under Section 6 of, the said Act will be published in the -O~ficial 'Gazette in. due _course" If ~e acquisition is abando,ned wholly" .01' in part, the fact will be notified.

- 4. Th'e Goi>-ernment" is' further pleased' to' appolrit' -under" clause. (c) of Section 3 of the said Act the Special Land Acquisition -Officer (A. T. P.) Duler,',\Mapusa, to' perform .-the functions of a Collector under the -said Act in respect of the '.

, said land. '"

5. The Government is also pleased to authorise under sub~ . ~section (2)' of Section (-4) of -the, said Act, the follOWing' pfficers .to dQ .the acts, specified. therein in respect of the said:~ land., .

1. The 'Collectol:' -'of- Goa, PamijL 2.' The SpeCial Land Acqiiisition 'OffiCe.r. A. I. P ..

, Atijuileni, Duler, Mapusa_ 3. The EXecutJve- -Engineer, w. D. VI, A. I. P. (1. D)

Sarvana Bicholim. ' ; 4. The _Director- of L~d Survey, Panaji..

:,' _6. A rough plan of the .said ~and is 'available fQr inspection In the .office of the Special Land AcquiSition Officer (A. I. P.) Duler" Mapusa for a period of 30 days from the date ()f"

publication of this Notification in the Official Gazette.


(Description of the said land)

Sr. No. Taluk{\ Village SUrvey No.

1 2 • 4

';,' Satari Shiroli ' 88


Holding -No, .


'7 ':,/,


Names of the persons believed to b'e interested


0: Vithal Pundalik Gawas Granted to ' -Pan<Iu Gopal.Gawas.

Boundaries: North: Survey No: 88/6. South: River. ' East: Survey No. 88/9. West: 88/4.

Approximate area in sq. ~~s.



Page 3: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt

16TH )fAY, 1985 (VAISAKA 26, 1907)

1 2 5

satan Shlrol! 86


85 3



85, . 5 .

i "




0: Appa Sodgo Shetkar. . Granted to .Sodgo Appa Shetkar Alvaro


North: Survey No. 84/10.· South: 85/4. East: Temple.. .'

.. West: Survey No. :79/3.

0: Rama. Vith~ba Gliwas .. Granted to '" , . Raina Vlthoba Gawas

.C"'.' ,-, -' "

0: GarieahSilkdo Gawas. y

GrantedtQ. .'.' Ganeah SUkdo,Gaws Alvaro -.'

Boutidaries: ., North:· Temple. ,

'SouthSurvey No; '85/6. East: . 84/10. 'WeSt:' 86. '

.0: Mahadev Pandu. Porlenkar .. Granted to . , . Soprl Laxman Gaunkar' Alvaro

.Boundaries: . North: Survey No. 86.

South: , 85/5. East: 85/3 •. West: ,79/3 ..

:, 0: Soprl Laxman PorieUkar . . Granted to '

Soprl Laxman Gaunkar Alv.aro

Boundaries: North: Survey No. 86. South: 85/6. East: Temple. West: Surv~y No. 86/4 ..

O:Gllu Krishna ·Gauns. Granted to Krishna Gilu GaUnkar. Alvaro

l\lorth: 'River. South: Survey No. 84/4. East: 84/2. West: . 85/1 • . .

. 0: Chandi-obag Gan~Gawas. . Granted to

.Smt. Balem GaUnkar .,'

Boundaries: . .. ,. North: Survey No. 84/4.

. South:' . 85/4. East: 84/2 ..

:.' , West: 84/1.

Total ................ :.

By order and in the name Of'the LieuteD.a:n:t. G6:v~mor-__ pf 'Goa, Dame R.nd Diu: . .' . • _, . " , : ',J',_, ", - .

P. S. Na4lw!rnl, Under Secretary (Revenue}:',""

Panajl 16th April, 1985. . .',-': ...•. '.














\ f I

I I ,


Page 4: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt

Notific~tion '

No. 22/37/85-RD . .::.,

Whereas i~ appears to the Appropriate GoverIlllleilt-; (here­inafter referred to as "the Government"):' that tlte 'land· specified in -the' schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to' -'as the "said land") is likely to be_ needed for p~blic purppse viz~ Land Acquisition for construction Of Right: Bank main Canal at ch., 0.0 to 240 m at Kerim Sa'ta,ri.·

Therefore the Government is pleased. to no~y' -under $Ub .. -section (1) of Section 4 of the Land 'AcqUisition Act, 1894 (herema.:tter· referred to as the "said Act") ,that the said land iSllkely to be needed for the purpose specified above.·

'2. All persons interested in the said land·he~~b~ warned not.t.C? obstruct or interfere with any surveyot: -Qt:-.9t;her per~. sons employed upon the said land for· the purpos~ of, t,he said acqUisition. Any contracts for the disposal of the sa1d·land by sale, mortgage, assignment,:"· eXcrumge -or: '. ot1l~tse or any outlay commenced or imJ)rovements made' 'tllE!_reon without the sanction of the Collector appointed in paragraph 4 beloWd1tter_the date of the publication, of,tJt4; ;N()ti,f~c~tio.n. will under· clause (seventh) of Section 24M the·sllldAct;.clle disregarded by him while assessing _compensation for._: stich parts of the said land as may be finslly acqUfr4id. .. . .... .

. SERiES tl No; 7

3. If . the Qovenunent is s.atlsfledthat thesSidland Is .n.eeded for the. ~oref!~d purpOse,. a dec~tio~_ to th~t effect under Section 6· of the said Act will be publlshed tn ·the Official Gazette, in due course. If the:'acquisition._iB _abandoned , wholly or in part, the fact will be notified.

4. The Government is :fuiither pleased to appoint· un.der clause (c) of Section 3 of the said Act the Speeial Land Acquisition Officer, -A.I.P. Anjunem, -Duler Mapusa, to per­form the functions of a Collector under the said Act· ill res­pect Qf -the said' land. '

5. The Govermnent is alSo. pleased to authorise under sub­-section (2) of Section (4) of the' said Act, the following officers to.. do _ the acts, specified _ there~ in respect of the said; land. ..

1. The, Collector of Goa, Panaji. _ 2. The . Special Land Acquisition' Officer, A.I.P. Anjunem,

Duler, Mapusa. 3. The Executive Engineer, W.D.VI, IrttigatiQn Depart~

ment (A.I.P.) SarvQna, Bicholim. 4. The Director of Land Survey, Panaji.

6. A, rough plan. 'of thliS said land is available for inspection in the office of the Special Land Acquisition Officer, A.I.P,. Anjunem, Duler, Mapusa for a' period _ ~ 30 days f~m the date of publicaticn of this Notification in ,the Official Gazette.


Sr. No. Taluka V11lage-, -

1 2 3·

Satnll'i Kerim


- '\- -,

<:" ,,',




:,' .. ' 87

Sub.;.Div._ No.





Names of the persons heUeved to be interested


-<H: 1. Manoramabal Rane & heirs of Raujirao ,;<;~, Rane.

. , . -'-,

2. Ganpst Rauji Jugar. . 3. Zalba Satroj;" Rane Sardessal. 4., Tarabaisaheb Gaikwad. 5. Krishnarao Satroji Rane Sardessal. 6. D~ttajirao_ Amrutrao Rane Sardessai. 7. Prataprao Nariasaheb Rane Sardessai. 8. Jayajl Nanasaheb ~ne Sardessai. 9. Jaisingrao Venkatrao Rane Sardessai.

,. ·.10. Indurso Venkatrao Rane Sardessal. 11. Shabaka Bacharam Prabhu Dessai.

. f 12. Anantrao Dlnkarao Rane Sardessal. 13. Balas3.heb Rausaheb Rane Sardessai •. 14. Ganpatrao Balasaheb Bane Sardessai. 15. Tulsibal Bala Rane. . 16. Mah'adevrao Laxirnanrao Rane Sardessai. 17. Vishvasrao -Laximanrao Rane Sardessai. 18. Bagwantra,o Laximanrao Rane Sardessai. 19. Ramrao Venkatrao Sardessai. 20. Sripstrao Venkatrao Rane Sardessai. 21. Govindrao Venkatrao Rane Sardessal.

'T:' 1. Vithoba Ganesh Goid-·· BOWIdaries:

North: S. No. 83. South: So' No. 95/9. East: S. No. 87/5. West: ·S. No. 85/2.·

H: Same as Survey No. 85/4. . T: 1. Sabaji Laxn>ah Sawa!. .

Boundaries: . North: S. No. 87/1. South: River. East: S. No. 87/6. West: S. No. 85/4.

H: ·Same as SUrvey No. 85/4. "."" ·T: 1.: Arjun Ladu Gawas.

Boundaries: North: S. No.~/2. South: River. East: S. No. 87/10. West: S. No. 87/5.

H: Same as Survey No. 85/4. T:,. L .. Kashar, Sa4uk!1NIIik.

Boundaries: .. Nottii: S:No. 87/i{ South: River:: c . . East:S. No: 87/6, West: S. No. 85/4.

Approximate , ,area in sq. mts.






Page 5: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt

~. '. ~

16TH MAY~:'1985 (VAISAKA 26, 1907)

1 2 , 3 1

Quelim 87


<,c,~I', ,: ::::""~J";'~'North' S _' No ,87is ",,".< ':""",("South; S: NO: 81/8:

:::.:,.:-. L:]".,"<H" ~ .~-.~::,::Eatt: S .. No.. 87/7. l

<.::".';(:,",,', .',';''':'.'.West: S. No. 81/6. 'n:ih'/ '.::.\ .. :.: ':,I~<,"i'; ,:

By order and in the name of the Lt. G<l~erno~'of'Goa:ri)inian and- Diu. ,:';!-';"T z'.~L'-i'-n. .'_,~,t-':~::.': .

P .. 8 .. NailkqT'l!>i; -Under Secretary (Reven~e.:l~. '.y'. '.'; "_" -,;r·,>:'..

Panaji, 15th April, 1985.


. Total 8850.00

Notification ;:,,-"".' ~ ;:;! ~.y: ... ) '.'5.,:':,! '"3. If the Government 'is' satisfied that the said land Is ,'. ";.,"-,':.; ,:~,):~-. rte,eded for the ,aforesaid- purpose, a declaration to_ th'at ,effect

No. \22/8/85-RD :. :.':t' ",,' ;,;'-,-, ~<' ,:;-;): ".' tiJider Section 6 -of the said Act" will be published in- the

Whereas it appears to the Appropriate GOY~~tW.(.(.-here~,. '-, O'fficial Gazette •. in due ,course. If the acquisition,is abandoned inafte't referred. to as .~the Government") that'the1a.ncf'sp~~!": .' wholly or in'part, tile f<hit win be notified. fied in the schedule hereto (hereinafter referred; ,'to·_ as_ :t"li~ "said land") is likely to be needed for public' 'purpds~, ~;.,' land acquisition, fQr construction of apprOach" rriad, _ to . 'G~tt"-'-' karw~ in V. P. Barcem, Quepem, . . .' ,;,,'"

'Therefore the Government -is -pleased to 'notify-wider su1:j~ ':<, -section (1) of Section 4 'of the .Land Acquisition Act, 1894 ;, (hereinafter referred to as the "said Act") ·that the" ,said' land is likely to be 'needed for the purpose speclfie~ )~bove.-.·

4. The Government is further pleased to appoint under clause (c) 6f Section'a of the said Act the Additional Dy. Collector (2'South), Margao. to per[onn the functiOns of 3::' Collector- under the said Act in respect of the "said land'.

5. The Government is also pleased to authorise under s1,lb-:,section (2) of ,_S~ction 4 'of th~ said Act._ the following 9f.ficers to do the acts" specified therein in respect of: the .~~id land. I

1. The Collector of Goa, Panaji. ,2., All persons interested in the'said la~d ar~ rie~eby'-warned not to obstruct or interfere With any sur:veyor Qr.. o,ther persons employed up'on the said land for the purpose oj 'the said acquisition. Any contracts for the dispo.sal :of the' ~aid:.l} land by sale. lease, mor:tgage, p,sstgnment, excha:ng~ or .ot.her~, wise, or any outlay commenced or ~proverp.~ts: made thereon withOUt the sanction _ of the COlleetor ~i>pc)illted ·m·· paragraph 4 ~OWt after the date of th~" _publica.tio~, o~, _this Notification. will under claUse (seventh) of Se~tion, 24 ·of." ' the said ,Act,' be disregar4ed by him while ass~s,~g -~ompen-,; satton for such _ parts of, the said -'land as may, -,b~, -finally,

2. <,'- 3.

The Additional Deputy. Collector (2-80uth), Margao.

The Eicecutive Engin~l\' Works 'Division XVIII ~(R&B).~ PWD,- Ponda.

4. Th~ Director of Land S~rvey, ,Panaji.

acquired. ' ,

6. A -rough plan of the is available, for iilspection in the office of the Additional Deputy Collector· (2·South), MRrg~ for a period of 30 days from the date of pu(:>lication ' of this Notification in the ·Official Gazette.

Taluka' Village

1 2

Quepem Barcem





39 P":'t

17 part 132 part


'sCaEDDLE ;.- -<De~eriptlon of -the' said land)


--,".' Sub.:;Dlv. Names of the persons believed to be interested -No.





<''1. '-Janu Govind Gaonkar. . 2. Govind SUkdo Gaonkar.· 3~ ,~liiut Ji~'"O Gaonkar. '4~ Kusod Sonu Gaonkar. 5.'·Narayan Dolo Goonkal'. 6.' Nagu Puno Gaonkar, 7. Bamto . M:a3'elo Gaonkar. 1: Narayan VI,thoba Vellip.'

. 2. Sonu. Vithoba vemp. 3;:S)1kd? Vithoba Velip. 4:Rlm1a. Vithoba vemp.

:1 5., RUkIDini Kusta Vellip.

: i;)4'r~I' ':sella Rosa. Almeida.

l:.·;Goylrid Sukdo Gaonkar. 2~---Janu -. Govind. Gaonkar. 3.':Zorgo Gaonkar. 4,',BamtO Mayalo Gaonkar. 5~~Nagu. Puno -',Gaonkar.

,6.,_:Narayan Dbolo Gaonkar .. 7_L Zorgo- Kalso- Gaonkar.

·8.Rlm1a. Katu Gaonkar .. 9., Kusta. Jiu Gaonkar •

.1Q.' .. Th.ulo Shanu Gaonkar. " g. · Gaonkar.

:tz,'Bomb<> Sonn Vellip • . " ... " 13: '!>'auto KUiro vemp •

. , ; '·l'C'.T""u Kulro Ve1J1p. 15.-cKUsdo Sonu Gaonkar .

. ' ;" .. " ., 16 .. ,Chlmut Jlu Gaonkar.

2 part. 1. Bamto Paik Vellip.

Area in ~sq. mts.


. 1550,00





Page 6: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt



Q!lepem Barcem


136 part .

137 part

123 part




138 part 139 part


11 part

1 p~rt

, 2. part


1 •. Pauto M¥hu yellip. '2. 'Bombo Charo VelUp.

. '3. N8.1"ayan Sonu Vellip. 4. Ram Mollo Vellip. 1.· Manuel Di ....

. 2:.Santan Dias. i'Bamto KaiU Qaonkar. ·2 •. Givin<! Ram Yellip. 3. Sonu Katu VelUp. 4., Bicu Kusto VelUp. D. ·BabuGurkho VelUp; 6. Zorgo Thulo Vellip. '. 7.FOndu Bantu Vellip. 8. Sonu Ram V.Ulp. . 9. Pauto Sonu Vellip.

10. Ram Chandru Vellip. 11. Thulo Vellip. . 12. Babu Gurkho VelUp. 13. Shanu Gurkho Veillp. 14. Bamto Paik Vellip. 15. Shauu Govind Gaonkar. 16. Janu Govind VelUp.

1. Ganesh. Madhu Vellip. 2. RuIonini. Vellip •. ' ". , 3. JanuCUiro VelUp. ' 4 .. Zorgo ,Puna VelUp. 5. Govind Katu VelUp. 6. Dholo Kaldo Gaon!<ar. 7. Bhauto Katu Gaonkar." 8. Bhlcoo Paik GIionkar. 9. Pail< Cuiro VelUp.

10. Janu Kuiro VelUp. 11. Bombo Moto Vellip. 12. KustJlu Gaonkar. 13. Thulo Shanu Gal>nkar.

'. 14. Chimut jeut Qaonkar.· 15. Puno Kusod Gal>nkar. 16. Thulo' Katu Gal>ilkllr. 17. Bainto'MaYai(V'Gaonkar. 18. Govlnd Snkdo.· Gaonka,,; . 19. Narayan Dho\o Gaonkar. 20. Nagu Puho Gaonkai'.· 21; Poro Puna Gaonkllr. 22. Pongolo i3odko· 'Gionkar. 23. Puno Govind Gaonkar.· 24. DholoCulro Gaonkar. 25. Narayan Shab Gaonkar. 26. Ilhil<ooPaik G<i.onkar. . 27. Pandu Snkdo .. Goonkar. 28. Thulase Sankalker. 29 •. Tllulo' Paik Gaonkar. 30: Lila 'Sankalker. 31. Sagun Gaonkar. , . , 32. Laxman, 'Zorgo Gaonkar. 33. ,Antonio Dias. 34~ Francisco Dias. 35. Roiario Dias.

,36. Yeshwant DharamPawar. 37. Malaclna Dias .

. 28. Zorgo Thulo Vellip. 39. Bhiku Kust' Vellip. 40. Sonu Ram vemp .. 41. Sonu Katu Ve\lip. 4.2. Mono. Vithoba VelUp. 13. Babu Gurkho Vellip. ¥. Zaro Govind Vellip. 45. Fondu Bamto. VelUp. 46. Ram Chandru Vellip. 47. Shanu Vithoba Vellip. 4& Janu Bhisso VeI)ip. 49 .. 'Manuel Dias. 50. Zoro Vithoha Vellip. 51. ,Narayan Bicu Vellip. 52. PUrso Kusta V.ell!p .. 53. Sonu Gado Vellip. 54. Agapito Hillary Fernandes.

1 .. Pauto Madu Vellip. 2; Bombo Sonu Vellip. 3. JanuBlsw. cPiulto Vellip.

. '2. Bombo Sonu Vellip. 1.Purso Kusta VelUp. 1; PursbKusta Vell!p.

.BERIES'11 No.1

:.," ..








150.00 300.00

Page 7: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt

. ,

"1" .. 2" .. ·3'''····''·,·, .. ~ "

Bou7ld<>riel>: • •. ~.,," \':,";:;',; '" j c.' ~North: s. ·No~:~38/l. 39/0.~;S. No. '17-/O't,132/o;;:~) .'-:-: . .".,::

. ,., ... ,', NalJa, 15/2,'136/0, 137/0, l23/0, l21/11. .'" ,,' .. SO!;lth: S, NO.ellS/1, 2, S. N!'. 17/0, 132/0,.:135/1", " ,. "i, "" , .. ·2; 136/0, 13S/o, l23/0, 139/0 and l21/11.

':,:lil¥t: NaJa, ~: No~ 17/0, 132/0,39/0, l2l/11,' , . .. '::123/0 '" . ". , <" ""'W&t: Roa.l, NaJa, 132/0, 38/1 .

.. ····c .. :<·~f<,~) ',"::'-::';'1 j:,.'<:/... ;.l.


." . ,.~ "'.~"""~> .;:~ .:';' '.::;~ <t r .'1'otal .•.••......... , ............. . 3S03(l.00

,'.,:/" :!,':;'.; . (: .• ',.; <" .. i;" . . ,By order and· In the nam'\.,"'t,~.¥e"teJlal\! ,Gov~_rlpf Goa, Daman and Diu.

, P. 8. Na<!kan,;;Under secretary (Revenuek";: ,:'".'.' ii' .';', .:' ..

;Panaji, 231'd March, 1981>. . ... ," ., .:;

Notification ".

:, ., 3. If the" Government is satiSfied that the Said land Is needed for the aforesaid PU1'll<>OO, a deClaration to that ef1:ect

No. 22/44/85-RD' ., .:'. ", ,'.' 'under Sectivn 6 of the said Act. will be publlsh.d In the . . , .' , .' . ." Offlcial~!te, In due Cl!\Il'S", If t!!e, ;l<lqulsiti~,!<.1$.,a\lOUldOIl,ed

whereas It appears totheAppropria~.:'OOy.\'!I!ll~t.(ii¢~~.,: wholly or m:part, the fact will be notified. . ... mafier referred to as· lIthe Govemiiieiii~j :'thaf~'the" .Jand ... speclfi.d m the schedule bereto (hereinafter referred to' as' .' : :,' 4. 'The Government Is ~rthCr pleased to appoontunder the "said land") is to be needed fOr publlc purpe;seVb"'. ""'use' (c) of S.ction· 3 of the said Act the Additional Land ,Acquisition 'of Valsao-Belem rood In V. P. v.lSlio'Pal<i: ';" J;)y. Collector. (HQ-2) Collectora~, Panaj! Goa, to pertonn the

. . .... , .. , "."" .. "" functions of:". Collector uncIer the'said Act In respect of the ~~More, the Government is pleaSed to notify ~deri sii1i::":'i: said land. ,.

-sectlOD. (1) o.f Section 4 of. the Land AcqUisition' Act; 1894", 5.· 'The Government Is ·alropl.aied to au/h6ris.i Ui.Uerik..b­(heretnafter referred to as the "said Act") that.thesaid'cc -section (2), of section (4) of the said Act, ,the 'followtng !sndls be needed ,for the pui'pcse specified· abol'e.,.:·, officers to <10 the acts, specified therein In respect· of the

2. An persons lnterested iil"tb; ~d~~4;~~:·herebY.~ante~{-'· said ll~an;;te :b,nector. of Goa,'panaJ"t not· to obstruct or interfere With any surveyor· prO. ~oili~r,',' . persons employed' upon the said land fOrth',put'pc)seof.tI\e ': . ': 2. 'The Additional Dy_ Collector (RQ-2) Collectorate, said acquisition. Any contracts for the, disposal ofth.e, sai'!:. Pana,ji, Goa. land ·.:by sale. mortgage, assignm~pt.i;.:e~clt.ang~.:. ,or" other-:,":'<' ,.' 3. The ~;.Executive Engiileer, W.D.VI(R&B) Fatorda, wise, or any outlay conunence<J-9'F.;:»nprovements made':'·' ;;: Margao;

. thereon without the sanction· of tb,e:-·_.Q>ll~~to~ .:appointeti..:in, 4'. The Director of Land Survey, Panaji. paragraph·4 belOW. after the date of the publication .of th!~. .. • ...... .,.: ., .. " . ' .. Notiflcation, will under clause (seventh) of Section 24 Of' ".: 6. A rough plan of the said land is aVaihib\e'tor inspection the sOld Act, be disregarded by himwhlleassessing com-" in the office of the Additional Dy, Collector (HQ-2) pensa$n for such parts of the said l:md as mllybefillaUy' Collectorate; 'Panaj!' Goa for a period of 30 days from the date ,\~,., c'" . of publication,of this Notification in the Offici~ Gazette.

Sr. No .. '- Taluka Village survey No,

1. '.' 'Monnugao .,,75, "

'. "

2 •. Monnugao Velsao

'"- ,$

sciDi:I:>Ui.E (D"!'Criptiott of'the said land)

" :;.'

" "~'

. ', NtUnes of the' petson~ believed to be' interested

13 .'. 'l2

11 . 9 .

8' . 7 '6·

. ,. '5' .. ,4 j. ,"


.. , DtUrlinl:o Britto. . .. . ·Fabric.; da VelaW.'

'F'iiincis Xavier Dias. Peidade D'cruz .


. '" Mluguel Joao Dourado (Barreto), 'Momano Barreto.

· Comimldadede Velsao. : Peter S, Braganza. :Em1inna D'souza •

: . Bernado Souza. l' :"~ ',':. \ }f) Savio da PintO SouZa.


. 13, 11


' • .". Y 2)'CeIsa Pinto Souza. 3)Jeorge Bernado D'souza. a) Maria de londe PInto Souza.

Eotanisiav Mazatante D'souza. . ·1) T<iIo

2HRemed Cost. '3) .Fracundo FernandeS, · 4) Mates F.rnandes; 0;) Remt Fernandes,

· " D. V.Mord.kar • 1) Macarra Barreto, 2) Ramona Barreto. Joaqulm Fernand ....

(Andeu. Souza). Church' of VelsaO. .

J:" ,

" ~ ... ,'

. . - '. ~. , . •• ' .. C·

ApprOJ;imate . :~:ln.~. n:'~.

60" 100 60 50 40

110 25 75

225 120 110


75 110


C<>fr!, . D~:,Cotra .. ~$de';lJ_ta de (fqreza'de' Ve~. .

" 125

1) Corrado Barrato.,:", Y. ;,' ... ':'C"" "..' · 2) Jose Barrato.

Page 8: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt

1 2 3

4. Mormugao 4

',' . '5, 'MormugaO "Pale 19

. ; ',i

. Pale ;i "

8. Mormugao Paleon 39 ~. Monnugao Palem 33

10. . MOrDiugao Pa,em 32 11. Mormugao Palem. 69 12, Mormugao Palem 41 13. Mormug::i.o Palem .31

", ".,'


.\. (



f ·29,; ~, i.'" 11)'

,,1~ . 6

>" 1

. ;,n."'.·

11 10

1 5,

" i

c;I, , 10'

s 1),

.. ~

. 3',(" :

1 9

.'1 .1) ,

4 .1

2 l'

M)}';'" ,

,'. ',"'41 51

Part 1 2. 4

'3 1

Part 2

13 ,oj, ' 10 . ,

.. 1 .

;:,t :."


.. A!acrainenta Fernandes, Martino ErancisCQ Elextorcano.

Vlt>torIo Carvalho; l!'Iorinda Carvalho (Henoreno Fernandes). :Anerua Vaz Rodrigues.

.. l:i;stevazo Santan Carvalho.· · Ancel Remedlo RodrIgues. · 1) Rltlnda S. Gouveia. .. llj !~,~l:l.IJ.~"ei;t.,~ .... ,

3) Ida.. F. A. Gouveia. '4) IilaiQ;'i'. dH,rl J.;:A •. GOOvelii' ,. ,., 5) Jesulna A. Gouv.¥a. ',' .. "';

CUJieo D'souza. 1) Bemade D'souza. 2) Savio de PInto Souza. ..... Francjsco Orlando'dus mercese souza.

1) Digluso Carvalho. 2) Luis caetano Fernandes.' , Francisco Xavier Roderlges: ",

Jose c:;arlou~ llI1tW." ;.' .. '. Es+pjtsiUm, ,M~~,.P~· J30u~.,

· 1) Andrew DIas .. , 3) Esdorio I>1as.".. ..' .

.. 3) Mario I>ias •. '/ .. , AD.tOniO'LUCio D'sOUza . Jose Barrato. r

Emllio 'senii .... , . ,'. . Antoj"o !:lilts Barreto .. ChIeOS~' Francisco Olando Dos Marcestl Souza.

1) Estevao Francisco RodrigU.... . 2) CeetanRodrlgUes, .'. . 3) Foil()vindo RodrIgu,es,

Lol:ry'Vaz. ".;" 1) Esteve Femcisco ROdrigUes.' 2) Csetano· Fnulcisco··Rodrigues. ll) F10l'itJda; 'Francisco :ROdrigues. . . Comunl,dad~ of l"elem, . CaetanoMiu)tiu.z; .

,Fabrica of' Palem; Bemado D'souza ,& Savito de pinto souza~ pr •. Jose Corlho. .

. Ancet!O' Rodrigues. Luzy. Aloantre, RodrIgues. Martino Francisco' Alero' DegwaCaO "CQrvalliii.'·" .-

'.Andrew~;. Venketesh Vlthaf'Kharangate.· Telmesa Costa, Nuvem (Vlgrange Church). lrineu Carvalho . . Joze Duerobino Barretto. .' "

. l»),{erIuo Britto.,2. Agusto Britto Carvalho. Paulo Clement" carvalho. ,

.. ,.\ .


, .";;:.) Bowndarie8:. . ," ' . North: Road; 30/1, 3111, 79/1, 79/10, 3/29, 1/2

" ."yIllage boundsry of Pale . . South:. RoaAl,.'75/2, 75/1 Village Velsao and

VlIIsge boundsry of ,Velsao, S. No. 3/6, 3/1, '" 8011, 80/12;:.80/2, 1/34, 1/51, 1/50, 33/2, 32/1,

,31113. 31/10. . EaSt: 31/1, 33/2, 39/0, 41/22, 6611, 1/1, 1/2,

,road 80/1,80/4, 80/5, 8017, 80/9, 311, 3/6, ., """':.' 3/14, 3/15, 3/28, 3/29, and 7617, 76/11, 76/4,

,';":':' .• ,'.: 'i:' .:. 7617, 76/8, 76/10, 11, 13, IS, of village of

,.' .

. ,'!'

",. . ,i .. ··· Velsao. "

".- ,

.. 1"-

; iWest: 33/1, 33/3, 4, 2, 39/1, 41/22 69/0, 37/15, 13, 16, 70/0, 77/33, Ill, 1/50, 79/3,. 5,6, '/. Road 79/10, 4/4, 5, 7, 10, 11, of Village ,Pale ~ 75/1. 2,' 4, 5, 6, 7" 8, 9, 11, 12, 13. of

'i Village Velsao. .


110 125 175 45 75 50

200 130

75 50



40 25

.'.SO' 100.,

i2S 200 24,0


80 225 175 "

25, 35

. :60" " 2400

. 500 1415

225 1800

50 2700

50 175 475

2600 110 200

"125 375

. Total .. , ................... " .. " 17.770.00 sq. mts .

. ;, 'By oi'de,,'and ill: the'' the Lt;(lOvei'iiol<of·tlOa, Diuiian and DiU.

.~,s. Nadkarni, Under S~ (Revenue}.;.", ... ,,",, .~ ',~~ '-,

Panaji, 25th April. 1985. .';-:';.-: ,·;;,r:. ','."',. i ~~ r

Page 9: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt

[ .•....... (' -,

16THMAY.,.1985 (VAIMKA 26,1907) 107

, -Notification

No. 22/16/85-RD

<a.·If the GoiTerilineilt.lssatfsfied.:that .. the said land is needed for tIle aforesa.ldpurpose. a declaration to that effect

. under' SectiOn 6' of the_said' Act wnIbe' published In the Wher~. ,·t an= •• s to th·· e. A' ,;n .... "... __ . ·C. '~-'ernmen" t' ('he· ~,.Official Gazette. In due course. If the acquisition' w'''bandooled

,~~~- ~ ... v~ __ ~ =v .~ . ':.' .. wholly or In part. the fact will be notif!.... . . . . inafter referred. to as ··the Governmentll r that the land speci~ fied in the schedule hereto (hereinafter refened to as ,the 4. The Government is further· plea.s~ to app'oint tulder "said land") is likely _to be needed.for -public' ptirpOse'viz. clause (c) of Section 3 of the said Act the SpociaI'I£l1d Land Acquisition for construction of Left; Bank Main Canal; AcqUisition Officer. A.I.P .• Durer. Mapusa to perform the of A.I.P. in Morlem, Satan (6087 to 7Pl7. :14.):.: ... . ... fonctions of a Collector under the said Act In respect of

. . . .... the said land. . . Therefore the Gqvernment is pleased to ~~ttfy :~d~." ~u~-:

-section' (1) of Section 4 of tl\e Land Acquisition Act 1894 . 5. The' Government i~ also pleased to authorise under (hereiriafter referred to as the' usaid Act"): that th~": Said "',sub-section (2) of Section (4) of the_ said Act, the follow;ing land is likely to be -needed for the purpose spec1f .. Ie .. d 'ab .. 0. ;.,.~. officers to do the acts, specified therein in respect ot' the

- said land . . . 2. All persons' interested in the said land are -hereby .Warned· not to obstruct or interfere with any surveyor ':o;r:'?'ther'::Per~ sons employed upon the said land for the: :purpoSe" of ~e , said acquisition. Any contracts for the disposa.! of --the Said" land, by, sale, mortgage, assignment; exchange','or"other-_': wise, or any outlay cbnimenced or 'ililprovemerits 'made thereon' without the sanction of the .Collector appohitea -in- paXa-' gl'!lph 4 below. after the date of the publication. of this Notification, will under clause (seventh) of SeCtion 24," of 'the said Act, be disregarded by him while aSsessing 'comPensation far such parts of .the said land as may be finally acquired ..

1. The COIIectar of . Goa, Panaji. 2. T'ne Special Land Acquisition Office •• A;l.P. Dul ...

Sr. No. Taluka Survey No.

1 2 4

1. Satari . Moi'lem 54

2. -do- -do.~ 54

''.< .

~do- 54


..... ,

~. -do- -do- 71

i. -do- -do- WI·

Mapusa. '3. The. Executive Engineer. Works Divisi.on vr(~D).

Irrigation Department, Bicholim . 4. The D!recto~ of' Land Survey. Panaji.

6. A rough pian Of the !'aid land is available for inspection in the office of the Special Land Acquisition Officer. A.I.P .• Duler, :Mapusa, for a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Official Gazette.


(Description of. the !'aid land)

Holdin:g No.


Names of the persons believed to be interested

• ; 1) Pimdurang HarI Gaonkar.

.2) Shantaram HarI .Gaonkar. . granted to Hargo GanItar as per aJ.varo No. 1608


BO'II!I!4o.ries: ... North: S. No. 54/2.

South: S. No. 54/5. 54/4. East: S. No. 54/2 •

• " West: S. No. 54/2.

1) KriaIma Shlva Gankar. Granted to Harg6 Gaonkar as per alvar.o .. No. 1608 dt. 28-6-1944-

. Boumdarle8:

. :North: .S. No. 54/2. South: S. No. 92/1. NalJa. EaSt: S. No. 54/5 •

.. . Wes.t: S. No. 54/2. 54/4na11a.

;'Pal'vat! Mahadev Gaonkar. . "Granted to Hru:go Gaonkar as per atvaro No. 1608

". dt. ~1944;

, , " B,oundarie8:

Noi1:h: S. No. 54/2 • . South: NaIJa. S •. No. 92/1.

'. East: S. No. 54/5 • . : West: S. No. 54/4 •

: :Somorguem Shable Rane. Granted to Shrt Krishna Deygo Rane as per atvaro No; 470.


North:: S. No. '89/7. South: S. No. 88/8. 88/4. East: S. No. 71/1. West: S. No. 71/1. 88/3.

l)Kashibai Fat! Gaookar,' 2) Drogo Fat! GaOnkar. .

Granted toSbri Arjun Guru Gaonkar as per alvari> No. 272 dated 5-6-28. .

.. 1) Gurudas Dattaram Shil'Odkar as per D.C. No. 49 •

. BounilaTi68:

; NOrth: S. No. 88/1. South: S; No. 87. EIISt: S. No. 88/l.

, West: S. No. 100/7.

Approxlmo.te Area in sq. ruts,








Page 10: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt


1. .' S3.tari·



t ,~.," , . ;-•. -,

9. -00- -·do- 88

10. -00- 89

11. -00- 89


12. -oo~ -,do- 90

;,. '

13, -do- -do- 90

14. -do-' -"1...2''0.0_ 91

'.~."." .

':';!i ;.

. , ..



. .. ',

6 7 : \.",

. ,"Qovermrient of Goa, Daman & Diu. 1360 .


. .'Remarks, .EncroacIte<I upon,, •• RaIna Krishna" .G~. "'.-:

~~'fi<r8: North: S:N ... 88(1; 88/2 • South: S, No. 88J1, '87, East: S. No. 88/2 •. West: S.No; 87.',


. Governni.ei.ti>f Goa, I?~"n &l)iu.


N~: S. NQ., 88/3 .• SoutJ>,:,s. 1'0,88/1. Eas,t;:· S. 1'/~, 88/3. WeSJ;.: '13 •. NC>. 88/1',

1) RamaKrishal>a'·.Gaookal: ......



. ' Grante4to ~ •• KrilllinaMa<le"a GaonkaJ: as per ,alvaro No. 17~ dated 6.6.1958 •



!loUndiiiie8~ North: S. No. 7111. South: S • . 1'0.&8/2 •. East: S.No:. 88/g. west: S. No; 88/4, 88/3.

tlort. of Goa, Daman & Diu. "<Remarks:' _ Encroaclied' upon by· Shri Rama

Krishna GaonkaJ:.


North: S. No. 71/1.' South: S. No. 88/3; 88/4. East:S, No. 7111,88/4. 'West: S. No .. 88/3 •.

11 . qanesh BbiGsoGaonkar. ' 2) llhfngo Devgo Gankar.

, '3), S'ahadev Narayan Gaonkar • . 4) V!thciba Krishna GaonkaJ:. .. (lranted to Shrt Bhingo Ramachandra Gaonkar

'as per alvaro No. 276 dt. 5-6-1928.

Boundar!e8: , NOrth: S. No. 90/1.' South: 'S. NO;, 89/7. East: . S. No. 90/1.

,<West: S. No. 89/6. Government of Goa, Daman and Diu. · ~arks: Encroached upon,by Shri'Rama Yesso

. Morlekar.

Boundar!e8: c',, North: S. No. 90/1 .

.. South: S. No •. 7111. '.~: S. No. 9011. 89/7

'7111. . 1) RaIna Yess Morlekal'. As per D.C. No. 40.

· i/ BOUnilarie8:

...• North: S. No. 91/1, 91/2, 90/2 • . , South: S. No. 90/3, 89/7.

East:S. No,. 90/1. . ,West: S. No. 9011, 89/6, 89/7.

GOV~i-nment of Goa,· Daman and rnu .. Remarks:· Encroached upon by Shri Mahadey ,

Soma Gaonkar.


, ,North: S: No. 90/1 • . '. South: S. No. 90/1, 89/6. · . East: S. No. 90/1. . ':.'

" West: S. No, 90/2. ' ..

'"OOvetnment Of Goa, Daman and'Diu . . , .' ".Riiftta,rks: Encroached. upon by Soma Salko

: Ga6nkar.

Boundaries: .•.•. : North: S. No. 91/1 •

. : South: S. No. 9011. ,East: S, No. n/2. .

,.: "'.': West: S. No. 91/l.






Page 11: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt

16TH JirAY,1.985 (VAI8AKA 26, 190'7)· ..

1 3 4.

15. Sata.ii . . .Mcrlet)l 91

. ,". ,.'.

'1; .

91 . 3


"', ." C" Government of Goa; Daman ,and ·DlU.i •. .... . ." .• 2800 , . Remarks: E!>croached upon by. Shri. Nakul Rupia

GaonkaU '. .. •..... . ....• ; •.•..

,,-BOU'l~~:-':' ' .

. North: S. No. 91/2 . South: S. No. 91/2.

o. " ;:. EaSt:: S. No. 91/3. ". ;VV""t:. S. No. 91/1.

... Go=:~ :::'c<;:;;h~~~ii~~ ~liM.v Ylsliiiu . . . Gaonkar •. -,' '. ". ,-

BoUKdarie.-; .

North: S. No. 92/1. South: S. No. 91/3 •

3000 .---,., ", .. ""

. - . .' :-,;;';.:}:'> 'E8st: ,S~ No. 68. 91/4,- 9211. West: ·S. No. 91/2.

17. -do- -do·~ 92 .', l"'!C l)'l!hango Satko. Gaonkar. 3900 . --.,'

18. --<10- 100 7 ..... ;

".,'" . :~.~ ", -..: --. ,~.::.'

19: -dO~

20. -<10- ~do-

. '" -'. " t' .: ,"

'j ... , ,~ - .. : ~."" !: ..

.'2)'Raman Satkom GaOnkar • .' . 3t< Nakul Ruplu Caonkar.

4FSahadev Vishnu GaOnkar, Granted to Shri. Ghango Bomlo Gac>nkar as per

a1varo No, 285 dated 31-3-1902.

, .. ,-

Boundalie8: North: NaIlah,S. No •. 54/4, 54(5. South: S. N", 91(3:' .'. Eaat: S. No. 92/1. West: S. No. 92/1.

Govei'nment of Goa. Daman _and -Diu. .

.,' . "

Remarks: Encroached upon by Tukaram Talyo Gaonkar, as per .D.C. No. 34.


North:· S. ·No.'.10017,lOO/9,rn': .... South:S. No. 87, 100/7. . East: S. No. ·87: West: ,fl. No; 100(7 •

'" .·Goveriunent: olGoa, Daman ahi:t· Pi;';' . : RetJlarks, Encroached uponiW ,shii'

Hargo 'Gaonkar,as per:o.9. No. 3c\ •. Dh9.ho·

.. -.' '<:"'. Boundarie8:

North:S •. No. 100/9. South.: S. No. 100/7.


Eaiit: S: No: '100'17:' : . ;;" weSt', S;·'No.l00/7' &"10079 •. ,' .

. " ; . ' ( -;,' ~ .' - : ~', '.: . '. " ',.

Vasant Dattaram ~hirodl\a~~ Boundaries:

North,S .• No; 2819; •. ' Sou~:' S;No; 40/3:

. ·East: S; No~'28/10., ",;. WeSt:·S.cNo.c'39.


",- -y '.' ,"',. :row .. :, ... , ... "... .53,505:00'

sq. mt...

, By order and In the name of tlle Lt. Governor (Jf Goa, D!'JllJ'Il. ~nd. Diu •.

P. 8:' Na4k4rni, Under Secr.etarY . (Revenue);

Panaji, 17th Aplil. '1985;' ... . , .;." ,


. , ,'. . . No. 22/50/85-RD

wh~re;';' it appears to tlle .Approp~te qQv';';""­lnaftet referred to as "the Governm~nt'.~) ,that·,.!.~~ :l~:< specified in the schedule herej;o .(h.!'~ter",\. the "said land") is likely to beneede!i.for·.p.ublic purpos~viz., Land acquisition . for House sitefl',.3:t~·:Mdo:Qa.·_up.der .. ~~w"-20: I

point, programme. . ' _;",' ,

Therefore tlle Government is pleased to notify, under sub­-section (1) of Section 4 of the Land .AcqUisftlon· Act;"l894 (hereInafter referred to as. the "said Mt:'h'that ·the, sa,\'L land is likely to be needed for the'. p~rp~ .• specifjediaQoye,,:

2. All persons Inte~ested In the said lan.i,*-~'h~~eW ;kJ~~:; not to obstruct or interfere with any"-surveyor'or"olliet,

U'" .

'persons employed upon 'tP-e said ~~~; for the pU:rPose of the -said - acqUisition .. Any ,contracts .. for. the "disposal of .the salid land by sale, lease, mortgage, assignment, ex~hange or oth0rwise, or"any outlay Ci')mmenced:'Or-'improVeIttentS made thereon without the sanction of the Collector appoInted In paragraph 4 below, after. the date of the publication of tbls Notification, will under clause (seventll) of Section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded by him while assessing com­pensation for such. parts of tlle said land as. may be finally acqujred. ' ,

3. If the Government Is satisfied. that the said land Is needed for' the -aforesaid purpose. a declaration to that effect 'under Section 6 of the said Act will be publ1ahed In the Official Gazette In due course. If theacqu18ition Is. aban­doned wholly ?r in ~art, the fact will be not~i~.

I!!'I ...... -----.....--~~ _____ ·=~~""~"O""".""C"" •.


Page 12: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt


. 4~'''' Th~' Government --is '"-further·~' 'pleased~-<;to "appoint U!lder clause -=( c) of· Section 3 'of the said Act the Additional Deput;y Colieptor (HQ-l) Panaji, to perform the functions of a COllector under the said Act -m"-resp.ect,-of":t1).e.:$.ai(i·, la_t:ld-.-· _.,

5. The. Government is also Pleas~d '-t~ ·~~t.h~ri~e ... -~;;.~~·.· . sub-section (2) <>f Section (4) <>f the. said Act, the following officers to do 'the acts,_ specified therein in reSpe'({t"'of~the said land. ,_.. , ";',

..... 1. . The. Collector of. Goa, ,Panaji. 2. The Add!. Deputy Collector (HQ-1), PanajL 3 .. The Block Development C)fficer;:::sardez;-'::Mapusa.

... 4. The'Director of Land' SuF(/iIj',"'Panaji. ,." :" ,.

6. A rough plan of the said land is available for inspection in the office of the Additional Deputy Collector (HQ-ll, P~naji, for. a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this Notification· in the Official Gazette.

•• :> ••... S.CHEPuLE ~, coJkiptlon"'& the sald land)

,':-'.'.' -,"., .. ' ,,-

Su'~lliv; . No, Ta\uka Village Survey No. :Names or the persons believed to. be interested Approximate

.area in sq. mts.

1 2 3 5 6

Bardez Aldona 348,(part)· ", Y . &~u:rtidade of BOa Esperanca Aldo;na .. 5100.00 . ': Bowndaries:

. North: Survey No. 348. ,., "L ,.' 'South: . Survey No: 348.

:'East: Survey No. 348. 'West: Village boundary of, Nachi"nola .

. ) :., "'. .'> . 'J.,: . ' Total •••. ~ ............... . 5100.00

By order and In the name of the Lt. Gciiretnol' of Goa, Daman and Diu •.

P. B. Nadkarni, Under ~ecr~~' (li",,~nu';):; ..

p:ma.ji, 28th March, 1985., :.,'

• No. 22/39/85-RD

Whereas it appears to the Appropriate Govl!l1iment(hen;, matter referred to as uthe Government".)" that .the.:land '.speci- '-'J

;' , :;', : - .. ;-:-" J;. ; ,

3. 1f the Govermnent is aatiafied that the Said larid is needed for the aforesaid purpose, a declaration to that effect under Section 6 of the said Act will be publlshed in the Official Gazette, in ~due course. If the acquisition' is abandoned wholly or in part, the fact wUl be notlfted.

fied in the schedule hereto (hereinafter referre(Lto. ~ th.e 4;. The -Government is further pleased to appoint under "said land") is likelyw be needed for publlc'p,urpose viz,,, clause (c) <>fSection 3 of. the said Act the Special Land Land, ..Acquisition for constru<;tion pf, 4t!U.t>:~tch . of ,~.B,M,C.,.. Acquisition .Officer, AlP, Anjunem, Dul~ Mapusa to perform of .AlP (Part-II)_.~t ... .ft.avQ;n~\,·Sa,~ri; :;,.~.,;,>,,,,,,-.. :.1 : "---.' ::_.'-;~ . _.- __ :_; ',f<the functions of a Collector under >the said. Act. in ~t

, -':'<>f the said land. . Therefore the Government is' 'pleas~r'to notify>:under su\).:.

-aection (1) of Section 4 of the Land Acquisiti0ll4-ct, 1894 (hereinafter referred t)le "said Act") that the said land is likely to ~ needed for the purpose:specified abov:e< ..

2~ All perso~ interested in the said land ·~~~':.~~r~y ·Y.Jamed ~:.' not '. to obstruct or interfere' with ,any s~ey.or- .ox: .oth~r per-,.' SOD,S-, employed upon the said land fo~ ,Jp.e "p~rpose ~f ,~e said acquisition. Any contracts. for th .. disposal of the said' land by sale. mortgage, assignnient, excb"ange' __ or\otherw43e, or any 'outlay commenced or improvements,-made thereon.· without the sanction .of the Collect.or appQinted m., p~~a-. graph 4 below, after the dftte of the pUb!ica.ti9n. of. t)lis. Notification, wUl under clause (seventh) of SectlonU'Qf the . said Act, be dlaregarded by him wblle assessing compensation for such'parts of the saidland'as may be finally acquired,

5. The, Government i's also pleased to authorise under sUb-section (2Y of Section (4) of the said Act,. the following, .officers to do: the acts,' specified therein in respect .of the said land.

1. Collector of Goa. Panaji-Goa.

The Special 'Land AcqUisition Officer. A.I.P. Anjun~m, Dul~r, Mapusa. -:: . , ' .

, 2.

3.' The. Director ~f Land Survey, •.

4. The Executive Engineer, W.D.VI. Irrigation, Bicholim..

6; A rough plan of the said land is available for inspection in this office' of the SpeciIII Land Acquisition Officer, A1;P, Anjunem,Duler, 'Mapusa for a period of 30 days from the date of publication <>f this Notification in the Official Gazette .


(nOscnption ot the s3id'Jand)'

Sr. No. Taluka Village Survey No, Holdiolg Nc.


Names of the penrona belie~ed to be int-e:reet~~ . '


.H: 1 :Manlkrao Suryaj\ RaJie. 2 .. Paramri'aui·Anantrao·Rane. 3, Jlji SadhO.rii.o nan,,; 4. "RanojIfuoJaibarao" Raile. 5; Umaji Zaabarao' Rane. 6. BhaUBaheb Raghoha Ra:ne.·

L: Nil.

B~: North: ,Survey 'N<i.· 60. SOUth:Village'bouncIary. East: SUrvey No, 68. W~t:SiIr\iey NO'; 61;

.Appro;J-hnate ~ in sq. mts,



, ',;

Page 13: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt

16TH. MAY, 1985 (VAISAKA 26,1907) 111

i '. 2'"

Satari Ravan .59-

i. • Hi 1: Rasgo VlshnUGa.",as.

2 •. sabani Vishnu Gawas.


~2OP:OO .'

," ,.-'., 3. BhIltaroVlthal·Ga.was.


' .. ,

4. ValllariEli6dO.Gawa.. 5. Folo Ousta Gawas. 6. Sh3nkar G.awas. 7. Radlqui Ktishn.a.Gawas.

L: .Nit' .•.

B;'~: North: SlllYey No. 61. South: Survey N.o. 58, East: VUlage boundary. West: SurVey No: 60.

Total· .................... .

, By order and in the name of' the- Lt.'Govem~~ of Goa, Daman and Diu.

P •• f;. Na4kotroi,.Under Seqretal'y .(Revenue). "

Panaji, 15th April, 1985.


No. 22/51/84.RD

Read: Notification No. ·.22/51/84.RD dated 16·5·84 published on page. 200 and 201, Series n No. 10 of the, Off!~al Gazette dated.7·G.84,'

S,ubstitute the Schedule as under instead-' -bf _ -sche'dt11e appea.rin~ to above No"tifica.tion.;·


Sr. No. Taluka Vi1lage/Ward - SttTvel<~ No. Sub. Div. N~. Names of the per~oris believed to. _b~ iiiteie~~ . Approximate .. , area in sq •. mts.,

1 2 _ 3· .4 6 6 7

Bardez Gandolim 155·' . 155

9(Part) 10(Part)

0: Antonio Adelino Fernandes. 0: Jose Antonio ,Pinto .

625.00 120.00

. 2. Lulza Plnlo . 155 12(,Part) 0: :Marcelino Gomes. 860.00

The total area remains 'the sa~~ ',~i:I'-i)UbliShed ill "the above notifi~tion. P. 8. Na.dkarni~ Under Secretary (Revenue).,

Panaji, 29th -April. 1985.,

Corri9~nd,:,m .

No. 22/230/84·RD

Read: - Notification No: 22/230/84.RD dated 2·11·198~ . published in the Ex~ary O'I;ficial Gazettedatod ..

6-1.1-1984, No, 31, Sr;npgs,.555-560. .

In' colUmn -No. -4 &: 5 of the 'sCliedui~ of the above notifi­cation after survey No. 240/1 part,lnstead.of· Survey No,

.240/1 part, it should be read as _ .. S~rvcy No. 240 {2 -part" land after the Survey No. 241, instead of SUrvey No. 139/2 part. 139/2, 7, 8 Md 139/9 part, it sh'luld be read as "Survey No. 239/re part, 239/2, 7, Sand 239/9 part".

By order and in the name of 'the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and. Diu. ..

P. S; Nadkaml, Under Sec~etary (Revenue),

Panaji,7th April, 1985 ..

' ... Public Health-Department.


No; 5/2/82:PHD

On ,the re~ommendatlO~;/ .Of; th~ D~arltriental Promotion' 0

Committee c.onstltuted for ·:consideling ,promoUon- to --t:le posts of Associate professor :.under_ the Goa" Daman and Diu Medical Educati'on Service Rules, .1979, the .Adminis-

tratO! of Goa, 'Daman and' Di.u .is pleased to appoint on 'promotion the followIng ASSistant Professors on regular basis in the, Goa .. _;Medica1,_College," with effect .from Jhe dates shown ,-a~ins.t their' names:

Sr. No. NamE and Designation ot the Off1~l'

1. . Dr: C. P. Kapoor. Assist~ ant Professo'r (Medicin~).

Designation of th€ post to which


. Associate Pro­fessor of MediCine.

2. Dr. (Mrs.)· Suzette 1'.Ie::'· Associate Pro­nezes. Assistant' Profes--. fessor of sor (Pathology). Pathology

'Date or ApPoint­


17·4·1982 .


3: Dr. V. G. Dhume, Assist­ant -Professor 'Of (Phar-

Associate Pro- 20-4-1984

o :iruicology). 4. 'Dr, (Miss) N. Bubari.

Wala, Assistant Profes-' SOl' (Obstetrics & Gynea­cology),

fessor of Pharmacology ..

Associate ·Pro· 9·11·1984 , fesser of Obste ..

trics and Gyneacology.

2. Dr. C. P. Kapoor h"Owev~r. shall be entitled for actual m.o_netary benefits .on promotion, with effect from, 30-7-1982 tpe d~te:.on which 'he_-has. ~ctually taken ,over the' charg~ of ,the post, Qf· Associate PrO~essor_'-_ on· ad-hoc appointment.

'By:order and lnthe name of the' Admlnistra.fur~f 'aPa, D.amanan~ DilL ..... .... .' ." . ....

ti.V,Bliadri,Under Secretary (Health),

Panaji;6thMay, i985 ..

Page 14: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt

No. 5/78/83-PHD ,.

"-" And''WIl.".easthe 'Lieutena:nt'!1O%~Ol'''(jf''Goa;:Dairian ""n<1 ,Diu, consi4ers_ it __ ~ent to" r:~:fm'" ".the '.s~Lid.:,'_p.}s~te ,-::for adJudicati~:'.: . .

whereas Dr. Arean!,> Menezes, su+~~~~,!:H,,%ital,., _rgao under the D!l'ecrorate of HOO1tlt:,S,et:l1~,Y.t~:;,J)is' application dated 11-1-83 informed the qov~'el\~,1ijB '~~~n- , t10n roprcceed on invalid pension under' R1'l¢:'3i!,:pt; Ci;FS,' (Pension) Rules 1972.';, ;,~~';'",~:: ";;~.:;:' '

Whereas Dr. Arcanjo Menezes Wti.S'··-medfC:ally' ili,;:.ainiHeo": by the Medical Board Goa Medical Coliege Panaji and '!S" per the Medical certificate dated 23-2-84 Dr. Arcanjo Menezes has been considered completely and permanently ·iilca:pacttated for further Government service. . ':'~' "-f'-;: ~ i.:. . <.: ~"'"

'~:" z- ,.-"- ": .• :·:.,l~'; .' .. ·!h;~: Now theretore, the A~trator of -~,~p~"ffl1~ _l?,i?-:'-~

considered Dr. Arcanjo -Menezes :havlng, re~~r~.~:Jro.:w .. ~vel'll-;': ment service, with effect from 23~2-84 and' admitted to invalid . pensi~, under, ·Rule 38 of. C. C. S., (?~nsion) . Rules, 1972 •. .- :<'.!,{(" (! . . ,:"~

.BY- ,order ___ RP.d_iuJhe.,_name .of- th~.Administrator, of, Goa, Daman' and Diu.

8. V. Bluulri, Under Secretary (Health).

',panaji, 4th May, 1985. ... Industries and labour Department


No, 28/24/SHI,D'


'Whereas the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and. Di:u," is of the opinion that an industrial dispute- exists betwe~l1 the maiut-gement of"- -Mis; A. V.' Sarmalkar Private Limited;" V_a-'Gama, Goa, and,their workman,ShriGuvind'Mhal­~~: .represented by Goo.' Mining Labour Welfare Union, Assonora, Bardez-Goa, in respect of the matter specified ill the Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter refen-ed to as the' 'said- ~spute·')';

Arid'-whereas the Lieutenant Governor of Goa: 'r>aman-" and , Diu cOOsiders it expedient- to refer the said '<:lisj;lUte' "for adjudigation.

. NOW, therefore, tn, exerciSe' Of the 'i:IOWel-s conferl-ed "-by clause (d) of ' sub-section (1) of section 10._of the- Iridustria! DiSpute Act;- 1947 (14- of 1947), the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu hereby refers the said dispute foli" adjudication to the Industrial Tribunal of Goa, Daman and Diu- at Panaji-Goa, constituted under s~on 7A of the said Act. .


. -"l.';Whether· Shrl Go:Vind ~ekar ,'whUe -hi emploj-:'­ment of Mis. A; V. Sarmalkar Private L;mited, Vasco-da­,.aama~Goaj employed as Watchman was a workman as defined lUlder .Industrial' Dispute, Act" 1947'?

.2. -If so, -whether the ~ termm.a.tions of his services by Mis. A. V. Sarmalkar, Private Limited, Vasco-da-Gama­~ with ,effect fro'm 29-5-84 is legal and' justified?

3. If answer to 2' above is ~iegative, to' what reUef Shri Govind Mb,alsekar is entitled to -? ",

By order and in the name' o( the Lieutenant 'Governor of . Goa, Daman and Diu. ' ,"

'8; l;~: -Bhadr'i, Under Secretary' (Industries and Labour).

Panaji, ~nd May, 1985'.


No. 28/11/85-ILD

'Whe~'-t11e':Lieu~t Governor of Goa, .na.iM.n and Diu , is of the ' opini6J1.' that an industrial dispute ',>xists "between the m.a.nage.merit~ Of· MIs. Pimenta cement Products' Private Limited~~ Fatorda~ Murida,' Margao, Saleete Goa; a.rui- their workm.en' reprtrsented Through Goa ';['rade, ~d _' '~mmercia! Workers' Union, Opposite Municlpa,l Garden, Panaji-Goo, in respect of the matter' 'Spocifiedin the Schedule annoxed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the 'said dispute'):;

~';:,; ',t".'" H ; '.:;,:;,:..:': Now, therefore, in' exe'rcise oi~th~ powers conferred by

clause (d) of sub-section (1) of section -10 of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Lieutenant Guvernor of Goa, 'Daman and Diu hereby _refers the said- dispute ,for adjudication to the lndustrial 'J.1ribunal of Goa, Daman and Diu at Panaji-Goa" constituted under section 7A of the' said Act. ' '


"","'hether the demand Of the workmen employed by MIs. Pimenta cement Products Private Limited, Murida­-Fatorda; !-{argao, Salcete-Goa, for 20% bonUs for account­ing years 1982-83 and 1983-84 is justified.,

If not, tl?-what relief the workmen are ,entitled to- '?~'

" By:' order: 'arid ?h{'tnEr"na.m~': o'f':The"':tC'dQVernO:r" ot' GOa, "', 'Daman<aitd',biu,"" ,,'J" "'; ';":''',''';'' :."

8. V. B1Uldii/Un<l8r 'sec~,rrldustrl"""ana':'Labo\lr).

.:.' '-' ': .


No. 28/21/85,-ILD

, Wher~--'-uieI~iebtenant Go:v:edi.or: Or: 'GOa,' and Diu is of the opinion_ that' an' 1ndtistri~.1·'dispute exists between ~l1e, ,Ipa~g~ent': of .M/~ ",8ane<ntle_, Chicalim S~iceS' Co-­-operative SOciety Limited, ,sancoale, Cortalim-Goa, and their workman Shri Datta Noni Naik, Weighman, rio Sancoale. Shimpal, ,Cort:<J.lim~ ill. ~t of the matter _ specified" in the' SchedUle' annexed_ heretO" (li~nilfter referred to as the 'said dispute') ; ,

And -whereas the Lieutenant Governor of Goa" Daman and Diu consiqers it expedient to r.efer the said,- diSpute for .i3.djudication."", '

Now; thetefote" in ,eXercise-oaf the powers conferred by clause (d) ,of sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Industrial Dispute Act; '1947 (14 of 1947); the Lieutenant Governor of Goa,,,DaJ;nan, and,_Diu hereby refers the'said -dispute. for adjudication to, ,the lndustrial 'J.1rilmnal' of Goa, Daman"llJld Diu at <'Panaji-Goa, constltuted under' section 7A of the said Act.


"Whether the action of the management of Mis. Sancoale Chlcaiim Service Co-operative Society LipUted in, termina­ting th,e serviCes of ~hri Datta Non! Naik, Weighman with effect from 26-6-84 is Ieg~l. -,and justified?

If, not,· to, ,what ,relief: the w<?,.rkman ,is en1::itle(l to '?"

By ordet atid iD.: the name of ',~e Lieutenant Gove_mor of Goa, Daman' ~d DiU. '

S. V. ~h?4ri, .U~der:Secretary (Industries and Lallow;):

panaji;2rld,,:Ma.y, 1985.'

. ',; Qrder

, No; 28/79/84cILD

Whereas th~ Lieutenant ,Governor of Goa, and Diu is: of the opiniop:_ ~at an ,. industrial j dispute, exists between the management .of. Mis. MandoVi Chemicals Limited. SL Jose de Areal, saJ.cete-Goa, 3rUd their workman,: Shri Salvador Rodrigues, Salesman, rio Rata, B"""hat, Seminar-Racho~ Salcete-Goa. in:respect of ,the 'matter specified in the Schedule annexe9 hereto (hereinafter, referred ,to as the' 4said dispute');

And whereas the; Lieuten~t Go~ernor of GOa, Daman and Diu 'considers it expedient to refer the said dispute for adjudication: l .

Now, therefo're,' in exe~ise'" of the. ~ers conferred by clause (d) of sub-section' (1) of section 10 of thelnduatrial Dispute Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Lieutenant Guvernor of Goa, Daman -and' Diu hereby: referS, the Said dispute' for adjudication ,rothe ,Industrial 'J.1ribunal of Goa,' 'Darium and Diu at Panaji-Goa, 'constituted ·unde* section 7 A' of -the said Act. '

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~. I



16TH MAY, 1985 (VAISAKA 26, 1907)


"Whethe;r-the action'of~the.employer,_M/s. Mandovi Che'­micals -Limited. st Jose .de Areal; _,Salcete-Goa in terminat.­Ing the services ,of 'Stirl . Salvador / RodriguesT " - , w.e.f .. 1-8-1983 is legal' and justified. .' . .' . .'.

,If 'not;- to Wh~t, relief ilie" workman 'is ehtitled 'b{:?" "

By order .and in the n~me . of the 'Lieut~~~t' Governor or: ~a, Daman and Diu. ' .

~' . .v .. J3hadri" Under ~ret~ (Ind~tries ~nd Labour). . r~ji, 2nd M.a:Y, .1985.


'. ;N~.28i47/83-ILD ·,,-Whereas- the- Lieutenant ·Governor- ,of,. Goa, .-Daman_, and, Diu

is of the, opinion that, an. industrial dispute f;~~i~ts be,tween the management of' M/ii.· ,~llli9hal"··Krlshiiajl~·Gadekar 'and­Comll8.riy. :" Margao, Sa:lCete-Goa:' ahd;·. their - workmanj Shri Atmaram B.' Kerkar, Helper;.· represented ··.by"·the: ·Gela.ral ~Gr~tary., Goa Shops and Industrial ,Workers' JJnion, Margao, S!tlcet."Goa~ fu resPect of the matter speelfied' in the SChedilie annex.d l1 .... to (hereinafter· refe!'red·.t"astlle'sald djsput.'); " And' wher.asthe ·Lleutenant· Gb'Vemoi"otGoii,J),mian alid Diu cOnsiders it -~xPet1tettt 'to "Tefer -tlie:' said ::dlspute' _ fot ~~u!i:ic~tiQ~.::. ,_._" '-'

Now. therefore, in exercise .. of .'the .. powew colife-rred by cla~ ~~) Qf ~b-~~~9n_',(1)_ of.,~~~tion, 10 .of ~he.}n4u,stdal DiSpute Act; '1947-'(140[ 1947r,·'the'·LientenantGovemor of Goa, Daman and -Diu hereby .refers. the said, dispute, for adjudication to the, Industrial' 'I'ribwlal" of GQa~" ',Daman' and

, _ Diu,'Pan~ji~Goa, constituted under section 7A of the said Act.


"Whether the action 6t' th~' employer, Mis. Shridh~r K. 'Gadekar and Compan,,;,.;,.M~~o,_ Salcete':Goa ,in ter­~inating services .of Shri Atmaram B. ',Kerkar, Helper, W ••• f. 1-5-19·79 Is legal;;and'justlfied.,· ''':'-,~''no~., to ~h'~t'.:,~ller:~,~':,w~~~'-js' e~t.i~~.,:~j!':; . :sy' orderandfu the name'dtlhe" i.t,·doWrlio~·OfGoa,

.... -.I>1UllluI and ·Diu.' : . ":.""""" .' •.... " .. " . . 8ub'-h..V. 1i!!e'kar,' Under. SecretarY ([nd~st£I.S .:mil

Labour). '., Panaji, 23rd Aprtl, 1985.

Ordet _,,' .J

No. 28/15/8l>-ILD Whereas the- Lieutenant Governor pt. Goa,' 'Daman and, Diu

is: of.- the._ opinion -that an indu~t~\.dispute. exiJrts between 'the managemelito( M/s. Bandel\:iit' Brothers PrI\o'atet.lmited, V",·da;-Gama, ,Goa, and their workman, Shri -FeUx"Rodri­gue$, Mechanic' Helper, represented ,by the General_Secretary~ Goa MIning . Labour,' Welfare,' Unlon,·Opposit.··.· Municipal Garden, Panaji-Goa, in respect of the mat~r ·'specified in the Schedule "annexed heretO' (hereiD:after referred, to ',as the 'said dispute');

,And whereas' the Lieute'nailt~ G6vetno~ 'of :Gc;8;; Danl,aii ~d Diu considers it e~pedient to refer the said dispute for adjudication. "J"

"N6\v, therefO~", in exercise''-o{,:-th~ pOwers' co~erret1-bY clause (d) Of sub'section(l) of'section 10 of thelndustrlal ·Dispute A'ct,.l941.· (14 o~· 1947), " the' Lieutenant "Qovemi>r of Goa, Daman and Diu hereby refers the said dispute for adjudication to' the lndustnaLTribunal of Goal Daman and Piu, Panaji-Goa, con,~itute\c:\':~r:sect!on 7A,of,.-the, saId: AC,t.


/' ;'whetIi.r the actJo';-'o/ lh~' . .niPlp;er, M/s .. J>.ndekar Brothers Private Limited; Va.sOO-da-Gama:, Gba'llI te>" minatirig the', services of Shri Felix RodrigUes, ~~e,ch~i.~ Helper w. e;f. 24-10-1983 is· legal ·andjustlfied?··, '.'

If'li6t, U;' ,*h,~t ~~ief ~~ wh~~' fs- e~~~tl~d to:?'';'' By: order and in, th.",.name.of.thel;t. Governor of Goa,

Daman and Diu. ,.., ..' .... ,

E{ub1uuJh. V" E!,. Under. Secretary (r.naustJ:Ies and Labour); , .

Panaji, 23rd Aprtl, 1985.



No. 28/17/85-ILD ",<WheJ;"ea_s.the,_',Lieutenant Governor of ,Goa, 'Daman and Diu ~,o~' th .• ol1jriioj:>.·thatan Industrial dfSpute'exis!s bCtween ,, ~anage~e.~~" of· 'MIs. lIl~ustrial, Nacion~1' de· ,Te1has, _ San­v~4em~Go,a __ ~d ,', their workman Smt.{ Sha~i1a. :B~ppa :i'.ujap~"L3.~ure.r r~pre,sented thr~ugh'_:,AU _Goa- Genera}:,Em­.pJoy~~s·. U;n.i<?1!· (etTU)", V~SC<?~a:~a.: ,goa,:m re.sPecf ~f the matter specified in the Schedule abnexed hereto,'(herem-

'after referred to as-the"said dispute');

:::, And whereas .the ,I.rieutetlant) Governor ,of Goa, Daman and piU,,' 'Clonsiders ,it-! _expedient .. to., ,refer the·. said diSPtlte· for adjuc;1icatiqn. .

~ ow, . therefor~, ,u;. : e~erciie. :,~f .-Ule ,I?Owers- eonfeged by clause (d) of· sub-section (-1) Of section '10, of· the>lndustrial Disp:ute ,Act" },947 , (14- of 194,7) .. "th~, Lieutep.aJ;lt. Governor. of Goa, Daman and Diu herel>Y· l~~fe,;,;s th~, :~~ ~:;;pub~ for adjudication, t<? the Indus~rial ,'rrl.bunal ,!If Goa"l Dam~ 'and Diu, PahajitoG6a~ .coristitut-ed linder,section:'7A of-the -said'Act.


"Whether'the action' of the"'i~~16yea,',"-:Mi'~: futlu:strlal Nacional de Telhas, .Sanvordem-Goa in -tenninattng the services 'of Smt. Sharad~ Bassappa. PUjart; Labourer, w. e. f. ~-9-1984 is .legal and _justified?

If. not, to what reli~f. -t!t_~ ,:~~!tHtan is entitled to 1".

By orderlmd .. in the name' of.· th .. Lieutenant ,Go'lerno~' of Goa; Daman·and Din.' ".. .i'

.' iiubiw8li V.E~a"j Und.r .S~c;~tary· !~dustiies,~d La: bour) , ' "

.",-,'. . ... ',. " .. ; , :Order; ',".' .. ,-",

No. 28/5/85-ILD

"~::~e~~~:~'~e' Lie~t~~ant', GOve~~ "Of-"Go~;_ -Da~a~ aii'Ct:tnu Isqf;the qpln1on. that an jndustrta\dispute.exlstS betWeen

. tile manag~!llent .Qi: Mis. ~bl! ~sp!it;t, ¢<>"1'§i'fui~ Limi~dj" ,~j~.-and the~ ,wot:~,,' &hri J~a~aDanc:l_ p,lp.kar, Prlver. ·.",pre~ted .thl'9l1ghA!.)e .. ~I?a . ~rt. OOO:~ poration Workers Union, Banastari,- 'MarCela, PonOa.~Goa., ili respect of the matter. -specified.:in the Schedt11;,e annexed llereto (heteilmfter ref.rted)9;astlle,:~al<l ~t1te'); .,' Afid';.Whereas the.' Lieutenant ,Qovernor .o~',Goa.-:Dazrum and

DiU· conSiders it .expedient to· refer the. said disput.e for -adju~ication. '.' .. : ...... '~:. .',.1

Now, therefore, in exercise of, the :{)Ower~ confme'd:, by clause. (d) 'of sub's.ctiOll . (~}, oj' ·secjionlO;of. the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Lieuten.ant Governor Of Goa,'Dalnanand .Diu.,l"'r.eby,;·refers .the. sald.disputefor adjudication to the' Industrial Trtbunal"Qf':, Goa, :Da.D1an and' Diu, Panaji-Goa, constituted under section 7 A of the said Act~

. '4- , ,-',;_,_: ." :.",',~ '_""" . ',.::' ," . _:. ';~:' .• ~.;' _.:"_,' :,-,,~'.


"Whether the action of the·.empl.oyer., ¥/s. E:adaJn:ba. Transport Corporation Limite~, .Panaji~, ~ tennina­ting the services of '_ tb.e~ ,workman, Shri Sadanand Diukar, Driver, wlth effect from 31st - December, 1983 is legai an<l justl£!ed;

If not, to' what ~'!ie~ .t~~ 'workman _is eptltied to 1".

By order and in the' ~~e "~i" tli~ -Lt. Governor of Go~ 'Daman and DII4 "'"

Sl\bJuwh:Y: Elek';"; ti~qerS~~re~ (IndtistAesaiiciLa; ~) ... :l>.,;;"i 24th April. 1985. .', -, " '. -'. -'-;. '. ':'

• ,-. "I.

"; ,,"'"

No. 28/i6/85-iLb " -'

,'Wher.ea$:"the.-.Li~utenant Gpve~o~"of GoB:-j ~'a~d Diu is of th,," opinion ;thl!-t.aI1 .. il!d.ustrtaldisplite exlsts"betwee"

. the.managemept-:of,M/s.Collem Vi;K. 1;1. S.!Iociety IAmltedi Colem-Goa, and· their wprkman,~hr! Ganesh QoP'!J 'l'aldekar, ~~lesmanl,',r/~~ $ouza;'_ . .Moll, -'COl~m~~ cin ,~spect .. of:.ti1~, matter $pecified in~e, /3Chedul.e. annex<id"hereto (hereinafter referred to as the 'said dispute'); .


Page 16: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt

And whereas the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu conSiders it expedient to refer the -~ dispute for adjudication. ' , ,

No:w. therefore, in exercise of the Powers COliferred:" by clause (d) of sub-section (1)' of section 10 of the Industrlsl Dispute Act, 1947 (14 of '1947), the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu hereby refers the ssid dispute for adjudication to the Jndustrlsl TrIbunal of Goa, Daman and Diu, Panaji-GOa, 'constituted under f;1ection,7A'~f the said,Act.


"Whether the action' of the' employer, M/s. -Coll~ V. K. S. S. Society Limited, Colem-Goa, In terminating the services of Shri Ganesh Gopal Taldekar, Salesman w. e. f. 8-1().i.984 is legal :and justified;

,If not, to what ,..,llef the WOIl'kman Is entitled to ?''; l~y _order:arid in. the 'name,' of the--Lieutenant GQvemor of

Goa, Daman and Diu. '

Subha8h V. E/ekGr, Under Secretary' (Industries' and Labour).

Pan~I, 24th Apru.1985.

< Oi-der

No. 28/20/85"ILD

Whereas the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu , Is of the opinion that an Industrial dispute exists between,

the management of M/s. Konkan TradIng Compal>y, Margao, Salcete·Goa and their workman, Shrl Ramakant B., Sawant, r/o Aquem 'Alto, Margao, Salcete-Goa, In respect of the matter specified In the Schedule annexed ,hereto ,(hereinafter referred to as 'th~ 'said dispute'); , , "

And whereas the Lieutenant' Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu considers It eXpedient to refer the ssid dispute for

. adjudication. .

, _. X0W:. therefore, in exercJ.a:e_ of" the . powers ',Conferred by clause (d) of sub-sectiOIl (1) of ... ction 10 of the Industrlsl Dispute Act, '1947 (14, 'of 1947), the, Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu' hereby refers the said dispute ',fOr adjudication to the' Industrial TrIbunal of Goa,' Danian and Diu, Panajl-~a, cOilstltuted:lmder section 7A:of the 'said Act.


"Wheth"" the action of the ~gement of M/s. Konkah , Tradlng, Company. Mal'gao. Salcete-Goa, In, terminating

the Services of Shri Ramakant ,D. Sawant, -,ShOwroOffi­.In.charge with effect fro~ 13-3-1984 Is legal' and jus­tified;

If not,' to 'what rellef' the workman Is entitled to?",

By ~rder'anci iri' the of-the Ueutenant.Gove~or of, Goa, ,Daman and DIu. , .

Subli<reh V. 'liJle~r, UOOOf '~tary (Industries and La. hour),

':!>ariajlo 24th Aprll, 1985.


, . No. 28/1/85"ILD

Whereas the Lieutenant Governor 'of:' Goa..,. Daman and Diu Is of the oplnlon,that an industrial dispute exists between the "man.agement of- Pemem ·Taluka- Farmers" Sernce -Co-Opera-, tive SOCiety LImited, Pernem and their workmen represented

, by All Goa Co-operative Workers' 'Union, In respect of the . matter specified In the, Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter referr~, to as the 'said dispute');

~d whereas the Lieutenant ~verrior of' Goa, Daman and ,Diu,considerlj it expedient to refer the said dispute for adjudication. . .

Now~-',therefQre., in exercise of the powers. conferred by clause (d) 'of sub-section (1) of section 10 of 'the Indwitrlsl DisplItei Act,1947 (Central'Act 14 of 1947hthe Lieutenant Governor, of, ~a. Daman and Diu hereby refers' the: said 'dispute for adjudication to the Industrial TrIbunal of Goa, ' Daman and Diu, "Panaji. -constituted . under' section '7 A 'of the said Act. "



a)' -Considering the present 'emoluments of eac~ '-of the workman of, Pemem_ TalUka F.armers Service 'CO:-operative Society Ltd. ,whether' the demand of the workmen for revision

, of wages into -five different scales'in-.respect of- 5 'grades of the- workm.en as mentioned below is legal 'and justified..

Schedule Grade


m IV



Rs,. 450C2()'610~EB-25-735·3()'795

Rs. 36().15"480.EB-20·58i)-25·630 '

Rs. ,31().l0-39().EB-15-465"29-505

Rs. 25().7-285"EB·10·365"15·395

lis. 19()-5'230·EB-.7-265·10-285

If :not,wbRt should be the revision? , . b) Whether the demand of the workmen f"r D. A., A. D. A.,

H.R.A. at par with ,Govt,·empl"yees Is legal and justified?

If not, to what, relief the said wor~en .. re entitled to?

c) Whether the'workinen of the lower grade when dISchar­ges the functions, of a ,higher, grade; are entitled to any oftic!atlng',allowance? If so,at what rate? '

By order 'anA in, the name of the Lieuten.~m.t' GOvernor of Goa,.Daman and ,Diu. , ,

S.V. Bh¢ri,U;;dersOcretary lIndustioieS and Labour) •. '

Panajl, ardMay, 1985. , " ':\. "

Notification ' .' -.- .

No. 25/1/85-ILD

Inexerctse ,of the pom conferred' by Section 7A Of the Payment of, (Jratulty Act, 1972 (Central Act 39 of 1972). the A:dnllnIstrator of Goa, Daman and Diu, hereby appoints the persons"speclfled In Columll 2 of the Sehedule appended' hereto, to' be the 't'InsPeetors" for the purpose. of the said Act and defines' the local llmIt In Column 3 of the said Schedule 'within which they sball exereise their 'powers wider the said Act. '., ' '


Sr. No. Designation of. 'Of.ficers.

1 2

1. Py.·Lallqur.-'Comrnlssioner, . Panaj! "

2. 'Ass~~t' ~~r C~mmi'SSioner, Margao. '

3. Asslstant'Labour COmmissioner, Panajl. '

4. ~bour E~orCement· Officer, . panajl. ,

5. ' Labour Inspector, PanajL' 6. ,Labour Inspect"r" Margao.

'7.' tabow," In:Spe~tor, Bi~holim. :' 8. LaboUr Inspector;: Mormugao.

9. Labour Inspector, Curchorem; Sanvordem, Goa.

10. Labour, Inspector" ~oiida, 'Goa. 11.Labo)ll' ~pect(,r,~MaPusa.

12.Lai;,,\1r:rrisp~tor, ,Daman; 13. 'Labour Inspector" Diu.

, "": '


Whole of the UnI"n territOry of Goa,

'Daman and Diu. -'do- .



Tlswadi Taluka. Saloote and Canacona

Taluk8s. . Blehollm ,and Satarl

Talukas. Mo~ugao Talul,ta.; _ : Sanguem 'and Que­

pem Talukas. ponda Taluka. Bardez ; and Pemem

TalUkas; Daman District., Diu, District.

By order an'd Ii. the name of the AdnllnIstrator of Goa, Daman and Diu. .,

'ii. v. 'B1'..adri, Under secreU;.y (Industries /lild Labour):'" . .' .' . Panajl, 3rd May, 1985. i",

Page 17: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt

16TH MAY,i985 (VAISAKA26, 1907) 115


No. 5/54/84-ILD

an application. under- SeCtion. 38C{2) of·the I.D;A., -1947., ,Hence. I dismiss .. this:- application ;for: want of ,-jurisdiction. ~d ",ttle

,matter is disposed off with no or~er as to costs. Whereas- Mis Hede 'and Co. of Panaji, Tiswadi have .been

granted a_mining lease NO',.-1/Fe/79_ dated 20-:2-1979, for iron ore over an area .of 13,0000 Ha. -situated at __ Campur Village of Bich6llm Taluka (!lerelnafter called·.the saidmlning lease).

And whereas it has been found that Mis 'Frede and Co. hAve" not conducted the mining' operation in the aforesaid area leased to them for the last 5 years_ and thus committed breach

"of provisions of clause. (f) of·sub-rule (l) of-the rule 27 of the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960.

And whereas 3: notice bearU;g No. 62/89j83:Mlnes/4368 dated 7-12-1983 had been issued to Mis HedeandCo •. ~alltng upon them, to remedy _ the' said breach within a period -of, S<:1: ·days from the date of receipt of the said- notice; _

And whereas the, said Mi$ Hede' and :Co. have -failed to, comply with th~ notice iSsued on-7";'12~1983;' ~ 'Now, therefore, in ,exercise of the '- powers" conferred, by

, sub-rule (5) of the ·rule 27 of the Mineral Concession Rules. 1960, the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and DIu hereby detennines the said -mining lease granted to Mis Hede and Co. with immediate effect and' forfeits the' whole -of the deposit without .prejudice- to any proceedings that may be taken against them. .

By order :and in the name of the Lieutenant Governor, of Goa, Daman and Diu. -

S. v. B1u.Ulri~ Under secret.ary (IndustrIes and ~abour):

Panaj~ 3rd May, 1985:


No. 28/4/85-ILD· The following Award given by the Industrial Trlbnnal, Goa,

Daman and Diu is hereby published as -req~ under the . provisions of Section 17 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (Central Act XIV of 1947)." .

By order ,and. in'the name of the' Admip,istrator of- Goa, Daman and Diu.

Su,bhas V 4 Elekar~ Urider ."S¢cretary (Industries. and Labour).

Panaji, 16th Ap~i1, 1985.


(Before Dr. Renato de Noronh", Bon'ble Presiding Officer)

Application No.: i.cC/32/84

1. Shri parch~am D. ~argaunkar - Applic.ant

. _.~ V/S4 " ' 1. Mis. Chowgule & Co. CosU Mines

The Staff Consumers Co-op. SOCiety: -Opponent

Panaji.Dated: ·15-3-1985


This award -shall dispose of.f the applicant's application dated 5-11-1984. clalmtng from the Opponent, the total amount of Rs. 2,410/- "" his 9 months salary and of the expenditure i.ncurroo wi~ the Court proceeding:'

2. T.leElnployer Opponent was duly served, but. did . not file any written statement and so the case proceeded ex-parte against him.

3. The workman applicant gave his statement in Open Court, stating tluLt he started workdng for the employer from January 1973 upto May 1980; he was paid of all his dues upto May 1980 and the employer continued with his services upto December 1982, but has not paid for the period of 9 months, i.e. from June 1980 onwards. No other evidenc~ was led by the applicant.

4. I have given due consideratia:n -to the statement made by the applicant in opel! court and.l am of the view: that since the employer Society atopped its bUSiness from June 1980, the entitlement of the applicant to .the amount of wages claimed for the subsequent period is a substan.:bive industriaL <lispute which can be dealt with only under '" reference by the Gove;nment to this Tr;ibnnal. It cannot be dealt with in

... Dr. RenatO- de NorOnha'

,presidlng Officer Labour Court

Finance Department Expenditure, Revenue . and C,ontrol Branch


No. 6-J.0-83/FIN(~)

On the recommendations - of 'the Departmental Promotion Committee, the Administrator of -Goa, Daman and. Diu is pleased to order promotion of ShTi· B. P. Pednekar, Accoun­tant to the post of Assistant Accounts Officer in the pay scale of &. 550-25: 750-EB-30,OOO from the date of his taking charge of the post of Assistant Accounts Officer. He is posted, . at- Piu in the Directorate of Accqunts. DIu Branch· in the vacancy caused by.the transfer- on deputation _of Shri I •. S. Patel, ,Assistant' Accounts Officer.

He_ will -be 'on probation 'for a period of. two ,y~ars 'in'the ' first instance.' . . .

\ 'By':6rder and ~ the_'name of 'the Administrator of Goa, Daman and -Diu. .

S.-V. Shirod.kar,·Under Secretary (Finance ·Exp.)~-.

Panaji, 7th May. 1985.

Order. No.. 6:10,83/FH,(EX)

Read:. Order No. 6-S,s4/F\n(EXP) dated 19'3-1985.

The Administrator of' Goa, Daman' and Diu is pleased to acc.ept the request of Shri.' M. P. VernekaJI',' AccoUl)tant working in -Works Division VI" Public Works D.ePartment, Margaoj' Goa for refusal of 'proniotion to the post of AssIstant Accounts Officer.

By order and in the -name of the Administrator of dca. Daman 'and Diu. .

K V. Shirodkar, Under Secretary (Finance Exp.). Panaji, 7th May, 1985.


law Department Establishment Branch


No. 5-40-85/LD (2)

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 of the Notaries. Act, 1952 (53 of 1952) read with rUle 8 of the

, Notaries Rules8 1956. the Lieutenant Gp.vernor of Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased to appoint Shri Mortoba Sinai Kantak as a Notary for a period of three years 'in and throughout

. the area of ~argao, Judic~al Senior Division with, effect from 5-4-85 ..

By order and in the name of the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, paman and -Diu.

G. ,G.- Kambli~_ Under Secretary (Law).

Panaji, 1st May, 1985 ..

• District and Sessions Court


No. DSC/JO/L/159/85/2217 , 'Shri' Anand D. Salkar, ,Civil' Judge Junior Division &

.1._M._F. C."Mapusa, is hereby granted Earned leave for 4 days w.e.f. 27~l5"-1985 to 30~5-1985 with pennission to prefix

, ,;1 , •

Page 18: Panaji, Ma;,1985!VaiSa~a26,19Q71 · Daman and, Diu Departmental Examination for the 'officers In the cadre of Mamlatdar/.Jt


Vacation·!or 12 days w.e.f; 1.3-5-1985 to 24,ll-1~35 clg'l;'IJlted separately), 25,6'19!l5being 4th. satur<la.y 'IJld 26-5-19!l5;being SundaV'. .

Cer~1f~ed that but for', proceeding on leave he would have officiated ,as Civif '" Junior Division & ,J. M. F. C., Mapusa .. ,. ""'/

On expiry of leave granted he is likely to be reposted 'in the same post and at the same station from where he is proceeding ,on leave. .

During his absence '"on' -~a~ed':iea:,*e Shri N. A. Britto, Civil Judge.l!. )?-~V~:::& 3' •. ,:&1:. ~.-:P.,._;Panaji:-J3-0!l.. is ,k~pt in' charge,' of, t.he~ post· Of CiVil. ',Tridge, JUni6r:' Division and. Jo.M. F. C., Mapusa. . .

Alvaro De .Noronha Ferreira~ District & Sessions Judge.

Panajl, 2nd May, 1985.

. ",. ;,-'.: .. ,

No~ DSC/JO/L/159;S5!2219

'Sh~ n. R~ ·Kenkre".Civil';u~e Junior'Division and" .Ju~icia1 Magistrate, First Class, 'Pa,naji; is hereby granted Earned leave ,for 15 days w.e.f. 2-5-1985'to 16';'5-1985 With permission to '. prefl?," 1-5_-1985 being hol,iday and to ,suffix Vacation (granted separately). ' . .

,',Ce~ifie~" that but for, -proceeding :on leave he \Vould'-,have officiated as Civil Judge Junior Divisi9n & ,J. M. F. C. Pamiji.

On e};{.plry of leave_ granted, he' is likely ·-to---be',"-reposted' in the same post and, at the same station. fr,om:_where he is proceeding on leave. . , .. - , '

. During his absence on Earned leave, Shri N. A, Britto; Civil Judge JUnior DIvision' & J. M. F.-C., "B'" .court, Panaji and Shri M~ C. Jethani; Civil Judge" J~or Division & J. M. F. C., "D" Court, Panaji-Goa are kept in Gharge of the post· of Civil. -Judge Junior Division & J. M. F; C., "c" Court,

_. Panaji~Goa for the period from 2-5:-1985 to 7-5-1985. and from 8-5-1985 to 16-5.:1985 re~pectively.

Alvaro, de:Nor~nh:a Ferreira,:District &-_Sessio~ Judge.

. Panaji, 2nd May, 1985.

, "


No. DSC/MARiGOL/1935/786

, Dt". 'Antoriio' OrIando' 'Pirlto --Soares,. "Addl~· sessions--' and Civil Judge,' "S,enior-,:) Dimion;-, iMrurgao_'''-is :'hereby' granted Earned L"av,,' 'for 55· days. with" effeCt" 1'rom 6'5-1985 to ~9-6-1935 ··withpe..mission· to .. prllfu< '4th; and·· 5th 'May; 1985 being holiday and Sunday and .to _fix .3oth· June, 1935 being .sliIidiLy. . .... .. . . .. .. , .. .. ,.. . ., ....

certified· that, ,but' :fpr'pr6coodin.g: on leave, he- \Votild:'have offiCiated 'as 'Add!. ,_Sessi6n.s'_:an~_' Civil Judge; Senior DiVision,

. ',' " " : ,', '... ~'.(- . '

On expiry of leave granted, he is likely to be reposted in the ,'same ',post. _' and 'at:' 'the-'-SaIile- 'station from'- 'where, he' is' In'oCeeding on'leave,: '. " ,- ;,- ",' .

, ' . "

~ :hls:· abs~e' on: lea'.~e·. __ ~.'·afo~esaid'-fr~ 6-~198!j."to 2~~71985. Addl., ~,ivil:Ju~ge., S~r Divi~on. ~argao,\s~all look atter 'Civil- "Y6~lt pe~ip.~.t? !iis ,Q6ui.t." - .... ' ,;~', ".,'

"H~, i$:'pe.rmitt.ed.':to" avail of L:nC~,: for 'se1f--and ,his, family members. for.the blocltyears 1982-85, dUll"ing the ensuing leave.; ,

"" Mte~ ,;~vai;~g Jh~ above lea':'e, _'"'he- will_ have ~t his credit Earned"Leav,~"f~r 73 days ,as on 30-6-1985.

This Order is issued in supersession to this Office Order No. DSC/MAR/GOL/1935/706 dated· 15-4-1935.

Marga", 29th April, 1985:- The District.& Sessions Judge, South-Goa, Eurico ·Santana. da SilVCk-'

Notification by the High Court of Judicature, App,e1Jate Side, ~~~bay

. "., No.: A. 3902(G)/85 .. .. "

·'.',''rlie: :Hbn6ti~k:b'i~~,:' the Chh~f_,-Justi~e and, Judges, 'h~reby' ' ,appoiht Shi-f'N'. A~ Britto, CiVil Judge,(JUnior Division) and Ju~ic,ial ~agIstrate, First Class: 'Panaji (Goa) _' to b,e the Civil Judge (-Junior- DIvision) and, Judicial 'Magistrate, First .Class, Diu vice Shp S. S., Kamat (on leave).

High· CoUrt, Appellate Side, Bompay, 29th April, 1985.


8,-M. Daud, Registrar. '

GOVT. PRINTING PRESS--'GOA (ImPrensa. Naclonal - GOa) .' PlUCE - Bs, 1-80 1" ..