Paloma Faith Goodwins, A2 Media Music


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Transcript of Paloma Faith Goodwins, A2 Media Music

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Goodwin -6 Features of a Music Video

Paloma Faith- Changing

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1) Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics

• Lip syncing is commonly associated with pop video’s, often seen on a lot of music video’s, it creates a relationship between the lyrics and the character, it symbolises that they are the ones singing the song.

• Dancing with the music, centralised around Paloma, focused around the lead singer suggests she is the most dominant character

• Bright colours represent the genre, fun and highlights Paloma’s characteristics, it symbolises the theme of the song, not a negative song but has a positive impact.

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2) There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals. The lyrics are represented with images.(either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).

• ‘Got to let go’’

-These lyrics highlight the narrative, the idea of letting go and forgetting your problems, this scene was followed by clips of road signs and palm tress, this suggests Paloma is traveling and having herself some free time and ‘letting it go’,

• ‘’And I know’’

-Pointing to her head, symbolising that she knows, links with lyrics, highlights the importance of her knowing and her understanding

This relationship between the lyrics and the video, adds to the narrative, it helps us understand what is happening without paying to much detail to the either, the video or the lyrics, but a equal amount of both crates a perfect balance still to understand the story line, and this will help create the music video more memorable.

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3) There is a relationship between music and visuals. The tone and atmosphere of the visual reflects that of

the music.(either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).

Dancing to the music, when there's a specific beat, Paloma hits the car along with the beat, this emphasises the beat and it becomes more in sync with the narrative, it complements each over and contributes to the overall affect.

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4) The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style). These include Close ups

of the star’s face, iconography of band image, visual trademarks and motifs.

Constant scenes of close ups of her costume, helps us understand Paloma’s character, her bright colours represent her

Close Ups Iconic dancing Costume

Constant scenes of her dancing with her hands, creates a identity , a iconic dance move can also be copied and easily remembered

Constant scenes of close ups of her face, highlights her importance of her role within the video.

The close ups of the shoes allows us to see the personality of Paloma and help define her image.

This dance move is seen in all her music video and it is her trademark dance move.

The close ups are intense and highlight Paloma’s importance.

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5) There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens,

mirrors, stages, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.

Throughout the video, Paloma is often seen to be looking directly into the camera, this is direct mode of address, it often can help develop the relationship of the viewer and Paloma, making the scene more personal, it is also know as breaking the 4th wall, it is uncommon in a sitcoms/films but is very often seen in music video’s.

Throughout the video, Paloma is seen to be looking out of the car window, or looking to off to the left/right, this gives us the impression that she is looking for something, this contributes towards the narritive.

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There are often intertextual reference (to films, tvprogrammes, other music videos etc).

Sigma is a artist who designs and the develops music, he has create the music for Paloma’s music video, the style is similar to Paloma’s other music video, it highlights both the artists genres and this video can relate to their other previous music video’s. Sigma’s ‘Nobody to Love’ video shows very similar trademark dance moves, dancing with arms up in the air is seen throughout both music videos.

Sigma’s Nobody to Love