Palo Santo Essential Oil

Palo Santo essential oil We're truly grateful to have found this exceptional Palo Santo essential oil. The oil is hand crafted at every step, a crucial aspect in the production of an essential oil with such important therapeutic medicinal and spiritual applications. The aroma is magnificent, with balsamic, woody, and even "chocolatey" notes. It has a very potent character, and when used aromatically, we find it best to experience "hints" of the scent—this way you can detect the complexity of the aroma. With deep inhalation, you'll note the very strong medicine; start slow and light for best results! Palo Santo essential oil is steam distilled from the heartwood of trees which actually go by many names. "Palo Santo" means "holy wood" or "sacred tree"—the tree also goes by "Bulnesia sarmientoi", as well as Argentine or Paraguay "lignum vitae". It is considered a distant relative of Boswellia trees which produce Frankincense. The trees themselves are endangered, and their environment continues to be threatened. This oil has been distilled only from wood which has already fallen; the distiller is careful to leave the forest in as pristine a natural condition as possible. The wood holds a significant place in the shamanic practices of the region. It is thought that the wood does not attain full esoteric potential until it has died and aged several years—it is from wood of this condition that this oil has been distilled. The oil may aid in meditative practices and work in concert with the pineal gland, or "third eye".


described as spiritually cleansing

Transcript of Palo Santo Essential Oil

Page 1: Palo Santo Essential Oil

Palo Santo essential oil

We're truly grateful to have found this exceptional Palo Santo essential oil. The oil is hand crafted at every step, a crucial aspect in the production of an essential oil with such important therapeutic medicinal and spiritual applications.

The aroma is magnificent, with balsamic, woody, and even "chocolatey" notes. It has a very potent character, and when used aromatically, we find it best to experience "hints" of the scent—this way you can detect the complexity of the aroma. With deep inhalation, you'll note the very strong medicine; start slow and light for best results!

Palo Santo essential oil is steam distilled from the heartwood of trees which actually go by many names. "Palo Santo" means "holy wood" or "sacred tree"—the tree also goes by "Bulnesia sarmientoi", as well as Argentine or Paraguay "lignum vitae". It is considered a distant relative of Boswellia trees which produce Frankincense.

The trees themselves are endangered, and their environment continues to be threatened. This oil has been distilled only from wood which has already fallen; the distiller is careful to leave the forest in as pristine a natural condition as possible.

The wood holds a significant place in the shamanic practices of the region. It is thought that the wood does not attain full esoteric potential until it has died and aged several years—it is from wood of this condition that this oil has been distilled. The oil may aid in meditative practices and work in concert with the pineal gland, or "third eye".

The oil's energetics (which may be employed though simple diffusion) are thought to be a great aid to "clearing bad energy". Further, it is thought to uplift the spirits, bring good luck, and provide protection.

Analysis of the essential oil reveals high levels of limonene, a monoterpene researched for its potential cancer-preventative and chemotherapeutic activity, actions also found in Palo Santo's relative Frankincense. A review of the data available at indicates there are now several essential oils with important anticancer actions, and support for immune system function.

Page 2: Palo Santo Essential Oil

Like many resinous wood oils, Palo Santo oil has many applications. Wear a drop on the wrists or diffuse in small amounts for aromatic and energetic uses. Palo Santo is beneficial for the skin, particularly in healing, cleansing and anti-aging formulas. It can also be used in recipes for arthritis and joint care. It is also used for care of respiratory ailments and immune system support.

Suggested Uses: Diffuse or apply Palo Santo essential oil topically.

Possible Actions: Palo Santo is noted to be spiritually protective and clearing. It has been used in pain relieving formulas, blends for care of respiratory ailments, and may have far reaching immune supportive effects.

Cautions: Always test a small amount of essential oil first for sensitivity or allergic reaction. If pregnant or under a doctor's care, consult a physician.

Blends and

Recipes: For measuring blends using % concentrations, or for measuring fractions of milliliters, see measuring essential oils. Palo Santo mixes well with other woods and resins. It will be quite at home blended with Frankincense, Myrrh and Cedarwood.


Ananda Aromatherapy

Essential Oils: All oils from Ananda Aromatherapy are therapeutic grade, meaning they are produced to the highest quality standards possible. Our essential oils are chosen for their integrity (all chemical constituents important for aromatherapy are intact), ecological 'soundness' (many are claimed organic, certified organic, or wild grown), and wonderful aromas. You may order a sample of any oil before trying larger amounts. Most samples are about .75ml; exotic oils such as Melissa, Rose, Angelica and Jasmine are only a few drops, but certainly enough to enjoy their aroma!