Palestinian Incitement (Jerusalem)

November 2014 Palestinian Racist Incitement on Jerusalem

Transcript of Palestinian Incitement (Jerusalem)

Page 1: Palestinian Incitement (Jerusalem)

November 2014

Palestinian Racist Incitement on Jerusalem

Page 2: Palestinian Incitement (Jerusalem)

Abu Mazen calls on Palestinians to defend Jerusalem “by any means”

Official PA TV broadcasts Abu Mazen’s call 19 times in 3 days

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In recent years PA chairman Abu Mazen and the Palestinian Authority have frequently employed inflammatory rhetoric regarding the Al-Aqsa mosque and Jerusalem in order to incite against Israel.

Moreover during the last several months, Abu Mazen has been inciting Arabs and Muslims to confront the Jews by any means, employing jihadist messages in one of the most sensitive places on earth.

This religious incitement has already lead to terror attacks.

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The Palestinian Authority’s incitement regarding Jerusalem is a central component of the PA’s general incitement against Israel and Jews.

The incendiary messages are delivered by Abu Mazen himself, PA, PLO and Fatah officials, the education system, religious institutions, official media and social media and cultural events.

Nov. 2014

Page 5: Palestinian Incitement (Jerusalem)

1. Jews do not have any historical connection to the Holy Land in general and to Jerusalem in particular.

2. The Judeo-Christian record regarding the existence of an ancient Jewish Temple in Jerusalem is a fabrication.

3. Jews and Zionists are horrible creatures that contaminate Jerusalem and try to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque in order to rebuild their “alleged Temple”.

4. Jews must leave Jerusalem. Jerusalem is purely Arab and will become Arab again through Jihad and martyrdom by the Muslims and Palestinians.

PA Core Messages on Jerusalem

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Abu Mazen encourages terror by glorifying the terrorist who attempted to assassinate Rabbi

Yehuda GlickIn anger and strong condemnation did we receive word of the sickening crime of assassination which was perpetrated by the murderous, terrorist gangs of the despicable Israeli occupying army against your son Muataz Ibrahim Khalil Hijazi, who ascended to heaven as a martyr in the course of defending the rights of our nation, its honor and holy sites. We hereby express from the depths of our hearts before you all, before all of our residents of Holy Jerusalem, and before the entire honorable family, our condolences at his passing.

We emphasize to you our condemnation of this cruel and ugly act, which joins the crimes of the despised Israeli occupation against our people…

Mahmoud AbbasPresident of the State of PalestineChairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO

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Abu Mazen: Israel is doing ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem

Jan. 2014

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The historical facts about Palestine and Jerusalem completely refute the Jewish claims

- Fatah Facebook page1. None of Allah's prophets (beginning with Ibrahim (Abraham), Mussa

(Moses), Suleiman (Solomon), Dawood (David), Jesus, Yusuf (Joseph), Yakub (Jacob), etc. were born, lived or died in Jerusalem and Palestine. They lived and died in ancient Yemen.

2. The temple of the people of Israel was built before they were wiped out, in Yemenite Jerusalem. There is no proof of any historic presence here (in Palestine).

3. The Jews of our time are not connected to the extinct Tribe of Israel mentioned in the Quran. They are Khazars, Russians and Europeans who converted to Judaism in the 12th century (see the books by Koestler and Sand).

4. There is not one stone in Jerusalem that points to the fact that the Jews (as a religion) or as the extinct Yemenite Tribe of Israel, have any connection to the city, and this is even truer with regard to the new Jews (see papers written by Israeli archaeologists).

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Illustrations in official PA daily, National Security Force’s Facebook page and Fatah’s website:

Israel rapes and beheads the Dome of the Rock

Oct. 2014Nov. 2014

Nov. 2014

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Anti-semetic hate speech on PA TV (Sep. 2014):Jews are "barbaric apes, wretched pigs"

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My brother, the oppressors crossed all limits/So Jihad is justified, and so is life-sacrifice

So pull your blade from its sheath/ It should not stay there any more

Today is the time, not tomorrow

My brother, in Jerusalem we have a sister/ For her, the slaughterers prepared their knives

The Reading and the Texts, Grade 8, 2013

:PA School Textbook Excerpts from the poem “Palestine”

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Fatah's Central Committee, Jibril Al-Rajoub :

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Illustration in Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida encourages slingshot attacks

Nov. 2014

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" Fatah - Silwan branch accompanies to his wedding the heroic Martyr Abd Al-Rahman Al-Shaloudi, who carried out the Jerusalem operation, in which settlers in the occupied city of Jerusalem were run over.Rest in peace! We are loyal to you."

Fatah Movement glorifies the terrorist who ran over a three month-old baby (Oct. 2014)

Chaya Zissel Braun, aged three months

Abd Al-Rahman Al-Shaloudi

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Abu Mazen‘s advisor and Fatah member Sultan Abu Al-Einein, following the car

terror attacks in East Jerusalem:

Nov. 5, 2014

"The earthshaking reaction came from the heroes of Jerusalem. It began with the heroic Martyr (Shahid) [Abd Al-Rahman] Al-Shaloudi, then [Mutaz] Hijazi and, behold, today it comes from the heroic Martyr Ibrahim Al-Akari. They answered the call of Jerusalem, in response to the occupation's actions, and its defilement of the Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Abu Al-Einein uploaded pictures of the terrorists on his Facebook page:

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Hamas leader Fathi Hammad calls on Palestinians to “push down the gas pedal” and

attack Israelis “defiling the Al-Aqsa Mosque”

Nov. 2014

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Hamas Spokesman Fauzi Barhum to West Bank Palestinians: Kill Jews and

Zionists !

July 2014

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Who will be “hero” No. 4 to carry out a terror attack for Jerusalem and the

Al-Aqsa Mosque?

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Hamas campaign on social media networks

calls to kill Jews

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“Run over and take revenge for ”Jerusalem

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Running over Jews as a means to prevent them from entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque

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AdditionalIslamic-Jihadist Organizations

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The Nafir Al-Aqsa ("Mobilizing For Al-Aqsa") campaign associated with pro-Islamic State

(ISIS) elements in Gaza

A Nov. 1, 2014 tweet reads: "The campaign aims to equip the Jerusalem mujahideen (holy warriors) striving to raise the banner of monotheism and repel the Jews”

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Nafir Al-Aqsa campaign poster: "The cost of equipping a mujahid –


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Hizb-ut-Tahrir calls to the Islamic Nation and the Muslim Armies to

liberate Al-Aqsa from the filthy Jews

May 2014

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Summary and Conclusions

•The PA’s incitement against Israel and the Jews relating to Jerusalem is a vital and essential part of its systematic and ongoing campaign of incitement.

•Abu Mazen, as chairman of the PA and head of the PLO and Fatah, leads this campaign, finances it, and encourages an environment that glorifies terrorists.

•Abu Mazen dangerous religious incitement on Jerusalem integrates with Hamas, IS, Hizb-ut-Tahrir and other Islamic-jihadist organizations’ rhetoric which are branches of the same poisonous tree.

This incitement is the central cause of the recent rise in terror attacks and violence in Jerusalem.