palabras a 1ro medio

Lista de palabras de uso más frecuente a 1ro medio (709) (Fuente: Corpus Cobuild, U. de Birmingham, Inglaterra) Nombres de los integrantes: 1. a 2. able 3. about 4. above 5. across 6. actually 7. address 8. afraid 9. Africa 10. after 11. afternoon 12. again


palabras más frecuentes dentro del periodo de 1ro medio

Transcript of palabras a 1ro medio

Page 1: palabras a 1ro medio

Lista de palabras de uso más frecuente a 1ro medio (709)(Fuente: Corpus Cobuild, U. de Birmingham, Inglaterra)

Nombres de los integrantes:

1. a2. able3. about4. above5. across6. actually7. address8. afraid9. Africa10. after11. afternoon12. again13. age

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14. ago15. agree16. air17. alive18. all19. almost20. alone21. along22. also23. always24. am25. America26. American27. an28. and29. another30. answer,

answered31. any32. anyone

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33. anything34. April35. are36. arm37. army38. arrangement39. arrive,

arrived40. as41. ask, asked42. at43. August44. autumn45. available46. away47. baby, babies48. back49. bad50. bag51. bank

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52. be53. become,

became54. because55. bed56. been57. before58. begin, began,

begun59. behind60. bell61. below62. best63. better64. between65. big66. birth67. bit68. black69. blue

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70. body, bodies71. book72. born73. borrow,

borrowed74. both75. bottom76. boy77. bring,

brought78. Britain79. British80. brother81. brown82. building83. bus84. business85. busy86. but87. buy, bought

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88. by89. call, called90. can91. car92. carefully93. carry, carried94. cent95. centre96. century,

centuries97. certain98. certainly99. chair100. chance101. change,

changed102. cheap103. check,

checked104. child,

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children105. church106. city, cities107. class108. close109. closed110. clothes111. coast112. coffee113. cold114. college115. colour116. come, came117. common118. compare119. corner120. cost121. could122. country123. couple

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124. course125. cross,

crossed126. daily127. dark128. date129. daughter130. day131. dead132. December133. decide,

decided134. definitely135. degree136. desk137. detail138. dialogue139. did140. difference141. different

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142. difficult143. dinner144. direction145. do146. doctor147. door148. double149. down150. drink, drank,151. drive, drove,152. driven153. drunk154. during155. each156. early157. east158. easy159. eat, ate,

eaten160. education

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161. eight162. either163. eleven164. else165. emergency166. end167. England168. English169. enjoy,

enjoyed170. enough171. entrance172. especially173. Europe174. even175. evening176. ever177. every178. everyone179. everything

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180. exact181. exactly182. examination183. example184. except185. expensive186. experience187. eye188. face189. fact190. family,

families191. famous192. far193. farm194. fashionable195. father196. February197. feel, felt198. few

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199. fifteen200. fifty, fifties201. figure202. find, found203. fine204. finish,

finished205. fire206. first207. five208. flat209. floor210. food211. foot212. for213. forest214. forget,

forgot,215. forgotten216. form, formed

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217. forty, forties218. forward219. four220. fourteen221. France222. free223. French224. Friday225. friend226. from227. front228. full229. furniture230. further231. future232. game233. garden234. general235. get, got236. girl

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237. give, gave,

given238. glass, glasses239. go, went,240. gone, going241. good242. goodbye243. government244. gray245. great246. green247. ground248. group249. had250. hair251. half, halves252. hall253. hand254. happen,


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255. hard256. hat257. have258. he259. head260. hear, heard261. hello262. help, helped263. her264. here265. herself266. high267. hill268. him269. himself270. his271. history272. however273. hold, held274. holiday

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275. home276. hope, hoped277. hospital278. hot279. hour280. house281. how282. hundred283. husband284. idea285. if286. ill287. important288. in289. individual290. information291. inside292. instead293. instruction294. interest

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295. interested296. into297. is298. it299. its300. itself301. January302. job303. July304. June305. just306. keep, kept307. key308. kind309. kitchen310. know, knew311. known312. labour313. lady314. language

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315. large316. last317. late318. later319. law320. learn, learnt321. learned322. leave323. left324. less325. let326. letter327. level328. licence329. lie, lay, lain330. life, lives331. light332. like, liked333. list334. listen,

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listened335. little336. live, lived337. London338. long339. look, looked340. lose, lost341. lot342. love, loved343. lunch344. machine345. magazine346. main347. make, made348. man, men349. many350. map351. March352. married353. matter

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354. May355. may356. maybe357. me358. meal359. mean, meant360. meet, met361. meeting362. middle363. might364. mile365. million366. mind367. mine368. minute369. Miss370. miss371. modern372. moment373. Monday

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374. money375. month376. more377. morning378. most379. mother380. mountain381. move, moved382. Mr.383. Mrs.384. much385. music386. must387. my388. myself389. name390. national391. nature392. near393. nearly

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394. necessary395. need, needed396. neither397. never398. new399. news400. newspaper401. next402. nice403. night404. nine405. no406. none407. normally408. north409. not410. nothing411. November412. now413. numbers

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414. October415. of416. off417. office418. often419. okay420. old421. on422. once423. one424. ones425. only426. open427. opposite428. or429. order430. other431. others432. our433. out

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434. outside435. over436. own437. page438. paper439. paragraph440. parent441. park442. parliament443. part444. particularly445. party, parties446. pass, passed447. past448. pay, paid449. people450. per451. perhaps452. person453. personal

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454. phone,

phoned455. photograph456. picture457. pink458. place459. plan, planned460. play, played461. please462. point463. police464. political465. politician466. possible467. pound468. power469. practise470. present471. press,


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472. pretty473. price474. primary475. private476. probably477. problem478. public479. put480. quarter481. question482. quick483. quite484. radio485. rain486. rather487. read488. ready489. really490. reason491. receive,

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received492. recently493. red494. remember495. repeat,

repeated496. reply, replied497. report498. rest499. right500. ring501. river502. road503. roof504. room505. round506. run, ran, run507. same508. Saturday509. say, said

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510. school511. Scotland512. sea513. season514. second515. secretary,

secretaries516. see, saw,

seen517. seem,

seemed518. send, sent519. sentence520. September521. service522. set523. seven524. shall525. shape526. share, shared

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527. she528. shoe529. shop530. shopping531. short532. should533. show,


shown534. side535. sign536. since537. single538. sir539. sister540. sit, sat541. situation542. six543. size544. sky

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545. sleep, slept546. small547. so548. social549. society550. some551. someone552. something553. sometimes554. son555. song556. soon557. sorry558. sort559. sound560. south561. speak, spoke,

spoken562. spend, spent563. sport

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564. spring565. square566. stairs567. stand, stood568. start, started569. state570. station571. stay, stayed572. still573. stop, stopped574. story, stories575. straight576. street577. student578. style579. such580. summer581. sun582. Sunday583. supper

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584. suppose,

supposed585. sure586. surname587. system588. table589. take, took,

taken590. talk, talked591. tea592. teacher593. telephone594. television595. tell, told596. ten597. tend, tended598. term599. than600. thank601. that

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602. the603. their604. them605. themselves606. then607. there608. therefore609. these610. they611. thing612. think,

thought613. third614. thirty, thirties615. this616. those617. thousand618. three619. through620. Thursday

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621. till622. time623. to624. today625. together626. tomorow627. tonight628. too629. top630. towards631. town632. traffic633. travel,

travelled634. tree635. trip636. true637. try, tried638. Tuesday639. turn, turned

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640. twenty,

twenties641. two642. type643. under644. understand,

understood645. university,

universities646. until647. up648. us649. use, used650. useful651. usually652. vary, varied653. very654. view655. village656. visit, visited

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657. wait, waited658. walk, walked659. wall660. want,

wanted661. war662. warm663. was664. water665. way666. we667. wear668. weather669. Wednesday670. week671. weekend672. well673. were674. west675. what

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676. whatever677. when678. where679. whether680. which681. while682. white683. who684. why685. wife, wives686. will687. window688. winter689. with690. within691. without692. woman,

women693. word694. work, worked

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695. world696. would697. write, wrote,

written698. wrong699. yeah700. year701. yellow702. yes703. yesterday704. yet705. you706. young707. your708. yours709. yourself,
