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  • 8/14/2019 PakistansBlackEconomy



    EconomyM. Munir Qureshi

    Pakistan has an abnormally large Informal sector also known as Black

    Economy, Shadow Economy, Gray Economy, and Parallel Economy- .

    Estimates for this sector Range between 35 100% of GDP.

    Conservatively, today its size may safely be estimated at 70% of GDP ie

    US $ 119 Bill (Fixed Factor Costs) and US $ 350 Bill (PPP).

    An obvious consequence of this state of affairs is significant loss of tax

    revenue. By definition, the Informal Sector of the Economy is an

    undocumented sector and earnings of the Players in this segment of the

    economy are not formally Reported and no Tax Returns are filed.

    However it would not be fair to infer that the taxable capacity of this

    sector is at par with that of the regular, Formal Sector. Such a contention

    would clearly be simplistic. This is because the major activity in the

    informal sector is small scale, cottage industry based manufacturing, with

    limited value addition. Mostly family enterprises, subsistence level

    earnings are usually the norm. To be sure there are some medium scale

    enterprises too yielding reasonable but not significant income. However

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    these would not be more than 10 15 % of the total manufacturing units

    operating in the informal sector.

    Significantly, out of Pakistans total labor force of about 47 million, the

    bulk of the countrys non agricultural labor force, some 18 million [the

    agricultural sector accounts for a labor force of 20 million, has noparallel or black economy as such] , is employed in the informal sector

    with about 9 million employed in the formal sector.

    Looking to its composition, the cottage industry based manufacturing

    segment of the informal sector would have limited tax potential but

    certainly not zero.

    The fact that the informal sector provides gainful employment to a very

    large proportion of the working ( non agricultural) labor force albeit

    yielding largely subsistence level earnings- is a positive feature as it

    enables a very large number of working people ( men, women and even

    children) to earn enough to keep body and soul together. It also gives

    them a modicum of dignity and improves their self image.

    The loss of tax revenue to the exchequer is however undoubtedly a

    negative feature.

    The growth in income in the informal sector does not find its way into the

    National Income Accounts as such Income is not formally Reported and no

    Returns are filed. For this reason the published national income of acountry is actually understated to the extent of the income generated in

    the informal sector. Thus when we say that Pakistans GDP is $ 180 Bill in

    2008 we are not taking into account the Income attributable to the large

    informal sector. If this income is, say, $ 126 Bill ( ie 70% of the regular,

    formal economy), then the real GDP of Pakistan in 2008 would be $ 306

    Bill (Fixed Factor Cost basis).

    A large informal sector can be problematic in that it becomes difficult to

    factor in when planning economic development as very little is known byway of its structure , composition and range of activities.

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    As the informal sector has both positive and negative features, it is also

    often referred to as an oxymoron.

    Ominously, the informal sector also has certain features that may not be

    immediately obvious but are nonetheless certainly there and these can be

    highly de -stabilizing for the regular, formal economy.

    These features include, hugely profitable, business activities of a

    criminal nature, surreptitiously carried out by a relatively small segment

    of the total population of the informal sector. These players make a

    mockery of the rule of law and their business activities include but are

    not restricted to- smuggling of all kinds of contraband in general demand

    ( narcotics, counterfeit goods including cosmetics, auto parts, medicines,

    digital media including information technology software ,movie DVDs,soft drinks, arms and ammunition and other miscellaneous merchandise).

    Besides smuggling of these items into the country from exporters

    abroad, a number of these items are even manufactured within the

    country in small to medium scale, clandestine manufacturing

    establishments some quite sophisticated using modern technology. The

    smuggling of currency into and out of the country by illegal forex

    companies - the so called havala networks, under investigation and

    facing crackdown after 9 / 11 but still functioning are also part of thiscriminal segment of the informal sector.

    Corrupt practices of government functionaries working at all tiers also

    generate a great amount of black money in third world countries and

    Pakistan is no exception. So it is not only black economy businessmen

    who make a great deal of money illegally in developing countries. While

    we generally tend to gloss over this aspect the fact is that they not only

    do much harm to the State exchequer by evading taxes on their ill gotten

    earnings but in a more subtle way, also undermine the integrity of suchvital institutions causing considerable long term damage. It is not easy to

    quantify the illegal earnings attributed to corruption but anyone who been

    following media reports in recent years can see that the problem is

    indeed on a much wider scale than we are inclined to believe and the

    billions of dollars worth of assets stashed away in safe havens abroad by

    high profile players are testimony to the scale of the problem. It is now

    no secret that these assets have been contrived in their entirety by

    corrupt practices and there is indeed direct as well as indirect evidence in

    the public domain in this context. Authoritative studies detailing the role

    of banks- including big name multi-nationals- in laundering black money

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    are also available and anyone who is adept at using a search engine with

    a web browser on the internet should have no problem in accessing and

    examining them at his leisure.

    Strangely, government too can unwittingly put untaxed money in peoples

    pockets and thereby make a contribution to the informal sector. Oneexample of how this can happen is when the electricity tariff is not at par

    with what the market says it ought to be. Thus when government pays a

    subsidy on the electricity generated thereby offsetting cost of

    generation to that extent as it has been doing in Pakistan for a long,

    long, time now- it is in effect increasing the consumers disposable income

    by equivalent amount and since the receipt of such income is never

    declared by the recipient, hence no income tax is paid thereon. It thus

    becomes an informal income of the recipient. The income tax statute

    was not able to cope with this situation prior to the enactment of the

    Income Tax Ordinance of 2001 and thus everyone got away scot free. The

    new law is much better able to deal with the matter and it remains to be

    seen how the tax department deals with the situation.

    While ALL informal sector activity is by definition illegal because it

    violates laid down law, it does not follow that it is also criminal in naturein the sense that when detected by the competent authorities is

    necessarily liable to be prosecuted and on conviction those involved

    required to be incarcerated in a penitentiary. However the segment of the

    informal sector that includes smuggling and manufacture and sale of

    counterfeit goods as well as moneys contrived through bribes, kickbacks

    and commissions illegally ( asin the case of public functionaries) entails

    serious criminality. This is also the segment that generates significant at

    times, huge- extra legal earnings. The players in this segment thoughrelatively few in number compared to the total population of the

    informal sector- often have outlandish lifestyles with conspicuous

    consumption the norm and because they are rich, are also well

    connected they also have serious clout that enables them to keep

    operating in the informal sector with impunity.

    Why should it be so difficult to track down the informal sector players in

    Pakistan? The tax authorities in Pakistan have not been able to prosecuteand send to prison even a single tax evader in the last (62) years. This, in

    a country where tax evasion is endemic! Why so?

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    The main reason is that it is not at all easy to nab any tax evader in

    Pakistan but the informal sector tax evader is a special breed. For one

    thing it would be rare for him to have no declared source of earnings at

    all. If he is a smuggler he would of course not declare his earnings from

    smuggling. Technically he can as the tax law, on pain of strict

    punishment, mandates that ALL INFORMATION declared by a taxpayer be

    kept secret. In practice however no criminal in Pakistan will ever take the

    chance of making a public declaration to that effect- especially not in a

    Tax Return. So he does the next best thing and declares all income but

    that realized from smuggling. He may have agricultural land and if the

    holding is large enough then he should be able to attribute good income

    from that source. He could also be running a perfectly legitimate business

    enterprise and declare good income from it and pay due tax. This would

    give him legal cover from prying eyes. He could be the legal owner of

    immoveable property and be earning rental income. Similar would be the

    position when the player is a government functionary in receipt of black

    money for favors bestowed illegally.

    Unlike Al Capone, the tax evader today is no ghost to the tax authorities.

    He has a tax profile that he has contrived with great care- often with

    expert legal help, readily available. Thus it cannot be said that has no

    legal income to support his lifestyle.

    In actual fact he is often able to camouflage his illegal income by setting

    up a faade of legal earnings in which the black money income of course

    finds no mention. It is up to the tax authorities to peel away this faade

    and expose the illegal earnings but that requires great skill, motivation,

    integrity and daring. Unfortunately, in Pakistan these are qualities sadly

    lacking in tax functionaries.

    Because of the clout that the informal sector players wield, highly

    motivated and skilled revenue personnel are required to be deployed totackle this segment of the informal sector effectively and they need to be

    supported effectively by specialized intelligence gathering, surveillance,

    exchange of information and the setting up and effective utilization of

    data bases containing information pertaining to all kinds of assets and

    property and financial transactions that have a bearing on income. Above

    all, their integrity must be above board.

    One is reminded of the great, indeed, heroic, effort made by the United

    States Treasury Deptt / Internal Revenue in the 1920s in successfully

    bringing the notorious U.S Black Economy player, Al Capone, to book in a

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    daring and well planned operation. Indeed interest in the informal sector

    of the economy starts with this landmark incident in US history. The great

    risks that revenue personnel must take are still there today as there are

    many such wannabe Al Capones operating in Pakistan who are just as

    ruthless, devious and ingenious as the real scarface of yesteryears.

    A large number of Pakistans existing taxpayers, especially those in the

    wholesale and retail sale of merchandise, have forged close links with the

    informal sector. Thus many of the top Departmental stores in posh

    commercial areas in Pakistan openly display high value goods like

    crockery and electrical gadgets that have been smuggled into the

    country. They also sell a great deal of counterfeit merchandise either

    smuggled into the country or manufactured in the many clandestine units

    operating in different parts of the country. Many exporters also purchase

    their goods from the informal sector including garments, sports goods and

    leather goods. A plethora of Bara markets euphemism for smuggled

    goods market- do a roaring business in every major city of the country.

    The original Bara Market was, not too long ago, restricted ONLY to a

    suburb of Peshawar city.

    Unwittingly perhaps, the large, private, banking sector in Pakistanincluding the, so called, exchange companies and Hawala networks,

    routinely launders a great deal of the black money generated in the

    country. Corrupt businessmen, politicians, bureaucrats, Defense

    personnel- all are involved.

    In Pakistan many of the Hawala networks have been hijacked

    and compromised by drug traffickers, corrupt officials, money

    launderers, organized crime and terrorists. Pakistani Hawalanetworks alone move anywhere between 5 10 billion dollars

    annually. In 1999 Institutional Investor Magazine identified 1100

    money brokers in Pakistan and transactions that ran as high as

    10 million US dollars apiece. Most Hawala networks are

    controlled by Pakistani and Indian expatriates and immigrants in

    the gulf.

    Indeed one explanation for the plethora of private banks in Pakistan,

    including some big name multi-nationals, is that Pakistan is perceived as

    fertile territory with plenty of black money there for the taking by private

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    banks that are well resourced and daring. True, under the know your

    customer policy the State Bank of Pakistan mandates that due diligence

    be shown by all Banks when dealing with customers and especially when

    new customers are allowed to open accounts to ensure that moneys of

    dubious origin do not find their way into the Bank. This requirement has

    been in force for the last few years now and apparently it has had a

    salutary effect insofar as black money cannot now be brought in as

    brazenly as before. But there is reason to believe that human ingenuity

    being what it is and the pressure to being in additional funds being there

    it is too much to expect that the KYC policy has put an absolute end to

    bring in ALL tainted money. KYC oversight too is perhaps not as

    rigorous as it ought to be so all said and done loopholes are there and will

    be found and are being found all the time to find a way around the KYC

    requirement. Effective oversight is especially difficult in the case of the so

    called exchange companies even those authorized to transact

    business in the movement of foreign exchange.

    Contrary to popular opinion, informal sector players do not stash their

    illegal earnings at home at least not ALL of their earnings. Most players,

    except may be those placed at the bottom rung of the subsistence level

    earnings ladder, open a bank account and deposit a good part of their

    takings there. The account(s) may or may not be in their actual name. In

    any case tax authorities are barred by law from routine access to anybank account. And the banks are bound by confidentiality provisions in

    banking laws from disclosing any information regarding their clients. Tax

    authorities may requisition information in specific cases only. They have

    to furnish the exact name and precise account number of a banks client.

    More often than not there are gaps in the information that may be

    available to tax authorities. Either the name may not match and / or the

    account number may not tally. This mismatch may be further complicated

    if the bank account holder in question involves a fictitious identity. Manyclients have more than one account and it is certainly not impossible to

    set up an account in a fictitious name especially if the client is a moneyed

    person and is in a position to give the bank a hefty deposit. He would be

    then perceived as a good customer and various services gladly provided.

    After all, commercial banks are commercial business enterprises and

    clients with resources are vital to a banks profitability and growth. The

    (80) million or so bank account holders in Pakistan - when the number of

    registered taxpayers arehardly (3) million!)- are testimony to the greatinroads made by informal sector players in the banking sector. While it is

    a fact that many account holders have more than one bank account , still

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    the gap between the number of bank account holders and registered

    taxpayers is too obvious to ignore.

    A large proportion of the black money generated in Pakistan has been

    sunk in real estate and property development. Huge profits by way of

    capital gains have been made by speculators and they have not had to

    worry about any effective system of capital gains taxation at the federallevel. The taxation of immoveable property is a provincial subject in

    Pakistan and undervaluation of property is routine for registration

    purposes. Largely as a result of the intense interest in this segment of the

    economy, prices have been bid up to astronomical levels in the recent

    past having come down only after the worldwide financial crisis of 2007.

    There has also been significant flight of resources (contrived largely

    through black money) to Dubai from Pakistan for investment in property

    triggered by a housing bubble there. That bubble has now burst ( as allbubbles eventual must). Finally, billions of dollars of Pakistani black

    money has been kept in safe haven banks abroad. It has been estimated

    that the total hoard of Pakistani origin dollars in save haven banks in

    foreign jurisdictions is probably enough to liquidate the countrys foreign

    debt of $50 billion plus!

    Strange though it might appear, prior to the enactment of the Income Taxordinance of 2001 when the Income Tax Ordinance of 1979 was in force

    and before that, the Income Tax Act of 1922 (as adapted in 1947) in which

    a similar position obtained - there was no provision in the tax statute

    requiring a taxpayer to maintain accounts of any sort. When formally

    called upon by the tax assessing authority to explain the declared version

    as per the Return of Income filed by him In fact he was well within his

    rights to say that he was not maintaining any sort of record pertaining to

    the business transacted by him and the tax assessing authority was thenobliged to make an assessment of the taxpayers income on the basis of

    whatever information was available at the time regarding the taxpayers

    business affairs. More often than not such information was minimal if not

    a complete blank. At best he would direct the circle inspector to conduct a

    spot enquiry and submit a report which again was almost always

    sketchy. Thus hampered the assessing officer was obliged to make an

    educated guess and determine income accordingly. Naturally this more

    often than not greatly facilitated the taxpayer. More seriously though, thislacuna in the statute encouraged undocumented transactions. And

    undocumented transactions are the lifeblood of the informal sector.

    Coupled with the fact that tax laws were enacted like the notorious

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    Foreign Exchange Bearer Certificate Scheme of the 1990s (FEBCs) and

    the repeated so called, Tax Amnesty Schemes- that actually encouraged

    holding moneys contrived by less than legitimate means, the absence of

    any statutory obligation to maintain records/accounts of any kind by a

    taxpayer gave a huge impetus to tax evasion. Little wonder then that the

    informal sector has grown by leaps and bounds in Pakistan.

    The Income Tax Ordinance of 2001 (effective with effect from July 2002)

    has for the first time made it mandatory for a taxpayer to maintain

    accounts as prescribed under the statute/Rules. Non compliance attracts

    stiff penalties under the statute. Deterrence to non compliance is thus

    built into the statute. This is most certainly a big step in the right

    direction- albeit a step late in coming. However it remains to be seen how

    far it will facilitate revenue mobilization. .

    While loss of tax revenue is an obvious negative feature of the informal

    sector, a less obvious feature, but one that has enormous significance for

    the future health of the economy, is the erosion in the overall

    competitiveness of the economy.

    A country, like Pakistan, with an abnormally large informal sector, will

    have a very large number of manufacturing enterprises of all kinds that

    cannot by their very nature properly exploit internal and external

    economies of scale. Modern manufacturing technology is not put to use

    and instead refurbished and improvised technology is employed. Very

    often technology discarded as junk abroad is imported as scrap and

    then re-engineered and put to use, often perforce. There is no access to

    any kind of research and development and of course there is no conceptof modern management practices. The end product manufactured in

    these improvised manufacturing enterprises is bound to have

    deficiencies in quality and unit price will also usually be on the higher


    As stated earlier, many exporters in Pakistan purchase finished products

    as well as semi finished items from the informal sector. This is especiallytrue in the case of garments, woolen carpets, sports goods, and leather

    goods. In the past Pakistani exporters were uniquely placed to export

    such items for a while when there was not much competition and made

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    good profits but now with countries like China, India, Thailand and

    Bangladesh offering stiff competition taking advantage of relatively more

    elaborate manufacturing infra structure especially in the case of China

    and India- Pakistani exporters are finding it difficult to compete and the

    informal sector is becoming a clear liability.

    In order to have an idea of the growth of the informal sector over time,

    the increase in consumption of electricity vis a vis GDP growth is a

    reliable ready reckoner. Interestingly, worldwide, the consumption of

    electricity is seen to move in lockstep as it were, with growth in GDP and

    to have unitary elasticity relative to GDP. Thus a 5% growth in GDP is

    normally expected to lead to a (more or less) 5% increase in overall

    electricity consumption. So consistent and direct is this observed

    relationship that it has become a standard to estimate electricity

    generation capacity requirements over time, given the projected growth

    in GDP. An added spin off of this relationship is to use it to observe the

    growth in the size of the informal sector particularly in developing

    countries. Thus when electricity consumption is seen to outstrip growth in

    GDP, the increase is attributed to increased informal sector activity. The

    extra demand for electricity ( ie over and above the expected lock step

    growth in electricity consumption relative to GDP) emanates from the

    increase in electricity consumption from an enlarged informal sector

    yielding higher income for the players.

    Quantifying the growth in electricity consumption in different time frames

    and relating the same to the growth in GDP will help appraise the size of

    the informal sector by extrapolating base year size of the informal sector

    by the rate of differential increase in electricity consumption over GDP.

    According to published WORLD BANK DATA per capita electricity

    consumption in Pakistan has increased from 6 Kwh in 1947 to 63 kwh in

    1970 and 520 kwh in 2004. Thus between 1970 and 2004 ( the time

    frame relevant for appraisal of the informal sector in Pakistan), there has

    been a 725% increase in electricity consumption per capita. In the same

    time frame,, per capita income has increased from US $ 170 to $ 640,

    that is by 276%. The differential increase of 449% is attributable to theincreased demand for electricity emanating from the informal sector.

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    The shortfall in electricity generation vis a vis demand in Pakistan since

    2008 is creating serious problems for formal and informal sector industry.

    In the case of the informal sector some 25000 power loom operators

    employing more than 500,000 workers face the threat of under capacity

    operation or even closure in some cases because of frequent and

    prolonged interruption in the supply of electricity (load shedding). Most of

    the power loom operators are placed in the informal sector and they

    manufacture something like 50% of the total fabric manufactured in

    Pakistan, a large proportion of which is consumed in the garment

    manufacturing segment of the economy. This segment has a pronounced

    export orientation and the interruptions in the supply of electricity will

    surely lead to a fall in export earnings. Unlike composite textile mills that

    have their own electricity generation capability, the informal sector power

    loom operators rely almost entirely on electricity available on the national

    grid. While some of these units might actually be stealing electricity

    from the grid by using illegal hooks for instance (called kunda in the

    vernacular)many more tamper with the electricity meters in connivance

    with electricity meter inspectors who gladly supply their expert meter

    tampering services for a fee (bribe).This has spawned a new class of rich

    meter readers and has made meter reading a much sought after

    profession for those placed in the under privileged segments of society

    in Pakistan. The scale of this activity can be gauged from the fact that

    some 25 30% of the electricity generated is lost in that no revenue is

    generated as no Bills for electricity consumed- have been issued. This

    is a huge loss indeed for WAPDA and PEPCO (Water and Power

    Development Authority and Pakistan Electric Power Company,

    respectively the two organizations responsible for generation,

    transmission and distribution of hydel and thermal based electric power in


    Power loom operators are not the only ones guilty of stealing electricity.

    In fact this is almost something of a national pastime and virtually anyone

    who can do so will not miss out on an opportunity to get some electricity

    at least for free. The extremely high, electricity tariff has a lot to do with

    this. On a Unit basis (Kwh), looking to per capita income, the electricity

    rate structure is probably the highest in the world. In fact it is prohibitive.

    It is 60% higher than in India and 40% higher than in Bangladesh. And

    practically no one can get an electricity connection at the official price.

    An informal payment has got to be made in almost every case over and

    above the official cost to the consumer.

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    So it is the prohibitively high electricity rate structure that is at the root of

    the endemic stealth of electricity. The impact of the high tariff has been

    cushioned for a long time by a significant subsidy given by government to

    offset the burden on the consumer. That however would no longer be

    feasible as international institutions giving economic assistance toPakistan insist that all subsidies be removed as they are a distortion in the

    system and the consumer bear the actual burden of the facility at market

    price. The government is doing what it can to delay complete removal of

    the electricity subsidy as it knows only too well that a public backlash is

    inevitable. But for how long can matters be held in abeyance?

    The present mix of thermal and hydel generated electricity (65:35) makesit inevitable that the rate structure be pitched high as thermal electricity

    is particularly expensive because of the rising price of oil. What

    complicates matters is that in Pakistan the so called (multi -national)

    Independent Power Producers (IPPs) have, since the nineteen nineties

    when agreements with them were first formalized, been able to negotiate

    tariffs for supplying electricity that are seen by many to be prohibitively

    high. At full capacity these seventeen IPPs are able to put something like

    3500 4000 MW of thermal origin electricity on the national grid whichgiven the total installed capacity (thermal and hydel) of 19000 MW is of

    considerable significance. However most of these units are not

    operational due to accumulation of huge arrears of payment from

    government. As a result the IPPs are not able to pay the Pakistan State

    Oil Co (PSO) for deliveries of furnace oil used in their generators. The

    magnitude of the problem can well be gauged from the fact that one such

    large IPP, HUBCO, is owed Rs 50 Bill from government as of 1st June 2009

    and HUBCO in turn owes PSO Rs 39 Bill for past deliveries of furnace oil.This circular debt problem has defied solution to date but government

    has made a commitment to clear the outstanding payment to HUBCO by

    august 2009.

    What is ironic however is that Pakistan is sitting on 180 billion tons of coal

    of reasonably good quality in Thar, Sindh province and has made no

    attempt to exploit this valuable resource in electricity generation. Thiscoalfield is probably among the largest in the world and its existence has

    been known since 1958. Presently 65% of the total electricity generated

    in Pakistan is from thermal units that mostly use furnace oil which of

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    course is priced high given the escalation in oil prices. Had a bold

    decision been taken at the right time to tap the Thar coalfield and to use

    coal in the thermal units for electricity generation, we would not be

    confronted with the severe crisis with which we are presently burdened.

    Matters can still be remedied provided the decision is taken to exploit

    Thar coal and to convert the existing thermal units to use coal instead of

    furnace oil and natural gas. Unless this is done, there is no way that

    Pakistan can deal effectively with the prohibitively high electricity tariff

    which is the root cause of widespread electricity theft and is holding up

    industrial development both in the formal as well as the informal


    In the past, Pakistans high tax rate structure was seen as an important

    causal factor in the growth of the informal sector. Indeed, with the highest

    marginal rate of tax for Individual Income pitched at a prohibitive 98% (in

    the latest fifties) there was little incentive to declare true income and pay

    a rate of tax that was rightly perceived to be confiscatory. Similarly, in

    the case of corporate income, tax rates were not only high but pitched at

    three different tiers for public limited, private limited and banking

    companies, respectively. Banking companies were subject to the highest

    tax tier and public limited companies to the lowest. However thankfully

    all that has changed over time and, income tax collection has increased

    sharply (surpassing a trillion Rupees in fiscal 2007-08) as tax rates have

    fallen bearing out Professor Laffers ( nay, Ibn e Khalduns ! ) proposition

    that (a) revenues are increased upto a point with each increase in tax rate

    and once that point has been crossed [ roughly the midpoint on the Laffer

    Curve) tax rate increase leads to a fall in revenue and (b) for each

    quantum of tax collection there is a high rate of tax as well as a low rate

    of tax and it makes eminent sense to opt for the lower rate of tax to

    achieve that quantum of tax collection because the lower rate of tax is

    associated with economic benefits that may not be immediately

    perceived but that are very much there and these benefits encourage risk

    taking and lead on to innovation and increased productivity and

    ultimately to an escalation in income and hence a higher economic


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    Presently, Pakistans corporate and Individual income tax rates are attheir lowest ever( 35% and 25% respectively) and the discriminatory rate structure fordifferent types of corporate earnings has also been done away with.

    Pakistan government policies have also had a lot to do with the growth ofthe informal sector. Take for example the practice of allowing a so calledAmnesty on black moneys held by people allowing them to get itlaundered (whitened) by paying nominal income tax. A number of suchschemes have been announced by government over the years and peoplehave almost become conditioned as it were to wait for the next amnesty

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    scheme and get their black money hoard whitened! Such expectationcreates a mindset that is highly detrimental to the development of taxconsciousness which is central to effective voluntary compliance withtax laws. Besides periodic tax amnesty schemes, special financialinstruments like the foreign exchange bearer certificates and theforeign currency bearer certificates have been floated with a no

    questions asked policy that actually made it possible for people holdingblack money to earn good interest on their

    Black money holdings giving Pakistan the dubious distinction of being the

    only country in the world where there was a government sanctioned

    premium on holding black money! While the plethora of money whitener

    schemes are gradually being phased out, a great deal of damage has

    been done already and governments stated resolve not to repeat such

    costly mistakes in future needs to be tested before it can be said that

    lessons have actually been learned.Weaknesses in tax administration are also an important reason why it has

    been so safe for a very large proportion of the working (non agricultural)

    population to operate in the informal sector with virtual impunity over a

    protracted time frame. Perception is said to be 9/10ths of reality. If the

    ordinary man in the street is of the opinion that State Institutions set up

    for revenue mobilization and economic vigilance are inept, corrupt,

    apathetic and lethargic in the discharge of their duties, he will most

    certainly take advantage of the situation. This of course means that hewill evade taxes. But then institutional malfeasance is not confined to tax

    matters only. Thus if the police force under performs, crime will rise as

    criminals take advantage.

    Tax personnel either lack the necessary expertise to understand the

    informal sector phenomena and track down players especially those

    engaged in the criminal segment of the informal sector where the bulk ofthe supernormal profits are generated or have been seen to be

    susceptible to monetary inducement (bribes) to permit such activity and

    let the players get away with non reporting of income and resultant tax

    evasion. Some important first steps have indeed been taken to motivate

    tax personnel to resist the temptation to accept bribes such as doubling

    of the basic emoluments of officers and support staff. However much

    more needs to be done.

    Pakistan desperately needs to deal effectively with the worst features of

    the informal sector. The miserably poor tax to GDP ratio currently

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    pitched at an abysmal 9% or so- and the extremely narrow tax base

    hardly 3 million taxpayers regularly filing Returns- are cause for grave

    concern. Pakistan desperately needs to be able to generate revenues to

    meet the pressing needs of economic development, Defense and debt

    liquidation. A concerted effort will therefore be required to achieve this

    objective and tackling the challenge of the informal sector is a key

    element in this effort.

    The only truly effective long term solution to the menace of the black

    economy with a preponderant criminal segment to it is thoroughgoing

    documentation of the economy and the setting up of data bases coupled

    with the use of specialized computer based software to collate and

    analyze the data on a real time basis. Mere collection of data is not

    enough. It is only when there is a demonstrated capability to sift the data

    and get to the tax evader that there will be a deterrent effect on the

    public. In our time and age the technology that can make all this possible

    is there in the global market place. It may not be cheap but the cost is not

    prohibitive and given the enormous benefits to the economy an

    investment in such technology is most definitely feasible. Required more

    than anything else however, is a sternly committed executive will and an

    unwavering determination to recognize and deal with the problem.

    Important beginnings have been made in Pakistan but more, much, much

    more, needs to be done. In India, during the Indira Gandhi emergency rule

    imposed in 1975, the Hawala networks were specifically targeted and

    ruthlessly dealt with and ultimately eradicated. Similarly in Bangladesh,

    Philippines and Sri Lanka the governments have put an end to their

    operations. There is absolutely no reason why the same cannot be

    replicated in Pakistan.


    [ The author is a former officer of the INCOME TAX GROUP, FEDERAL BOARD OF REVENUE (1969-2008) and has served



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    The Global BLACK MARKET.

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    Quantifying the Pakistan Informal Sector.

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    The results of one

    researchers efforts to

    quantify the Informal Sectorin Pakistan are tabulated

    above. The Informal Sector as a matter of economic significance is seen to have arisen in the

    1970s and to have peaked in the closing years of the 20 th century. This is understandable

    given the state of fiscal policy in that time frame. However there is no unanimity here and the

    size of the informal sector has been appraised differently by different economists and

    researchers. Because of data constraints analysis of the size of the informal sector is difficult.

    However the fact that demand for electricity has registered a sharp surge in recent years is a

    factor of considerable significance as, given the normal lock-step relationship between

    electricity consumption and gdp growth over time, the present asymmetry is being related to

    a considerable increase in the size of the underground economy. The high growth in thefinancial services sector as well as money supply vis a vis demand and time deposits in banks

    (M2) also lends support to the view that the UGE has grown much faster than what the

    researchers might cautiously calculate. In 2009, informed opinion on the matter is inclined to

    hold that the informal economy is at least as large as the regular economy. Some even hold

    that it could be larger than the regular economy.

    1973 15 2.15 20

    1978 41.832 4.644 23.51

    1983 104.759 13.361 28.75

    1988 192.752 26.672 28.541993 470.124 62.913 35.27

    1998 1449.891 193.397 54.52

    1999 1146.839 152.499 39.03

    2000 1094.052 141.077 34.76

    2001 1298.233 169.025 38

    2002 1388.064 175.472 37.25

    UnderGround Economy in Pakistan- vital statistics

    Year UGE -


    UGE Tax EvasionUGE-% of GDP

    Bill Rs Bill Rs %

    Source : M. Ali Kemal, Underground Economy & Tax

    Evasion in Pakistan -A Critical Evaluation.

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    The Informal sector is present in ALL countries, no matter whattheir scale of development. However, in general, the moredeveloped an economy, the smaller the size of the informalsector and vice versa. Also again, in general- the greater thesize of the informal sector, the more inequitable is thedistribution of income ie the higher is the gini coefficient.

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    In general, the greater the size of the Informal sector,

    the lower is the tax to gdp ratio.

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    Factors giving rise to the informal sector

    1.Inequitable distribution of Income.

    2. Inequitable Tax System.

    3.Prohibitive taxation. High tax ratestructure.

    4.Sociological factors. Colonial legacy.

    5. Perceived disconnect between payment

    of tax & matching benefit to the payer.

    6.Institutional decay.


    INCOME- Gini Index


    S.AFRICA 59.3 IRAN 43 EGYPT 34.4


    MEXICO 54.6 TURKEY 42 INDIA 32.5




    PHILIPPINES 46.6 UK 36.8 FINLAND 26.9


    SWEDEN 25

    DENMARK 23.2

    In general, significant inequalities in the distribution of

    Income are associated with relatively large Informal


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