Pakistan Telecommunication Limited

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Transcript of Pakistan Telecommunication Limited

  • 8/13/2019 Pakistan Telecommunication Limited


    PAKISTANTELECOMMUNICATION LIMITEDVisionTo be the leading Information and Communication Technology Service Provider in the region by

    achieving customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholders' value'.

    The future is unfolding around us. In times to come, we will be the link that allows globalcommunication. We are striving towards mobilizing the world for the future.

    MissionTo achieve our vision by havingAn organizational environment that fosters professionalism, motivation and qualityAn environment that is cost effective and quality conscious Services that are based on the most optimum technology

    "Quality" and "Time" conscious customer service


    How it works in ptcl

    Customer Care Initiative:

    To achieve the pinnacle of Excellence in Customer Service envisioned by the President/CEO the Trainingand Development department has assumed the responsibility for effectively imparting training under theCustomer Care Initiative to all PTCL employees.

    Implementation of ERP system in T&D:

    The focus of the project is to set up and maintain the qualifications catalogs, create and evaluate profilesfor a range of objects (for example, persons and positions), evaluate career and succession planningscenarios, set up appraisal systems, as well as plan, hold, and evaluate appraisals, create developmentplans, and work through individual development planning scenarios by customizing the functions ofpersonnel development to meet customer requirements.

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    Quality Awareness Programmed:

    In order to create quality awareness and skills improvement of PTCL staff, a 3-year QA plan has beenmade. The project is scheduled from March 2007 to December 2009. Following four types of programmesare under the work plan:

    Installation Quality Standards Quality Auditor Course Companywide Quality Awareness Train the Trainer Programme offered to the faculty of PTCL training centers


    As the ptcl growing its position as the leading ICT serviceprovider and a profit leader, a five year Strategic Master Plan for the Company, with definedcorporate KPI targets, timelines and ownerships was developed by the PTCL management.Defining yearly targets on market shares for various voice and data services, introduction of acorporate KPI based performance measurement system, Restructuring of the organization,

    formulation of IPTV, Triple Play and convergedservices, migration to an end to end IP based network, Investment strategies such as AssetsManagement for risk diversification and improved Return on Investments, were all part of themaster plan.

    Techonolgy ipact of ptcl


    Technology is vital for competitive advantage and is a major driver. Major technological changes

    are taking place in PTCL with innovations in products and services.EVO and SMART CARD

    are such examples of these innovations. Internet plays a key role as its a vital need for all

    customers and PTCL internet packages are better than its competitors like WATEEN,WI-

    TRIBE, etc, which has helped it gain market share.PTCL phone sets have gain fame in the mind

    of the customers, these small sets are given by the franchises and PTCL provides the RUIMS.this

    is an advancement towards the competitive environment and PTCL is excelling and gaining

    market share.


    Vision Statement

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    "Man is the creator of change in this world. As such he should be above

    systems and structures, and not subordinate to them."

    Explanation of vision

    Apple lives this vision through the technologies it develops for

    consumers and corporations. It strives to make its customers masters of

    the products they have bought. Apple doesn't simply make a statement.

    It lives it by ensuring that its employees understand the vision and striveto reach it. It has put systems in place to enable smooth customer

    interaction. It has put objectives in place to continuously move forward;

    implemented strategies to fulfil these objectives; and ensured that the

    right marketing, financial and operational structures are in place to apply

    the strategies.

    Mission Statement

    Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience

    to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the

    world through its innovative hardware, software and internet offerings

    Apples Marketing Strategy Sell On Value, Not Price

    In 2010, Apple made headlines when they surpassed Exxon Mobile as the worlds most valuable

    company, released the iPad, which revolutionized the globe, and were named the most profitable retailer

    in the entire United States.

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    So the question on everyones mind is:

    How did they do it?

    What was Steve Jobs magic that seemed to make everything he touch turn to gold?

    While theresmany secrets that madeApples marketing methods so successful, here are just a few:

    The Key To Steve JobsInsanely GreatMarketing

    Apples marketing strategy can be summed up in one word:


    The ability to understand another person, connect at a core, gut level with their innermost emotional

    wants and desires, and give them a product so useful they cantlive with out it (think about the feeling you

    get once you use an iPhone, iPad, or iPod), and refuse to accept any other product or substitute as an

    option because the product is so simple, clean, and easy-to-use.

    That what separated Apple from every other business on the planet, and what made Apples marketing

    strategies so phenomenally successful

    And this is where Apples marketing strategybegins

    When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1996, they were on the edge of bankruptcy, Apple had a loss of $1

    billion dollars from the previous year, and was 90 days from bankruptcy.

    Then, in 1997, the year Steve came back, and applied his marketing strategies, Apple recorded a profit of

    $5.9 billion, then, over the next 10 years, he took Apples stock market cap from $3 billion, to $702 billion

    dollars (Microsoft has $226 billion, and Google has $218 billion) sohow did he do it?

    Well, it starts with a great mindsethere was Steves:

    If we want to see Apple healthy again, we have to let go of this notion that for Apple to win, Microsoft has

    to lose (Competing).

    We need to embrace a notion that for Apple to win, Apple has to do a really good job; its about Apple

    being able to make incredibly great contributions to the industry (Creating Value).

    The next year, Apple created the firstcomputer that made it easy for consumers to get onto the internet

    (most computers took over an hour of complicated set-up, while the iMac had you surfing the web in less

    than 10 minutes).

    Steve Jobs knew that if he focused on SERVING THE CUSTOMER, and if he built exactly what

    customers wanted, they would continue to open their wallets.

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    Because Apple was morefocused on meeting the customers needs than anything else, so they didnt

    need to compete on price, and could set their own prices, because they were delivering

    something muchmore powerfulVALUE.

    The Magic Marketing Strategy That Drove Apple To The Top

    What made Steve different from other marketers, is he understood that his job as a marketer was NOTto

    focus on making money or sales, and, unlike other marketers, it showedin the way he presented his


    Here are some of the quotes that reflect Steves focus in business:

    If it could save a persons life, could you find a way to save ten seconds off the boot time?

    Youve got to start with the customer experience and work back towardnot the other way


    Being the richest man in the cemetery doesnt matter to me. Goingto bed at night saying weve

    done something wonderful; thats what matters to me.

    Steve made the marketing process simple; if you give people what they want, educate them on why they

    need it, show them how it will improve their lives, and why no competitors products can compete with the

    convenience and ease of use of yours, customers will open their wallets.

    Who Are Your Products Designed For?

    Apples marketing strategy relies on creating products THEY are going to be using themselves (the

    iPhone was built because Apple employees were unsatisfied with theirmobile phones, so they built the

    phone theydwant to use).

    Apple built the iPad thinking about how to build a product that made it effortless, easy, and fun to browse

    the internet, watch movies, and read books from anywhere,they started by creating a product

    the customerwould want, then offering them that product.

    Microsoft starts with making money, and theyre more focused on competing with Apple than they

    creating a great customer experience (which determines if people buy their products or not, and how

    much money they make).

    Apple simply gives people what they want, and doesnt waste time turning it into a game like all other


    Want to discover the MOST POWERFUL marketing strategies on the planet?

    Enter your name and email below to get my e-course (and a free copy of my 50 page Apple Marketing

    Strategies eBook):

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    Apple not only dominates the music player market, its iLife suite

    provides consumers with easy-to-use software for music and video

    composition. With podcast a household word, Apples Garage Band

    application makes the recording of podcasts and music very easy.


    Vision of the future

    "Connecting people" is now connecting people to what matters - whatever that means for each

    person - giving them the power to make the most of every moment, everywhere, any time.Connecting the "we" is more powerful than just the individual. That's how Nokia is needed to

    help make the world a better place for everyone.

    Mission Statement

    Customer To maintain customer confidence by continuing to provide quality servicespecifically designed to meet their needs.

    Market To be recognized as a market innovator in the mobile phone industry tocontinuing to improve our business practice.

    Business To ensure the team has a complete understanding of all Mobile NetworkInternal Systems and Procedures and that each team member is responsible forcompliance with the Business Management System.

    TrainingTo develop ongoing training strategies to empower personnel with skill levelsessential for future company success.

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    The Team To create the best possible working environment, promoting careerenhancement and job security, encouraging trust in the company and loyalty to the


    Marketing Strategy

    Nokias corporate responsibility strategy is to engage, improve and be accountable. They

    constantly measure and review their performance in economic, environmental and social issues.They engage in stakeholder dialogue and form partnerships that serve the areas they want to

    improve upon. They pursue focused and practical improvement programs in relevant

    organizational or geographical areas as part of business operations - this involves business

    planning, internal communications, training. They increase accountability to stakeholdersthrough reporting, and informative internal and external communications activities.

    What makes them unique is the way they do it. Based on the same approach that guides the restof their activityThe Nokia Way- their corporate responsibility is developed through logical

    steps, with much of the work concentrated inside the company, much of the work built on

    existing programs, and many stages taken forward in parallel.

    According to them it is essential to drive corporate responsibility through the company-wide

    strategy process, support issue owners in building business cases for ethical improvement and

    implementation, and increase accountability to both internal and external stakeholders.

    For them, corporate responsibility is an integral and continuous part of decision-making in all

    parts of their business; taking responsibility for the consequence of their actions. Its a belief that

    by focusing on issues over which they have most influence and which their stakeholders considerimportant, they will be able to mobilize more of company resources, be more proactive, and

    ensure long-term programs.

    The Nokia Strategy continues to focus on three activities to expand mobile communications in

    terms of volume and value:

    Expand mobile voiceDrive consumer multimedia

    Bring extended mobility to enterprises

    PESTLE Analysis of NokiaTechnological

    The technological advances in the industry are vital to the success of any new Smartphone in the market that is

    continually growing, as the level of competition rises Nokia must ensure that their Smartphones are at the

    highest level of innovation. With functions such as camera, internet, social networking and email all necessities

    on Smartphones Nokia will have to think of other functions to help differentiate and stand out from its rivals. As

    well as function more and more consumers are looking at the software running all the functions as a key

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    indicator of the success and quality of the Smartphone, so Nokias alliance with Microsoft for their latest

    Smartphones seems a very good move as everyone are aware of the technological capabilities of Microsoft

    and the value they can add to any technological product.

    In the past Nokia were the market leaders in innovation in the mobile phone industry, however in recent timesthey have seemed well off the mark and struggle to compete with their rivals. This is why Nokia must consider

    their position in the industry and attempt to once again become the market leader by offering a new innovativecapability and get to the market before its rivals In the 1980s, there was a trend towardsmicrocomputers and Nokia tried to match this tendency by producing its main products as

    computers, monitors and TV sets. Due to the changes in 1990s, Nokia also changed its functions

    to mobile phone market. .Sustainable development and environmental protection have various effects on the operation of

    the innovation system. Innovation also creates new opportunities for promoting sustainable


    Nokia always improve their product line through Research and development process, beside thisNokia also has multimedia compatible improvement with mobile at the same time, such as,

    GPRS and WAP Service. Nokia has numerous technologies which can satisfy those end-users

    need, such as, Bluetooth, Symbian, SYNCML, M2M, Wireless LAN and Java. Nokia employedmore than 17,000 people in R&D department over fourteen countries worldwide. They alsoprovided customers to choose the features and service that they personally want and need. It

    means Nokia does not develop only their product line, but they also improve their service

    process to provide the most appropriate service to those customers efficiently.


    Coca colaThe Mission Statement of the Coca Cola

    CompanyCoca cola

    Our Mission

    Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as

    the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.

    To refresh the world...

    To inspire moments of optimism and happiness...

    To create value and make a difference.

    Our Vision

    Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing

    what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth.

    People:Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.
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    Our local marketing strategy enables Coke to listen to all the voices around theworld asking for beverages that span the entire spectrum of tastes and

    occasions. What people want in a beverage is a reflection of who they are, wherethey live, how they work and play, and how they relax and recharge. Whetheryou're a student in the United States enjoying a refreshing Coca-Cola, a womanin Italy taking a tea break, a child in Peru asking for a juice drink, or a couple inKorea buying bottled water after a run together, we're there for you. We aredetermined not only to make great drinks, but also to contribute to communitiesaround the world through our commitments to education, health, wellness, anddiversity. Coke strives to be a good neighbor, consistently shaping our businessdecisions to improve the quality of life in the communities in which we dobusiness. It's a special thing to have billions of friends around the world, and wenever forget it.

    Conclusion Of Technological Analysis

    Of course business innovation leaves highly good impacts in the business ofCoke. As coke use more advance technology in its production process. It willresulted in increment of their production through out the country.

    As far as the governmental hindrancesare concerned the impacts highly badon cokes production. Ever year when budget in announced government taxes

    rates always shoot up. This approach of government decreases the profit marginof Coke.

    As the coke helping in promoting paperless environment .it impacts good,because computers are the basic need of any person now a days. And thoughits a big industry so it is promoting the trend of paperless environment. And it isgiving the way of other industries to come to new technologies and into a newworld of business. Through computers coke can increase the efficiency of itsbusiness and can have upto-date data about their productions.

    Technological: Some factors that affect the company's actual results to vary essentially from the

    expected results, are the following:

    1.The efficiency of company's advertising, marketing and promotional programs, The new technology

    advances of television and internet that use incomparable effects for advertising through the use of

    media. Those advances make the products seem attractive. This supports the selling promotion of the

    products. Coca-Cola in media tends to use this technology so, to sell effectively its products.

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    2. Entrance of cans and plastic bottles in the past, have increased sales volume for the company

    because they are easier to carry and customers can bin them once they have been used.

    3.Since the technology is advancing continuously there has been entrance of new machineries'

    equipment all the time. Because of that, Coca-Cola's production volume has increased sharply

    compared to few years ago.

    4. CCE-Coca-Cola Enterprises have six factories in Britain by using modern technology equipment so

    to ensure top product quality and quick delivery. In Wakefield,Yorkshire in 1990, CCE opened one of

    the Europe's largest soft drinks factory. That factory has the ability to produce faster the cans of Coca-

    Cola even faster than bullets of a machine gun.

