Painter and Poet Book



Proof document, content for artist Gail Edmonds and Marunta pre-exhibition catalog of works to be sold 24 November 2012

Transcript of Painter and Poet Book


on the streets where LOVE

is a swirl of

colour and sometimes

bought and sold

you’ve left an indelible impression

graffitt i woman


Love 201277 x 62 cmacrylic on canvass

the pilbara once you were part of the Big Bang.

once you were empty, full of echoes and mystery.

an artistic hand painted your ochres so you became land.

now trees grow from your heart, lizards traverse your soul -

emus leave footprints for others to follow

kangaroos and their joeys hop along borders to pick at fledgling grass - while spasmodic rain is called aboriginal tears,

heralded by an artistic brush ghosts of gums expose patches of sap

in the raw imagery between dusk and light.

Marunta 2012

The Pilbara 201179 x 79 cmacrylic on canvass


in my yellow headress and white plumage

I’m known as Priscilla Queen of Cockatoo Country.

I squawk, I scratch, I also hang from electricity wires

embedding the sharp edge of my beak to explore each cutting edge.

Like any Priscilla creating chaos is my life’s inspiration -

every song and dance coloured in abstract through

the random shredding selection of my flock.


Cockatoo Country 201269 x 56 cmacrylic on canvass

THE GIFTremaining in the present with a clear mind

and an open heart is the ultimate artistic gift

you can bring to a world needing presence -

your story, your colour, your clarity wrapped in the ribbon of

your imagination requires neither card nor bow -

only the sweep of a brush that extends to canvas

corners where few of your ideas have traversed before.

Marunta 2012

The Gift 201279 x 79 cmacrylic on canvass

French Bill Dog“mon ami” French Bill Dog yellow rain drips from your

brain - is being chained to your inner reflections

mirrored in sad eyes and a hang dog look?

my suggestion for any future happiness is for you

to buy a yellow beret so you can wave “au revoir’’

to this current leakage


French Bill Dog 201251 x 77 cmacrylic on canvass

street life palettes of colour fall from the sky hitting the pavement, pedestrians in the eye - even a busker in the middle of a chorus noticed his skin was fleetingly porous as cigarette puffers hide signals of smoke around concrete buildings with the fires they stoke - buses and cars blow their pollution into the air, what’s the solution? to life’s stress as business bound rush

many twitterers rarely uttering a sound - mobiles, brunch, cappucino, latte regaled by conversations of the arty farty wrapped in fettucine or sour dough bread footprints and bustle give street life cred. Marunta 2012

Street Life 201261 x 59 cmacrylic on canvass

water meditation

every morning before sunrise a Water Spritewould sit on a lotus to meditate.

if it rained she’d bring the sun into her heart. if the wind rushed around her she’d find stillness.

if a mist blanketed her body she’d look beyond the mistinto the illumination of love.

if the sun blazed she’d embrace her inner reflection that originally sat on water’s edge.

today her meditation is focused on peace. with each breath she allows peace to flood her body.

with each outbreath she lets go her past burdens. after a while her body begins to feel so light

she falls into the Sea of Tranquility and ongoing Lotus Blossoming. Finally Blessed

Marunta 2012

Water Meditation71 x 56 cmacrylic on canvass


when I asked you to dance you blinked.

I asked you “why?” “rhapsody is blue.” you replied.

all I could offer was “my eyes are blue

so are yours.” you pointed to the sky.

in a panorama of blue the sun had peaked

while clouds as soft as cotton balls found time

to sit and rest. “shall we?” you said. “yes let’s.”

I nodded. “let’s play between Beethoven, Mozart

and Gershwin.” “for love.” you smiled.

“only on Cloud 9 where Destiny floats as light as a

feather.”... I proposed.

Marunta 2012

Rhapsody 201259 x 59 cmacrylic on canvass

aqua dreaming

just three drops inspires the themeing

where Angels pirouette you can feel her dreaming

her thirst for life unquenchable too

a return from the desert well overdue.

water falls from her eyes, rivers glide,

lakes filled with fish, she takes in her stride,

oceans of passion, whales that breach,

visions of significance within her reach,

often seen laughing on top of a wave

art in her spirit, GE she’ll save.

Marunta 2012

Aqua Dreaming 201276 x 61 cmacrylic on canvass