paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris)...

Supplement Bo. 2 to C^e paiminz dffa?ette Bo. 1165 of 29tf> 3!anuar^ 1942. TOBACCO ORDINANCE. RULES MADE BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 48. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 48 of the Tobacco Ordinance, the High Commissioner has made the following Cap. 141. rules:— 1. These rules may be cited as the Tobacco (Amendment) Rules, Laws of Pal: 1942, and shall be read as one with the Tobacco Rules, hereinafter v• 2231 - referred to as the principal rules :— 2. Rule 8(2) of the principal rules shall be amended by the in- sertion of the word forty" after the word "thirty" appearing therein. 3. Paragraph (c) of rule 9 of the principal rules shall be amended by the addition of the following words after the words "green on white'', appearing therein — "for forty grammes of tombac •— pale blue on white." By His Excellency's Command, J. S. MACPHERSON 22nd January, 1942. Chief Secretary. (C/91/41) 187 —

Transcript of paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris)...

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S u p p l e m e n t B o . 2


C ^ e paiminz dffa?ette B o . 1 1 6 5 o f 29tf> 3 ! a n u a r ^ 1 9 4 2 .

T O B A C C O O R D I N A N C E .


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in h im by section 48 of the Tobacco Ordinance, the H i g h Commissioner has made the following Cap. 141. rules:—

1. These rules may be cited as the Tobacco (Amendment) Rules, Laws of P a l : 1942, and shall be read as one with the Tobacco Rules, hereinafter v• 2231-referred to as the principal rules :—

2. Rule 8(2) of the principal rules shall be amended by the in­sertion of the word forty" after the word " th i r ty" appearing therein.

3. Paragraph (c) of rule 9 of the principal rules shall be amended by the addition of the following words after the words "green on white ' ' , appearing therein —

"for forty grammes of tombac •— pale blue on whi te ."

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N 22nd January , 1942. • Chief Secretary.


— 187 —

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T R A D I N G W I T H T H E E N E M Y O R D I N A N C E , 1939.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in h im by section 9(1)(&) of No. 36 of 1939. the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and by paragraph Gaz: i.n.39, 4(1) of the Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Order, 1939, and p. 1201. all other powers him enabling, the H i g h Commissioner has been

pleased to vest the undermentioned property in the Custodian of Enemy Property, and all the said property is hereby vested accordingly.

A l l the property in Palestine belonging to any one or more of the following :—

1. Helene Appinger, formerly of Haifa o LA.

Frajda Alter of Warsaw >'). Victoria Abravan el of Paris 4. Raymond Abravanel of Paris 5. Edgar Abravanel of Paris 6. Rene Abravanel of Paris 7.. Oscar Abravanel of Paris . 8. Dario Abraham Albelda of Salonica' 9. Moise Yeouda Amar of Salonica

10. Shelomo Shemaya Aroesti of Salonica 11. Sara Amoday of Belgrade 12. Yochwat Auerbach of Amsterdam 13. Werner Beilharz, formerly of Haifa 14, Anna Baur (formerly Aimann) of Nusberg, near Stutt­

gart 15. Otto Beilharz, formerly of Haifa 16. Kaethe Beilharz, formerly of Haifa 17. Hulda Beilharz, formerly of Haifa ;

18. Immanuel Beilharz, formerly of Haifa 19. Albert B la ich , formerly of Hai fa 20. Walter Beck, formerly of Haifa 21. Johannes Bla ich , formerly of Haifa 22. Hedwig P . R . Bla ich , formerly of Haifa 23. Chawa ]]lass of Warsaw 24. Reisel Bromberg of Warsaw 25. Semtov Benforado of Salonica 26. Samuel Abraham Beja of Salonica 27. Abraham Y o m Tov Benvenisti of Salonica 28. Masza L e v a Bornstein of Lodz 29. Chaim Isaac Bornstein of Lodz 30. Eliezer Bornstein of Lodz 31. Gitel Bornstein of Lodz 32. Aharon (alias Abraham) Bornstein of Lodz

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29th January, 19d2 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 11G5—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2.

33. E l i a Bellulo of Tr ipol i 34. Eleonora Blumenthal of Hatvan 35. Solomon Berliner of Warsaw 36. Shabat Leon Cohen of Sofia 37. Marcu Cohin of Vaslui 38. Rachela Cohin of Vaslui 39. Az iz Dornet, formerly of Haifa 40. Shlomo vel Salomon Dreihorn of Lodz 41. Aron Durczyn (Ahrbn Durtchin) of Stolin 42. E l sa Ehmann of Stuttgart 43. August Ehmann of Stuttgart—Ostheim 44. Wol f Elkes of Inowroclaw 45. Guenther Ehmann , formerly of Haifa 46. El iash Engelman of Otwock 47. Sofia Engelman of Otwock 48. Fayga Elblinger of Roy at 49. Majloch (Elimelech) Elblinger of Warsaw 50. Abraham Elblinger of Warsaw 51. Itzhak Einhorn-Bodzechowski of Lodz 52. Yacub Einhorn-Bodzechowski of Lodz 53. Genia E l i cu r of Pinevezys 54. Daniel E r l i c h of V i l n a 55. Pesha E r l i c h of V i l n a 56. Mary Ergas of Belgrade 57. Salomon Floersheim of Amsterdam 58. Sara-Chaya Freiman of Dzialoszyce, near Kielce 59. Israel Freiman of Dzialoszyce, near Kielce 60. Devorah Frucht ,of Vienna 61. Jack David Florentin of Salonica 62. Obuda Crystal Ice Manufacturing Company L t d . of Hai f i 63. Mendel Fogel of Bialystok 64. Israel Frenk of Olyka 65. Lajos Foder of Hatvan 66. Mathilda Jack Florentin of Salonica 67. Faigla Gitler of Czestochowa 68. Ester Hana Grossman of Lodz 69. Wi lhe lm Göhl , formerly of Jerusalem 70. Emi l i e Göhl , formerly of Jerusalem 71. Richard Grossmann, formerly of Tiberias 72. Imanuel Grinshpan of Warsaw ' 73. Ida Grinshpan of Warsaw 74. Aglae Germain of Paris 75. Ernestine Germain of Marseilles 76. Azr ie l Jacob Garty of Plovdiv 77. Moise (Moshe) Garty of Plovdiv 78. L e a Gourary of Château L ' E v e g n e 79. K a r l Moessner, formerly of Haifa 80. Ernst Wi lhe lm Stoll , formerly.of Haifa

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T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 1942

81. Abrain Jankiel Gefen of Warsaw 82. Rajzla Mat la Gefen of Warsaw 83. Manel Goldberg of Lodz 84. Toba Goldberg of Lodz 85. Clara Hoffmann of Lorch i /Remstal , W ü r t t e m b e r g 86. Charlotte Hoffmann of Lorch i /Remstal , W ü r t t e m b e r g 87. Richard Hoffmann of Ber l in 88. Theodor Hoffmann of Stuttgart 89. H a y a Taube Hofenberg of Lodz 90. E m m a Hildebrand of Waiblingen 91. E m m a Huerse, formerly of Haifa 92. Zlota Halpern of Lodz 93. Blanche Hazan (née Pascal) of V ichy 94. George A . Hour i of Ber l in 95. Masha Hoze of Warsaw 96. Gi ta H y m a n of Kaunas 97. E the l Hyman-Geiman of Kaunas 98. David E l i ahu Schunina of Salonica 99. Regina Haberman of Warsaw

100. Ru th Herrmann, formerly of Beit L a h m , near Haifa 101. K u r t Herrmann, formerlv of Beit L a h m , near Ha i fa 102. Hildegard Jung 0 f Fellbach/Stuttgart 103. Emi l i e Jung , formerly of Haifa 104. Maurice Jacobson of Paris 105. David Josepovitz of Vaslui 106. Adela Josepovitz of Vaslui 107. Leon Josepovitz of Vaslui 108. Anna Josepovitz of Vaslui 109. Jacob Juhn of Zagreb 110. Moise (Moche) Saltiel Sarrano of Salonica 111. Hugo Kuhnle , formerly of Haifa 112. E l l a Kuhnle , formerly of Hai fa 113. Theodora Kuhnle of Stuttgart 114. Pauline Kel ler , formerly of Jerusalem 115. Hulda Keller , formerly of Jerusalem 116. Bruno Kuebler, formerly of Waldheim 117. Theodor Kuebler, formerly of Waldheim 118. Moshe Kopelevitz (Kopelovitz) of Paris 119. Kaete Klausner, formerly of Jerusalem 120. Sadie Kaufmann of Ber l in 121. Mordechai Kaufman of Wloclawek 122. Rei la Kl iger of Lodz 123. Lazaras Kaganas of Kaunas 124. Roza Kaganas of Kaunas 125. Hannas (Hans) K o l m of Pilsen 126. Kla ra Kukovec of Maribor 127. Yecheskiel Krauskopf of V i l n a 128. Otto Laemmle of Saulgau

Page 5: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

29th January, 1942 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2.

129. Margaret Loewenstein of Berlin-Charlottenburg 130. Jacob Lajb of Lodz 131. David Lenczicki of Lodz 132. H a i m L e v i of Koblenz 133. Irene L e v y of Paris 134. Shalom ben Mendi l Leibson of B i g a 135. Fiege Liebhaber of Warsaw 136. Zusia Lifshi tz Eydl ic of Warsaw 137. Sara Lifshi tz of Warsaw 138. Manoach L e w of Sofia 139. M i k o L e v y of Sofia 140. Joseph Levitas of Riga 141. El ias Lubotzky of Riga 142. Jacob Lubotzky of Riga 143. M i n a Landau of Amsterdam 144. E l iahu Lipshi tz (Lipsicas) of Kaunas 145. Perla Lipshi tz (Lipsicas) of Kaunas 146. Lissy Loewe of Ber l in 147. L i n a Laemmle, formerly of Sarona 148. Bei la Michaletz of Lodz 149. H a i m Shaul Michaletz of Lodz 150. Reisel Bracha Michaletz of Lodz 151. R ivka Michaletz of Lodz 152. Abraham Itzhak Michaletz of Lodz 153. H i l e l Michaletz of Lodz 154. Moses Muenster of Stanislawow 155. Moshe Itzhak Molcho of Salonica 156. Moise (Moche) Saul Molho of Salonica 157. Joseph Juda Menahem of Salonica 158. Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bel la Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 162. Rachel Naccache of St. Maur L e s Fosses (Paris) 163. Estera Mindia Obsztejn of Warsaw 164. Gertrude Mar ia Paulus, formerly of Haifa 165. Jacques Pilpoul of Paris 166. Marie Pascal of V i chy 167. Shmuel Panigel of Sofia 168. Jacob Plotzker of Lodz 169. Esther Pravda of Warsaw 170. Benjamin Pasamantir of L w o w 171. .Nikolaus Israel Reis of Nuremberg 172. Rafael Rozenzweig of Jassy 173. Anna Rosenberg of Bucharest 174. M i r k o Rechnitzer of Zagreb * 175. Schullem Resen of Amsterdam 176. Elizabeth Schneider of Hamburg

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192 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 1942

177. Johannes Schneider of Stargard, •Pomern 178. Bernhard Schneider of Bremen-Vegesack 179. Rucla-Dina Szmedra of Warsaw 180. Nusyn Szmedra of Warsaw 181. Abraham Szmedra of Warsaw 182. Elizabeth Schmelzle, formerly of Hai fa 183. Wi lbe lm Sus, formerly of Haifa 184. Hermann Sus, formerly of Haifa 185. Herbert Schraitle, formerly of Hai fa 186. Peter Schanz, formerly of Waldheim 187.' Ewa ld F r i t z Schmelzle, formerly of Ha i fa 188. Konrad Christian Schmelzle, formerly of Hai fa 189. Gerhard Wi lhe lm Schmelzle, formerly of Haifa 190. Luise Victoria Schmelzle, formerly of Hai fa 191. Gavriella Shlezinger of Lodz 192. H a i m Josek Sitkovsky of Warsaw 193. Cirle Beile Sitkovsky of Warsaw 194. Moshe Shapir of Warsaw 195. Ziviah Shapir of Warsaw 196. Israel Steinfeld of Boyat 197. Chaja Bajla Steinfeld of Warsaw 198. Leon Smolizanski of Taverny 199. Bernard Smolizanski of Taverny 200. Tauba Schkliar of Warsaw 201. Sara Schoen of Trieste 202. Mordehay Sadicario of Salonica 203. H a i m Shweitzer of Angoulena 204. Necha Sochaczewski of Lodz 205. Moshe Sefiha of Salonica 206. Jacob Abraham Shalem of Salonica 207. Jacob Schoengut of Krakow 208. Roza Schoengut of Krakow 209. Johanna Seligman (née Meyer) of Hanover-Kirch rode 210. M i r i a m Trachtenberg of Vienna 211. Milena Tramer of Bielsko 212. Hans Unger, formerly of Haifa 213. Rudolf Unger, formerly of Haifa 214. Martha Venus, formerly of Haifa 215. Abraham Itzhak Venezia of Salonica 216. Asher Ulamperl (Oseris Uliamperlis) of Kaunas 217. Mar ia Wieland of Tuebingen 218. Siegfried Wieland of Stuttgart 219. Herbert Wieland of Stuttgart 220. Hildegard Wieland of Stuttgart 221. Michael Wilentchik of Warsaw 222. Sara Wasser of Toulouse 223. Rosa Wachs of Trieste 224. Francois Wiesner of N î m e s / G a r d

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29th January, 1942 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 193

225. Leopold Weitzner of Timisoara . 226. Helena Yos of Warsaw 227. Tobjasz Zakheim of Warsaw 228. Gertrud (Trade) Zweig of Olmuetz 229. Otto Zweig of Olmuetz 230. Shimon Znamirovski of Warsaw 231. Esther Zylbersacz of Lodz , : 232. Eachel Zylbersacz of Lodz 233. Szlomo Zylbersacz of Toulouse 234. Saul Shelomo Bensussan of Salonica 235. Moise (Moche) Molho of Salonica

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N 24th January, 1942. • Chief Secretary.


M E D I C A L P R A C T I T I O N E R S O R D I N A N C E .


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by subsection (2) of section 4B of the Medical Practitioners Ordinance, and after due compliance having been made with the provisions of that subsection, the H i g h Commissioner has ordered that the licences granted to the undermentioned medical practitioners under subsection (1) of the abovementioned section be cancelled by reason of the holders having ceased to fulfil the provisions of paragraph (iii) thereof and by reason that the undermen­tioned medical practitioners have been granted licences to practise under section 4(2) of the Ordinance.

Name of M e d i c a l P r a c t i t i o n e r . L i c e n c e N o . D R .

N A S S A U , E R I C H 2935 FLEISCHER, ALEXANDER 2940 M A N D L , F E L I X 2943 G A N S , MATIASZ 2974 SAGHER, F E L I X 3042 L E V Y , JACOB 3116 M A S C H L E R , JOSEF 3118

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N 20th January , 1942. Chief Secretary.


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191 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 11G5—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 1942

N O T I C E U N D E R P A R A G R A P H 21(2) O F T H E F O U R T H . S C H E D U L E T O T H E L O C A L C O U N C I L S ( K I R Y A T M O T Z K I N ) O R D E R , 1940.

I n accordance with the provisions of paragraph 21(2) of the Fourth Schedule to the Loca l Councils (Kiryat Motzkin) Order, 1940,1 hereby declare that the following persons have been elected as members of the Local Council of Kirya t Motzk in during the elections which were held on Sunday, the 28th of December, 1941.









B E N - A M I Z V Y .




B . B I N A H

28fch December, 1941. R e t u r n i n g Officer. (G/75/39)

L O C A L C O U N C I L S ( K I R Y A T M O T Z K I N ) O R D E R , 1940.

I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by paragraph 5(3) of the Loca l Councils (Kiryat Motzkin) Order, 1940, I , JAMES H U E Y H A M I L L POLLOCK , District Commis­sioner, Hai fa District , hereby appoint the following persons as president and vice-presidents of the Loca l Council of Ki rya t Motzk in :—

GRUSHKEVITZ L E I B — President.

SEGAL M O S H E — Vice-President.

KATZNELSON M O S H E — Vice-President.

This Thursday, the 15th day of January, 1942.


J . H . H . P O L L O C K

D i s t r i c t Commissioner, Haifa District.

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P A L E S T I N E P O S T O F F I C E S A V I N G S B A N K O R D I N A N C E , 1941.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested i n h im by section 14 of the Palestine Post Office Savings Bank Ordinance, 1941, (hereinafter No. 40 of 1941. referred to as "the Ordinance"), the H i g h Commissioner has made the following rules :—

1. These rules may be cited as the Palestine Post Office Savings Citation.

Bank Rules, 1942.

2. I n these rules, unless the context otherwise requires — Interpretation.

"Savings Bank Office" means a Post Office, Postal Agency or any other office duly authorised by the Postmaster General at which savings bank business is transacted;

"Savings Bank business" means the receipt of deposits for remittance to the principal office of the Palestine Post Office Savings Bank , and the repayment of such deposits and a l l , business incidental to such receipt and repayment;

"Savings Bank }7ear" means the twelve months ending on the 31st day of March in any year;

"Postmaster General" means the officer appointed by the H i g h Commissioner to be the Head of the Department of Posts and Telegraphs and any officer for the time being acting in that office;

"Postmaster" means the officer-in-charge of a Post Office, Postal Agency or Savings Bank Office and/or any officer acting on his behalf or under his instructions;

"Account" means the account of a depositor in the Palestine Post Office Savings Bank ;

"Deposi t" means the sum of money tendered to and accepted by the Palestine Post Office Savings Bank for safe keeping;

"Depositor" means a person, firm, body corporate, society, Government Department, or body of persons collectively, by whom or on whose behalf a deposit is made;

"Beneficiary" in an account means a person who w i l l ultimately benefit by the amount deposited.

3. —(1) Savings Bank business shall be transacted at such Post Transaction of Offices, Postal Agencies and other offices as the Postmaster General business, may from time to time direct and notify by notice i n the Gazette.

(2) Savings Bank business shall be transacted at a Savings Bank Office on such days and during such hours as the Postmaster General may direct.

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:196 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 1942

(3) No information whatsoever regarding a depositor's account or concerning Savings Bank business shall be given by officers engaged in the Saving's Bank business to any person except the Postmaster General and officers acting on his behalf.

General description of depositors.

Minors under 7 years of age.

Persons of unsound mind.

Joint accounts.

Cooperative societies.

Trust accounts.

Charitable societies.

Government departments.

Limitation of number of accounts.


4. Deposits may be made by and in the name of :

(a) A person of full age and not under legal disability;

(6) A married woman;

(c) A minor of the age of seven years and upwards;

(d) Cooperative societies.

5. Deposits may be made on behalf and in the name of a minor under 7 years of age by one of the parents of such minor or by any other person.

6. Deposits may be made on behalf and in the name of a person of unsound mind by the administrator of his estate.

7. Deposits may be made in the joint name of two or more persons entitled to make a deposit.

8. Subject to the approval of the Postmaster General, deposits may be made by a cooperative society.

9. Deposits may be made i n the name of one or more persons as trustee for another person whose name shall also be entered i n the title of the account,

10. Subject to the approval of the Postmaster General, deposits may be made b}' the trustee or trustees or treasurer of a charitable society.

11. Subject to the approval of the Postmaster General, and to such conditions as he may require, deposits may be made by a responsible officer of any Government department or office in his official capacity and the accounts shall stand in the name of the official title of such officer with such additional description i n regard to any account as the Postmaster General may think fit.

12. —(1) No depositor in the Palestine Post Office Savings Bank shall make deposits to the credit of more than one account i n such Bank.

(2) This rule shall not apply to deposits made in the name of ־ any person as trustee for another person also named i n the title of the account.

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(3) A depositor in a joint account may not have an account as trustee for any person whose name appears in the joint account.

(4) A n y person offending this rule shall be liable to forfeit any amount illegally deposited, either as to the whole thereof, or to such extent as the Postmaster General may think just i n the circum­stances of the case.

13. The amount deposited by any depositor may not exceed Account limit. £ P . 6 0 in any one year and £ P . 3 0 0 at any time, exclusive of in ­terest credited to his account :

Provided that the limit of £ P . 6 0 shall not apply in the case of deposits of compensation for death paid under the Workmen's Compensation Ordinance.

14. The minimum cash deposit for the opening of an account shall be 100 mils and subsequent deposits shall be of sums of not less than 50 mils.

15. No sum shall be deposited which is not an exact multiple of ten mils.


16. The interest payable on deposits shall be at the rate of two per cent, per annum or at such rate as may from time to time be fixed by the H i g h Commissioner as provided in section 9(1) of the Ordinance. Any variation in the rate of interest shall be notified by the Postmaster General in the Gazette.

17. —(1) Interest calculated as prescribed in section 9 of the Method of Ordinance shall be credited to depositors on deposits from the be- calculation, ginning of the month following that in which they are made, and interest on amounts withdrawn shall cease to be credited to de­positors from the beginning of the month in which the withdrawals are made.

(2) F o r the purpose of this rule a deposit shall be deemed to be withdrawn on the date of the issue of the warrant by means of which payment is intended to be effected.


Cap. 154.

Minimum deposit.

Deposits to be multiples of 10 mils.

Rate of interest.

18.—(1) A depositor on making a first deposit, and whenever thereafter he may be required so to do, shall specify his full name, occupation and residence, and such further particulars as may be necessary for further identification, and shall make and sign a de­claration in the prescribed form.


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Declaration as to accounts of minors under seven.

Declaration as to accounts of persons of unsound mind.

(2) Such declaration shall contain a statement to the effect that the person by whom or on whose behalf the deposit is made is not entitled to any benefit from any deposit in the Palestine Post Office Savings Bank except deposits belonging to a society of which such person may be a member.

(3) Such declaration shall be witnessed by one of the following persons :—

the Officer of the Postmaster-General receiving the deposit;

any other person approved by the Postmaster General in that behalf.

19. —(1) Where a first deposit is made on behalf and in the name of a minor under 7 years of age, such declaration as aforesaid shall be made by the person making the deposit, and such person shall

-also specify in such declaration the date on which the said minor wi l l attain the age of 7 years.

(2) Where deposits are made on behalf and in the name of a minor under 7 years of age, so soon as such minor attains the age of 7 he shall, when required by the Postmaster General, make such declaration as aforesaid.

20. Where a first deposit is made on behalf of a person of un­sound mind, such declaration as aforesaid shall be made by the ad­ministrator of his estate, and in every such case the person making the deposit shall specify the capacity in which and by what authority he acts.

Declaration as to trust accounts.

Deposits by cooperative societies.

21. Where a first deposit is made in the name of one person as trustee for another person whose name is also entered on the title of the account, such declaration as aforesaid shall be made by the trustee.

22. Where a first deposit is made by a cooperative society the following rules shall apply :—

(1) Before making such initial deposit the society shall forward to the Postmaster General —

(a) a copy of the rules of the society;

(b) a certified copy of the resolution of the society whereby certain persons are being duly authorised to sign on behalf of the society;

(c) an application signed by the duly authorised persons seeking the approval of the Postmaster General for the making of deposits and bearing and containing the signatures of all such duly authorised persons and any other information which the Postmaster General may require. The Postmaster General

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29th January, 1942 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 199

may from time to time prescribe the form in which such ap­plication shall be made.

(2) The prescribed declaration required to be made in conformity with rule 18 shall be made by the persons duly authorised and em­powered to act and sign on behalf of the cooperative society and such declaration shall be deemed sufficient for all purposes.

(3) The persons duly authorised by the resolution of the society to make and withdraw deposits shall sign their names in the spaces provided for their signatures in the deposit book and such signatures shall be deemed sufficient for all purposes.

(4) A certified copy of any resolution passed by the society affect­ing, modifying or withdrawing the authority of any or of all the persons authorised to sign on its behalf shall be sent to the Post­master General without delay, and the Postmaster General's acknowledgment of the receipt thereof shall be duly forwarded to the societv.

23. Where a first deposit is made by the trustee, trustees or treasurer of a charitable society the following rules shall apply :—

(1) Before making such deposit the trustee, trustees or treasurer of the society shall forward to the Postmaster General —

(a) a copy of the rules of the society or, if there be no rules, a statement of the objects, constitution and character of the society ־

(b) an application signed by the trustee or trustees or treasurer of the society for authority to make deposits, specifying by what officers or members of the society it is proposed the moneys should be withdrawn from time to time, and bearing and containing all such signatures and other information as the Postmaster General may require. The Postmaster General may from time to time prescribe the form of such application.

(2) The prescribed declaration shall be made by the trustee or trustees or treasurer of such society and such declaration shall be deemed sufficient for all purposes.

.(3) The persons by whom the deposits of the said society are to be withdrawn shall sign their names in the places provided for their signatures in the deposit book, and such signatures shall be deemed sufficient for all purposes.

24. I n all cases in which the signature of the depositor is re­quired and the depositor cannot write, his left thumb impression shall be obtained. The certificate on the declaration form shall be

Deposits by charitable societies.

Thumb impres­sion where depositor unable to write.

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Deposit book.

Annual verification of deposit books.

duly signed by the Postmaster as witness to the making of the thumb impression.

25. —(1) Where a first deposit is made a numbered deposit book shall be handed to the depositor. The depositor shall sign his name or insert his left thumb impression in the space provided for his signature in the deposit book. The amount of every deposit shall be entered in the deposit book by the officer receiving the same and such officer shall affix his initials and the date-stamp of his office opposite each entry, and shall without delay report the receipt of the said deposit to the Postmaster General.

(2) N o charge shall be made for a deposit book : provided that if any depositor shall lose his book or permit the same to become i n an undecipherable state, a new book shall be made by the Post­master General on the payment of a fee of 50 mils for the new book.

(3) A duplicate deposit book shall not be issued until a notice'has been inserted in the Gazette and a notice posted at the Post Office or Savings Bank Office of the district in which the depositor resides. One month must elapse from the date of the notice before a new book can be issued. The duplicate deposit book w i l l replace the original which shall then become nul l and void.

26. —(1) Every depositor shall each year on the anniver­sary of the day on which he made his first deposit forward his de­posit book to the Postmaster General, Savings Bank Branch, General Post Office, Jerusalem, in a cover to be obtained free at any Post Office or Savings Bank Office, in order that the entries in the depositor's book and in the books kept by the Postmaster General may be examined and that interest, if any, due to the de­positor may be inserted in his book.

(2) During the period of examination no deposits or withdrawals may be effected without previous authority from the Postmaster General or any officer appointed to act on his behalf.

Communications to be free of postage.

Deposit books property of Postmaster General.

27. A charge shall not be made upon the depositors for postage when transmitting their deposit books to the Postmaster General or for the return thereof to them or for any application they, may have to make for acknowledgment of deposit or for any application or letter of enquiiy respecting the sum deposited by them or replies thereto.

. 28, Every deposit book shall be deemed to be the property of the Postmaster General and shall be surrendered to him when the account is closed or whenever required by the Postmaster General or by an officer of the Post Office appointed to act on his behalf.

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29. I n every communication forwarded to the Postmaster General regarding an account the name of the office of issue and the number of the account as printed on the depositor's book must be furnished.

Particulars of accounts in communications.

30.—(1) If in making an entry in a deposit book the Postmaster should make any error and if he should discover the error at the time, he shall rule out the entry in red ink, initial it and enter the transaction on a following line.

(2) Should the Postmaster discover any such error at a subsequent time he may not correct i t , but shall report the matter to the Post­master General.

Incorrect entry in deposit book.


31.—(1) Except as hereinafter provided, any depositor wishing to withdraw the whole or part of the sum deposited by h im shall make application to the Postmaster General in a form of application for withdrawal, a printed copy of which may be obtained at any Post Office or Savings Bank Office. Forms of application for with­drawals should whenever possible be handed in either at the Savings Bank Office where business is normally transacted by the. depositor or at the Savings Bank Office where payment of the amount to be withdrawn is required.

(2) In such form the depositor shall specify the number and name of office of issue of his book, the sum he wishes to withdraw, his residence and the Savings Bank Office at which he desires payment to be made.

(3) On receipt of this application, a warrant for the amount re­quired shall be forwarded to the applicant by post.

(4) Such warrant shall be in the prescribed form and shall be valid for a period of one month excluding the day of issue.

(5) The warrant shall be presented by the depositor or any per­son authorised by him as provided by these rules, at the Savings Bank Office named and within the period of validity specified in the warrant, together with the depositor's deposit book where in the paying officer shall enter the amount repaid, attest the entry with his initials and the date-stamp of his office.

(6) The paying officer shall obtain a receipt from the depositor on the warrant for the amount paid to him. Such receipt shall be a good discharge to the Postmaster General for the sum specified in the warrant.

Procedure on withdrawals.

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202 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 1942

Loss of warrant.

Withdrawals from accounts of minors.

Withdrawal? from joint accounts.

(7) Except when an account is being closed and subject to the provisions of any rules to the contrary, the deposit book shall be returned to the depositor as soon as such entries have been made.

32. I n the event of a depositor alleging the loss of any warrant the Postmaster General shall issue a new warrant, but shall not do so before the period of validity of the original warrant has expired.

33. —(1) A n application for the withdrawal of money deposited by or in the name of a minor, may be ,made by such minor if of the age of seven years or upwards.

(2) If the minor has reached the age of seven years since the ac­count was opened, the Postmaster shall obtain the minor's signature on a fresh declaration, in the deposit book, and on a signature slip to be pasted on the ledger card. The Postmaster w i l l report the matter to the Postmaster General who, if satisfied, wi l l approve the minor being regarded as a depositor on his own behalf and thereafter entitled to make withdrawals on his own signature.

(3) The warrant issued on such application shall be made out in the name of such minor and his receipt shall be a good discharge to the Postmaster General for the sum specified in such warrant.

(4) I f the account is opened on behalf of a minor under seven years of age, the notice of withdrawal must be signed by the person whose signature appears in the deposit book.

(5) In all cases where the depositor 6n behalf of a minor under seven years of age is not the father oi the minor, the Postmaster shall send a report with the notice of withdrawal to the Postmaster General, stating the relationship of the applicant for withdrawal to the minor, and whether the father and mother of the minor are still alive, and whether the minor is residing with and being maintained by some person other than the parents.

34. —(1) A n application to withdraw money deposited in the joint names of two or more persons shall be ,made by all such persons jointly.

(2) The warrant issued on such application shall be made out in the names of the applicants but if it is desired that the warrant be paid to one of the depositors, a request to that effect should be made on the notice of withdrawal and signed by all the depositors.

(3) In the event of the death or disability of one or more of the depositors in a joint account, application for withdrawal may be made b}r the other depositor or depositors in the account, but such application must be accompanied by documentary evidence of the death or disability of those depositors whose signatures do not ap­pear on the notice of withdrawal.

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35. —(1) An application to withdraw money deposited in the name of one person as trustee for another person shall be made only by the trustee.

(2) In the event of the death or disability of the trustee, and if no other trustee has been appointed within a reasonable time by a competent authority, the account shall be closed and the balance at credit of the account shall be paid to the beneficiary, who will sign the notice of withdrawal as a depositor.

(3) Deposits in the name of two or more trustees shall be with­drawn only by the trustees acting jointly. .

(4) In the event of the death or disability of a trustee, or trustees, deposits may be withdrawn by the other trustee or trustees in the account.

(5) The warrant issued on such application shall be made out in the names of the applicants, and their receipt shall be a good dis­charge to the Postmaster General for the sum stated in the warrant.

36. —(1) Application to withdraw money deposited in the name of a cooperative society shall be made over the signatures of the persons duly authorised by the society and for the time being re­cognised by the Postmaster General as entitled to withdraw such money.

(2) The Postmaster General may in his discretion require: the identity of the applicants and their authority to withdraw the de­posits of the cooperative society to be established to his entire satisfaction.

(3) The withdrawal warrant issued on such application shall be made out in the name of the cooperative society and the receipt of the duly authorised persons shall be a good discharge to the Post­master General for the repayment of the sum stated in the warrant.

37. —(1) An application for withdrawal of money deposited in the name of a person of unsound mind shall be made by the adminis­trator of the estate of such person.

(2) The warrant issued on such application shall be made out in the name of such administrator and his receipt shall be a good discharge to the Postmaster General for the sum specified in such warrant.

Withdrawals from trust accounts.

Withdrawals from accounts of cooperative societies.

Withdrawals from accounts of persons of unsound mind.

38.—(1) An application to withdraw money deposited in the names of the trustees or treasurer of any charitable society, shall be made by any persons for the time being recognised by the Post­master General as entitled to withdraw such monev.

Withdrawals from accounts of charitable societies.

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204 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1105—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 29th January, 1942

Request for payment to one or more of several persons.

Authority for payment to third party.

(2) The Postmaster General may in his discretion require proof to his satisfaction of the identity of the applicants and of their authority to withdraw the deposits of the society.

(3) The warrant issued on such application shall be made out in the names of the persons entitled for the time being to withdraw the deposits of the society or of any person named by them, and the receipt of the person so entitled or named shall be a good dis­charge to the Postmaster General for the sum stated i n the warrant.

39. W h e n an application for the withdrawal of money is made by more persons than one, the applicants may request that the sum to be withdrawn may be paid to any one or more of them to the exclusion of the others, and in any such case the warrant may be made out in the name of the person or persons specified in such request, and his or, as the case may be, their receipt shall be deemed to be the receipt of all applicants.

40. —(1) A warrant shall be presented by the person named therein or by a person duly authorised by h im to receive the sum specified in the warrant.

(2) A n authority to receive the amount payable on a warrant must be given either by power of attorney duly executed before a notary public or by a letter or order signed i n the presence of a responsible officer of the Postmaster General other than the paying officer or any person specifically approved by the Postmaster Gen­eral in that behalf.

(3) Where a power of attorney, or any such letter or order as aforementioned, authorises payment to be made to a third party the signature of such third party shall be a good discharge to the Postmaster General for the sum specified i n the warrant.


Payment on 41. W h e n a sum which a depositor wishes to withdraw does not demand, v exceed i jP .2 he may, without previous notice, apply for payment

at any Savings Bank Office, and if upon production of the deposit book the Postmaster is satisfied that a sufficient amount is standing to the depositor's credit to allow of the payment of the required amount, the Postmaster may make payment accordingly subject to the following rules :—

(a) The application shall be in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by the deposit book.

(b) Payment shall be made only to the depositor in person.

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(c) The depositor shall produce evidence to the satisfaction of the paying officer, that he is the person entitled to receive the amount stated in the application.

(d) The depositor shall sign the receipt on the form of applica­tion in the presence of the paying officer, and that receipt shall be a good discharge to the Postmaster General for the sum specified i n the application.

(e) The paying officer shall enter the amount paid in the de­posit book, and attest the entry with his initials and the date-stamp of his office.

(/) The paying officer shall retain the deposit book and for­ward it forthwith to the Postmaster General by whom it shall be returned to the depositor as soon as such withdrawal has been recorded in the books of the Savings Bank , except when the account is closed.

(g) Not more than one withdrawal on demand shall be allowed within a period of seven days.

(h) When deposits stand in the name of more persons than one, all such persons shall attend and sign the necessary ap­plication and receipt.


42.—(1) A depositor wishing to withdraw any sum by telegraph may apply at any Savings Bank Office appointed by the Postmaster General from time to time for the purpose.

(2) Such application shall be in the prescribed form, a printed copy of which may be obtained at any such Savings Bank Office.

(3) I n such form the depositor shall specify the several' parti­culars which are required to be specified in an ordinary application for withdrawal.

(4) H e shall sign the form in the presence of the officer of the Post Office to whom it is handed and shall produce his deposit book to such officer.

(5) Such application shall be made between such hours as the Postmaster General may fix from time to time with respect to each office.

. 43. Withdrawal by telegraph shall not be made to any one de­positor on any one day in respect of any sum or sums exceeding a gross amount of £ P . 1 0 .

44. On receipt of an application for withdrawal by telegraph, the Postmaster shall, i f he is satisfied that a sufficient sum is standing to the credit of the depositor to permit payment of the

Notice of desire to obtain payment by telegraph.

Limit of payment by telegraph.

Telegram requesting withdrawal.

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206 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29tb January, 1942

amount to be withdrawn and upon receipt by h im of all charges payable in respect of the desired withdrawal, send a telegram to the Postmaster General stating the name of the depositor, the number of his book, the name of the office of issue, and the sum which the depositor wishes to withdraw, such sum to be telegraphed in words.

45. I f the Postmaster shall receive from the Postmaster Gene­ral in reply to the telegram of application for withdrawal, a tele­gram authorising h im to pay the sum required or any smaller sum, such sum shall be paid to the depositor or to any person authorised by h im to receive the same in accordance with these rules.

Procedure of 46. The following conditions shall apply to such payment:!— payment.

(1) A person requiring payment shall produce evidence to the satisfaction of the Postmaster that he is a person entitled to receive the amount authorised in the telegram of advice.

(2) Such person shall sign a receipt i n the prescribed form which receipt shall be a good discharge to the Postmaster General for the sum authorised in the telegram of advice.

(3) The amount paid as withdrawal shall be entered in the deposit book in the manner prescribed by these rules i n rela­tion to withdrawal payments by warrant.

Charges. 47. Any depositor requiring payment by telegraph shall pay as a fee for this special service a sum of 50 mils and shall also pay the costs of the telegram of application for withdrawal and for the tele­gram of advice authorising payment, and for any repetition of such telegrams which the Postmaster General may deem it necessary to send to ensure accuracy.


Transfer of 48.—(1) A n y depositor may apply to the Postmaster General one account f o r the transfer of deposits standing in his name into the name of to another. a n y 0 f t i e r person entitled to deposit in the Palestine Post Office

Savings Bank.

(2) Such application shall be made i n the prescribed form and shall be accompanied by the deposit book or by such other evidence as the Postmaster General may require of the title of the depositor to the sums to which the application relates.

(3) Every such application shall also be accompanied by a state­ment of the full name and address of the person to whose name it is desired to transfer the deposits and particulars of the account, if any, to which the deposits are to be transferred.

Permission to withdraw.

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(4) Upon receiving such application and being satisfied as to the title of the applicant to transfer the deposits to which the applica­tion relates, the Postmaster General may transfer from the account of the applicant to the account of the transferee the sums specified in the application.

(5) In the event of such transfer being permitted such applica­tion shall be a good discharge to the Postmaster General from the depositor authorising the transfer for the sum specified therein.

(6) If the transferee is not already a depositor —

(a) he shall be required to make a like declaration to that re­quired in relation to a first deposit;

(b) a deposit book shall be handed to him and he shall sign his name in the prescribed manner in the space provided for his signature in such book ;

(c) where the transfer is made in the name of a charitable society, any such declaration and signature as last aforesaid shall be made and given by the person who would make and give the same in the case of a first deposit.

49. For the purpose of calculating interest every transfer from incidents of one account to another shall be deemed to be a withdrawal and de- transfer, posit of the sum transferred.


50. —(1) Where deposits have been made in the name of one person as trustee for another person whose name is also entered in the title of the account, upon the application of such last named person the Postmaster General may, in case he should think it just and expedient so to do, remove the name of the trustee from the title of the account, and may substitute the name of another trustee in the place thereof, or may enter the account in the name of the person on whose behalf the deposits were made.

(2) Where the name of a new trustee is substituted, such trustee shall make a declaration required upon the making of a first deposit.

51. Where deposits have been made in the joint names of two or more persons whose names are all entered in the title of the ac­count, upon the application of all such persons or the survivors or survivor of them, the Postmaster General may, in case he should consider it just and expedient so to do, remove the name or names of one or more of such persons from the title of the account and may substitute the name or names of another or other persons in the place thereof provided the consent in writing of such person or persons whose name or names it is desired to substitute be first

Alterations in title of trust account.

Alteration in title in joint accounts.

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Addition of naines to an account.

obtained. Ever}• party to the account as altered shall make the declaration required upon the making of a first deposit.

52.— (1) Upon the application of any depositor the Postmaster General may, where he deems it just and expedient so to do, add the name, of one or more persons in the title of the account of. such depositor'.'

(2) Every person whose name is added in the title of an account under this rule shall make the declaration required upon the making of a first deposit, but the addition of a name or names to an account under this rule shall not be deemed to be the opening of a new account i n the Bank.


Transfer of accounts to or from other Government Savings Bank

Charges for transferring accounts.

Procedure on death of depositor.

Seizure of amounts deposited at Savings Bank

53. The Postmaster General may enter into an arrangement with the Post Ofiice Savings Bank authorities in the United K i n g ­dom and in Egypt for the transfer of sums standing to the credit of any depositor •therein who may request such transfer from such Post Ofiice Savings Bank to the Palestine Post Office Savings Bank or;from the Palestine Post Office Savings Bank to such Post Office Savings Banks in the United Kingdom or Egypt . Whenever such an arrangement has been made the Postmaster General may place any amount transferred in pursuance thereof to the Palestine Post Office Savings Bank to the credit of a depositor's account in that Bank , but no account shall be so credited which shall make the total amount standing to the credit of the account of the depositor exceed •the maximum £ P . 3 0 0 .

54. In the case of the transfer of any account as provided for i n rule 53 the Postmaster General may decide what charges shall be made subject to the limitation that such charges shall in .no case exceed the commission wThich would be chargeable on a money order of equivalent value.

55. In case any depositor shall die leaving any sum of money in an account with the Palestine Post Office Savings Bank the sum shall only be paid together wi th accrued interest to the executor or administrator of the deceased depositor's estate on production of the probate of the wi l l or letters of administration of the estate of the deceased depositor or to some other person on production of ah order of the appropriate court to the Postmaster General. .

.56.—(1) Amounts deposited in the Savings Bank may not be seized in execution or otherwise.

(2) N o opposition shall be made to payment being effected to any owner of a deposit book, save in the case of minors or persons

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29th January, 1942 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . : 2. 209

of unsound mind, in which case the opposition shall be notified to the Postmaster General through the appropriate legal authorities.

57. N o warrant or other order for the payment of money, no Exemption receipt or other acknowledgement for the receipt of money, and f r o m stamp no power of attorney or other document relating solely to the pay- d u t y ־ment or receipt of money deposited in the Palestine Post Office Savings Bank , shall be liable to or charged wi th any stamp duty:

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N 19th January, 1942. Chief Secretary.

(P/14/33) .

S A L E O F I N T O X I C A T I N G L I Q U O R O R D I N A N C E , 1935.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested i n them by section 20! of the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor Ordinance, 1935, the Licensing. Board N o - 4 o f 3935־

for the Municipal Area of Hai fa have made the following regula-tions :—

1. These regulations may be cited as the Hours of Sale of In- Citation,

toxicating Liquor (Haifa Municipal Area) Regulations, 1942.

2. The hours during which intoxicating liquor may be sold Hours during

within the Municipal Area of Hai fa shall be as follows :— • -5 w h i c b - i n > < « .;.-.״׳־.־ ־icating liquor

(a) Premises issued wi th a Class I (dealer's) licence or Class may bo sold. I I (retailer's "off") licence under section 5(a) and (b)—from 8 a.m. to 8 p .m.

(b) Premises issued wi th a Class I I I (retailer's "on") licence under section 5(c)—from 11 a.m. to 12 midnight.

3. The Hours of Sale of Intoxicating Liquor (Municipal Area Revocation, of Haifa) Regulations, 1935, are herebv revoked. G a z : 2i.ii.35,

" p . 1148.

J . H . H . P O L L O C K . C h a i r m a n ,

Licensing Board for the 25th November, 1941. . M u n i c i p a l A r e a of H a i f a .


• " 5 ' B y H i s Excellency's Command,

23rd January , 1942. .(Y/37/34A) .

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N .Chief Secretary ־ :

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210 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 29th January, 1942

S A L E OF I N T O X I C A T I N G LIQUOR O R D I N A N C E , 1935.


No. 4 of 1935.


Hours during which intox­icating liquor may be sold.

Ee vocation. Gaz: 14.4.38,

p . 453.

, I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 20 of the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor Ordinance, 1935, the Licensing Board for the Rural Area of the Lydda District have made the following regulations :—

1. These regulations may be cited as the Hours of Sale of In­toxicating Liquor (Rural Area of the Lydda District) Regulations, 1942.

2. The hours during which intoxicating liquor may be sold within the Rural Area of the Lydda District shall be as follows :—

(a) Premises issued with a Class I (dealer's) licence or Class II (retailer's "off") licence under section 5(a) and (b)—from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

(b) Premises issued with a Class III (retailer's "on") licence under section 5(c)—from 12 midday to 11 p.m.

3. The Hours of Sale of Intoxicating Liquor (Southern Dis­trict) Regulations, 1938, are hereby revoked.

29th December, 1941.

23rd January , 1942. (Y/37/34A)

G. G. GRIMWOOD C h a i r m a n ,

Licensing B o a r d for the R u r a l A r e a of the Lydda District.


By His Excellency's Command.

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N Chief Secretary.




I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 20 of the No. 4 of 1935. Sale of Intoxicating Liquor Ordinance, 1935, the Licensing Board

for the Municipal Area of Petah Tiqva have made the following regulations :—

Citation. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Hours of Sale of In­toxicating Liquor (Petah Tiqva Municipal Area) Regulations, 1942.

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29th January, 1942 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 211

2. The hours during which intoxicating liquor may be sold within the Municipal Area of Petah Tiqva shall be as follows :—

(a) Premises issued with a Class I (dealer's) licence or Class II (retailer's "off") licence under section 5(a) and (b)—from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

(6) Premises issued with a Class III (retailer's "on") licence under section 5(c)—•from 12 midday to 11 p.m.

3. The Hours of Sale of Intoxicating Liquor (Petah Tiqva Mu­nicipal Area) Regulations, 1938, are hereby revoked.

Hours during which intox­icating liquor may be sold.

Revocation. G a z : 14.4.38,

p. 454.

29th December, 1941.

G. G. GRIMWOOD C h a i r m a n . ,

Licensing Board for the M u n i c i p a l Area of Petah Tiqva.


By His Excellency's Command,

23rd January , 1942. (Y/37/34A)

J. S. MACPHERSON Chief Secretary.

S A L E O F I N T O X I C A T I N G L I Q U O R O R D I N A N C E , 1935.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 20 of the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor Ordinance, 1935, the Licensing Board for the Municipal Area of Jaffa have made the following regula­tions :—

1. These regulations may be cited as the Hours of Sale of In­toxicating Liquor (Jaffa Municipal Area) Regulations, 1942.

2. The hours during which intoxicating liquor may be sold within the Municipal Area of Jaffa shall be as follows :—

(a) Premises issued with a Class I (dealer's) licence or Class II (retailer's "off") licence under section 5(a) and (b)—from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

(b) Premises issued with a Class III (retailer's "on") licence under section 5(c)—from 12 midday to 12 midnight.

No. 4 of 1935.


Hours during which intox­icating liquor may be sold.

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Revocation. G a z : 10.0,37,

p . 527.

3. The Hours of Sale of Intoxicating Liquor (Jaffa Municipal Area).Regulations, 1937, are hereby revoked. : . .

24th December, 1941.

R. E . H . C R O S B I E • C h a i r m a n ,

Licensing B o a r d for the, M u n i c i p a l A r e a of Jaffa.


B y H i s Excellency's Command,

23rd January , 1942. (Y/37/34A) .

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N Chief Secretary.

S A L E O F I N T O X I C A T I N G L I Q U O R O R D I N A N C E , 1935.


No. 4 of 1935.


Hours during which intox­icating liquor may be sold.

IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by sections 16 and 20 of the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor Ordinance, 1935, the Licensing Board for the Municipal Area of Te l Av iv have made the following regulations:— . .

1. These regulations may be cited as the Hours of Sale of In­toxicating Liquor (Tel Av iv Municipal Area) Regulations, 1942.

2. —:(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-regulation (2) of this regulation, the hours during which intoxicating liquor may be sold within the Municipal Area of Te l A v i v shall be as follows :•—

(a) Fo r premises granted a "dealer's licence" under section 5(a) of the Ordinance—from 8 a.m. to 7 p .m.

(b) Fo r premises granted a "retailer's off licence" under sec­tion 5 ( b ) of the Ordinance :

(i) F r o m the first day of November to the thirty-first day of March of each year—•from 8 a.m. to 7 p .m.

(ii) F r o m the first day of Apr i l to the thirty-first day of October of each year—from 8 a.m. to 8 p .m.

(c) For premises granted a "retailer's on licence" under sec­tion 5(c) of the Ordinance :

, • F r o m 12 midday to 12 midnight. n

(2) Dur ing the days of the 26th, 27th and 28th of E l u l , the 8th, 11th \ 12th and 13th of Tishr i , from the 7th to the 15th of Adar inclusive, the 11th, 12th and l'3th of Nissan, and the 2rid, ; 3rd and 4th of Sivan of each year, the hours during which intoxicating

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Condition imposed in certain cases.

liquors may be sold in any of the premises mentioned in regulation 2(1) (a) and (b) shall be from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

3.. Under section 16(e) of the Ordinance, the Licensing Board will endorse the following condition on all certificates issued in res­pect of licensed premises which fall under regulation 2(1)(c) a-bove :—

"Between the hours of 9 p.m. and 12 midnight intoxicating liquor shall not be sold to any person who does not at the same time order and pay for a meal."

4. The Hours of Sale of Intoxicating Liquor (Tel Aviv Muni- Revocation, cipal Area) Regulations, 1936, are hereby revoked. G a z : 10.9.36,

p . 1085.

T. V . S C R I V E N O R C h a i r m a n ,

Licensing B o a r d for the 7th January , 1942. M u n i c i p a l A r e a of T e l Aviv.

Approved. By His Excellency's Command,

23rd January , 1942. J . S. M A C P H E R S O N (Y/37/34A) Chief Secretary.

D E F E N C E R E G U L A T I O N S , 1939. I T IS NOTIFIED for general information that the following licences have been

granted up to the 21st January, 1942, under the Defence (Control of Tyres and Tubes) Order, 1941 \

W h o l e s a l e T y r e . D e a l e r ' s Licences R e t a i l T y r e D e a l e r ' s Licences

Lind & Halaby, Jaffa Consolidated Near East Co. Ltd . ,

Haifa Albert Cohen, Jerusalem Jamil Halaby, Jerusalem Ampa Ltd. , Tel Aviv Near East Agencies Ltd. , Jerusalem Moise Carasso & Co. Ltd . , Tel Aviv Elkon Bros, Tel Aviv Eduard Herz, Haifa Fritz Goldschmidt, Tel Aviv Michel• Andraos, Haifa Efim Schapira, Jerusalem "Aviv" Sherut Auto Ltd . , Jerusalem A. Herlzog, Tel Aviv Palestine Engineering' Stores, Tel

; Aviv

Lind & Halaby, Jaffa Lind & Halaby, Jerusalem Lind & Halaby, Haifa The Consolidated Near East Co. Ltd . ,

Haifa. The Consolidated Near East Co. Ltd . ,

Tel Aviv. The Consolidated Near East Co. Ltd . ,

Jerusalem. Jamil Halaby, Jerusalem. Albert Cohen, Jerusalem. Ampa Ltd . , Tel Aviv Ampa Ltd. , Haifa Near East Agencies Ltd. , Jerusalem Near East Agencies Ltd. , Jaffa The East Co., Haifa Jerusalem Automobile Co. Ltd. Ichel Blumenstock, Jerusalem Afif Lutfi Fayyad Samri, Nablus Assy, Steitveh & Co., Haifa ׳

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214 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 11G5—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 1942

W h o l e s a l e T y r e D e a l e r ' s Licences


R e t a i l T y r e D e a l e r ' s Licences

Elkon & Raichelson, Haifa Rutshansky & Steinberg, Tel Aviv Abraham Ginio, Jerusalem Elkon Bros, Tel Aviv Elias Zacharia, Jerusalem Eduard Herz, Haifa George A. Khalaf, Jerusalem Moise Carasso and Co. Ltd. , Haifa Moise Carasso and Co. Ltd. , Tel Aviv Moise Carasso and Co. Ltd . , Jerusalem Bahjat Shammout, Nablus Max Sachs, Tel Aviv Wadie Khoury, Jerusalem Zemeg Cooperative Group, Tel Aviv Basha & Shantir, Nablus Sharif & Alami, Jaffa "Noa" Company Ltd . , Tel Aviv Moussa Daoud Khalil, Jaffa Yehuda L . Kliers, Tiberias Hanna Srouji, Nazareth Freeman and Co., Jerusalem David Lubinski, Tel Aviv David & Eliezer Lubinski, Haifa Zemeg Haifa Ltd . , Haifa A.R. Hecesse, Haifa Palestine Automobile Corp. Ltd . , Tel


Levin Branitsky, Tel Aviv Michel Andraos, Haifa Efim Schapira, Jerusalem S. G . Tannous, Jerusalem Ibrahim Khalaf, Jaffa Yousef Tafesh, Tulkarm Siegbert Kohlman "Hagalgal", Tel

Aviv Hamashbir Hamerkazi, Haifa Hamashbir Hamerkazi, Tel Aviv "Aviv" Sherut Auto Ltd . , Jerusalem Hassan Abu Ghazaleh, Jaffa Emil Theodossi, Tabot Street, Jaffa Palestine Engineering Stores, Tel Aviv Palestine Engineering Stores, Haifa Palestine Engineering Stores, Jeru­

salem Abraham Yazdef, Tiberias J . and W . el Masri, Nablus.

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L O C A L COUNCILS O R D I N A N C E , 1941.



I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by paragraph 4 of the Local Councils (Ramat Gan) Order, the Local Council of Ramat Gan, with the approval of" the District Commissioner, Lydda District, have made the following by-laws:—

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Ramat Gan ("Weights and Measures) By-laws, 1942.

2. For the purpose of these by-laws :—

. "Council" means the Local Council of Ramat Gan;

"Local Council area" means the Local Council area of Ramat Gan.

3. All weights and measures of any description in use for the purpose of trade within the Local Council area shall be inspected and stamped by the Council within the month of January of every year.

4. ' The Council shall charge a fee of 20 mils on each weight and measure stamped by them and an annual fee of 50 mils on each set of weights or measures inspected by them.

5. No person shall use any weight or measure which has not been stamped and inspected by the Council.

6. Any person using any weight or measure which has not been duly stamped and inspected by the Council shall be deemed to have committed a Local Council contravention.

7. Any person committing a Local Council contravention under these by-laws shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds.



Weights and measures to be inspected.





A. K R I N I Z I President,

L o c a l C o u n c i l of R a m a t G a n .


R. E . H . C R O S B I E 22nd January , 1942. , D i s t r i c t Commissioner, Lydda District.


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216 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O , 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 19i2

L O C A L C O U N C I L S O R D I N A N C E , 1941.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by paragraph 7 of the Loca l Councils (Kfar Saba) Order, 1936, the Loca l Council of Kfa r Saba, wi th the approval of the District Commissioner, Lydda District , have made the following by-laws :—



Validity of licence.




1. These by-laws may be cited as the Kfar Saba (Street Trades) By-laws, 1912.

2. N o person shall, wi thin the area of the Loca l Council of Kfar Saba, carry on the business of hawker, shoe black, porter, photo­grapher, seal engraver, and auctioneer without first having obtained a licence from the Loca l Council under these by-laws :

Provided that any person being in possession of a hawker's licence under the Trades and Industries (Regulation) Ordinance, shall not be required to obtain a licence under these by-laws.

3. A licence issued under these by-laws shall be valid unti l the 31st day of December next following the date of issue thereof.

4. A licence shall be renewed within the month of January of every year.

5. The fee for the issue of a licence under these by-laws or for the renewal of such a licence shall be as follows :—

Hawker Shoe black Porter

150 mils 100 mils 150 mils

Photographer Seal engraver Auctioneer

50 mils 100 mils 100 mils.

6. A n y person who contravenes these by-laws shall, on convic­tion, be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds.

A B R A H A M K I R C H N E R President,

K f a r Saba L o c a l C o u n c i l .


12th January , 1942. (Gaz/13/40)

R. E . H . C R O S B I E D i s t r i c t Commissioner,

Lydda District. »־

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L O C A L C O U N C I L S O R D I N A N C E , 1941.



I N EXERCISE of the powers vested i n them by paragraph 7 of the Local Councils (Kfar Saba) Order, 1936, the Loca l Council of Kfa r Saba, with the approval of the District Commissioner, Lydda District , have made the following by-laws :—

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Kfar Saba (Payment of Citation. Rates) By-laws, 1942.

:2. The rates levied by the Loca l Council of Kfar Saba under sub-paragraphs ( a ) , (b) or (c) of paragraph 9(1) of the Local Coun­cils (Kfar Saba) Order, 1936, shall be paid in twelve equal instal­ments, each payable on the first day of every calendar month i n advance, beginning the first day of A p r i l of every year.

A B R A H A M K I R C H N E R President,

K f a r Saba L o c a l C o u n c i l ,

Approved. R. E . H . C R O S B I E

D i s t r i c t Commissioner, 13th January , 1942. Lydda District.


. L O C A L C O U N C I L S O R D I N A N C E , 1941.



I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by paragraph 7 of the Loca l .Councils (Kfar Saba) Order, 1936, the Loca l Council of Kfa r Saba, wi th the approval of the District Commissioner, L y d d a District , have made the following by-laws :—

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Kfa r Saba (Street Collec- Citation, tions) By-laws, 1942.

2. I n these by-laws : — Interpretation.

" C o u n c i l " means the Loca l Council of Kfar Saba. " L o c a l area" means the area of jurisdiction of the Loca l

Council of Kfa r Saba. "Licensee" means the society, committee or other body of .per­

sons in whose name a permit has been issued under these

Payment, of rates in Kfar Saba.

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218 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 1942

No collection of money without permit.

by-laws and includes any person whose name has been men­tioned in the application for the issue of such permit, as the person responsible for the collection.

"Street" includes any street, road, footway, square, public or private passage over which the public have a right of way, lane, alley and public open space.

"Public place" includes any public garden, sea-shore, and any other place to which the public are admitted whether on payment of an entrance fee or free of charge, but does not include a synagogue or any other place of worship.

3. No collection of money shall be made within the local area in any street or place, whether by sale of flowers, rib­bons or otherwise, unless the society, committee or other body of persons responsible for such collection shall have obtained from the Local Council a permit for such collection, in Form B contained in the Schedule to these by-laws.

To whom a permit may be granted.

Special conditions.

Day and hours of collection.

Consultation with Police authorities.

No collection without authority.

4. —(1) A permit under these by-laws shall only be granted for religious, charitable, educational or cultural purposes, or for any other purpose recognised by the Local Council as a public utility purpose.

(2) Application for the grant of a permit shall be made in writing in Form A contained in the Schedule to these by-laws.

5. The Local Council may at their absolute discretion at­tach to any permit any special conditions, or refuse to grant a permit without assigning any reasons thereto.

6. No collection of money shall be made except upon the day and between the hours and in the streets and public places specified in the permit.

7. No permit shall be issued by the Local Council unless the application for such permit shall first be approved by the officer in charge of the Police, Ra'anana, or his duty authorised represent­ative.

8. No person may assist or take part in any collection without a written authority of the licensee in Form C contained in the Schedule to these by-laws.

Every person so authorised shall produce such written authority to any police officer, or any officer of the Local Council duly authorised in that behalf bv the President of the Council.

Collection by children.

9. No person under the age of sixteen years shall act or be permitted to act as a collector.

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Collection to be by two persons.

Prohibition of reward.

Sealing of boxes.

10. —(1) No collector shall use a table for the purpose of any col- Using a table,

lection save at a place specified in the permit nor use it so as to cause or likely to cause obstruction to passers-by.

(2) A n y officer or servant of the Loca l Council may remove at the expense of the holder of the permit any table used contrary to sub-by-law (1) of this by-law.

11. Collections under these by-laws shall be made by groups of two persons each, collecting at any one time at any place, and not by groups of more than two or by single persons.

12. N o payment or reward shall be made or given to any col­lector or to any other person connected with the promotion or con­duct of a collection except such payment as may be shown in the application for the grant of the permit.

13. —(1) Every collector shall cause all money contributions to be placed by the contributors in a box numbered and properly closed and sealed in such a way as to prevent the same being opened or the money extracted without such seal being broken. Every such box shall be numbered with a consecutive number and bear displayed prominently thereon the name of the fund for which the collection is being made, and an inscription by the Loca l Coun­c i l , namely: "authorised street collector", endorsed upon it by the authority of the President of the Loca l Council ; and no box shall be issued to a collector unless so numbered, marked and en­dorsed. Such number coinciding with the number of the written author i ty referred to.

(2) The licensee shall be responsible that the boxes shall be de­livered to him with seals unbroken at the end of the day of the col­lection, and in any case not later than twenty-four hours therefrom.

14. —(1) As soon as all the boxes be received they shall be opened in the presence of the persons who are mentioned in the licence as those responsible for the collection and a record stating the pro­ceeds of the collection shall be drawn up and signed by them.

(2) Tf the counting of the money cannot be completed in one sitting, the licensee shall take adequate precautions for the safety of the money during the interval.

15. W i t h i n seven days from the day of the collection the l i - Copy of record, censee shall forward to the Loca l Council a certified copy of the record referred to in sub-by-law (1) of by-law 14 together wi th a detailed list of expenses, if any, incurred in connection with such collection, supported by vouchers.

16. . Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of these Penalty, by-laws shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds.

Opening of boxes.

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T H E S C H E D U L E .


1. Name of the society, committee or body of persons responsible for the col­lection.

2. Address.

3. Names, addresses and signatures of the persons who wi l l be jointly responsible for the collection.

4. Name and object of charity or fund which is to benefit and specific object of collection.

5. Date upon which it is desired to make the collection.

6. Area of collection and public places where the collection wi l l be made.

7. Places where it is desired to use tables for the purpose of the collection.

8. Payments (if any) to be made to persons connected with the promotion or con­duct of the collection stating the names and addresses of such persons and the amount to be paid in each case.


I , the President of Kfar Saba Loca l Council , hereby license and authorise (Applicant) to hold a collection of money in streets and public places within the jurisdiction area of Kfar Saba on between the hours of and and on between the hours of and subject to the following conditions :—

(Conditions if any) S i g n a t u r e s of L i c e n s i n g A u t h o r i t i e s .



M r . / M i s s / M r s is authorised to collect money in streets and public places in Kfar Saba in aid of in accordance with the licence No issued on by the Loca l Council of Kfa r Saba.

A B R A H A M K I R C H N E R President,

K f a r Saba L o c a l C o u n c i l .

17th January , 1942. (Gaz/13/40)

Approved. R. E . H . C R O S B I E

D i s t r i c t Commissioner, Lydda District.

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L O C A L C O U N C I L S O R D I N A N C E , 1941.



I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by paragraph 7 of the Loca l Councils (Kfar Saba) Order, 1936, the Loca l Council of Kfar Saba, wi th the approval of the District Commissioner, Lydda District , have made the following by-laws :—

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Kfar Saba (Market sand Citation.

Public Auction) By-laws, 1942.

2. F o r the purpose of these by-laws, "an imal" means camel, Definition,

buffalo, mule, horse, donkey, cow, bul l , bullock, calf, sheep and goat, including kid and lamb and any kind of cattle.

3. No sale or exposure for sale of any of the articles mentioned Prohibition, in the schedule to these by-laws or of any animal or egg or poultry shall take place in any public road, square or open space whatso­ever, except in the markets provided for that purpose by the Loca l Council of Kfar Saba.

4. The following fees shall be charged for the use of the Loca l Fees. Council's markets :—

(a) F o r fruits, forage, fuel, timber, vegetables and seeds :— Each basket 5 mils Each camel load 20 mils

, Each mule, horse or donkey load 10 mils Each single cart load 20 mils E a c h double cart load 30 mils Each commercial vehicle of one ton or under 80 mils Each commercial vehicle of over one ton 150 mils.

(b) Fo r eggs and poultry;— Each basket 10 mils Each camel load 40 mils Each mule, horse or donkey load 30 mils E a c h single cart load 40 mils Each double cart load 60 mils Each commercial vehicle of one ton or under 160 mils E a c h commercial vehicle of over one ton 300 mils.

(c) I n the case of animals the purchaser shall pay a fee of three per centum of the purchase price of the animal.

(d) A fee for one place in the market for one day :— (i) occupying the area of one square metre 10 mils

(ii) occupying an area exceeding one square metre, but not exceeding 2 square metres 20 mils

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222 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1105—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 1942

(iii) occupying an area exceeding 2 square metres, for each additional square metre 5 mils.



To whom payable.


5. N o person shall within the Loca l Council 's area sell any mov­able property by public auction or sell or lease any immovable pro­perty by public auction, except with the approval of the Loca l Council in writ ing or of any person authorised by the Council.

6. The Loca l Council shall charge the purchaser or the lessee a fee of two and a half per centum of the price of all movable or immovable property sold or leased by public auction within the Loca l Council's area.

7. The fees prescribed in these by-laws shall be paid to the per­son duly authorised by the Loca l Council to receive such fees a-gainst receipt.

8. A n y person who contravenes the provisions of by-law 3 or 5 of these by-laws shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.

S C H E D U L E .

F r u i t s Oranges Grapefruit Lemons Mandarines Bananas Apricots Peaches Plums Almonds Grapes Olives Eigs Pomegranates Dates Apples Pears Quinces Walnuts Loquats Strawberries Guavas Custard apples Papaya Jujub (Ennab) Carob beans

V a r i o u s

Sugar cane Parsley Herbs (various)


Cabbages Cauliflower Onions Garlic Beets Turnips Carrots Radishes Potatoes Eggplants Okra Marrows Cucumbers Melons Spinach Melukihieh Asparagus Leeks Celery Kohlrabi

Peas Runner or French beans Broad beans Horse beans L u b i a Lettuces Colokas Sweet potatoes Jerusalem artichokes Artichoke Peppers Pumpkins Tomatoes

C e r e a l s a n d legumes a n d o i l seeds

Wheat (Barley) Barley Oats Sesame Durra Maize Beans Lent i ls Peas Lupins

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Fodder Maize (Kersenneh) Kersenneh

Chick peas Ground nuts Sunflower Linseed

Vetches Gelbaneh Hi lbeh T i b n H a y

Stock pumpkins Stock turnips Various oil cakes Carob beans.

Stock melons Stock beet

Berseem Lucerne Mangolds

A B R A H A M K I R C H N E R President,

K f a r Saba L o c a l C o u n c i l . Approved.

13th January , 1942. (Gaz/13/40)

R. E . H . C R O S B I E D i s t r i c t Commissioner,

Lydda District.

N O T I C E .


The Municipal Commission of Ha i fa , in exercise of the powers vested in them by by-law 3 of the Haifa Muncipal (Architectural Designs) By-laws, 1941, hereby de­clare, with the approval of the District Commissioner, Haifa District , that the front elevation of buildings abutting on the line specified in schedule " A " hereto is sub­ject to the architectural design known as the town planning scheme N o . 335 called "the Architectural Design for the South Side of Kingsway ' ' .

Commencing at the northern edge of parcel 73, block 40, west of the Central Police Station, surrounding the eastern edge of that parcel and continuing in a westerly direction along the southern side of Kingsway, for a distance of about 1330 metres, t i l l one plot past Carmel Avenue, being parcel 1, block 31, and in­cluding returns into both sides of Miz rah Street, Mercaz Street, Maarav Street, Gaza Lane , Bank Street, E in -Dor Street, Salesian Street, Hospital Street and Carmel Avenue, and including also the northern side of P a l m Street, but excluding the following existing buildings :—

Carmelite building, parcels 1 and 3, block 39; Haddad's building, parcel 24, block 36; Khayat 's building, parcel 15, block 36.

S C H E D U L E " A " .

S H A B E T A Y L E V Y C h a i r m a n ,

M u n i c i p a l Commission, H a i f a .

Approved. J . H . H . P O L L O C K

6th January, 1942, D i s t r i c t Commissioner, H a i f a District.

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224 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1105—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 1942

U R B A N P R O P E R T Y T A X O R D I N A N C E , 1910.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by subsection (2) of sec­tion 3 of the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940, the H i g h Com­missioner in Council is pleased to order and it is hereby ordered that the boundaries of the Urban Area of Nablus, as set out in the Order dated 18th Ju ly , 1929, and published in the Gazette Extraordinary dated the 20th Ju ly , 1929, made b3̂ the H i g h Commissioner under subsection (1) of section 3 of the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, as varied by order dated 20th February, 1940, made under subsec­tion (2) of section 3 of the Urban Property Tax Ordinance appear­ing in Gazette No . 989 of the 29th of February, 1940, shall be varied, and the Urban Area of Nablus, for the purpose of the afore­said Ordinance of 1940 shall, as from the 1st day of A p r i l , 1942, be the area comprised and outlined in red on the Survey Depart­ment map of Nablus and environs on the 1 :5000 scale.

Copies of the map and of a schedule giving the full description of the boundaries of the new area signed by the Director of L a n d Settlement are exhibited at the District Offices, Nablus, the L a n d Registry Office, Nablus, the Nablus Municipal Office and the Office of the Director of L a n d Settlement in Jerusalem, and are open for inspection by any member of the public at any of these places be­tween the hours of 10 a.m. and noon.

No. 42 of 1940.

Cap. 147.

G. T. F A R L E Y 15th January , 1942. C l e r k to the Executive C o u n c i l .


U R B A N P R O P E R T Y T A X O R D I N A N C E , 1940.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Revision Committee having duly recorded their valuation in the undermentioned blocks, situated in the undermentioned quarters of the Urban Area of Beisan, the supplementary valuation lists have been deposited for inspection at the District Offices, Beisan, on the 17th January, 1942.

2. Objections may be lodged in writ ing (on the form obtainable at the District Offices, Beisan), with the Revision Committee at the District Offices, Beisan, with­in a period of thirty days from the date of publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.

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N o . of Bloch N a m e of Q u a r t e r

22871 E l BaUiit 22872 E l Wusta 22873 E l Judaideh 22875 E l J ami ' 22876 E l Saraya 22878 E l Kharayeb 22879 E l M u r t i f a

U R B A N P R O P E R T Y T A X O R D I N A N C E , 1940.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Revision Assessment Committee having duly recorded their valuation of properties in Blocks Nos. 3701, 3703, 3704 and 3705, situated in the Urban Area of Rehovot, the valuation list has been deposited for inspection at the offices of the District Officer, Settlements, Te l A v i v , and the offices of the Loca l Council of Rehovot.

Objections may be lodged in writing (on the form obtainable from the District Officer, Settlements, T e l Aviv) , with the Assessment Committee at the District Offices, Settlements, Te l A v i v , within a period of thirty days from the date of the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.

U R B A N P R O P E R T Y T A X O R D I N A N C E , 1940.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Revision Assessment Committee having duly recorded their valuation of properties in Blocks Nos. 3948, 3949, 3950, 3951, 3952, 3953, 3954, 3955, 3956, 3957, 3958, 3959, 3960, 3961, 3962, 3963, 3964, 3965 and 3966, situated in the Urban Area of Lydda , the valuation list has been deposited

29th January, 1942. (Gaz/25/40)

R. S. C H A M P I O N D i s t r i c t Commissioner,

G a l i l e e District.

20th January, 1942. (Gaz/13/40)

G . G . G R I M W O O D Assistant

D istric t Commissioner, R a m i e .

Page 40: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

220 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1105—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 1942

for inspection at the offices of the District Officer, Lydda , and the offices of the Municipali ty of Lydda .

Objections may be lodged in writ ing (on the form obtainable from the District Officer, Lydda) to the Assessment Committee at the District Offices, L y d d a , within a period of thirty days from the date of the publicaion of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.

G . G . G R I M W O O D Assistant. D i s t r i c t Commissioner,

24th January, 1942. " R a m i e . (Gaz/12/40)

U R B A N P R O P E R T Y T A X O R D I N A N C E , 1940.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Revision Valuation Assessment Committee having duly recorded their valuation of properties in the following blocks i n the Urban Area of Tiberias, the valuation lists have today been deposited for inspection at the District Offices, Tiberias :—

Blocks Nos. 15001—15003,15006—15008, 1501P—15014,15017—15021, 15023—

15027, 15045.

Objections may be lodged in writ ing (on the form obtainable from the District Offices, Tiberias) within a period of thirty days from the date of publication of this notice i n the Palestine Gazette.

I. L L . P H I L L I P S for D i s t r i c t Commissioner,

20th January, 1942. G a l i l e e District. (Gaz/19/40)

U R B A N P R O P E R T Y T A X O R D I N A N C E , 1940.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Revision Committee having duly recorded their valuation of the properties which have become assessable and whose valuation has been revised since the publication of the last valuation lists of the blocks detailed

• herebelow in the Urban Area of Beit Ja la , the valuation lists of such assessable pro­perties have now been deposited for inspection at the offices of the District Com­missioner, Jerusalem.

Page 41: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.


B l o c k N o . Q u a r t e r

28035 E s Sarara 28036 E l Iraq 28037 E l Kanis 28038 E l Dei r 28039 E s h Sharafeh and E l Marah 28040 E s Sama'neh 28041 E s Sarar.

3. Objections may be lodged in writ ing (on forms obtainable from the District Offices) with the Assessment Committee within a period of thirty days from the date of this publication.

Dated this 27th day of January, 1942.

C. M . P I R I E - G O R D O N Assistant D i s t r i c t Commissioner,

Jerusalem R u r a l .

U R B A N P R O P E R T Y T A X O R D I N A N C E , 1940.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 19(1) of the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940, I hereby appoint the following as Revision Committees for Nazareth and 'Afula Urban Areas :—

NAZARETH — K H A L L L E F F . RASHID — O f f i c i a l Member — Chairman. F O A D E F F . A B D U L - H A D I — O f f i c i a l Member. YOTJSEF E F F . FAHOTJM — Non-Official Member. DAOTJD E F F . ASSAD DAOUD — Non-Official Member.

' A F U L A — K H A L I L E F F . RASHID — O f f i c i a l Member — Chairman. F O A D E F F . A B D U L - H A D I — O f f i c i a l Member. D R . B . BARAKAN — N o n - O f f i c i a l M e m b e r . M R . ELIAZER GLUZMAN — Non-Official Member,

1st January , 1942. (Gaz/25/40)

D. H E A D L Y for D i s t r i c t Commissioner,

G a l i l e e District.

Page 42: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

228 29th January, 1912

U R B A N P R O P E R T Y T A X O R D I N A N C E , 1940.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by sections 17(1) and 19(5) of the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940, I hereby appoint the following as Appeal Commit­tees for Nazareth and 'Afula Urban Areas :—

NAZARETH — JAMIL E F F . T A J I — D i s t r i c t Officer — Chairman. HABIB E F F . W E H B E H — Mudir Mai — Member. CUSTANDI E F F . CANAZI' — Non-Official Member.

' A F U L A —- M R . A . BERGMAN — D i s t r i c t Officer — C h a i r m a n . HABIB E F F . W E H B E H — Mudir Mai — Member. . M R . SHLOMO LORIA — Non-Official Member.

1st January , 1942. (Gaz/25/40)

D. H E A D L Y for D i s t r i c t Commissioner,

G a l i l e e District.



I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 4 of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, the Galilee District Bui lding and Town Planning Commission have made the following by-laws :—

Citation and 1• These by-laws may be cited as the Galilee District Villages application. a n ( j Settlements (Regional Area) Bui ld ing By-laws, 1942, and shall

apply to the Regional Town Planning Area of the Galilee District as from time to time constituted :

Provided that the areas of jurisdiction of such local authorities as have enacted building by-laws may be exempted from the op­eration of these by-laws by resolution of the Regional Town Plan­ning Commission of the Galilee District :

And further provided that these by-laws shall not apply to such parts of the Regional Town Planning Area as are from time to time covered by approved town planning schemes.

Maximum height of buildings.


2. The height of any new building shall not exceed twice the width of the public way on which it abuts :

Provided that in no case shall the height of any dwelling house, domestic building or residential building exceed ten metres.

3. —(1) No new building shall be erected unless set back at least three metres from the centre of the public way.

(2) Where the existing public way is of greater width than three metres, any new building shall be set back at least one metre from the nearest part of such public way.

Page 43: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.


(3) Buildings shall be set back in conformity with any relevant road widening schemes.

(4) The side setback of new buildings, in cases where contin­uous building is not permitted, shall be not less than two metres from the boundary of the plot.

(5) In all cases the rear setback shall be not less than three metres.

4. External walls, whether for a new building or for an addi­tion, alteration or repair of an existing building, shall be carried out in stone, brick, concrete or other material approved either gen­erally or specifically by the Regional Town Planning Commission of the Galilee District :

Provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to autho­rise the use of sheet metal or corrugated iron in the external con­struction of any dwelling house.

5. No new building (with or without additions) shall without the specific approval of the District Commission exceed in area 75% of the area of the plot on which it stands, or 150 square metres, whichever is the less. Not more than one such building shall be erected on any unparcellated plot.

6. No newly constructed l iving room shall be less than ten square metres in area.

7. The minimum height of a l iving room shall be not less than 2.800 metres. Where the roof of such a room is vaulted, the height shall be measured from the springing of the vault.

8. Every newly constructed room shall be stone-paved, tiled or otherwise finished to the satisfaction of the Heal th Authority. N o floor shall be below the level of the ground at the door of access.

9. Every habitable room shall have window space, giving direct access to the open air, of area not less than one-eighth of the floor area of the room. In addition, means of cross ventilation shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Heal th Authority.

External walls.

Building percentage.

Size of living room.

Minimum height of living room.

Floor coverings.

Window space.

R. S. C H A M P I O N C h a i r m a n ,

G a l i l e e D i s t r i c t B u i l d i n g and T o w n P l a n n i n g Commission.


B y H i s Excellency's Command,

19th January , 1942. (Z/152/38)

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N Chief Secretary.

Page 44: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.


T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 16(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the town planning scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 623—(Detailed Scheme of Inseibi and partners and provision of a Private Open Space in Beit Israel Town Planning Area), has been provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Plan­ning Commission and deposited together with the relative plans at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily.

A n y person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro­perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto wi th the Loca l Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, within two months from the date of publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN i n accordance wi th section 16(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the town planning scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 634—Modification in Alignment of Road N o . 3 and Provision of a Public Open Space in Bab es Sahireh Town Planning Area, has been provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and deposited together wi th the relative plans at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily.

A n y person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro­perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto wi th the Local Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, within two months from the date of the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.

19th January , 1942. (Gaz/3/40)

R. C. H . G R E I G C h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem District B u i l d i n g and Town P l a n n i n g Commission.

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


R. C . H . G R E I G C h a i r m a n ,

17th January , 1942. (Gaz/3/40)

Jerusalem District B u i l d i n g and Town P l a n n i n g Commission.

Page 45: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

29th January, 1942 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 231

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN i n accordance with section 16.(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the town planning scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 636—(Modification in Zoning South of Gaza Road in Qatamon Town Planning Scheme), has been provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and deposited together with the relative plans at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily.

A n y person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro­perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto with the Loca l Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, within two months from the date of publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN i n accordance with section 16(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the town planning scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 638—(Rezoning of Lands abutting on Upper Bethlehem Road), has been provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District B u i l d ­ing and Town Planning Commission and deposited together with the relative plans at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily.

Any person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro­perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto with the Local Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, within two months from the date of publication of this notice i n the Palestine Gazette.

19th January , 1942. (Gaz/3/40)

R. C. H . G R E I G C h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission.

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


19th January , 1942. (Gaz/3/40)

R. C. H . G R E I G C h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission.

Page 46: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

232 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 11C5—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 1912

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 635—of A r i Cohen Malayoff, Bukharian Quarter, has been provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Plan­ning Commission and deposited together with the relative plans at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily.

The boundaries of the scheme are as follows :—

N o r t h : Road N o . 11 i n Bei t Israel Scheme No . 11; East ': L a n d of M a n i Yehudayoff; South : Road No . 16 in Bei t Israel Scheme N o . 11; West : L a n d of H a y a Zavurov and Mussan L e v y and partners.

Any person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro­perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto wi th the Loca l Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.

R. C. H. GREIG C h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem D i s t r i c t B u i l d i n g 17th January , 1942. and T o w n P l a n n i n g Commission.


T O W N 1 P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 637—of M . Matatia and Partners, has been pro­visionally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Com­mission and deposited together wi th the relative plans at the Municipal Offices, Jeru­salem, where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily.

The boundaries of the scheme are as follows :—

N o r t h : L a n d of Gordovolas; East : Road No . 133 in Qatamon Town Planning Scheme N o . 3A; South : Road N o . 135 i n Qatamon Town Planning Scheme No. 3A; West : Road No . 135 in Qatamon Town Planning Scheme N o . 3A.

Page 47: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

29th January, 1912 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 233

Any person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro­perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto wi th the Loca l Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice i n the Palestine Gazette.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN i n accordance wi th section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 639—of Ragheb Bey Nashashibi, Nablus Road, has been provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Plan­ning Commission and deposited together with the relative plans at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily.

The boundaries of the scheme are as follows :— N o r t h : Road; East : Road; South: Road; West : Nablus Road.

A n y person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro­perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto wi th the Loca l Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, wi thin six wreeks from the date of publication of this notice i n the Palestine Gazette.

17th January , 1942. (Gaz/3/40)

R. C . H . G R E I G

C h a i r m a n , Jerusalem D i s t r i c t B t i i l d i n g

and T o w n P l a n n i n g Commission.

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.



17th January , 1942. (Gaz/3/40)

R. C . H . G R E I G C h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem D i s t r i c t B t i i l d i n g and T o w n P l a n n i n g Commission.

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


W H E R E A S a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme No . 362A—of Messrs. Kat tan and Adriani , near Mekor H a y i m ,

Page 48: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

234 29th January, 1942

was provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jeru­salem, was published in the Palestine Gazette No . 1142 dated the 30th Novem­ber, 1941;

A N D WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by h im on behalf of the said Commission;

N o w , THEREFORE , i t is hereby notified in accordance wi th section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme wi l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice i n the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de­posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

W H E R E A S a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 616—of Joseph David , B a k ' a , was provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1136 dated the 23rd October, 1941;

A N D WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by h im on behalf of the said Commission;

N o w , THEREFORE , i t is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme w i l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice i n the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de­posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

17th January , 1942. (Gaz/3/40)

R. C . H . G R E I G C h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission.

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936. .


17th January , 1942. (Gaz/3/40)

R. C . H . G R E I G C h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission.

Page 49: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

29th January, 1942 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—STTPPLEMENT N O . 2. 235

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


W H E R E A S a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme No. 617—of Naaman Barhum, near Mekor Hayim, was provi­sionally approved by the Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Com­mission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1142 dated the 30th November, 1941;

A N D WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission, and signed by him on behalf of the said Commission;

Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de­posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

It. C. H . GREIG C h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem D i s t r i c t B u i l d i n g and T o w n P l a n n i n g Commission.

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


WHEREAS a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme No. 618—of Costandi Salameh and Anton Halaby, Qatamon, was provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jeru­salem, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1136 dated the 23rd October, 1941;

A N D WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission, and signed by him on behalf of the said Commission;

Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will

17th January, 1942. . (Gaz/3/40)

Page 50: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

236 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—•SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 29th..January,'. 1942

come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice i n the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de­posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

R. Ç. H . G R E I G . C ׳־•׳'.' h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem District Building ־ ״17th January, 1942. and Town Planning Commission.

(Gaz/3/40) v ׳ : : ' V ' •

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.

NOTICE OP F I N A L APPROVAL OF A PARCELLATION S C H E M E , . J .:'־ :•• E R U S A L E M DISTRICT. .' • ׳ ־.־ '־.־: .'.

W H E R E A S a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 619—of : Selim Menachem, Musa Benin and Odeh -Salem, B a k ' a , was provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at t h é Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette N o . 1142 dated the 30th November, 1941; • ־' " •'•׳־׳'•

A N D WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by h im on behalf of the said Commission :

N o w , THEREFORE , i t is hereby notified in accordance wi th section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme wi l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice i n the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de­posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

R. C . H . G R E I G ... . C h a i r m a n ,

j •••־.. . : .: . . . . ״ ׳ ־ . : ׳ . : . JerusalemDistrict Building.• ׳17 th January, 1942; : and Tonm,. Planning Commission.

(Gaz/3/40) . : ־ . . ׳ " ׳ - ; : • ; • ; : ' ' ־ — ' '.' .'׳•׳;..' 'S'־' '־'. : //• .־•״.: ׳ ;:׳ ;--.־..'. •.־•:'.' •

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.



WHEREAS a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of ,Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 620—of Jami l Mahshi , near Talpioth, was provisionally ap­proved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was pub­lished in the Palestine Gazette N o . 1136. dated the 23rd October, :1941;

Page 51: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

29th January, 1942 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 11G5—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 237

A N D WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by h im on behalf of the said Commission;

N o w , THEREFORE , it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme w i l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice i n the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de­posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

W H E R E A S a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme No . 621—of D r . Habib Kat tan , Qatamon, was provisionally ap­proved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was pub­lished i n the Palestine Gazette No. 1136 dated the 23rd October, 1941;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by h im on behalf of the said Commission;

N o w , THEREFORE , it is hereby notified in. accordance with section 20(6) of the Town. Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing ;and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme wi l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice i n the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans'have been de­posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.':!

17th January , 1942. (Gaz/3/40)

R. C . II. G R E I G , C h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem D i s t r i c t B u i l d i n g and T o w n P l a n n i n g Commission.

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.,;



A N D WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the. sqheme;

17th January , 1942. (Gaz/3/40)

Page 52: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.


T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


JERUSALEM DISTRICT. : ׳ : . . - . .

W H E R E A S a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 625—of Salim Safari, near Mekor H a y i m , was provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was pub­lished in the Palestine Gazette N o . 1142 dated the 30th November, 1941;

A N D WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by h im on behalf of the said Commission;

N o w , THEREFORE , it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme wi l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice i n the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de­posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

11. C . H . G R E I G ... C h a i r m a n ,

׳ • • " ־ " Jerusalem D i s t r i c t B u i l d i n g l'7th January , .1942. and T o w n P l a n n i n g Commission.

(Gaz/3/40) '

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


W H E R E A S a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 626-—of Adel Bey Terjeman and Partners, Bab es Sahireb, was provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui lding and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jeru­salem, was published in the Palestine Gazette N o . 1142 dated the 30th Novem­ber, 1941; '•• .

A N D WHEREAS the objections lodged against the scheme have been considered by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by h im on behalf of the said Commission;

N o w , THEREFORE , it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town

Page 53: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.


Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme wi l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de­posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

11. C. H . G R E I G , C h a i r m a n , :

Jerusalem D i s t r i c t B u i l d i n g and T o w n P l a n n i n g Commission.

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.



W H E R E A S a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 627—of Salameh Brothers, Qatamon, was provisionally ap­proved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was pub­lished i n the Palestine Gazette No . 1142 dated the 30th November, 1941;

A N D WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by h im on behalf of the said Commission;

N o w , THEREFORE , it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6): of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme wi l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de­posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem,

R. C. H . G R E I G C h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem D i s t r i c t B u i l d i n g and T o w n P l a n n i n g Commission.

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


W H E R E A S a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 629—of Musa Hassan Musa , near Mekor H a y i m , was' pro­visionally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui lding and Town Planning Com­mission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1142 dated the 30th November, 1941;

17th January , 1942. (Gaz/3/40)

17th J a n u a r y , 1942. (Gaz/3/40).

Page 54: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

240 29th January, 1942

A N D WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

. A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and.signed by h im on behalf of the said Commission; '

N o w , THEREFORE , i t is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme wi l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de­posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

E, C. H . G E E I G C h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem D i s t r i c t B u i l d i n g lVth January , 1942. and T o w n P l a n n i n g Commission.


T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


W H E R E A S a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme No . 630—of Messrs. Ala l ia and Ivalis, Qatamon, was provision­ally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette N o . 1142 dated the 30th November, 1941;

A N D WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by h im on behalf of the said Commission;

N o w , THEREFORE , it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme wi l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de­posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

E . C. H . G E E I G C h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem D i s t r i c t B u i l d i n g 17th"January, 1942 ־ . and T o w n P l a n n i n g Commission.


Page 55: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.


T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in.accordance with section 16(1) of the.Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that a town planning scheme within the Regional Town Planning Area of Hai fa , known as Scheme N o . 4 6 — L . Schwarzbart and Co. , Binyamina , has been provisionally approved by the Haifa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and deposited together wi th the relative plans at the District Offices, Hai fa , where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily.

The boundaries of the scheme are as follows :—

N o r t h : Block 10206; East : Parcel 32; South : Block 10205; West : Parcels 7, 8,13-15,18,19 and 37. ׳

A n y person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro­perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto with the Regional Engineer, c/o District Commissioner's Offices, Hai fa , within two months from the date of the publication of this notice i n the Gazette.

J . H . H . P O L L O C K C h a i r m a n ,

H a i f a District Building 12th January , 1942. and Town Planning Commission.


T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 16(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that a town planning scheme within the Town Planning Area of Hai fa , known as Scheme N o . 129E—Kiryat Bia l ik Amendment, has been provi­sionally approved by the Haifa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and deposited together wi th the relative plans at the Municipal Offices, Hai fa , where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily. . ,

The boundaries of the scheme are as follows :—

N o r t h : Approved Haifa Town Planning Schemes : N o . 339—Glashendler and Co. L a n d Parcellation; No . 511—Modification of part of Schemes Nos. 248 and 361; No . 337—Katz L a n d (Sabina), Emeq Zevulun; No. 355—Herman Efra im and Bertold;

Page 56: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.


No. 172—J. Loewy Parcellation Scheme; N o . 267—Weitman L a n d Parcellation.

East : Lands of Shafa ' A m r ; South : Approved Ha i fa Town Planning Schemes :

N o . 312/A—Amendment to Iviryat•Bialik Extension; N o . 312 —Kirya t Bia l ik Extension Scheme; No. 501/A—Amendment to Keren Kayemeth Leisrael South-East

Housing Scheme; N o . 537 —Block ' D ' Hai fa Bay Development Company;

West : .-Western edge of the Haifa—Acre Road.

A n y person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro­perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto with the Loca l Bu i ld ­ing and Town Planning Commission at the Municipal Offices, Hai fa , within two months from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette.

J. H. H. POLLOCK C h a i r m a n ,

12th January, 1942. H a i f a District Building (Gaz/10/40) • and Town Planning Commission.

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


W H E R E A S a town planning scheme within the Town Planning Area of Ha i fa , known as Scheme N o . 416—Haifa Composite Town Planning Scheme, Sheet 145-245, P l an 15, was provisionally approved by the Haifa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Hai fa , was published in the Gazette No . 1129 dated the 4th September, 1941;

A N D WHEREAS the objections lodged against the scheme have been considered by the Haifa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Hai fa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by h im on behalf of the said Commission;

N o w , THEREFORE , it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18A of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Haifa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme wi l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice •in the Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Hai fa .

J. II. II. POLLOCK C h a i r m a n ,

12th January, 1942. H a i f a District Building (Gaz/10/40) and Town Planning Commission.

Page 57: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.


T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.



WHEREAS a town planning• scheme within the Town Planning Area of Ha i fa , known as Scheme No. 610—Sahyoun and Partner L a n d , was provisionally approved by the Hai fa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of-the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Hai fa , was published in the Gazette N o . 1129 dated the 4th September, 1941;

A N D WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Hai fa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by him on behalf of the said Commission;

. N o w , THEREFORE , it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18A of the Town Planning. Ordinance, 1936, that the Haifa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme wi l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the" Municipal Offices, Hai fa .

J. II. II. POLLOCK C h a i r m a n ,

H a i f a District B u i l d i n g 12th Januai'y, 1942. and Town P l a n n i n g Commission.


T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , . 1936.


W H E R E A S a town planning scheme within the Regional Town Planning Area of Hai fa , known as Scheme No . 33—Nof Hacarmel and Carmel Gardens Scheme, was provisionally approved by the Hai fa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Com­mission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the District Offices, Ha i fa , was published in the Gazette No . 1075 dated the 30th January, 1941;

A N D WHEREAS the objections lodged against the scheme have ,been considered by the Haifa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Hai fa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by him on behalf of the said Commission;

N o w , THEREFORE , it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18A of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Haifa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme wi l l come into

Page 58: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

244 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 11G5—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 1912

force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Hai fa .

J. H. H. POLLOCK C haii״man,

Haifa D i s t r i c t B u i l d i n g 12th January, 1942. and T o w n P l a n n i n g Commission.


T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


W H E R E A S a town planning scheme within the Regional Town Planning Area of Hai fa , known as Scheme N o . 37—Froehlich and Co., Pardes Hanna; was pro­visionally approved by the Haifa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Regional Engineer's Office, Ha i fa , was published in the Gazette No . 1129 dated the 4th September,. 1941;

A N D WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Hai fa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by him on behalf of the said Commission;

N o w , THEREFORE , it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18A of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Haifa District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme wi l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Regional Engineer's Office, Haifa .

J. H. H. POLLOCK C h a i r m a n ,

H a i f a D i s t r i c t B u i l d i n g 12th January, 1942. and T o w n P l a n n i n g Commission.


T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.



. W H E R E A S a scheme within the Town Planning Area of Nazareth, known as the Nazareth Outline Town Planning Scheme, was provisionally approved by the Galilee District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the

Page 59: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.


scheme at the Municipal Offices, Nazareth, was published in Palestine Gazette N o . 1105 of 11th June, 1941;

A N D WHEREAS the objections lodged against the scheme have been considered and the Galilee District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission have applied to the H i g h Commissioner for authority to put the scheme into force;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plan, No . TP /365 /41 , annexed has been pro­duced to the H i g h Commissioner and signed by h i m ;

N o w , THEREFORE , it is hereby notified in accordance wi th section 18(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the H i g h Commissioner has approved the re­gulations and plan of the scheme which wi l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the regulations and plan of the scheme have been deposited and are open for inspec­tion at the Municipal Offices, Nazareth.

J . S. M A C P H E 1 1 S O N 15th January, 1942. Chief Secretary.


T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


W H E R E A S a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Beisan, known as Scheme No . 1—Wasta. Quarter, Beisan Parcellation Scheme, was provi­sionally approved by the Galilee District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Beisan, was pub­lished in Palestine Gazette N o . 1131 dated the 1st September, 1941;

A N D WHEREAS no objections were lodged against the scheme;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the Chairman, Galilee District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by h im on behalf of the said Commission;

N o w , THEREFORE , it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Galilee District Bui ld ing and Town Plan­ning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme wi l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Beisan.

R. S. C H A M P I O N C h a i r m a n ,

G a l i l e e D i s t r i c t B u i l d i n g and T o w n P l a n n i n g Commission.

(Z/22/41) '

Page 60: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

'246 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 1942

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 16(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that rule 8 of the report to approved Town Planning Scheme No. 55—New Business Centre, Haifa Architectural Scheme, published in Gazette N o . 299 of the 16th January, 1932, has been amended to read as follows :—

"(a) The exhibition upon the premises by any person of advertisements relating to the business or occupation carried on by such person in such premises shall be permitted provided that any name-plate, sign-board, advertisement or notice-board exhibited upon the premises of any such person shall not exceed in area two and a half square metres upon which shall be inscribed o n l y : —

(i) the name of such person, or (ii) a notification of the business or occupation carried on by such person

in such premises or a statement of the purposes for which such premises are used, or

. (hi) both the name of such persons and any such notification or statement.

(b) Only signs falling under one of the following categories shall be permitted :— (i) Shop signs consisting of single letters made of wood or other material

and fixed directly on the wall below main shop cornice. Maximum height of letters 40 cms.

(ii) Shop signs made of letters as at ( b ) ( i ) above, standing on upper surface of shop cornice. Max imum height of letters 15 cms.

(hi) Signs for offices and business premises in storeys above the shop storey, consisting of single letters as at (b)(i) above, and fixed directly on the w a l l below or above the windows. Max imum height of letters 20 cms.

(iv) Painted signs on glass panes of shop windows and windows in upper storeys.

(v) Painted signs of metal facia-board or shop fronts, but not on stone or marble surfaces.

(vi) Neon light or other luminous signs made of glass tubing shaped to required design and fixed flat to w a l l . "

Any person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro­perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto with the Loca l Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission at the Municipal Offices, Hai fa , within two months from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette.

J. H. H. POLLOCK C h a i r m a n ,

H a i f a D i s t r i c t B u i l d i n g and T o w n

P l a n n i n g Commission. 20th January, 1942. (Gaz/10/40)

Page 61: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.


L A N D ( S E T T L E M E N T O E T I T L E ) O R D I N A N C E . NOTICE. " • : '׳

I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 8 and the proviso to section 35 of the L a n d (Settlement of Title) Ordinance, I hereby direct that no fresh entries shall be made i n the existing registers as from 26th January, 1942, in respect of the lands described below.


The lands comprised within Jaffa Urban Assessment Blocks Nos. 7060, 7061 and 7062, which have been divided into Registration Blocks Nos. 7060, 7061, 7062, 6969, 6970, 6971, 6972, 6973, 6974 and 6975 and which include among others the lands of Shekhunat Shapiro, Saknat al־ 'Araina and Saknat Abu Kab i r and citrus groves.

• The boundaries of the lands included in this notice are approximately as follows :— N o r t h : The Te l Av iv Municipal Boundary; East: The Jaffa Munic ipa l Boundary; South : The Jaffa Municipal Boundary; West: 'As im Bey Street.

, . . ־ ' ־ . ' ' . ' ' ' " T. N . C A M P 24th January, 1942. ! Settlement Officer,

(Gaz/1/40) Jaffa Settlement A r e a .


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the schedules of rights to land in the villages and settlement areas scheduled hereunder, and for the registration blocks mentioned, have been posted at the offices of the Area Settlement Officers concerned and at the District Offices, of the Sub-Districts in which the villages are situated, in accordance with section 33(2) of the Ordinance. . : , :

V i l l a g e S u b - D i s t r i c t Settlement

A r e a Settlement

Office a t

Nos: of R e g i s t r a t i o n

B l o c k s

'Innaba Ramie Ramie Jaffa 4644 and 4645.

A b u Middein Gaza Gaza Gaza 2317, 2318, 2320, 2321, . 2322, 2325 and 2326.

Sumsum Gaza Gaza -Gaza 1667, 1674, 1676,1685, 1687, 1688 ' and 1689.

M . C . B E N N E T T D i r e c t o r of L a n d Settlement.:

Page 62: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

218 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 29th January, 1942

I J A N D ( S E T T L E M E N T O F T I T L E ) O R D I N A N C E .


T H E PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Settlement Notices under section 7 of the L a n d (Settlement of Title) Ordinance were issued in respect of the lands of the villages scheduled hereunder.

Any person claiming an interest in the lands of the said villages or in the lands of adjoining villages which abut on the boundaries of the villages mentioned in the schedule hereto, should act in the manner prescribed in the L a n d (Settlement of Title) Ordinance.

The abovementioned notices may be inspected at the following places :—

Office of the Settlement Officer of the Area; Office of the District Commissioner of the Distr ict ; Office of the District Officer of the Sub-District; In the village.

V i l l a g e S u b - D i s t r i c t D i s t r i c t

Settlement Officer of the A r e a

(Office a t )

D a t e of Issue of

N o t i c e

A p p r o x i m a t c D a t e of C o m ­mencement

of Settlement

A l l the lands of Khirbat esh Shallala com­prised in Fiscal Blocks I , I I and I I I

Ha i f a Haifa Haifa

22.1.42 ' 3.2.42.

Khalisa Safad Galilee Hai fa 16.1.42 25.1.42.

Beisamun Safad Galilee Hai fa 16.1.42 25.1.42.

' Udeisa (now part of H u n i n village)

Safad Galilee Haifa 16.1.42 25.1.42.

Qadas (includ­ing the village of Buleida)

Safad Galilee Hai fa .16.1.42 25.1.42.

Mallaha Safad Galilee Haifa 16.1.42 25.1.42.

E n Nabi Yusha ' Safad Galilee Hai fa 16.1.42 25.1.42.

Meis (now part of Buweiziya village)

Safad Galilee Ha i fa 16.1.42 25.1.42.

27th January, 1942. (Gaz/1/40)

M. C. BENNETT Director of L a n d Settlement.

Page 63: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.

•29th January, 1912 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1165—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 219

D E F E N C E R E G U L A T I O N S M A D E U N D E R A R T I C L E 3 O F T H E E M E R ­G E N C Y P O W E R S ( C O L O N I A L D E F E N C E ) O R D E R I N C O U N C I L , 1939,

A N D T H E E M E R G E N C Y P O W E R S ( D E F E N C E ) A C T , 1939.

I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in h im by Article 3 of the Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) Order in Council, 1939, and the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act , 1939, the H i g h Commissioner has made the following Defence Regulations :—:

1. These Regulations may be cited as the Defence (Trading with the Enemy) Regulations, 1942.

2. I n these Regulations "the principal Ordinance" means the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939.

3. Section 9 of the principal Ordinance shall be amended by the deletion of the words "without reasonable cause" appearing in sub­section (6) thereof.

4. Section 9A of the principal Ordinance shall be amended by the repeal of subsection (3) thereof and the substitution of the fol­lowing subsection therefor:—

"(3) A custodian shall be entitled to institute or defend any , c iv i l action or other proceedings (including appeals) and to appear and be heard before any court or tribunal or arbitrator, either in person, by an officer of the Government or by an advocate authorised by h im in wri t ing, and upon the institu­tion of• any such action or proceedings a custodian or such re­presentative as aforesaid shall not be called upon to pay court fees or other fees or to give security for costs or security that he wi l l abide by the decision of the court or other security nor shall any authorisation of any such representative as aforesaid be chargeable with stamp duty :

Provided that where judgment has been obtained in any action or proceedings instituted by a custodian any court fees or other fees which would normally have been paid shall form part of the judgment debt and upon recovery shall be paid to the court :

Provided also that a custodian shall be entitled to recover costs and advocates fees."

5. : Section 9B of the principal Ordinance shall be amended by the insertion of the following subsection immediately after sub­section (3) thereof :—

"(3a) A n y certificate of a custodian with regard to matters within the scope of his duties or powers if purporting to be signed by a custodian, or any such copy as described in sub-


Interpretation. No. 36 of 1939.

Amendment of section 9 of the principal Ordinance.

Amendment of section 9A of the principal Ordinance.

Amendment of section 9B of the principal Ordinance.

Page 64: paiminz - · Rosa Molho of Kavala 159. Bella Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 160. Claude Naccache of St. Maur Les Fosses (Paris) 161•. Menashe Naccache of St.


sections (1) and (2) of this section if purporting to be certified as correct by a custodian or any person duly authorised by h im in that behalf, shall be admissible in evidence without proof of the signature of the custodian or such person as afore­said unless the court directs otherwise for special cause."

insertion of 6. The following section shall be inserted i n the principal Ordin-new section 9c in a n c e immediately after section 9B thereof :— the principal • , Ordinance. ״ g c — ( ! ) ^ custodian, or any person authorised by him in

that behalf, may by written notice or by a notice published in the Gazette require all or any persons to furnish wi th in :such period as may be specified in the notice such returns, accounts or other information or to produce such documents as •may be specified in the notice.

(2) A n y person who is required by such notice as aforesaid to produce or furnish any document or information shall com­ply with the notice notwithstanding anything contained in any law entitling h im to refuse to produce or furnish such document or information, and any return, account or other information furnished or any document produced by any person, in com­pliance wi th a notice under this section, shall be admissible as eA'idence in any civil or criminal proceedings which may be brought against h im.

(3) If any person fails to produce or furnish, in accordance with the requirements of a notice under this section, any docu­ment or information which he is required by the notice to pro­duce or furnish, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds for every day on which the default continues,1

(4) I f any person, with intent to evade the provisions of this section, destroys, mutilates or defaces any document which he has been required to produce or which relates to any matter on which he has been required to furnish information, by a notice under this section, that person shall—

(a) if tried upon information under the provisions of the C a p 3 ( 5 Criminal Procedure (Trial Upon Information) Ordinance,

be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to a fine or to both such imprison­ment and such fine, or

( b ) if tried under the provisions of the Magistrates' Courts No. 45 of 1939. Jurisdiction Ordinance, 1939, be liable on conviction to

imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to a fine not exceeding two hundred pounds or to both such imprisonment and such fine."

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-29th January, 1942 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT No. 2.

7. Section 10 of the principal Ordinance shall be amended by the substitution of the words "or of any order or notice made or issued thereunder" for the words "or of any order made thereunder" appearing in subsection (1) thereof.

.: 8. A n y order, notice or other request requiring the furnishing or production of any document or information, made or issued or ,purporting to be made or issued by or on behalf of the Custodian of Enemy Property under paragraph 11 of the Trading wi th the Enemy (Custodian) Order, 1939, before the date of the commence­ment of these Regulations shall, save in so far as any such order, notice or request has been amended, varied, revoked or cancelled before that date, have full force and effect as though it were a notice issued under section 9c of the principal Ordinance as enacted in regulation 6 of these Regulations.

Amendment of section 10 of the principal Ordinance.


G a z : 1.11.39, 2?.1201.

B v H i s Excellency's Command,

J. S. MACPilEUSOX Chief Secretary.


T R A D I N G W I T H T H E E N E M Y O R D I N A N C E , 1939.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 9 of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, the H i g h Commissioner No. 36 of 1939. has been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows :—

1. This Order may be cited as the Trading wi th the Enemy Citation. {Custodian) (Amendment) Order, 1942, and shall be read as one wi th the Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Order, 1939, herein- Gaz. 1.11.39, after referred to as the principal Order. p . 1201.

2. Paragraph 11 of the principal Order is hereby revoked. Revocation of paragraph 11 of the principal Order.

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J. S. MACPHEESON Chief Secretary.


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252 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1165—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 29th January, 1942

A N I M A L D I S E A S E S O R D I N A N C E .


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested i n h im by section 16 of the Gap. 3. Animal Diseases Ordinance, the H i g h Commissioner hereby declares

that the under-mentioned localities i n the Sub-District of Ramallah and the lands belonging thereto are, as regards poultry, infected areas for the purpose of the said Ordinance, on account of the existence of fowl plague in Jifna village :—

Jifna, ' E i n Siniya, B i r Ze i t . '

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J. S. MACPHERSON Chief Secretary. 28th January, 1942.


D E F E N C E R E G U L A T I O N S , 1939.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in h im by Regulation 27 of the Defence Regu­lations, 1939, the H i g h Commissioner has ordered and it is hereby ordered as fol lows:—


G a z . 22.1.42, p . 182.

Amendment of paragraph 2 of the principal order.

1. This order may be cited as the Defence (Entry and Departure of Persons) (Amendment) Order, 1942, and shall be read as one with the Defence (Entry and Departure of Persons) Order, 1942, hereinafter referred to as the principal order.

2. Paragraph 2 of the principal order shall be amended by the insertion of the following place-name at the end thereof :—

"Tiber ias" .

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

28th January, 1942. (SP/52/41)

J. S. MACPHERSON Chief Secretary.