Paid Social Media Jobs

This Single Mother Makes Over $700 per Week Helping Businesses With Their Facebook and Twitter Accounts....... And Now You Can Too! I now make money in my spare time doing simple tasks for businesses on Facebook, and I want to teach you how you can do the same

Transcript of Paid Social Media Jobs

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This Single Mother Makes Over $700 per

Week Helping Businesses With Their Facebook and Twitter Accounts....... And

Now You Can Too!

I now make money in my spare time doing simple tasks for

businesses on Facebook, and I want to teach you how you can

do the same

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Hi, I'm Annie Jones. This is my story...

Like most single parents around the world my mornings are pretty busy with

the mad dash to get the kids out of bed, washed, dressed and fed in time to

leave for school.

I love this time though because I know that once the stress of getting them to

the school gate is over, I get to go home and start 'work'. That might sound a

little strange because not a lot of people love their work, and I used to be the

same, but my life has changed so drastically in the last 12 months that I now

LOVE getting back home to start work.

Nowadays work for me involves logging on to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube,

reading and replying to some comments and scheduling some posts for the

day. The businesses that I do this for don't have the time to do this work

themselves and it's not enough work to hire someone full time, so they pay me

to do the work for them part time from home.

The best part is that ANYONE who knows how to use Facebook, Twitter and

YouTube can do this 'work', and there are millions of businesses around the

world hiring for these positions RIGHT NOW!

I sometimes find it hard to believe how great my life is now because it wasn't

always this good...

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A few years ago I was heavily in debt...

I got laid off my from my job as a small motel manager. At first I thought I’d be ok because I had a bit of money saved up and was sure that I’d find another job.

However I burned through my savings much faster than I thought and got absolutely nowhere on the job finding front. Nothing, zilch, nada. Nobody was hiring, even if I was willing to take a considerable step down in job position and salary.

Unfortunately someone forgot to notify the mailman that I didn’t have any money or income, so he kept dropping off new bills and final demands every day.


This was all made 10x worse by the fact that I am a single mom

and have a young family to support

I wanted more than anything else in the world to be able to provide for them. I

started biting my fingernails (which I had NEVER done before) and I’m pretty

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sure that I only got about 3 hours sleep in a whole month period because I was

so stressed.

And then one day I was over at a friends house for a children’s play date when

I got caught up talking to someone in a conversation that would literally

change the course of my life.

Everything changed when another mother that I'd just met showed me a cheque she had received just for posting on

FacebookI’d never met this other mother before, she was a work colleague of one of my

other friends, and she made the big mistake of asking me how I was going...

Now, I’m not sure if it was the 4 cups of coffee that I had consumed, or the

build up of the stress, the kids getting into a fight, or a combination of

everything, but that poor woman got a lot more than she bargained for in my


I hadn’t talked to anyone about my financial troubles since they began, my

close family didn’t even know that I’d lost my job. So when this woman asked

how I was doing, it all just came pouring out.

All of the frustrations, stress, worry, sleepless nights and everything else, all in

one big long rambling rant. She just stood there, nodding her head and

listening sympathetically. Looking back now, she must have the patience of a

saint because she didn’t seem phased at all!

When I had finished she looked me directly in the eyes and said

"I totally understand what you are going through. I went through almost exactly

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the same thing myself just six months ago"

It turns out that she had also been let go from her job, struggled to find a new

one and had hit rock bottom financially with bills piling up.

She then went on to tell me that now, 6 months later, she was more financially

secure than she had ever been, and that it was all thanks to the Facebook.

She explained that most businesses have Facebook, Twitter and other social

media accounts that they just don't have time to manage themselves, so they

pay people like her to do it for them part time from home.


I Couldn't Believe What I Was Hearing!How had I never heard of this before?!? She told me that there are millions of businesses hiring for these positions right now, I started to get really excited and asked her a barrage of questions. She taught me everything that she knew and connected me with some employers the very same day.


I had my first paid job within 24 hours

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Now I was the one earning hundreds of dollars each week

just for playing around on Facebook and Twitter!

Get started NOW! Get started TODAY!

( )I've been doing this social media work online for over 12 months now and I

have learnt all the tricks and tips to make the most money right from Day 1,

even if you have never done anything like it before. I will take you by the hand

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and show you everything you need to know to get started making money as

soon as TONIGHT.

I'll show you how to find hundreds of easy social media jobs that you can begin

right away!

Plus I’ll show you how you can get businesses to give you their products for FREE to test as part of your social

media manager duties!Many businesses will send you free samples of their products and services as

part of the job, to ensure that you know enough about their business. I’ll show

you the secrets I’ve learnt to keep all of these products for free!

Here are some of the free items I’ve received in the past


- Sat Nav

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- Tablet computer

- HD Camera

- Sunglasses

- Lots of smaller household products

And this was just last month!

Change Your Life For The Better Now!

Click here  ( ) to start getting paid to help businesses with their Facebook and Twitter accounts!