PageCritic Beta: Getting Started

THE PAGECRITIC BETA How to get your feet wet

Transcript of PageCritic Beta: Getting Started

THE PAGECRITIC BETAHow to get your feet wet


PageCritic analyzes how the keyword phrase you‟re optimizing for is used on your webpage.

It finds the top competition for the keyword and looks at how the keyword phrase is being used on those pages, too.

This gives you insight into where to focus changes to your content.

We‟ll use an example to show you how it works.


Say you run this online poker website

After some keyword research, you decide to target the phrase: “online poker lessons”

Currently, you are on the third page of Google search engine results

What are the top ranked pages doing differently?

Let‟s find out!

At the top of, you‟ll see a new tab: PageCritic! Go ahead and Sign In.

NOTE: The PageCritic Beta is currently open to Standard and Premium Subscribers.

If you haven‟t tried PageCritic yet, this is what you‟ll see. Click the Add Critique button.

We‟ll use the keyword phrase as the name for our critique.

Here we‟re using a live URL, but we could upload a file we‟re working on instead.

In goes the keyword phrase we‟re working on.

We want to find the top competitors on Google to compare our example page to, but we could choose Bing instead.

Click Run Report.

Now the Critique has been queued. After a minute or two, return to see if it‟s done. Click the Critique‟s name to take a look.

Anatomy of a Critique

To the right are some stats for this critique, as well as the Delete button

Next are the parts of the page that were analyzed.

The most important are at the top (Body, URL, Title), least important at the bottom (Meta Keywords).

Each section has a table of information and a graph.


Let‟s get acquainted with the terminology. Words - the number of words in the HTML tag or attribute

Frequency - how many times a word from the keyword phrase was found in the Words

Weight - Frequency divided by the Words, or the % of words matching part of the keyword phrase

Prominence - higher scores indicate the keyword phrase is more prominent due to position

Proximity - higher scores indicate that more of the words in the keyword phrase have been found and are close together

Let‟s look at one of the sections. Moving the mouse pointer over each URL highlights its numbers in the graph. This makes it easier to compare each website and spot trends.

Observations for the Body Text of our example page: Weight – Since the number 1 & 2 sites have a weight of 15% or

higher, we should try using the term with more frequency in the body, thereby increasing the weight.

Prominence – The range of prominence scores is very tight, so there‟s no need to increase or decrease it.

Proximity – 4 out of 5 top sites have proximity scores over 99%, so we should try using all the words in the keyword phrase closer together, instead of far apart.

Observations across more page elements:

Other pages had Link Titles that used the keyword phrase, but our page didn‟t. Now we might consider adding Link Titles to our links.

Although there was some use of the keyword phrase in the Page Titleand URL, the proximity was lower than on top ranked pages. The words keyword phrase should be used closer together.


PageCritic critiques are unique to your page, the keyword phrase you‟re optimizing for, and your competition.

You can use PageCritic to analyze pages you haven‟t released yet and compare them to the competition they„ll have when they‟re published.

PageCritic can be used regularly to help spot opportunities as search engine algorithms change and different websites are rewarded with top listings.

Remember – using the keyword phrase in your content is just one part of search engine optimization. Think about what someone using that phrase is looking for, and give it to them!

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