PAGE SEVEN Ebony Profiles - Chronicling America

Ebony Profiles Portsmouth Police Chief The Negro police chief of Portsmouth, Ohio, whose pro- motion to the post is called a “remarkable feat,” is pro- filed in the April issue of Eb ony, now on the newsstands. He is Theodore Wilburn, a veteran of 10 years’ police sendee, who gained the top police post in the southern Ohio city strictly on merit. He is the first Negro police chief of a U. S. city as big as Portsmouth, (population 34,- 000) Ebony points out. Ebony hails Chief Wilburn’s promotion as “remarkable for two reasons Portsmouth has strong southern leanings; and police work is usually a criti- cal area in race relations.” "Although 1.600 Negroes comprise only five per cent of Portsmouth’s population, Wilburn’s promotion met with general community approval,” Ebony continues. Chief Wilburn was first made acting chief last fall, then permanently named to the top post by Portsmouth’s Civil Service Commission af- ter passing a stiff civil service exam. “I haven’t quite got my feet on the ground yet,” he tells VKnmr 44T UaI• ; * happened here so close to Kentucky. There may be problems, but I feel blessed.” As chief, Wilburn heads a 57-man police force which in- cludes only two other Negroes. Both career officers like him- self, they are Patrolman Gal- vin Flamer, 14 years on the force, and Lt. Ronald Parker, 25 years. Wilburn says his immediate goal as chief is “Maximum ef- ficiency and morale.” He has not run into any racial prob- lems in his police work since his first year on the force. Wilburn, in effect, took a “pay cut” to become police chief. An expert drummer, he had earned extra income play- ing with a band while he was a police lieutenant, but quit the band to devote full time to the chief’s post ($6,100 a year with a range to $7,200). Wilburn, 35, is part of a “youth” team directing Ports- mouth’s civic affairs, Ebony notes. The mayor, for in- stance, is only 41, and the city manager just 27. A native of Cincinnati, Wil- burn is married and has three children. He is a graduate of Portsmouth Interstate Busi- ness College and is enrolled in evening classes at the Ports- mouth Branch of Ohio Univer- sity, working toward a B. A. in social sciences._ I ROOMS BOARD at 142 and 146 W. Monument Street Jackson, Miss. Rooms: Clean Comfortable By Day By Night By Week Board: Good Home-cooked Meals For Information Pho: FL 3-5658 or 355-9222 George Rice and Mrs. Sophonia Hall, Owners "Little Bettie" Housekeeper Cleaning For The Family Eveready Cleaners Offering An Expert Cleaning Service FL 32816 117 E. Amite St. Jackson, Miss. FURNITURE LOANS USE YOUR FURNITURE AS COLLATERAL FOR TIIE MONEY YOU NEED White System of Jackson, Inc. Brokers Phone 4-3724 Electric Building wmmrnmmk^sm /1 m* m&js* MISS RHOMANIA HONORED Carolyn wells, recently Honored as Miss Rhomama” by Tail Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho sorority, was honored last Sturday at the Branch YWCA at a party that initiated the Teen Town Club. Seated from left are: Mary Matlook, Sarah F. Porter, Shirley D. Bailey, Caro- lyn J. Hayes, Paulette P. Hayes, Billy J. Pinkston, Marguerite J. Barnes, Annie Ruth Lott, Elizabeth Gale Newton, Beulah Strother and Miss Wells. Standing from left are: Dierdre Payne, Williams Rogers, Richard A. Savage, Joyce Bell, Lear Strother, Silah Bucnanan, Lunol Matt lock, Obig Graves, Elizabeth Lee. Charles E. Hilliard Jacob Smith, Elizabeth' F. Flowers, Willie Thompson, Phyllis F. Flowers. Arthur Graves. Beverly S t a m p 1 e y, Otis Earl Bruce and Lee Andrew Smith. Others attending were: Hazel Jean John- son and Lillian Ruth Campbell. Sponsors were: Annie Jean Sanders, chairman, and Sady'e M. Womack Co-chairman were Geneva Nelson and Edith Carter. Fannin News Mrs. Alean Adams, Reporter Congratulations goes out this week to Mr: and Mrs. Joe Ward who has a new son, born recently. The baby has been named Garry Delaney The mother is the former Laura Bell Jackson, daughter of Mr and Mrs T e m p e s s Johnson. Paternal grandpar- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ward. Mr. Greene McIntyre cele- brated his birthday on April 3. Best wishes goes out to him for many returns of the day from his wife and chil- dren and sisters, Mr. Lucille Phillis and Mrs. Ezlee Grant. Mrs. Ruth Morris has spent some time for the past week in Illinois visiting relatives, also attending the funeral of her sister Sympathy is ex- tended to Mrs. Morris during this hour of sorrow. On the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mims visited in New Orleans, La. They report an enjoyable trip. The Spring Rally will be he at Shady Grove C. M. E. Church on Sunday, April 7 at 2 P.M. Many churches have been invited, including Fan- nin M. B. True Light, Wesley Chapel. The general public is invited to help make this pro- gram a memorable time for all. Refreshments will be serv- ed. Sponsors are Mrs. Vertis Hills, Mrs. Ruby Mims, Mrs. Mattie Burnett, Sec., Rev. R. P. Brent, Pastor. Sunrise services will be held at Wesley Chapel C. M.E. Church on E a s t e r Morning. Everyone is invited. Mrs. Georgia Taylor, Sec., Rev. Leon Moore, Pastor. On April 14, regular wor- ship services will be conduct- ed by the pastor, Rev. W. H. Hines of Jackson. During the service an Easter Program will be rendered, all children are asked to participate Mt. Ridge News Mrs. Annie Lee Hardy, Reporter Mt. Ridge S. S. was opened Sunday on the regular hour with Supt. Douglas Kersh in charge and all teachers pres- ent. Among those who attended the funeral of Mr. Willie Wil- liams held Sunday at Enoch Grove M. B. Church were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy, Mr. P. E. Harris, Mr. Willie H. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Marvey Collier. Mr. Arlosia Byrd from Can- ton spent the weekend in the home of her mother, Mrs. Ar- della Hardy and brother Mr. L. J. Hardy. Mrs. Annie Lee Hardy and children and Mr. A. B. Kersh visited recently in the home af their father, Mr. Sidney Kersh. Members and friends of this BOOTS Flower Shoppe 817 N. Farish St. Jackson, Miss. FOR CITY-WIDE DELIVERY CALL Phone FL 5-4252 or FL 2-6927 CORSAGES WEDDINGS FUNERAL DESIGNS BLOOMING PLANTS We Wire Flowers community are sorry to hear of the illness of Rev. John H. Batte. Prayer is offered for his speedy recovery. _ Mr. Willie H. Jones visited! his father Mr. E. D Jones in! Jackson Saturday, and found him much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kershj Jr. and their two sons from Jackson visited in the home ol j Mr. Kersh’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Kersh, Sr., Saturday, j Mr. and Mrs. Oscar King| visited recently in the home' of their daughter, Mrs. Geneva j Johnson of Pelahatchie. Mrs. Altha Ross and daugh-J ter, Gloria Ann from Jackson visited here Sunday in the j home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar j King. Mr. and Mrs. Booker Lee Hardy and children visited Sunday evening in the home of Mrs. Ardella Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. John Lott of the Mt. Zion Community visit- ed Friday evening in the home j of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Col- lier. Mr. Leroy Easterling visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hardy, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Jones from Jackson visited recently in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lock. I : .. ■■■■. DIAL FL 2-5554 FOR EXPERT Cleaning and Pressing —also— BLOCKING HATS CLEANING and ALTERATIONS Wolfe’s Cleaners OSCAR J. WOLFE Owner 1154 Mill Street JACKSON, MISS. GROCERIES MEATS Housewives Trade Where You Get Your Money’s WTorth A. L. ADAMS GROCERY and MARKET A. L. ADAMS, Prop. FANCY and STAPLEGROCERIES FRESH VEGETABLES DAILY QUALITY MEATS PHONE FL 2-2471 158 E. Monument St. Jackson, Miss. Sylvarena News Willie Edna Smith, Agent The Sylvarena Sunday School Union Convention was held at Sylvarena Saturday Investigate Cut-Rate Prices on Complete Beouty Course DAY or NIGHT CLASSES DAVIS Beauty School 1127 W. Pearl St. Phone FL 2-6610 Jackson, Mississippi NOTICE TO SUPERINTENDENTS and B.T.U. PRESIDENTS I can deliver your Sunday School and B.T.U. Books and Supplies to you on time every quarter. I am an authoriz- ed distributor of the Sunday School and B.T. U. Boards of the National Baptist Convention, Inc., located al Nashville, Tenn. Dr. C. R. Williams, Secretary and Dr. D. C. Washington, Executive Secretary. We make Ban- ners with the name of your association, church Sunday School, B.T.U. lodges, usher badges, buttons, usher stars, arm bands, Mother and Dr. Watt badges and general church supplies. We appreciate your friendly cooper- ation and may we have the opportunity of serving you? If you need Sunday School or B.T.U. order blanks or blanks for general church supplies or other information write— REV. S. L. A. JONES 531 Yazoo Avenue Clarksdale, Miss. 1 SEAT COVER SALE * < While they last Was Now ALL PLASTIC .... $24.95 $14.95 ALL PLASTICE .... $21.95 $14.95 Sellout —Sale on Seat Covers at All BILLUPS SERVICE STATIONS and Sunday with the message being brought by Rev. Silis Stapleton on Saturday night on the subject, “The Baptist Message.” The sermon Sun- day was brought by Rev. P. fv Lot on the subject, “Bless- ed Is The Man Who Dies In J he Lord. Total offering, $b9.60 Bro L. R. Kelly, President. Sis. B. L. Smith, Sec. Mrs. Edna Smith returned borne Tuesday evening after visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R Smith Tues- day night, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. j Smith visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barnes, I Magee, Mis^. The Smiths were j pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. j D W Hopson visit in their | home on Monday. Monday evening, Mrs. B. L. Smith and j Miss Willie Fdna Smith visit- ed in the home of Mrs. Lillian I Fletcher, Mrs Lusenda Travis, j Mrs. Mar/ell Richmond and ! Mr. Torn Trazler, Mendenhall, | Miss. They found all well. The B T U. of Sylvarena will sponsor an Faster Pro- | gram Faster Sunday night. At i the close of the program a ; bedspread will be given to the person holding the lucky | [ticket. The spread was made by Sis. Cassie McCullough. I The proceeds will go to the | building fund of the church Visiting in the home of Mr. | and Mrs. Howard Johnson Sat- j urday evening were Mrs. Car- | lie Johnson and sons of Ma- i gee, Miss. New readers welcomed are: 1 ] LOANS Arranged On Your Automobile Furniture Signature Reel Estate ^ » i to. f.» K or ; Finance Service *63 E. Pearl St. FL 3-8916 Jackson, Miss. Misses Sarah Grace Stableton, Carrie M. Chaney and Mrs. Rebecca Stapleton. PROGRAM FOR ALL AT THE Y.W.C.A. The Y.W.C.A. offers pro- gram for all ages. Call today concerning program for you. PAGE SEVEN JOIN YOUR YWCA TODAY Persons joining this week are: Mrs. Louise Chambliss, Mrs Juanita Taylor, Mrs J. E. Conic, Mrs. Selena H. But- ler, Mrs. Shellie, P. Moore, Mrs. E. L. Rogers, Miss Alma Tyler, Mrs. Dorothy R. Jones, and Mrs. Ruby H. Bryant. Y- Teens Are: Esther Taylor and Cynthia Taylor. For All Your Furniture Visit Economy Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture Terms To Fit Your Budget 261 West Peace Street Phone 859-3427 Canton, Miss. JACKSON BOTTLING COMPANY Jackson, Mississippi LOANS Signatures Real Estate Co-Signers Autos Come To TILLMAN FINANCE CO. 126 So. Farish Street Phone FL 3-5285 JACKSON, MISS. FREE PARKING IN REAR OF BUILDING 4 jUli* Minister, Church People Thinking Talking Church Furniture I Pulpit Furniture Write or Call Phone 939-1684 lumas JRanufacturhtp Companu 252 Jeffries Drive Jackson, Miss. COHIC’SSTrV v v ii i v w Barber Supplies —Dealer For— E. F. YOUNG, JR. NULOX HOUSE of BEAUTY and WINGATE Products PERSULAN CLAIROL ROMINTO VEECO and DONNELLY EQUIPMENT Barber Tools Serviced FL 3-3266 615 N. Farish Jackson, Miss. 3-PARIS CLEANERS For Your Convenience Offering ONE DAY SERVICE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY No. 1—800 No. Farish—Dial FL 2-0641 No. 2—3308 Bailey Ave. Ext.—Dial EM 6-9247 No. 3—Whitfield Mill Shopping Center—Our New Pick-Up Station. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR CASH and CARRY PRICES 6 SHIRTS for $1.00 JESSE WILLIAMS, Prop.

Transcript of PAGE SEVEN Ebony Profiles - Chronicling America

Page 1: PAGE SEVEN Ebony Profiles - Chronicling America

Ebony Profiles Portsmouth Police Chief

The Negro police chief of Portsmouth, Ohio, whose pro- motion to the post is called a “remarkable feat,” is pro- filed in the April issue of Eb ony, now on the newsstands.

He is Theodore Wilburn, a

veteran of 10 years’ police sendee, who gained the top police post in the southern Ohio city strictly on merit.

He is the first Negro police chief of a U. S. city as big as

Portsmouth, (population 34,- 000) Ebony points out.

Ebony hails Chief Wilburn’s promotion as “remarkable for two reasons — Portsmouth has strong southern leanings; and police work is usually a criti- cal area in race relations.”

"Although 1.600 Negroes comprise only five per cent of Portsmouth’s population, Wilburn’s promotion met with general community approval,” Ebony continues.

Chief Wilburn was first made acting chief last fall, then permanently named to the top post by Portsmouth’s Civil Service Commission af- ter passing a stiff civil service exam.

“I haven’t quite got my feet on the ground yet,” he tells VKnmr 44T UaI• ; *

happened here so close to

Kentucky. There may be

problems, but I feel blessed.” As chief, Wilburn heads a

57-man police force which in- cludes only two other Negroes. Both career officers like him- self, they are Patrolman Gal- vin Flamer, 14 years on the force, and Lt. Ronald Parker, 25 years.

Wilburn says his immediate goal as chief is “Maximum ef- ficiency and morale.” He has not run into any racial prob- lems in his police work since his first year on the force.

Wilburn, in effect, took a

“pay cut” to become police chief. An expert drummer, he had earned extra income play- ing with a band while he was a police lieutenant, but quit the band to devote full time to the chief’s post ($6,100 a

year with a range to $7,200). Wilburn, 35, is part of a

“youth” team directing Ports- mouth’s civic affairs, Ebony notes. The mayor, for in- stance, is only 41, and the city manager just 27.

A native of Cincinnati, Wil- burn is married and has three children. He is a graduate of Portsmouth Interstate Busi- ness College and is enrolled in evening classes at the Ports- mouth Branch of Ohio Univer- sity, working toward a B. A. in social sciences._



142 and 146 W. Monument Street Jackson, Miss.

Rooms: Clean — Comfortable By Day By Night By Week

Board: Good Home-cooked Meals

For Information Pho: FL 3-5658 or 355-9222

George Rice and Mrs. Sophonia Hall, Owners

"Little Bettie" Housekeeper

Cleaning For The Family —

Eveready Cleaners Offering

An Expert Cleaning Service FL 32816

117 E. Amite St. Jackson, Miss.



White System of Jackson, Inc. Brokers

Phone 4-3724 Electric Building

wmmrnmmk^sm /1 m* m&js*

MISS RHOMANIA HONORED Carolyn wells, recently Honored as Miss Rhomama” by Tail Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho sorority, was honored last Sturday at the Branch YWCA at a party that initiated the Teen Town Club. Seated from left are: Mary Matlook, Sarah F. Porter, Shirley D. Bailey, Caro- lyn J. Hayes, Paulette P. Hayes, Billy J. Pinkston, Marguerite J. Barnes, Annie Ruth Lott, Elizabeth Gale Newton, Beulah Strother and Miss Wells. Standing from left are: Dierdre Payne, Williams Rogers, Richard A. Savage, Joyce Bell, Lear

Strother, Silah Bucnanan, Lunol Matt lock, Obig Graves, Elizabeth Lee. Charles E. Hilliard Jacob Smith, Elizabeth' F. Flowers, Willie Thompson, Phyllis F. Flowers. Arthur Graves. Beverly S t a m p 1 e y, Otis Earl Bruce and Lee Andrew Smith. Others attending were: Hazel Jean John- son and Lillian Ruth Campbell. Sponsors were: Annie Jean Sanders, chairman, and Sady'e M. Womack Co-chairman were Geneva Nelson and Edith Carter.

Fannin News Mrs. Alean Adams, Reporter

Congratulations goes out this week to Mr: and Mrs. Joe Ward who has a new son, born recently. The baby has been named Garry Delaney The mother is the former Laura Bell Jackson, daughter of Mr and Mrs T e m p e s s

Johnson. Paternal grandpar- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ward.

Mr. Greene McIntyre cele- brated his birthday on April 3. Best wishes goes out to him for many returns of the day from his wife and chil- dren and sisters, Mr. Lucille Phillis and Mrs. Ezlee Grant.

Mrs. Ruth Morris has spent some time for the past week in Illinois visiting relatives, also attending the funeral of her sister Sympathy is ex-

tended to Mrs. Morris during this hour of sorrow.

On the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mims visited in New Orleans, La. They report an enjoyable trip.

The Spring Rally will be he at Shady Grove C. M. E. Church on Sunday, April 7 at 2 P.M. Many churches have been invited, including Fan- nin M. B. True Light, Wesley Chapel. The general public is invited to help make this pro- gram a memorable time for

all. Refreshments will be serv-

ed. Sponsors are Mrs. Vertis Hills, Mrs. Ruby Mims, Mrs. Mattie Burnett, Sec., Rev. R. P. Brent, Pastor.

Sunrise services will be held at Wesley Chapel C. M.E. Church on E a s t e r Morning. Everyone is invited. Mrs. Georgia Taylor, Sec., Rev. Leon Moore, Pastor.

On April 14, regular wor-

ship services will be conduct- ed by the pastor, Rev. W. H. Hines of Jackson. During the service an Easter Program will be rendered, all children are asked to participate

Mt. Ridge News

Mrs. Annie Lee Hardy, Reporter

Mt. Ridge S. S. was opened Sunday on the regular hour with Supt. Douglas Kersh in charge and all teachers pres- ent.

Among those who attended the funeral of Mr. Willie Wil- liams held Sunday at Enoch Grove M. B. Church were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy, Mr. P. E. Harris, Mr. Willie H. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Marvey Collier.

Mr. Arlosia Byrd from Can- ton spent the weekend in the home of her mother, Mrs. Ar- della Hardy and brother Mr. L. J. Hardy.

Mrs. Annie Lee Hardy and children and Mr. A. B. Kersh visited recently in the home af their father, Mr. Sidney Kersh.

Members and friends of this

BOOTS Flower Shoppe

817 N. Farish St.

Jackson, Miss.



Phone FL 5-4252

or FL 2-6927




We Wire Flowers

community are sorry to hear of the illness of Rev. John H. Batte. Prayer is offered for his speedy recovery.


Mr. Willie H. Jones visited! his father Mr. E. D Jones in! Jackson Saturday, and found him much improved.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kershj Jr. and their two sons from Jackson visited in the home ol j Mr. Kersh’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Kersh, Sr., Saturday, j

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar King| visited recently in the home' of their daughter, Mrs. Geneva j Johnson of Pelahatchie.

Mrs. Altha Ross and daugh-J ter, Gloria Ann from Jackson visited here Sunday in the j home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar j King.

Mr. and Mrs. Booker Lee Hardy and children visited Sunday evening in the home of Mrs. Ardella Hardy.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lott of the Mt. Zion Community visit- ed Friday evening in the home j of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Col- lier.

Mr. Leroy Easterling visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hardy, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. James Jones from Jackson visited recently in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lock.

I : .. ■■■■.


FL 2-5554


Cleaning and Pressing





Wolfe’s Cleaners


1154 Mill Street


GROCERIES — MEATS Housewives Trade Where You Get Your Money’s WTorth




PHONE FL 2-2471

158 E. Monument St. Jackson, Miss.

Sylvarena News

Willie Edna Smith, Agent The Sylvarena Sunday

School Union Convention was held at Sylvarena Saturday


Cut-Rate Prices on

Complete Beouty Course


DAVIS Beauty School

1127 W. Pearl St.

Phone FL 2-6610 Jackson, Mississippi


I can deliver your Sunday School and B.T.U. Books and Supplies to you on time every quarter. I am an authoriz- ed distributor of the Sunday School and B.T. U. Boards of the National Baptist Convention, Inc., located al Nashville, Tenn. Dr. C. R. Williams, Secretary and Dr. D. C. Washington, Executive Secretary. We make Ban- ners with the name of your association, church Sunday School, B.T.U. lodges, usher badges, buttons, usher stars, arm bands, Mother and Dr. Watt badges and general church supplies. We appreciate your friendly cooper- ation and may we have the opportunity of serving you? If you need Sunday School or B.T.U. order blanks or blanks for general church supplies or other information write—

REV. S. L. A. JONES 531 Yazoo Avenue Clarksdale, Miss. 1

SEAT COVER SALE * < While they last —

Was Now ALL PLASTIC .... $24.95 $14.95 ALL PLASTICE .... $21.95 $14.95

Sellout —Sale on Seat Covers at All


and Sunday with the message being brought by Rev. Silis Stapleton on Saturday night on the subject, “The Baptist Message.” The sermon Sun- day was brought by Rev. P. fv Lot on the subject, “Bless- ed Is The Man Who Dies In J he Lord. Total offering, $b9.60 Bro L. R. Kelly, President. Sis. B. L. Smith, Sec.

Mrs. Edna Smith returned borne Tuesday evening after visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R Smith Tues- day night, Mr. and Mrs. A. R.

j Smith visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barnes,

I Magee, Mis^. The Smiths were

j pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. j D W Hopson visit in their | home on Monday. Monday evening, Mrs. B. L. Smith and

j Miss Willie Fdna Smith visit- ed in the home of Mrs. Lillian

I Fletcher, Mrs Lusenda Travis, j Mrs. Mar/ell Richmond and ! Mr. Torn Trazler, Mendenhall, | Miss. They found all well.

The B T U. of Sylvarena will sponsor an Faster Pro-

| gram Faster Sunday night. At i the close of the program a

; bedspread will be given to the ■ person holding the lucky | [ticket. The spread was made by Sis. Cassie McCullough.

I The proceeds will go to the | building fund of the church

Visiting in the home of Mr.

| and Mrs. Howard Johnson Sat-

j urday evening were Mrs. Car- | lie Johnson and sons of Ma- i gee, Miss.

New readers welcomed are:

1 ]

LOANS Arranged On

Your —

Automobile Furniture Signature

Reel Estate

^ » i to. • f.» K or ; ■

Finance Service

*63 E. Pearl St.

FL 3-8916

Jackson, Miss.

Misses Sarah Grace Stableton, Carrie M. Chaney and Mrs. Rebecca Stapleton.


The Y.W.C.A. offers pro- gram for all ages. Call today concerning program for you.


JOIN YOUR YWCA TODAY Persons joining this week

are: Mrs. Louise Chambliss, Mrs Juanita Taylor, Mrs J. E. Conic, Mrs. Selena H. But- ler, Mrs. Shellie, P. Moore, Mrs. E. L. Rogers, Miss Alma Tyler, Mrs. Dorothy R. Jones, and Mrs. Ruby H. Bryant. Y- Teens Are: Esther Taylor and Cynthia Taylor.

For All Your Furniture Visit

Economy Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture

Terms To Fit Your Budget 261 West Peace Street

Phone 859-3427 Canton, Miss.



Signatures Real Estate Co-Signers Autos

Come To

TILLMAN FINANCE CO. 126 So. Farish Street Phone FL 3-5285



4 jUli*

Minister, Church People Thinking Talking Church Furniture


Pulpit Furniture

Write or Call

Phone 939-1684

lumas JRanufacturhtp Companu 252 Jeffries Drive — Jackson, Miss.

COHIC’SSTrV v v ii i v w Barber Supplies —Dealer For—



Barber Tools Serviced

FL 3-3266 615 N. Farish Jackson, Miss.

3-PARIS CLEANERS For Your Convenience Offering


No. 1—800 No. Farish—Dial FL 2-0641 No. 2—3308 Bailey Ave. Ext.—Dial EM 6-9247

No. 3—Whitfield Mill Shopping Center—Our New Pick-Up Station.


6 SHIRTS for $1.00 JESSE WILLIAMS, Prop.