PAGE EIGHT LAWS OF NEW YORK—BY AUTHORITY. UWiOFNlW YONK-iy Authority. CHAP IT1. AN ACT to Amend th* town tiw, tn ro- tation to Ortaln town expenses and lta- MlUl** and providing fund* for paying the aoma. Became II taw May II, Hit. with tha ap- proval of the Governor, Passed, three- fifths being present. Tha People of tha State of New York, represented In Senate and Assembly, dt enact as follow*: •action 1. Section ono hundred and thirty out of chapter sixty-three of tha Iowa of 'ilneteon hundred and nlna, #n- tltlnd "An aot relating to towns, constl- tuthiff chapter tixtytwo of tha eouaoH* Hatvd law*," as amended by chapter ona hundred and forty of tha taw* of nine- teen hundred «tnd nlnt. It hereby amend- ad to road aa follow*: I 111. Constitution and regular matting hf town board. The supervtior, town olerk and tha luetic** of tha pence, or any two it *uoh Justloi a. shall constitute tha town hoard in anoh town, and ahali hold at lanat two tneoungs annually at tha office of tha town dark, aa follow* one on tha Tuesday preceding tha biennial town meeting and on tha onrretpondtnt data tn each attarnata year, eacept that In towna whoro bltnnlal town meetings are held at tha time of a general •lection, auoh meeting ahMl ba hold on tha twenty- r teTnth day of December in ench year, un- le-M »wh day It Sunday, In which caaa lucb ovwine; shall ba hold on tha pa- rading day, v 1 ona on tha Thuraday next preceding the en* lal meeting of the board of supervisors. Th* supervisor or town clark may eatl a toeoU'. tutting of the town board at any time by gl-'n*; nt leant two ony*' nottee la person or in writing to the other sneenbore of auch board of tha thne wboji and place whoro anob meeting ta to bo bold At nay eweh regular or •portal ajMaHiwi It ohall bo lawful for the w o a bated t« emdlt. allow or reject any eharge, claim w demand agatnet tbo town for wblob teide anight Inwfnlly be pro* otaod by tbo feeaanro end aale of to wo oOllcaUooj* enter tbo peooletoae of ooeOon «** bund** a i a l thirty-eight-a of tble *aap4or; aa>4 any iharn*,, eftaiaa or do* gonad go as* tted ebaJl bo pnyeAie lav taedlateiy f>i*a available funds tboo pre- otdod. If llvero bo any, and otborwloo ao ender tbo provisos n* of oatd aootJoo one sniadtwi atnt Ihlrli etg%t-o» bat a obargo, etasai or toinaitd of tha ltn* authorised by tax* aooUea to bo awaited snag bo paid, to the dtaatottoti of the tewa board, from •Chef teem rnade ow bood ovalssbl* for fit gboto bo amy «*ah goner** tuna* 1 1 fine* shoptor at boroby asanaded by ftdtlag thereto* after aoedati one snu*ar«"t and thirty-eight, o oow esettoa, to bo one huedreel a t * thirty oeght-o. to oo totkowo: • aw-a, Power of eeera bonoo) to boneo to the aopgreoolao ef for othor If to tbo for tbo town oo •oalqn af foroot ftreo or to wttb tbo p*ffoimojioi of oay othor 4SMy tmpoood by atatuto etyeoi tbo tewa, *»4 foooinog Immodloto aotk»n, tboro bo •» town foodo arallahio tar tbo payraont ttoofvfor, or ooob fondo bo tamO*)otoot tWrefur. or tbo oppttcotlon thoreef to oweb porpooeo wwaid, to «bo op4«*o« tf tbo town board, unduly dopWto tbo foaa* oppttuobl* to tbo poymoat of otbor towm ampaoaie ood abargoo, tbo tewa board moy borrow -en tbo faith and orodH of the town o ouAt 4oot oom to pay owoh debta or toponmo. Tho omooot to be bantwid •Hall Oo dotormtnod by tbo town board by o roooiuttoo and aboil bo bnood oltbor oo***» *n« aoaregato of otoimo. ebargoa oal tomando prerleooty aodltod ot a rog- OUr >»r ep^oiai m»ttng, or upon an tott- av*t.«» nt tho probnMo am toot ooodod. to *«• A' H| with the town otor% and ooboorlb- -1 i>r A mojwrity of oi*mbe*o of tbo town r/.-n-o if tho oaaonnt to bo lorrawad 4>N»« r><«? eaoood ono thnuoood dollnra, a t+ritf) mtm ot ooHlttaotoo of todobtiJnuo •hn i IM teoMod in too o w n pooocrtood by motion on« nwadrod and thirty*otgtit of tble obaotor. and too amount* matur- ing thereon oortJAod to tbo onpoiotao* from ttm* to tlmo ao provided to oootloa on* hundred and thirty-tight for too pur- poo* of ln»'ludlnf tbo amount thoroof ma- turing In tho ooneo to bo roioed by tnoa- tlon at til* ooevilng tax lory, tt tbo •mount to bo borrowod oouole or eooeoda one thoooand dotVaro. tbo anmo abolt »>o borrowed upon bondo of the town lo tho monitor ao proofdad Oy law far borowtng mowoy to pay Judgment* bjoneyo may bo grttldtg under thto ooc* Hon for mora than one lawful purpean by etegle laeuo of anon town <*»rttftcotoe Of bondo. but tbo pra**m%i abaU ba dlvtd* od <ot« oeparoto fondo, onob for • oopa- ram norpooe, and onoh anoh porpooe obail bo got fortn In tho reoototton autb»ftolng tbo borrowtng of ooob money. | & Tbm not ohoil torn* omoat b ntety. •tnte of Mow Toon, OfJee of tbo tnry of Mnto, ao.. I mwo onmparod fho procodlng wttb tbo •rlgroal b e on file tn tbm ofAoo, and do •oroby eortlfy that tho oooao lo a corroct tMnaortpt thorofrom and of tho whole of em* oftttnoi mw. n t l f t W L L MAT, of tto.%0. L A W * OF H t W yOlNC—fty Aothortty, ORAF. fib, Aot ACT to otnoad tbo awnoooi hmtwiii mw, m wlojmni to mtenlag omaJl Han wtth thooav • b t K roi of bobobJL . of tho tonoa of Now Tork tn fjoonto ami •nimbly, no it oo nttlowo t Cb*ntor twoniy-dro of tho bjwo of tnwotnpn Imndtod and nlna* en- titled "An aot Mating to general bnnl* oaaotltoting annptor twenty ot tbo towo, M lo borowy nmondod by therein n now arttow, to bo •Two* OTe-o, to rend no foUawa; ABTTCLB I A of toaall Loan*: cHeinoot of •mnll Loon hVubora Rogototed. •ooHon H nSjperrtoor of email loana. f4. Lloonoa ft. Bondo. •1 toouanoo of noonoo. fj. Ueeneo foe; l*onogm of gjaanoo, gt-n. Ifnnnor and pineo of troaeaedng m*% OonoroJ powore and dwttot of oo* forrtanr raop*atln*i lloammo. pj«v IVtono. hVd. Uxoroot on loono; meootigotbm tho mnbtng nVf. A«ttona wbore broogM. •Vg. lUgmlotlooo reopoottog ooltootton ot m.a. tVnoJttoo. I l l roioa •utomoota by H i . Applloatton of •rtklo. Ulb. Umtutlon ot ooury tow. 9 H. •opervioor of email loono. The of* d)oo of euporvtoor of email loono lo horo- by ootobll*hod. Tho mparvtoof of omall loane thail bo appointed by tho governor by tnd with the advtoe and ooooent of fho ooaata. Mia torm ot o«o* thoJl bo throe ywara. Hlo aalary thoJl bt thro thootand dollar* Mo may appoint and at •looouro rotoora a itoputy, nt an annual •alary of three thouoand dollar*, and tvoh clertoal and othor ooototoato at may ho noodod, wttbio tho omovmt of tho op* pooprUtion therefor Mm ofjho oholl bo doomed a bureau in tho omeo of tho ttot* oomptroiirf, pjtd tho ttate eomptroiUr •hall aaolgn to blm oflot opnoe In the otota cowtptrollere omooo at Albaay tnd ffow Tork for tho oondoct of tho bootnom Of bit onVe | It Uoenoo, »oory porwtn, tfth. tr ( qorpomtlon ott*fotod In or otoklng to to* gage lu the buelnea* of loonlng money In •urn* of two hundred dollar* or leie amount* on chattel mortgage, on assign- ment of salary or wage*, either earned or to be earned, or promissory not* or con- ftsston of judgment, *hall procure a 11- censo to conduct suon buulneas from tha supervisor of small loans. Such license shall be Issued only upon written applica- tion therefor, stating 1. The name and restdenoo of tha Indi- vidual, or In oa«e of a firm, the name and reAid-moe of each of the partner*, or In rase ot a corporation, the names and residences of each officer and director of •Uch corporation. I. If th« applicant bo a corporation, the date and place of Ha incorporation, and the office or offices In which its certificate of Incorporation la filed. I. The city, town or villi*t* in which it is proposed to transact the business nnd the locution by street and number of the oflloe or place of business in which the business Is to bo conducted. I 17. Donds. A license shall not be is- sued under this article, unless the appli- cant shall file with the state comptroller a bond In the sum of three thousand dol- lars. If the applicant desires to engugw in business in u city ot the first or second claaa, and if elm<whero, in the mm of one thousand dollar*, executed by the Appli- cant and by a surety company approved by the supervisor of small loan*, condi- tioned for tha faithful and honest con- duct of suoh business by the applicant, compliance with all the provisions of law relating thereto, and the prompt payment of any Judgment recovered against htm for whioh he may be liable under the pro- visions of this article. I It. Issue of Jlcenso. Upon the receipt of suoh r-ppltoatlon and the filing of such bond and the payment of the license fee a* hereinafter provided, the supervisor of SIB-.1I loans shall Issue a license for the transaction of suoh business by the ap- plicant, if the replicant be a nonresident, or a pnrtnorrtto'p, at least ono of the mem- bore ot which Aa** not reside within the ttnto, or • forosjrtt corporation, such II- oonao shall only bo knmed upon the filing by tho appllaont wtth t!>« *up»rv1»or of •roan loono of tho deatgoati v.\ of a rest- dont agoot for tho transaction of b<j4ln->«* within tho otalo. Tho notion of tho super vtsor of oroail tonne to refueiag to grant or ronow eu<h a Uoonoe ahnll bo rooiew- ac4o by cortlerert A/tor sixty days from tho date this artJflm tahoo effect, no per- son, nVm or eprporattam ahnU conduct m this state the buotnooo of loonlng money in auma at two hondrod dottnra or lee* on •battel mortgage, or orolgnmont of salary or wogeo, either onrnod or to bo earned. on pronitaoarr noOso. or on ^onfossiono of hjobjnwnt unmos oouh ttoonae obail novo boeo procured nnd bo displayed eon- optsoouolr hi tho plooo of buotnooo of onoh tndlrtduoi firm or oorpototlon. I 1* Uoonoe foe. taotmnos ef heonoe l>on tanking appttaattun for onoh Ueenoe, tbo opplionnt ahnlt pay to tho state comp- troller o I loono* foo ef ono hundred del- lorn, whlob ohnja bo pnld mto tho state trosjrary. tJpon tho 41Ug of onoh npplson- Hon nnd tho payraont of onob foo, the ou- porvisor of *mol1 loane ahnll leouo to the apejetotnt a Koonoo ttntlog fully tbo nnmo •r natnoa of tho persons or corporation, nnd of over) ineinbsr of tho Arm or ao- •notation outhortood t» do buctnooa thore- ondic. tho ioont4on of tho ofJIoo tt tho oorporatlon or pineo of buoiooss tn which tho bnotnooo Is to bo oonduotM, and If tho Upmost bo o corporation, tbo dote and ploco «f Inosrporattan, tho m n t of tho president or othor mnoaglog officer, and tho name ef Ito Atrootoro AWory II- oonoo •hall taptre on tho first nay of may »u cooed jug tho d« '.e of loom thoroof. and no redoetlon or fe« oholl bo mndo for a Ueeneo lesvied for looo than a yenr. I H«o. htnnnor end pmo* of transacting bustneos. Ke person, firm or oorporatlon or ono eolation *o Uoonsod oholl tmrsnot Or solicit oveinoos under any othor name or ot ony othor *fflee or pteoo of buttotts than that named m tho Itoona* Met more tbaa one efftoe or place of boo1o»os shall be mnlntaln-xl nnd*r tho mm* lleenee. and no lenn or c-drnnr* ohatt be made at any ether ptaoe than that enotgnnt^t to the Uconna. If It be desired '* remove the etnoe or the ptaoe ef bonta^m to another place In the some eewnty nnd In the oome oity town or ^-titngo. the oupcrrloer of tonal) loane ohnll. on oppIllation. Indorse en the Ueenoe o transfer to Uo now emoo or place of bMelaoea, with tbo date of oun.h tmnofer. and from tho thne of soch Indereemeat the name and plnox^ ov doslg- anted tbnii bo doomed the place named and dootgnnt«d In tho Hoenee. Ne addi- tional foe ohnll bo enacted for ovch In doroement. I bf*b. QsiiMnl pew we end d\i"*x of oo* pervteor roepocttng licensee. 1h* super- rloor ef small loono ohnll 1. Mnvo power to Investigate aJl ootn- plnJnta mode ngalnot every pertwo, firm or oospomtitm Mcsnood pnronnot to this ortiele, for the porpooe of nocortalnlng whether the I*wo of the state in rospec 1 . to the tremor*. :tleo of ouch bvalneas or rooMUtlng the Interest ohnrgenble by »*^h Hoonoeo are botng oompJIod with; t Have power tw take proof nnd teetl* soony in rein'km to any tnnteer onbioot to tnoeetlgotioa by htm; t Motifr the proper preoeeoUng efheer ef vtolattont of this orwelo that come to hie ettenUeo, a/id nvt ao **mpls>s»nt in tho pfweeeutJen thomofi 1 lleport annually, en or before .tann- ery fifteenth, to tho state comptroller, In relation to the conduct of ble ofllce during the preceding oalondar year, stating par Uouiarly every wwettgntlen ma<1e by h'.m and every vwtaUoa ef the lawe ot tM otau that shail have oome to h!« atten- tion, and recommenilng rich U*»slatlen as he -1 •«£»»* advise we tn roatset to tho bnatQoe* ef persona, firm* and verper** «v>o* onbjoot to Investigation by htm. I ••-*, Loon*. A poroon, trm or oorpo- ratlon, Iteensod under this arttch\ shall not ranke a stngu loan In eooeos of tho amount of two bond red loll* re, t more than one loon to any individual, firm or corporation, unless ail prior loan* made to eucb Individual, firm or oorporatlon shall have been paid In tut!. At the time • lenn Is actually mane, the pereoa, Arm or corporation making the some shall de- liver to the borrower a duplicate copy of every ns«1gfim*ot. promissory note, chat- tel mortnage, oonfee*loo of judgment, power ef attorney or ether paper or docu- ment signed by the borrower, relating to such loan. If this bo dene an oeetgnment Of salary or wage* a<«ed not be died wtth the employer or employers by whom ouch •alary or wagon is to be pnld. Upon the repay moot < f a loan tn full, every paper etgned by the borrower ahnll bo rMum-a to the borrvwer. destroyed In hi* pros* once, or bis »*#nature torn from ench of fwh papers and returned to him. No as* ftgntnent of so'-My ^i« wagos or ord*?r for the peymeot thereof ahnll be valid fur a period esceedtng ono yenr from the mak- ing of onoh ambjnment, nnd got exceed- ing ten per centum of a borrowers nwnthly salary or wages a hall be col- lectible under such an assignment or or* der, If the amount of the lean be not paid tn accordance with the term* thereof. I H*d. Interest on loono; Investigation fee* No person, farm er corpora 11 oa 11* conoed under t&l* article shall, directly er Indirectly, charge or reoetve tor the one ond gale of hi* personal credit or for making *x\y advance or loan of money eltlMr wholly or partly tn anticipation of salary or wage* duo to be earned vrheth«r secured by • bill of sale or astgnment of •alary or wttfea, power of attorney, promissory note, totifesttnn nf Judcment or bona fldt ohottet mortgage, o greater turn than at the rote of throe p*r centum per month \t the amount of the loan b« fifty dollar* or Iota; two and on*-half per •enrum per month If the amount of tho loan be over fifty del It re tnd not mere than ono hvndrtn dollars; two ptr oontum par month If the amount of the tban be over one hundred and not more than two hundred dollars; but suoh Arm, person or oorporatlon may charge a fee for in- vestigating the statue of an applicant for suoh loan or advance to establish his credit or for ths examination ot valua- tion of property, the examination of title, i awing, registration and recording pa- pers, acknowledgments, affidavit*, insur- ance or any other expen** of any kind oonnected With *uch loan, not exceeding one dollar if the advanue be twenty-five dollars or lees, not exceeding one dollar and fifty cents If the loan or advance be over twenty-five dollars snd not to ex- ceed one hundred dollars, not to exceed two dollars and fifty cents If t;he loan or advance be over one hundred dollars and not to exceed two hundred dollars. If after Investigation an application for loan be rejected, one-half of the Investigation fee shall be returned to the applicant, upon demund. I 69-e. Regulations respecting the mak- ing of loans. Interest or charges must not be deducted when a loan is made. It shall not bo lawful In any manner or un- der any pretense whatever to divide or split up a loan, either directly or indirect- ly, for the purpose of exacting or receiv- ing any charge, coot or expense of any kind In addition to or in exoess of that authorized by tht* article. I 19-f. Action*, where brought. An no- tion brought to enforce a contract, ao- slgnment or a note, given by a borrower for money loaned by llcennee under this article shall be brought within the coun- ty wherein the loon was mads and the money was acton:ly received by borrow- er, and any confession of judgment taken as security may be filed only in the coun- ty wherein It is certified. I B*-g. Regulations reopoottng collection of loans. Any person or persons, firm, corporation or association, who shall, aft- er this article takes effect, make to any employee an advance of money, or loan, on account of salary or wage* due or to be earned in the future by such individual upon an assignment or sale of aalary, promissory nots or other written instru- ment oovering such loan or advance, shall not acquire any right to collect or at- tach the same while in the possession or control of tho employer unloss such att- ainment or sal* of salary, promissory note er ether written Instrument be dat>?d on the **UJI* day on which *uoh loan 1* actually mad* and *uoh prratm or per- sons, Aran, oorporatlon *r association IS Msonsod under thi* article. I hVh. .PenalttM. Any vloUtton of th<* article thail bo a mlodemeanu' punifhal > by o fine no. to e«ee*d one hundred 4ol- lore and any loan er loans made in con- nection trlth suv h rlolttlon shall be void ond un*nf*r**rebl«. If a HC-HMO* I* con- victed ef 0 se ond cfNn** hi* licenno ahali be deemed revoked from the d*t* of ouch oonvlctlon, and any lenn or loan* mndo In eonnecttsn with such avconi.1 vio- lation ohnll be veld and un-nfur-^xele nnd another llceree shall not be l*r.i?d to the some rcoon, firm or cnrpurutlon within one >«ar. The discounting er ln- djorelng of not*>* >y a person, firm er cor- poration, not txfmpt from th* provisions of thla article, ettgagvd In *uich bu-lii»m Wit bow % lleenee, or roostvlng or •xact- Ing a gM-atar lnur»»t, chargo, fu* or re- monerntl"). than :x per centum on loans ef loos thun two hundred Cloliur* shall he deemed an eraaiott a. tho provisions of this ortiele and constitute a misdemeanor, ponlohskle by a fine of not mm-* than one hundred dollars, and any suoh loan or loono man* to connection therewith fhall bo rotd and unenforceable. A lorui or odvonoe opon security of nn aelgnment ef eedary or wng<** *lth*r earned or to be earned, or made on whiUtela, promlsvory note, bill * f tale or confession of judg- ment after tho sixtieth (Uy from th<* d>it« when this ortiele t*k*s *ff*K>t by uuy poi- son, firm or corporation, «ngag*il In th* bustnens ef lou^dng mon*y In sum* 1*M than two hundred oe)liu-i, at a rm'.* ex eooding tho legad rate < x f six p«r centum per annum ahnll be nu.i and veld, unless ouoh pereen. Am er corperatlon shall hove prooorvd a Hoene* as r»j\nred by tble article, and such unllcens»d lander slvnll forfeit both the principle and the Interest on such lo in or e^lvence. | M-l. rtatemerts by bcrro-ver. Tf on applh *at for a loan r.r advance from o IWneee under this arti^: mHk»( a falee statertont In writing ?• the li'-r-nsee la referent* to the amount of salary or wage* received by him or in reference to his title to personal property rnortgagM to secure suoh losn or advance, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punish iMe by a fine < * not more than one hundp-d dollaro, or six months' imprisonment or both I **J. AppUo^tlon cf article. This arti- cle shall not apply to licensed pawnbro- ker* nor to personal lean associations authorised to transact hitslne** under article ten * the banking law, nor to individual t; private banker*, or cor- poration* lne*rpcfu.t-?d under or subject to the )<*nkln** law, :.*r to any transac- tions with such bankers or corporations, nor to loans made by manifacturers or merchant* to their eu*t->m*n« and secured by chattel mortgages or conditional sal* agreement. I It-k. Limitation nf usury law. Tht provisions of any oti,*r *utut* limiting the amount esjargoable for th» loan or forbearance of tr.eney or lean of credit, er preoertblng the punl*hm<*nt for exact- ing, demanding ov rec-elvls*- usurlnu-n In* terest shall not apply to any person. Arm er corporation Ik-enaed under this nrtlcl*. | t This act shall take effect inmiedl- atety. ttnto t*t Now Tork, OnV* ef the fiotro tary «f 0t*te, ss : t hav* compared tho preeeiflng wtth tho original tow en file In this offlc* and ., hereby certify that the same 1» a correct tranncrlpt therefrom nnd of th* whvle of t a l i original law. *WTCH1CT.T„ KAY, i Beeieury of mat*, •to to orfgtoni LAWtOF NKVV VOWK—ly AutWTty, ».'IIAP. 6X3. AK ACT te amend th* «*nserration law, In relation tt the taaing cf fhth in Lake Oeorg-i. Became a taw Mey> it, ltlt, wtrh tht approval of the <"!«• . v*mor. »a»#»d, tbre*- fttth* being preeent. The People of fho Htat» of New Tork, represented tn sVnate and Aeeembly, do «nact as follows: Section 1. Chupm six httndred nnd for- ty-seven of th* lutvs of ninetO'-n hundred and cloven, entitled "An act r*la*!rig tr» conservation of land, forests, waters, parka, hydraulic p<?w*r, fish and gum*, constituting chapter slKty-flve cf the c<m- eolldottid laws." as amended by chapter three hundred and eight<>*n of the law* of nineteen hundred and twelve. Is here- by amended by Inserting therein a new section, to be section two hundred and forty-one-a, to read as follow?": | Pft-a t-nke Oeorge, open *e-u*-n*, spe- cial. The open seasons for taking fish In the wntert • f I#ak« (Horg*, In any part thereof, sh>\U be as followe: Lak* trout, from May first to October first, both In- clusive; pike perch, pickerel, great north* trn pike, from Jun* sixteenth to Dtcem* b«r tltlrty-flrirt. both Inclusive; bullhead*, from July Am to December thirty-first. both lacluitve; black ba**, from Auri^t flrot to December fifteenth, both incluslv* | 1 This trt shall take effect Immedi- ately. State -f New Tork, Oiflgg ef the leere- tnry wf State, ss.: X have comparrd tht prtoedtnf with tht original law on fll* In thio oflloe, and do hereby certify thnt tho tame is a enrre t transcript therefrom and of th* whole of told original law. ntlTCrTICLI. MAT, •eoreUry tt SUto, LAWS OP NEW YORK—By Authority. CHAP. m. AN ACT to amend the public officers Jaw, In relation to th« qualifications of oer- tain publlo ofTloere. Beoamo a law May tf, lilt, with the approval of the Governor. Passsd, three- fifths being present. The People of the State of New Tork, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Article two of chapter fifty- one of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled "An act In relation to pub- llo officers, constituting chapter forty-sev- en of the consolidated laws," Is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof a new section, to be section sixteen, to read as follows: I It: Qualifications of certain Judicial of- ficers in oitics of the flrot class. A person shall be eligible for appointment to the office of magistrate, judge or Justice of an Inferior court of orimlnal Jurisdiction in a oity of the first olaso, who shall at the time of suoh appointment be of full age, a citizen of the United States, a resident of the city, an attorney and oounselor-at- law admitted to practice for ths period prescribed by special law, or In lieu there- of shall have been a member of the legis- lature of the state for at least twelve con- secutive years, notwithstanding the pro. visions of any general or special law in- consistent herewith. | 1. This act shall take effect Immedi- ately. State of New Tork. Office of the Secre- tary of State, as.; I have compared the preceding wtth the original law on file In this oflloe, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and ef the whole of said original law. MITCHHJLti MAT, Secretary of State, LAWS OF NEW YORK—By Authority. CHAP. 188. AN ACT to establish a oommtsslon te In- quire into the subject of pensions or other relief for widowed mothers, and making an appropriation therefor. Beoame a law May 17, 1913, with the ap- proval of the Governor. Passed by a two-thirds vote. The People of the State Ot Now Tork, r*pr*e>nted In denote and Aooombly. no en*ct as follow*: Section i. Wtth'a ttrtrty dnvo after this act take* effect th.ia shall be appointed In th* manner hereinafter provided a commission wheoe duty it shall be to make lutjulry, eaamtnetlon nnd investiga- tion Into th« practicability and appropri- ate method of providing by statuu for pensions or other relief for widowed mothers, including such an Investigation of the drcumstancee affecting such per- son* t* may *bow the necessity or pro- prjAt) M providing for ouoh pensions or reliof, and for the purpooeo of ouch In- vestigation the commission may Inquire lutu conditions and statutss Us any auto er country. Such oommioaion ohnll sub- mit It* report on ouch matters. Including such recemiflendatione for legislation la the form cr a btli er bills, or otherwise. a* \sx It* Judgment may ooem proper, to th* legislature of nineteen hundred ond fourteen. I i. "urh eomrnle**>on than eonetet of three senator* to be appointed by the temp^rnry president of tho sonata, five mem? *-'« ^f the aooembly to be appointed ty the *p?iiker of the assembly, and seven other persona, not member* of tho legislature, to be appointed by the gov- ernor., Such commission shall elect from its number a chairman nnd may appoint a terretary I I. The room bore of ooch eommteelon shall serve without compensation, but each member shall be entitled to his actual neoeeeary expense* Incurred In the nerformsnee of bis duties under tho pro- vision* • * this oct I 4. I'wi* the purpooeo of Ito teveetlga* tlon ouch eommlaelon Is hereby authoris- ed te send for persons nnd papers, to ad- minister oaths and te examine witness** «nd paper* respecting all mat tare pertain- ing te the subjects referred to lo the first section vf this aot ond to employ all nevoasnry clerical and othor aseistnnts. within th* appropriation therefor. If such commission shall appoint from its mem- bers sub-committee* to make Inquiry Into ens or rnor* of ouch out-Jecto, such eub- comtnitt-*** ehell hav* tho oome powers In resp-ct to sending for persons ond po- wers, administering oaths and examining Witnesses \nd papers, ao are heroin eon- ferp'1 upon the oommioaion. I I. The sum of fifteen thousand dollars <116,0uO), or so much thereof aa may be necosaary. I* hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated for the expenoee ef such commtselon and Ho members un- der the pr 'Visions of this act, to bo paid by ths state treasurer npon the warrant of th(.> open voucher* approved by th* chati man of such oommtsslon. I I. Tht* act ahali take effect Immedi- ately. ?tate cf New Tork. Ofilee of tho Secre- tary of Ftate. «••' I havu compared the procodlng with the orlrtnal law on file In this office, nnd do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of tho whole of said original law. MITCHELL HAT. Secretary of Stole, LAWS OF NIW YORK—fiy Authority. CHAP. Ms. AN ACT to amend the penal h o , In rekv tloii to false or mislsadlng advertise- ments. lieoame a law May IT, WU, wtth the ap- proval of the Governor. Phoned, three- fifth* being present. The People of the State of Now Tork, represented In Senate nnd Aooembly, do •nw't a* follows: fie tlon 1. Section foor hundred nnd twenty-one of chapter eighty-eight of the it-v* of ntri'ieen hundred and nine, en- tit: >1 "An »U providing for the punish- ment cf crime, constituting chapter forty of the consolidated laws," no amended by chkiptrr sfven hundred and fifty-nine cf tho UIA'S of nine ten hurdrod and eleven, and chapter three hundred and twenty- one of the Iaw<i ef nineteen hundred and tw-dre, is hereby amended to road as fol- low* : I 4H. Un*n<* and misleading advorttae- ment*. Any person, firm, oorporati m or association or any employee thereof, who, In a newipaper, circular, circular T form letter r>r ether publication publl»h<>d in this stat*. knowingly makes or dhvHem- Inates any statement or aooertlon of fact conctrnlng the quantity, the quality, the value, th* method of production <"r manu- facture, ©r the reason for th- r"rt .'•? of his or their merchandise, or the manner or source of purchase of such merchandise, or ths possession of prises, rewards or distinctions conferred on account of such merchandise or the motive or purpose of a sale Intended to give tho appearance, of an offer advantageous to the purchaser which Ss untrue or calculated to mislead; or any person, firm, oorporatlon or as- sociation or any employee thereof, who, In 0 newspaper, circular, circular or form letter or other publication published or circulated tn any language In this state, knowingly makea or disseminates any statement or assertion of foot knowing the same to bo false, concerning the ex- tent, location, ownership, title or other character'-Uc. quality or attribute of any real **u;« located In this state or else- wher*. oi the motive or purpose of a aale of iuch real eetate or concerning the offer uf prlxea. rewards, distinctions, premi- um!, dlicount* or reduction* conferred on icoount of tho solving of any putils or ths signing of any coupon or ticket or by *ny ether method, Intended to give the appearance of ah offer advantageous to the purchaser, which tt untrue nnd cal- culated to mislead, -r who advertise to sell, barter or exohango any real estate by means of prises, rewards or distinc- tions, or by any puszle method, Is guilty of a mtsdHmeanor. Nothing contained in this section shall apply to a sals of real estate at public auction eonduoted by an auctioneer duly licensed by a city of tho first olass. I t. This aot shall take effect Immedi- ately. State ef New Tork, Office of the Secre- tary ot State, ss.: I havs compared the preceding with tho original law on file In this office, and do hceby certify that tho same is a correct transcript therefrom and ot the whole Of sala original law. MITCHELL MAT, Secretary of State. LAWS OP NEW YORK—By Authority. CHAP. III. AN ACT to amend the penal law, In nata- tion to trading by broker* against cus- tomers' orders. Beoame a law May tt, lilt, with the ap- proval of the Governor. Passed, throe- fifths being present. The People of the 'Jtate of New Tork, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Article eighty-six of chapter eighty-eight of the laws of nineteen hun- dred and nine, entitled "An act providing for the punishment of crime, constituting chapter forty of the consolidated laws." 1* hereby amended by adding at the end a new section, to be section nine hundred 'ond fifty-four thereof, to read as follows: I 964. Trading by brokers against cus- tomers' orders. A broker, who, being em- ployed by a customer to buy and carry upon margin tho stocks, bonds or other evidences of debt of a corporation, com- pany or aosociatton, while acting as bro- ker tor such customer In respect of such stocks, bondo or other evidences of debt, sells for hie own account the same kind or issue of stocks, bonds or other evi- dences of debt of such corporation, com- pany or association, with Intent to trade against the customer's order, or, who, be- Inw employed by a customer to sell the .••fecks* bonds or other evidences of debt < f a corporation, company or association, while acting us broker for such customer tn respect to the sale ef such stocks, bonds or other rrid->nce of debt, pur- ehaoes for hi* own account the same kind or Issue of stocks, bo-udf or other evl- denceo of debt <~ , f *uch corporation, com- pany or aoeoci*»uon. with intent to trade against the customer's order. I* guilty of a friony, punishable by a ttr.e of not mure than five thousand dollar*, or by Im- prisonment for not more than one year, or by both. Hvery member of a firm of brokers, who either dues, or consents or onsen to to the dclng cf any act which by the previslone cf this section 1* mndo • felony, shail bo guilty of a violation thereof. | 1 Thto not eh'->.n take effect immedi- ately. State of New Tcrk, Office of tho Secrt- tar; of 8 tat a, »*.: I have oompercu the preceding wtth the original law on file in this oflk-*, and do hereby certify tout the samo I* a correct transcript therefrom and vt the whole of •aid original law. MITCHTCLLMAT, Seer friary of State. LAWS Of NffW YORK—By Authority. CHAP. IM. AN ACT to amend the poor law, tn feta- tion to the retW of women nurse* who served In the war of the rebellion, the flranlab*American war or the war of the Philippine Insurrection. Pecaree a law May T7, 1011, with tho approval of the Oovernor. Pueted, three- fiXtbe botng preeenr. The People of the State of New Tork. represented tn Senate and Assembly, do enact a* follows: Section l. Chapter ferty-stx ef the Iswg ef nineteen hundred and nine, entitled "An not relating te th* poor, osnstltutlng chapter forty-two of the consolidated laws," Is hereby amended by adding a new article, te bo article *1x>a thereof, to read ao folhrwa; ARTICLE I-A. Rell-f for Women Nurse*. Section PS. Vormonm e:.'ltl*d to rel'ef. •7. Application for reli»-f; by whom mad* | M. Persons entitled to r»dief, , No poor or Indigent woman who served not less than ninety days as a nutee In hospiUI, field or camp with the military or navul service of the United r'ate*. In th* war ot the rebellion, the Spanish-American war or th* war of th* Phtlipj ine insurrection. •hall be cent to any almshouse, but shall be relieved and provld-d for at her home In the city or town where she may reside, so far aa practicable, provided such wo- man nurse is, and ha* b<M«n a realdrnt of the state for en* | 17. Application for r*tt*f: hy whom mad* TJpon application Ndt.g- made by suoh woman mire* poor pe,.on to the su- perintendent <->f the poo:- of the county where such wjman nurse poor person re- sides, or to any oth*r officer charged with the support and -ell'f of the poor, and on satisfactory proof htilut, mcids that auch woman nurse Is a poor ) crson as defined in this section, auch superintendent or other officer or such proper auditing board cf such city or tot«n. or in those counties where the poor are a county charge, the superintendent, if but one, or superintendents oi* the poor, as such au- diting boards in those counties, shall pro- vide such sum or sums of money as may be necessary to hs drawn upon by the president and treasurer of the New Tork Stat* Department of the National Asso- ciation of Civil War Army Nur**s mode opon the written recommendation of such relief committee of such New York State Department of the National Association of Civil War Army Nurses, and such written request shall be sufficient author- ity for the^xpenditures to be made. Immediately upon such relief and aid being provided for, the written recom- mendation of the relief committee of the New York State Department of the Na- tional Association of Civil War Army Nurses, and all other testimony and all facts relating thereto, together with a verified statement of the sum or sums or money expended shall be transmitted to the stnto bourd of charities. Such board ahnll examine all matters relating thereto and if satisfied that such expenditure was proper, and that the expenses thereof were actually and necessarily incurred In such care and support, shHll audit and allow the amount of auch expense, which when so audited and allowed shall be paid by the st-te treasurer, on the war- rant of the comptroller, to the person In- curring the same out of any money ap- propriated therefor. The amount ot such aid and Its durotlon shall be determined by the state board of charities, The New York State Department of the National Association of Civil War Army Nurses shsll on the first day of January and the first day of July of each year furnish to the state board of charities a verified statement of the names and addresses of Ita officer*, nnd the names and addresses of Its rslisf con;mlttee. No person shall be aided under the provisions of this act s/ho Is receiving or war hereafter receive an annuity from this state. f i. This act thail take effect Imme- diately. State of New Tork, Office of the Btrrettry of Stat*, St.: 1 have compared the preceding with th* original law on file In thio ofiice, nnd do hereby oortify that the *u.m* I* a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of •old original low. MITCdnr.L MAT, . - Sewivtury of State. i LAWS OF NSW YORK—tly Authority. CHAP, m, AN ACT to amend the penal law, tn rela- tion to the delivery to customers ot memoranda ot transactions by broker*. Became n law hUy n, m* t with the ap- proval of the Oovernor. Posoed, throe- fifths being present. . The People of the State of New Tork, represented in Senate and Aooembly, do onact as follows: Section 1. Article eighty-six of ohapter elghty-eigbt of the lawe of nineteen hun- dred and nine, entitled "An act providing for the punishment of orlme, constituting chapter forty of the consolidated laws," is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof a new section, to be section nine hundred and fifty-seven, to read ao fol- lows: I 967. Delivery to customers of memo- randa o' transactions by brokers. A per- son engaged in the business of purchasing or selling as broker stooks, bonds and other evidenoec of debt of corporations, companies or associations shall deliver to es^h oustomor on whose behalf a pur- chose or sals of suoh securities is made by him a statement or memorandum of such purchase or sale, a description of tho securities purchaoed or sold, the name »f the person, firm or corporation from whom such securities were purckgoed, or to which the same were sold, and the day, and tue hours between which the trsneactlon took place. A broker who re- fuses to deliver such statement or memo- randum to a customer within twenty- four hours after a written demand there- for, or who delivers a statement or mem- orandum whioh la false in any material respect; is guilty of a misdemeanor, pun- ishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or Imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. 8 1 Thla act shail take effect September first, nineteen hundred anu thirteen. State of New Tork, Office of t h e Secre- tary of State, as.: I have compared the preceding wtth the original taw on file in this office and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom ami of the whole of anld original law. MrrCHWLL MAT, Secretary of State, LAWSOP NEW YORK—By Authority. OHAP. 687. AN ACT to amend the state penal law, in relation to sentence to house of refuge, fltate Industrial School, and New York State Training School for Oirlt. Hecame a law May O, 1718, with the approval of th« Governor. Tapaed, Uireo- flfths being present. The People of the State of New Tork, represented in Senate end Asoembty, do enact a* follows: Seetton 1. S«otion rem thousand ona hun- dred and eighty-four of ohapter eighty- eight of the laws of nlneteon hundred and nlno, entitle^ "An art providing for the punishment of crime, constituting chapter forty of the consolidated laws," Is hereby amended to r*rd ae follow*: I I1S4. Sentence to house of refuge, Plate Tndustrlsi School, and New York Ktato Training Scsool for CMr!a. When a njale ponton under th* eg* of twelve years Is convicted of a crime amounting to a fel- ony, or where a male person of twelve years snd under the age of sixteen years <* convicted of a orlme. the trial court may, instead of sentencing him to impris- onment in • ftate prison or in a penlten* tlary, direct blm to be confined in a house cf refuge en der the provisions of the statute relating thereto. Where th* con- viction te hod st»d th* sentence I* inflicted In the flrot. second, third «or ninth Judi* clat district. th« plaoe of con moment must be a hou*e of refuge estaVllshed by the managors of the society for the refor- mation of Juvenile delinquents in the city of New Tork. where th* conviction is had and tho *eotence is mnictod in any other district, tho place of confinement most he In th* state industrial school. Where a mate person of the ago of sixteen years and under the age of eighteen years has been convicted of Juvenil* delinquency or of a misdemeanor, the trial court may, In- stead of seriuriftlng htm w imprisonment in a state prison or In a penftentiery. di- rect him to be oonflned in a house of refuge established by the manage-* of the society for the reformation of juvenile de- linquents In th* city of New Tork; under the provisions of the statute relating thereto. NVher* a f«t w*» pereon not over th* af* of twelve year* Is ©cnvlcted' <>f a crime amounting to friony, or where a fe- male p^rton of th*. age of twelve y^ars and not over the age of sixteen yeare I* convicted of a crime. «the trial court may. Instead cf sentencing her to imprisonment in a state prison or in a penitentiary, di- rect h«-r to he oonfined in the New Tork State Training Sohool for Girls, under the jTovlsions of the statute relating thereto, but nothing In this section *hsJ) affect ^njf ot th* provision* contained in section twenty-one hundred and nln*ty-fcur. I 2. Alt acts or part* of acts lr.c*nstBtent with this act are hereby r»p«a.l*d. ? 3. This act shall take effect Immediately. Blot* of New York, Office ..f the Secretary nt State, so: T hav* compared the preceding with the orlrlnal law on file in this oillce, and do hereby certify that'the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original law. MITCHELL MAT. Secretary of State. LAWS OF NEW YORK—By Authority. CHAT. J«JV AN ACT to amend the penal low general- ly, ro relation to the carrying, use and sale of dangerous weapons. Became a law May 21, 191% with the approval ot,the Governor. Passed, throe- fifths being present. The People of the State of New Tork, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Section eighteen Tmndred and ninety-seven of chapter eighty-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, enti- tled "An act provfdjng for the punishment of crime, constituting chapter forty of the { onsolldated laws," aa amended by chop er one hundred and ninety-five of the laws of nineteen hundred nnd eleven, Is hereby amended to read as follows: B 1897. Carrying and use of dangerous weapons. A person who attempts to use ngninst another, or who carries, or pos- sesses, any instrument or weapon of the kind commonly known aa a blackjack, slungvhot, bitty, sandcl ib, sandbag, metal knuckles, bludgeon, bonb or bombshell, or who, with intent to use the same un- lawfully against another, cnrrlea or pos- sesses a dagger, dirk, dangerous knife, razor, stiletto, or any other dangerous or deadly instrument or weapon, is guilty of a ffdony. Any person under the age of sixteen years, who ahali have, carry, or have in his possession, any of the articles named or described In the laot section, which Is forbidden therein to offer, sell, lorn, louse or give to him, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor. Any person over the age of sixteen years, who ehall have In his possession in any oity, village or town of this state, any pistol, revolver or othor firearm of a sis* which may be concealed upon the person, without o written license therefor. Issued to him as hereinafter prescribed, shall be guilty of a mlsd«rn«anor. Any psrson over ths ago of siTtoeo yoars, who shail have or carry concealed upon hu> person in any city, village, or to<-vn of this state, any pistol, revolver, or cvhtr firearm without a written license therefor, Issued at herelnf.f**r prescribed and ilcens^tg ouch possession nnd oon- oetlmtnL, oiisdl be guilty cf a ftlony. Any hereon aot a ciilicn of th* United States, who sii-Jl have or oerry flrearm* or any dangtreus or deadly weapon* in any place, tt any time, thai] be guilty of • felony, onloas authorised by license it- sued aa hereinafter prescribed. It ahali be the duty of any magistrate In this state to whom on application therefor is made by a commissioner of correction of a city or by any warden, superintendent or head keeper of any state prison, penitentiary, workhouse, county Jail or other institution for the de- tention of person* oonvicted of or accused ot crime, or oflVncee, or held as witnesses In orimlnal oaoet, to Issue to ench of such persons as may be designated In auch ap- plications, and who Is in the regular em- ploy in suoh Institution of the state, or of any county, oity, toeyi or village therein, a license authorising ouch person to have and carry concealed a pistol or revolver whjle such person remain* in the aaid em- ploy. It shall bo tho duty of any magletrati In this state, upon application therefor, by any householder, merohant, storekeep- er or messenger of any banking institu- tion or express company in the state, and provided such magistrate Is satisfied of the good moral character of the applicant, and provided that no other good oause exists for the denial of auch application, to issue to such applicant a license to have and posse** a pistol or revolver, nnd authorizing him (a) It a. householder. U have st weapon in his dwelling, tx.t (^ If a merchant, or storekeeper, to have I uch weapon in his place of business, and <c) If a messenger of a banking institu- tion or express company, to have and car- ry such weapon concealed white in the employ ot tuoh Institution or express oompany. In addition, ft oholl he lawful for ony magistrate, upon proof before him that the person applying therefor te of good moral character, and that proper cause exists for tho issuance thereof, to issue to such person a license to have and carry concealed a pistol or revolver without re- gard to employment or place of possessing •uch weapon, provided, however, that no •uch license shall be issued to any alien, or to any person not a cititen ot and usu- ally resident In the state of New Tork, except by a Judge or justice of a court of record in this state, who shall state In ouch license the particular reason for the Issuance thereof. *and tho namea of the persons certifying to the good moral char- acter of tho applicant Any license lenued in pursuance cf the provisions of this section may be limited as to the date of expiration thereof and may be vacated and cancelled at any time by the magistrate, Judge or Justice who i*su«d the same or by any judire '>r jus- tice of a court of record. Ary is- sued in pursuance of this section and r^t otherwise limited a* to place or time or porse*ston "f such weapon, shall be effec- tive throu<;hout the state of New Tork, *notwii(t*ndliig the provision* of any local law or ordinance. This section shall not apply to the re-ru- ler and ordinary transportation of fire- arms as merchandise, nor to sheriffs, po- licemen, or to othor duly appointed peace officers, nor to duly authorised military or civil organisations, when parading, nor to the members thereof when going to nnd from the piac* of mooting of their reopoo- tive oiganiaaUoo* I 1 Section nineteen hondrod and four- teen of ouch chapter, as sddod by chapter on* hundred and ninety-five of the lawe of nineteen hundred and eleven, la hereby amended to rend ao follows: I UK. Sale of pistols, revolver* nnd other firearms. N<*> pUtol, revolver or other fire- arm* of a sis* which may be concealed upon th* person, shall be sold, or given away, or otherwise ilispoeed of, except to a perf >n expressly authorised under the provisions of section eighteen hundred and nlnety-oeoen of the penal law to poo- sees and hav* o ten firearm. Any person selling or disposing of end* firearm tn -rlclatton of this provision of this section shall be guilty of a micde- moan>>r. JCvery person selling a pistol, revolver or other fire, rm of e alt* which may be con- cealed upon the person, whether auch eetler Is a retail dealer, pawnbroker, or otherwise, ohall keep a register In which shsll be entered at the time of sale, the date of aale, name, age, occupation and residence of every purchaser of such a pistol, revolver or other firearm, together with the calibre, make, model, manufac- turer's number or other mark of identifi- cation on auch piatol, revolver or other firearm. Such person shall also, before delivering the earn* to the purchaser, re- quire auch purchaser to produce a licen;* for possessing or carrying the name, ns required by law, and shall also enter n such register the date of auch permit, the number thereof, if any. and the name <<t the magistrate or other officer by whom the same was issued. Every person who shall fell to keep a register and to enter therein the facts required by this sect ion or who rhait fail to exaot the production "f a pcmlt to poaaeaa or carry auch pi*- to'.. revolver nr other firearm, if such per- mit Is required by law, shall be guilty of a mioOmoanor. Such register ahali bo open at all reasonable hours for the in- spection of nny p«ace officer. Every* Per- ron becoming the lawful poaaeaaor of such a pistol, revolver or other firearm, who ohall aeli. give or transfer the some to another person without first notifying the police authorities, ohall be guilty of a misdemeanor. This section shall not op- ply to wholeeele dr*j«re. I 8. This act shad take effect September first, nineteen hundred and thirteen. State of New Tork, Office of the Secretary of State, ss.: I have compared the preceding with tho original law on file in th!* office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of •aid original law. MITCHELL, MAT, . • Secretary of State. •So In original. LAW8 0F NEW YORK—By Authority, CHAP. 6)1. AN ACT to release to the next of kin ersfj heirs at law of Philip Grimes, late of the) city of Albany, New York, all the ri*:;<t, title and interest of the people of the state of Now York, In and to the per- sonal property and estate, whereof Cath- erine Orlme*, widow of said Philip Grime*, late of the city of Albany, New York, died seir.ed and posseaeed. Became a law May TL, 1313. with tho t approval of the Oovernor. Passed by a two-third!« vote. The People of the State of New Tork,- represented In Senate and Asacmbly, do enact a- follows: Section 1. All the tight, title and Interest of the people of the state of New YorU. of. in and to the personal property n: \, estate, whereof Catherine Grimes (wj<r vi of rhlllp Grimes*, late of the city of Al- bany, New York, died seized and pos-' seated, less all money* expended by tbo state of New York In connection with tho said estate, It hereby r< :• used to the next Of kin and rtelrs-at-Uw of fcald Phil? Grimes, deceased, to he distributed among them in with the laws of Uie •tote of New Tork. The said property, oame to Catherine Grimes from her bus> bands brother, Thomas Grime*. { 2. herein contained shall bo, construed to Impeach, release or affect the righto In aaid personal estate of uny he t, logo toe, devisee, purchaser or crodkor. by, Judgment, mortgage or otherwise, ir. ant to said pertonei eetete. or any part thereof. 11. Thla act ahali take effect immediately. State of New Tork, Oflloe of the Secretary of Stat'i. so.: 1 have compared the preceding with tho original law on file in this, nnd do hereby certify thnt tho oome is a correct trnnaoript therefrom and of the whole of aaid original law. MITCHELL MAT. of Stat* i


Page 1: PAGE EIGHT LAWS OF NEW YORK—BY, claim w demand agatnet tbo town for wblob teide anight Inwfnlly be pro*


UWiOFNlW YONK-iy Authority. CHAP IT1.

AN ACT to Amend th* town tiw, tn ro­tation to Ortaln town expenses and lta-MlUl** and providing fund* for paying the aoma. Became II taw May II, Hit. with tha ap­

proval of the Governor, Passed, three-fifths being present.

Tha People of tha State of New York, represented In Senate and Assembly, dt enact as follow*:

•action 1. Section ono hundred and thirty out of chapter sixty-three of tha Iowa of 'ilneteon hundred and nlna, #n-tltlnd "An aot relating to towns, constl-tuthiff chapter tixtytwo of tha eouaoH* Hatvd law*," as amended by chapter ona hundred and forty of tha taw* of nine­teen hundred «tnd nlnt. It hereby amend-ad to road aa follow*:

I 111. Constitution and regular matting hf town board. The supervtior, town olerk and tha luetic** of tha pence, or any two it *uoh Justloi a. shall constitute tha town hoard in anoh town, and ahali hold at lanat two tneoungs annually at tha office of tha town dark, aa follow* one on tha Tuesday preceding tha biennial town meeting and on tha onrretpondtnt data tn each attarnata year, eacept that In towna whoro bltnnlal town meetings are held at tha time of a general •lection, auoh meeting ahMl ba hold on tha twenty-r teTnth day of December in ench year, un-le-M »wh day It Sunday, In which caaa lucb ovwine; shall ba hold on tha pa­rading day, v 1 ona on tha Thuraday next preceding the en* lal meeting of the board of supervisors. Th* supervisor or town clark may eatl a toeoU'. tutting of the town board at any time by gl-'n*; nt leant two ony*' nottee la person or in writing to the other sneenbore of auch board of tha thne wboji and place whoro anob meeting ta to bo bold At nay eweh regular or •portal ajMaHiwi It ohall bo lawful for the w o a bated t« emdlt. allow or reject any eharge, claim w demand agatnet tbo town for wblob teide anight Inwfnlly be pro* otaod by tbo feeaanro end aale of to wo oOllcaUooj* enter tbo peooletoae of ooeOon «** bund** a i a l thirty-eight-a of tble *aap4or; aa>4 any iharn*,, eftaiaa or do* gonad go as* tted ebaJl bo pnyeAie lav taedlateiy f>i*a available funds tboo pre-otdod. If llvero bo any, and otborwloo ao

ender tbo provisos n* of oatd aootJoo one sniadtwi atnt Ihlrli etg%t-o» bat a obargo, etasai or toinaitd of tha ltn* authorised by tax* aooUea to bo awaited snag bo paid, to the dtaatottoti of the tewa board, from •Chef teem rnade ow bood ovalssbl* for

fit gboto bo amy «*ah goner** tuna*

1 1 fine* shoptor at boroby asanaded by ftdtlag thereto* after aoedati one snu*ar«"t and thirty-eight, o oow esettoa, to bo

one huedreel a t* thirty oeght-o. to oo totkowo:

• aw-a, Power of eeera bonoo) to boneo to the aopgreoolao ef

for othor If to tbo for tbo town oo

•oalqn af foroot ftreo or to wttb tbo p*ffoimojioi of oay othor

4SMy tmpoood by atatuto etyeoi tbo tewa, *»4 foooinog Immodloto aotk»n, tboro bo •» town foodo arallahio tar tbo payraont ttoofvfor, or ooob fondo bo tamO*)otoot tWrefur. or tbo oppttcotlon thoreef to oweb porpooeo wwaid, to «bo op4«*o« tf tbo town board, unduly dopWto tbo foaa* oppttuobl* to tbo poymoat of otbor towm ampaoaie ood abargoo, tbo tewa board moy borrow -en tbo faith and orodH of the town o ouAt 4oot oom to pay owoh debta or toponmo. Tho omooot to be bantwid •Hall Oo dotormtnod by tbo town board by o roooiuttoo and aboil bo bnood oltbor oo***» *n« aoaregato of otoimo. ebargoa oal tomando prerleooty aodltod ot a rog-OUr >»r ep^oiai m»ttng, or upon an tott-av*t.«» nt tho probnMo am toot ooodod. to *«• A' H| with the town otor% and ooboorlb--1 i>r A mojwrity of oi*mbe*o of tbo town r/.-n-o if tho oaaonnt to bo lorrawad 4>N»« r><«? eaoood ono thnuoood dollnra, a t+ritf) mtm ot ooHlttaotoo of todobtiJnuo •hn i IM teoMod in too o w n pooocrtood by motion on« nwadrod and thirty*otgtit of tble obaotor. and too amount* matur­ing thereon oortJAod to tbo onpoiotao* from ttm* to tlmo ao provided to oootloa on* hundred and thirty-tight for too pur-poo* of ln»'ludlnf tbo amount thoroof ma­turing In tho ooneo to bo roioed by tnoa-tlon at til* ooevilng tax lory, tt tbo •mount to bo borrowod oouole or eooeoda one thoooand dotVaro. tbo anmo abolt »>o borrowed upon bondo of the town lo tho

monitor ao proofdad Oy law far borowtng mowoy to pay Judgment* bjoneyo may bo grttldtg under thto ooc* Hon for mora than one lawful purpean by • etegle laeuo of anon town <*»rttftcotoe Of bondo. but tbo pra**m%i abaU ba dlvtd* od <ot« oeparoto fondo, onob for • oopa-ram norpooe, and onoh anoh porpooe obail bo got fortn In tho reoototton autb»ftolng tbo borrowtng of ooob money.

| & Tbm not ohoil torn* omoat b ntety. •tnte of Mow Toon, OfJee of tbo

tnry of Mnto, ao.. I mwo onmparod fho procodlng wttb tbo

•rlgroal b e on file tn tbm ofAoo, and do •oroby eortlfy that tho oooao lo a corroct tMnaortpt thorofrom and of tho whole of em* oftttnoi mw.

n t l f t W L L MAT, of tto.%0.

LAW* OF H t W yOlNC—fty Aothortty, ORAF. fib,

Aot ACT to otnoad tbo awnoooi hmtwiii mw, m wlojmni to mtenlag omaJl Han

wtth thooav • b t

Kroi of bobobJL .

of tho tonoa of Now Tork tn fjoonto ami •nimbly, no

it oo nttlowo t Cb*ntor twoniy-dro of tho

bjwo of tnwotnpn Imndtod and nlna* en­titled "An aot Mating to general bnnl*

oaaotltoting annptor twenty ot tbo towo,M lo borowy nmondod by

therein n now arttow, to bo •Two* OTe-o, to rend no foUawa;

ABTTCLB I A of toaall Loan*: cHeinoot of

•mnll Loon hVubora Rogototed. •ooHon H nSjperrtoor of email loana. f4. Lloonoa ft. Bondo. •1 toouanoo of noonoo. fj. Ueeneo foe; l*onogm of gjaanoo, gt-n. Ifnnnor and pineo of troaeaedng

m*% OonoroJ powore and dwttot of oo* forrtanr raop*atln*i lloammo.

pj«v IVtono. hVd. Uxoroot on loono; meootigotbm

tho mnbtng

nVf. A«ttona wbore broogM. •Vg. lUgmlotlooo reopoottog ooltootton ot

m.a. tVnoJttoo. I l l roioa •utomoota by H i . Applloatton of •rtklo. Ulb. Umtutlon ot ooury tow. 9 H. •opervioor of email loono. The of*

d)oo of euporvtoor of email loono lo horo-by ootobll*hod. Tho mparvtoof of omall loane thail bo appointed by tho governor by tnd with the advtoe and ooooent of fho ooaata. Mia torm ot o«o* thoJl bo throe ywara. Hlo aalary thoJl bt thro thootand dollar* Mo may appoint and at •looouro rotoora a itoputy, nt an annual •alary of three thouoand dollar*, and tvoh clertoal and othor ooototoato at may ho noodod, wttbio tho omovmt of tho op* pooprUtion therefor Mm ofjho oholl bo doomed a bureau in tho omeo of tho ttot* oomptroiirf, pjtd tho ttate eomptroiUr •hall aaolgn to blm oflot opnoe In the otota cowtptrollere omooo at Albaay tnd ffow Tork for tho oondoct of tho bootnom Of bit onVe

| I t Uoenoo, »oory porwtn, tfth. t r (

qorpomtlon ott*fotod In or otoklng to to* gage lu the buelnea* of loonlng money In •urn* of two hundred dollar* or leie amount* on chattel mortgage, on assign­ment of salary or wage*, either earned or to be earned, or promissory not* or con-ftsston of judgment, *hall procure a 11-censo to conduct suon buulneas from tha supervisor of small loans. Such license shall be Issued only upon written applica­tion therefor, stating

1. The name and restdenoo of tha Indi­vidual, or In oa«e of a firm, the name and reAid-moe of each of the partner*, or In rase ot a corporation, the names and residences of each officer and director of •Uch corporation.

I. If th« applicant bo a corporation, the date and place of Ha incorporation, and the office or offices In which its certificate of Incorporation la filed.

I. The city, town or villi*t* in which it is proposed to transact the business nnd the locution by street and number of the oflloe or place of business in which the business Is to bo conducted.

I 17. Donds. A license shall not be is­sued under this article, unless the appli­cant shall file with the state comptroller a bond In the sum of three thousand dol­lars. If the applicant desires to engugw in business in u city ot the first or second claaa, and if elm<whero, in the mm of one thousand dollar*, executed by the Appli­cant and by a surety company approved by the supervisor of small loan*, condi­tioned for tha faithful and honest con­duct of suoh business by the applicant, compliance with all the provisions of law relating thereto, and the prompt payment of any Judgment recovered against htm for whioh he may be liable under the pro­visions of this article.

I It. Issue of Jlcenso. Upon the receipt of suoh r-ppltoatlon and the filing of such bond and the payment of the license fee a* hereinafter provided, the supervisor of SIB-.1I loans shall Issue a license for the transaction of suoh business by the ap­plicant, if the replicant be a nonresident, or a pnrtnorrtto'p, at least ono of the mem-bore ot which Aa** not reside within the ttnto, or • forosjrtt corporation, such II-oonao shall only bo knmed upon the filing by tho appllaont wtth t!>« *up»rv1»or of •roan loono of tho deatgoati v.\ of a rest-dont agoot for tho transaction of b<j4ln->«* within tho otalo. Tho notion of tho super vtsor of oroail tonne to refueiag to grant or ronow eu<h a Uoonoe ahnll bo rooiew-ac4o by cortlerert A/tor sixty days from tho date this artJflm tahoo effect, no per­son, nVm or eprporattam ahnU conduct m this state the buotnooo of loonlng money in auma at two hondrod dottnra or lee* on •battel mortgage, or orolgnmont of salary or wogeo, either onrnod or to bo earned. on pronitaoarr noOso. or on ^onfossiono of hjobjnwnt unmos oouh ttoonae obail novo boeo procured nnd bo displayed eon-optsoouolr hi tho plooo of buotnooo of onoh tndlrtduoi firm or oorpototlon.

I 1* Uoonoe foe. taotmnos ef heonoe l>on tanking appttaattun for onoh Ueenoe, tbo opplionnt ahnlt pay to tho state comp­troller o I loono* foo ef ono hundred del-lorn, whlob ohnja bo pnld mto tho state trosjrary. tJpon tho 41Ug of onoh npplson-Hon nnd tho payraont of onob foo, the ou-porvisor of *mol1 loane ahnll leouo to the apejetotnt a Koonoo ttntlog fully tbo nnmo •r natnoa of tho persons or corporation, nnd of over) ineinbsr of tho Arm or ao-•notation outhortood t» do buctnooa thore-ondic. tho ioont4on of tho ofJIoo tt tho oorporatlon or pineo of buoiooss tn which tho bnotnooo Is to bo oonduotM, and If tho Upmost bo o corporation, tbo dote and ploco «f Inosrporattan, tho m n t of tho president or othor mnoaglog officer, and tho name ef Ito Atrootoro AWory II-oonoo •hall taptre on tho first nay of may »u cooed jug tho d« '.e of loom thoroof. and no redoetlon or fe« oholl bo mndo for a Ueeneo lesvied for looo than a yenr.

I H«o. htnnnor end pmo* of transacting bustneos. Ke person, firm or oorporatlon or ono eolation *o Uoonsod oholl tmrsnot Or solicit oveinoos under any othor name or ot ony othor *fflee or pteoo of buttotts than that named m tho Itoona* Met more tbaa one efftoe or place of boo1o»os shall be mnlntaln-xl nnd*r tho mm* lleenee. and no lenn or c-drnnr* ohatt be made at any ether ptaoe than that enotgnnt^t to the Uconna. If It be desired '* remove the etnoe or the ptaoe ef bonta^m to another place In the some eewnty nnd In the oome oity town or -titngo. the oupcrrloer of tonal) loane ohnll. on oppIllation. Indorse en the Ueenoe o transfer to Uo now emoo or place of bMelaoea, with tbo date of oun.h tmnofer. and from tho thne of soch Indereemeat the name and plnox ov doslg-anted tbnii bo doomed the place named and dootgnnt«d In tho Hoenee. Ne addi­tional foe ohnll bo enacted for ovch In doroement.

I bf*b. QsiiMnl pew we end d\i"*x of oo* pervteor roepocttng licensee. 1h* super-rloor ef small loono ohnll

1. Mnvo power to Investigate aJl ootn-plnJnta mode ngalnot every pertwo, firm or oospomtitm Mcsnood pnronnot to this ortiele, for the porpooe of nocortalnlng whether the I*wo of the state in rospec1. to the tremor*. :tleo of ouch bvalneas or rooMUtlng the Interest ohnrgenble by »*^h Hoonoeo are botng oompJIod with;

t Have power tw take proof nnd teetl* soony in rein'km to any tnnteer onbioot to tnoeetlgotioa by htm;

t Motifr the proper preoeeoUng efheer ef vtolattont of this orwelo that come to hie ettenUeo, a/id nvt ao **mpls>s»nt in tho pfweeeutJen thomofi

1 lleport annually, en or before .tann­ery fifteenth, to tho state comptroller, In relation to the conduct of ble ofllce during the preceding oalondar year, stating par Uouiarly every wwettgntlen ma<1e by h'.m and every vwtaUoa ef the lawe ot tM otau that shail have oome to h!« atten­tion, and recommenilng rich U*»slatlen as he -1 •«£»»* advise we tn roatset to tho bnatQoe* ef persona, firm* and verper** «v>o* onbjoot to Investigation by htm.

I ••-*, Loon*. A poroon, trm or oorpo­ratlon, Iteensod under this arttch\ shall not ranke a stngu loan In eooeos of tho amount of two bond red loll* re, t more than one loon to any individual, firm or corporation, unless ail prior loan* made to eucb Individual, firm or oorporatlon shall have been paid In tut!. At the time • lenn Is actually mane, the pereoa, Arm or corporation making the some shall de­liver to the borrower a duplicate copy of every ns«1gfim*ot. promissory note, chat-tel mortnage, oonfee*loo of judgment, power ef attorney or ether paper or docu­ment signed by the borrower, relating to such loan. If this bo dene an oeetgnment Of salary or wage* a<«ed not be died wtth the employer or employers by whom ouch •alary or wagon is to be pnld. Upon the repay moot < f a loan tn full, every paper etgned by the borrower ahnll bo rMum-a to the borrvwer. destroyed In hi* pros* once, or bis »*#nature torn from ench of fwh papers and returned to him. No as* ftgntnent of so'-My i« wagos or ord*?r for the peymeot thereof ahnll be valid fur a period esceedtng ono yenr from the mak­ing of onoh ambjnment, nnd got exceed­ing ten per centum of a borrowers nwnthly salary or wages a hall be col­lectible under such an assignment or or* der, If the amount of the lean be not paid tn accordance with the term* thereof.

I H*d. Interest on loono; Investigation fee* No person, farm er corpora 11 oa 11* conoed under t&l* article shall, directly er Indirectly, charge or reoetve tor the one ond gale of hi* personal credit or for making *x\y advance or loan of money eltlMr wholly or partly tn anticipation of salary or wage* duo to be earned vrheth«r secured by • bill of sale or astgnment of •alary or wttfea, power of attorney, promissory note, totifesttnn nf Judcment or bona fldt ohottet mortgage, o greater turn than at the rote of throe p*r centum per month \t the amount of the loan b« fifty dollar* or Iota; two and on*-half per •enrum per month If the amount of tho loan be over fifty del It re tnd not mere than ono hvndrtn dollars; two ptr oontum

par month If the amount of the tban be over one hundred and not more than two hundred dollars; but suoh Arm, person or oorporatlon may charge a fee for in­vestigating the statue of an applicant for suoh loan or advance to establish his credit or for ths examination ot valua­tion of property, the examination of title,

i awing, registration and recording pa­pers, acknowledgments, affidavit*, insur­ance or any other expen** of any kind oonnected With *uch loan, not exceeding one dollar if the advanue be twenty-five dollars or lees, not exceeding one dollar and fifty cents If the loan or advance be over twenty-five dollars snd not to ex­ceed one hundred dollars, not to exceed two dollars and fifty cents If t;he loan or advance be over one hundred dollars and not to exceed two hundred dollars. If after Investigation an application for loan be rejected, one-half of the Investigation fee shall be returned to the applicant, upon demund.

I 69-e. Regulations respecting the mak­ing of loans. Interest or charges must not be deducted when a loan is made. It shall not bo lawful In any manner or un­der any pretense whatever to divide or split up a loan, either directly or indirect­ly, for the purpose of exacting or receiv­ing any charge, coot or expense of any kind In addition to or in exoess of that authorized by tht* article.

I 19-f. Action*, where brought. An no­tion brought to enforce a contract, ao-slgnment or a note, given by a borrower for money loaned by llcennee under this article shall be brought within the coun­ty wherein the loon was mads and the money was acton:ly received by borrow­er, and any confession of judgment taken as security may be filed only in the coun­ty wherein It is certified.

I B*-g. Regulations reopoottng collection of loans. Any person or persons, firm, corporation or association, who shall, aft­er this article takes effect, make to any employee an advance of money, or loan, on account of salary or wage* due or to be earned in the future by such individual upon an assignment or sale of aalary, promissory nots or other written instru­ment oovering such loan or advance, shall not acquire any right to collect or at­tach the same while in the possession or control of tho employer unloss such att­ainment or sal* of salary, promissory note er ether written Instrument be dat>?d on the **UJI* day on which *uoh loan 1* actually mad* and *uoh prratm or per­sons, Aran, oorporatlon *r association IS Msonsod under thi* article.

I hVh. .PenalttM. Any vloUtton of th<* article thail bo a mlodemeanu' punifhal > by o fine no. to e«ee*d one hundred 4ol-lore and any loan er loans made in con­nection trlth suv h rlolttlon shall be void ond un*nf*r**rebl«. If a HC-HMO* I* con­victed ef 0 se ond cfNn** hi* licenno ahali be deemed revoked from the d*t* of ouch oonvlctlon, and any lenn or loan* mndo In eonnecttsn with such avconi.1 vio­lation ohnll be veld and un-nfur-^xele nnd another llceree shall not be l*r.i?d to the some rcoon, firm or cnrpurutlon within one >«ar. The discounting er ln-djorelng of not*>* >y a person, firm er cor­poration, not txfmpt from th* provisions of thla article, ettgagvd In *uich bu-lii»m Wit bow % lleenee, or roostvlng or •xact-Ing a gM-atar lnur»»t, chargo, fu* or re-monerntl"). than :x per centum on loans ef loos thun two hundred Cloliur* shall he deemed an eraaiott a. tho provisions of this ortiele and constitute a misdemeanor, ponlohskle by a fine of not mm-* than one hundred dollars, and any suoh loan or loono man* to connection therewith fhall bo rotd and unenforceable. A lorui or odvonoe opon security of nn aelgnment ef eedary or wng<** *lth*r earned or to be earned, or made on whiUtela, promlsvory note, bill * f tale or confession of judg­ment after tho sixtieth (Uy from th<* d>it« when this ortiele t*k*s *ff*K>t by uuy poi­son, firm or corporation, «ngag*il In th* bustnens ef lou^dng mon*y In sum* 1*M than two hundred oe)liu-i, at a rm'.* ex eooding tho legad rate <xf six p«r centum per annum ahnll be nu.i and veld, unless ouoh pereen. Am er corperatlon shall hove prooorvd a Hoene* as r»j\nred by tble article, and such unllcens»d lander slvnll forfeit both the principle and the Interest on such lo in or e^lvence.

| M-l. rtatemerts by bcrro-ver. Tf on applh *at for a loan r.r advance from o IWneee under this arti^: mHk»( a falee statertont In writing ?• the li'-r-nsee la referent* to the amount of salary or wage* received by him or in reference to his title to personal property rnortgagM to secure suoh losn or advance, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punish iMe by a fine < * not more than one hundp-d dollaro, or six months' imprisonment or both

I **J. AppUo^tlon cf article. This arti­cle shall not apply to licensed pawnbro­ker* nor to personal lean associations authorised to transact hitslne** under article ten * the banking law, nor to individual t; private banker*, or cor­poration* lne*rpcfu.t-?d under or subject to the )<*nkln** law, :.*r to any transac­tions with such bankers or corporations, nor to loans made by manifacturers or merchant* to their eu*t->m*n« and secured by chattel mortgages or conditional sal* agreement.

I It-k. Limitation nf usury law. Tht provisions of any oti,*r *utut* limiting the amount esjargoable for th» loan or forbearance of tr.eney or lean of credit, er preoertblng the punl*hm<*nt for exact­ing, demanding ov rec-elvls*- usurlnu-n In* terest shall not apply to any person. Arm er corporation Ik-enaed under this nrtlcl*.

| t This act shall take effect inmiedl-atety. ttnto t*t Now Tork, OnV* ef the fiotro

tary «f 0t*te, ss : t hav* compared tho preeeiflng wtth tho

original tow en file In this offlc* and ., hereby certify that the same 1» a correct tranncrlpt therefrom nnd of th* whvle of ta l i original law.

*WTCH1CT.T„ KAY, i Beeieury of mat*,

•to to orfgtoni

LAWtOF NKVV VOWK—ly AutWTty, ».'IIAP. 6X3.

AK ACT te amend th* «*nserration law, In relation tt the taaing cf fhth in Lake Oeorg-i. Became a taw Mey> it, ltlt, wtrh tht

approval of the <"!«•.• v*mor. »a»#»d, tbre*-fttth* being preeent.

The People of fho Htat» of New Tork, represented tn sVnate and Aeeembly, do «nact as follows:

Section 1. Chupm six httndred nnd for­ty-seven of th* lutvs of ninetO'-n hundred and cloven, entitled "An act r*la*!rig tr» conservation of land, forests, waters, parka, hydraulic p<?w*r, fish and gum*, constituting chapter slKty-flve cf the c<m-eolldottid laws." as amended by chapter three hundred and eight<>*n of the law* of nineteen hundred and twelve. Is here­by amended by Inserting therein a new section, to be section two hundred and forty-one-a, to read as follow?":

| Pft-a t-nke Oeorge, open *e-u*-n*, spe­cial. The open seasons for taking fish In the wntert • f I#ak« (Horg*, In any part thereof, sh>\U be as followe: Lak* trout, from May first to October first, both In­clusive; pike perch, pickerel, great north* trn pike, from Jun* sixteenth to Dtcem* b«r tltlrty-flrirt. both Inclusive; bullhead*, from July Am to December thirty-first. both lacluitve; black ba**, from Auri^t flrot to December fifteenth, both incluslv*

| 1 This trt shall take effect Immedi­ately. State -f New Tork, Oiflgg ef the leere-

tnry wf State, ss.: X have comparrd tht prtoedtnf with tht

original law on fll* In thio oflloe, and do hereby certify thnt tho tame is a enrre t transcript therefrom and of th* whole of told original law.

ntlTCrTICLI. MAT, •eoreUry tt SUto,

LAWS OP NEW YORK—By Authority. C H A P . m.

AN ACT to amend the public officers Jaw, In relation to th« qualifications of oer-tain publlo ofTloere. Beoamo a law May tf, lilt, with the

approval of the Governor. Passsd, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New Tork, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. Article two of chapter fifty-one of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled "An act In relation to pub­llo officers, constituting chapter forty-sev­en of the consolidated laws," Is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof a new section, to be section sixteen, to read as follows:

I It: Qualifications of certain Judicial of­ficers in oitics of the flrot class. A person shall be eligible for appointment to the office of magistrate, judge or Justice of an Inferior court of orimlnal Jurisdiction in a oity of the first olaso, who shall at the time of suoh appointment be of full age, a citizen of the United States, a resident of the city, an attorney and oounselor-at-law admitted to practice for ths period prescribed by special law, or In lieu there­of shall have been a member of the legis­lature of the state for at least twelve con­secutive years, notwithstanding the pro. visions of any general or special law in­consistent herewith.

| 1. This act shall take effect Immedi­ately. State of New Tork. Office of the Secre­

tary of State, as.; I have compared the preceding wtth the

original law on file In this oflloe, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and ef the whole of said original law.

MITCHHJLti MAT, Secretary of State,

LAWS OF NEW YORK—By Authority. CHAP. 188.

AN ACT to establish a oommtsslon te In­quire into the subject of pensions or other relief for widowed mothers, and making an appropriation therefor. Beoame a law May 17, 1913, with the ap­

proval of the Governor. Passed by a two-thirds vote.

The People of the State Ot Now Tork, r*pr*e>nted In denote and Aooombly. no en*ct as follow*:

Section i. Wtth'a ttrtrty dnvo after this act take* effect th.ia shall be appointed In th* manner hereinafter provided a commission wheoe duty it shall be to make lutjulry, eaamtnetlon nnd investiga­tion Into th« practicability and appropri­ate method of providing by statuu for pensions or other relief for widowed mothers, including such an Investigation of the drcumstancee affecting such per­son* t* may *bow the necessity or pro-prjAt) M providing for ouoh pensions or reliof, and for the purpooeo of ouch In­vestigation the commission may Inquire lutu conditions and statutss Us any auto er country. Such oommioaion ohnll sub­mit It* report on ouch matters. Including such recemiflendatione for legislation la the form cr a btli er bills, or otherwise. a* \sx It* Judgment may ooem proper, to th* legislature of nineteen hundred ond fourteen.

I i. "urh eomrnle**>on than eonetet of three senator* to be appointed by the temp^rnry president of tho sonata, five mem? *-'« f the aooembly to be appointed ty the *p?iiker of the assembly, and seven other persona, not member* of tho legislature, to be appointed by the gov­ernor., Such commission shall elect from its number a chairman nnd may appoint a terretary

I I. The room bore of ooch eommteelon shall serve without compensation, but each member shall be entitled to his actual neoeeeary expense* Incurred In the nerformsnee of bis duties under tho pro­vision* • * this oct

I 4. I'wi* the purpooeo of Ito teveetlga* tlon ouch eommlaelon Is hereby authoris­ed te send for persons nnd papers, to ad­minister oaths and te examine witness** «nd paper* respecting all mat tare pertain­ing te the subjects referred to lo the first section vf this aot ond to employ all nevoasnry clerical and othor aseistnnts. within th* appropriation therefor. If such commission shall appoint from its mem­bers sub-committee* to make Inquiry Into ens or rnor* of ouch out-Jecto, such eub-comtnitt-*** ehell hav* tho oome powers In resp-ct to sending for persons ond po­wers, administering oaths and examining Witnesses \nd papers, ao are heroin eon-ferp'1 upon the oommioaion.

I I. The sum of fifteen thousand dollars <116,0uO), or so much thereof aa may be necosaary. I* hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated for the expenoee ef such commtselon and Ho members un­der the pr 'Visions of this act, to bo paid by ths state treasurer npon the warrant of th(.> open voucher* approved by th* chati man of such oommtsslon.

I I. Tht* act ahali take effect Immedi­ately. ?tate cf New Tork. Ofilee of tho Secre­

tary of Ftate. «••' I havu compared the procodlng with the

orlrtnal law on file In this office, nnd do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of tho whole of said original law.

MITCHELL HAT. Secretary of Stole,

LAWS OF N I W YORK—fiy Authority. CHAP. Ms.

AN ACT to amend the penal h o , In rekv tloii to false or mislsadlng advertise­ments. lieoame a law May IT, WU, wtth the ap­

proval of the Governor. Phoned, three-fifth* being present.

The People of the State of Now Tork, represented In Senate nnd Aooembly, do •nw't a* follows:

fie tlon 1. Section foor hundred nnd twenty-one of chapter eighty-eight of the it-v* of ntri'ieen hundred and nine, en-tit: >1 "An »U providing for the punish­ment cf crime, constituting chapter forty of the consolidated laws," no amended by chkiptrr sfven hundred and fifty-nine cf tho UIA'S of nine ten hurdrod and eleven, and chapter three hundred and twenty-one of the Iaw<i ef nineteen hundred and tw-dre, is hereby amended to road as fol­low* :

I 4H. Un*n<* and misleading advorttae-ment*. Any person, firm, oorporati m or association or any employee thereof, who, In a newipaper, circular, circular T form letter r>r ether publication publl»h<>d in this stat*. knowingly makes or dhvHem-Inates any statement or aooertlon of fact conctrnlng the quantity, the quality, the value, th* method of production <"r manu­facture, ©r the reason for th- r"rt .'•? of his or their merchandise, or the manner or source of purchase of such merchandise, or ths possession of prises, rewards or distinctions conferred on account of such merchandise or the motive or purpose of a sale Intended to give tho appearance, of an offer advantageous to the purchaser which Ss untrue or calculated to mislead; or any person, firm, oorporatlon or as­sociation or any employee thereof, who, In 0 newspaper, circular, circular or form letter or other publication published or circulated tn any language In this state, knowingly makea or disseminates any statement or assertion of foot knowing the same to bo false, concerning the ex­tent, location, ownership, title or other character'-Uc. quality or attribute of any real **u;« located In this state or else-wher*. oi the motive or purpose of a aale of iuch real eetate or concerning the offer uf prlxea. rewards, distinctions, premi­um!, dlicount* or reduction* conferred on icoount of tho solving of any putils or ths signing of any coupon or ticket or by *ny ether method, Intended to give the appearance of ah offer advantageous to

the purchaser, which tt untrue nnd cal­culated to mislead, -r who advertise to sell, barter or exohango any real estate by means of prises, rewards or distinc­tions, or by any puszle method, Is guilty of a mtsdHmeanor. Nothing contained in this section shall apply to a sals of real estate at public auction eonduoted by an auctioneer duly licensed by a city of tho first olass.

I t. This aot shall take effect Immedi­ately. State ef New Tork, Office of the Secre­

tary ot State, ss.: I havs compared the preceding with tho

original law on file In this office, and do hceby certify that tho same is a correct transcript therefrom and ot the whole Of sala original law.

MITCHELL MAT, Secretary of State.


AN ACT to amend the penal law, In nata­tion to trading by broker* against cus­tomers' orders. Beoame a law May tt, lilt, with the ap­

proval of the Governor. Passed, throe-fifths being present.

The People of the 'Jtate of New Tork, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. Article eighty-six of chapter eighty-eight of the laws of nineteen hun­dred and nine, entitled "An act providing for the punishment of crime, constituting chapter forty of the consolidated laws." 1* hereby amended by adding at the end a new section, to be section nine hundred

'ond fifty-four thereof, to read as follows: I 964. Trading by brokers against cus­

tomers' orders. A broker, who, being em­ployed by a customer to buy and carry upon margin tho stocks, bonds or other evidences of debt of a corporation, com­pany or aosociatton, while acting as bro­ker tor such customer In respect of such stocks, bondo or other evidences of debt, sells for hie own account the same kind or issue of stocks, bonds or other evi­dences of debt of such corporation, com­pany or association, with Intent to trade against the customer's order, or, who, be-Inw employed by a customer to sell the .••fecks* bonds or other evidences of debt < f a corporation, company or association, while acting us broker for such customer tn respect to the sale ef such stocks, bonds or other rrid->nce of debt, pur-ehaoes for hi* own account the same kind or Issue of stocks, bo-udf or other evl-denceo of debt <~,f *uch corporation, com­pany or aoeoci*»uon. with intent to trade against the customer's order. I* guilty of a friony, punishable by a ttr.e of not mure than five thousand dollar*, or by Im­prisonment for not more than one year, or by both. Hvery member of a firm of brokers, who either dues, or consents or onsen to to the dclng cf any act which by the previslone cf this section 1* mndo • felony, shail bo guilty of a violation thereof.

| 1 Thto not eh'->.n take effect immedi­ately. State of New Tcrk, Office of tho Secrt-

tar; of 8 tat a, »*.: I have oompercu the preceding wtth the

original law on file in this oflk-*, and do hereby certify tout the samo I* a correct transcript therefrom and vt the whole of •aid original law.

MITCH TCLL MAT, Seer friary of State.

LAWS Of NffW YORK—By Authority. CHAP. IM.

AN ACT to amend the poor law, tn feta­tion to the retW of women nurse* who served In the war of the rebellion, the flranlab*American war or the war of the Philippine Insurrection. Pecaree a law May T7, 1011, with tho

approval of the Oovernor. Pueted, three-fiXtbe botng preeenr.

The People of the State of New Tork. represented tn Senate and Assembly, do enact a* follows:

Section l. Chapter ferty-stx ef the Iswg ef nineteen hundred and nine, entitled "An not relating te th* poor, osnstltutlng chapter forty-two of the consolidated laws," Is hereby amended by adding a new article, te bo article *1x>a thereof, to read ao folhrwa;

ARTICLE I-A. Rell-f for Women Nurse*.

Section PS. Vormonm e:.'ltl*d to rel'ef. •7. Application for reli»-f; by whom mad* | M. Persons entitled to r»dief, , No poor

or Indigent woman who served not less than ninety days as a nutee In hospiUI, field or camp with the military or navul service of the United r'ate*. In th* war ot the rebellion, the Spanish-American war or th* war of th* Phtlipj ine insurrection. •hall be cent to any almshouse, but shall be relieved and provld-d for at her home In the city or town where she may reside, so far aa practicable, provided such wo­man nurse is, and ha* b<M«n a realdrnt of the state for en*

| 17. Application for r*tt*f: hy whom mad* TJpon application Ndt.g- made by suoh woman mire* poor pe,.on to the su­perintendent <->f the poo:- of the county where such wjman nurse poor person re­sides, or to any oth*r officer charged with the support and -ell'f of the poor, and on satisfactory proof htilut, mcids that auch woman nurse Is a poor ) crson as defined in this section, auch superintendent or other officer or such proper auditing board cf such city or tot«n. or in those counties where the poor are a county charge, the superintendent, if but one, or superintendents oi* the poor, as such au­diting boards in those counties, shall pro­vide such sum or sums of money as may be necessary to hs drawn upon by the president and treasurer of the New Tork Stat* Department of the National Asso­ciation of Civil War Army Nur**s mode opon the written recommendation of such relief committee of such New York State Department of the National Association of Civil War Army Nurses, and such written request shall be sufficient author­ity for the^xpenditures to be made.

Immediately upon such relief and aid being provided for, the written recom­mendation of the relief committee of the New York State Department of the Na­tional Association of Civil War Army Nurses, and all other testimony and all facts relating thereto, together with a verified statement of the sum or sums or money expended shall be transmitted to the stnto bourd of charities. Such board ahnll examine all matters relating thereto and if satisfied that such expenditure was proper, and that the expenses thereof were actually and necessarily incurred In such care and support, shHll audit and allow the amount of auch expense, which when so audited and allowed shall be paid by the st-te treasurer, on the war­rant of the comptroller, to the person In­curring the same out of any money ap­propriated therefor. The amount ot such aid and Its durotlon shall be determined by the state board of charities, The New York State Department of the National Association of Civil War Army Nurses shsll on the first day of January and the first day of July of each year furnish to the state board of charities a verified statement of the names and addresses of Ita officer*, nnd the names and addresses of Its rslisf con;mlttee. No person shall be aided under the provisions of this act s/ho Is receiving or war hereafter receive an annuity from this state.

f i. This act thail take effect Imme­diately. State of New Tork, Office of the Btrrettry of Stat*, St.:

1 have compared the preceding with th* original law on file In thio ofiice, nnd do hereby oortify that the *u.m* I* a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of •old original low.

MITCdnr.L MAT, — . - Sewivtury of State.


LAWS OF NSW YORK—tly Authority. CHAP, m,

AN ACT to amend the penal law, tn rela­tion to the delivery to customers ot memoranda ot transactions by broker*. Became n law hUy n, m*t with the ap­

proval of the Oovernor. Posoed, throe-fifths being present. .

The People of the State of New Tork, represented in Senate and Aooembly, do onact as follows:

Section 1. Article eighty-six of ohapter elghty-eigbt of the lawe of nineteen hun­dred and nine, entitled "An act providing for the punishment of orlme, constituting chapter forty of the consolidated laws," is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof a new section, to be section nine hundred and fifty-seven, to read ao fol­lows:

I 967. Delivery to customers of memo­randa o' transactions by brokers. A per­son engaged in the business of purchasing or selling as broker stooks, bonds and other evidenoec of debt of corporations, companies or associations shall deliver to es^h oustomor on whose behalf a pur-chose or sals of suoh securities is made by him a statement or memorandum of such purchase or sale, a description of tho securities purchaoed or sold, the name »f the person, firm or corporation from whom such securities were purckgoed, or to which the same were sold, and the day, and tue hours between which the trsneactlon took place. A broker who re­fuses to deliver such statement or memo­randum to a customer within twenty-four hours after a written demand there­for, or who delivers a statement or mem­orandum whioh la false in any material respect; is guilty of a misdemeanor, pun­ishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or Imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.

8 1 Thla act shail take effect September first, nineteen hundred anu thirteen. State of New Tork, Office of t h e Secre­

tary of State, as.: I have compared the preceding wtth the

original taw on file in this office and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom ami of the whole of anld original law.

MrrCHWLL MAT, Secretary of State,

LAWSOP NEW YORK—By Authority. OHAP. 687.

AN ACT to amend the state penal law, in relation to sentence to house of refuge, fltate Industrial School, and New York State Training School for Oirlt. Hecame a law May O, 1718, with the

approval of th« Governor. Tapaed, Uireo-flfths being present.

The People of the State of New Tork, represented in Senate end Asoembty, do enact a* follows:

Seetton 1. S«otion rem thousand ona hun­dred and eighty-four of ohapter eighty-eight of the laws of nlneteon hundred and nlno, entitle^ "An art providing for the punishment of crime, constituting chapter forty of the consolidated laws," Is hereby amended to r*rd ae follow*:

I I1S4. Sentence to house of refuge, Plate Tndustrlsi School, and New York Ktato Training Scsool for CMr!a. When a njale ponton under th* eg* of twelve years Is convicted of a crime amounting to a fel­ony, or where a male person of twelve years snd under the age of sixteen years <* convicted of a orlme. the trial court may, instead of sentencing him to impris­onment in • ftate prison or in a penlten* tlary, direct blm to be confined in a house cf refuge en der the provisions of the statute relating thereto. Where th* con­viction te hod st»d th* sentence I* inflicted In the flrot. second, third «or ninth Judi* clat district. th« plaoe of con moment must be a hou*e of refuge estaVllshed by the managors of the society for the refor­mation of Juvenile delinquents in the city of New Tork. where th* conviction is had and tho *eotence is mnictod in any other district, tho place of confinement most he In th* state industrial school. Where a mate person of the ago of sixteen years and under the age of eighteen years has been convicted of Juvenil* delinquency or of a misdemeanor, the trial court may, In­stead of seriuriftlng htm w imprisonment in a state prison or In a penftentiery. di­rect him to be oonflned in a house of refuge established by the manage-* of the society for the reformation of juvenile de­linquents In th* city of New Tork; under the provisions of the statute relating thereto. NVher* a f«t w*» pereon not over th* af* of twelve year* Is ©cnvlcted' <>f a crime amounting to friony, or where a fe­male p^rton of th*. age of twelve y^ars and not over the age of sixteen yeare I* convicted of a crime. «the trial court may. Instead cf sentencing her to imprisonment in a state prison or in a penitentiary, di­rect h«-r to he oonfined in the New Tork State Training Sohool for Girls, under the jTovlsions of the statute relating thereto, but nothing In this section *hsJ) affect ^njf ot th* provision* contained in section twenty-one hundred and nln*ty-fcur.

I 2. Alt acts or part* of acts lr.c*nstBtent with this act are hereby r»p«a.l*d.

? 3. This act shall take effect Immediately. Blot* of New York, Office ..f the Secretary

nt State, so: T hav* compared the preceding with the

orlrlnal law on file in this oillce, and do hereby certify that'the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original law.

MITCHELL MAT. Secretary of State.


AN ACT to amend the penal low general­ly, ro relation to the carrying, use and sale of dangerous weapons. Became a law May 21, 191% with the

approval ot,the Governor. Passed, throe-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New Tork, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. Section eighteen Tmndred and ninety-seven of chapter eighty-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, enti­tled "An act provfdjng for the punishment of crime, constituting chapter forty of the {onsolldated laws," aa amended by chop

er one hundred and ninety-five of the laws of nineteen hundred nnd eleven, Is hereby amended to read as follows:

B 1897. Carrying and use of dangerous weapons. A person who attempts to use ngninst another, or who carries, or pos­sesses, any instrument or weapon of the kind commonly known aa a blackjack, slungvhot, bitty, sandcl ib, sandbag, metal knuckles, bludgeon, bonb or bombshell, or who, with intent to use the same un­lawfully against another, cnrrlea or pos­sesses a dagger, dirk, dangerous knife, razor, stiletto, or any other dangerous or deadly instrument or weapon, is guilty of a ffdony.

Any person under the age of sixteen years, who ahali have, carry, or have in his possession, any of the articles named or described In the laot section, which Is forbidden therein to offer, sell, lorn, louse or give to him, shall be guilty of a misde­meanor.

Any person over the age of sixteen years, who ehall have In his possession in any oity, village or town of this state, any pistol, revolver or othor firearm of a sis* which may be concealed upon the person, without o written license therefor. Issued to him as hereinafter prescribed, shall be guilty of a mlsd«rn«anor.

Any psrson over ths ago of siTtoeo yoars, who shail have or carry concealed upon hu> person in any city, village, or to<-vn of this state, any pistol, revolver, or cvhtr firearm without a written license therefor, Issued at herelnf.f**r prescribed and ilcens^tg ouch possession nnd oon-oetlmtnL, oiisdl be guilty cf a ftlony.

Any hereon aot a ciilicn of th* United States, who sii-Jl have or oerry flrearm* or any dangtreus or deadly weapon* in any place, tt any time, thai] be guilty of

• felony, onloas authorised by license it-sued aa hereinafter prescribed.

It ahali be the duty of any magistrate In this state to whom on application therefor is made by a commissioner of correction of a city or by any warden, superintendent or head keeper of any state prison, penitentiary, workhouse, county Jail or other institution for the de­tention of person* oonvicted of or accused ot crime, or oflVncee, or held as witnesses In orimlnal oaoet, to Issue to ench of such persons as may be designated In auch ap­plications, and who Is in the regular em­ploy in suoh Institution of the state, or of any county, oity, toeyi or village therein, a license authorising ouch person to have and carry concealed a pistol or revolver whjle such person remain* in the aaid em­ploy.

It shall bo tho duty of any magletrati In this state, upon application therefor, by any householder, merohant, storekeep­er or messenger of any banking institu­tion or express company in the state, and provided such magistrate Is satisfied of the good moral character of the applicant, and provided that no other good oause exists for the denial of auch application, to issue to such applicant a license to have and posse** a pistol or revolver, nnd authorizing him (a) It a. householder. U have st weapon in his dwelling, tx.t (^ If a merchant, or storekeeper, to have I uch weapon in his place of business, and <c) If a messenger of a banking institu­tion or express company, to have and car­ry such weapon concealed white in the employ ot tuoh Institution or express oompany.

In addition, ft oholl he lawful for ony magistrate, upon proof before him that the person applying therefor te of good moral character, and that proper cause exists for tho issuance thereof, to issue to such person a license to have and carry concealed a pistol or revolver without re­gard to employment or place of possessing •uch weapon, provided, however, that no •uch license shall be issued to any alien, or to any person not a cititen ot and usu­ally resident In the state of New Tork, except by a Judge or justice of a court of record in this state, who shall state In ouch license the particular reason for the Issuance thereof. *and tho namea of the persons certifying to the good moral char­acter of tho applicant

Any license lenued in pursuance cf the provisions of this section may be limited as to the date of expiration thereof and may be vacated and cancelled at any time by the magistrate, Judge or Justice who i*su«d the same or by any judire '>r jus­tice of a court of record. Ary is­sued in pursuance of this section and r^t otherwise limited a* to place or time or porse*ston "f such weapon, shall be effec­tive throu<;hout the state of New Tork, *notwii(t*ndliig the provision* of any local law or ordinance.

This section shall not apply to the re-ru­ler and ordinary transportation of fire­arms as merchandise, nor to sheriffs, po­licemen, or to othor duly appointed peace officers, nor to duly authorised military or civil organisations, when parading, nor to the members thereof when going to nnd from the piac* of mooting of their reopoo-tive oiganiaaUoo*

I 1 Section nineteen hondrod and four­teen of ouch chapter, as sddod by chapter on* hundred and ninety-five of the lawe of nineteen hundred and eleven, la hereby amended to rend ao follows:

I UK. Sale of pistols, revolver* nnd other firearms. N<*> pUtol, revolver or other fire­arm* of a sis* which may be concealed upon th* person, shall be sold, or given away, or otherwise ilispoeed of, except to a perf >n expressly authorised under the provisions of section eighteen hundred and nlnety-oeoen of the penal law to poo-sees and hav* o ten firearm.

Any person selling or disposing of end* firearm tn -rlclatton of this provision of this section shall be guilty of a micde-moan>>r.

JCvery person selling a pistol, revolver or other fire, rm of e alt* which may be con­cealed upon the person, whether auch eetler Is a retail dealer, pawnbroker, or otherwise, ohall keep a register In which shsll be entered at the time of sale, the date of aale, name, age, occupation and residence of every purchaser of such a pistol, revolver or other firearm, together with the calibre, make, model, manufac­turer's number or other mark of identifi­cation on auch piatol, revolver or other firearm. Such person shall also, before delivering the earn* to the purchaser, re­quire auch purchaser to produce a licen;* for possessing or carrying the name, ns required by law, and shall also enter n such register the date of auch permit, the number thereof, if any. and the name <<t the magistrate or other officer by whom the same was issued. Every person who shall fell to keep a register and to enter therein the facts required by this sect ion or who rhait fail to exaot the production "f a pcmlt to poaaeaa or carry auch pi*-to'.. revolver nr other firearm, if such per­mit Is required by law, shall be guilty of a mioOmoanor. Such register ahali bo open at all reasonable hours for the in­spection of nny p«ace officer. Every* Per­ron becoming the lawful poaaeaaor of such a pistol, revolver or other firearm, who ohall aeli. give or transfer the some to another person without first notifying the police authorities, ohall be guilty of a misdemeanor. This section shall not op-ply to wholeeele dr*j«re.

I 8. This act shad take effect September first, nineteen hundred and thirteen. State of New Tork, Office of the Secretary

of State, ss.: I have compared the preceding with tho

original law on file in th!* office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of •aid original law.

MITCHELL, MAT, . • • Secretary of State.

•So In original.

LAW8 0 F NEW YORK—By Authority, CHAP. 6)1.

AN ACT to release to the next of kin ersfj heirs at law of Philip Grimes, late of the) city of Albany, New York, all the ri*:;<t, title and interest of the people of the state of Now York, In and to the per­sonal property and estate, whereof Cath­erine Orlme*, widow of said Philip Grime*, late of the city of Albany, New York, died seir.ed and posseaeed. Became a law May TL, 1313. with thot

approval of the Oovernor. Passed by a two-third!« vote.

The People of the State of New Tork,-represented In Senate and Asacmbly, do enact a- follows:

Section 1. All the tight, title and Interest of the people of the state of New YorU. of. in and to the personal property n: \, estate, whereof Catherine Grimes (wj<r vi of rhlllp Grimes*, late of the city of Al­bany, New York, died seized and pos-' seated, less all money* expended by tbo state of New York In connection with tho said estate, It hereby r< :• used to the next Of kin and rtelrs-at-Uw of fcald Phil? Grimes, deceased, to he distributed among them in with the laws of Uie •tote of New Tork. The said property, oame to Catherine Grimes from her bus> bands brother, Thomas Grime*.

{ 2. herein contained shall bo, construed to Impeach, release or affect the righto In aaid personal estate of uny he t, logo toe, devisee, purchaser or crodkor. by, Judgment, mortgage or otherwise, ir. ant to said pertonei eetete. or any part thereof.

11. Thla act ahali take effect immediately. State of New Tork, Oflloe of the Secretary

of Stat'i. so.: 1 have compared the preceding with tho

original law on file in this, nnd do hereby certify thnt tho oome is a correct trnnaoript therefrom and of the whole of aaid original law.

