PAge eigHt Fa & E a cA nYO eW sPtmBR 05, 21

Features & Entertainment paGe eiGhT CanyOn news nOveMber 07, 2021 Quinn fuller baCk TO OlD ways On “bOlD anD beauTiful!” By Donald Thompson HOLLYWOOD—I knew it was destined to transpire at some point in time on “The Bold and the Beautiful.” We have the return of the wicked, evil and treacherous Quinn Fuller who audiences first met when she first ar- rived on the scene. This is the woman who threatened Liam Spencer’s life more times than I can count, caused Hope to miscarry her child with Wyatt, slept with Liam and held him captive; I mean do I need to continue with the list of her crimes? Recently, she exposed Brooke and Bill’s kiss, plot- ted to have Shauna secretly marry Ridge before the truth ultimately came out blowing her marriage to bits. How- ever, that was not enough for this woman, she slept with the Forrester Creations COO in Carter, who she had a passionate affair with until Brooke exposed the truth getting a delicious revenge on her foe that was worth every single minute of dra- ma. One would think Quinn would focus on her rela- tionship with Eric consid- ering he decided to give her a second chance after the af- fair and even allowed her to sleep with Carter because he couldn’t perform in bed, un- til he could. What? Yes, it seems a past love, one that meant a ton to Eric; Donna Logan is the cure to his erectile dysfunction. As a viewer I’ve wanted Donna and Eric to reunite for such a long time. They are perfect together and if not for Pam, I think they would have stayed together people if not for Pam and her antics. Quinn overheard what transpired with Eric when he was with Donna and she blew a gasket. I’m not sure why though? I mean if any- thing she should be count- ing her blessings that Eric forgave her after the ulti- mate betrayal. Nope, she flew into a tizzy, and threat- ened Donna who was riddle with fear. That ONLY made the situation worse because Brooke learned about it and you know when Brooke feels the people she cares about most are at risk, she will un- leash holy hell to protect them. That means Donna, Brooke and Katie are about to unite to possibly bring Quinn down once and for all. She has caused issues in all of their relationships people so it would be fitting to see it unfold to say the least. Talking about Katie, she has sparked a major flame with Carter. Yes, that Carter whose love life has been a whirlwind to say the least. First with Zoe, than with Quinn and it looks like Katie will be his latest romance partner. Do I see the sparks fully yet? Not quite, but I know where the writers are headed and we shall see where things go in due time. So we’ve chatted about Quinn enough people, it’s time to focus our attention on some major narrative de- velopments involving Steffy, Liam, Finn and Hope. Steffy and Liam have learned about Sheila and Deacon’s ‘ro- mance’ and it is clear these two will become an item yet again in the near fu- ture. You know what, I am just done, this is something that baffles me with the writers recycling this tale over and over and over and over and over again between Liam and Steffy. IT IS TIRED and if the writers cannot see that I don’t know what to say. Finn and Hope are con- tinuing to commiserate about their predicaments with their parents and to be honest this is a pairing I would be ok with, far better than that possibility of Paris and Finn that I knew was not going to sail with view- ers, which explains why the writers did at 360 right away. Sheila revealed to Deacon her latest plan to ensure they both get what they want: a relationship with their children. Sheila hasn’t shown her absolute crazy yet, but it looks like she is being pushed in that direc- tion and that makes me a happy person because she has burst life back into this soap that I was concerned about for a moment. Oh, there is also a recy- cling of the ‘Thomas might be obsessed with a woman who is already in a commit- ted relationship with some- one else.’ This time it’s not Hope, it is his cousin Zende’s girlfriend, Paris. To say Thomas isn’t infatuated with Paris would be an under- statement. He wants her and it is all about timing at this point. In some welcome news not expected, the char- acter of Taylor Hayes is re- turning to “B&B,” but Hunter Tylo won’t be re- suming the role it will be ac- tress Krista Allen. Not sure how I feel about that, we’ll have to wait and see her presence on the screen. However, if Taylor is finally returning to the canvas after all the DRAMA that her chil- dren have endured in re- cent years where she was nowhere to be found that has to say something major America and I think that means we have some excit- ing story ideas coming our way. HOLLYWOOD—I never saw the 1984 sci-fi adventure “Dune,” so I was able to en- ter the theater to see the 2021 remake “Dune” with an open eye and little to no comparison to that flick which many consider a clas- sic. This is a big movie that is the first thing I have to point out and it’s not the easiest to follow. I would not call it a thinking movie, but it does force you to pay attention, and upon reflec- tion it does raise some ques- tions about society and our desire to take sometimes what doesn’t belong to us. Helming the sci-fi adven- ture is famed director Denis Villeneuve. This is the man who has crafted classics like “Arrival” and “Blade Runner 2049.” Both of those films were fantastic on visual fronts and this updated ver- sion of “Dune” is absolutely stunning. This futuristic world that one could only imagine is stunning to watch, and the technology used in some of the epic, and choreographed fight se- quences will leave audiences speechless. If we are talking solely about visual effects and technical advancements this movie gets an A plus. However, we’re NOT talking solely visual effects, we have a narrative to get to that did not immediately hook and grab my attention. It took almost a good 45 minutes before I found my- self somewhat intrigued to follow where things were taking place between Cal- adan and Arrakis. The di- chotomy between the two planets are interesting; one that is full of water, the oth- er, full of sand, dry land and a special resource known as ‘spice’ that the ruler of Cal- adan want to claim as their own, particularly Duke Leto Atreides (Oscar Isaac). That resource is needed for trav- el and it is also an important resource for human vitality. So Leto leads a mission to manifest a coup to take over the planet of Arrakis, how- ever, that planet’s people, which includes a bevy of fearless heroes, known as Fremen who are not willing to just roll over and allow their planet to be overtaken without a battle to the death. Leto is closely aligned with Lady Jessica (Rebecca Fer- guson), who is part of a very powerful female order, but she has a bit of an issue, she was to bear a daughter, but instead bore a son, Paul (Timothee Chalamet), who is the heir of House Atreides. Paul has the ability to see into the future and those vi- sions are a sign of trouble headed his way. So there is a bulk of the narrative force of the film and from there it is an in- troduction of characters who come and go as we’re forced to believe Paul might suffer a troubling fate, as he battles through the planet of Arrakis and its people and battle warriors, sandworms and betrayals from within. The problem is I did not care about a vast majority of these characters and it is frustrating because the lev- el of talent here is amazing. Zendaya portrays Chani, a mysterious woman that Paul has a vision about, but her presence in the movie is so minute it’s frustrating be- cause the trailers appear to tease her role is significant and that is not the case at all. You have sensational ac- tors in Josh Brolin, Javier Bardem, Jason Momoa, Stel- lan Skarsgard and Dave Bautista, and let’s not forget the talented actress Char- lotte Rampling who por- trays Gaius Helen Mohiam, who wields a power that we all wish we had. I wanted the story of this move to weave in a fluid way where all the characters aligned in a way that didn’t feel forced. Things feel forced here and because of that it makes it harder for the viewer to open that door to just follow where things are going. In addition, this movie clocks in over 2 hours and 30 min- utes, about 20-30 minutes longer than what it needs to be. If a scene serves no vital purpose to the story or char- acter development leave it on the cutting room floor people. “Dune” had massive po- tential and perhaps its sequel will make up for the lack- luster first outing because Warner Bros. has already approved a sequel slated for release in 2023. “Dune” is a visual MasTerpieCe, sTale sTOry By David Miller Timothee Chalamet and Charlotte Rampling star in the sci-fi adventure "Dune." Canyon News promises to: (1) Provide a community newspaper that tells all the news honestly without any political agenda, slant or spin; (2) Allow commentary writers the freedom to express thier opinions and views without interrup- tion, censorship or persuasion; (3) Provide members of the community (rich or poor) with the truth and a place to voice their concerns; (4) Abstain from printing anything demeaning, calumniatory or potentially harmful to any living being; (5) Maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity. Contact us at (310) 277-6017 or visit us online at Declaration of Principles Anita Bhaskhar D Blake Casey Christianne Christopher David M Davy Donald R Donald T Glenn Grady Hazel Jason LaDale Michael S Rose Sharon Tony Trevor Winter Zoe Newsroom Staff Fireworks are exploding between Hope, Finn and Steffy on "The Bold and the Beautiful." COMMOn MisTakes in eleCTrOniC harDware DevelOpMenT By Staff UNITED STATES—It is im- possible to guarantee the suc- cess of a new electronic hard- ware product. However, en- trepreneurs can at least min- imize the risks of failure by avoiding common mistakes done in the process of product development. This article lists some of the most typical mis- takes and suggests ways to avoid them. Prioritizing a product Often, entrepreneurs focus excessively on their product and forget about customers with their needs. Yet, the prod- uct must be created FOR cus- tomers, and they, in turn, do not exist for your product. So, instead of developing a perfect product, you should fo- cus on the needs of customers and the problems your product will solve. In order to avoid this mistake, you can engage your customers in the product de- velopment process even at the earliest stages. You can test your product prototype col- lecting feedback from real po- tential customers or even launch a crowdfunding cam- paign for your product, thus ensuring that it is indeed need- ed and marketable. Underestimation Another common mistake of electronic hardware entrepre- neurs is the underestimation of product development. Being overconfident, entrepreneurs often ignore potential chal- lenges and obstacles that can arise during product devel- opment. Thus, the planned costs and time significantly dif- fer from reality. To avoid this mistake, keep in mind that the development of new products almost always takes longer and requires more costs than anticipated. Product complexity Beginners in electronic hardware development often add a wide range of functions and features to their new prod- ucts aiming to create a ‘perfect’ solution to all the needs of their customers. However, such excessive perfectionism results in a vast amount of time and costs spent on prod- uct development. In addition, products with numerous fea- tures often do not succeed on the market. To avoid this mis- take, begin with the simplest version of your product. Lim- it its features to the core ones and critically estimate the costs and time necessary for the development of every fea- ture. The estimation will give you an understanding of which functions and features to in- clude in your product and which of them are odd. Mass manufacturing Finally, one of the most common mistakes in elec- tronic hardware design is the underestimation of the mass manufacturing of a product. Indeed, scaling the product from a prototype to mass man- ufacturing is a complex process that requires a vast amount of costs and time. So, underestimation of the nec- essary resources results in un- expected problems and losses. In order to avoid this mistake, consider mass manufacturing of your product from the be- ginning of its development. In particular, keep in mind en- closure design and injection molding technology needed for mass manufacturing of the enclosure. This technolo- gy is rather cost-consuming, so in the case when your en- closure design is too com- plex, you will spend excessive amounts of money and time on mass manufacturing your product. So, here is the list of the top common mistakes in elec- tronic hardware development. Although this list is not ex- haustive, we believe that this article will help you to create a successful product with min- imal losses. If you want to avoid even more mistakes, keep learning other compa- nies’ experiences or simply hire professionals for your product development. is Online GaMblinG leGal in CalifOrnia By Staff UNITED STATES—California is the state of the stars. Holly- wood movies love to focus on gambling and the nightlife of California, but even though some of the wealthiest people in the world live in the state, they often go to Nevada to gamble. Why? The state’s laws towards gambling are not favorable. Understanding California’s Gambling Laws California’s laws make gam- bling illegal, which can be found in the state’s constitu- tion. In fact, you can view the laws under Article IV. Howev- er, if you read through the laws, you’ll find that there re- ally isn’t a definition of gam- bling as we know it today. The law does mention some very specific types of gambling that is allowed: -Bingo -Horse racing -State lotteries -Tribal casinos California’s Native Ameri- can tribes are authorized and allowed to operate casinos by the state’s constitution. However, even the legal en- tities listed above are governed under the state’s Gambling Control Act, or GCA for short. The GCA and the California Gambling Control Commis- sion enforce and govern the state’s rules on gambling. Tribal casinos are the one ex- ception. Tribes have special agreements in place with the state and each tribe negotiates its own agreements. Online Gambling California law doesn’t define online gambling, so there’s no framework or guidelines for casinos to follow if they oper- ate online. Since there is no framework, it’s impossible to offer casino licensing for online operators. A major issue with online gambling in California is that the stakeholders that are al- lowed to operate legally oppose any bill to offer online gam- bling. For example, in 2016, law- makers wanted to make it le- gal to play online poker. Many people were optimistic about the bill, but there was major backlash from two entities in particular: -Tribal casino operators -Horse racing operations Gamblers can bet on horse racing online, and for this rea- son, many of the operators for horse betting do not want on- line gambling to pass because it may hurt their profit mar- gins. Sports Betting And Califor- nia Laws Sports betting in California also remains an illegal activi- ty. Unfortunately, if people do want to bet on sports, there are just so many avenues to cir- cumvent the law. The main concern for states and resi- dents of the state is that when sports betting is illegal, it’s still a flourishing industry. Gamblers will find a way to make bets, and when they do, no money is going to the state. New Initiatives May Make Some Gambling Legal Online sports betting is mak- ing a major push to try and pass a new bill that would be betting in California legal. The bill has been floating around since late August 2021 and has over $100 million going to- wards its promotion. The key push for the bill comes from the potential to raise money for the state. Backers of the bill, including mayors of major cities, suggest that the bill’s passage will: -Raise hundreds of millions of dollars -Require strict spending oversight -Help the homeless crisis Money raised from the sports betting activity will go towards programs to help the state’s 161,000 homeless resi- dents. Backers suggest that if the bill passes and a certain percentage of sales go towards homelessness and mental health programs, it will create funding that isn’t tied to the ups and downs of the economy. Reliable funding may help the bill pass, which is up for vote in 2022. Residents are expected to vote for the bill because it’s a means of generating revenue in the state without actually raising taxes. Many advocacy groups for the homeless are also backing the proposal. So, what does this mean for sports betting? There’s a decent chance that the bill will pass and make on- line sports betting legal in California. While sports betting isn’t the same as playing at an online casino, it opens the doors for future bills to pass if enough revenue is generated. With 32 states already al- lowing sports betting, Califor- nia may very well become the 33rd state to make the activi- ty legal. So, online gambling is ille- gal in the state. However, you’ll find some casinos offering prizes or free options to play slots and table games, such as no-bonuses/free-spins/, and these activities are legal. However, if you plan to play for real money in the state, it’s an illegal activity. Can I Just Use a VPN? Yes and no. You can use a VPN to overcome geo-restric- tions on many casino sites, but you’re taking a major risk with your money. Offshore en- tities may allow you to play even if you’re in California, but most legal entities will not al- low you to play. Casinos have a responsibil- ity to block gambling from California. Many argue that there is no law prohibiting online gam- bling in the state, and it’s true and false to an extent. The law doesn’t outright prevent online gambling, but there’s also no means of enforcing rules for online gambling that don’t exist. Players, for example, may play at a casino that refuses to pay out the winnings to the player. In this case, most states have a legal process to follow for the person to receive their money. Unfortunately, Cali- fornians do not have legal re- course to get their money in this case. On top of this, payment processors, such as PayPal, have stringent rules in place that make it difficult to gam- ble when it’s illegal in a coun- try, or in this case, a state like California. It’s best to go out of the state and gamble in a place like Las Vegas than risk getting in legal trouble for gambling in the state. Future of Online Gambling in California Every few years, lawmakers test the waters and try to in- troduce new laws that will make online gambling in the state legal. While opposition from horse racing operations and tribal casinos will still be an issue, there’s always a chance that online gambling will become legal in California. As more states make gam- bling online legal, the re- maining states will likely begin to feel pressured into doing the same. Marlena evans as ‘The Devil’ is GreaT DayTiMe Tv! By Donald Thompson HOLLYWOOD—If there is one soap opera that NEVER seems to disappoint when it comes to sweeps, especially around the month of No- vember it is “Days of Our Lives.” We talked about the soap last week, but I have been so intrigued by this Marlena Evans being pos- sessed by The Devil once again storyline. I could NOT help myself and had to chat about things transpiring in Salem. First off, I have to give ma- jor kudos to the writers for giving the great Deidre Hall a fascinating storyline, one that allows herself to sink her teeth into the role and show a bit of versatility along the way. It reminds me of that epic reveal that Marlena was the Salem Slasher. I still think to this day that was one of the most capti- vating storylines on daytime TV because NO ONE was safe from the stalker and when you see fan favorites die it hurts like hell and we honestly thought they were goners for good. The icing was the reveal that the noble and smart, Marlena was the culprit genius. This time around Marlena has finally embraced her evil fully and the havoc in Salem is being unleashed and its having me glued to the TV screen. I mean John was the first to realize his wife might be possessed again and it resulted in a confrontation where he lost the battle and his being kept hidden so the truth is not re- vealed. Then Marlena in a ‘Devil’ costume decided to unleash a bit of hell at the cemetery. How so? By bring- ing faces form the past back to life and three notable ones to say the least. All wicked villains in Charlie Dale, Nick Fallon and Deimos Kiriakis. It was genius because it sets the stage between fan- tasy and reality, which only “Days of Our Lives” can do and actually get away with. Allie didn’t believe in the Devil, so the Devil chose to show her otherwise by re- viving the guy who raped her from the dead. In the midst of Charlie hoping to settle a score, he paid a visit to his mother Ava, who was able to meet her maker courtesy of Carmine. Lucky for Ava, the dead rose and delivered a butcher knife to his back. Flabbergasted Ava fled the scene quicker than one can count to three. Too bad it looks bad for Ava considering Jake and Gabi just threw her way un- der the bus and for that dead body to be found by Rafe Hernandez, the Police Commissioner of Salem of all people is that much worse. That only led to Rafe having to deal with another situation this one involving Nicole Walker. Nicole got the shock of her life when Deimos back from the dead scared her at the office. She couldn’t believe her eyes the guy she murdered was back to exact a bit of vengeance. The same could be echoed with Gabi Hernandez, who sensed something was off, but was stopped dead in her tracks (get it) when she came face-to-face with Nick Fallon. The guy she mur- dered not once, but twice. At first I didn’t under- stand the point of revising their specific characters from the dead, beyond them all being villains, but then I realized, we’re talking about pure evil here. It doesn’t matter why they wanted to chaos havoc in Salem and that is precisely what un- folded people. The writers giving the audience flash- backs of each of those char- acters’ demise is a touch of absolute genius people. Why the writers have dragged out this attraction between these two for so long before they finally gave into temptation I will never know, but I’m glad it hap- pened! The only caveat was keeping the secret from Ava. Which brings us to another subplot in this possession tale involving Marlena: Ben and Ciara? Look, I get the writers want to keep giving Ciara and Ben storylines, but it is too much at this point. Can we please place them on the back burner a bit and let a few other char- acters shine for a bit. It is starting to feel like the Ben and Ciara show on “DOOL.” After them reuniting, I thought we were going to get another break, nope, the Devil plans to utilize Ciara and Ben’s bun in the oven to wreak the ultimate chaos. The audience doesn’t quite know how yet, but we know the baby is the key, which Susan alluded to was in ma- jor danger to the couple this week. Susan might not have everything up there, but when this woman speaks, people need to listen. I thought things might end around Halloween, but it looks like the Devil is plan- ning to stick around Salem a lot longer and that is going to be amazing fun to witness as we see things culminate. John Black is being held by 'The Devil' on "Days of Our Lives."

Transcript of PAge eigHt Fa & E a cA nYO eW sPtmBR 05, 21

Features & EntertainmentpaGe eiGhT CanyOn news nOveMber 07, 2021

Quinn fuller baCk TO OlD ways On “bOlD anD beauTiful!”By Donald Thompson

HOLLYWOOD—I knew itwas destined to transpire atsome point in time on “TheBold and the Beautiful.” Wehave the return of thewicked, evil and treacherousQuinn Fuller who audiencesfirst met when she first ar-rived on the scene. This isthe woman who threatenedLiam Spencer’s life moretimes than I can count,caused Hope to miscarryher child with Wyatt, sleptwith Liam and held himcaptive; I mean do I need tocontinue with the list of hercrimes?Recently, she exposed

Brooke and Bill’s kiss, plot-ted to have Shauna secretlymarry Ridge before the truthultimately came out blowingher marriage to bits. How-ever, that was not enough forthis woman, she slept withthe Forrester Creations COOin Carter, who she had apassionate affair with untilBrooke exposed the truthgetting a delicious revengeon her foe that was worthevery single minute of dra-ma.One would think Quinn

would focus on her rela-tionship with Eric consid-ering he decided to give hera second chance after the af-fair and even allowed her tosleep with Carter because hecouldn’t perform in bed, un-til he could. What? Yes, itseems a past love, one thatmeant a ton to Eric; DonnaLogan is the cure to hiserectile dysfunction. As aviewer I’ve wanted Donnaand Eric to reunite for sucha long time. They are perfecttogether and if not for Pam,I think they would havestayed together people if notfor Pam and her antics.Quinn overheard what

transpired with Eric whenhe was with Donna and sheblew a gasket. I’m not surewhy though? I mean if any-thing she should be count-

ing her blessings that Ericforgave her after the ulti-mate betrayal. Nope, sheflew into a tizzy, and threat-ened Donna who was riddlewith fear. That ONLY madethe situation worse becauseBrooke learned about it andyou know when Brooke feelsthe people she cares aboutmost are at risk, she will un-leash holy hell to protectthem.That means Donna,

Brooke and Katie are aboutto unite to possibly bringQuinn down once and for all.She has caused issues in allof their relationships peopleso it would be fitting to seeit unfold to say the least.Talking about Katie, she hassparked a major flame withCarter. Yes, that Carterwhose love life has been awhirlwind to say the least.First with Zoe, than withQuinn and it looks like Katiewill be his latest romancepartner. Do I see the sparksfully yet? Not quite, but Iknow where the writers areheaded and we shall seewhere things go in due time.So we’ve chatted about

Quinn enough people, it’stime to focus our attentionon some major narrative de-

velopments involving Steffy,Liam, Finn and Hope. Steffyand Liam have learned aboutSheila and Deacon’s ‘ro-mance’ and it is clear thesetwo will become an itemyet again in the near fu-ture. You know what, I amjust done, this is somethingthat baffles me with thewriters recycling this taleover and over and over andover and over again betweenLiam and Steffy. IT IS TIREDand if the writers cannotsee that I don’t know what tosay.Finn and Hope are con-

tinuing to commiserateabout their predicamentswith their parents and to behonest this is a pairing Iwould be ok with, far betterthan that possibility of Parisand Finn that I knew wasnot going to sail with view-ers, which explains why thewriters did at 360 right away.Sheila revealed to Deaconher latest plan to ensurethey both get what theywant: a relationship withtheir children. Sheila hasn’tshown her absolute crazyyet, but it looks like she isbeing pushed in that direc-tion and that makes me ahappy person because she

has burst life back into thissoap that I was concernedabout for a moment.Oh, there is also a recy-

cling of the ‘Thomas mightbe obsessed with a womanwho is already in a commit-ted relationship with some-one else.’ This time it’s notHope, it is his cousin Zende’sgirlfriend, Paris. To sayThomas isn’t infatuated withParis would be an under-statement. He wants herand it is all about timing atthis point. In some welcomenews not expected, the char-acter of Taylor Hayes is re-turning to “B&B,” butHunter Tylo won’t be re-suming the role it will be ac-tress Krista Allen. Not surehow I feel about that, we’llhave to wait and see herpresence on the screen.However, if Taylor is finally

returning to the canvas afterall the DRAMA that her chil-dren have endured in re-cent years where she wasnowhere to be found thathas to say something majorAmerica and I think thatmeans we have some excit-ing story ideas coming ourway.

HOLLYWOOD—I never sawthe 1984 sci-fi adventure“Dune,” so I was able to en-ter the theater to see the2021 remake “Dune” with anopen eye and little to nocomparison to that flickwhich many consider a clas-sic. This is a big movie thatis the first thing I have topoint out and it’s not theeasiest to follow. I wouldnot call it a thinking movie,but it does force you to payattention, and upon reflec-tion it does raise some ques-tions about society and ourdesire to take sometimeswhat doesn’t belong to us.Helming the sci-fi adven-

ture is famed director DenisVilleneuve. This is the manwho has crafted classics like“Arrival” and “Blade Runner2049.” Both of those filmswere fantastic on visualfronts and this updated ver-sion of “Dune” is absolutelystunning. This futuristicworld that one could onlyimagine is stunning towatch, and the technologyused in some of the epic, andchoreographed fight se-quences will leave audiencesspeechless. If we are talkingsolely about visual effectsand technical advancementsthis movie gets an A plus.However, we’re NOT talkingsolely visual effects, we havea narrative to get to that didnot immediately hook andgrab my attention.

It took almost a good 45minutes before I found my-self somewhat intrigued tofollow where things weretaking place between Cal-adan and Arrakis. The di-chotomy between the twoplanets are interesting; onethat is full of water, the oth-er, full of sand, dry land anda special resource known as‘spice’ that the ruler of Cal-adan want to claim as theirown, particularly Duke LetoAtreides (Oscar Isaac). Thatresource is needed for trav-el and it is also an importantresource for human vitality.So Leto leads a mission to

manifest a coup to take overthe planet of Arrakis, how-ever, that planet’s people,which includes a bevy offearless heroes, known asFremen who are not willingto just roll over and allowtheir planet to be overtakenwithout a battle to the death.

Leto is closely aligned withLady Jessica (Rebecca Fer-guson), who is part of a verypowerful female order, butshe has a bit of an issue, shewas to bear a daughter, butinstead bore a son, Paul(Timothee Chalamet), who isthe heir of House Atreides.Paul has the ability to seeinto the future and those vi-sions are a sign of troubleheaded his way.So there is a bulk of the

narrative force of the filmand from there it is an in-troduction of characters whocome and go as we’re forcedto believe Paul might suffera troubling fate, as he battlesthrough the planet of Arrakisand its people and battlewarriors, sandworms andbetrayals from within. Theproblem is I did not careabout a vast majority ofthese characters and it isfrustrating because the lev-

el of talent here is amazing.Zendaya portrays Chani, amysterious woman that Paulhas a vision about, but herpresence in the movie is sominute it’s frustrating be-cause the trailers appear totease her role is significantand that is not the case at all.You have sensational ac-

tors in Josh Brolin, JavierBardem, Jason Momoa, Stel-lan Skarsgard and DaveBautista, and let’s not forgetthe talented actress Char-lotte Rampling who por-trays Gaius Helen Mohiam,who wields a power that weall wish we had. I wanted thestory of this move to weavein a fluid way where all thecharacters aligned in a waythat didn’t feel forced.Things feel forced here andbecause of that it makes itharder for the viewer toopen that door to just followwhere things are going. Inaddition, this movie clocksin over 2 hours and 30 min-utes, about 20-30 minuteslonger than what it needs tobe. If a scene serves no vitalpurpose to the story or char-acter development leave iton the cutting room floorpeople.“Dune” had massive po-

tential and perhaps its sequelwill make up for the lack-luster first outing becauseWarner Bros. has alreadyapproved a sequel slated forrelease in 2023.

“Dune” is a visual MasTerpieCe, sTale sTOryBy David Miller

Timothee Chalamet and Charlotte Ramplingstar in the sci-fi adventure "Dune."

Canyon News promises to: (1) Provide a community newspaper that tells all the news honestly without any political

agenda, slant or spin; (2) Allow commentary writers the freedom to express thier opinions and views without interrup-

tion, censorship or persuasion; (3) Provide members of the community (rich or poor) with the truth and a place to voice

their concerns; (4) Abstain from printing anything demeaning, calumniatory or potentially harmful to any living being;

(5) Maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity.

Contact us at (310) 277-6017 or visit us online at

Declaration of Principles

AnitaBhaskhar D



David MDavy

Donald RDonald T


Michael S

RoseSharon Tony



Newsroom Staff

Fireworks are exploding between Hope, Finn and Steffy on "The Bold andthe Beautiful."

COMMOn MisTakes in eleCTrOniC harDware DevelOpMenTBy Staff

UNITED STATES—It is im-possible to guarantee the suc-cess of a new electronic hard-ware product. However, en-trepreneurs can at least min-imize the risks of failure byavoiding common mistakesdone in the process of productdevelopment. This article listssome of the most typical mis-takes and suggests ways toavoid them.Prioritizing a productOften, entrepreneurs focus

excessively on their productand forget about customerswith their needs. Yet, the prod-uct must be created FOR cus-tomers, and they, in turn, donot exist for your product.So, instead of developing aperfect product, you should fo-cus on the needs of customersand the problems your productwill solve. In order to avoid thismistake, you can engage yourcustomers in the product de-velopment process even at theearliest stages. You can testyour product prototype col-lecting feedback from real po-

tential customers or evenlaunch a crowdfunding cam-paign for your product, thusensuring that it is indeed need-ed and marketable.UnderestimationAnother common mistake of

electronic hardware entrepre-neurs is the underestimationof product development. Beingoverconfident, entrepreneursoften ignore potential chal-lenges and obstacles that canarise during product devel-opment. Thus, the plannedcosts and time significantly dif-fer from reality. To avoid thismistake, keep in mind that thedevelopment of new productsalmost always takes longerand requires more costs thananticipated.Product complexityBeginners in electronic

hardware development oftenadd a wide range of functionsand features to their new prod-ucts aiming to create a ‘perfect’solution to all the needs oftheir customers. However,such excessive perfectionism

results in a vast amount oftime and costs spent on prod-uct development. In addition,products with numerous fea-tures often do not succeed onthe market. To avoid this mis-take, begin with the simplestversion of your product. Lim-it its features to the core onesand critically estimate thecosts and time necessary forthe development of every fea-ture. The estimation will giveyou an understanding of whichfunctions and features to in-clude in your product andwhich of them are odd.Mass manufacturing Finally, one of the most

common mistakes in elec-tronic hardware design is theunderestimation of the massmanufacturing of a product.Indeed, scaling the productfrom a prototype to mass man-ufacturing is a complexprocess that requires a vastamount of costs and time. So,underestimation of the nec-essary resources results in un-expected problems and losses.

In order to avoid this mistake,consider mass manufacturingof your product from the be-ginning of its development. Inparticular, keep in mind en-closure design and injectionmolding technology neededfor mass manufacturing ofthe enclosure. This technolo-gy is rather cost-consuming,so in the case when your en-closure design is too com-plex, you will spend excessiveamounts of money and timeon mass manufacturing yourproduct. So, here is the list of the top

common mistakes in elec-tronic hardware development.Although this list is not ex-haustive, we believe that thisarticle will help you to createa successful product with min-imal losses. If you want toavoid even more mistakes,keep learning other compa-nies’ experiences or simplyhire professionals for yourproduct development.

is Online GaMblinG leGal in CalifOrniaBy Staff

UNITED STATES—Californiais the state of the stars. Holly-wood movies love to focus ongambling and the nightlife ofCalifornia, but even thoughsome of the wealthiest peoplein the world live in the state,they often go to Nevada togamble.Why?The state’s laws towards

gambling are not favorable.Understanding California’s

Gambling LawsCalifornia’s laws make gam-

bling illegal, which can befound in the state’s constitu-tion. In fact, you can view thelaws under Article IV. Howev-er, if you read through thelaws, you’ll find that there re-ally isn’t a definition of gam-bling as we know it today.The law does mention some

very specific types of gamblingthat is allowed:-Bingo-Horse racing-State lotteries-Tribal casinosCalifornia’s Native Ameri-

can tribes are authorized andallowed to operate casinos bythe state’s constitution.However, even the legal en-

tities listed above are governedunder the state’s GamblingControl Act, or GCA for short.The GCA and the CaliforniaGambling Control Commis-sion enforce and govern thestate’s rules on gambling.Tribal casinos are the one ex-

ception. Tribes have specialagreements in place with thestate and each tribe negotiatesits own agreements.Online GamblingCalifornia law doesn’t define

online gambling, so there’s noframework or guidelines forcasinos to follow if they oper-ate online. Since there is noframework, it’s impossible tooffer casino licensing for onlineoperators.

A major issue with onlinegambling in California is thatthe stakeholders that are al-lowed to operate legally opposeany bill to offer online gam-bling.For example, in 2016, law-

makers wanted to make it le-gal to play online poker. Manypeople were optimistic aboutthe bill, but there was majorbacklash from two entities inparticular:-Tribal casino operators-Horse racing operationsGamblers can bet on horse

racing online, and for this rea-son, many of the operators forhorse betting do not want on-line gambling to pass becauseit may hurt their profit mar-gins.Sports Betting And Califor-

nia LawsSports betting in California

also remains an illegal activi-ty. Unfortunately, if people dowant to bet on sports, there arejust so many avenues to cir-cumvent the law. The mainconcern for states and resi-dents of the state is that whensports betting is illegal, it’sstill a flourishing industry.Gamblers will find a way to

make bets, and when they do,no money is going to the state.New Initiatives May Make

Some Gambling LegalOnline sports betting is mak-

ing a major push to try andpass a new bill that would bebetting in California legal. Thebill has been floating aroundsince late August 2021 andhas over $100 million going to-wards its promotion.The key push for the bill

comes from the potential toraise money for the state.Backers of the bill, including

mayors of major cities, suggestthat the bill’s passage will:-Raise hundreds of millions

of dollars-Require strict spending

oversight-Help the homeless crisisMoney raised from the

sports betting activity will gotowards programs to help thestate’s 161,000 homeless resi-dents. Backers suggest that ifthe bill passes and a certainpercentage of sales go towardshomelessness and mentalhealth programs, it will createfunding that isn’t tied to theups and downs of the economy.Reliable funding may help

the bill pass, which is up forvote in 2022.Residents are expected to

vote for the bill because it’s ameans of generating revenuein the state without actuallyraising taxes. Many advocacygroups for the homeless arealso backing the proposal.So, what does this mean for

sports betting?There’s a decent chance that

the bill will pass and make on-line sports betting legal inCalifornia. While sports bettingisn’t the same as playing at anonline casino, it opens thedoors for future bills to pass ifenough revenue is generated.With 32 states already al-

lowing sports betting, Califor-nia may very well become the33rd state to make the activi-ty legal.So, online gambling is ille-

gal in the state. However, you’llfind some casinos offeringprizes or free options to playslots and table games, such as, andthese activities are legal.However, if you plan to play

for real money in the state, it’san illegal activity.Can I Just Use a VPN?Yes and no. You can use a

VPN to overcome geo-restric-tions on many casino sites,but you’re taking a major riskwith your money. Offshore en-tities may allow you to play

even if you’re in California, butmost legal entities will not al-low you to play.Casinos have a responsibil-

ity to block gambling fromCalifornia.Many argue that there is no

law prohibiting online gam-bling in the state, and it’s trueand false to an extent. Thelaw doesn’t outright preventonline gambling, but there’salso no means of enforcingrules for online gambling thatdon’t exist.Players, for example, may

play at a casino that refuses topay out the winnings to theplayer.In this case, most states

have a legal process to followfor the person to receive theirmoney. Unfortunately, Cali-fornians do not have legal re-course to get their money inthis case.On top of this, payment

processors, such as PayPal,have stringent rules in placethat make it difficult to gam-ble when it’s illegal in a coun-try, or in this case, a state likeCalifornia. It’s best to go out ofthe state and gamble in a placelike Las Vegas than risk gettingin legal trouble for gambling inthe state.Future of Online Gambling

in CaliforniaEvery few years, lawmakers

test the waters and try to in-troduce new laws that willmake online gambling in thestate legal. While oppositionfrom horse racing operationsand tribal casinos will still bean issue, there’s always achance that online gamblingwill become legal in California.As more states make gam-

bling online legal, the re-maining states will likely beginto feel pressured into doing thesame.

Marlena evans as ‘The Devil’ is GreaT DayTiMe Tv!By Donald Thompson

HOLLYWOOD—If there isone soap opera that NEVERseems to disappoint when itcomes to sweeps, especiallyaround the month of No-vember it is “Days of OurLives.” We talked about thesoap last week, but I havebeen so intrigued by thisMarlena Evans being pos-sessed by The Devil onceagain storyline. I could NOThelp myself and had to chatabout things transpiring inSalem.First off, I have to give ma-

jor kudos to the writers forgiving the great Deidre Halla fascinating storyline, onethat allows herself to sinkher teeth into the role andshow a bit of versatility alongthe way. It reminds me ofthat epic reveal that Marlenawas the Salem Slasher. Istill think to this day thatwas one of the most capti-vating storylines on daytimeTV because NO ONE wassafe from the stalker andwhen you see fan favoritesdie it hurts like hell and wehonestly thought they weregoners for good. The icingwas the reveal that the nobleand smart, Marlena was theculprit genius.This time around Marlena

has finally embraced herevil fully and the havoc inSalem is being unleashedand its having me glued tothe TV screen. I mean Johnwas the first to realize hiswife might be possessedagain and it resulted in aconfrontation where he lostthe battle and his being kepthidden so the truth is not re-

vealed. Then Marlena in a‘Devil’ costume decided tounleash a bit of hell at thecemetery. How so? By bring-ing faces form the past backto life and three notableones to say the least. Allwicked villains in CharlieDale, Nick Fallon andDeimos Kiriakis.It was genius because it

sets the stage between fan-tasy and reality, which only“Days of Our Lives” can doand actually get away with.Allie didn’t believe in theDevil, so the Devil chose toshow her otherwise by re-viving the guy who raped herfrom the dead. In the midstof Charlie hoping to settle ascore, he paid a visit to hismother Ava, who was able tomeet her maker courtesy ofCarmine. Lucky for Ava, thedead rose and delivered abutcher knife to his back.Flabbergasted Ava fled thescene quicker than one cancount to three.Too bad it looks bad for

Ava considering Jake andGabi just threw her way un-

der the bus and for thatdead body to be found byRafe Hernandez, the PoliceCommissioner of Salem ofall people is that muchworse. That only led to Rafehaving to deal with anothersituation this one involvingNicole Walker. Nicole gotthe shock of her life whenDeimos back from the deadscared her at the office. Shecouldn’t believe her eyes theguy she murdered was backto exact a bit of vengeance.The same could be echoedwith Gabi Hernandez, whosensed something was off,but was stopped dead in hertracks (get it) when shecame face-to-face with NickFallon. The guy she mur-dered not once, but twice.At first I didn’t under-

stand the point of revisingtheir specific charactersfrom the dead, beyond themall being villains, but then Irealized, we’re talking aboutpure evil here. It doesn’tmatter why they wanted tochaos havoc in Salem andthat is precisely what un-

folded people. The writersgiving the audience flash-backs of each of those char-acters’ demise is a touch ofabsolute genius people.Why the writers have

dragged out this attractionbetween these two for solong before they finally gaveinto temptation I will neverknow, but I’m glad it hap-pened! The only caveat waskeeping the secret from Ava.Which brings us to anothersubplot in this possessiontale involving Marlena: Benand Ciara? Look, I get thewriters want to keep givingCiara and Ben storylines,but it is too much at thispoint. Can we please placethem on the back burner abit and let a few other char-acters shine for a bit. It isstarting to feel like the Benand Ciara show on “DOOL.”After them reuniting, I

thought we were going toget another break, nope, theDevil plans to utilize Ciaraand Ben’s bun in the oven towreak the ultimate chaos.The audience doesn’t quiteknow how yet, but we knowthe baby is the key, whichSusan alluded to was in ma-jor danger to the couplethis week. Susan might nothave everything up there,but when this womanspeaks, people need to listen.I thought things might endaround Halloween, but itlooks like the Devil is plan-ning to stick around Salema lot longer and that is goingto be amazing fun to witnessas we see things culminate.

John Black is being held by 'The Devil' on"Days of Our Lives."